best iianc:ial pa mare[easywaiting buyini wma...

Best I MARE[ EASY BUT WAITING Opinion Divided on Effect of Possible Break with Germany. SPECIALTIES LEAD DAY American LAcomotive and Can Head Quiet Trading-List. as Whole. Should Izmprpve. New York. Feb. 23.-Although special- ties led the market today, there was no sign of great uneasiness In any depart- ment. Professional traders expect the market to break If relations with Ger- many are suspended, but the banking fraternity is of the opinion that such a move will help the market. Therefore the market rested easy throughout the day's session. Of the stocks that led the quiet market American Locomotive and Can were the most active. They had as partners such shares as United States Realty, Corn Products and Crucible. Marine shares also were active, but declined, and de- cined on good news, for the company is to put several steamers released from war service into the Atlantic trade. Weakness of grain suggested that the American people might be getting ready for the annual bet on the crops. With scientiho farming the danger of crop failure grows less every year, until now it Is hardly worth considering. There- fore Wall Street Is very much disposed to begin. even before crops are planted. to discount the big harvest. That Is the meaning of low-priced grain now. - Market Should Improve. Taking the market as a whole, it is in good condition, and. according to all the rules of procedure that have proved val- uable In the past, the market should Im- prove. Wall Street made up its mind today that the decision in the American Can dissolution case would be made public, end acted accordingly. As the company is reliably reported to be making in the neighborhood of 50 per cent on the com- mon stock, the street naturally expects some activity when this decision is made nublIc. It does not seem reasonable that a stock earning 50 per cent would be let so around the present level of 64. PEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Figh t.w Cirne "4 AllisChalmers ... . 3 1 4% 4 . Am. Ag. (1.m. 744. 3 % Wt l Am. Ag Che.m. 1T 9% W. B. :n Am Ret -agar r. 70 794% Fe Am. 1an , 6".. 04 As. Car & F. e.,0 a ', 10 Am. Co. Pod 6 3 16 e1 Am. Hele & I. "* 164 16. r1 Am. I, 0ee ,' 'n ;) . l. .. 7r 45% 10 0 A. 5meltieg 10 C t0% lm'% .. .43. Steel F'oune^ N 644 54i9 30 Am gar .. I' I S . 1 T ... & Tel :n \h any k': 4 Us A-.. n v n e \ e -. 0 " . * 145 1: ICnt & r ~ 0' I. I ' ,' r ' I a) E. 1., .I6 :M Gen. EL-'rie i '4"O 17 Ch'or. . it.' 'II ~ 1t1' g4 e . *p. 4% eg U.n. Cen 3~ % 4d3 14. 1Si t. Ag- ' r.. . 4% . r .Ha. I ." l 4,1) t. Hate Ste 0e r. 79%s '.9 Iat, M . . 1 159% 1,a1Ere F' 3i{ "t, (et.. P r ' r 4- 4^% 47 !e4 Irntd e '. F' % 10 .4. a an N tee 4 74% 44 4 ILehgh 4'a 1'e ". . M 7471 "4o II ,' en. h~~ 140% 5', 14 w1 Ma1 we I,_... .'. 6% % 6% '451 axe C st d . 16 % M 4 50 r e. Petr ...... 10 105 17% 5o Miamt \rler . - 171 Min. & t. L.r.... 49 7A,560 Mot. K.&T. rd. 11% 4% 106 Iront ,, Pow r. ..... .. r-% 76 7 [4 Nt . .. . 46% M14 10 INe. opper ..... .. as IN. T.rho A i es......... 1 % 4 4 4 N LY er . .. ..... . 1 41 105 1.W N.l Y.l . H.'&' .... 6a-% 6;- 1% 145 . a.. e O. 6et 41...... 47 1% 1% 6 Ne erol 101% 11654 11641 s0 Nnither Cne ... e 301%3 lm On trio Stl4 ..... _..% 7%" 100 Po. R.... .. .......Sie 3,0 lta. a e ....... ...... 7% 3 1 .gita. ............ '4 i~l e. Cet . (pr ...... . 4 54816 ll. Pit . a ........ . 144 144% 16 S y. S tel 1............ 45 1, 1 10 RYn. C,.& ........ 94 5 % Radi ...t........... 85 4 1% 14% 1. p. I. &w r Se e ----------- 13 117 113 Rokelo eI ............. 7T 71 e,0 ea.rd L ....... 7' 36% % 1 Phtta C a. . ............. 34 1 P.tta S A . 6C............ r e6 2 4 M Pu.P.Pa. Cear ........... 173% 1714 173% ise. 4 YNhra ..--.. ...... . % 6%'.. 4.s 04tad.Skaer .............1% 748 H7% ej PT.m. Cop. a..........r' sBMt. u% gga t,. al................Li 17 % 314 3.s Ull.n Bag. C ar....... 7% 175' 17% 1.0 U Un te 'l t -. -------...10 13 16 l~s U.y C. Ctl. p.... 4% M ladig. n M. 74% 17.m U. . aMeet .......... M 0% W .1t Uth Coger.............4 48 4 Sta SaedA. tae. d....... 18% 4 105 1.3 vs.-arc . C.......S 3% 4 0 1.4 Wanas A0. A...---...... 43% . w' 1s Wee ase K........... ' 25%15 15 .e. Wee.Mry.nd........1648 15 IW 2.5W--,..~.-- g............ % N48 0' 10 Wh.s Co.2.............~ 3 as Usgted Re. Is. % 15 15 Phe. u. . . AIUe-W. 144i 144% a Ide , ba ama. &ose l esesa i aWI das 3......fWat er eIla t.a; ea 3sep. WI439 15A, 14 a.s .ar . CLaL.... 6 We5 Wer 3w.........134 as t8 1 3O Wen . Merylen , 9ti;t ge 5 .. s.M. s....... ...%. ..a a; wu O's -. L a, M i 3s. ata em e 36 e 55G mm %i e. - eiea~mt ast ar e dainet LT ianc EEW YORK CI mAiEm. Now Tk. K UR hnItm Tie ................ NM 13 lsades chiaed - Yf.. . . 1s 12 B>sa Coea" Im >.............. >. Belte a New lik...................... 36 16 commeapper ...............a 1% asen OB ........................... 2% 11 Coi .f & ....................ft- U smsa- Tabsso L.................. m 106% Xme--- P mograp ...................... 134 Fat Naiesual 0.pper................... 6i rnu.. . . . 7t% IS eakl Barke ............................ 0" Harematy 1bn e........................... 1% 3 Hama. na aa 2be 9................. 3 " Hanm 0 ............ .......... ..... s ram m =. ......... 1I 13 Int. L Pamp. w. L..................... " 4 1UL B. Peop (A). Od.. w. L......... f 1I J7w" '111..... .............................. 0 6w) Kath. s p1L......................... 31 0 Kda ldTI. 1t pd........... 1 0 Kelty-Bpriga.ld The ................... Lake Torpedo ............................ 4 L ah .L ama .......................... . Mae T ........... . New York Trans. .... 1 14 Nor. Bee. "seks',..... ................. Otis Mater ... . . Otis Eevatr V.................... I R. & H. C ........................... Royal kning P o ..................... 1 Royal Baking Powde' i.......... Singer Mfg .................................W United O. Btas.. w. 1..................... % United P te Ihaing ................... 1% 1% United Verdi ........................... 25 1% Wabash P. T.. w. 1............ 1. .. World Film .. 1% 1% Yukon G iod................................ BONDB. Canadian Pana 6.... .. .... Cerro de PaeO ...:. ....... 15 1 'aetio 0. A . 8 ....................... Western Padhe k ............ 36 0 AO7r1VU CURD 8100[8. Aetna Cry. W. ........ % 244 % Amatisan later. Co ...... 3 2m 3 Butte Copper a Zin c..... Pa 044 M Terre do Pace ....t...... 41% 0 Chandler M ot. .. M 60 30 Cberrolet Moo ........... lI 131 134 Cuban Cans Bar....."". 344 51 .4 Kounsett C oppr--"-".... 0% 504 i% Maxim M . .. 15 8 6 Mda St al.... .. O% 11% Midvale 014W rt s ....... 211-14 f4 316 NipMidng .. .............. 4 - 4% 6% P0.1s Mo o . 5 I utmri Corp.... ... 36% 31 Tea Co. its ....................1145 1711 274 Tobacco Products...............42 " 4045 Triane S. ...................... 4% . DON DS. Balmore A Ohio w. I....101% 16 141% C..i.&St.P..W.1........ % 13% (L. n. VTr 44. w. L.... . .10% 14% 1444 eR. R. 41. w. L1........... % % 1% Ere R. R. ri.. w.L...........1. 14 'A Wtidea P. s. W. .............. .. . . COTTON XAJ.XETS. .-Th. the rican market toy. A and for Msh lad by Important apot onsss whichk~ Us d t be williog to b. unlimited qusa..t.. at 2 point belows May. auad maroasma among Shute. Final Quotations r....... 1 1n h 36r Storks at interior polnls for th. laft cak ds- crsad 4,e bal esa ra.. d wtt a law1 16 Wkls last weak. Olnvtn sportad that about thirty fre gesaf were booked to a il fry that port lte this smooth, mt assut ad al to April with ott.n and other r 56. Ratre ia the .jap15 continued ki4%, ream to Lirerprol emaadtng W. 0mtwls cogutsa w said to e up. lfont receits fr thes day wre 1*5 bales, s- iaed with 47.4 bai. a . . e a.... .. h were no iport today. .eports ..... yr am wantd to 47.04 bMs. Clesnoom for the m sweet. P.3,0 bales. ..o.a. ad with ........ ba.for the coraaordlng p.od . a.i. . TexaC . . 1. orp17e 1 PNWUm O . P.pu (Wentoa. doe. tI a.,. br-ebraul.5 1.8 T13 7.16% 7.10% Taco- Pprilo t... 7... 54 7. 5 7..1. 7. Tiange l . ....... 7.50 7 6 7.:4% 7.4% Jultiogelt.hi ,7.441 7..01% 7.16 7.416 Ci.. 4. Noembt. P. . .. 7.24 7.0 4 7.18% lilint. 77 , 7.7. Sales. A0N hales. New Yle. Open. ... Lew. iOb. 4oss l(aroaurn.1.... 1125 125 1125 12223 Ma h ... .t5I 11.44 1LlS 1:.37 11.35 Er .. ............11.41 11.0 11.0 11. 11.66 MLe...... ,... 21.. . ... 11..... 11.1'71 A~ll....... '161 11.61 11.21 11.11.61f , ctolrer.......11.0 1107 11.0 12.06 11.60 eounbsr.3..13 12.1 1141 111 115 New O asbe rs. oay.MAd Law. Or does. Jan ry.....mpon11. p 2.11 11. 0 1hic 11. .larch...........10.60 11.14 10.0 11.10 10.6f to .............. 11 11.0 Ll 11. 0 11.'2 July........ 11.47 11.70 11.44 1 165 11.5 r 11.4 110t 11.4 11. 11. Leasmber....bale 11.3 11~ 1 11 f10 11.6 NEW YOBS GRAIN. New York. e. GI.-WHtoe-Wake; fair is mirOy. No. I Numthern. f. a. la. 146%; No. 3 red. tI. . , t . to amrine N . 2 ard winter. th. f. ot. .; No. 1 Manitoba, f. a bA. IN No. 4 Mot- rt14 Epatte took 2on.h00 bnet ln earty ban witotr and Manitoba. art yestrda. tetN-nriter fair ion. No. 2 yellow, all al, to anus. 84,; New No. 2 yello. kilndrel., to arrive. 5%. C. L. f.; ow No. 3 bllnOdted. to a"- nEt recipt I. f. lipore took ba.% ba s. art eportsto. E )AT - Weaker; bueems is fair. o. White nmnal: No. 3 white, 2'314; No. 4 while. 4655 53: ,le-at- r bas. unraded. 51,5. bale fr th 40.00 buheda NEW YORK PRODUC.. New York. Fab . f-LOUR-Wsak; dalins am limted. Kanoss y tn. t. to ardu. In or yots .Oat-7 spring ar.a for Febr7a.y to Ma. 4.300;., ing dean. 17.6.0; soft daigt. to arrihe. -pa6.10. All quoatin% an 0. ad basis In wholesale lis. BUCKWHEAT U.-MW; 7.%dey Is Bri7. Cboeu is quoted at .7 ; o. 7 b7.26 w7.a% gain slow at 1.x1.83. . Y. COR7CMEAI,-.Pitc Irrusular; lnquliy is eas tir. Kallntd for inptc. 11540, I~n made; oagns mool. in ha.. l.67aL.. I'0RE-Steadsl toms is rak1e Mss, 1.73a 2.Lt; family. .. .4.. 10; do . 114 1.5. 1.: nT-i.; Iqiry .moderas. Para. 11.01 sto. ........l1. 1 101*5 s Irs Is 06 mes . .3 NewDSt~ rea s.mnls rm WOtr.1s?:rle. Eigt.Leh. GIaSa Minta JAnura..... 