bernard haisch, rueda contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated...

arXiv:physics/9802030 v1 17 Feb 1998 Contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion Alfonso Rueda Department of Electrical Engineering, ECS Building California State University, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, California 90840 [email protected] Bernhard Haisch Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Dept. H1-12, Bldg. 252, Lockheed Martin 3251 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, California 94304 and Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Extraterrestrische Physik, D-85740 Garching, Germany [email protected] (c 1998 Foundations of Physics, to appear in 3rd quarter) Abstract We present an approach to understanding the origin of inertia involving the electromagnetic component of the quantum vacuum and propose this as a step toward an alternative to Mach’s principle. Preliminary analysis of the momentum flux of the classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation impinging on accelerated objects as viewed by an inertial observer suggests that the resistance to acceleration attributed to inertia may be at least in part a force of opposition originating in the vacuum. This analysis avoids the ad hoc modeling of particle-field interaction dynamics used previously by Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (Phys. Rev. A 49, 678, 1994) to derive a similar result. This present approach is not dependent upon what happens at the particle point, but on how an external observer assesses the kinematical characteristics of the zero- point radiation impinging on the accelerated object. A relativistic form of the equation of motion results from the present analysis. Its manifestly covariant form yields a simple result that may be interpreted as a contribution to inertial mass. We note that our approach is related by the principle of equivalence to Sakharov’s conjecture (Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040, 1968) of a connection between Einstein action and the vacuum. The argument presented may thus be construed as a descendant of Sakharov’s conjecture by which we attempt to attribute a mass-giving property to the electromagnetic component — and possibly other components — of the vacuum. In this view the physical momentum of an object is related to the radiative momentum flux of the vacuum instantaneously contained in the characteristic proper volume of the object. The interaction process between the accelerated object and the vacuum (akin to absorption or scattering of electromagnetic radiation) appears to generate a physical resistance (reaction force) to acceleration suggestive of what has been historically known as inertia. PACS: 03-65-W; 03.20 + I; 03.50-K; 95.30 Sf 1

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Page 1: Bernard haisch, rueda   contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion






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Contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuumto accelerated motion

Alfonso RuedaDepartment of Electrical Engineering, ECS Building

California State University, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, California [email protected]

Bernhard HaischSolar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Dept. H1-12, Bldg. 252, Lockheed Martin

3251 Hanover Street, Palo Alto, California 94304and

Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik, D-85740 Garching, [email protected]

( c© 1998 Foundations of Physics, to appear in 3rd quarter)


We present an approach to understanding the origin of inertia involving the electromagnetic componentof the quantum vacuum and propose this as a step toward an alternative to Mach’s principle. Preliminaryanalysis of the momentum flux of the classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation impinging on acceleratedobjects as viewed by an inertial observer suggests that the resistance to acceleration attributed to inertiamay be at least in part a force of opposition originating in the vacuum. This analysis avoids the ad hocmodeling of particle-field interaction dynamics used previously by Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (Phys. Rev.A 49, 678, 1994) to derive a similar result. This present approach is not dependent upon what happensat the particle point, but on how an external observer assesses the kinematical characteristics of the zero-point radiation impinging on the accelerated object. A relativistic form of the equation of motion resultsfrom the present analysis. Its manifestly covariant form yields a simple result that may be interpreted asa contribution to inertial mass. We note that our approach is related by the principle of equivalence toSakharov’s conjecture (Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040, 1968) of a connection between Einstein action and thevacuum. The argument presented may thus be construed as a descendant of Sakharov’s conjecture by whichwe attempt to attribute a mass-giving property to the electromagnetic component — and possibly othercomponents — of the vacuum. In this view the physical momentum of an object is related to the radiativemomentum flux of the vacuum instantaneously contained in the characteristic proper volume of the object.The interaction process between the accelerated object and the vacuum (akin to absorption or scattering ofelectromagnetic radiation) appears to generate a physical resistance (reaction force) to acceleration suggestiveof what has been historically known as inertia.

PACS: 03-65-W; 03.20 + I; 03.50-K; 95.30 Sf


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As discussed recently by Vigier [1], “the origin and nature of inertial forces. . . can be considered as anunsolved mystery in modern physics. It still sits, like Banco’s ghost, at any banquet of natural philoso-phers.” The instantaneous opposition to acceleration of all material objects is conventionally assumed tobe a universal property of matter known as inertia. Historically there have been two views on the originof inertial mass. It has been assumed to be either an inherent internal property of matter capable of nofurther explanation, or, in the view of Mach, a property that somehow originates externally in a collectivelinkage among all matter in the universe. This last, often referred to as Mach’s principle, may be exemplifiedin a thought experiment. Rotation is a form of acceleration. The inertia of matter manifests itself in theexistence of centrifugal (and Coriolis) forces in the reference frame of a rotating object. Imagine a universecontaining only a single object. In the view of Mach it would be an absurdity to claim that, in an otherwiseempty universe, this object is capable of rotation. This would imply that centrifugal (and Coriolis) forcescould not manifest and that therefore the single object in an empty universe should be devoid of inertia. Ifa single external object is now introduced, the phenomenon of rotation, by virtue of external reference, isagain possible and the inertia of the rotating object should reappear. This allows the interpretation that theexternal object is the cause of the inertia of the rotating object. However it would be unphysical to assumethat any external object no matter how minute should be capable of creating all at once the “full inertia”in the rotating object that it would otherwise possess in the “standard” universe. It can thus be argued inthe Machian view that inertia must be an asymptotic function of surrounding matter that would graduallycome into being as the universe is filled around the object in question.

A rigorous and quantitative formulation of Mach’s principle has never been successfully developed [2].A tentative attempt by Sciama [3] to quantify Mach’s principle by associating inertial mass generationwith a vector extension of the gravitational potential (analogous to a gravitation current) resulted in aprediction that was later shown to be inconsistent with experimental evidence. In the Sciama formulation, theasymmetrical distribution of surrounding matter in the Milky Way should result in a directional dependenceof inertial mass with respect to galactic coordinates as measurable in a laboratory, this amounting to avariation on the order of ∆m/m = 10−7 whereas the experiments of Hughes and Drever subsequentlyindicated that ∆m/m ≤ 10−20 [4].

That general relativity is not Machian is exemplified by the fact that it is possible to formulate so-lutions of the field equations for an empty universe and for a rotating universe. Recent examination onthe relationship of the Lense-Thirring effect with general relativity further demonstrates the absence of aclear relationship and possible inconsistency between Mach’s principle and general relativity [5]. Additionalconflicts between general relativity and Mach’s principle are presented by Vigier [1].

The Machian view would imply that it is entirely arbitrary whether one regards acceleration as motion(or rotation) of the object in question or as counter-motion (or counter-rotation) of the rest of the universe.However because the inertia reaction force occurs at the same instant that acceleration is applied to an objectit becomes causally awkward to explain how Mach’s principle could be accommodated without the needfor instantaneous propagation of some kind of back-reaction field involving infinite velocity, thus violatingrelativity and causality [6]. Preservation of causality is, of course, a strong argument for finding a basis ofinertia that involves locally-originating forces and interactions. The approach of Vigier [1] is to find such anon-Machian basis in local interactions of a real Dirac subquantum aether model stemming from Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm causal stochastic quantum mechanics. The view presented herein substitutes for Mach’sprinciple in identifying the electromagnetic fields of the quantum vacuum as the external causative agent ofinertia by providing a locally-originating reaction force. Limitations of treatment allow us to show this onlyfor the electromagnetic vacuum, leaving the contributions of other vacuum fields for further extensions ofthe theory. An example of a contribution by other vacuum fields is precisely the one recently presented byVigier [1].

The original development of this idea [7] proposed that the inertial property of matter could originatein Lorentz-force interactions between electromagnetically interacting particles at the level of their most


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fundamental components (e.g., electrons and quarks) and the quantum vacuum (QV) [8]. This general ideais a descendent of a conjecture of Sakharov for the case of Einstein action [9] that can be extended by theprinciple of equivalence to the case of inertia. The approach of stochastic electrodynamics (SED) was usedin [7] to study the classical dynamics of a highly idealized model of a fundamental particle constituent ofmatter (that contained a “parton”, i.e., a surrogate for a very fundamental particle component) respondingto the driving forces of the so-called electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF), the classical analog of the QV.

Reservations can be raised about the proposal of [7], for example: (a) the complexity, in that theanalysis of the classical charged particle-ZPF dynamics involved an extensive calculational developmentwhich complicated the assessment of the physical validity of the approach; and (b) the introduction of adhoc dynamical models for the interaction of the field and matter particularly at very high frequencies. Amongthese dynamical assumptions there were two of clear concern: (i) the idealized representation of a particle asa “parton” (Planck oscillator) and (ii) the use of the Abraham-Lorentz-Dirac (ALD) equation as the startingpoint (the ALD equation originates in Newton’s Laws). Details on problems with the development in [7] willbe discussed in [10].

Consequently the primary purpose of the present paper is to outline a simple approach which avoidssome of these model-related issues by examining how an opposing flux of radiative energy and momentumshould arise under natural and suitable assumptions in an accelerated frame from the viewpoint of an inertialobserver without regard to details of particle-field dynamics, i.e., independently of any dynamical modelsfor particles. As the details of particle-field interactions are not of concern in the present case, the useof the classical electromagnetic ZPF formalism of SED looks quite natural. Using standard relativistictransformations for the electromagnetic fields, it is argued that upon acceleration a time rate of change ofmomentum density or momentum flux will arise out of the ZPF in the proper volume of any acceleratingobject, and that this turns out to be directed against and linearly proportional to the acceleration (Sec. II,III, IV and V). This arises after evaluation of the ZPF momentum density (Sec. IV, V) as it appears at a givenpoint in an accelerated frame S, to an independent inertial laboratory observer due to transformations of thefields from the observer’s inertial laboratory reference frame I∗, to another inertial frame Iτ , instantaneouslycomoving with the object (Sec. II) and from the viewpoint of the observer in the laboratory inertial frameI∗. Absorption or scattering of this radiation by the accelerated charged particle is found to result in aforce opposing the acceleration, yielding an f = ma relation for subrelativistic motions. We follow standardnotation in using f to refer to a three-force, and F = γf to refer to the corresponding space part of therelativistic four-force; cf. Eq. (9). The relativistic form of the force expression is obtained in Appendix Dand presented in Sec. VI. For the execution of this development we again assume hyperbolic motion [7, 11,12] (i.e., constant proper acceleration). Extension to an arbitrary accelerated motion is readily envisioned(Sec. VII). Section VIII concludes the paper. Important details or elaborations, extensions, and refinementsare left for the appendices (A, B, C and D).

What we tentatively propose here is that when an object of rest mass m receives an impulse and isthereby accelerated by an external agent, the following two features deserve special attention.

(1) The scattering of the incoming ZPF flux within the object is what generates a reaction force hereto-fore attributed solely to the existence of an unexplained property called inertia. This clearly must be directedopposite to the direction of acceleration. As shown below this reaction force will turn out to be proportionalto the acceleration a but in opposite direction to it, f zp ∼ −a. If there were an ideal body acting as a “perfectabsorber”, i.e, capable of interacting with all the incoming flux of momentum from the ZPF up to the highestfrequencies, an enormous maximum total reaction force would appear. In the case of a more realistic but stillidealized body of characteristic proper volume V0 that intercepts only a certain proportion η of the radiation(0 < η < 1), owing to this opacity there appears a reaction force on the body of the form f zp ∼ −V0ηa.The effect should clearly be larger for bodies of larger volume V0 and/or such that η, the matter-radiationcoupling coefficient, is larger. In this interpretation inertial mass becomes a function of such opacity. As theSED classical ZPF background is such a large reservoir of energy, this phenomenological coupling coefficientη can be extremely small for a substantial effect to still appear. We do not concern ourselves in this paperwith the nature or strength of η, i.e., we omit consideration of the detailed dynamics of interaction of the ZPF


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with matter in general or with material particles in particular. We report only on the necessary existence ofa force of opposition by the ZPF as characterized by a change in the electromagnetic momentum density tothe accelerated motion of the object without any concern for the details of the particle-radiation interactionembodied in the efficiency factor η.

(2) After the acceleration process is completed, from the point of view of an inertial observer attached tothe stationary laboratory frame there appears associated with the body in motion a net flux of momentumdensity in the surrounding ZPF. In other words, on calculating the ZPF momentum contained in the objectas referenced to the observer’s own inertial frame, the observer would conclude that a certain amount ofmomentum is instantaneously contained within the proper volume, V0, of the moving object. This momentumis directly related to what would normally be called the physical momentum of the object. Calculated withrespect to its own frame the object itself would find no net ZPF momentum contained within itself, consistentwith the view that one’s own momentum is necessarily always zero.


