benchmarking hadoop - which hadoop sql engine leads the herd

Which Hadoop SQL Engine Leads the Herd? Stewart Tate STSM, Chief Designer, IBM Big Data Cluster Lead Architect BigInsights Performance IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory ∙ San Jose ∙ California [email protected]

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Which Hadoop SQL Engine Leads the Herd?

Stewart Tate STSM, Chief Designer, IBM Big Data Cluster

Lead Architect BigInsights Performance

IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory ∙ San Jose ∙ California

[email protected]

2 © 2013 IBM Corporation

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3 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Our journey begins…

• Evaluating three SQL engines in major Hadoop Distributions

IBM BigInsights Big SQL v3

Cloudera (CDH5) Impala 1.4

Hortonworks (HDP 2.1) Hive 0.13

• Workload

Simulated Enterprise Retail Operation using 99 Queries

Hadoop-DS based on TPC-DS benchmark

4 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Three Identical Hadoop Clusters…

Management Node

One x3650 M4 BD Two E5-2680 v2 2.8GHz 10-core

128GB RAM, 1866MHz

2TB 3.5” HDD

Dual-port 10GbE

RHEL 6.4


Data Nodes

Sixteen x3650 M4 BD Two E5-2680 2.8GHz 10-core

128GB RAM, 1866MHz

Ten 2TB 3.5” HDD

Four 120GB 3.5” SSD

Dual-port 10GbE

RHEL 6.4



Lenovo Servers designed for Hadoop

5 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Benchmark Back Office…

6 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Live access to Audited & Real-time results

7 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Which SQL Engine Leads the Herd?

View results from each Hadoop Distro via our mobile app

8 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Big SQL – Runs 100% of the queries

Key points

Impala & Hive require many

queries to be re-written, some


Owing to various restrictions,

some queries could not be re-

written or failed at run-time

Re-writing queries in a

benchmark scenario where

results are known is one thing

– doing this against real

databases in production is


9 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Hadoop-DS benchmark – Single user performance @ 10TB

Big SQL is 3.6x faster than Impala and 5.4x faster than Hive 0.13

for single query stream using 46 common queries

10 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Hadoop-DS benchmark – multi-user performance @ 10TB

With 4 streams, Big SQL is 2.1x faster than Impala and 8.5x faster than Hive 0.13

for 4 query streams using 46 common queries

**See Speaker notes for disclaimer

11 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Hadoop-DS benchmark – Big SQL with 99 queries @ 30TB

Big SQL completed 4 concurrent query streams @30TB in 1.8x time of a single query stream



396 queries in

only 1.8x time

of 99 queries

12 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Thank you!

13 © 2013 IBM Corporation

About TPC-DS Queries • The queries are diverse, and many are complex

• Reflecting real business needs – a random sample:

Find customers returning items more frequently than normal (q1)

States with customers most ammenable to premium priced offers (q6)

List key metrics for unadvertised in-store promotions by demographic (q7)

Identify similar customers purchasing through multiple sales outlets (q10)

Find customers shifting purchasing habits to the web (q11)

Key measures for catalog sales fulfilled from an alternate warehouse (q16)

Find frequently sold items and the circumstances under which repeat sales take place (q23)

Understand the products and retail locations where items are likely to be return and subsequently re-purchased via the catalog (q29)

Display customers making significant local purchases comparing to buying potential based on dependents and vehicles owned (q34)

14 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Hadoop-DS benchmark

• Aim: To provide the fairest and most meaningful comparison of SQL over Hadoop solutions so far

• Hadoop-DS benchmark is based on the TPC-DS* benchmark. Key deviations:

No data maintenance or data persistence phases

• Not possible across all vendors

Uses a common query set across all solutions

• The sub-set of queries that all vendors can successfully execute at that scale factor

• Queries are not cherry picked

• It is the most complete TPCDS like benchmark executed to date

• Worked with TPC certified auditor to review the benchmark

• Is analogues to porting a relational workload to SQL on Hadoop

Bringing Order out of Chaos

15 © 2013 IBM Corporation

Big SQL 3.0 – Key Performance Features

• Advanced re-write and cost based optimizer backed by decades of IBM R&D

• Optimized HDFS readers for different storage formats

Native readers

• Self tuning memory manager

Optimize memory allocation between Big SQL consumers depending on the workload

• Informational Constraints

• Advanced Statistics

• Resource sharing and WLM