11. r:ined 1LaMan 12.19 11.5: nlember...... M t. 15 1L% NeBor. Ceo..-.... -W.k.r; urye No.....N.rther .. .. . 0;.1 15ed C. o b.,is 1 ...toare:... hard.w.nt.r. 13% C.oia h.0N.1 Caoba, f. . .7; No USma romi. 14;. E Unres..took....2 .. £ ebes ch Oumrelina and Maniob.,.ar....t.a. ORN-IFirmer Li .qir. i.2sllw l al arrIge, 014; ewurNo.23llw 1~rid to rrive. O%, .1. ew N.3kl-did toar ris Pi%, c.e.......... isprtr oo 00 bus patmit pe ..........M 1 NAT--aker;oi im....... fr.N. ite noi:No. F3t wie....;.... hi.e, 3Ma 51;e~leatodasis, .nrae..5s.5 Eapr touo. 4,00 buabel .......3.a Newol 0ork e Os.-FLOU.---W. k;..... s are 1tioed. Kainsa stahts....... t rbi rlo .ao.u; Psin Oh.ntsforFebuar toMash 6.a650 prng lwsb .;sottat.o inwoesalem lots. P~eLb..13 BUCKWHGEAT FIA)UR-...; -gt slo a 01.821.83, i.if CORNMirrices ireua;m nur isn, POK-ta .n~aai ue. Me is5 41.00 famly I.0Bms dae. 03 Us~i famly 1841 .w etak Indi me S. LARD-08ady Ode.nd is itv. srm ErarMiedb W.. -lb 3M Oi Atlnte Rak ba................. m hee :ial Pa MlY SAESBY BUYINi CURRENT Gotham Experiments and Proves Civic Electric Plant Is Costly Idea. NEWS OF LOCAL MARKETS Washingtop Railway Stocks Easier. Graphophone Company Reports Surplus Fund of $854.310.75. New York recently has furnished a striking lesson for the consideration of proponents of municipal ownership of public utilities. Following investi- gations covering more than a year, con- ducted by the ranking experts of the East on municipal economy, it is found that the city can purchase electricity and steam for power, lighting, and heating purposes more cheaply than it can manufacture it. even without con- sidering capital represented in the mu- nicipal plant. The experiment was tried out in 1913 by supplying five of the princi- pal, municipal buildings with electric- ity and steam from the plant in one of them. The total cost to the city for one year was $39.311."1. and the investigators reported that the same service could have been purchased from the Edison Company at a guaranteed saving of at least 84.000. The experi- ment cost in the neighborhood of $20,- 004, of which amount the Edison Com- pany paid one-half. The test was con- ducted under the direction of the Bu- reau of Municipal Resarch, whose sug- gestions, incidentally, as to improve- ments in Washington, always have fal- len on attentive ears in the Municipal Building here. In view of the announced intention of two of the Commissioners here to bring about municipal ownership of public utilities, the New York experi- ent is of unsual interest, not only to shareholders in the local concerns, but to all taxpayers as well. Those di- recting the test were desirous of mak- ing a record; perhaps it would not be unfair to say that they hoped the experiment would prove the practica- bility of municipal ownership. At any rate, the experiment was conducted under the most favorable conditions. constantly watched over by experts, and without any of the political loose- ness and inefficiency which might rea- sonably be expected to result from a large and established municipally- owned system. No doubt this report will be of peculiar interest to, and rich in information, for the Board of Com- missioners of the District of Colum- bia. Will Have Chais Ike Seaste's. The arm chair used in the United States Senate has been taken as the model for brokers' chairs with whicn the new quarters of the Washington Stock Exchange are to be furnished. Broker, are now dropping into the offces of W. B. Hibbs to test out the first model which, naked of finish or upholstering, has been sent in by the makers for a final O. K. The chair is a light but extremely comfortable structure, underslung without being "sloppy," of mahogany, with a fine green leather seat and back. The lines generally are after a Sheretan model. In addition torthese chairs, the new quarters will have sev- eral huge leather sofas, also finished in green, and a number of small mahog- any chairs outside the rail for spec- tators. Ralway Stocks Easter, Little interest was shown in the reg- ular call at yesterday's s-sslon of the local stock exchange. Washington Rail- way stocks were easier. with the pre- ferred selling down 3-4 of a point to 81. American Security and Trust Com- pany dropped eight points in an odd- lot sale, to 260. Lanston was fraction- ally firmer and other stocks held up. Gwpophone He Big Surplus, The annual report of the American Graphophone Company for the year ended December 31. last, shows a sur- plus of $854,310.75 after charging off $491,853.62 for depreciation. $516,492.82 for patents, franchises, and good will. This stock is strongly held here in Washington and a large number of the new 6 per cent bonds are being mar- ketted through the local exchange. Earnings for the year from all sources totaled $1,988,401.30. Operting Revenue Gains. Operating revenue of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company for the month of January totaled $9,444,287, an increase of $1,958,016 over January, 1915, according to a statement issued yesterday. Net operating revenue amounted to $2,048,976, an increase of $516,499. For the seven months of the fiscal year ended January 81, operating reve- nue was $64,484,511, an increase of $10,- 859,885. The net operating revenue for the same period was $20,260,878, an in- crease of 85,691.274. U. S. Treasury Statement. The condition of the United States Treasury at the close of busIness yester- day was: Net balnce in general fund, $109,85, 721; total receipts, $6,131.1i3; total payments. $1,966,551. The deficit this fiscal year is 8i8,48749, against a deficit of 8,377,357 last year, exclusive of Panma Canal and public debt transactions, 157,399 BATLla 101 WEEK. Cate.. mzpest. frsng -autal aSinc August Up to 3,333,8oa Bale. Cotton exported during the wreek ended February 15, at the twelve principal customs dIstricts of the United States was as follows, according to the De- pertmnent of Ommerce: Geria 1,G bales; iMaschuetts, bal; Maryland. 17 bales, New Yorkr, 1958 bales; North Caonone; Phil- adelphb, '76bls;ot line 8,275 bales; 'Virginia, none; Galveston,. 66,30 bales; New Orteans, 31,16 bales; Ben Francesco 4$70 bales: Washigtn,11,21 bales; total, 157.5 bales. The export of 157.3, bales of notton during the past week makee the total sine August 3, 1968, approutmata* M. 80baisa. 9 ONRIfAAO WE Iggg, - S@S iU M bead; - e YORE 2u03. luwre Y . .- Cuff m... ta. .p... 1% e ser me , R :;M ; ea.. a se seat; % al 1r iat; neg sate. % pe t; I. M thae reprted a As leer teademe In the sastet ter ties - s---am.- Whle the tao.,tr awed . pueestle eaer.. 1.pdem was feuoed 4 he less lbseal wth ter eadams a a emit oft appesane lees et vsetd in ther bt w ' .a m.atm ble. aboeer, e. male at V6 per eet a.t per emet Sar *hty days, 3 per -eet for -ty 6 to 3 pr eat far fr meths, per st far dye and ri asenthe. With the mipply a mager as seer, tamenasa in a amelal tpsar -eaaed 1at. Pme s. ga. la maturites wa seadr aboatbed at 3 Per east. Man. Today. day. Iteritng. demand ...... ........ I.18 4.8% tietg, cabie .................... 4.17 4.1 Steng, I day ................. 4.7% 4.8% trn,daa........................ LR u% om., ders. 4 ..:...... ....... ufMI rg Guler. u ...... . % u% Guilder, abl ............ . % Rlem k a ................... T4% Re,-.t.,k mum ....................r04 T Iketmruc~ 74e L71 U , a a ......................... . 11 swi . o ........................... .5 . a, ea ........ Ira~ 1.0 S woci m , ab e er ge ...... ... 49 LW6 ueth.q kram. telda. 1 a. 1.4 Mtcho~~ km. thda. .3 ...*4 Pets a e. a s.......................... . . stehu . i~e .. g........ a sa Rabi... haa ......................... 41% 31% CHICAGO BRAIN XARKET. deme,. Iehr. 1-A mam oreals market in the wheat pit than that of today has not bees sean in many montba With thd big break at Winnipeg on Tuesday and a lower market at r- pool at that time and with a heavy run at reeipts in aIi positione, the aeage whet trader ws a keen bear and a heavy eller at the tap af the bell this morning. The May future opened at 1.2% to 124 and the July from Lipt to 1.17%. Thw aone were made sdmultaneonely In vaios section. of the pit, showing that the upe orders held by brokern to sell these futures were large. It was soon noised around that WInnipeg somd 1.01000 bushels cast wheat yesterday. that New York reported 90.40 bshsele that day and that Balthmore, Philadelphia and some of the Gomh- western markets claimed mere or leasecah best- nee, with Great Britain the principal buyer. This news caused a partial change in smentiment. and the May advanced sharply to 1.3% and the July to 1.19%. Thee flos were not far away from the seing spota when there were net lems of about 1%c for the May and fir for the July. There was light eueouregement for the bulle frm abroad a spt wheat at Lverpool was $M below that of Monday and argees were Md lower. Te baying of wheat today was mok gateger than the selling. A great deal of this gran was thrown overboard In the way of liquidation and there was snme wheat sold that was a bedge against the actual grain to came forward. Corn was Indpendely stong today. cesing with gains of %al%c for the day. The market develoied strength Sono after the opaning and was firm throughout the day. hniulng around the best prices vesebed. Orantry oferinga were light with doestto denand eLek. The wean In wheat as well as in oats tailed to hase any effect on corn. Paralsbed by W. B. Hibbe t Co. WHEAT- Open. High. Low. Clos. May........................ ;.1% 1.1% 1.10% 1.904 July.......................1.1% 1.194 L17% L1L% CORN- tay........................18% 71% 7% 78% lily........................ 7'% 78 10% 17% O ATS-- May..................... 4 M % 46% 46% July........................ M 44% 43% 40% PORK- May..................... .70 .00 1.6 .K July........................ .70 3.E 3. .0 LARD- May........................I .rs 19.2 70.6 July........................ 10.0 10.0 1.93 1.0 RIB.- May....................... 11.0 1L.3 17.r 1.7 July........................ 11.1 71.70 197 11.78 BOSTON STOCK MARKET. Boston. rob. 5.