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  • 8/17/2019 Benjamin Franklin Quotes.docx


    Benjamin Franklin Quotes

    • He that is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else.

    • Keep thy eyes wide open before marriage, and half-shut afterwards.

    •  No nation was ever ruined by trade.

    • Distrust and caution are the parents of security.

    • f you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are rotten,

    either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing.

    • He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing

    everything for money.

    •Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. !iberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote"

    • #o convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find

    or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.

    • Dost thou love life $hen do not s%uander time, for that&s the stuff life is made of.

    • know not which lives more unnatural lives, obeying husbands, or commanding wives.

    • 'e slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.

    Albert Einstein Quotes

    • $he conscientious ob(ector is a revoultionary. )n deciding to disobey the law

    he sacrifices his personal interests to the most important cause of working forthe betterment of society.

    • $he difference between what the most and the least learned peopleknow is inexpressibly

    trivial in relation to that which is unknown.

    • $here comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never

     prove how it got there.

    • *hat is the meaning of human life, or of organiclifealtogether $o answer this %uestion at

    all implies areligion. s there any sense then, you ask, in putting it answer, the man whoregards his own life and that of hisfellow creatures as meaningless is not

    merely unfortunate but almost dis%ualified for life.

    • $he most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.

    t is the source of all art and science.

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    • $he significant problems we have cannot be solved at the samelevel of thinking with

    which we created them.

    • +eace cannot be kept by force. t can only be achieved by understanding.

    • t is characteristic of the militarymentality that nonhuman factors atom bombs, strategic

     bases, weapons of all sorts, the possession of raw materials, etc are held essential, while

    the human being, his desires, and thoughts in short, the psychological factors are

    considered as unimportant and secondary/$he individual is degraded/to 0humanmateriel1.

    • $he grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by

    logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.

    • f my theory of relativity is proven successful, 2ermanywillclaim me as a 2erman

    and 3rancewill declare that am a citi4en of the world.

    • t is only to the individual that a soul is given.

    Edgar Allan Poe Quotes

    • 5hildren are never too tender to be whipped. !ike tough beefsteaks, the more

    you beat them, the more tender they become.

    • t may well be doubted whether humaningenuity can construct an enigma/

    which humaningenuity may not, by proper application, resolve.

    • #cience has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence.

    • became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity

    • $here are certain themes of which the interest is all-absorbing, but which are too entirely

    horrible for the purposes of legitimate fiction.

    • $hose who dream by day are cogni4ant of many things that escape those who dream only

    at night.

    • Depend upon it, after all, $homas, !iterature is the most noble of professions. n fact, it is

    about the only one fit for a man. 3or my own part, there is no seducing me from the path.

    • #leep, those little slices of death, how loathe them.

    • #leep, those little slices of death6 )h how loathe them.

    • 7ll that we see and seem is but a dream within a dream.

    • $ake this kiss upon the brow 7nd, in parting from you now,$hus much let me avow8ou

    are not wrong who deem$hat my dayshave been a dream8et if hope has flown awayn a

    night, or in a day,n a vision, or in none,s it therefore the less gone7ll that we see or

    seems but a dream within a dream.

    Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

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    •  N.'. $his %uote refers to the 'ritish disarmament of the ndian

    7rmy. 2andhi never advocated the individualright to bear arms.

    • want freedom for the full expression on my personality.

    • n the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and

    deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. )ur life is a long and arduous %uest

    after $ruth.

    • *e must become the change we want to see.

    • !ive simply that others may simply live.

    • 3reedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

    • *hat difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the

    mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of libertyor democracy

    • 8ou must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean if a few drops of the ocean are

    dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

    • 7lways aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. 7lways aim at purifying

    your thoughts and everything will be well.

    • $here are seven sins in the world9 *ealth without work, +leasure without

    conscience, Knowledge without character, 5ommerce without morality, #cience without

    humanity, *orship without sacrifice and politics withoutprinciple.

    • $here is no path to peace. +eace is the path.

    Mark Twain Quotes

    • can live two months on a good compliment.

    • !et us not be too particular6 it is better to have old secondhand diamonds than none at all.

    • :ust the omission of :ane 7usten&s books alone would make a fairly good library out of a

    library that hadn&t a book in it.• *hen in doubt, tell the truth.

    • *henever the literary 2erman dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see

    of him until he emerges on the other side of his atlantic with his verb in his mouth.

    • ;

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    • 2ood breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little

    we think of the otherperson.