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In the following we reference a small (in a sense to be specified below) and accelerated “object” consistingof elementary “particles” contained within a small volume. The term “object” can refer to either such aspatially extended but small entity or, in the context of reference frames, to its central point. We assume anon-inertial frame of reference, S, accelerated in such a way that the acceleration a as seen from an objectfixed to a specific point, namely (c2/a, 0, 0), in the accelerated system, S, remains constant, i.e., the point(c2/a, 0, 0) is uniformly accelerated. Such condition leads as in [7, 11] to the well-known case of hyperbolicmotion [12]. We again represent the classical electromagnetic ZPF in the traditional form and assume thesame three reference systems I∗, Iτ , and S as in [7] and originally introduced in [11]. I∗ is the inertiallaboratory frame. S is the accelerated frame in which the object is placed at rest at the point (c2/a, 0, 0). τis the object proper time as measured by a clock located at this same object point (c2/a, 0, 0) of S. Iτ is aninertial system whose (c2/a, 0, 0) point at proper time τ exactly (but only instantaneously) coincides withthe object point of S. The acceleration of this (c2/a, 0, 0) point of S is a as measured from Iτ . Hyperbolicmotion is defined such that a is the same for all proper times τ as measured in the corresponding Iτ framesat a point (c2/a, 0, 0) that in each one of these Iτ frames instantaneously comoves and coincides with thecorresponding object point, namely (c2/a, 0, 0) of S. At proper time τ = 0 this object point of the S-systemalso instantaneously coincides with the (c2/a, 0, 0) point of I∗ and thus I∗= Iτ (τ = 0). We refer to theobserver’s laboratory time in I∗ as t∗, chosen such that t∗ = 0 at τ = 0. For simplicity we let the objectacceleration a at proper time τ take place along the x-direction so that a = ax is the same constant vector,as seen at every proper time τ in every corresponding Iτ system. The acceleration of the (c2/a, 0, 0) pointof S as seen from I∗ is a∗ = γ−3

τ a [12]. Occasionally we refer to S as the Rindler non-inertial frame. Wetake it as a “rigid” frame [12]. It can be shown that as a consequence the acceleration a is not the samefor the different points of S, but we are only interested in points inside a small neighborhood of the centerof the accelerated object [12]. Specifically we are interested in a neighborhood of the object’s central pointthat contains the object and within which the acceleration is everywhere essentially the same.

Because of the hyperbolic motion [7,11,12], the velocity ux(τ ) = βτ c of the object point fixed in S withrespect to I∗, is

βτ =ux(τ )

c= tanh



and then

γτ =(1− β2


)−1/2= cosh


). (2)

The ZPF in the laboratory system I∗ is given by [7,11]

Ezp(R∗, t∗) =



∫d3k ε(k, λ)Hzp(ω) cos[k ·R∗ − ωt∗ − θ(k, λ)], (3a)

Bzp(R∗, t∗) =



∫d3k (k × ε)Hzp(ω) cos[k ·R∗ − ωt∗ − θ(k, λ)]. (3b)

(See however statements on a normalization factor following Eq. (A5) in Appendix A. See also Ref. [13]).R∗ and t∗ refer respectively to the space and time coordinates of the point of observation of the field inI∗. At t∗ = 0, the point R∗ = (c2/a)x of I∗ and the object in S coincide (see Eq. (6) below). Thephase term θ(k, λ) is a family of random variables, uniformly distributed between 0 and 2π, whose mutuallyindependent elements are indexed by the wavevector k and the polarization index λ (or more technically,θ(k, λ) is a stochastic process with index set (k, λ)). Furthermore one defines,

H2zp(ω) =

2π2. (4)


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As the coordinates R∗ and time t∗ refer to the particle point of the accelerated frame S as viewed fromI∗ we, for convenience, Lorentz-transform the fields from I∗ to the corresponding Iτ frame tangential to Sand then (omitting for simplicity to display explicitly the λ and k dependence in the polarization vectors,ε = ε(k, λ)), obtain

Ezp(0, τ ) =




xεx + yγτ [εy − βτ (k × ε)z] + zγτ [εz + βτ (k × ε)y]

×Hzp(ω) cos[k ·R∗ − ωt∗ − θ(k, λ)] (5a)

Bzp(0, τ ) =




x(k × ε)x + yγτ [(k × ε)y + βτ εz] + zγτ [(k × ε)z − βτ εy]

×Hzp(ω) cos[k ·R∗ − ωt∗ − θ(k, λ)], (5b)

where the zero in the argument of the Iτ fields, Ezp and Bzp actually means the Iτ spatial point (c2/a, 0, 0).Here we observe three things. First, we take the fields that correspond to the ZPF as viewed from everyinertial frame Iτ (whose (c2/a, 0, 0) point coincides with the particle point (c2/a, 0, 0) of S and instantaneouslycomoves with the object at the corresponding instant of proper time τ ) to also represent the ZPF viewedinstantaneously and from the single point (c2/a, 0, 0) in S. Note the dependence on the proper time τ of theobject. Second, the corresponding fields in Iτ are obtained from a simple Lorentz rotation from I∗ into Iτ .Hence for every proper time τ in the Rindler non-inertial frame, the fields Ezp and Bzp appear as expandedin terms of the four-vector (k,k) whose components are the wavevector magnitude k = ω/c and wavevectork of I∗ [11]. This will prove to be an advantageous simplifying feature that will help in establishing I∗ asthe ultimate reference frame in terms of which everything at the object point in S at any proper time τ iswritten.

The third and final point is crucial: Though the fields at the object point in S and in the correspondingtangential frame Iτ instantaneously coincide, this does not mean that detectors in S and in Iτ will be subjectto the same effect, i.e., experience the same radiation-field time evolution. Detectors need time to performtheir measurements: This necessarily involves integration over some interval of time and the evolution of thefields in S and in Iτ are obviously different. Hence a detector at rest in Iτ and the same detector at rest inS do not experience the same thing even during a short time interval. (This point touches on the origin ofthe Unruh-Davies effect, which is beyond the scope of the present paper.)

Consider any dynamical system such as, for example, a collection of interacting particles: An infinitenumber of different dynamical states can yield the same instantaneous snapshot of the system configurationeven though the dynamical states of motion may be radically different. Two snapshots separated in timeare necessary to distinguish differences among systems coordinates involving velocities; three will begin todistinguish accelerations, etc. The state of the system cannot be captured in an exact instant of time, butrather is a function of the time evolution. Summarizing, while the two fields, namely that of S and that ofIτ , are the same at a given space-time point, the evolution of the field in S and the evolution of the field inIτ are by no means the same. Furthermore any field or radiation measurements in Iτ and in S both takesome time and are not confined to a single space-time point.

We clarify the notation used in the sense that all polarization components are understood to be scalars,i.e., directional cosines, but written in the form εi(k, λ) ≡ ε · xi, where xi = x, y, z; i = x, y, z. The karatmeans that they come from axial projections of the polarization unit vector ε . We use the same conventionfor components of the k unit vector where, e.g., kx denotes k · x. We can select space and time coordinatesand orientation in I∗ such that [11,12]

R∗(τ ) · x =c2





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t∗ =c




From Eqs. (1), (2) and (6–9) one obtains [7, 11]

Ezp(0, τ ) =




xεx + y cosh


) [εy − tanh


)(k × ε)z

]+ z cosh


)[εz + tanh


)(k × ε)y


×Hzp(ω) cos




)− ωc



)− θ(k, λ)


Bzp(0, τ ) =




x(k × ε)x + y cosh


) [(k × ε)y + tanh



]+ z cosh


) [(k × ε)z − tanh




×Hzp(ω) cos




)− ωc



)− θ(k, λ)

]. (8b)

This is the ZPF as instantaneously viewed from the object fixed to the point (c2/a, 0, 0) of S that is performingthe hyperbolic motion.


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In 1968 Sakharov [9] published a brief conjecture regarding Einstein action. In this approach the conceptof mass does not arise; objects simply move along geodesics. However one could go on to interpret this asgravity arising in certain perturbations by massive bodies of the surrounding vacuum fields, and the principleof equivalence would then imply that this should extend to inertia. A successful extension to a more generalfield theory than the one contemplated here would likely suggest that an inertia effect is caused by thevacuum of that theory, without the need of postulating any additional field solely for the purpose of givingmass to material entities (e.g. a mass-giving Higgs-type field).

The objective of the present paper is to study, by a completely different approach to that in [7], thehypothesis that inertial mass may be considered a vacuum effect, i.e., that within the limited context of ourtreatment, the parameter m of Newton’s second law (f = ma) can be explained as an effect due to the ZPF,i.e., that the inertial rest mass can be explained, at least in part, as a coefficient involving the object, itselectromagnetic coupling and other ZPF parameters. This is attempted now not by means of a dynamicalanalysis on a very specific model (as in [7]) but instead by careful examination of the structure of the fieldsviewed in relation to an object being compelled to perform accelerated motion by an external agent. Thegoal of such analysis is to find an expression and an explanation for the m parameter.

Newton’s second law can be more generally written, but still in its traditional nonrelativistic form, as

f =dp

dt= lim



∆t, (9a)

which is the limiting form of the space part of the relativistic four-force form of Newton’s law:

F =dp

dτ= γ


dt, (9b)

which for the case when β → 0 and γ → 1 (corresponding for us to the object in the τ → 0 limit when Iτcoincides with I∗ and then γτ → 1) becomes

f =dp


. (9c)

Having defined force in his second law as the rate of change of momentum imparted to an object byan agent, Newton then states in his third law that such a force will result in the creation of an equal andopposite reaction force back upon the accelerating agent. The concept of inertia becomes then a necessity:Inertia is thus necessarily attributed to the accelerating object in order to generate the equal and oppositereaction force upon the agent required by the third law. It is our proposition that resistance from the vacuumis what physically provides that reaction force. One can interpret this as either the origin of inertia of matteror as a substitute for the concept of innate inertia of matter. In other words, inertia becomes in a sense aplaceholder for this heretofore undiscovered vacuum-based reaction force which is a necessary requirementof Newton’s third law. Force is then seen to be a primary concept; inertia is not.

Newton’s third law is essentially a statement about symmetry in nature for contact forces. In the staticcase (e.g., pressing one hand against the other), from symmetry alone an applied force f , must necessarilyresult in a reaction force fr such that

f = −fr. (10)

Inertia as the dynamical extension of this law can be made explicit by writing the f = ma relation as

f = −(−ma), (11)

which makes it clear that inertia as a resistance to acceleration is equivalent to a reaction force of the form


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fr = −ma. (12)

To recapitulate our argument, Newton’s third law states that if an agent applies a force to a pointon an object, at that point there arises an equal and opposite force back upon the agent. Were this notthe case, the agent would not experience the process of exerting a force and we would have no basis formechanics. The law of equal and opposite macroscopic contact forces is thus fundamental both conceptuallyand perceptually, but it is legitimate to seek further underlying connections. In the case of a stationaryobject (fixed to the earth, say), the equal and opposite macroscopic forces can be said to arise in microscopicinteratomic forces in the neighborhood of the point of contact which act to resist compression. This canbe traced more deeply still to electromagnetic interactions involving orbital electrons of adjacent atoms ormolecules, etc.

A similar experience of equal and opposite forces arises in the process of accelerating (pushing on) anobject. It is an experimental fact that to accelerate an object a force must be applied by an agent and thatthe agent will thus experience an equal and opposite force so long as the acceleration continues. We arguethat this equal and opposite force also has a deeper physical cause, which at least in part turns out to also beelectromagnetic and is specifically due to the scattering or interaction with ZPF radiation. We demonstratethat from the point of view of a nearby inertial observer there exists a net energy and momentum flux(Poynting vector) of ZPF radiation transiting the accelerating object in a direction necessarily opposite tothe acceleration vector. The scattering opacity of the object to the transiting flux creates the back-reactionforce customarily called the inertial reaction. Inertia is thus, in part, a special kind of electromagnetic drageffect, namely one that is acceleration-dependent since only in accelerating frames is the ZPF perceived asasymmetric. In stationary or uniform-motion frames the ZPF is perfectly isotropic.

As a first step we must examine in precise detail how we estimate the change of momentum ∆p impliedin Eq. (9a) before taking the limit. Assume for concreteness that the massive object of rest mass m performshyperbolic motion under the action of the external agent with corresponding constant proper accelerationa along the x-axis so that a = ax as in Sec. II. At proper time ∆τ the object is instantaneously at restin the inertial coordinate frame I∆τ at the point (c2/a, 0, 0) of that frame. Moreover at the object propertime τ = 0 (that corresponds to the time t∗ = 0 of I∗), the object was instantaneously detected at rest atthe point (c2/a, 0, 0) of the laboratory inertial frame I∗ by the observer located at that point. After a shortlapse of laboratory time ∆t∗ > 0 that corresponds to the object proper time ∆τ , the object is seen, from theviewpoint of I∗, to have received from the accelerating agent the amount of impulse or momentum increment∆p∗. The expression (9a) but as seen in I∗ is thus

f∗ =dp∗dt∗

= lim∆t∗→0


. (13)

At the corresponding object proper time ∆τ , the object is instantaneously at rest in the comoving inertialframe I∆τ . Consequently the momentum of the object at proper time ∆τ and as viewed in I∆τ is of coursezero.

