bernanke in theory versus bernanke in practice

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  • 8/2/2019 Bernanke in Theory Versus Bernanke in Practice


    voxResearch-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

    Ben Bernanke and the zero bound

    Laurence Ball

    28 February 2012

    What explains Bernankes caution as Fed chair? This column argues that one

    possible factor is groupthink, where individuals go along with what they perceive

    as the majority view. Many of the Feds features its tradition of decision-making

    by consensus, limited interaction with outsiders, and atmosphere of camaraderie

    encourage groupthink. And Bernankes personality, often described as modest

    and unassuming, may have reinforced the effects of groupthink.

    From 2000 to 2003, when Ben Bernanke was an economics professor and then a

    Fed governor (but not yet chair), he wrote extensively about a problem in

    monetary policy, ie how to stimulate a slumping economy if short-term interest

    rates are near zero. Bernanke suggested policies for Japan, where interest rates

    were near zero at the time, and he discussed what the Fed should do if it were

    confronted with a similar situation (Bernanke 2000, 2002, 2003a).

    In these early writings, Bernanke advocated aggressive actions to stimulateaggregate demand. He proposed four specific policies:

    With all these tools available, Bernanke argued, the zero bound on interest rates

    was not a significant impediment to demand stimulus. The primary reason forJapans stagnation was a self-induced paralysis at the central bank, which could

    have ended the slump if the will to do so had existed.

    Bernanke in theory versus Bernanke in practice

    Since December 2008, Chairman Bernanke has faced a depressed US economy

    with short-term interest rates near zero. Yet the Bernanke Fed has eschewed the

    policy responses that Bernanke once advocated. It has tried to boost demand

    Targets for long-term interest rates;

    Depreciation of the currency;

    An inflation target of 3%4%; and

    A money-financed fiscal expansion.

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    through more cautious actions-- primarily, announcements about future federal

    funds rates and purchases of long-term Treasury securities (without targets for

    long-term interest rates). Many economists have noted this change, including

    Christina Romer (in Klein 2011) and Paul Krugman (2011). Joseph Gagnon says,

    Its really ironic. Its a self-induced paralysis (in Miller 2011).

    What explains Bernankes caution as Fed chair? The leading theory is political

    pressure from inflation hawks, both within the Federal Open Market Committee

    and in Congress. Krugman, for example, says that Bernanke has been bullied by

    the inflationistas including Ron Paul.

    Yet a careful review of Bernankes writings suggests that political pressure is not

    the primary reason for his caution. The key evidence is the timing of his changing

    views about the zero bound. By 2004, Bernanke had dropped all of his early

    proposals for aggressive policies. At that time, the zero-bound problem was a

    hypothetical one for the US, and nobody imagined the political pressures that

    Bernanke would face a few years later as Fed chair.

    A quick conversion

    In a recent paper (Ball 2012) I examine Ben Bernankes changing views about

    the zero bound. It seems that most of the changes occurred over a very short

    time. In a speech in May 2003, Bernanke was still advocating aggressive policies

    such as a money-financed tax cut. In a speech in July 2003, he was much more

    cautious. What happened between May and July?

    The obvious answer, at one level, is that Bernanke attended the Federal Open

    Market Committee meeting of June 24. At that meeting, the Committee heard a

    briefing on policy at the zero bound prepared by the Boards Division of Monetary

    Affairs and presented by its director, Vincent Reinhart. The policy options that

    Reinhart emphasised were close to those that the Fed has actually implemented

    since 2008; Reinhart either rejected or ignored the more aggressive policies that

    Bernanke had previously advocated. In the discussion that followed, Chairman

    Greenspan and other Committee members generally supported Reinharts views.

    Bernanke spoke toward the end of the meeting, and he joined the consensussupporting Reinhart. The meetings impact is clear from Bernankes July speech,

    in which he mostly echoed Reinharts proposals. In January 2004, Bernanke and

    Reinhart co-authored a paper that closely followed Reinharts reasoning at the

    June meeting. Since the US hit the zero bound, the Fed has implemented the

    proposals in the Bernanke-Reinhart paper.

