best quotes

Stubbornness is a virtue, to be principled, you have to be stubborn – Festus Adeboye Onigbinde Lord give us the courage to change the things that should be changed, the grace to accept things that cannot be changed and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other. Life is a treasure – Discover it, Life is a challenge – Meet it, Life is a gift – Accept it, Life is an adventure – Dare it, Life is sorrow – Overcome it, Life is a tragedy – Face it, Life is a duty – Perform it, Life is a game – play it, Life is a mystery – Unfold it, Life is a song – Sing it, Life is an opportunity – Take it, Life is a journey – Complete it, Life is Promise – Fulfil it, Life is a beauty – Praise it, Life is a struggle – Fight it, Life is a goal – Achieve it, Life is a puzzle – Solve it. Do More in Life, Do More: Do more than exist – Live, Do more than touch – Feel, Do more than look – Observe, Do more than read – Absorb, Do more than hear – Listen, Do more than listen – Understand, Do more than think – Ponder, Do more than plan – Act, Do more than talk – Say something, Do more than understand – Meditate, Do more than smile – Laugh Success will smile at the man who refuses to lie down at the corridor of failure It is not talent that men lack but the will to labour, it is not power but purpose. Use the SQ3R – Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review Learning is a bitter truth that bears sweet fruit Whatever I vividly imagine, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass. There is no greater mistake than the mistake of not going on (quitting) The greatest failure in life is to stop trying You will never discover your full potential if you stay in the comfort zone, Break out – The world is waiting Usually people don’t fail, they just give up easily. The price of success is self discipline Self discipline in little things lead to self discipline in great things Many want to succeed but are not willing to pay the price Conquer all your weakness – physical, mental, moral, emotional etc Perseverance is a training ground, the harder the training, the more effective and experienced you become.

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Some of the my best quotes over the years. Contains quotes about marriage, money, hustle, life, education


Page 1: Best Quotes

Stubbornness is a virtue, to be principled, you have to be stubborn – Festus Adeboye Onigbinde

Lord give us the courage to change the things that should be changed, the grace to accept things that cannot be changed and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

Life is a treasure – Discover it, Life is a challenge – Meet it, Life is a gift – Accept it, Life is an adventure – Dare it, Life is sorrow – Overcome it, Life is a tragedy – Face it, Life is a duty – Perform it, Life is a game – play it, Life is a mystery – Unfold it, Life is a song – Sing it, Life is an opportunity – Take it, Life is a journey – Complete it, Life is Promise – Fulfil it, Life is a beauty – Praise it, Life is a struggle – Fight it, Life is a goal – Achieve it, Life is a puzzle – Solve it.

Do More in Life, Do More: Do more than exist – Live, Do more than touch – Feel, Do more than look – Observe, Do more than read – Absorb, Do more than hear – Listen, Do more than listen – Understand, Do more than think – Ponder, Do more than plan – Act, Do more than talk – Say something, Do more than understand – Meditate, Do more than smile – Laugh

Success will smile at the man who refuses to lie down at the corridor of failure

It is not talent that men lack but the will to labour, it is not power but purpose.

Use the SQ3R – Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review

Learning is a bitter truth that bears sweet fruit

Whatever I vividly imagine, sincerely believe and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass.

There is no greater mistake than the mistake of not going on (quitting) The greatest failure in life is to stop trying

You will never discover your full potential if you stay in the comfort zone, Break out – The world is waiting

Usually people don’t fail, they just give up easily.

The price of success is self discipline

Self discipline in little things lead to self discipline in great things

Many want to succeed but are not willing to pay the price

Conquer all your weakness – physical, mental, moral, emotional etc

Perseverance is a training ground, the harder the training, the more effective and experienced you become.

The story of Abraham Lincoln is an outstanding one. His business flopped in 1831, couldn’t win the legislative in 1832, He experienced another business failure in 1834. Persevering further, he won the legislative in 1834, but was defeated again for the speaker in 1838. He was also defeated for the elector in 1840 and had another defeat for the congress in 1843, before winning it in 1846. His bid for the congress in 1848 was not successful and was defeated for the senate in 1855. He had yet another defeat for the vice president in 1856. He couldn’t win the senate in 1858 but finally won the presidency in 1860. His final success reduced his failures to insignificance.