As proposed in [7], the force of opposition to the accelerating action imposed by the external agentdoes not come from the object itself but from the all-encompassing vacuum which is restrictively representedherein by only the electromagnetic ZPF. Our goal is to show that if this is so, the force of opposition, fr, inthe subrelativistic case is strictly proportional to the negative of the acceleration, namely to −a, as in Eq.(12), and can therefore reasonably be interpreted as a contribution to the inertia of the object.

Taking a vacuum-opposition-to-acceleration for granted, but not yet assuming that it is proportional to−a, it then follows that if the force in Eq. (9a) accelerates the object and if our hypothesis is correct, theremust, from Newton’s third law, be an opposite matching reaction force due to the ZPF, f zp, such that (seeEq. 12):

f zp = fr = −f . (14)


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The key is to find whether f zp will prove, from relativistic electrodynamics, to be proportional to −a.Actually, this should be true as viewed from any inertial frame whatsoever [14]. To recapitulate the directionof our argument, we assume in Eq. (13) that, in the sense of Rindler [12], Newton’s second law just providesa definition for the force entity. Newtonian mechanics starts at this point, treating Eq. (13) as a postulateof physics. The equal and opposite force of the object on the pushing agent required by Newton’s thirdlaw is traditionally assumed to be provided by the innate inertia of the accelerating object. Anticipatingthat the resistance comes instead from the vacuum, we write this equal and opposite reaction conditionexplicitly with the superscript ZP in Eq. (14). When we compare Eqs. (9), (12) and (14), it follows that ifthe accelerating agent by means of the force f gives to the object during a time interval ∆τ an impulse orchange of momentum ∆p, there must be a corresponding impulse (change of momentum) ∆pzp provided bythe ZPF in exactly the same time interval and as viewed from the same inertial reference frame but in theopposite direction to ∆p so that

∆pzp = −∆p. (15)

Hence ∆pzp is the matching reactive counter-impulse given by the ZPF that opposes the impulse ∆p givenby the accelerating agent. We refer both ∆pzp and ∆p to the same inertial frame and in this case to thelaboratory frame I∗ and write

∆pzp∗ = −∆p∗. (16).

As this momentum change for the object ∆p∗ is calculated with respect to the inertial frame (that conven-tionally we call the laboratory frame) I∗ and not with respect to any other frame, (e.g., the inertial frameI∆τ ) it is necessary to calculate the putative ZPF-induced opposing impulse ∆pzp∗ with respect to the sameinertial frame I∗ (and not with respect to I∆τ or any other frame). We write

∆pzp∗ = pzp∗ (∆t∗) − pzp∗ (0) = pzp∗ (∆t∗). (17)

The momentum pzp∗ (∆t∗) is essentially the integral of dpzp∗ from I∗-frame time t∗ = 0 to I∗-frame timet∗ = ∆t∗. The last equality follows from symmetry of the ZPF distribution as viewed in I∗ that leads to

pzp∗ (0) = 0. (18)

In what follows we seek to find a mathematical expression for the ZPF-induced inertia reaction forcef zp∗ . For this purpose it is useful to state that from Newton’s third law and the force defined above we canwrite that the following must be true if our hypothesis is correct:



= f zp∗ = −f∗ = − lim∆t∗→0


. (19)

If the inertia origin propounded here is correct then Eq. (19), at least in the subrelativistic case, shouldyield a nonvanishing force f zp∗ that is parallel to the direction of the acceleration a = ax, opposite to it, andproportional to the acceleration magnitude a = |a|.


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We use Eq. (19) both to evaluate and define the effect that we will identify with the ZPF inertiaforce f zp∗ . We concern ourselves in this section with the ZPF momentum flux entering the object. Next,in Sec. V, we further develop this analysis (with the help of Appendix A) to the point of deriving theacceleration-dependent f zp∗ . Finally in Appendix B we analyze the momentum content.

In order to fully grasp the situation we consider the following simple fluid analogy involving as a heuristicdevice a constant velocity and a spatially varying density in place of the usual hyperbolic motion througha uniform vacuum medium. Let a small geometric figure of a fixed proper volume V0 move uniformly withconstant subrelativistic velocity v along the x-direction. The volume V0 we imagine as always immersed in afluid that is isotropic, homogeneous and at rest, except such that its density ρ(x) increases in the x-directionbut is uniform in the y- and z-directions. Hence, as this small fixed volume V0 moves in the x-direction, themass enclosed in its volume, V0ρ(x), increases. In an inertial frame at rest with respect to the geometricfigure the mass of the volume, V0ρ(x), is seen to grow. Concomitantly it is realized that the volume V0 issweeping through the fluid and that this V0ρ(x) mass grows because there is a net influx of mass cominginto V0 in a direction opposite to the direction of the velocity. In an analogous fashion, for the more complexsituation envisaged in this paper, simultaneously with the steady growth of the ZPF momentum containedwithin the volume of the object discussed above, the object is sweeping through the ZPF of the I∗ inertialobserver and for him there is a net influx of momentum density coming from the background into the objectand in a direction opposite to that of the velocity of the object.

As it is the ZPF radiation background of I∗ in the act of being swept through by the object which weare calculating now, we fix our attention on a fixed point of I∗, say the point of the observer at (c2/a, 0, 0)of I∗, that momentarily coincides with the object at the object proper time τ = 0, and consider that pointas referred to the inertial frame Iτ that instantaneously will coincide with the object at a future generalizedobject proper time τ > 0. Hence we compute the Iτ -frame Poynting vector, but evaluated at the (c2/a, 0, 0)space point of the I∗ inertial frame, namely in Iτ at the Iτ space-time point:

ctτ =c2



), (20)

xτ = −c2



), yτ = 0, zτ = 0. (21)

This Poynting vector we shall denote by Nzp∗ . Everything however is ultimately referred to the I∗ inertial

frame as that is the frame of the observer that looks at the object and whose ZPF background the movingobject is sweeping through. In order to accomplish this we first compute

〈Ezpτ (0, τ )×Bzp

τ (0, τ )〉x = 〈EyτBzτ − EzτByτ 〉= γ2

τ 〈(Ey∗ − βτBz∗)(Bz∗ − βτEy∗) − (Ez∗ + βτBy∗)(By∗ + βτEz∗)〉= −γ2

τ βτ⟨E2y∗ + B2

z∗ +E2z∗ + B2


+ γ2τ (1 + β2

τ ) 〈Ey∗Bz∗ −Ez∗By∗〉= −γ2

τ βτ⟨E2y∗ + B2

z∗ +E2z∗ + B2



that we use in the evaluation of the Poynting vector [15]

Nzp∗ =


4π< Ezp

τ ×Bzpτ >∗= x


4π< Ezp

τ (0, τ )×Bzpτ (0, τ ) >x . (23)

The integrals are now taken with respect to the I∗ ZPF background (using then the k-sphere of I∗ introducedin Appendix C) as that is the background that the I∗-observer considers the object to be sweeping through.This is why we denote this Poynting vector as Nzp

∗ , with an asterisk subindex instead of a τ subindex, toindicate that it refers to the ZPF of I∗. Observe that in the last equality of Eq. (22) the term proportionalto the x-projection of the ordinary ZPF Poynting vector of I∗ vanishes. The net amount of momentum of


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the background the object has swept through after a time t∗, as judged again from the I∗-frame viewpoint,is

pzp∗ = gzp∗ V∗ =Nzp∗c2

V∗ = −x 1


4πγ2τ βτ



⟨E2∗ + B2

∗⟩V∗, (24)

which is the complement and clear counterpart of Eq. (B8) of Appendix B, i.e., the negative of the expressionfor p∗ evaluated in Eq. (B9). Furthermore by means of Eq. (19) we will calculate the force f zp∗ directly fromthe expression for pzp∗ . These steps are presented in the next Section. Prior to that however we present adiscussion of the conceptual origin of the momentum flux expression of Eq. (24) complemented with a moredetailed derivation of the cross product of Eq. (23) that is performed in Appendix A.


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Any observer at rest in an inertial frame sees the ZPF isotropically distributed around himself. ThePoynting vector Nzp and the momentum density gzp = Nzp/c2 of such ZPF vanish for that observer. Thisis of course the case for the observer at rest in I∗. Consider now another inertial observer located at ageometric point that, with respect to I∗, moves uniformly with constant velocity, v = xvx = xβc. Imaginethe instant of time when the geometric point is passing and in the immediate neighborhood of the stationaryI∗ observer. Both observers necessarily see the ZPF symmetrically and isotropically distributed aroundthemselves in their own frames. However, the ZPF for each observer is not, because of the Doppler shifts,isotropically distributed with respect to the other frame. In the terminology of Appendix C the I∗-observeris located at the center of his own k-sphere, but the moving point is necessarily located off-center of theI∗-observer’s k-sphere. Hence, for the I∗-observer the ZPF Poynting vector, Nzp

∗ , and the correspondingmomentum density, gzp∗ , impinging on the moving point should appear to be non-vanishing. Furthermore,because the motion of the geometric point is uniform, not hyperbolic, both the Nzp

∗ and gzp∗ at the movinggeometric point appear to the I∗-observer to be time-independent constants of the motion.

Extend now the consideration above to all the points inside a small ε-neighborhood of the previous geo-metric point that comove with constant velocity v = xcβ. Let V0 be the proper volume of that neighborhood.Because of length contraction such neighborhood has, in I∗, the volume V∗ = V0/γ. Clearly to the observer inI∗ the neighborhood’s gzp∗ and Nzp

∗ do not appear as vanishing because of the uniform motion with constantvelocity, v = xβc, inducing Doppler shifts of all the neighborhood’s points with respect to I∗. If the saidneighborhood exactly coincides with the location and geometry of a moving object of proper volume V0 andrest mass m0 that has the neighborhood’s central geometric point at its center, then according to ordinarymechanics, the object appears to the observer in I∗ as carrying a mechanical momentum p∗ = γm0v.

We turn now to the object’s corresponding ZPF momentum. Because the object occupies its propervolume V0 and coincides with the uniformly moving ε-neighborhood, it has for the observer at rest in I∗ anamount of ZPF momentum, V∗g∗ = (V0/γ)g∗, as described above. We re-emphasize that when measuredand from the point of view of the inertial observer comoving with the object, both the object momentumand the Poynting vector of the ZPF do exactly vanish, the last because in k-space the object is at the centerof that observer’s k-sphere (Appendix C). In the present case of a constant velocity and zero accelerationfor the object, as opposed to the general case we have been considering of accelerated hyperbolic motion,the momenta p∗ and pzp∗ above are both of course constants. Hence their time derivatives in Eq. (19) bothvanish. We return to our original hyperbolic motion problem.

Let us go back to the paragraph immediately preceding Eq. (22). We again compute Eqs. (23) and(24) but perform (23) in more detail. From Appendix A, we can compute the Poynting vector of Eq. (A4)that the radiation should have at the (c2/a, 0, 0) point of Iτ but referred to I∗ with the coordinates of Eq.(22), viz,

Nzp∗ (τ ) =


4π〈Ezp ×Bzp〉

= xc

4π〈EyBz − EzBy〉

= −x c





2π2c3dω (25)

where Ezp and Bzp stand for Ezpτ (0, τ ) and Bzp

τ (0, τ ) respectively as in the case of Eq. (23) and where asin Eqs. (22), (23) and (24) the integration is understood to proceed over the k-sphere of I∗. The objectnow is not in uniform but instead in accelerated motion. If suddenly at proper time τ the motion were toswitch from hyperbolic back to uniform because the accelerating action disappeared, we would just need toreplace in Eq. (25) the constant rapidity s at that instant for aτ , and βτ in Eq. (1) would then becometanh(s/c). (But then Nzp would cease to be, for all times onward, a function of τ and force expressions asEq. (28) below would vanish.) Observe that we make explicit the τ dependence of this as well as of the


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subsequent quantities below. Nzp∗ (τ ) represents energy flux, i.e., energy per unit area and per unit time

in the x-direction. It also implies a parallel, x-directed momentum density, i.e., field momentum per unitvolume incoming towards the object position, (c2/a, 0, 0) of S, at object proper time τ and as estimatedfrom the viewpoint of I∗. Explicitly such momentum density is

gzp∗ (τ ) =Nzp∗ (τ )

c2= −x8π








2π2c3dω, (26)

where we now introduce the henceforth frequency-dependent coupling coefficient, 0 ≤ η(ω) ≤ 1, that quan-tifies the fraction of absorption or scattering at each frequency. Let V0 be the proper volume of the object,namely the volume that the object has in the reference frame Iτ where it is instantaneously at rest at propertime τ . From the viewpoint of I∗, however, such volume is then V∗ = V0/γτ because of Lorentz contraction.The amount of momentum due to the radiation inside the volume of the object according to I∗, i.e., theradiation momentum in the volume of the object viewed at the laboratory is

pzp∗ (τ ) = V∗gzp∗ =


γτgzp∗ (τ ) = −x4V0







], (27).

which is again Eq. (24).