    A puzzle

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    This history raises another question. Why did Bernankes views about the zero

    bound change so suddenly and completely? Why, as Ryan Avent (in Economist

    2012) asks, was the June 2003 Federal Open Market Committee meeting a

    Damascene moment when Bernanke apparently realised that his previous

    thinking was wrong?

    Of course, someone can change his mind as a result of new evidence or

    arguments; Bernanke could simply have found Reinhart persuasive. Yet it is

    questionable that this simple explanation is the whole story. In 2003 Bernanke

    was one of the worlds most eminent monetary economists, and he had written

    extensively about zero-bound policy. Given his expertise and the strong views he

    had expressed, one might expect Bernanke to take a leading role in the Federal

    Open Market Committee discussion, to put forward his ideas, and not to change

    his mind quickly. Even if Reinharts arguments were strong, it is puzzling that

    Bernanke accepted them immediately.

    In addition, Bernanke apparently dropped some of his old positions without

    hearing arguments against them. Reinharts briefing and the Federal Open Market

    Committee discussion emphasised the drawbacks of targeting long-term interest

    rates, one of Bernankes early proposals. But Reinhart cryptically dismissed

    Bernankes ideas about money-financed tax cuts and depreciation, and he

    completely ignored the idea of 3%4% inflation and no Federal Open Market

    Committee member brought up any of these proposals. On these issues, rather

    than agreeing with persuasive arguments, Bernanke accepted his colleagues

    implicit position that his old ideas were off the table.

    Conjectures based on social psychology

    Why was Bernanke so unassertive? It is hard to answer this question because we

    cannot observe Bernankes thought processes. Yet we can speculate about the

    causes of his behaviour and our speculation can be informed by social

    psychology, which studies group decision-making. My recent paper explores two

    factors that may have influenced Bernanke.

    The first possible factor is groupthink at the Federal Open Market Committee.Janis (1971) introduced the concept of groupthink, defining it as the mode of

    thinking that persons engage in when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant

    in a cohesive group that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative

    courses of action. When groupthink occurs, individuals go along with what they

    perceive as the majority view or the view of a group leader. They censor opinions

    of their own that differ from the majority because they value group harmony and

    they want to avoid disapproval from others.

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    Did groupthink occur when the Federal Open Market Committee discussed the

    zero bound? A reason to think so is that many factors that promote groupthink,

    according to social psychologists, were present at the Greenspan Fed. These

    factors include a dominant group leader; a tradition of decision-making by

    consensus; limited interaction with outsiders; and an atmosphere of camaraderie

    and clubbiness. This last factor is highlighted in a recent New YorkTimes article

    about the Federal Open Market Committee transcripts for 2006 (Appelbaum

    2012). The article notes the frequency of jokes, banter, and gossip about people

    who are not present, as well as the warm tributes to Alan Greenspan when he


    The second factor that might have influenced Bernanke is his personality.

    Journalists and colleagues typically describe Bernanke with terms such as

    modest, quiet, unassuming, and shy. Common sense suggests that someone with

    these traits is less likely than an outspoken, aggressive person to speak forcefully

    at meetings or to dissent from a majority view. This hypothesis is supported byexperiments in which psychologists identify people as shy or not shy and then

    examine their behaviour within a decision-making group.

    Bernankes personality may have reinforced the effects of groupthink. The

    atmosphere at the Federal Open Market Committee in 2003 discouraged anyone

    from questioning the views of the Fed staff. As a quiet and shy person, Bernanke

    may have been especially reluctant to rock the boat.


    If these conjectures are correct, they have implications for the design of policy

    committees and the choice of Committee members. Appointing outspoken,

    aggressive people may ensure that a wide range of views is considered. A

    wide-ranging debate is also more likely if the causes of groupthink are avoided.

    Ironically, as Fed chair, Ben Bernanke has moved the Federal Open Market

    Committee in that direction. Bernanke dominates discussions less than

    Greenspan did; he tolerates dissents from votes; and he has reduced the

    Committees insularity with post-meeting news conferences.

    Does social psychology really explain Ben Bernankes behaviour? Only Bernanke

    has direct experience of his thought processes in 2003. Now that he holds news

    conferences, perhaps a reporter will ask him to explain his Damascene moment.


    Appelbaum, Binyamin (2012), Inside the Fed in 2006: A Coming Crisis, and

    Banter, New York Times, 12 January.

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