The higher you climb the better the view, keep going high and never say stop

You cannot estimate the achievement of those who consistently, continually, insistently, incessantly, persistently, perseveringly, indefatigably & indomitably pursue all objectives.

Work smarter, not harder.

The higher we soar, the more we see and are seen.

Page 2: Best Quotes

Every unsolved problem underrates & dares my intelligence and my ability. I am a dullard if that problem remains unsolved and I just complain about it.

It is one thing to itch for something; it’s another to scratch for it.

He who lives without discipline dies without honour.

It is not the problem that matters but how we react

Nobody is defeated until they start blaming someone else when things don’t work fine.

IPDE: Identify the problem, Predict what the problem will do if it remains unsolved, Decide on your response from all options and alternatives, Execute the most positive option you can imagine.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what we like, but in liking what we do – King George V of England

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the mastery of it. It is acting even in the face of fear not without it

A goal without a deadline is not a goal – It is just a wish.

One of the signs of mental breakdown is the inability to laugh

Disciplined focus is the difference between those who watch things happen and those who make things happen

Proverbs 29: 18 says “Where there is no vision, the people perish” How about where there is a vision? The people flourish.

Life gives us what we demand, not what we deserve

Life is unfair, get used to it – Bill Gates.

Most times, we are closer to our goals than we think.

Have a permanent vision or purpose but flexible goals

A third of the crowd care about you, a third doesn’t care for you and the other third couldn’t care less about you.

Some people are bad spellers, they spell ‘service’ as ‘serve us’.

In every worthwhile endeavour there will be challenges and obstacles.

Life gives us obstacles to see how badly we want it and how serious we are about it.

What I hear – I forget, what I see – I remember but what I do – I understand.

Fear sees the obstacles, faith sees opportunities; fear sees problems, faith sees possibilities; fear sees stumbling blocks, faith sees stepping stones.

The hardest part of success is believing it is possible.

You may quit if your other option is to go up and not to give up

Some men see things as they are and they ask why, I dream things that never were and I ask “Why not” – Robert F. Kennedy.

To get the prize you must pay the price. If you pay the price, you will get the prize

He who lives without discipline dies without honour

Page 3: Best Quotes

He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for. If you truly live for something, you can die for that thing. He who lives for nothing dies for nothing. He who lives for no entity dies a nonentity.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra

The best way to better our lot is to do a lot better.

Don’t complain about what you allow, you have a choice; if it hurts that bad, you should have gotten up and done something. You still complain because it hasn’t hurt too much.

Don’t be 100% better at one thing but the 1% better at a hundred things.

Our attitudes are more important than the facts – Karl Menninger. {Stevie Wonder was born blind and that ‘s a fact but his attitude was “So what I’m not going to let that keep me from being great}.

Insanity is to keep doing exactly the same thing in the same way and hoping to get different results

Either find a way ... or make a way – Hannibal

Life is essentially what you make it

If you can change how you think, you will change how you act. If you can change how you act, you will change what you do, then you will change what you get. If you can change what you get, you’ll change where you’re going and if you can change where you ‘re going, you’ll change your life.

If it is to be, then it’s up to me.

Everyday you wake up is a good morning, if you don’t believe it, try missing one – Zig Ziglar

Our dreams and goals should always exceed our reach while still realistic.

The key to failure is trying to please everybody

If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

Always say I’m blessed and highly favoured because you truly are.

Miracles always come to those who expect and accept them.

For every burden borne, there is a blessing and for every blessing you want, there’s a burden

The glass is always half empty rather than half full to a pessimist.

A pessimist is one who complains about the noise when opportunity knocks.

Madam CJ Walker was the first black female millionaire in America

Sir Edmund Hillary – The first man to climb to the top of Mount Everest after the ordeal he was asked how he did it he said “If you can overcome the enemy on the inside, the enemy on the outside will be overcome”; First man to run the mile in 4 mins was Roger Bannister who actually spent 3:58secs. 10 years later Jim Ryan did run a mile in less 4 secs.

Thomas Alva Edison had one patent or the other to his name for 65 consecutive years. In 1914, his modern research laboratory got burnt and he said “I’m not too old to start afresh”. While walking around the remnant, he found his picture burnt by fire at the sides and he picked it up and said “It didn’t touch me” He rebuilt his laboratory and served the world for 17more years.