At proper time τ = 0, the (c2/a, 0, 0) point of the laboratory inertial system I∗ instantaneously coincidesand comoves with the object point of the Rindler frame S in which the object is fixed. The observer locatedat x∗ = c2/a, y∗ = 0, z∗ = 0 instantaneously, at t∗ = 0, coincides and comoves with the object but becausethe latter is accelerated with constant acceleration a, the object according to I∗ should receive a time rateof change of incoming ZPF momentum of the form:






. (28)

We postulate that such rate of change may be identified with a force from the ZPF on the object.Such interpretation, intuitively at least, looks extremely natural. In this respect Rindler [12] in introducingNewton’s second law makes the following important epistemological point: “This is only ‘half’ a law; for itis a mere definition of force,” and this is precisely the sense in which we introduce it here as a definition ofthe force of reaction by the ZPF. If the object has a proper volume V0, the force exerted on the object bythe radiation from the ZPF as seen in I∗ at t∗ = 0 is then


= f zp∗ = −[








]a. (29)


mi =







is an invariant scalar with the dimension of mass. The expression for mi differs considerably from thecorresponding one in [7] because here, on purpose, no interaction features were included in the analysis.Such ZPF-particle interactions will be taken up in future work. Observe that in Eq. (30) we have neglecteda factor of 4/3. Such factor must be neglected because a fully covariant analysis (Appendix D) will showthat it disappears. The corresponding form of mi as written (and without the 4/3 factor) is then susceptibleof a very natural interpretation: Inertial mass of an object is that fraction of the energy of the ZPF radiationenclosed within the object that interacts with it (parametrized by the η(ω) factor in the integrand). Furtherdiscussion of this point we leave for the Appendices B and D. Clearly if the acceleration suddenly ceases atproper time τ , Eqs. (28) and (29) identically vanish signaling the fact that acceleration is the reason thatthe vacuum produces the opposition that we identify with the force of reaction known as inertia. From theproper time instant τ when the acceleration a is turned off, the object continues in uniform motion. Theobject proceeds onwards with the rapidity s it acquired up to that point, namely aτ . Thus βτ in Eq. (1)


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and all quantities from Eqs. (25) to (27) become constants, as the rapidity s ceases to depend on the propertime τ . Because of the Lorentz invariance of the ZPF energy density spectrum [16], the object is left at restin the inertial frame Iτ and at the center of the k-sphere of the Iτ observer but off-center of the k-sphere ofthe I∗ one (Appendix C). From the I∗ perspective the object appears to possess a momentum (which reflectsthe ZPF momentum inside V0, a point that will become clear in Appendix B). Observe furthermore that inEq. (30) and previous equations some cut-off procedure is implicit in that η(ω) subsides at high frequencies.(Otherwise we recall the cut-off referred to in Appendix A according to the prescription of [17].)


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The coefficient mi that we identify with the ZPF contribution to inertial mass, corresponds then just tothe ZPF-induced part of the rest mass of the object. In order to simplify the discussion that follows, however,we will usually take this ZPF contribution as all of inertial mass. If the vacuum exerts an opposition forceon the accelerated object of magnitude −mia as in Eq. (29) and if Newton’s third law (Eq. (14)) holds, thenthe accelerating agent must exert an active force f of amount f = mia to produce the acceleration. This isNewton’s equation of motion. The radiative opposition made by the vacuum precisely coincides time-wisewith the onset of acceleration at every point throughout the interior of the accelerated object, continuesexactly so long as the acceleration persists and is in direct proportion to the amount of mass associatedwith that small region. Herein lies the intuitive power of the approach. The only other alternative is thetraditional one of Newton that assumes such inertial opposition comes from the object itself “because ithas a fundamental property called mass.” This however leaves the origin of inertia unexplained. Inertia weargue is a phenomenon created by the vacuum as in Eq. (30). It is important to add that our analysis yieldsnot just the nonrelativistic Newtonian case but it also embodies a fully relativistic description within specialrelativity [12] at least for the case of longitudinal forces, i.e., forces parallel to the direction of motion (Seehowever Sec. VII).

From the definition of the momentum pzp∗ in Eq. (27), from Eqs. (28), (29), and the force equation (14)it immediately follows that the momentum of the object is

p∗ = miγτ ~βτ c, (31)

in exact agreement with the momentum expression for a moving object in special relativity [12]. Theexpression for the space vector component of the four-force [12] is then

F∗ = γτdp∗dt∗


, (32)

and as the force is pure in the sense of Rindler [12], the correct form for the four-force immediately follows(recalling (12) for the space part):

F =dPdτ


dτ(γτmic,p) = γτ




dt, f

)= γτ

(f · ~βτ , f

)=(F · ~βτ ,F

), (33)

in the ordinary way anticipated above. Consistency with Special Relativity is established. (For a detailedexposition pertaining to Eqs. 31–33 see Appendix D.) In Eq. (33) we have dropped the * subscript notationfor generality.


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Our analysis so far has been restricted to the case of simple hyperbolic motion, i.e., rectilinear motionwith uniformly constant proper acceleration a that remains the same throughout the trajectory of the object.Here we give reasons suggesting an extension of the argument to the case of general motion, i.e., a motionalong a nonrestricted trajectory where the proper acceleration, henceforth denoted as a(τ ), does not remainconstant, neither in magnitude nor in direction, but on the contrary changes from one instant to the next ofobject instantaneous proper time and becomes thereby a function of τ . We observe that in our derivation ofEq. (33) the subrelativistic result f = mia depended only on the instantaneous value of the acceleration a,i.e., on the hyperbolic moving object instantaneous proper acceleration, and not in any way whatsoever onthe history of the object motion.

For the case of general motion mentioned above, let us consider a second identical object also performinghyperbolic motion but with a trajectory that has exactly the same constant proper acceleration, a0, as thegeneral motion object at one instant of the first’s proper time τ = τ0. We thus write a(τ0) = a0. But forthe second object, i.e., that undergoing hyperbolic motion, we have shown that Eq. (33) holds and hencethat the accelerating agent must be applying a force mia0 = mia(τ0). Moreover, as argued above, thisexpression displays complete independence from the past history of the object’s motion, i.e., expression (33)and related previous expressions are memoryless. It is then quite reasonable to assume that as the force(in the frame that instantaneously comoves with the object performing hyperbolic motion) is such that itis exactly proportional to the acceleration and the result is indeed independent of the previous history ofthe object motion, the same result should hold for the identical object in the case of general motion. Thismeans that for the case of general motion it should instantaneously hold that

f (τ ) = mia(τ ). (34)

The instantaneous proper force is equal to mi times the instantaneous proper acceleration and both arecollinear vectors in the same direction as was the special case of the hyperbolically moving object. Whatwill be required for the confirmation of this argument however are detailed calculations of several concreteexamples of nonhyperbolic but accelerated motion; e.g., the case of ordinary circular motion with constantangular velocity that yields a centripetal acceleration a(τ ) of constant magnitude.


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The dynamical approach of [7] required mathematical steps and approximations that led to a certaincomplexity of presentation. The new development here is simpler in that it does not deal with the dynamics,but exclusively with the form of the ZPF in relation to an accelerated object. The final result is derived usingstandard relativistic field transformations and does not involve approximations. A fully covariant analysis ispresented in Appendix D.

The viewpoint of SED has been taken and matter has been assumed to be exclusively made of electro-magnetically interacting particles or entities. Neutrons (presumed to consist of three charged quarks plusseveral neutral gluons) are polarizable electromagnetically-interacting particles displaying at least severalexperimentally known multipole moments. Neutrons are thus in principle treatable by our model whereasneutrinos are presumably strictly neutral and not polarizable. It is however not clear if neutrinos do actuallyhave a rest mass and consequently display subrelativistic behavior or if instead they have no rest mass andconsequently are strictly relativistic. In either case neutrinos lie beyond the scope of our present considera-tions as they do not interact electromagnetically. An explanation for the inertia of non-electromagneticallyinteracting particles and fields, such as neutrinos, may follow similar lines in a more sophisticated develop-ment. If as proposed in this paper (and in [7]) inertia appears because of the opposition of the vacuum (theelectromagnetic ZPF in the case of SED) to the motion through it of accelerated particles that interact withits fields (Ezp and Bzp fields in the case of the ZPF of SED), one can naturally conjecture that the samehappens, in a more general way with the zero-point fluctuations of other fields (like those of the weak and ofthe strong interactions) that oppose the accelerated motion through them of accelerated entities capable ofinteracting with them. The general idea is that rather than postulating an ad hoc mass-giving field on topof all the other fields, to examine instead if inertia can be explained by means of the already well-established(vacuum) fields, as e.g. the approach of Vigier [1].

There is one further conjecture that the present work suggests. The four-momentum that the accelerat-ing agent transmits to the object during the acceleration process should go directly to the surrounding vac-uum field [14]. The question is then whether the corresponding transferred linear momentum and associatedtranslational kinetic energy should be radiated away to infinity in the ordinary manner of electromagneticradiation fields or if instead they stay around in the immediate vicinity of the object in the usual way ofbound fields [15]. The arguments of Sections III to VII point rather in the direction of this latter (second)possibility. We conjecture that no radiated four-momentum (to infinity) is produced. Presumably then onlybound or velocity fields, in the manner of spatially rapidly decaying evanescent fields outside the acceleratingobject, are to be expected. As the moving object, made of electromagnetically interacting matter, entersa given space region, the electromagnetic modes structure in that region is modified accordingly. But thenthe ZPF is thereby also changed in that region. For this to be possible it may also help to realize thatat the extremely high frequencies involved [7] a strong nonlinear coupling between matter and ZPF exists.Non-linearities in field equations at very high energies are a commonplace theoretical possibility [18], e.g., inour case of the simple electromagnetic field, a generalized form of the equations of classical electrodynamicsmay turn out to display non-linearities at very high energies. Ordinary Maxwell-Lorentz type equationswould just then represent the linear version of more general nonlinear equations applicable at all frequencies.

The above view may suggest that molecules, atoms and even simple electromagnetically interactingparticles, create around themselves and in their immediate vicinity some bound and nondissipative solitonic-like waves that accompany those particles wherever they go. This speculative view is not new. Proponents ofsource theories have for a long time [19] taken for granted evanescent fields that surround material particles.These “source-fields” are presumably able to theoretically substitute for the action of the more mundaneelectromagnetic vacuum of QED in derivations of “vacuum” effects like the Casimir force, the Van der Waalsforces, etc. [19,20].

Last but not least we comment on where the concept presented here fits within the context of ordinarytheory and in particular of standard classical theory. By looking at what we assumed in the course of thisdevelopment we can easily see what the concept presented here does affect and also what it does not. We


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very explicitly used the ordinary notion of what force is. So we cannot claim any direct explanation of thatconcept, not even a clarification of what force means. With respect to this classical force concept what webelieve we have done is the following. Newton’s third law requires that the motive force defined in the secondlaw be counterbalanced by a reaction force. This has traditionally been satisfied implicitly by assuming theexistence of inertia of matter. We propose to have found an explicit origin for this reaction force, viz. theacceleration-dependent scattering of ZPF radiation that the accelerated object is forced to move into. Ouranalysis presupposed electrodynamics and special relativity and other aspects of ordinary classical theory:Electrodynamics and some aspects of special relativity have been used in our developments since we usedSED (that besides Maxwell’s equations also presupposes the Lorentz force). As far as radiation reactionis concerned we merely suspect that it is somewhat connected with the developments here (and possiblyalso those in [7] and/or [10]) but so far this is only a suspicion. As to what we perceive as the core resultof this work, we claim that our development represents a first step in the direction of clarifying the originof what constitutes the essence of inertial mass. But it surely falls short in explicating all aspects of theorigin of inertia. Indeed the analysis deliberately excluded any local consideration of details on particle-radiation interactions and only the electromagnetic aspect of the physical vacuum was involved. Only whenour approach here can be implemented by more detailed models and when it can be extended to othercomponents of the vacuum (other vacuum fields, e.g., weak, strong interactions) will inertial mass be ableto be made assimilable to a property material objects of all sorts have because material objects affect thestructure of the underlying modes of the vacuum fields in which they are permanently immersed.

Finally we make two disclaimers. First, our development was exclusively made within the context ofclassical theory (SED), so it is too early to say much about connections with quantum theory [21]. Therefor example remains the more technical question of how the SED renormalization procedure proposed herein(Appendix C) matches with its QED counterpart as both lead to essentially the same result. Second, we arenot prepared to face the issue of how and in what sense our development might possibly affect or relate togeneral relativity (beyond what was briefly mentioned in Section I concerning Sakharov’s hypothesis).


