bellringer - of... · bellringer answer the following ... •thomas hobbes ......

Bellringer Answer the following questions and prepare to discuss. 1. What do you think about how our government is set up? 2. Does it (our government) protect you? 3. Who does it give power to?

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Answer the following questions and prepare to discuss.

1. What do you think about how our government is set up?

2. Does it (our government) protect you?

3. Who does it give power to?

Unit 1 Compelling Question:

What are the foundations of our government/political system?

Lesson 1 Supporting Question:

What were the Founding Fathers thinking when creating our government?

Context for the Unit

We are free! We beat the British and have now won our independence. The colonies are now their own country and we can govern ourselves as free citizens and not servants of King George. Well as founders we better start laying the foundations for our new country, the United States of America. Where do we begin?!?

• First, What do we know about government?

• Second, What type of government do we chose?

• Third, What do we not want our government to become?

What do we know about government?

• Thomas HobbesWhat does he say about government and the people?The government has the rights and the power. The people have no rights because they are stupid, ignorant and don’t know what is best for themselves.What government does he favor?Monarchy, Dictatorship- a ruler makes all the decisions for their people.• John LockeWhat does he say about government and the people?Both are dependent on another. They need each other. People need protection for their rights and the government needs the people.What government does he favor?Democracy

Remember Last Class?

Please respond to the following questions.

What is the Social Contract?An agreement between the people and the government that limits the rights and duties of each.

What did Thomas Hobbes think about government and its people?Government has all the power and the people have none. Why? The people cant take care of themselves, so they need a ruler.

What did John Locke think about government and its people?Both are dependent on one another. People need government to protect rights. The government can not exist without the people.

What type of government do we chose?

• Theocracy

God is the ruler.

A person on Earth that has direct relationship with God is appointed by God to be ruler.

Ex. The Vatican City

• Monarchy

A King or Queen

Gains power through inheritance. Two types Constitutional (limited government) and Absolute (does not follow constitution)

Ex. England= Constitutional Monarchy

• Dictatorship

One person is in charge-strict obedience

Often gains power through force and military dominance.

Non-democratic-there are no individual freedoms

Dictator-Hitler, Sadam Hussein, Kim Jong Un ( North Korea)

• Democracy

Government that is run by the people

People gain power in a democracy.

Types: Direct ( people make the decisions) or Representative ( people elect someone to make the decisions)

Example: USA (Representative Democracy)

• Oligarchy

A small group of elite people are in charge of the government

Can be corrupt or not

Sparta in Greece

What do we not want our government to become?

Founding Fathers Fear Quotes Worksheet:

Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, & George Mason

Ruled by a King/Dictator

Government completed controlled by The People

In the hands of Human Nature (Wanting Power)

Unit 1 Compelling Question:

What are the foundations of our government/political system?

Supporting Question

What ideas did the Founder’s take from the British?

Ideas from the British

What is Parliament?

We the People p.28-Read the following passage:

“How Did Parliamentary Government in England Begin?”

Does this sound familiar?


Influential Documents for the Founders

• John Locke’s Two Treaties on Government

• Magna Carta

• English Bill of Rights

Ideas from the British

John Locke’s Two Treaties on Government

What did it give the Founders?

Declaration of Independence

Purpose of a Democratic Government

Ideas from the British

Magna Carta

What did it give the Founders?

Rule of Law- everyone must obey the law, even the rulers or the government

Limited Government

Government by agreement

Ideas from the British

English Bill of Rights

What did it give the Founders?

The English system of Constitutional Government

US Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights

Unit 1 Compelling Question:

What are the foundations of our government/political system?

Supporting Question

What is the Citizen’s role/purpose in the Founding Father’s new government?

BellringerRespond to the following questions in 2-3 sentences and be prepared to discuss.

As a citizen of the United States what do you think your job is as a citizen?

What are you suppose to do for your country?

Does the country “owe” you something as a citizen?

The Common Good and Civic Virtue

Common Good: the good of the community, as compared to the private interests that may conflict with public interests

Civic Virtue: the dedication of citizens to do good of their country, even at the cost of their own interests.

Is there someone in your life that you can say has civic virtue? Someone who sacrifices themselves for others?


Civic Virtue (Rome) vs. Natural Rights (John Locke)For the rest of the day I want you to respond to the following question:

“ As a citizen of the United States, can we still practice civic virtue while maintaining our inalienable/individual rights?”

In order to answer this question fully you need to:

First, explain what Civic Virtue is and give an example of what it is to practice Civic Virtue.

Second, identify what John Locke called our inalienable/individual rights and what he thought was the purpose of government.

Third, State which you believe is more important to our government, Civic Virtue or Protecting our Individual Rights?

Bellringer 8/24

Respond to the following questions in 2-3 sentences and be prepared to discuss.

Which do you believe is the most important to our government, civic virtue or protecting our individual rights?

Do you think that we can still practice civic virtue while maintaining our individual rights?