The most difficult person to say “NO” to is yourself.

Page 4: Best Quotes

The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity – Rolo May

In life, what you drive is not as important as what drives you.

Depression is usually the result of negative inner conversation.

Faith is believe without proof; Faith is not much belief without proof, but rather trust without reservations – Elton Trueblood.

If you get knocked down by circumstances, try to fall on your back because if you can look up, you can get up – Les Brown

Challenges don’t come to stay, they only come to pass – Whada Tobexy

If you want some results, you must take actions

Faith is not just a fact, it is also an act

Pray like it all depends on God and work like it all depends on you.

Faith is heavier than belief because often times it carries work as an extra burden – Whada

Faith is a positively charged element that is catalyzed into an act-ion.

God give us the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change things that should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other – Rheinhold Niebuhr.

Do all the good you can, By all means you can, In all ways you can, At all times you can, To all people you can, As long as you ever can – John Wesley

Love is more than an emotion; it’s a decision – Whada

In life you’ve either just left a problem, are facing a problem or heading towards a problem.

Leadership is an action not a position

Real desire separates achievers from mere dreamers.


Take time to dream (remember most great achievements were once considered impossible)

Think often and deeply

Treat others the way you would like to be treated

Say “Thank You” and “Please” a lot

Greet each day with a smile

Never argue with an idiot, those watching will not be able to tell the difference (never wrestle with a pig, you’ll both get dirty and the pig like it)

Choose to be happy

Make a commitment to excellence (remember if you do the things that others won’t do today, you’ll have the things tomorrow that others won’t have).

Be grateful (remember if there were no problems there would be no opportunities)

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Love life! Have fun! Never underestimate the power, potential and possibilities of the human spirit. Life really is a blast.

Life is a lot like going to church, many attend... but few understand – Scott Skiles

Stevie Wonder was blind, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was crippled, Winston Churchill was a stutterer but they didn’t give up. Roosevelt was the only president ever elected 4 times. Jimmy Carter was elected 3 consecutive times so what excuse do you have not to make impact in life?

Life consists not in holding good cards but playing those you hold well.

Nothing gets moved until someone moves them, so move something

Don’t give up until you’ve made the last try but there’s no last try until you have succeeded

The credits belong to the man who is actually in the arena... who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat – Theodore Roosevelt in a speech at the Sorbonne, 1910.

What we need to really be happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

A leader does not demand respect, he earns it naturally

If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will

It takes years to build self esteem and seconds to kill it

The minute you think you’re invincible is the minute you start your demise

People care about people who also care about themselves

Great people are ordinary people with extraordinary amount of determination

Tough times never last but tough people do – Robert H. Schuller

Problems are like a pregnancy, they will grow until their presence is obvious.

Never underestimate a problem or your power to cope with it.

You can turn your mountain into a gold mine

Every adversity holds within it the seeds of undeveloped possibility

God uses life’s bruises if we surrender them to him

What looks like an end to the road will turn out to be a bend

I’d rather attempt something great and fail than attempt noting and succeed.

Everybody that fails after attempting something great is really a winner at last the fear of trying has been conquered.


Failure doesn’t mean you’re a failure ... it means you haven’t succeeded yet

Failure doesn’t mean you’ve been a fool ... it means you had a lot of faith

Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it... it means you have to do something differently.

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Failure doesn’t mean you’re inferior... it means you’re not perfect

Failure doesn’t mean wasted time... it means there’s reason to start afresh

Failure doesn’t mean you should give up... it means you must try harder

Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it ... it means it will take a little longer

Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you ... it means God has a better idea

Never make your most important decisions when you’re in your worst mood

God should be a resource in the struggle, not a way around it – Grady Nutt.


People are unreasonable, illogical and self centred ... Love them anyway

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives ... Do good anyway

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies ... Succeed anyway

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable ... Be honest and frank anyway

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow ... Do good anyway

People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs ... Fight for some underdogs anyway

What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight ... Build anyway

Give the world the best in you and you’ll get kicked in the teeth ... Give the best in you anyway

Poverty is an option that is unconsciously chosen while success is a choice with a price attached – Whada Tobexy

90% percent of the things we fear most don’t come to pass – Jim Donovan

Most people waste their time on things they cannot do, forgetting to do things they can do best – Jim Donovan

Don’t expect anyone to support you

He is no fool who losses what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose

If the human race refuses to end war, war will someday end the human race.