-The market was narrow and quiet. Maamadmsetta Cnasolidated was strongest of the mining features. Mason Valley lst a dollar to 14. West Indies Steamship rane to 34%, and preferred to 4%, later 31% and 48%. respectively. New England Telepihoe. 1364. Boaton A Malm Preferred, 70; Edison Electric. 2J. High. Low. Clon. Alaska Gold ....................... 21% 22% Allouez Mining .................... 73% 72% 73% Am. Aai. Chemical ofd.......... 0 97% 49 American Telephone .............1 127% 13% American Woolen pfd............. 94 0% 10% American Zinc ..................... 3% a% 12% Arizona Cocn. Mining ............. 9 9 9 Boon & Maine ................... 44% 44% 44% Boston Elevated ................... 84 H 8M Butte Superior .................. 94 9% 0% Calmnet & Arlsoma MIning...... T4% 7414 74% Calumet & Hecta Mining......... 104 103 083 Centennial Mining ................ 17 17 17 Chino Mining ..................... a 99% a8% Copper Range Cons................. % 40% 1% East Butte Mining ................ 13% 12% 131 Granby Mining .................... ..2 91% 91% Greene-Canaea Mining .......... a% 47% 41% Insiration Conselidated .. . 4% 0% 4^ Ide Royale Mining ................ 3 3 3 Lake Mining ....................... 17% 17% 17% Mas Consolidated Mining ......I1 16 18 Masa. Ga .......................... 06% 96% 49% Mam. Gas pfd...................... 97 17 87 Mohawk Mining ................... 9 12% 90% Nevada Con. Mining .............. 164 14% 184 N. Y.. N. H. I ................. a% a 4i7 North Butte Mining .............. 20% 8% 21% Old Dominion Mining ............ 70'3 70 70 Osceola Mining .................... 94% 94 94 Pond Creek Coal .................. 12% 127' 12% Quincy Mining .................... 3% I M Ray Cons. Mining ............. 3% 14 X% St. Mary's Mineral Land.......... 71% TI 71 Shannon Mining ................... 11% 11% 11% Shattuck Ariz. Mining ........... 3 M 1 Superior Mining ................... 1 19% 3 Swift & &(b....................... 17 127 127 United Pruit ....................... 144 144 144 United Shoe Machinery ........... i 5 5 55 United Shoe Machirusy pid...... 3% % S% U. S. 8um., Rf. & M............. 65% 45% a% U. S. Sm., Ref. & M. pil........ 1% 10% 00% Utah Con. Mining ................ 14% 14% 14% Utah Copper Mining ............. l 1% 8i% Ventura Oil ........................ 9% 9 9 Wolverine M eng ................. WA 4% WASHINGTON fODUCE. Quolatines given below are for large Iotaat go marketable goods only. Jobbers* prou are hlghe.. Lower gradee may be moM for lem. Vame goode enmmand higher prims. The quotations on the produne market yeterday pae urnead Rleeists were eomeuhat heavy. bat amr pasmed under an mctive demand. The Smaaket, of partientar interet at thie time. re malued eteady at 11 cente. the receipta appearing moderately end with quality. Poulta mnd vege- tables were moderately active. Reeipts nearby set potatoes heavy. EGG&-Fresh, per doe., ti; do.. Uoathaen. E BUTTER-emt twrita, new, per lh.. M4%, do, tub per lh., 3.1; terome. 3, under grade, mesmery. Na N; etore-pseked, 183. LAED-Tebk pure. Rh.. 11mB: do.. enmpound, 1g4k: etettoneed ml, per can. 3f.5 CHEE7SE-New York. new, per lb.. 18; fiat. per lb.. 18; Swiss dmunc per lb.. 3; do,. foreige. per 1b.. 4U LIVE POOIRET-Eee, mer I., IG; cster, lb. 11; epring ducks. ee lb.. liem; chickens. per lb.. GREEN G eans. per be*et. T8mL3: beeta. Per sate, 1442*; Bresels arue, per ot., 14417; eabbags, per blir, 7848.; do., new, per brdt, 1.Ma 1.0 carrete, per hoeh. g45; .ua-.e pe ante. 11.1; cei. pmr ste. 4.444: do., frieria, per mate. l.ial. imm-em, per-badet. IaLS~; cab. lege, mr aete, 1-1841.8; eples mate, 118 LS; hole, mer tbi.. LI4;3 Rettaa, Plorida. per besket, 1.381.*; onie. mer set. 1.884u.; par-a.s ~bg. Sii; pepara saie. 1.W3lM l000ee. he., ;petasee. inc. L2.1; mweats, 1bL. 331AT1; 1.78 pamae, per bb.. 1.Ma2.*; qu per b., !.88 1.18; ofrhea'e. per dam.. 789L3; ,tah per tbt.. 3.5; t"e'ee, leida, e este 131u8; tamelpa, me kbL, 1.3al; do., mer beg. 318. FRUITB-Apples, per bin., Stai.S: eranerese ~bbL.. 8.484.; do., per boa, LJ9at.e; grape- t, pe bag.sma heem-- par beg, 4.8en44*; ermags. uata:es Fa. pm asse aMu; b. an .,U 14at1 ales, ab.s e .. 11.8 DEZaSUD GOODS-Dreae -~ amal. mer l.. 8%alS: da. -ee=w mer lb.. 4 d. heavy. pms 3; a4. mm. me U. Wil; de., heame, par AKr, S3%AW. AND coa*-aw. best a3%thl. MalaI ; whea pC Sm. Si31t* Smu gg- ... -a. pm Us. 3... awa. - m s W . .w... 4. .. %~s biishe Iae -ede W 0,f D a O -a m Nmempe. N at S at 2 . Amri m sieott ad i1.. s at 2% hAer .3B: Amidma Oupa~i a ins .d. IsOs at Uf. W==Mkisgm Baflmay p.m at NS {nar B. -- M a 16 % (ilr 1S. Wakingom- Natiwy pdiL. 9 at a%, I at a%. B1. Adhe United Mats reg0.itE 0............. 0% ..... United States mnapon 2U................. 1% ..... Umte States ,a tuse 11.............. lm .... Umtoed ste. coope. 1.............. . ..... Uatted Rates registered M.............S% 11N1% Unite States asegun U ................... N.% ..... D. . s.................... .. GAS 3ONDm. -esgatow Ga. Curt. 1.L ........... x ... Gasmtw " iN .................. 1 .. WasMagtn Gas g......................... 0M 4f Colemb Gs " a egttste .............. 5 ..... OstemsMa Gas " D. U=.... a . RAILROAD ONDE. OspstaI "Iation b ....................... 106% A=m & Poma. Gear. a............ " ..... & Potomac . .................. M ..... Ot & Sbuban i..................... M .--- Metropoitan U...... . Wauhigeon Railway A Uewota 4.... VA UK MZ3CE.LANEOU BONDS. Potomac lectric Ons, Is............... N% UK Potma bMeetre ight p ............... 84 ..... Cbeapake & Potomac TeuphUoe 4.. 1M3% 11 AsIsan Ttishek m & Telegabh i.... . Amerteia Telephone A Temsgaph 411e... 1% .. Grapbo. e lat o......................... a% N Wasbnguto M.ket . 1 N............ N ..... Washington Markat i, 1 5f.............. a ..... Washington Market Cold Storage i.... 0 )A Norfolk & Wah.ingteo Stambeat is.... 1 .. Riggs Realty tM l n1... .......... ! .... RI Realty is (bert)r..................... N .. PUBLIC UTILIT! STOCKS. Capital Traction........................... am VA Washington Railway & EletIe em... *0 M Wahihgton Railway & fettrie pfd... 'S p Norfolk and Wahington I. is Washington Gas............................ 10% WT Amedria Telephone & Tlegrat..........i ..... TYPE MACBIND STOCKS. M-mthar Lintye.................... 0 1% Lanstn M onniyp.......................... " 0 MINING STOOKS. Greae-Cnanee . ..... NATIONAL BANK STOOKS. Ammesmt ..................... .1 DS C*aital ...................................... 0 ..... ColAmbia ......... ......................... 1 31 Commerdal ..... . ...... 10 11 ....................-.--.-......... District 135 Paramera Mechates' Nat. Bank..... 1 .... Fadaral .................... 3 ..- Lificoln ..................................... 10 ..... Metropolitan ................................ is 11 Second ...................................... 141 ..... National Bank of Washington...... 21s 1 TROST OMPANIm. American feeurlty & TrusL ..... 51 31 National Savings & Trut................. M ..... rt , Trost .................. IV% 1D Washiagton Loan . That................. 1 ..... bntinntal Trust ................. 112 1N SAVINGS BANK STOOCK. Home avings.............................. SS ..... Con 'erce a avings ...................... 1 .... bast Washington Saeingo Bank......... . ... Security Savings & Commercial Bank.. .... FIRE INSURANOU STOCKS. Ar agteo .................................... S Careean .................................. a Iremen's ..14 ... G~erman.Amertcan ......................... M ..... National U no n........................... s ..... TITLE INBDRANON. Columbia Tit........................ 4% a% Real Estate ................................*..... MISC ELIANSOIS STOOKS. Capin-Sacks C. ................. l ..... District of Cohmbln Paper Mft. Os... I . American Grachophone .common........ 118 15 Amerien Graphopbone prefered....... II Ix Merchants Tansfer & Storage.......... 10 I's pearity torage........................... Iu a Washington Market .................... 1K ..... *e$ ddmS. BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET. Baltimore 1kb. fl.-The elI gronp utieh ban been thes malnaay of the local stock markt fir several eeks, was under remote today. and quot- tions declined rather sharply. This was specially tans of (adr.. m-mm. amn s per cent bonds. the former banking 1% pinta, and the latter 21 pitin Rid. Aid. BAIJ'IMORE GTY STOCKS (Reg.) ater in. 191..............................71. Internal Impt. 3Ma. 1,.............. rtthana 3%s, 190 ....................1 ding il . ion 1 .... 136............. Rtfunding 190.......................... itr Mlio 4.. 1..................... ('It .4. I 1 . ............ ..... City 4%4.. 1M .......- ..............--... 0f ..... CAS AND ELUTRIO. Aaltimore 1ectric pfd.. 0................. 4% Bmramae Gas in.......................... ..... lon. Gas 0. O. M. To. 01 .................. ..... Don. Gs G. M. 4.. C1..................... C. G. 3 L. & P. C. M. 4%. 1s.... 0% Us U. . L. " P. 1s . M. 4. 111'.... % .. BANKS AND TItUST OS. Baltore Trust .......................... 19 Dummcnwealth Bank...................... 105 Pamers & Marchante Nat.. /........ IidelIty & Deposit. ..................... 17 Equitable Trust...........................N15 W6 Maryland casualty. 5.................... 6 t Memran. TT. & Dep. Co.. 0.-.......... National Echang. 140..................1I% 167 RAIROAD STOCKS. Northern ...tal. ................. . (Steet Railway) United Railayst l3eeta Co.. Is. % RAILROAD BONDS. Atlantic (bast line con'. Deb. 4.., % ... Atlantic Coast Itn. of (ann. 1oe.... 1% os. W. Car. in -...................... 14 ot. SRailwn C. E. etr ............ 3 11% t Cop Bra IoA BND.............. .. Aelant Pato it . 111............ lE% IN Georgia t Alabama Con. ...... 9: ..... New Orlana .ret Northrn I......... 15% U New O(eags. No. oA Ca.. . .... 105 N (street Railway,.) Chica BsflwRysa s..........................U MU. rI. Rat. 4 . . ............... 1; 1W ein.-St. abl Joint Cn............... 1e ..... United rly. Gre at orthC n 50. . 