benchmark study guide. what is happening to the aral sea

Benchmark Study Guide

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Page 1: Benchmark Study Guide. What is happening to the Aral Sea

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Page 2: Benchmark Study Guide. What is happening to the Aral Sea

What is happening to the Aral


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• Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed it were diverted by Soviet irrigation projects.

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What City in Israel is regarded as a holy city by

many major religions?

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• Jerusalem is a holy city for many religions

such as

– Judaism– Islam– Christianity

Dome of the rock Islam

Western WallJudaism

Calvary HillChristianity

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What does OPEC stand for and what

is its purpose

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• OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

• OPEC’s job is to control worldwide oil prices

OPEC’s headquartersGeneva, Switzerland

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Where is the

Sahara Located?

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• The Sahara desert is located in northern Africa. The Sahara desert is so big it has limted travel and diffusion of culture from Northern to Central and South Africa.

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Where is

Desertification taking Place?

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• Desertification is taking place in the area directly south of the Sahara desert known as the Sahel

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Describe Siberiawhy are there no

settlements or vey limited industry there

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• Siberia is a area in Russia that has mostly a Tundra Climate. It has very harsh winters with

• very few vegetation. This has made the • settlement of Siberia very difficult.

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What is a Theocracy

What countries in the middle

east have it?

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• A theocracy is a government that is ruled by a religious leader. This is usually found in the middle east. Examples of this is Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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Describe the Conflict in

Israel. Who is fighting? What

are they fighting over?

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• Israel is a Jewish controlled state. • Both Jewish people and Muslims

(Palestinians) claim control of the land of Israel and are still fighting over it today.

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Why is there a abundance of

African Culture in Brazil

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• Many African Slaves were transported there from 1650-1860

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Positives and Negative Effects

of constructioning a nuclear power


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• Positive• more efficient

energy production• Cheap Power

• Negative• Disposal of nuclear

waste is a major problem

• A major leak or explosion can damage human life and the environment

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Saudi Arabia is famous around

the world for two things. What are


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• Saudia is famous for their production of oil and being their Religion. Mecca and Medina Islamic holy cities are located there

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Explain the EU

(European Union)

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• The EU is a unique economic and political partnership between 28 European countries The EU promotes economic growth and protection of human rights throughout the continent of Europe. They created one single currency known as the Euro

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Explain the reason for frequent

changes in political

organizations in Africa today?

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• The Berlin Conference of 1884 divided up Africa. It grouped ethnic groups together that did not get along. Also all the natural resources went strait back to Europe so this caused Africa to struggled financially and political for many years. This also led to many civil wars.

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How do people in the middle

eastern desserts survive?

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• They are nomadic. They travel from place to place searching for a source of water or food. They also utilize camels as they can go for longer periods of time without water.

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How are North Africa

and the Middle East


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• Northern Africa is Islamic due to the spreading of Islam from the middle east. They also speak Arabic

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Where are



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Define Stateless


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• A ethnic group without land to legally occupy

– Kurds– Palestinians in Israel

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Factors to a country having a high standard of

living• Low infant mortality rate• Long life expectancy• Low death rate• High literacy rate

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Where did Islam Begin and where

did it spread

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• It began in Saudi Arabia and spread throughout the middle east and Africa.

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What happened to Russia from


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• They were communist and the people had no rights or privileges. They were in a cold war with the United States until 1991 with eh fall of the Soviet Union

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What is the barrier

between Europe and


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• Ural Mountains