We are not the only Christians but we are Christians only.

Methods are many, principles are few, Methods always change, principle never do

I firmly believe that man’s finest hour, his greatest fulfilment to all he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle ... Victorious – Vince Lombardi

A lot of people want to live normal lives with normal activities, in the company of normal people, striving for normal goals in normal places with normal commitment, normal determination ,normal discipline, normal motivation and a normal education taught by normal teachers in normal classes who give normal grades in a normal way and leaving a normal heritage to their normal children who grow up in a normal way, live in normal homes with a normal family eating normal food and doing normal things in normal schools where they learn normal things like reading a normal book, doing a normal sum, speaking a normal language, taking a normal challenge, studying a normal course, accepting a normal defeat because it’s normal, sleeping in a normal ways on a normal bed and thinking in a normal way, die a normal death and are buried in normal graves. That’s the

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normal tragedy. Everything about people is just normal normal normal. Gosh! In a normal setting, as long as yu remain normal, you won’t make much impact because everybody is also normal so do something beyond the normal but logical – Myles Munroe & Whada Tobexy

There are 3 kinds of people on earth. Those who know and apply basic principles of life, those who know and don’t apply them and those who don’t know. Where do you fall? – Whada Tobexy

A pessimist looks at a land of milk and honey and sees only Kilojoules and Cholesterol.

Saul looked at Goliath and said “He’s too big to kill” David looked and said “He’s too big to miss”

Life with Christ is an endless hope – without him is a hopeless end.

A man took his daughter for a walk. They went for a long walk outside their little cul-de-sac, out on to the big busy street around some street corners and after they had walked sometime he asked the daughter if she knew where she was. She said “No Daddy”. The he asked her “Aren’t you afraid?” Her response was revealing “NO Dad, cause I’m with you and you know the way to go”. That is love! That is trust! If only we could learn to trust God that way. We need to love God enough to say “I don’t know where I am, I don’t know where I’m going, but it’s OK because I am with you Lord and you know they way.”

Rather than praying for an easier life, pray to be a stronger person, rather than praying for challenges equal to your abilities, pray for abilities equal to your challenges. – Phillip Brooks.

Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused.

To admit that you have been wrong is but saying that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.


Think continually about themselves

Talk continually about themselves

Use ‘I’ as often as possible

Mirror themselves continually in the opinions of others

Expect to be appreciated

Are jealous of others

Are sensitive to slights

Are reluctant to forgive criticisms

Can’t receive feedback

Hardly say “Please” and “I’m sorry”

Insist on consideration and respect

Demand that others agree with their opinions

Sulk if they don’t get their own way

Never forget a service rendered to others

Love themselves supremely

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Are selfish

The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety – George Muller.

The fear of failure is the father of failure

If you worry, you do not trust and if you trust God, you do not worry.

Life is like KG where you learn and the bus will definitely come to take you home. When the bus (death) arrives where will you be taken? Heaven or Hell – Whada Tobexy

If someone were to pay you N10 for every kind word that you have spoken about people and collect N5 for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor


The six most important words – I agree I made a mistake.

The five most important words – I am proud of you.

The four most important words – What is your opinion

The three most important words – If you please

The two most important words – Thank You or I’m Sorry

The one most important word – We

The least most important word – I

If you don’t change your direction, you’ll end up where you are headed – Dwayne Andreas

If you cannot choose what life brings your way, you can at least choose how you react to it – Whada Tobexy

What makes on man... breaks another; what kills one man... skills another; What is that situation doing to you? – Whada Tobexy.

The boss shows who is wrong but the leader shows what is wrong

The boss knows how it is done but the leader shows how to do it

The boss demands respect, the leader commands respect without demand

Don’t use the wrong means for the right end. Cheating in exams to get a degree to serve God is not God’s will.

Christians are more likely to act wrongly when they are in the right.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

When you speak in annoyance you’re likely to make the best speech you’ll ever regret.

I believe everyone can overcome fear by simply doing again and again that thing they fear most.

If you want to enjoy what a man enjoys, you should be prepared to suffer what he suffered. – Whada Tobexy.

You cannot know your limit until you have exceeded it.