A. R. thankfully acknowledges detailed and extensive correspondence with Dr. D. C. Cole that wasinstrumental in clarifying or developing various arguments in this article. B.H. wishes to thank Prof. J.Trumper and the Max-Planck-Insititut fur Extraterrestrische Physik for hospitality during several stays. Weacknowledge support of this work by NASA contract NASW-5050.


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Here we proceed with the explicit evaluation of the averaged products of the electric and magnetic fieldcomponents < EiBj >; i, j = x, y, z, that enter in the expression for the ZPF Poynting vector correspondingto the radiation being swept through by the accelerated object as calculated from the viewpoint of the ob-server at rest at (c2/a, 0, 0) of I∗. The resulting averaged products are part of the more extensive presentationof the approach implemented in Section V. (Note that for simplicity we generally drop the ZP-superscriptnotation for E and B.)

We will see that the diagonal ones < EiBi >; i = x, y, z, all vanish necessarily leading to the consequencethat

< E ·B >= 0 (A1)

as was to be expected. Of the remaining < EiBj > averaged products we shall show that those productsinvolving one component in the direction of the acceleration a, i.e., one x-component of a field, Ex or Bx,vanish irrespectively of the other component:

< ExBj >= 0; j = x, y, z (A2)


< EiBx >= 0; i = x, y, z. (A3)

The only products that are spared are < EyBz > and < EzBy >. They, moreover, will turn out to be theopposite of each other (see below) so that the momentum density (Eq. [15] ) becomes

gzp∗ =Nzp∗c2



4π〈Ezp ×Bzp〉 = x



4π〈EyBz − EzBy〉 = x



2π< EyBz > . (A4)

This corresponds then to the I∗ fluid swept by the motion of the object across I∗ according to the observerat rest in I∗. We only compute the Poynting vector Nzp

∗ that should be understood in the same sense andexactly as defined in Sec. IV. Explicit calculations evaluating Eqs. (A1–A4) follow below. In all thosecalculations, we do the averaging over the phases with





)− ωc



)− θ(k, λ)


· cos




)− ω′c



)− θ(k′, λ′)



2δλλ′δ(k− k′). (A5)

Notice that this equation is not properly normalized. A normalization factor (2π)3/V , where V is the socalled electromagnetic cavity volume, has been omitted for brevity on the right hand side. A correspondingcompensating normalization factor (V/(2π)3)1/2 has also been omitted from the expressions for the fields,starting from Eqs. (3) and (4) above. These normalization factors, standard in physical optics, have beenintroduced also to SED [13], but as they mutually cancel after phase averaging we do not make them explicitin this paper.

After using Eqs. (10) and (11) and phase averaging with (A5), we find the first component for the casei = x, j = x:


Page 21: Bernard haisch, rueda   contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion

< ExBx >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω)εx(k × ε)x (A6)

and as



εx(k × ε)x = 0 (A7)

in partial confirmation of Eq. (A3),

< ExBx >= 0. (A8)

Note that we perform all k-integrations in the k-coordinates of I∗, centered in the k-origin of I∗ as stated inSections IV and V. In an analogous way to Eq. (A6), we easily find after averaging with Eq. (A5) that

< ExBy >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω)εx cosh(aτc

) [(k × ε)y + tanh



], (A9)

and as



εx(k × ε)y =kzk

= kz, (A10)



εxεz = −kxkz, (A11)

and because of the angle integrations in∫d3k . . . =


∫dΩ . . .=


∫sin θdθ

∫dφ . . .,

∫kzdΩ = 0, (A12)

∫kxkzdΩ = 0, (A13)

we can confirm that as stated in Eqs. (A2) and (A3)

< ExBy >= 0. (A14)

As the problem is symmetric around the acceleration direction, i.e., the x-axis, it follows that if <ExBy >= 0, then also

< ExBz >= 0. (A15)

For the yx-component, after phase averaging, we find

< EyBx >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω)(k × ε)x cosh(aτc

) [εy − tanh


)(k × ε)z

]. (A16)




εy(k × ε)x = −kz (A17)


Page 22: Bernard haisch, rueda   contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion




(k × ε)x(k × ε)z = −kxkz (A18)

that yield, as in Eq. (A8), vanishing solid angle integrations. We obtain

< EyBx >= 0. (A19)

In analogous fashion:

< EyBy >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(aτc

) [εy − tanh


)(k × ε)z

] [(k × ε)y + tanh



], (A20)

for which we use the identities



εy(k × ε)y = 0, (A21)



εz(k × ε)z = 0, (A22)



εy εz = −kykz, (A23)




(k × ε)y(k × ε)z = −kykz (A24)

to show that

< EyBy >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(aτc



)(−kykz + kykz) = 0. (A25)

In a similar way and after phase averaging, it follows that

< EyBz >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(aτc

) [εy − tanh


)(k × ε)z

] [(k × ε)z − tanh




where we use



εy(k × ε)z = kx, (A27)



(k × ε)z(k × ε)z = 1− k2z (A28)



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ε2y = 1− k2y, (A29)

so that

< EyBz >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(aτc

[1 + tanh2


)]kx − tanh


)(1− k2

y)− tanh(aτc

)(1− k2


. (A30)

The first term inside the curly brackets, proportional to kx, vanishes after angle integrations. For the otherswe use the fact that 2− k2

y − k2z = 1 + k2

x and after minimal algebra then

< EyBz >= −1







∫dΩ(1 + k2

x) (A31)

where the divergence of the integration may be damped by a well-known convergence form factor (or moreroughly a frequency cut-off) that we do not need to make explicit at this stage. Such a feature physicallyrepresents a frequency beyond which no material subparticle however small is going to be able to react tothe radiation [17]. This is not a cut-off in the ZPF itself but is introduced because wavelengths smaller thanthe size of the minimal relevant entities, say partons [7], cannot produce any translational interactions butonly presumably internal deformation of the “parton” [17]. We thus obtain

< EyBz >= −4π





2π2c3dω (A32)

where, as explained above, an implicit cut-off or convergence form factor [17] in the frequency integrationmay henceforth be implemented [7]. For < EzBx > we obtain from symmetry around the x-axis and Eq.(A19) that

< EzBx >= 0. (A33)

The case of < EzBy > is done exactly as that for < EyBz > and gives the opposite value

< EzBy > =1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(aτc



)(2− k2

y − k2z)






2π2c3dω. (A34)

Due to the cylindrical symmetry around the x-axis, the case of < EzBz >, as the one for < EyBy >, mustvanish:

< EzBz >= 0. (A35)


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The development of this ZPF momentum content approach serves to complement the ZPF momentumflux approach of Sections IV and V but is totally independent from it. Newton’s third law as expressed inEq. (19) implies that f zp∗ is the opposite of f∗. In Section V we calculate f zp∗ . Here instead we calculatef∗. To calculate f∗ we use the fact, also given in Eq. (19), that f∗ is just the time derivative of p∗. Thisp∗ is not the ZPF momentum flowing through the object that we identified with pzp∗ above, but rather themomentum contained within the body that should be due to the ZPF, as will become clear as the argumentprogresses. This means that we need to reach an expression for p∗, the object momentum, in terms of theZPF and the particle electromagnetic coupling parameters.

First we develop a connection between p∗ and pzp∗ before defining p∗ more precisely, so we examine the∆pzp∗ = −∆p∗ condition of Eq. (16) referring everything, including the ZPF background, to the I∗ inertialframe. We need to estimate the net ZPF momentum, ∆pzp∗ , and momentum density that entered into theobject in a time interval ∆t∗ because of the object’s sweeping accelerated motion through the electromagneticbackground (Secs. IV and V). As we take the integrated impulses pzp∗ and p∗ both to be zero at time t∗ = 0and they start to change at the same time, owing to Eq. (19) we should end up with

pzp∗ = −p∗ (B1)

where we have integrated f zp∗ and f∗ over the I∗-frame time t∗. Moreover, because both pzp∗ and p∗ arereferred to the laboratory inertial frame I∗, then, pzp∗ = V∗g

zp∗ and p∗ = V∗g∗ that with Eq. (B1) lead to

gzp∗ = −g∗. (B2)

We have calculated pzp∗ in Secs. IV and V. After confronting it with the result for p∗ (which we calculatebelow), we shall verify Eq. (B1), as is necessary for a self-consistent interpretation of momentum. Therefore,as it will be explicitly confirmed below, the previous result for gzp∗ will be the negative of the expression (B7)for g∗ below, that is calculated here in a direct and independent way. Eq. (B2) also makes sense intuitivelywith the aid of the fluid analogy of Sec. IV. In the short time interval ∆t∗ the momentum density insidethe object increases in an amount ∆g∗. The corresponding change of gzp∗ in the same time interval is ∆gzp∗ .Hence if ∆g∗ is the internal change in momentum per unit volume of the ZPF in the interior of the objectand referred to I∗, then −∆gzp∗ is the corresponding net amount of momentum per unit volume that in thesame time interval ∆t∗ is swept inside the object volume due to the hyperbolic motion of the object throughthe ZPF of I∗. We now calculate the momentum density g∗ in a direct manner.

If the central idea that the ZPF is the entity responsible for a contribution to the inertia reaction forceis valid, then, from the point of view of the I∗ frame, it follows that when the accelerating agent appliesthe external force f∗ and accelerates the object, necessarily the accelerating agent is doing work against thevacuum fields and hence the energy provided by the accelerating agent is going to be stored somewhere inthat vacuum. We envision a dichotomous situation, i.e., two possible alternative ways in which the vacuummay store this energy and its corresponding momentum provided by the accelerating agent . One way is thatthe energy is “radiated away”, i.e., the vacuum traveling modes radiate it out far away from the acceleratedbody. The other is that such energy and momentum are not indeed radiated out, but on the contrary staybound in the manner of velocity fields [15] in and around the body presumably in association to the ZPFelectromagnetic bound modes created by microscopic charge and current structures within the body. Wepropose that the first hypothesis, i.e., that the four-momentum is radiated away to infinity is less naturalthan the second, i.e., than the one that states that the four-momentum remains bound to the body: If abilliard ball is hit by the billiard club (its accelerating agent) receiving this way energy and momentum,i.e., four-momentum, and if this four-momentum were to escape to infinity, there would not be a readilynatural way to explain how the ball in its turn subsequently transmitted all of its acquired four-momentumat the instant of a subsequent collision with another identical billiard ball that was standing still on thebilliard table. The original ball’s four-momentum had been radiated away to infinity! Explanations canprobably be concocted but not one that is in an obvious way natural. We assume then only the second


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hypothesis in this dichotomy which assumes that the acquired four-momentum is not stored far away fromthe accelerated object but, on the contrary, that it is stored within and in the body’s immediate vicinity.Imagine an idealized body made of a simple electromagnetic cavity. The modes of the cavity contain ZPFenergy and if the cavity moves they can transport electromagnetic momentum.

We therefore, in spite of its still very preliminary nature, have to follow this second hypothesis, namelythat when a massive body moves with respect to some inertial frame the moving body drags with itself asvelocity fields within its ZPF-bound electromagnetic modes the corresponding translational kinetic energyand momentum the body has with respect to that frame. Hence we assume that the momentum p∗ of themoving object referred to the inertial frame I∗ is due to the ZPF that interpenetrates the object. In order tofind p∗ we first calculate the ZPF momentum density g∗ associated with the exact position of our acceleratedobject attached to the frame S, at the point (c2/a, 0, 0) of that frame. As the motion is hyperbolic and inthe x-direction we only need to calculate

g∗ = xg∗x =N∗c2

= x1


4π〈Ezp∗ (0, τ )×Bzp

∗ (0, τ )〉x (B3)

where by this we mean the momentum density g∗ and the associated Poynting vector N∗ = xN∗x [15] dueto the ZPF as measured in the I∗ frame at the object’s space-time point at object proper time τ , namely :

t∗ =c



), x∗ =




), y∗ = 0, z∗ = 0, (B4)

of that I∗ frame.