    • have spent most of my time worrying about thigs that have never happened.

    • f 5hrist were here now there is one thing he would not bea christian.

    8outh, large, lusty, loving- 8outh, full of grace, force, fascination. Do you know that )ld7ge may come after you with e%ual grace, force, fascination

    • How come we re(oice at a birth and grieve at a funeral> t is because we are not

    the person involved.

    Emily Dickinson Quotes

    • +oetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion6 it is not

    the expression of personality but an escape from personality. 'ut, of course, only thosewe havepersonality and emotionknow what it means towant to escape from these things.

    • Hope is the thing with feathers $hat perches in the soul. 7nd sings the tune *ithout the

    words, and never stopsat all.

    • Hope is a thing with feathers

    $hat perches in the soul,

    7nd sings the tune without words

    7nd never stops at all.

    • /the fog is rising.

    • hope you love birds too. t is economical. t saves going to heaven.

    • #uccess is counted sweetest by those who ne&er succeed.

    • 7 little

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    •  Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who

    embarks on the strange voyagecan measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter.

    $he statesman who yields to war fever must reali4e that once the signal is given, he is nolonger the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events. A

    • cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. re(oice with the brilliant ones and am

    genuinely sorry for thepoor browns. A

    • n my belief, you cannot deal with the most serious things in the world unless you also

    understand the most amusing. A

    • 7re you insinuating that am a purveyor of terminological inexactitudes> A

    • 8ou will make all kinds of mistakes but as long as you are generous and true and fierce

    you cannot hurt the world, or even seriously distress her. A

    • 7 cat will look down to a man. 7 dog will look up to a man. 'ut a pig will look you

    straight in the eye and see his e%ual. A

    • cannot forecast to you the action of Bussia. t is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an

    enigma but perhapsthere is a key. $hat key is Bussian national interest. A• *hen you get to the end of your rope tie a knot and hang on. A

    •  Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. A

    • Cirtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and timidity, are no match for armed and resolute

    wickedness. 7 sincerelove of peace is no excuse for muddling hundreds of millions of

    humble folk into total war. $he cheers of the weak, well-meaning assemblies soon ceaseto count. Doom marches on. A

    Aristotle Quotes

    • $his only is denied to 2od9 the power to undo the past. A

    • t is easy to fly into a passionanybody can do thatbut to be angry with the right person

    and at the right timeand with the right ob(ect and in the right waythat is not easy, and it

    is not everyone who can do it. A

    • 7ll men by nature desire knowledge. A

    • t is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citi4en. A

    • have gained this by philosophy9 that do without being commanded what others do only

    from fear of the law.A

    • $he best friend is the man who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. A

    • $o love someone is to identify with them. A

    • $hose that know, do. $hose that understand, teach. A

    • $here was never a genius without a tincture of madness. A

    • n all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. A

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    • $o en(oy the things we ought and to hate the things we ought has the greatest bearing on

    excellence of character.A

    George ashington Quotes

    • Differences in political opinion are as unavoidable as, to a certain point, they

    may perhaps be necessary. A

    • $o encourage literature and the arts is a duty which every good citi4en owes to

    his country. A

    • $he only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself. A

    • hold before you my hand with each finger standing erect and alone, and as long as they

    are held thus, not one of the tasks that the hand may preform can be accomplished.

    cannot lift. cannot grasp. cannot hold. cannot even make an intelligible sign until my

    fingers organi4e and work together. n this we should also learn alesson. A

    • )ne of the things that has helped me as much as any other, is not how long am going to

    live, but how much can do while living. A

    • 'e courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give

    them your confidence.$rue friendship is a plant of slow grow, and must undergo andwithstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. A

    • !abor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience. A

    • $rue friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo the shocks of adversity

     before it is entitled to theappellation. A

    • 2overnment is not reason6 it is not elo%uence6 it is force. !ike fire, it is adangerous servant and a fearfulmaster. A

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    • Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness

    shut you in and thegreat ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore

    with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something tohappen was like that ship before my education began, only was withoutcompass

    or sounding line, and no way of knowing how near the harbor was. ?!ight 2ive me light&

    was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. A• look upon the whole world as my fatherland, and every war has to me the horror of

    a family fued. A

    • 5ollege isn&t the place to go for ideas. A

    • #cience may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of 

    them allthe apathyof human beings. A

    • $here is plenty of courage among us for the abstract, but not for the concrete. A