The point is not in having kids. The real point is in being able to train a child and provide the needs for that child. So if you cannot train or provide adequately for a child, there’s no point having one. It’s as useless as taking a blind man to the movies. – Whada Tobexy

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Every action of faith has within it an equal and opposite reaction of stupidity which is obvious if your faith fails... so make your faith work. – Whada Tobexy

To a faithless man, an action of faith is pure stupidity. – Whada Tobexy

The greatest display of faith is in pure stupidity. – Whada Tobexy

Behind every action of faith is a hidden stupidity – Whada Tobexy

Get a friend to tell you your faults, or better still, welcome and enemy who will watch you keenly and sting you severely. What a blessing such an irritating critic will be to the wise man, what an intolerable nuisance to a fool – Charles Spurgeon.

Lead, follow or get out of the way – Ted Turner owner of CNN

I didn’t understand all about the plan of salvation just like I don’t understand all about electricity but I don’t intend to sit in the dark until I do. – Vance Hauner

Treasure in heaven is laid up only as treasure on earth is laid down.

Swallowing of pride never leads to indigestion so swallow your pride.

Most people prefer to be ruined by praise than to be saved by criticism. – Norman Vincent Peale

Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of it’s strength

Christians are not merely to endure change nor even to profit by it but to cause it – Harry Emerson Fosdick

If God sends us on stony paths, he provides strong shoes – Corrie Ten Boom

The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach – Yutang.

When men are mocking you, God is making you, when problems are holding you, God is moulding you – Whada Tobexy.

How much time we spend together hardly determines how well we know one another but the more we disclose about ourselves and discover about others goes a long way in determining how well we know one another – Whada Tobexy.

To be born once is to die twice and to be born twice is to die once... so... be born again – Whada Tobexy

Your head is not for decoration, it houses your brain so that you can think without ‘avoidable risks’ if you cannot think, you should not have a head in the first place – Whada Tobexy

People who think they are never wrong are hardly ever right – Whada Tobexy

People who think they know everything don’t know they don’t know everything – Whada Tobexy

Always do the right thing, stop people who don’t.

If you think you’re always right, then you’re wrong – Whada Tobexy

Christians are more likely to act wrongly when they are in the right.

Don’t tell people you love them when you actually mean they should love you – Cuando Seas mia

Don’t judge events while they are still on, you may be wrong. Right judgment comes only after an event has ended so... judge patiently.

Page 10: Best Quotes

People need honest people they can trust, unfortunately, they themselves are dishonest and greedy – Whada Tobexy

Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves – to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterdays by today, to do our work with more force than before – Stewart Johnson

The true measure of a person is in his heights of ideals, the breadth of his sympathy, the depth of his convictions and the length of his patience.

No matter how hard you work, if you can’t show results, you’re simply not working.

Imitation is Limitation

The person who never changes his opinion; never corrects his mistakes.

The road to success is always under construction.

There are people whose minds are always open to new ideas provided they are the same old ideas.

Mistakes have hidden power to help us but they fail in their mission in helping us when we blame them on others.

Never mind whom you praise but be careful whom you blame – Edmonol Goose

Most people who sit around and wait for the harvest haven’t really planted anything.

As long as you are a barrier to someone’s success, you have not really been a success yourself – Whada Tobexy

Problems are the price for progress

Anger is a resource waster, it takes away your good thinking ability and saps you of the strength to act right – Whada Tobexy

The easiest experience in life is to become born again and the hardest experience in life is to remain born again – Whada Tobexy

If I appear great before people’s eyes, the Lord is most graciously holding me to see how absolutely nothing I am without him and helping me to keep little in my own eyes. He does use me, but I am so concerned that he uses me and that it is not of me the work is done. The axe cannot boast of the trees it has cut down. It could do nothing but for the woodsman. He made it; he sharpened it and used it. The moment he throws it aside, it becomes only old iron. O’ that I may never lose sight of this – Samuel Brengle.

No pessimist ever made a great leader so ... be an optimist.

The cautious man draws valuable lessons from history and traditions, but he is in danger of being chained to the past.

The pessimist always sees difficulty in every opportunity but an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

Although we should value the past and seek to profit by it, we should not consider it so sacred that we sacrifice the future for it

Only vision makes a visionary, Only wisdom makes a wiseacre, The combination of both is irresistible

A vision without a task makes a visionary, A task without a vision is drudgery, A vision with a task makes a missionary.