However, as we are calculating the ZPF momentum associated with the object and the object is instan-taneously at rest in the Iτ frame, the calculation should be done with this in mind. This means (AppendixC) that the integrals should be performed over the k-sphere of the Iτ frame. Additional support for thisview comes from the clear interpretation it yields. In order to evaluate Eq. (B3) we need then to computethe relevant averaged cross-product of the electric and magnetic fields in I∗ but evaluated at the objectspace-time point of Eq. (B4):

〈Ezp∗ (0, τ )×Bzp

∗ (0, τ )〉x = 〈Ey∗Bz∗ −Ez∗By∗〉= γ2

τ 〈(Eyτ + βτBzτ )(Bzτ + βτEyτ )− (Ezτ − βτByτ )(Byτ − βτEzτ )〉= γ2

τ βτ⟨E2yτ +B2

zτ +E2zτ +B2

⟩+ γ2

τ (1 + β2τ ) 〈EyτBzτ − EzτByτ 〉

= γ2τ βτ

⟨E2yτ +B2

zτ +E2zτ +B2


where we have made a Lorentz transformation of the fields [15] from those of I∗ to those of Iτ . One of theresulting terms is found to be zero because it is proportional to the x-component of Nτ , the statisticallyaveraged ZPF Poynting vector as viewed in the inertial frame Iτ at a point fixed in that frame. Furthermore

⟨E2yτ +B2

zτ +E2zτ + B2




⟨E2τ + B2




38πUτ = 2 · 8π



2π2c3dω′ (B6)

where Uτ means the ZPF energy density in Iτ given by the frequency integral that, as mentioned above,is carried out over the k-sphere of Iτ . In the last step we have simplified the notation such that hereafterprimes denote quantities referred to Iτ , and unprimed quantities mean quantities referred to I∗, so we donot need to carry everywhere the τ and/or * subindices. From Eqs. (B3), (B5) and (B6) then

g∗ = x1




2π2c3dω′ sinh




). (B7)

From this we can get the ZPF momentum corresponding to the volume of the object all as referred to theinertial observer of I∗,


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p∗ = g∗V∗ = x1





⟨E2τ + B2


⟩V∗, (B8)

where V∗ is the volume that the object presents to the observer in I∗, namely V∗ = V0/γ because of Lorentz-contraction (V0 is the proper volume of the object). As xβτ c is the object velocity and < E2

τ + B2τ > V0 is

proportional to the proper ZPF energy contained in the volume of the object, it is a simple matter to realizethat Eq. (B8) does indeed have the form of a relativistic momentum (p = γm0v with m0 the rest mass).

Having established that Eq. (B8) correctly represents the total ZPF momentum instantaneously con-tained in the proper volume V0 of the object in question we next reintroduce a coupling parameter, η, whichis now a function of frequency, η(ω), and which will parametrize the amount of interaction (absorption orscattering) at every frequency ω between the object and the radiative momentum flux associated with it.This will provide us the effective physical momentum of the object. With this in mind we write:

p∗ = x4V0






2π2c3dω′]. (B9)

Recognizing that this is the momentum of the body and that the accelerating force f∗ applied by the externalagent is just the rate of change of p∗ with time we have f∗ = dp∗/dt∗. From Eq. (19) (Newton’s Third Law)we then obtain the expression for the force f zp∗ = −f∗ that the ZPF applies back to the object in oppositionto the external agent’s accelerating action

f zp∗ = −f∗ = −dp∗dt∗

= − 1




= −[








a. (B10)

As already mentioned above, the 4/3 factor becomes unity when a fully covariant evaluation is performed(Appendix D). Observe that Eq. (B10) exactly reproduces the result for the inertia reaction force of Eq.(29) and its associated inertial mass of Eq. (30). Observe furthermore that mi, when the 4/3 factor isobliterated (Appendix D), has a clear interpretation, namely it is exactly the amount of energy of the ZPFthat lies inside the object’s proper volume V0 and that does actually interact with it (as depicted by thefrequency-dependent coupling efficiency function η(ω) divided by c2 to give it in units of mass). Accordingto the view presented here it is the parameter V0 and the spectral function η(ω) that determine the inertialmass of the object. The expression for mi would precisely fit the energy of the ZPF (divided by c2) thatcouples to the object and that lies within its volume as properly assumed in the approach of this Appendix.This interpretation is not so clearly found for the physical assumptions of the approach of Sections IV andV and Appendix A, but still in that approach the same mi was found as required. Interestingly enough this4/3 factor is the same factor found in the electrodynamics of classical charged particles [12, 15]. We foundhere further motivation for pursuing the fully covariant analysis of Appendix D.


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This article has simplicity as one of its objectives. Insights however, are gained if we pay the price ofgoing through a few intricacies. In our analysis there appears a momentum density from the ZPF radiationin accelerated frames that is dependent on the proper time of the accelerated object. Such proper time maybe removed by means of an artifice. We believe that doing so would be physically incorrect and propose thatsuch time dependence actually has an important physical meaning. This entails the adoption of a conventionfor the evaluation of otherwise indefinite integrals. Removal of the proper time would imply a completelydifferent situation than the one we are dealing with here. The momentum density mentioned above dependson the object proper time.

A. Improper integrals and “time removal” technique

First of all we notice that the implicitly unbounded k and ω integrations of Sections IV, V and Ap-pendices A and B when there is no η(ω) (i.e. set η(ω) ≡ 1) and the limits for k or ω are indeed 0 and∞, constitute what are customarily called improper integrals. Improper integrals require some definition asthey do not yield a unique well-defined value. In Sections IV and V and Appendices A and B we implicitlyadopted a definition. As the inertia resistance force expression of Eq. (29) resulted from integrating overthe ω or k of I∗ in an explicit manner and as that result was physically sound, as follows from the clear de-lineation of Section III, we adopted the way of integrating implicit in that procedure as the actual definitionof the improper integral. That this result is not necessarily unique is however seen from what follows. Byperforming a change of variable of integration, from that of I∗=Iτ (τ = 0) to that of Iτ (τ > 0), it can beshown that a different result is obtained. Moreover the procedure removes the proper time or τ -dependanceof the expressions. Thus it is sometimes referred to as a “time removal procedure” [22].

The procedure leads to a seemingly paradoxical situation as the integration apparently yields two dif-ferent values. The paradox is easily resolved. Its solution yields insight into the origin of dpzp∗ /dt∗, the timerate of change of the radiation momentum in Eq. (28), and on its proposed connection to Newtonian inertia.

For the particular SED form of the “time removal” procedure [23,24], we start from the expressionderived in Appendix A,

< EyBz >≡< Ey(0, τ )Bz(0, τ ) >=

⟨ 2∑






× cosh(A)[εy − tanh(A)(k × ε)z


[(k′ × ε′)z − tanh(A)ε′y

]Hzp(ω)Hzp(ω′) · (C1)



acosh(A) − ωc

asinh(A) − θ(k, λ)



acosh(A) − ω′c

asinh(A) − θ(k′, λ′)


where we define

A ≡ aτ


and the averaging we perform by means of Eq. (A5). This yields again as in Appendix A:

< EyBz >=1




∫d3k H2

zp(ω) cosh2(A)[εy − tanh(A)(k × ε)z

] [(k × ε)z − tanh(A)εy

]. (C3)

Of course that Eq. (C3) is identical to Eq. (A26) and if we follow in the ordinary way the command dictatedby the summation over lambda operator and the integration over k-operator of Eq. (C3) the result cannot be


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different from the one of Eq. (A31). At this stage however, one may decide to change the dummy variableof integration and instead of integrating over the four-vector components (k,k) of I∗, integrate over thefour-vector components (k′,k′) of Iτ by means of the corresponding transformation where of course k′ = ω′c:

k = cω = k′ cosh(A) + k′x sinh(A) = k′γτ + k′xβτγτ , (C4a)

kx = k′xγτ + k′βτγτ = k′x cosh(A) + k′ sinh(A), (C4b)

ky = k′y , kz = k′z. (C4c)

Moreover we know that



k′. (C5)

Both integrations, the one over d3k in the coordinates of I∗, and the one over d3k′ in the coordinates of Iτ ,are at least formally performed over all k-space. Moreover as all space for k corresponds to all space for k′,and furthermore the Jacobian of the transformation that follows easily from Eqs. (C4a) and (C5)


d3k′= J(k,k′) = γτ

(1 +



is, except for ω′ = 0, nonsingular, then the integrations are both extended over all space whether when doneover k or when performed over k′. Changing the integration variable by Eq. (C5) and using again Eqs.(A27–A29) we obtain

< EyBz >R =1




2π2k2 cosh2(A)·

·[1 + tanh2(A)

] kxk− tanh(A)

(1− k2



)− tanh(A)

(1− k2







k′k′k′x. (C7)

The subindex R stresses the difference between the case here and the one in the body of the paper. Observethat the proper time τ and hence A of Eq. (C2) have disappeared from the integral and this even beforeperforming the integration: the proper time τ has been “removed”. The last equality demanded minoromitted algebra. Then as

∫k′xdΩ′ = 0 (C8)

the integral in Eq. (C7) vanishes identically and thus

< EyBz >R= 0. (C9)

Symmetry then yields that also

< EzBy >R= 0. (C10)

It has been a simple matter to establish by this procedure that the non-zero products of Section IV andAppendix A vanish. It is equally simple to establish that all the other products that already vanished therealso vanish here and then that


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< EiBj >R= 0 , i, j = x, y, z. (C11)

Consequently according to this viewpoint the Poynting vector and hence the momentum density gR identi-cally vanish

c2gR = NR = 0. (C12)

This is not so surprising if we propose the view that what we have done by means of the transformation from(k,k) to (k′,k′), i.e., from the variables of I∗ to the variables of Iτ , is to reevaluate the averaged Poyntingvector incident on the moving object not now as the observer at rest in I∗ estimates it, in which case suchN does not vanish, but as viewed from the space point (c2/a, 0, 0) of the inertial frame Iτ where the objectis found at rest at proper time τ and from where the ZPF of Iτ is necessarily seen as homogeneously andisotropically distributed.

Next we show how the formalism of Eq. (C4), that involves a transformation of the four-wavevector(k,k) from I∗ to Iτ and its corresponding inverse transformation that transforms from the (k′,k′) four-wavevector of Iτ back into that of I∗, take us, at least formally, from the Poynting vector N impinging onthe object as estimated in I∗ to the same N but as estimated in Iτ , and the second transformation backfrom the N impinging on the object as viewed in Iτ to the same but as viewed in I∗.

From Eq. (A4) the incident N on the object, as viewed in I∗, is (c/2π) times the expression < EyBz >of Eqs. (A30) and (C3). Hence because of Eqs. (C7) and (A4) the (k,k)→ (k′,k′) transformation of (C4)takes us from the N of Eq. (25) to

N =hc2



k′k′k′x (C13)

that as shown below is the N at proper time τ impinging on the object according to an inertial observerinstantaneously coinciding and comoving with the object, hence at rest in Iτ . Eq. (C13) of course vanishes(after the angle integration Eq. (C8)) as it should because the ZPF in every inertial frame is homogeneous andisotropic. Recall that our ultimate proper time of evaluation is indeed τ = 0 when Iτ becomes I∗=Iτ (τ = 0).The corresponding N(τ ) at proper time τ exactly equal to zero, N(τ = 0), also vanishes as follows from Eq.(B6).

Next we perform the inverse four-wavevector transformation (k′,k′)→ (k,k) from the four-wavevectorof Iτ to that of I∗ on the expression that corresponds to the N of Eq. (C13), that is the N viewed in Iτ .Nevertheless, we first derive the explicit form of the N of Iτ and show that it indeed corresponds to Eq.(C13) and only then, at a second stage, perform the aforementioned transformation.

Consider the ZPF E′ and B′ fields of Iτ at time tτ of Iτ and for concreteness at the point xτ = c2/a, yτ =0, zτ = 0, that is the point of Iτ that at object proper time τ coincides and comoves with the object. Takethe averaged Poynting product of these E′ and B′ fields,




4π< E′ ×B′ >= x


4π< (E′ ×B′)x >= x < E′yB

′z − E′zB′y >, (C14)

where the second equality follows from symmetry. We use the primed notation for all fields and variables ofIτ . From Eqs. (3), (4) and (5) then



= xc



∫d3k′2 H(ω′1)H(ω′2)

[ε′1y(k′ × ε′)2z − (k′ × ε′)1y ε


]· (C15)


′ + k′1yy′ + k′1zz

′ − ω′1tτ + θ(k′1, λ′1))


′ + k′2yy′ + k′2zz

′ − ω′2tτ + θ(k′2, λ′2))⟩.

Applying the phase averaging of (A5) we have


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′ + k′1yy′ + k′1zz

′ − ω′1tτ + θ(k′1, λ′1))


′ + k′2yy′ + k′2zz

′ − ω′2tτ + θ(k′2, λ′2))⟩



′1 − k′2), (C16)

and we get



= xc



∫d3k′ H2



2[ε′y(k′ × ε′)z − (k′ × ε′)y ε′z], (C17)

where the subindex on N just emphasizes that this is now the Poynting vector as seen in Iτ . Next we usethe summation expressions (A27) and (A17) with one circular permutation of the subindices of the formx→ y, y → z, z → x and then



= xc



∫d3k′ H2



22k′x, (C18)

that from Eq. (5) and as ω′ = ck′ yields



= xhc



k′k′k′x = N = c2g, (C19)

where the last expression serves to emphasize that we recover the N of Eq. (C13) as was to be expected. Weneed not emphasize that Eq. (C19) vanishes when integrated over the angles. Next we proceed to performthe inverse transformation to that of Eqs. (C4abc). This last takes us back from the (k′,k′) four-vector ofIτ into the (k,k) four-vector of I∗, namely

k′ = k cosh(A)− kx sinh(A)

k′x = kx cosh(A) − k sinh(A)

k′y = ky

k′z = kz (C20)

with A as defined in Eq. (C2). Invoking again Eq. (C5) and after some algebra (Eq. (C19)) yields

N = −x( c

)( hc


)∫d3k k(1 + k2

x) cosh(A) sinh(A)

= −x( c









= N(τ )


, (C21)

that is the Poynting vector impinging on the object point in S according to the observer at I∗. So we recoverthe Poynting vector derived in (25).