50% Oi WaOhigton. Babtinoe & Ainapoli .... N. . ISCU.ANEOUS. Alabama Co.. comman................I1 . .. Alabama Co.. lit p11.. 100................... N47 Alabama Co. en...................... U Anndel it P au.. om o ............... 0 t5 Wi BaltimAre Tube n .............. . Dry Dock co..................... 0 by Dock pfd . . ...................... 10 Baltimore Tube. common.................. U2 Coden Gas, common.....................9 1% Onden, com0.................... .... a Oeden. in..........................12 5 Canton Co............................U Onaoldation (Onal, 3................IKN On. COal 6s.................. Elkhorn Fuel. coi-n Elhorn Fuel Ia......................16 Davison Cheitol en.......... Elkhorn Corporation 5...............3U Hiousten Ol ..ommo.n (IT. C046...........a Mar. A Vin. Tran., mew..............84 Mt. Vareon MIII.. -amann...... lit. Vernon Mills. presrd........... . & M. i.....................U% P~ol. ie Eand Ich. 0C.............. Pub. Ber. Bldg.. rdS.....................13 T. H. Symington eLI..............1 Penn. W. P.0 ..................... 1 4 Penn. W. P. A5.....................1. Wayad il............. ..... St BALTU1ORE..... Dainre tb.£-KU liB ma o b~hes. oea~ibit5.45 tSe ag COR-Besip.. t ~uin .... 38.5 ~b W~u~ssd5. b ..i .. 11 I. binat ~g.~ . . in in .d. 5p~ 11 Bm~nl; bbaae .... samina; Mar ~L a ~ 100%U 1S 0ga OATSBeheota.3.13 ~ 106% .... ~ se~ .. Si ... ..~ - MU W i. WI t. daSi..... ~e he 5O .T3 S -. ,% ..... 10 pmI n 3 o M4 Myn, 106 al Di - a.W M -se a.. h3ma, am.t d. t> ; W e a s M14bo mI w . Wma-caemwra W. 1Y, W5I: 4M EM 'S: a as: boble e : went TtilV a eea, stid; arse. 3G(Md, bi anl > t sa: bneto r mdaw, EGG -Mas eo. 38 mylam, andlmi adnas "d -NIF ftama, 4 aissan se Marsad. an.d V.a, anka s: Wtna (Obs awl., a; Ws Vbrn , d gambra (wfth Chenm G 5W UTU AND TEEABL -Appes, munt. Imms4e, per bM., 1.451; 4d.. New OWat Sta psals sama1s: do.. Wsiem Msop i a d d e di s n a . e per k b . . . ks beams, Bu". NNE-. pO baki. L 5 L ; do.. Pla,! vens. per lbet, LWSI,; dl.. -Fida. pm bet, L45lI; embo, Ner Talt M , ddPer Is., U U11.6; d.., mor. FleNW. pr babs. al4A; dn. T yak ad rafls. oar 00m. air.,. Plan par esar, t2A3; 'm'"". h.le pr habr 5am45N"; eg, pI-.t, F1ld. pm esta, LME; gs.Praet. Fods. Pa boa. 1653; kms ndid, menlr. pr bor. L MMa; bal. Solm, pr ku.. Noll; ettee, 11.14. pm l"lM. babet L.451; eaea West- '- Msriold and Pennmtswa.d, eow. pm haiL 15a*; Ia. Wadhlr, pr h-b. ad,; maps , Phits. as is Mi.,pt bae, USLSM; p. m.e., pF r bodet. 15.1; Mpsm Fierds. pmr at., L TS; 0Isaa4. Norfolk, per bbl. twU.; adsemebe., einda, ratiraser. pr et.. 4a5;a=-en. Felrida. fans. dw, Pm meat. at aw; do.. ilda, choles. pr raw. 1JtS; tGems, native. pr be boa. S.S, PKf1ADBLPKI& fPRODUCE. Etllsdelsia, Mb. a-The mukt was de and poea of spirtg en fbrther raduid about le per barrel. We quota 1M pounds In wuod: Waitar dear, IM".S; do .bahbt, S71M51; do.. tstent, 43e' 4.0; ea.ns. ear. Puta mds, 5.,0; do, a151ght, jute asa. 5.m5.e; do., patent. lute .,eh1, Ais15i; riu. alet eir, 55.0; do., straitt. 6.5.10: do., patent, U50e; do., famnrte breads. 0.671.; City Mnl. idoke and fany patet, ta 7.5. Citl'Mlls, TWuar Rad . -Winter ekic, S.S. L0: do., taight, .5.0; do., palest, t1m. BUTTER-Th market ruled a with dmzad aboamiag tke lited orias of deshabis stoeka. We Quote: Wites eild-paded amern , !Hael ipenal. S%; etnra, 5%; entra Areta. 3ka6%; yasnt, 3X; aeosda aN; art petal (s, fa,. S; me; drt, .75 par name; Southem, L76 pr one taatq asleced odlhi fm opwere libbos 5t 655 per desn. GREEN FrIUITS AND VOEETARLMS-Appain, pm banrl-Jmsathem. 3a3175; do.. far t4 Pod. 13A6; WimesAp 164351; nMdwl.. LMa 3.7: Blad Twig, 15416: (Ge.m' Gold.., LW. t0; Grs1 t 5a3.4 ; York Inpeial, L643 . I'*uty Ounee. 1043.0; Pipin. 1S7.&0; Ben Dath. 1.T1at; other earietl. 1.6419; No. 2, I.Psat; aphas, is bol, per 10 pouda Ma ; do., Weaten., per boa. L.3a; orange, Flrd. Pm asd. L/43,; taImpar Floi d, pr trap. t144.%; grapofroit. Ploda. pm tnra, 2.65W: ino.., pr boar,; .amp-se per Ws4. Porto Dlm. eM10,: do.. Florida, 2i.16; eram- bane. Cap. Cod. par barrel, 6.04.0.; do,. Cps Cod, pr eeraft, 1M3M; eabeie. Jera, pm bb., 7.0Y.0; b.. -Jnerer. p este., 100x1: ggsabenMt, Florida. rs refrparatoem, 1 a; op erats.. lies; white potatos, Penem- ran, per bushd. LisaLS: Now Tek. pr ba. .0a4LW; Maine. per husbl. 1.Mal.: Wster, pr bushel, Le4LMe: do., Jeer. per b"&.t, No. 1 RBo. 7510; No. 1 othe widee, 0476; No. 2. M15; seet potatoe. Jermee. per baet, No. L 4466: No. L 1la5; swats pOtata, llenla, pm brrel. 1.4L75; mmts. p o NSmd ba.No. L. O mW2; No. 2, 7ia: embbgas Dieniab, par to., 12.0.0; -bb- PFord. p,. b..per. !.51.; rabbtage. Sooth Carolina, pm ert. 1.641L*; dI- ery. Florida, pr rate. I1a.L0; apips., Norfok. per barrel. 75.1.0; kale, Norfolk. pm barel, M51; letture. Felords, ter batet. 741; do.. North Carolina, per baket, 7ral.4; beams, Pleqds, pm mease intrn, aN. StW, 365; aead, 50;- lobbing mhal ot faney zeta. h.1. 2Go-Tne maret d.adined U. pm om eder more liberal receis Damn ad was mv fmeateta We gaola: In e.m ., n.rb tr.. m ,a.p d.a. EMe, M pr standard eae; naarbr carrnt a- aISS, 01 p.r -.: W.em e.a dmet. pr bsaket. 1.50.2; pes, Florida, par beiet, L5 3i.; peppe. 1era.., pr Wa, 1.0.L71; opias . Capitl . . Slrpls sad Udiided Prfitb, THE COMMERCIAL 7HE BANK OF PE Corner FourteE A s customers of The Commn MEN proft by service that are extended every courtes q We are especially interested in NESS MEN-interested in their pr tation invited. 30 ,fInterest Paid on /% In Our Saving WFUI.L INTERS FACTUAL NUMBER OF OFFIC Ashton G. Clapham...... Arthur Lee........... James A. Cahill....... Tucker K. Sands......... Frank E. Ghiselli......... Herbert V. Hunt......... Ai The undersign< of The Carna northwest, has Press (Inc.), I very latest typ in addition to our plant one of We respectfull DIRECTORS: E. NORVAL FORTSOI WILLIAM A. RAWLIN WlIAM H. GOT1U WILLIAM J. WALLAC PAUL A. DAVi~a JoHN S. LARCOmE V_ asht pale. Pe asr £w3:; EATIOR LVESTCK hi: v& Met; on 7 e doe;w. 4. l MOk. WI: -6Ra mae., M. t P. ass d.. es pa -wq s to le, 40 os. bow dwelSa APT ..m b ...... l, a f,.. SUPU . .... gif2,e: 000,00 as;se SiO, 4 uR. er. 14, r, l MuDl; sta .sf gu- ua e W Banking % a f 3 quo : MAGE l r oucs ho sevati.vem alert Nalgmt ,rM s.: 14. 69 ft IL. In iOl.. 305S; ~ Weab.e Is" 4 ld. mint. bi to. s. d.. 2 tor w i. . am ef-; d.. d. MI11 s to s1/30M. I. nrubo. Urn; 6110110. 14: MP. pa b- M.. f L s. a dyes. fmcien y.. ; tool. . ; SAcc;on. do. I ndivdal Yi t~ 5; op"" doe.I lye; 6. Wadm. leoq. Von; d., d., -r t. sea. Mud;I mso and C 4. orprats; ws dew-,toi.~ was n to n 30. Pe ft.,.163 r.. .% wbt.~ p..~ $0 fa di.. U; do. T Ito.. pe dam.. COMM5 do., 6s1 A., pa do.. D.AUm; d ire L cbtL:f emad s. 1. LLU. BALTIORE LIVE STOCK. eilttio..,. Md., Ota. tO G.-1my. a . to - sad eos, L 1.U; m A a CnLVth -4bej ba, odt Nu. pm 1. U. 11ri; Naod nal. WWI; n, meoIN Et ese p: bed. aies; ti . rielmt. a.dbi; menl. tIm alma. t~.sJJ; 5smm.lowm, pa bad 1b41eag.prt S~r'F CArrL-Y.. ota Im Pa wado., wbta .nd th .i ped Pm . COnu: -. wu.zb ader ,4 UU s bo;em. epa .. -~ I . 4. ..rp. 3-. 443 .u pm It. in sNod ea 4m; /aw par to add Oeda, six 311; from mum, wIth .nP, pm lead. IM";IL po.. tw. eeadow rodear pora MlIL CAPITAL ........ SidSn .. .. Psiden RESOURCES w . $14mmSI A Strong Banking Connection L ARGE resources, long experience and con- servatively alert Canagemet enable this old institution to safeguard the interests of its customers with maximum ef- ficiency. o Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations in- vited. Wn-we ihe. own DRAFTS erect w Lead.. The Riggs NATIONAL FANK. INK. Aei Oa. . . enAmOS. .................7S56mw Oer....... ...$ ,SN.O NATIONAL BANK RSONAL SERVICE nth and G St. rcial National Bank. BUSINESS satisfies their requirements, and mound banking permits. WASHIlNGTON'S YOUNG BJSI- )blems and their success. Consul- D Dpa t enta 3% T M evey dea fK DAYS ON DEPOSIT. .LRS: .... ... ... ...President Vice President President vice President and Cashier ........Assistant Cashier .........ssistant Cashier "ML. deied oanuc A M me me - Dmakmete M. . Church war sum MO eight at the ehereb. A tme m n nas . Mleeen wO be Sims as- at tal Aima be 11 a. M. te I p. 3cuwe Werner ad MM . 1 wr an rm e So - Moos at be t . awe u sN - we rear. Mrs. r... m e.. a U' wS. "-- hea nW.. ... O....t t..a >1., PC. C. Thempss an NeSle Thm-- 1re. Yr.. Jsa wa., as. meb tab. e.Mrs. Mahar t ang a 1mZua Wane. la a boa room ie Pars I a beb t glas. It o mt mes IMN o mabe a dset on It them a me eg. mr baebe~mreA ca. TURNING POINT St. Pad .gj Rot leied Gmeea Rik. N. Y. cakal Jp.m... smt taws e. +.. 1 :" w Clarence Cone a Co. o ...dwy. w Tael $100,000,000 IN CoITm DIIlO I ' Theme are the auregat. divi- dends that a oou ervmtive s- horit estimate tI be /ad tn copper aharebe-ea diting -A a hundred millien 6ellare i dividends Is out of Ua. with present prite otf opper etocka A big reaustiat ut take lace in the aerkut vaiithoo of copper recurities. '.And it is untiveally figured we are on tbe threshold of th is nchludncbo e statinest In copper shares-tht within the next sixty data we ane to -itne a ..ei of market anti ty n these =tete -A statistical book se te cop- per will be get usen. Ftsem without char th .ar .- Ire.eths Tweb, eXP.ind ' . .nstmas.. Sw£airtseR h eem~ &. USu es In tse Co. A, s thinat e et k dat. terbed .ediee of th e e me nor. beta Pie de of t~er Mos (of 1mmu-k a5,. .ed J. AW EL e D r0. tint of Oskmid. 'us " a116 e mE Th LO OK dmi a thE ad R dst ersd 8.5M esr meene thdr at. Weeao l fe p tain ou Fod. Pop.t we me .ppei oc tmee e s ap heel nis Sv.Lied in -ei "Ommemga [teas sad lueeminta" _n Swa rte, RO- - & Hey G., e2 Fdtoied Stkeet N.tweg. MILLEE TRAIN CSlTNILt flOJGBT -WOLD.--UOTY'D T. R. J. CAMPELL &S. theather. Duding. Tel. u.s MADE TO LOOK MKE NEW Soradsters$18.50 it d Cars$19.50 FOR T3.f DATA ONLY-prior to, our regular season-we will make thine traordlar offer to Palnt iour Ford Prompt servcte assured e MIIw Rena. Afln.m a m Supply H..e. e1 te Fl Piaes street 15. E. Phone L. cool. it:'Y