A sincere but faulty decision is better than no decision, although the latter is also a decision; it pushes you out of control. – Whada Tobexy

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You don’t get rich by simply hanging out with rich people. Though they’d be nice to you, they already paid the price, you go pay yours. – Whada Tobexy

A man who listens to nobody will end in the pit, just like a man who listens to everybody.

He who puts on his armour should not boast like he who puts it off – King Ahab to Benhadad.

I believe strongly that the youth of this century need a lively church where they can express themselves and still serve God, and the old want a church with active youth participation but don’t want the youthful exuberance of expressions. I ask myself isn’t it possible to have al lively church and not go beyond the will of God? Where you find drums, guitars, a pulpit, other musical instruments, flowers, beauty, brains, truth love and above all the Holy Spirit. If YES, that’s what I anticipate, cos it’s the place to be. – Whada Tobexy

I don’t believe God meant the church to be boring, neither do I believe he wants only super-holy Christians to be in Church. I think he wants the super-holy Christians outside the Church, so they can seek, find and bring under-holy sinners who will grow up to become super-holy Christians who are in search of other under-holy sinners. So if you think you’re so holy, help others attain your height by encouraging and not criticizing or bastardizing them in thought, speech and in deed.

The places you go, determine the people you know and the people you know determine the places you go in life – Whada Tobexy

Until you can do what others cannot do with ease, you’re still a normal fellow like every other person – Whada Tobexy

Sometimes it’s good to allow others have their way and do things in their own way. You’ll definitely learn something new from them – Whada Tobexy

An advice is another person’s opinion, not yours. It’s left for you to use or discard it. – Whada Tobexy

Education is only a key and not the door. So don’t ever think it’s going to automatically bring wealth and provide all your needs. It’s only a key to many doors of opportunity, but what’s the use of a key if you can’t find the door? – Whada Tobexy

At best, a typical African woman will make a man love her, control his life, alienate him from his family, welcome only her relatives into her matrimonial home & believe the man cannot do anything because they are already married. If it’s a lie, look around and rethink or simply prove me wrong in your marriage. – Whada Tobexy

The moment you can meet all your needs, not your wants without money constraints, believe it or not – You are rich. – Whada Tobexy

Pride does not understand the language of love, whenever it is spoken, pride melts – Edge of Paradise

From your parents you learn love & laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover you have wings – Helen Hayes

Whatever is repeatedly suggested to the mind long enough eventually becomes a reality.

Religion is really like a business, without patronage it dies, and so, you must make your patrons believe that the goods you sell to them are the best available anywhere any day.

Everyone wants to feel that he is right and everyone else is wrong and this tendency shadows our religious thinking – Whada Tobexy.

Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

You cannot succeed in things that don’t interest you.

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Fury is ignited by “I can’t take it any longer” – Whada Tobexy

Wealth without toil intoxicates and is much more stronger than wine – Whada Tobexy

To succeed, you need life, without it; you’re dead and to be active, you need good health; without it you’re inactive – Whada Tobexy

This is one of the most common reasons relationships on campus don’t last; the people involved are still evolving. With time people begin to discover that their values are changing, their beliefs are changing, their priorities are changing, their needs are changing and their direction begins to change as well. What you once thought was significant begins to lose meaning, your emphasis begins to change and your philosophy of life is being gradually fine tuned. The gap continues to widen as they discover that they have very little in common, contrary to their initial assumption and the relationship finally... smashes violently into the rocks and shatters.

Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind – Seneca.

Sometimes we are like a N50 note, whether torn, beaten, wet, crumpled, grounded into dirt, dropped, stained or messed up physically, it never decreases in value.

We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobile rather than by the quality of our services and relationship to mankind – Dr. Martin Luther Jr.

If you don’t secure your future now, you’ll beg for bread when it arrives – Whada Tobexy.

It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless.

Many young people dip their hands in fire and expect a cold sensation.

The purpose of life is to have a life of purpose.

The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one – Michael S. Forbes.

If you always think of yourself as a bad guy, you’ll always find ways to do bad things.

If your church cannot change you, you should change your church.

When obstacles arise, to reach your goal, change your direction, not your decision.

You may be disappointed if you fail but you’re doomed if you don’t try again.

The moment you give up, you’re thrown into the dustbin of failure never to be recycled.