Of course both the N of Eq. (C19) and the N of Eq. (C21) vanish at object proper time τ = 0: thatof Eq. (C19) because of symmetry after the angle integrations and that of Eq. (C21) since in that case theevaluation is made for vanishing proper time. In Eq. (C21) we have recovered the proper time dependence.This shows how the (k,k) four-vector transformation takes us from the N of the object point in S as viewedin I∗ that we derived in Eq. (25) to the corresponding N but as viewed in Iτ that was derived in Eq. (C19).


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The inverse transformation takes us back in exactly the opposite way from the N as viewed in Iτ to thecorresponding N as viewed in I∗.

This last example illustrates how and in what sense one can formally at least remove and place backthe time variable into the expressions. A more fundamental explanation follows.

B. Spheres of integration in k-space: k-spheres

Expression (26) for the momentum density g(τ ) was obtained with an integration carried out over thek-space of the laboratory system I∗. The momentum density referred however to the estimate that anobserver, at rest at (c2/a, 0, 0) of I∗, can make concerning the momentum density the observer views shouldbe incident on the accelerated object. At proper time τ the object is instantaneously at rest at the point(c2/a, 0, 0) of the inertial frame Iτ that moves with respect to I∗ with the velocity βτ cx given in Eq. (1).

From Eqs. (1), (2) and (C20), the last written as

k′ = γτ (k − βτkx)

k′x = γτ (kx − βτk)

k′y = ky

k′z = kz (C22)

one can express Eq. (26) in terms of wavevectors only

g(τ ) =h



kk′k′, (C23)

where the primed wavevector refers to that of Iτ and again the unprimed one is that of I∗. If subsequentlythe integration is carried over k, the wavevector of I∗, the result is again Eq. (26). However if we transformfrom the wavevector integration of I∗ to that of Iτ by means of Eq. (C5), we obtain an integral exclusivelyover k of the form

g(τ ) =h


∫d3k′k′, (C24)

that when simply integrated of course vanishes because of symmetry. This is another way of viewing thesame seemingly paradoxical situation of Eq. (A4) versus Eq. (C12). The inconsistency originates in theimproper integral. When the integral is modified by a cut-off factor a more clear picture emerges. If wemultiply the integrand in Eq. (C23), that is equivalent to that in Eq. (26) by the cut-off factor exp(−ω′/ωc)and integrate over k it can readily be seen that the integral vanishes [25] . If after this we take the limitωc → ∞ the integral is left at zero value. However if instead we multiply by a cut-off factor of the formexp(−ω/ωc) the result is

g(τ ) =h



kk′k′ exp

(− ω



= −x 2h

3π2c4γ2τβτ (3 ! ω4

c ), (C25)

that corresponds essentially to the integral in Eq. (26) but with the integration over ω3dω carried outbetween the integration limits 0 and the cut-off frequency ωc.

There are clearly two different cases to consider. (i) For an observer at (c2/a, 0, 0) of I∗, at objectproper time τ and corresponding I∗ time t∗, the object appears to be moving with velocity xβτ c and withmechanical momentum mγτ βτ cx (where m is the rest mass) and the ZPF looks spherically symmetric with


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respect to the k = 0 point, i.e., the origin of the k-space corresponding to I∗. (ii) For an observer that at thesame object proper time τ is instead located at the point (c2/a, 0, 0) of Iτ and thus instantaneously coincidesand comoves with the object, the object is of course at rest with no momentum and no velocity and the ZPFlooks spherically symmetric around the origin of the corresponding k′-space that is the k-space of Iτ .

So, for the I∗ observer the ZPF cannot be spherically symmetrically distributed around the object.However, for the Iτ observer at object proper time τ the ZPF does appear to be spherically symmetricallydistributed around the object. We emphasize that these two assertions, that of I∗ and that of Iτ , refer tothe object at the same proper time instant τ .

From the above discussion we extract the concept of the ZPF k-sphere of an inertial observer which is thesphere in k-space up to the cut-off radius kc = ωc/c around the origin at k = 0 of the k-space correspondingto the observer’s rest inertial frame. Inertial observers automatically have a unique k-sphere which is the onecorresponding to the inertial frame with respect to which they are at rest. The ZPF radiation for an inertialobserver is the ZPF radiation contained in the inertial observer’s k-sphere where ωc is the cut-off associatedwith the ZPF spectral distribution. If no cut-off is considered for the ZPF then the sphere has infinite radiusas we let the radius of the sphere in the corresponding k-space go to infinity, namely, kc = ωc/c→∞.

We illustrate the concept of the ZPF k-sphere for the case of the analysis performed in Section V, inparticular for Eq. (34) and related equations. At proper time τ = 0 and corresponding I∗ time t∗ = 0,when the object instantaneously coincides with the observer stationed in I∗ at the point (c2/a, 0, 0), thisobserver claims that the ZPF k-sphere is symmetrically distributed around the object. Therefore, when themomentum density is calculated under this condition in general it should vanish as also follows from Eq.(26) or Eq. (C21) when τ = 0. In the same way the object momentum is viewed to be zero. This is howevernot the case after a lapse of proper time ∆τ when the acceleration of the hyperbolic motion has taken theobject to be moving with velocity β∆τ cx with respect to such an observer stationed in I∗. For the observerin I∗ still of course the ZPF distribution remains the same, i.e., spherically symmetric around himself andwith a cut-off at ω = ωc. But as the object is moving with respect to this observer, at rest at the point(c2/a, 0, 0) of I∗, he would claim that the object is not located at the center of his k-sphere. So the observerat the point (c2/a, 0, 0) of I∗ at proper time ∆τ > 0, should see two things: (i) the object moving withmomentum miγ∆τβ∆τ cx and (ii) a net non-zero momentum density of ZPF radiation g(∆τ ) given by Eq.(26), with τ replaced by ∆τ , that is impinging on the object as argued in Sections III, IV amd V, and inAppendix A.

In summary, every inertial observer has an associated k−sphere, and he is at the central point of thatsphere. Hence the ZPF of his inertial frame is isotropically and homogeneously distributed around him.And this is true for all inertial observers. An entirely different question is how an inertial observer with hisassociated k−sphere assesses the situation for a moving point from the perspective of his inertial frame. Theobserver’s ZPF is in general neither homogeneously nor isotropically distributed around the moving pointbecause the moving point is located off-center in the observer’s k−sphere.


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The analysis of Sections IV and V and of Appendix B considered only the momentum density g (orequivalently the Poynting vector N = c2g) contribution to the electromagnetic momentum p. There ishowever an additional contribution to the momentum that was neglected there. Here we calculate thatadditional contribution. The price we pay is the need to invoke a more abstract, not so directly intuitive,formalism. The advantage, besides theoretical generality, is, very importantly, a simpler expression and amore direct interpretation for the inertial mass mi of Eq. (30) [26].

The standard expression for the four-momentum is

P µ =



). (D1)

In mechanics, the space part is

p = mγv = γpN , (D2)

where pN is the standard newtonian momentum

pN = mv, (D3)

and m the rest mass. U corresponds to the kinetic energy

U = γmc2. (D4)

In the case of an electromagnetic field of total energy U and momentum p, the four-momentum (D1) can beexpressed as an integral over the electromagnetic energy-momentum stress tensor [27]

P µ =

∫Θµνdσν, (D5)

where dσν is a component of a planar three-dimensional space-like hypersurface element d3σ such that

dσν = ηνd3σ (D6)


d3σ = ηνdσν (D7)

with ην the normal unit vector to the hyperplane. This unit four-vector ην is then timelike, and in the(− + ++) convention we have

ηνην = −1, (D8)

and along the direction of the worldline trajectory of the object at the point event, so

ην = (γ, γ~β) (D9)

and ~β = v/c is the vectorial velocity of the object in units of c. In our case the object is viewed from thelaboratory inertial frame I∗, and at proper time τ it is instantaneously at rest in the inertial frame Iτ . Wethus select ην as (γτ , γτ ~βτ ), with ~βτ c the object velocity as measured in I∗, to be the unit normal vectorto the hypersurface as viewed in I∗ and then dσν has both time and space components. In Iτ however, theobject velocity at proper time τ is zero by definition and so ην = (1, 0, 0, 0) and thus

dσν = (d3x′, 0, 0, 0), (D10)


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where d3x′ is the volume element in the three-space of Iτ . It can easily be seen, when Eq. (D7) is appliedto the case of Iτ in Eq. (D10), that

d3σ = ηνdσν = d3x′ (D11)

is an invariant hypersurface element equal to a 3-space volume element. Thus d3σ has the same value in I∗and in Iτ .

The space part of the energy-momentum stress tensor Θµν is the Maxwell stress-tensor T with symmetricmatrix components Tij; i, j = x, y, z of the form

Tij =1

[EiEj +BiBj −


2(E2 +B2)δij

], (D12)

and yielding for the symmetric Θµν the components

Θ00 =1

(E2 + B2

)= U,

Θ0i = Θi0 =1

4π(E×B)i = cgi,

Θij = −T ij. (D13)

The four-momentum (D5) becomes then

P 0 = γ

∫ (U

c− v · g

)d3σ, (D14a)

p = γ

∫ (g +

T · vc2

)d3σ. (D14b)

Expression (D14b) gives us the clue of how to correct the noncovariant approaches of Sections IV andVand of Appendix B and make them fully covariant. We can do this either to the momentum-flux approachof Section IV and V or to the momentum-content approach of Appendix B. The second case, namely themomentum content approach of Appendix B is more in line with the particular interpretation that we wouldlike to emphasize for the inertial mass of Eq. (30). So we go to the momentum density g∗ and the momentump∗ of the electromagnetic radiation inside the volume of the object as viewed from I∗ represented in Eqs.(B7) and (B8) of Appendix B. The momentum of Eq. (B8) was calculated noncovariantly and then directlyfrom the momentum density of (B7) as equal to the I∗ momentum density multiplied by the volume thatthe object has in I∗, namely V∗, mimicking the purely newtonian case, as for the pN of Eq. (D2) and (D3)above. In order to obtain the proper space part of the four-momentum (Eqs. (D1) and (D2) above) we needto replace the momentum density expression g∗ by the corrected expression: g∗ + (T∗ · v)/c2.

When we integrate over the volume of the object in Eq. (D14b) we use the invariant element d3x′ ofEq. (D11), i.e., the three-volume element of Iτ . As the object volume was assumed so small, the integrandwas taken as constant in Eq. (B6), so just a multiplication by the object volume V∗ = γV0 as seen in I∗ wasrequired. Here we can do the same. Eq. (D14b) yields then instead of Eq. (B6) the expression

p∗ = γ

(g∗ +

T∗ · v∗c2

)V0, (D15)

where T signifies the ZPF Maxwell stress tensor (D12) after the stochastic averaging (as in Eq. (A5)) hasbeen performed, i.e., more explicitly

Tij =1

⟨EiEj +BiBj −


2(E2 +B2)δij

⟩, (D16)


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with i, j = x, y, z. The product T · v with v = xv gives the column vector

T∗ · v =


= (xTxx∗ + yTyx∗ + zTzx∗) v. (D17)

It is a simple matter to show that the y and z components vanish as must be expected on physical grounds.We first show that Tyx∗ = 0.

Tyx∗ =1

4π〈Ey∗Ex∗ + By∗Bx∗〉 (18)


〈Ey∗Ex∗〉 = 〈Exτ (γτ [Eyτ + βτBzτ ])〉= γτ 〈ExτEyτ 〉 + γτβτ 〈ExτBzτ 〉 (D19)

and < ExτEyτ > involves the factor



εxεy = −kxky (D20)

that vanishes upon angular integration. In analogous fashion < ExτBzτ > involves the factor



εx(k × ε)z = −ky (D21)

that also vanishes when integrated over the angles. The derivation of Tzx∗ goes in entirely symmetric fashionand of course also yields zero. Next we compute Txx∗ .