    • $he highest result of education is tolerance. A

    • )ne&s life story cannot be told with complete veracity. 7 true autobiography would have

    to be written in states of mind, emotions, heartbeats, smiles and tears not in months andyears, or physical events. !ife is marked off on the soul by feelings, not by dates. A

    • Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. A

    !on$ucius Quotes

    • *hat the superior man seeks is in himself6 what the small man seeks is in

    others. A

    • t does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. A

    • $he superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions. A

    • t is only the benevolent man who is capable of liking or disliking other men. A

    • $o go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. A

    • *hen we see men of worth, we should think of e%ualing them when we see men of

    a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. A

    • 7 youth is to be regarded with respect. How do you know that his future will not be e%ual

    to our present> A

    • *hen a man&s knowledge is sufficient to attain, and his virtue is not sufficient to enable

    him to hold, whatever he may have gained, he will lose again. A

    • verything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. A

    • 3ine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. A

    • have not seen a person who loved virtue, or one who hated what was not virtuous. He

    who loved virtue wouldesteem nothing above it. A

    %a&oleon Bona&arte Quotes

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    • $here are two levers for moving men interest and fear. A

    • f you wish to be a sucess in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing. A

    • t re%uires morecourage to suffer than to die. A

    • Beligion is excellent stuff for keepingcommonpeople%uiet. A

    • Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. A

    • 3ew really believe. $he most only believe that they believe or evenmake believe. A

    • $he wordimpossible is not in my dictionary. A

    • $he best way to keep one&s word is not to give it. A

    • n politicsstupidity is not a handicap. A

    • History is a set of lies agreed upon. A

    • ; A

    • &ve been on a calendar, but &ve never been on time. A

    • ver notice that ?what the hell& is always the right decision A

    • 0 knew belonged to the public and to the world, not because was talented or even

     beautiful, but because had never belonged to anything or anyone else.1 A

    • $he nicest thing for me is sleep, then at least can dream A

    • want to grow old without facelifts. want to have the courage to be loyal to the face

    have made. A

    • Dogs never bite me. :ust humans. A

    • #ex is a part of nature. go along with nature. A

    • f &m a star, then the people made me a star. A

    • &m very definitely a woman and en(oy it. A

    • knew belonged to the public and to the world, not because was talented or even

     beautiful, but because had never belonged to anything or anyone else. A

    Galileo Galilei Quotes

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    8ou cannot teach a man anything. you can only help him to find it forhimself. A

    • have never met a man so ignorant that couldn&t learn something from him. A

    • !ong experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regard to matters

    re%uiring thought9 the less people know and understand about them, the more positively

    they attempt to argue concerning them, whileon the other hand to know and understanda multitude of things renders men cautious in passing (udgement upon anything new. A

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    • *hat a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the

    feeble mentality of theaverage adult. A

    • *hen making a decision of minor importance, have always found it advantageous to

    consider all the pros and cons. n vital matters, however, such as the choice of a mate or a

     profession, the decision should come from the unconscious, from somewhere within

    ourselves. n the important decisions of personal life, we should be governed, think, bythe deep inner needs of our nature. A

    • $he first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civili4ation. A

    • Beligion is an illusion, and it derives its strength from its readiness to fit in with our

    instinctual wishful impulses. A

    illiam 'hakes&eare Quotes

    • f rough be love with you, be rough with love. A

    • t is a kind of good deed to say well6 and yet words are not deeds. A

    • *e burn daylight. A

    • 'eware the ides of

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    • t is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one

    should listen to. . . . $he feeling for thethings themselves, for reality, is more important

    than the feeling for pictures. A

    • *hat would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything A

    • 3or my part know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.


    • 2reat things are done by a series of small things brought together. A

    • +aintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter&s soul. A

    • 7 good picture is e%uivalent to a good deed. A

    • Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more. A

    • $here may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and

    the passers-by see only awisp of smoke. A

    • )ur greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. A

    • f one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time,

    insight into andunderstanding of many things. A

    • 2reat things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. A

    'ocrates Quotes

    • *hen the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser. A

    • $hink not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions but those who kindly

    reprove thy faults. A

    • 8ou are providing for your disciples a show of wisdom without the reality. 3or, ac%uiring

     by your means muchinformation unaided by instruction, they will appear to possess much

    knowledge, while, in fact, they will, for the most part, know nothing at all6 and,moreover, be disagreeable people to deal with, as having become wise in their own

    conceit, instead of truly wise. A

    • )f all possessions wisdom alone is immortal. A

    • !et him that would move the world, first move himself. A

    • $rue knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. 7nd in knowing that you know

    nothing, that makes you the smartest of all. A

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    • He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would

    like to have. A

    • $o find yourself, think for yourself. A

    • $hou shouldst eat to live6 not live to eat. A

    decided that it was not wisdom that enabled ;poets= to write their poetry, but a kind ofinstinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublimemessages without knowing in the least what they mean. A

    • He is richest who is content with the least. A

    "i&&ocrates Quotes

    • Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.