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Post on 16-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Best Iianc:ial Pa MARE[EASYWAITING BUYINi Wma … · Western Padhe k ..... 36 0 ... 11.0 1107 11.0 12.06 11.60


BUT WAITINGOpinion Divided on Effect of

Possible Break withGermany.

SPECIALTIES LEAD DAYAmerican LAcomotive and Can Head

Quiet Trading-List. as Whole.Should Izmprpve.

New York. Feb. 23.-Although special-ties led the market today, there was no

sign of great uneasiness In any depart-ment. Professional traders expect themarket to break If relations with Ger-many are suspended, but the bankingfraternity is of the opinion that such amove will help the market. Thereforethe market rested easy throughout theday's session.Of the stocks that led the quiet market

American Locomotive and Can were themost active. They had as partners suchshares as United States Realty, CornProducts and Crucible. Marine sharesalso were active, but declined, and de-cined on good news, for the company isto put several steamers released fromwar service into the Atlantic trade.Weakness of grain suggested that the

American people might be getting readyfor the annual bet on the crops. Withscientiho farming the danger of cropfailure grows less every year, until nowit Is hardly worth considering. There-fore Wall Street Is very much disposedto begin. even before crops are discount the big harvest. That Is themeaning of low-priced grain now.

- Market Should Improve.Taking the market as a whole, it is in

good condition, and. according to all therules of procedure that have proved val-uable In the past, the market should Im-prove.Wall Street made up its mind today

that the decision in the American Candissolution case would be made public,end acted accordingly. As the companyis reliably reported to be making in theneighborhood of 50 per cent on the com-mon stock, the street naturally expectssome activity when this decision is madenublIc. It does not seem reasonable thata stock earning 50 per cent would be letso around the present level of 64.


"4 AllisChalmers ... . 3 1 4% 4. Am. Ag. (1.m. 744. 3 % Wtl Am. Ag Che.m. 1T 9% W. B.

:n Am Ret -agar r. 70 794%Fe Am. 1an , 6"..

04 As. Car & F. e.,0 a',10 Am. Co. Pod 6 3 16e1 Am. Hele & I. "* 164 16.

r1 Am. I, 0ee ,' 'n;) . l. .. 7r 45% 10

0 A. 5meltieg 10 C t0% lm'%.. .43. Steel F'oune^ N 64454i9

30 Am gar .. I'IS . 1 T ... & Tel

:n \h any k':4 Us


n v n e \ e -. 0 " .

* 145 1: ICnt &r ~ 0' I. I ' ,' r '

I a) E . 1., .I6

:M Gen. EL-'rie i '4"O 17

Ch'or. .it.' 'II~ 1t1'

g4 e . *p. 4%

eg U.n. Cen 3~ % 4d3 14.

1Si t. Ag- ' r.. . 4% .r .Ha. I ." l

4,1) t. Hate Ste 0e r. 79%s

'.9 Iat, M . . 1 159%

1,a1Ere F'3i{

"t, (et.. P r ' r 4- 4^% 47

!e4 Irntd e '.F' %

10.4. a anN tee 4 74% 444 ILehgh 4'a 1'e ". . M 7471

"4o II ,' en. h~~ 140% 5', 14

w1Ma1 we I,_... .'.6%% 6%'451 axeC st d

.16 %M 4

50 r e. Petr ...... 10 105 17%

5o Miamt \rler . - 171

Min.& t. L.r....49

7A,560 Mot. K.&T. rd. 11% 4%

106 Iront ,, Pow r. ..... .. r-% 767

[4 Nt . . . . 46% M1410 INe. opper ..... ..

asIN. T.rhoA i es......... 1 % 4 4

4 N LY er . ..

..... .1 41 105

1.W N.l Y.l . H.'&' .... 6a-% 6;-1%

145 . a.. eO. 6et 41...... 471% 1%

6 Ne erol 101% 11654 11641

s0 Nnither Cne ... e 301%3

lm On trio Stl4 ..... _..% 7%"

100 Po. R.... .. .......Sie

3,0 lta. a e ....... ...... 7% 3 1

.gita. ............'4

i~l e. Cet . (pr ...... . 4 54816

ll. Pit . a ........ . 144 144%16

S y. S tel 1............ 45 1, 1

10 RYn. C,.& ........ 94 5 %

Radi ...t........... 85 4 1% 14%

1. p. I. &w r Se e ----------- 13 117113

Rokelo eI ............. 7T 71

e,0 ea.rd L ....... 7' 36% %1 Phtta C a. . ............. 34

1 P.tta S A . 6C............ r e6 2 4MPu.P.Pa. Cear ........... 173% 1714173%

ise. 4 YNhra ..--.. ...... . % 6%'..

4.s 04tad.Skaer .............1% 748 H7%ej PT.m. Cop. a..........r' sBMt. u%gga t,. al................Li 17 % 314

3.s Ull.n Bag. C ar....... 7% 175' 17%

1.0 U Un te 'l t -. -------...10 13 16

l~s U.y C. Ctl. p.... 4% M

ladig. n M. 74%

17.m U. . aMeet .......... M 0%W

.1t Uth Coger.............4 48 4

Sta SaedA. tae. d....... 18% 4 105

1.3 vs.-arc . C.......S 3% 4 0

1.4 Wanas A0. A...---...... 43% . w'

1s Wee ase K........... ' 25%15 15

.e. Wee.Mry.nd........1648 15 IW2.5W--,..~.-- g............ % N48 0'

10 Wh.s Co.2.............~ 3

as Usgted Re. Is. % 15 15

Phe. u. . . AIUe-W. 144i 144% a

Ide , ba ama. &ose l esesa i aWI 3......fWat er eIla t.a; ea 3sep. WI439 15A, 14a.s .ar . CLaL.... 6

We5 Wer 3w.........134as t8 13O Wen . Merylen , 9ti;t ge 5

.. s.M. s....... ...%. ..aa; wu O's -. L a, M i 3s.

ata em e 36 e 55G mm %i e.

-eiea~mt ast ar e dainet LT

iancEEW YORK CI mAiEm.

Now Tk. K URhnItm Tie ................ NM 13

lsades chiaed - Yf.. . . 1s 12

B>sa Coea" Im >.............. >.

Belte a New lik...................... 36 16

commeapper ...............a 1%asen OB ........................... 2% 11Coi .f & ....................ft- U

smsa- Tabsso L.................. m 106%Xme--- P mograp ...................... 134

Fat Naiesual 0.pper................... 6irnu.. . . . 7t% IS

eakl Barke ............................ 0 "

Harematy 1bn e........................... 1%3Hama. na aa 2be 9................. 3 "

Hanm 0 ............ .......... ..... s

ram m =. ......... 1I 13Int. L Pamp. w. L..................... " 4

1UL B. Peop (A). Od.. w. L......... f 1IJ7w" '111..... .............................. 0 6w)

Kath. s p1L......................... 31 0

Kda ldTI. 1t pd........... 10

Kelty-Bpriga.ld The ...................Lake Torpedo ............................ 4

L ah . L ama .......................... .

Mae T ............New York Trans. .... 1 14Nor. Bee. "seks',..... .................

Otis Mater .... .Otis Eevatr V....................I

R. & H. C ...........................Royal kning P o ..................... 1

Royal Baking Powde' i..........Singer Mfg .................................W

United O. Btas.. w. 1..................... %

United P te Ihaing ................... 1%1%

United Verdi ........................... 25 1%

Wabash P. T.. w. 1............ 1. ..

World Film .. 1%1%Yukon G iod................................

BONDB.Canadian Pana 6.... ......Cerro de PaeO ...:. ....... 15 1

'aetio 0. A . 8 .......................

Western Padhe k ............ 36 0

AO7r1VU CURD 8100[8.Aetna Cry. W. ........ % 244 %Amatisan later. Co ...... 3 2m 3Butte Copper a Zin c..... Pa 044 MTerre do Pace ....t...... 41% 0Chandler M ot. .. M 60 30Cberrolet Moo ........... lI 131 134Cuban Cans Bar....."". 344 51 .4Kounsett C oppr--"-".... 0% 504 i%Maxim M . .. 15 8 6Mda St al.... .. O% 11%Midvale 014W rt s ....... 211-14 f4 316NipMidng .. .............. 4 - 4% 6%P0.1s Mo o . 5 Iutmri Corp.... ... 36% 31Tea Co. its ....................1145 1711 274

Tobacco Products...............42 " 4045Triane S. ...................... 4% .

DON DS.Balmore A Ohio w. I....101% 16 141%

C..i.&St.P..W.1........ % 13%(L. n. VTr 44. w. L.... . .10% 14% 1444

eR. R. 41. w. L1........... % % 1%Ere R. R. ri.. w.L...........1. 14 'AWtidea P. s.W. .............. .. . .


the rican market toy. A and for Mshlad by Important apot onsss whichk~ Us dt be williog to b. unlimited qusa..t.. at 2

point belows May. auad maroasma among Shute.Final Quotations r....... 1 1n h 36r

Storks at interior polnls for th. laft cak ds-crsad 4,e bal esa ra.. d wtt a law1 16Wkls last weak. Olnvtn sportad that aboutthirty fre gesaf were booked to a il fry thatport lte this smooth, mt assut ad al toApril with ott.n and other r 56.Ratre ia the .jap15 continued ki4%, ream to

Lirerprol emaadtng W. 0mtwls cogutsaw said to e up.lfont receits fr thes day wre 1*5 bales, s-

iaed with 47.4 bai. a . . e a.... .. h wereno iport today. .eports ..... yr am wantdto 47.04 bMs. Clesnoom for the m sweet.

P.3,0 bales. ..o.a. ad with ........ ba.for

the coraaordlng p.od . a.i. .

TexaC . . 1. orp17e 1

PNWUmO . P.pu (Wentoa. doe.

tI a.,. br-ebraul.5 1.8 T13 7.16% 7.10%Taco- Pprilo t... 7... 54 7. 5 7..1.7.

Tiange l . ....... 7.50 7 6 7.:4%7.4%

Jultiogelt.hi ,7.441 7..01% 7.16 7.416

Ci.. 4. Noembt. P. . .. 7.247.0 47.18%lilint. 77 , 7.7. Sales. A0Nhales.

New Yle.

Open. ... Lew. iOb. 4oss

l(aroaurn.1.... 1125 125 1125 12223Ma h ... .t5I 11.44 1LlS 1:.37 11.35

Er .. ............11.41 11.0 11.0 11. 11.66

MLe...... ,... 21.. . ... 11..... 11.1'71A~ll....... '161 11.61 11.21 11.11.61f

, ctolrer.......11.0 1107 11.0 12.06 11.60eounbsr.3..13 12.1 1141 111 115

New O asbers.

oay.MAd Law. Or does.