Txx∗ =1

⟨E2x∗ + B2

x∗ − E2y∗ −B2

y∗ −E2z∗ − B2

z∗⟩, (D22)







= 〈γτ (Eyτ + βτBzτ ) γτ (Eyτ + βτBzτ )〉= γ2



⟩+ γ2



⟩+ 2γ2

τβτ 〈EyτBzτ 〉 , (D24)

and analogously it follows that


= γ2τ


⟩+ γ2

τ β2τ


⟩− 2γ2

τβτ 〈EzτByτ 〉 (D25a)⟨E2z∗⟩

= γ2τ


⟩+ γ2



⟩− 2γ2

τβτ 〈EzτByτ 〉 (D25b)⟨B2z∗⟩

= γ2τ


⟩+ γ2



⟩+ 2γ2

τ βτ 〈EyτBzτ 〉 . (D25c)












⟩, (D26)

where i = x, y, z, and as


Page 36: Bernard haisch, rueda   contribution to inertial mass by reaction of the vacuum to accelerated motion

U =1

⟨E2τ + B2




2π2c3dω, (D27)

we have that






2π2c3dω (D28)

for i = x, y, z. Hence


c2= x





(2− 4γ2

τ − 4γ2τβ

) ∫ hω3


+ x1



τβτ 〈EyτBzτ − EzτByτ 〉

= −x 1




2π2c3dω − x 1




2π2c3dω. (D29)

The triangular brackets term in the second equality vanishes because it is propotional to the ZPF Poyntingvector of Iτ in the x-direction and the integrations, as clearly explained in Appendix B, should be carried overthe k-sphere of Iτ . It is furthermore straightforward to show that each one of the summands < EyτBzτ >and < EzτByτ > vanishes individually. So

g∗ +T∗ · vc2

= x1



2π2c3dω (D30)

that results after a mutual cancellation of two factors of the form γ2τ (1−β2

τ ) = 1. We then replace Eq. (D30)into (D15) and obtain

p∗ = xcγτ βτV0




= x





)c sinh


). (D31)

The inertia reaction force of Eq. (B10) becomes now

f zp∗ = −dp∗dt∗

= − 1




= −(V0






= −mia, (D32)

where we have written a = xa, the acceleration that goes in the x-direction and have introduced again theradiation coupling factor η(ω). Observe that the 4/3 factor obtained in Sec. V and in Appendix B becomesunity in the present case. The inertial mass mi is the same as Eq. (30) [28].

The zero-component of the four-momentum we write as

cP 0 = γτ

∫(U − g · v)d3σ→ γτ

[⟨E2∗ + B2


8π− cβτg∗

]V0. (D33)


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It is a simple matter to check that

⟨E2∗ + B2





(1 + 2γ2

τ + 2γ2τβ

) ∫ hω3

2π2c3dω. (D34)

The g∗ in Eq. (D33) is the same of (B5) that we write as

cg∗ =4



2π2c3dω. (D35)

From Eqs. (D33–D35) we easily obtain

cP 0 = γτV0



2π2c3dω = mic

2γτ , (D36)

which as expected is the energy of the interacting part of the ZPF radiation inside the volume of the objectV0. From Eqs. (D36) and (D31) we recover the standard mechanical four-momentum expression for anobject of rest mass mi and four-velocity

vµ = (cγτ ,vγτ ) , (D37)


P µ = mivµ = (micγτ ,mivγτ ) . (D38)

This is the same four-momentum that in Eq. (33) we wrote as P.


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REFERENCES[1] J.-P. Vigier, Foundations of Physics, 25, No. 10, 1461 (1995).[2] W. H. McCrea, Nature 230, 95 (1971). See also an attempt at an alternative approach by R. C. Jennison

and A. J. Drinkwater, J. Phys. A 10, 167 (1977);[3] D. W. Sciama, Mon. Not. Roy. Astr. Soc. 113, 34 (1953); see also G. Cocconi, and E. Salpeter, Il

Nuovo Cimento, 10, (1958).[4] S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity

(Wiley, New York, 1972), pp. 86–88.[5] W. Rindler, Phys. Lett. A 187, 236 (1994). W. Rindler, Phys. Lett. A 187, 236 (1994). There was a

reply to this paper by H. Bondi and J. Samuel, Phys. Lett. A, 228, 121 (1997).[6] For further detailed discussion of Mach’s Principle see J. Barbour, “Einstein and Mach’s Principle” in

Studies in the History of General Relativity, J. Eisenstadt and A. J. Knox (eds.) (Birkhauser, Boston,1988), pp. 125–153.

[7] B. Haisch, A. Rueda and H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 49, 678 (1994). We also refer to this paper forreview points and references on the subject of inertia.

[8] The corresponding required inertial coupling would take place along a spacelike hypersurface in a mannerconsistent with the dictates of general relativity. See C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne and T. A. Wheeler,Gravitation (Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 1971) pp. 543–549 for a more traditional discussion onMach’s Principle within general relativity with several references. See however references [1], [4], [5] and[6] above.

[9] A. D. Sakharov, Sov. Phys. Dokl. 12, 1040 (1968); Theor. Math. Phys. 23, 435 (1975). See also C. W.Misner, K. S. Thorne and J. A. Wheeler, Gravitation (Freeman, San Francisco, 1973) pp. 417–428. Thisapproach has been interpreted within SED by means of a tentative preliminary nonrelativistic treatmentthat models the ZPF-induced ultrarelativistic zitterbewegung, (H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 39, 2333(1989); see also S. Carlip, Phys. Rev. A 47, 3452 (1993) and H. E. Puthoff, Phys. Rev. A 47, 3454(1993)). A revision on the status of this last issue has been carried out by K. Danley, Thesis, Cal.State Univ., Long Beach (1994). It shows that there remain unsettled questions in the derivation ofNewtonian gravitation. However our inertia work reported here and in [7] as well as the equivalenceprinciple suggest to us that the ZPF approach to gravitation remains promising once a more detailedrelativistic particle model is implemented.

[10] D. C. Cole and A. Rueda (1997) in preparation; and D. C. Cole (1997) in preparation in which aneffort is being made to analyze in a more accurate way the developments of [7], in particular by notapproximating away to zero some terms, like the contribution of the electric part of the Lorentz force,that may arguably be significant. These involved calculations are still in progress at the time of writingof the present paper.

[11] T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 29, 1089 (1984); for clarity of presentation the notation proposed in thisarticle is followed here.

[12] W. Rindler, Introduction to Special Relativity (Oxford, Clarendon 1991) pp. 91–93. The most relevantpart is Section 35, pp. 90–93. Hyperbolic motion is found in Section 14, pp. 33–36. Further details onhyperbolic motion are given in F. Rohrlich, Classical Charged Particles (Addison Wesley, Reading Mass,1965) pp. 117 ff and 168 ff. These are important references throughout this paper.

[13] A. Rueda, Phys. Rev. A 23, 2020 (1981), see e.g., Eqs. (2) and (9). See also D. C. Cole, Found. Phys.20, 225 (1990), for a more explicit discussion of the need of a normalization factor.

[14] As the space part of the force four-vector that corresponds to f + f zp = 0 uniquely vanishes in all frames,the time part should also vanish which means that v · f + v · f zp = 0 in all frames (zero-componentLemma). This together with Eq. (14) necessarily means that the energy and momentum given bythe accelerating agent to the object is immediately passed by the object to the surrounding vacuumfield. When the object is later decelerated by another external agent, the energy and momentum flowbackward from the vacuum to the decelerating agent. The proof of this conjecture that the vacuum isthe reservoir of the four-momentum of all moving bodies requires however critical analysis beyond thelimited scope of the present work.

[15] See, e.g., E. J. Konopinski, Electromagnetic Fields and Relativistic Particles (McGraw-Hill, New York1981); or J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics (Wiley, N.Y., 1975).

[16] The Lorentz invariance of the spectral energy density of the classical electromagnetic ZPF was indepen-dently found by T. W. Marshall, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 61, 537 (1965) and T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev.


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182, 1374 (1969); see also E. Santos, Nuovo Cimento Lett. 4, 497 (1972). From a quantum point ofview every Lorentz-invariant theory is expected to yield a Lorentz-invariant vacuum. The ZPF of QEDshould be expected to be Lorentz-invariant, see, e.g., T. D. Lee, “Is the physical vacuum a medium” inA Festschrift for Maurice Goldhaber, G. Feinberg, A. W. Sunyar and J. Wenesser (eds.), Trans. N.Y.Acad. Sci., Ser. II, Vol. 40 (1980). For nice discussions on the Lorentz invariance of the ZPF and othercomments and references to related work in SED, see L. de la Pena, “Stochastic Electrodynamics: Itsdevelopment, present situation and perspective” in Stochastic Processes Applied to Physics and OtherRelated Fields (World Scientific, Singapore, 1983) B. Gomez et al (editors) p. 428 ff. and also L. de laPena and A. M. Cetto The Quantum Dice (Kluwer, Dordrecht Holland, 1996) p. 113 ff.

[17] See Appendix A of the first reference in [13].

[18] See, e.g., J. M. Jauch and F. Rohrlich, The Theory of Photons and Electrons (Springer-Verlag, Berlin,1980), p. 298.

[19] J. Schwinger, L. L. De Rand, and K. A. Milton, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 15,1 (1978), and references thereinto previous work on Schwinger’s source theory.

[20] A. O. Barut, J. P. Dowling and J. F. van Huele, Phys. Rev. A 38, 4408 (1988); A.O, Barut and J. P.Dowling, Phys. Rev. A 41, 2277 (1990); and J. P. Dowling in New Frontiers in Quantum Electrodynamicsand Quantum Optics, A.O. Barut, editor (Plenum, New York, 1990), and references therein to furtherwork of Barut and collaborators on QED based on the self-fields approach.

[21] See, however, M. Ibison and B. Haisch, Phys. Rev. A 54, 2737 (1996) for resolution of an importantdiscrepancy between SED and QED.

[22] J. S. Bell and J.M. Leinaas, Nucl. Phys. B 212, 131 (1983).

[23] T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 21, 2137 (1980). The time removal procedure for SED used here is implicityfound in this paper.

[24] D. C. Cole, Phys. Rev. D 35, 562 (1987).

[25] If we insist on calculating the integral over the variables (k,k) of I∗ instead of (k′,k′), i.e., those of Iτ ,as long as the cut-off is spherically symmetric around the k-space origin of Iτ the end result should alsobe zero. This is more easily done by means of an exponential cut-off in a development due to Boyer(D.C. Cole, 1993–1994 personal communication). Expression (C23) with such cut-off reads

g(τ ) = xh



kk′k′ exp




Integration over the azimuth and over the frequency ω = ck yields an expression proportional again toω4c and to an integral expression on the latitude angle. This last it can be shown identically vanishes.

So, even if the limit ωc →∞ is taken at the end, the result is still zero.

[26] All four books in references [12] and [15] may be useful references here. The book of Rohrlich, in [12],devotes considerable part of it to the mass problem for classical electrodynamics. We will need materialfrom Rohrlich p. 86 ff and p. 129 ff. In the book of Jackson, in [15], this material appears in pp. 236 ffand pp. 791 ff. In Konopinski’s book [15], this material is scattered through several chapters. Rindlergives only a concise exposition of the electromagetic energy tensor in Sec. 42 of his book [12].

[27] For P µ to be a four-vector the four-divergence of the electromagnetic energy momentum stress tensorshould vanish, ∂µΘµν = 0. As the only interaction considered in this work is the electromagnetic and asexplicitly we omit any other components of the vacuum besides the electromagnetic, there is no questionthat the stress tensor Θµν is purely electromagnetic. In more complex models where there are otherinteractions it would be the four-divergence of the sum of the electromagnetic and the other field stresstensor (Poincare stress) that should vanish, i.e., ∂µ(Θµν+Θµν

other) = 0. In such a case it becomes a matterof choice if individually ∂µΘµν and ∂µΘµν

other each separately vanishes or not, and their divergences arethen just the opposites of each other. A nice discussion of this point is found in I. Campos and J. L.Jimenez, Phy. Rev. D 33, 607 (1986) (See also I. Campos and J. L. Jimenez, Eur. J. Phys. 13, 177(1992); T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 25, 3246 (1982); T. H. Boyer, Phys. Rev. D 25, 3251 (1982)). Sowhen there are other fields (interactions), the electromagnetic four-vector character of P µ is not thatcompelling, but in the present purely electromagnetic case such four-vector character necessarily holdssince ∂µΘµν = 0. In the pure electromagnetic case that for simplicity of treatment we assume here, the4/3 factor becomes unity. If, on the other hand, we were to assume other fields (e.g. those participating


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in the η(ω) response of the particle) then the obliteration of the 4/3 factor becomes more a matter oftheoretical preference.

[28] The theory of the classical electron also presented a factor of 4/3 that could be “corrected” to unityby assuming a point model for the electron with an electromagnetic energy-momentum stress tensor ofvanishing divergence. See the discussion of Ref. [27] and the articles there for some insights on thehistory of the 4/3 factor; also the book of Rohrlich [12], pp. 16–18 for a detailed scholarly account.