bellwork which type of renewable energy would you prefer - solar or wind? justify your answer

BELLWORK Which type of renewable energy would you prefer - solar or wind? Justify your answer.

Upload: bryce-conley

Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Which type of renewable energy would you prefer - solar or wind?

Justify your answer.

Renewable Energy


In this lesson you will...1)Identify pros and cons of renewable


2)Describe how energy is produced by each of the renewable methods

3)Evaluate the competing energy solutions

Hydroelectric Energy

electric energy produced by falling or flowing water

How It Works

Most hydroelectric power is generated by water flowing through a dam

Inside the dam, water flowsthrough a turbine, causingit to rotate

Advantages of Hydroelectric


Very Environmentally Friendly

Reliable (doesn’t fluctuate)


Disadvantages of Hydroelectric


Can affect ecosystems

Affected by droughts

Limited reservoirs

Hydroelectric Power

Future of Hydroelectricity

Currently hydroelectric energy accounts for over 20% of renewable energy used worldwide

While large dams are becoming rare, smaller, cheaper dams are beginning to be built

Geothermal Energy

Energy produced by Earth’s hot, liquid core is called geothermal energy.

This heat can be harnessed as energy.

How It Works

Deep holes are drilled into the Earth

Hot water is pumped through these holes

Advantages of Geothermal


Environmentally Friendly

Great for heating homes in cold countries

Disadvantages of Geothermal

Drilling and building is expensive

Not available in many areas

Can cause earthquakes in very rare cases

Geothermal Heating/Cooling

Future of Geothermal

Currently used very rarely

As technology improves, geothermal may play a bigger energy role in the future


Energy derived from plant materials is called biofuels.

Fuels can be manufacturedby chemically breaking downthese plants.

Using Biofuels

Biofuels can be burned in the same way as fossil fuels

Currently they are primarily used as a gasoline additive

Advantages of Biofuels

Often considered to be renewable

Environmentally friendly-80% less CO2 emitted than fossil


Can be grown locally-prevents us from depending on

foreign oil

Disadvantages of Biofuels

Less efficient than fossil fuels

Still causes some pollution

Fear of a food or water shortage

Future of Biofuels

Currently only about 2% of fuel worldwide

If biofuels can become more efficient and don’t affect food supply, they could begin to replace fossil fuels