Jan ry.....mpon11. p 2.11 11. 0 1hic 11..larch...........10.60 11.14 10.0 11.10 10.6fto .............. 11 11.0 Ll 11. 0 11.'2July........ 11.47 11.70 11.44 1 165 11.5

r 11.4 110t 11.4 11. 11.Leasmber....bale 11.3 11~ 1 11 f10 11.6

NEW YOBS GRAIN.New York. e. GI.-WHtoe-Wake; fair is

mirOy. No. I Numthern. f. a. la. 146%; No. 3 red.tI. . , t . to amrine N . 2 ard winter. th.

f. ot. .; No. 1 Manitoba, f. a bA. IN No. 4 Mot-rt14 Epatte took 2on.h00 bnet ln earty

ban witotr and Manitoba. artyestrda.tetN-nriter fair ion. No. 2 yellow, all

al, to anus. 84,; New No. 2 yello. kilndrel.,to arrive. 5%. C. L. f.; ow No. 3 bllnOdted. to a"-nEt recipt I. f. lipore took ba.% ba s.

art eportsto. E)AT - Weaker; bueems is fair. o. White

nmnal: No. 3 white, 2'314; No. 4 while. 465553: ,le-at- r bas. unraded. 51,5. bale fr

th40.00 buheda

NEW YORK PRODUC..New York. Fab . f-LOUR-Wsak; dalins amlimted. Kanoss y tn. t. to ardu. In or yots

.Oat-7 spring ar.a for Febr7a.y to Ma.4.300;., ing dean. 17.6.0; soft daigt. toarrihe. -pa6.10. Allquoatin% an 0. ad basis

In wholesale lis.BUCKWHEAT U.-MW; 7.%dey Is Bri7.Cboeu is quoted at .7 ; o. 7 b7.26 w7.a% gainslow at 1.x1.83. . Y.COR7CMEAI,-.Pitc Irrusular; lnquliy is eas

tir. Kallntd for inptc. 11540, I~n made;oagns mool. in ha.. l.67aL..I'0RE-Steadsl toms is rak1e Mss, 1.73a

2.Lt; family. .. .4.. 10; do . 114 1.5. 1.:nT-i.; Iqiry .moderas. Para.11.01

sto. ........l1. 1 101*5 s Irs Is 06 mes . .3

NewDSt~ rea s.mnls rm

WOtr.1s?:rle. Eigt.Leh. GIaSaMintaJAnura..... 11. r:ined 1LaMan 12.19 11.5:

nlember...... M t. 15 1L%

NeBor.Ceo..-.... -W.k.r;...r.inurye No.....N.rther .. .. . 0;.1 15edC. o b.,is 1 ...toare:... hard.w.nt.r. 13%C.oia h.0N.1 Caoba, f. . .7; No USma

romi. 14;. E Unres..took....2 .. £ ebesch

Oumrelina and Maniob.,.ar....t.a.ORN-IFirmer Li .qir. i.2sllw l

al arrIge, 014; ewurNo.23llw 1~ridto rrive. O%, .1. ew N.3kl-did toarris Pi%, c.e.......... isprtr oo 00 buspatmit pe ..........M 1

NAT--aker;oi im....... fr.N. itenoi:No. F3t wie....;.... hi.e, 3Ma

51;e~leatodasis, .nrae..5s.5 Eapr

touo.4,00 buabel .......3.a

Newol 0ork e Os.-FLOU.---W. k;..... s are

1tioed. Kainsa stahts....... t rbi rlo

.ao.u; Psin Oh.ntsforFebuar toMash6.a650 prng lwsb .;sottat.oinwoesalem lots. P~eLb..13BUCKWHGEAT FIA)UR-...; -gtslo a 01.821.83, i.ifCORNMirrices ireua;m nur isn,

POK-ta .n~aai ue. Me is541.00 famly I.0Bms dae. 03

Us~ifamly 1841 .w etak Indi me S.LARD-08ady Ode.nd is itv. srm

ErarMiedb W.. -lb 3M Oi

Atlnte Rak ba................. m hee


Gotham Experiments andProves Civic Electric Plant

Is Costly Idea.NEWS OF LOCAL MARKETSWashingtop Railway Stocks Easier.

Graphophone Company ReportsSurplus Fund of $854.310.75.

New York recently has furnished astriking lesson for the considerationof proponents of municipal ownershipof public utilities. Following investi-gations covering more than a year, con-ducted by the ranking experts of theEast on municipal economy, it is foundthat the city can purchase electricityand steam for power, lighting, andheating purposes more cheaply than itcan manufacture it. even without con-sidering capital represented in the mu-nicipal plant.The experiment was tried out in

1913 by supplying five of the princi-pal, municipal buildings with electric-ity and steam from the plant in oneof them. The total cost to the cityfor one year was $39.311."1. and theinvestigators reported that the sameservice could have been purchased fromthe Edison Company at a guaranteedsaving of at least 84.000. The experi-ment cost in the neighborhood of $20,-004, of which amount the Edison Com-pany paid one-half. The test was con-ducted under the direction of the Bu-reau of Municipal Resarch, whose sug-gestions, incidentally, as to improve-ments in Washington, always have fal-len on attentive ears in the MunicipalBuilding here.

In view of the announced intentionof two of the Commissioners here tobring about municipal ownership ofpublic utilities, the New York experi-ent is of unsual interest, not only toshareholders in the local concerns, butto all taxpayers as well. Those di-recting the test were desirous of mak-ing a record; perhaps it would not beunfair to say that they hoped theexperiment would prove the practica-bility of municipal ownership. At anyrate, the experiment was conductedunder the most favorable conditions.constantly watched over by experts,and without any of the political loose-ness and inefficiency which might rea-sonably be expected to result from alarge and established municipally-owned system. No doubt this reportwill be of peculiar interest to, and richin information, for the Board of Com-missioners of the District of Colum-bia.

Will Have Chais Ike Seaste's.The arm chair used in the United

States Senate has been taken as themodel for brokers' chairs with whicnthe new quarters of the WashingtonStock Exchange are to be furnished.Broker, are now dropping into theoffces of W. B. Hibbs to test out thefirst model which, naked of finish orupholstering, has been sent in by themakers for a final O. K.The chair is a light but extremely

comfortable structure, underslungwithout being "sloppy," of mahogany,with a fine green leather seat andback. The lines generally are after aSheretan model. In addition torthesechairs, the new quarters will have sev-eral huge leather sofas, also finished ingreen, and a number of small mahog-any chairs outside the rail for spec-tators.

Ralway Stocks Easter,Little interest was shown in the reg-

ular call at yesterday's s-sslon of thelocal stock exchange. Washington Rail-way stocks were easier. with the pre-ferred selling down 3-4 of a point to81. American Security and Trust Com-pany dropped eight points in an odd-lot sale, to 260. Lanston was fraction-ally firmer and other stocks held up.

Gwpophone He Big Surplus,The annual report of the American

Graphophone Company for the yearended December 31. last, shows a sur-plus of $854,310.75 after charging off$491,853.62 for depreciation. $516,492.82for patents, franchises, and good will.This stock is strongly held here inWashington and a large number of thenew 6 per cent bonds are being mar-ketted through the local exchange.Earnings for the year from all

sources totaled $1,988,401.30.

Operting Revenue Gains.Operating revenue of the Baltimore

and Ohio Railroad Company for themonth of January totaled $9,444,287, anincrease of $1,958,016 over January,1915, according to a statement issuedyesterday. Net operating revenueamounted to $2,048,976, an increase of$516,499.For the seven months of the fiscal

year ended January 81, operating reve-nue was $64,484,511, an increase of $10,-859,885. The net operating revenue forthe same period was $20,260,878, an in-crease of 85,691.274.

U. S. Treasury Statement.The condition of the United States

Treasury at the close of busIness yester-day was: Net balnce in general fund,$109,85, 721; total receipts, $6,131.1i3; totalpayments. $1,966,551.The deficit this fiscal year is 8i8,48749,

against a deficit of 8,377,357 last year,exclusive of Panma Canal and publicdebt transactions,

157,399 BATLla 101 WEEK.

Cate.. mzpest. frsng -autal aSincAugust Up to 3,333,8oa Bale.

Cotton exported during the wreek endedFebruary 15, at the twelve principalcustoms dIstricts of the United Stateswas as follows, according to the De-pertmnent of Ommerce:

Geria 1,G bales; iMaschuetts,bal; Maryland. 17 bales, New Yorkr,

1958 bales; North Caonone; Phil-adelphb, '76bls;ot line 8,275bales; 'Virginia, none; Galveston,. 66,30bales; New Orteans, 31,16 bales; BenFrancesco 4$70 bales: Washigtn,11,21bales; total, 157.5 bales.The export of 157.3, bales of notton

during the past week makee the totalsine August 3, 1968, approutmata* M.80baisa.


-S@S iU M bead;

- e YORE 2u03.luwreY . .- Cuff m... ta. .p...

1% e ser me, R :;M ; ea.. a se seat;% al1r iat; neg sate. % pe t; I.

M thae reprted a As leer teademeIn the sastet ter ties - s---am.- Whle thetao.,tr awed . pueestle eaer.. 1.pdemwas feuoed 4 he less lbseal wth ter eadamsa aemit oft appesane lees et vsetd

in ther bt w ' .a m.atm ble. aboeer, e.male at V6 per eet a.t peremet Sar *hty days,3 per -eet for -ty 6 to 3 pr eat farfr meths, per st far dye and ri asenthe.With the mipply a mager as seer, tamenasa

in a amelal tpsar -eaaed 1at. Pmes. maturites wa seadr aboatbed at 3 Per east.

Man.Today. day.

Iteritng. demand ...... ........ I.18 4.8%tietg, cabie .................... 4.17 4.1Steng, I day ................. 4.7% 4.8%

trn,daa........................ LRu%om.,ders. 4 ..:...... ....... ufMI rgGuler. u ...... .

% u%Guilder, abl ............ . %Rlem k a ................... T4%

Re,-.t.,k mum ....................r04 TIketmruc~ 74e L71U , a a ......................... . 11

swi . o ........................... .5 . a,

ea ........ Ira~ 1.0S woci m ,ab e er ge ...... ... 49 LW6ueth.q kram. telda. 1a.1.4Mtcho~~km. thda. .3 ...*4

Petsae. a s.......................... . .stehu . i~e .. g........ a saRabi... haa ......................... 41% 31%

CHICAGO BRAIN XARKET.deme,. Iehr. 1-A mam oreals market in

the wheat pit than that of today has not beessean in many montba With thd big break atWinnipeg on Tuesday and a lower market at r-pool at that time and with a heavy run at reeiptsin aIi positione, the aeage whet trader ws akeen bear and a heavy eller at the tap af thebell this morning. The May future opened at1.2% to 124 and the July from Lipt to 1.17%.Thw aone were made sdmultaneonely In vaiossection. of the pit, showing that the upe ordersheld by brokern to sell these futures were large.

It was soon noised around that WInnipeg somd1.01000 bushels cast wheat yesterday. that NewYork reported 90.40 bshsele that day and thatBalthmore, Philadelphia and some of the Gomh-western markets claimed mere or leasecah best-nee, with Great Britain the principal buyer. Thisnews caused a partial change in smentiment. andthe May advanced sharply to 1.3% and the Julyto 1.19%. Thee flos were not far away fromthe seing spota when there were net lems ofabout 1%c for the May and fir for the July.There was light eueouregement for the bulle frm

abroad a spt wheat at Lverpool was $M belowthat of Monday and argees were Md lower.Te baying of wheat today was mok gateger

than the selling. A great deal of this gran wasthrown overboard In the way of liquidation andthere was snme wheat sold that was a bedgeagainst the actual grain to came forward.Corn was Indpendely stong today. cesing

with gains of %al%c for the day. The marketdeveloied strength Sono after the opaning andwas firm throughout the day. hniulng around thebest prices vesebed. Orantry oferinga werelight with doestto denand eLek. The weanIn wheat as well as in oats tailed to hase anyeffect on corn.

Paralsbed by W. B. Hibbe t Co.WHEAT- Open. High. Low. Clos.May........................ ;.1% 1.1% 1.10% 1.904July.......................1.1% 1.194 L17% L1L%

CORN-tay........................18% 71% 7% 78%lily........................ 7'% 78 10% 17%

O ATS--May..................... 4M % 46% 46%July........................ M 44% 43% 40%PORK-May..................... .70 .00 1.6 .KJuly........................ .70 3.E 3. .0LARD-May........................I .rs 19.2 70.6July........................ 10.0 10.0 1.93 1.0RIB.-May....................... 11.0 1L.3 17.r 1.7July........................ 11.1 71.70 197 11.78

BOSTON STOCK MARKET.Boston. rob. 5.-The market was narrow and

quiet. Maamadmsetta Cnasolidated was strongest ofthe mining features.Mason Valley lst a dollar to 14. West Indies

Steamship rane to 34%, and preferred to 4%, later31% and 48%. respectively. New England Telepihoe.1364. Boaton A Malm Preferred, 70; Edison Electric.2J.