    • $here are in fact two things, science and opinion6 the former begets knowledge, the latter

    ignorance. A

    • +rayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand. A

    • 0)pposites are cures for opposites. A

    • *alking is man&s best medicine. A

    • $hings that are holy are revealed only to men who are holy. A

    • $o really know is science6 to merely believe you know is ignorance. A

    • dleness and lack of occupation tend nay are dragged towards evil. A

    • $o do nothing is sometimes a good remedy. A

    • $here are in fact two things, science and opinion the former begets knowledge, the latter

    ignorance. A

    • 7 wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how

     by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. A

    Martin )uther #ing* +r, Quotes

    • History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of

    social transition was not the stridentclamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of

    the good people. A

    • $rue compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar6 it is not hapha4ard and

    superficial. t comes to see that an edifice that produces beggars needs restructuring. A

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    • Darkness cannot drive out darkness6 only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate6

    only love can do that. A

    • )ne who condones evil is (ust as guilty as the one who perpetrates it. A

    • $he ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and

    convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. A

    • 7ll labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with

     painstakingexcellence. A

    • $ake the first step in faith. 8ou don&t have to see the whole staircase, (ust take the first

    step. A

    •  Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious

    stupidity. A

    • f you will protest courageously, and yet with dignity and 5hristian love, when the history

     books are written infuture generations, the historians will have to pause and say, $herelived a great people-a black people-who in(ected new meaning and dignity into the veins

    of civili4ation. A•  Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral %uestions of our time the

    need for mankind to overcome oppression and violence without resorting to oppression

    and violence.

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    and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold

    and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat. A

    • !et us resolve to be masters, not the victims, of our history, controlling our own destiny

    without giving way toblind suspicions and emotions. A

    • $he freedom of the city is not negotiable. *e cannot negotiate with those who say,

    *hat&s mine is mine and what&s yours is negotiable. A

    • !et the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has

     been passed to a newgeneration of 7mericans born in this century, tempered by war,

    disciplined by a hard and bitter peace. A

    • f anyone is cra4y enough to want to kill a president of the Enited #tates, he can do it. 7ll

    he must be prepared to do is give his life for the president&s. A

    • 7 man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. A

    Abraham )incoln Quotes

    • $he ballot is stronger than the bullet. A

    • A

    • t often re%uires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong. A

    • f were two-faced, would be wearing this one A

    • !et me not be understood as saying that there are no bad laws, nor that grievances may

    not arise for the redressof which no legal provisions have been made. mean to say nosuch thing. 'ut do mean to say that although bad laws, if they exist, should be repealed

    as soon as possible, still, while they continue in force, for the sake ofexample they should

     be religiously observed. A

    • $he best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. A

    • will prepare and some day my chance will come. A

    • 8ou cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. A

    Golda Meir Quotes

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    • 8ou cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. A

    • 7s +resident Nixon says, presidents can do almost anything, and +resident Nixon has

    done many things thatnobody would have thought of doing. A

    • must govern the clock, not be governed by it. A

    • $o be or not to be is not a %uestion of compromise. ither you be or you don&t be. A

    • $o be successful, a woman has to be much better at her (ob than a man. A

    • 7rab sovereignty in :erusalem (ust cannot be. $his city will not be divided-not half and

    half, not FG-G, not IJ-J, nothing. A

    • *e do not re(oice in victories. *e re(oice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when

    strawberries bloom insrael. A• *e only want that which is given naturally to all peoples of the world, to be masters of

    our own fate, not of others, and in cooperation and friendship with others. A

    • $he gyptians could run to gypt, the #yrians into #yria. $he only place we could run

    was into the sea, and before we did that we might as well fight. A

    • Don&t be so humble you are not that great. A

    • *hat do you gain, #oviet Enion, from this miserable policy *here is your decency

    *ould it be a disgrace for you to give up this battle )n suppression of freedom for :ews

    in the E##B A

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