High. Low. Clon.Alaska Gold ....................... 21% 22%Allouez Mining .................... 73% 72% 73%Am. Aai. Chemical ofd.......... 0 97% 49American Telephone .............1 127% 13%American Woolen pfd............. 94 0% 10%American Zinc .....................3% a% 12%Arizona Cocn. Mining ............. 9 9 9Boon & Maine ................... 44% 44% 44%Boston Elevated ................... 84 H 8MButte Superior .................. 94 9% 0%Calmnet & Arlsoma MIning...... T4% 7414 74%Calumet & Hecta Mining......... 104 103 083Centennial Mining ................ 17 17 17Chino Mining ..................... a 99% a8%Copper Range Cons................. % 40% 1%East Butte Mining ................ 13% 12% 131Granby Mining .................... ..2 91% 91%Greene-Canaea Mining .......... a% 47% 41%Insiration Conselidated .. . 4% 0% 4^Ide Royale Mining ................ 3 3 3Lake Mining ....................... 17% 17% 17%Mas Consolidated Mining ......I116 18Masa. Ga .......................... 06% 96% 49%Mam. Gas pfd...................... 97 17 87Mohawk Mining ................... 9 12% 90%Nevada Con. Mining .............. 164 14% 184N. Y.. N. H. I ................. a% a 4i7North Butte Mining .............. 20% 8% 21%Old Dominion Mining ............ 70'3 70 70Osceola Mining .................... 94% 94 94Pond Creek Coal .................. 12% 127' 12%Quincy Mining ....................3% I MRay Cons. Mining ............. 3% 14 X%St. Mary's Mineral Land.......... 71% TI 71Shannon Mining ................... 11% 11% 11%Shattuck Ariz. Mining ........... 3 M 1Superior Mining ................... 1 19% 3Swift & &(b....................... 17 127 127United Pruit ....................... 144 144 144United Shoe Machinery ........... i5 5 55United Shoe Machirusy pid...... 3% % S%U. S. 8um., Rf. & M............. 65% 45% a%U. S. Sm., Ref. & M. pil........ 1% 10% 00%Utah Con. Mining ................ 14% 14% 14%Utah Copper Mining ............. l 1% 8i%Ventura Oil ........................ 9% 9 9Wolverine M eng ................. WA 4%

WASHINGTON fODUCE.Quolatines given below are for large Iotaat go

marketable goods only. Jobbers* prou are hlghe..Lower gradee may be moM for lem. Vame goodeenmmand higher prims.

The quotations on the produne market yeterdaypae urnead Rleeists were eomeuhat heavy.bat amr pasmed under an mctive demand. TheSmaaket, of partientar interet at thie time. re

malued eteady at 11 cente. the receipta appearingmoderately end with quality. Poulta mnd vege-tables were moderately active. Reeipts nearbyset potatoes heavy.EGG&-Fresh, per doe., ti; do.. Uoathaen.EBUTTER-emt twrita, new, per lh.. M4%, do, tub

per lh., 3.1; terome. 3, under grade, mesmery. NaN; etore-pseked, 183.LAED-Tebk pure. Rh.. 11mB: do.. enmpound, 1g4k:etettoneed ml, per can. 3f.5CHEE7SE-New York. new, per lb.. 18; fiat. per

lb.. 18; Swiss dmunc per lb.. 3; do,. foreige.per 1b.. 4ULIVE POOIRET-Eee, mer I., IG; cster, lb.

11; epring ducks. ee lb.. liem; chickens. per lb..GREEN G eans. per be*et. T8mL3: beeta.

Per sate, 1442*; Bresels arue, per ot., 14417;eabbags, per blir, 7848.; do., new, per brdt, 1.Ma1.0 carrete, per hoeh. g45; .ua-.e pe ante.11.1; cei. pmr ste. 4.444: do., frieria, permate. l.ial. imm-em, per-badet. IaLS~; cab.lege, mr aete, 1-1841.8; eples mate, 118LS; hole, mer tbi.. LI4;3 Rettaa, Plorida. perbesket, 1.381.*; onie. mer set. 1.884u.; par-a.s~bg. Sii; pepara saie. 1.W3lM l000ee. he.,

;petasee. inc. L2.1; mweats, 1bL. 331AT1;1.78 pamae, per bb.. 1.Ma2.*; qu per b., !.881.18; ofrhea'e. per dam.. 789L3; ,tah per tbt..3.5; t"e'ee, leida, e este 131u8; tamelpa,me kbL, 1.3al; do., mer beg. 318.FRUITB-Apples, per bin., Stai.S: eranerese~bbL.. 8.484.; do., per boa, LJ9at.e; grape-

t, pebag.sma heem-- par beg, 4.8en44*;ermags.uata:es Fa. pm

asse aMu;

.,U 14at1 ales, ab.s e ..11.8DEZaSUD GOODS-Dreae -~ amal. mer l..

8%alS: da. -ee=w mer lb.. 4d. heavy. pms3; a4. mm. me U. Wil; de., heame, parAKr, S3%AW. AND coa*-aw. best a3%thl.MalaI ; whea pC Sm. Si31t* Smugg-

... -a. pm Us. 3... awa.-m sW . .w...4. ..%~s

biisheIae -ede W 0,f D a O

-a m Nmempe. N at S at 2.Amri m sieott ad i1.. s at 2%hAer .3B:Amidma Oupa~i a ins .d. IsOs atUf.W==Mkisgm Baflmay p.m at NS {nar B.

-- M a 16 % (ilr 1S.Wakingom- Natiwy pdiL. 9 at a%, I at a%.

B1. AdheUnited Mats reg0.itE 0............. 0% .....

United States mnapon 2U................. 1% .....

Umte States ,a tuse 11.............. lm ....

Umtoed ste.coope. 1.............. . .....

Uatted Rates registered M.............S% 11N1%

Unite States asegun U ................... N.% .....

D. . s.................... ..

GAS 3ONDm.-esgatow Ga. Curt. 1.L ........... x ...

Gasmtw " iN .................. 1 ..

WasMagtn Gas g......................... 0M 4f

Colemb Gs " a egttste .............. 5 .....

OstemsMa Gas " D. U=.... a .

RAILROAD ONDE.OspstaI "Iation b ....................... 106%

A=m & Poma. Gear. a............ " ..... & Potomac . .................. M .....

Ot & Sbuban i..................... M .---

Metropoitan U...... .

Wauhigeon Railway A Uewota 4.... VA UK

MZ3CE.LANEOU BONDS.Potomac lectric Ons, Is............... N% UK

Potma bMeetre ight p ............... 84.....Cbeapake & Potomac TeuphUoe 4.. 1M3% 11AsIsan Ttishek m & Telegabh i.... .Amerteia Telephone A Temsgaph 411e... 1% ..Grapbo. e lat o......................... a%NWasbnguto M.ket . 1 N............ N .....

Washington Markat i, 1 5f.............. a .....Washington Market Cold Storage i.... 0 )ANorfolk & Wah.ingteo Stambeat is.... 1 ..

Riggs Realty tM l n1... .......... ! ....RI Realty is (bert)r..................... N..

PUBLIC UTILIT! STOCKS.Capital Traction........................... am VAWashington Railway & EletIe em... *0 M

Wahihgton Railway & fettrie pfd... 'S pNorfolk and Wahington I. isWashington Gas............................ 10% WT

Amedria Telephone & Tlegrat..........i .....TYPE MACBIND STOCKS.

M-mthar Lintye.................... 0 1%

Lanstn M onniyp.......................... " 0

MINING STOOKS.Greae-Cnanee . .....

NATIONAL BANK STOOKS.Ammesmt ..................... .1 DS

C*aital ...................................... 0.....

ColAmbia ......... ......................... 1 31Commerdal ..... . ...... 10 11

....................-.--.-.........District 135Paramera Mechates' Nat. Bank..... 1 ....

Fadaral .................... 3 ..-Lificoln ..................................... 10 .....Metropolitan ................................ is 11Second ...................................... 141 .....

National Bank of Washington...... 21s 1TROST OMPANIm.

American feeurlty & TrusL ..... 51 31

National Savings & Trut................. M .....

rt , Trost .................. IV% 1D

Washiagton Loan . That................. 1 .....

bntinntal Trust ................. 112 1NSAVINGS BANK STOOCK.

Home avings.............................. SS .....Con 'erce a avings ...................... 1 ....

bast Washington Saeingo Bank......... . ...Security Savings & Commercial Bank.. ....

FIRE INSURANOU STOCKS.Ar agteo .................................... S

Careean .................................. aIremen's ..14 ...

G~erman.Amertcan ......................... M .....

National U no n........................... s .....TITLE INBDRANON.

Columbia Tit........................ 4% a%

Real Estate ................................*.....MISC ELIANSOIS STOOKS.

Capin-SacksC. ................. l .....District of Cohmbln Paper Mft. Os... I .American Grachophone .common........ 118 15Amerien Graphopbone prefered....... II IxMerchants Tansfer & Storage.......... 10I'spearity torage........................... Iu a

Washington Market .................... 1K .....

*e$ ddmS.

BALTIMORE STOCK MARKET.Baltimore 1kb. fl.-The elI gronp utieh ban

been thes malnaay of the local stock markt firseveral eeks, was under remote today. and quot-tions declined rather sharply.This was specially tans of (adr.. m-mm. amn

s per cent bonds. the former banking 1% pinta,and the latter 21 pitin


ater in. 191..............................71.

Internal Impt. 3Ma. 1,..............

rtthana 3%s, 190 ....................1

ding il . ion 1 .... 136.............Rtfunding 190..........................itr Mlio4..1.....................('It .4. I 1 . ............ .....

City 4%4.. 1M .......- ..............--... 0f .....

CAS AND ELUTRIO.Aaltimore 1ectric pfd.. 0................. 4%

Bmramae Gas in.......................... .....

lon. Gas 0. O. M. To. 01 .................. .....

Don. Gs G. M. 4.. C1.....................

C. G. 3 L. & P. C. M. 4%. 1s.... 0% Us

U. . L. " P. 1s . M. 4. 111'.... % ..

BANKS AND TItUST OS.Baltore Trust .......................... 19

Dummcnwealth Bank...................... 105

Pamers & Marchante Nat.. /........

IidelIty & Deposit. .....................17

Equitable Trust...........................N15 W6

Maryland casualty. 5.................... 6 t

Memran. TT. & Dep. Co.. 0.-..........

National Echang. 140..................1I% 167

RAIROAD STOCKS.Northern...tal. ..................

(Steet Railway)UnitedRailayst l3eetaCo.. Is. %

RAILROAD BONDS.Atlantic (bast line con'. Deb. 4.., % ...Atlantic Coast Itn. of (ann. 1oe....1%

os. W. Car. in -...................... 14ot. SRailwn C. E. etr ............ 3 11%t Cop Bra IoA BND.............. ..

Aelant Pato it . 111............ lE% INGeorgia t Alabama Con. ...... 9: .....New Orlana .ret Northrn I......... 15% UNew O(eags. No. oA Ca.. . .... 105 N(street Railway,.)Chica BsflwRysa s..........................U

MU. rI. Rat. 4 . . ............... 1; 1Wein.-St. abl Joint Cn............... 1e.....

United rly. Gre at orthC n 50. . 50% OiWaOhigton. Babtinoe & Ainapoli .... N. .

ISCU.ANEOUS.Alabama Co.. comman................I1 . ..Alabama Co.. lit p11.. 100................... N47Alabama Co. en...................... U

Anndel it P au.. om o ............... 0 t5Wi BaltimAre Tube n ...............

Dry Dock co.....................0by Dock pfd . . ...................... 10

Baltimore Tube. common.................. U2

Coden Gas, common.....................9 1%

Onden, com0.................... .... a

Oeden. in..........................12 5

Canton Co............................UOnaoldation (Onal, 3................IKN

On. COal 6s..................Elkhorn Fuel. coi-n ...............liElhorn Fuel Ia......................16Davison Cheitol en..........Elkhorn Corporation 5...............3UHiousten Ol ..ommo.n (IT. C046...........aMar. A Vin. Tran., mew..............84Mt. Vareon MIII.. -amann......

lit. Vernon Mills. presrd............ & M. i.....................U%

P~ol. ie Eand Ich. 0C..............Pub. Ber. Bldg.. rdS.....................13T. H. Symington eLI..............1Penn. W. P.0 ..................... 14

Penn. W. P. A5.....................1.

Wayad il............. ..... St

BALTU1ORE.....Dainretb.£-KU liB ma ob~hes.oea~ibit5.45 tSe ag

COR-Besip.. t ~uin ....

38.5~bW~u~ssd5. b ..i .. 11

I. binat ~g.~ . . in in.d.5p~11 Bm~nl; bbaae ....

samina;Mar~L a ~ 100%U1S0gaOATSBeheota.3.13 ~ 106% ....

~ se~ .. Si ... ..~ -

MU W i. WI t. daSi.....

~e he5O .T3S-.,% .....


pmI n 3 oM4 Myn,106al Di -

a.W M-se a..h3ma,

t> ; W e a s M14bo mI w .Wma-caemwra W. 1Y,W5I:4M EM'S: a as:boble e : went TtilV a eea, stid; arse.3G(Md, bi anl > t sa: bneto r mdaw,EGG -Mas eo. 38 mylam, andlmi adnas"d -NIF ftama, 4 aissan se Marsad. an.dV.a, anka s: Wtna (Obs awl., a; WsVbrn , d gambra (wfth Chenm

G 5W UTU AND TEEABL -Appes,munt. Imms4e, per bM., 1.451; 4d.. New

OWat Sta psals sama1s: do.. Wsiem Msopi a d d e di s n a . e p e r k b . . . ks

beams, Bu". NNE-. pO baki. L 5 L ; do..Pla,! vens. per lbet, LWSI,; dl.. -Fida.

pm bet, L45lI; embo, Ner TaltM , ddPer Is., U U11.6; d.., mor. babs. al4A; dn. T yak ad rafls. oar

00m. air.,. Plan par esar, t2A3;'m'"". h.le pr habr 5am45N"; eg,pI-.t, F1ld. pm esta, LME; gs.Praet.

Fods. Pa boa. 1653; kms ndid, menlr.prbor. L MMa; bal. Solm, pr ku.. Noll; ettee,11.14. pm l"lM. babet L.451; eaea West-'- Msriold and Pennmtswa.d, eow. pm haiL15a*; Ia. Wadhlr, pr h-b. ad,;maps , Phits. as is Mi.,pt bae,USLSM;

p. m.e., pF r bodet. 15.1; Mpsm Fierds.pmr at., L TS; 0Isaa4. Norfolk, per bbl.

twU.; adsemebe., einda, ratiraser. pr et..4a5;a=-en. Felrida. fans. dw, Pm meat.

at aw; do.. ilda, choles. pr raw. 1JtS;tGems, native. pr be boa. S.S,

PKf1ADBLPKI& fPRODUCE.Etllsdelsia, Mb. a-The mukt was de and

poea of spirtg en fbrther raduid about le perbarrel. We quota 1M pounds In wuod: Waitar dear,IM".S; do .bahbt, S71M51; do.. tstent, 43e'

4.0; ea.ns. ear. Puta mds, 5.,0; do,a151ght, jute asa. 5.m5.e; do., patent. lute .,eh1,

Ais15i; riu. alet eir, 55.0; do., straitt.6.5.10: do., patent, U50e; do., famnrte breads.

0.671.; City Mnl. idoke and fany patet, ta7.5. Citl'Mlls, TWuar Rad . -Winter ekic, S.S.L0: do., taight, .5.0; do., palest, t1m.BUTTER-Th market ruled a with dmzad

aboamiag tke lited orias of deshabis stoeka.We Quote: Wites eild-paded amern , !Haelipenal. S%; etnra, 5%; entra Areta. 3ka6%;yasnt, 3X; aeosda aN; art petal (s, fa,. S;me; drt, .75 par name; Southem, L76 pr

one taatq asleced odlhi fm opwere libbos5t 655 per desn.GREEN FrIUITS AND VOEETARLMS-Appain,pm banrl-Jmsathem. 3a3175; do.. far t4Pod. 13A6; WimesAp 164351; nMdwl.. LMa3.7: Blad Twig, 15416: (Ge.m' Gold.., LW.

t0; Grs1 t 5a3.4 ; York Inpeial, L643.I'*uty Ounee. 1043.0; Pipin. 1S7.&0;BenDath. 1.T1at; other earietl. 1.6419; No. 2,

I.Psat; aphas, is bol, per 10 pouda Ma ;do., Weaten., per boa. L.3a; orange, Flrd.

Pm asd. L/43,; taImpar Floi d, pr trap.t144.%; grapofroit. Ploda. pm tnra, 2.65W:ino.., pr boar,; .amp-se per Ws4.

Porto Dlm. eM10,: do.. Florida, 2i.16; eram-bane. Cap. Cod. par barrel, 6.04.0.; do,. CpsCod, pr eeraft, 1M3M; eabeie. Jera, pm

bb., 7.0Y.0; b.. -Jnerer. p este., 100x1:ggsabenMt, Florida. rs refrparatoem, 1a; op erats.. lies; white potatos, Penem-ran, per bushd. LisaLS: Now Tek. pr ba..0a4LW; Maine. per husbl. 1.Mal.: Wster, pr

bushel, Le4LMe: do., Jeer. per b"&.t, No. 1RBo. 7510; No. 1 othe widee, 0476; No. 2.

M15; seet potatoe. Jermee. per baet, No. L4466: No. L 1la5; swats pOtata, llenla, pm

brrel. 1.4L75; mmts. p o NSmd ba.No. L.O mW2; No. 2, 7ia: embbgas Dieniab, par to.,

12.0.0; -bb- PFord. p,. b..per. !.51.;rabbtage. Sooth Carolina, pm ert. 1.641L*; dI-ery. Florida, pr rate. I1a.L0; apips., Norfok.per barrel. 75.1.0; kale, Norfolk. pm barel, M51;letture. Felords, ter batet. 741; do.. NorthCarolina, per baket, 7ral.4; beams, Pleqds, pmmease intrn, aN. StW, 365; aead, 50;-lobbing mhal ot faney zeta. h.1.2Go-Tne maret d.adined U. pm om edermore liberal receis Damn ad was mv fmeateta

We gaola: In e.m ., n.rb tr.. m ,a.p d.a.EMe, M pr standard eae; naarbr carrnt a-

aISS, 01 p.r -.: W.em e.a dmet. prbsaket. 1.50.2; pes, Florida, par beiet, L53i.; peppe. 1era.., pr Wa, 1.0.L71; opias .

Capitl . .Slrpls sad Udiided Prfitb,


Corner FourteE

A s customers of The CommnMEN proft by service thatare extended every courtes

q We are especially interested inNESS MEN-interested in their prtation invited.

30 ,fInterest Paid on/% In Our Saving


OFFICAshton G. Clapham......Arthur Lee...........James A. Cahill.......Tucker K. Sands.........Frank E. Ghiselli.........Herbert V. Hunt.........

AiThe undersign<of The Carnanorthwest, hasPress (Inc.),

I very latest typin addition toour plant one ofWe respectfull


V_ashtpale. Pe asr £w3:;


hi: v& Met; on 7 edoe;w. 4. l MOk. WI: -6Ra

mae., M. t P. ass d.. es pa

-wq s to le, 40 os. bow dwelSaAPT ..m b ...... l, a f,..

SUPU . .... gif2,e: 000,00 as;se

SiO,4 uR. er. 14, r, lMuDl; sta .sf gu- ua eW Banking % a f 3 quo

: MAGEl r oucs ho

sevati.vem alert Nalgmt,rM s.: 14. 69 ft IL. In iOl.. 305S;~Weab.e Is" 4 ld. mint. bi to.s. d.. 2 tor wi.. am ef-; d..d.

MI11 s to s1/30M. I. nrubo. Urn; 6110110.14: MP. pa b- M.. f L s. a dyes.fmcien y.. ; tool. . ;SAcc;on. do. I ndivdal

Yit~5; op"" doe.I lye; 6.Wadm. leoq. Von; d., d., -r t. sea. Mud;Imso and C 4. orprats; wsdew-,toi.~ was n to n 30. Pe ft.,.163

r.. .% wbt.~ p..~ $0 fa di.. U; do.

T Ito.. pe dam.. COMM5 do., 6s1 A., pa do..D.AUm; d ire L cbtL:f emad s. 1. LLU.

BALTIORE LIVE STOCK.eilttio..,. Md., Ota. tO -

sad eos, L 1.U;m A a

CnLVth -4bej ba, odt Nu. pm 1. U.11ri; Naod nal. WWI; n, meoIN Etese

p: bed. aies; ti . rielmt. a.dbi;menl.tIm alma. t~.sJJ; 5smm.lowm, pa

bad 1b41eag.prt

S~r'F CArrL-Y.. ota Im Pa wado.,wbta .nd th .iped Pm . COnu: -.

wu.zb ader ,4 UU s bo;em. epa..-~ I . 4. ..rp. 3-. 443 .u pm

sNod ea4m;/aw par to add Oeda, six311; from mum, wIth .nP, pm lead. IM";IL eeadow rodear pora MlIL

CAPITAL ........ SidSn

.. .. Psiden


A StrongBankingConnection

L ARGE resources, longexperience and con-

servatively alert Canagemetenable this old institution tosafeguard the interests of itscustomers with maximum ef-ficiency.o Accounts of Individuals,Firms and Corporations in-vited.Wn-we ihe. ownDRAFTS erect w Lead..

The RiggsNATIONAL FANK.INK. Aei Oa. . . enAmOS.

.................7S56mwOer....... ...$ ,SN.O


satisfies their requirements, andmound banking permits.


)blems and their success. Consul-

D Dpa t enta 3%T M evey dea fKDAYS ON DEPOSIT.

.LRS:.... ... ... ...President

Vice President

vice President and Cashier........Assistant Cashier.........ssistant Cashier

"ML.deied oanuc

A M me me -Dmakmete M. . Church war sum MO

eight at the ehereb. A tme m n nas.Mleeen wO be Sims as- at talAima be 11 a. M. te I p.3cuwe Werner ad MM . 1 wr an

rm e So - Moos at be t . awe u sN -

we rear. Mrs. r... m e.. a U' wS."-- hea nW.. ... O....t t..a >1.,

PC. C. Thempss an NeSle Thm--1re. Yr.. Jsa wa., as. mebtab.

e.Mrs. Mahar t ang a 1mZuaWane.

la a boa room ie Pars I a t glas. It o mt mes IMN

o mabe a dset on It them a me baebe~mreA ca.


St. Pad .gjRot leied Gmeea Rik.N. Y. cakal Jp.m... smt

taws e. +.. 1 :" w

Clarence Cone a Co.o ...dwy. w Tael

$100,000,000IN CoITm DIIlO I

' Theme are the auregat. divi-dends that a oou ervmtive s-horit estimate tI be/ad

tn copper aharebe-ea diting-A a hundred millien 6ellarei dividends Is out of Ua. with

present prite otf opper etockaA big reaustiat ut takelace in the aerkut vaiithooof copper recurities.'.And it is untiveally figuredwe are on tbe threshold of th is

nchludncbo e statinestIn copper shares-tht withinthe next sixty data we ane to-itne a..ei of ext.memarket anti ty n these =tete-A statistical book se te cop-per will be get usen. Ftsemwithout char th .ar.-

Ire.ethsTweb, eXP.ind'



Sw£airtseR h eem~ &.

USu es In tse Co.

A, s thinat e et k dat.terbed .ediee of th e e me nor.beta Pie de of t~er Mos (of 1mmu-ka5,. .ed J. AW EL e D r0.tint of Oskmid. 'us " a116 emE Th LO OK dmi a thEad R dst ersd 8.5M esrmeene thdr at. Weeao lfep tain ou Fod. Pop.t we me.ppei oc tmee e s ap heelnis

Sv.Lied in -ei "Ommemga [teassad lueeminta" _n

Swa rte, RO- - &Hey G.,

e2 Fdtoied Stkeet N.tweg.


T. R. J. CAMPELL &S.theather. Duding. Tel. u.s


Soradsters$18.50it d Cars$19.50FOR T3.f DATA ONLY-prior

to, our regular season-we willmake thine traordlar offer toPalnt iour Ford Prompt servcteassured e

MIIw Rena.Afln.m a mSupply H..e.

e1 te Fl Piaes street 15. E.Phone L. cool.
