bellbird public web view*aboriginal and torres strait islander students in stage3 attend the lmg...

Bellbird Public School Reconciliation Action Plan 2011-2012 Bellbird Public School is a rural school situated in Bellbird near Cessnock city. It is located in the Hunter Valley in an area of urban development surrounded by areas of remnant bushland and farmland. Current enrolment is approximately 250 students with 2% students of Aboriginal descent and 1% of Torres Strait Islander students. The school has an active parent body with committee representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous descent, participating actively in fundraising, beautification of school grounds, canteen and volunteering in classes. Bellbird Public School is part of the Active After School Communities program and has an effective Learning Support Team and Student Representative Council. Reconciliation has grown at Bellbird Public School through the actions of the principal, the students, the staff and the wider community. Our Reconciliation Action Plan, first developed in 2008, has been reviewed and refreshed in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Inclusivity, respect, caring, learning and cooperation are key values identified by the school community. These underpin our Respectful, Safe Learner educational and social practices, as we address the concepts central to what reconciliation means to Bellbird. 13 th February is a significant date in the Bellbird school calendar. At our annual ‘Apology Day Assembly’, we reflect on where we were, where we are now and where we are going in the process of Reconciliation at Bellbird Public School. We light a large Reconciliation Candle made from fragmented pieces of wax to signify the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families separated due to Government intervention. This candle is lit at all significant Assemblies. Our Reconciliation Action Plan is a continuing, collaborative process, involving staff, students, the Student Representative Council and the wider community including both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Discussions have been held in 2010-2011 as part of the Dare to Lead Collegial Snapshot process to determine activities and strategies to be undertaken and develop strong relationships with all areas of the school community.

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Page 1: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

Bellbird Public School Reconciliation Action Plan 2011-2012

Bellbird Public School is a rural school situated in Bellbird near Cessnock city. It is located in the Hunter Valley in an area of urban development surrounded by areas of remnant bushland and farmland. Current enrolment is approximately 250 students with 2% students of Aboriginal descent and 1% of Torres Strait Islander students.

The school has an active parent body with committee representatives from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous descent, participating actively in fundraising, beautification of school grounds, canteen and volunteering in classes. Bellbird Public School is part of the Active After School Communities program and has an effective Learning Support Team and Student Representative Council.

Reconciliation has grown at Bellbird Public School through the actions of the principal, the students, the staff and the wider community. Our Reconciliation Action Plan, first developed in 2008, has been reviewed and refreshed in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Inclusivity, respect, caring, learning and cooperation are key values identified by the school community. These underpin our Respectful, Safe Learner educational and social practices, as we address the concepts central to what reconciliation means to Bellbird.

13th February is a significant date in the Bellbird school calendar. At our annual ‘Apology Day Assembly’, we reflect on where we were, where we are now and where we are going in the process of Reconciliation at Bellbird Public School. We light a large Reconciliation Candle made from fragmented pieces of wax to signify the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families separated due to Government intervention. This candle is lit at all significant Assemblies.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan is a continuing, collaborative process, involving staff, students, the Student Representative Council and the wider community including both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Discussions have been held in 2010-2011 as part of the Dare to Lead Collegial Snapshot process to determine activities and strategies to be undertaken and develop strong relationships with all areas of the school community.

We would like to acknowledge that Bellbird Public School’s RAP was developed through the use of Giralang Primary School Reconciliation Action Plan and the RAP template both found at

Page 2: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

1. 2. Relationships: It is all about building partnerships and relationships. One of the best ways to do this is by developing ordinary personal relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non- Indigenous people.



Timeline Measurable Target

*K-6 staff, Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members to refresh the RAP annually.

*RAP to be published and emailed to staff, community and Reconciliation NSW RAP mentor.


S1 Executive

Term 2

Term 3

*RAP reviewed and refreshed at NAIDOC Week breakfast.

*Updated RAP available for school community and published on the school website.

*Bellbird’s RAP approved and published on Reconciliation NSW website.

*Ensure Aboriginal family members feel comfortable in attending AECG. *AECG meeting to be held at Bellbird Public School.

*Encourage students in Stage 3 to attend the Local Management Group’s Cultural Camp.

*Encourage S3 Torres Strait Islander student to become a member of the SRC.

Principal Staff


Ongoing throughout the year

Semester 2

*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family members attend Bellbird/ Cessnock AECG meetings.

*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp.

*Student will become an active member of the SRC as Minister for Indigenous Students

*Continue relationships with our local Aboriginal community. Build relationships with our school’s local Torres Strait Islander community.

Principal Parent

Ongoing throughout the year

*Email link with school/ family in the Torres Strait/ Cairns established.*Video conference link with a school from the Torres Strait Islands/ Cairns.

Page 3: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

Parents assist with excursions and camps Students enjoy hands on learning

2. Respect: Respect is important to Bellbird Public School’s vision for Reconciliation. Self respect and respect from others are more basic to learning than any other factor. Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every classroom, around the school and across the Cessnock Local Management Group of Great Public Schools as we implement the ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning’ initiative.Action Responsibi

lity Timeline Measurable Target

*Publicly display our school’s respect for and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples cultures and histories ensuring that both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are treated equitably.

Aboriginal artefact display in the school’s foyer

*The lighting of the Reconciliation Candle to become part of the Acknowledgement of Country at all K-6 Assemblies.

All staff

Principal Parent

PrincipalS3 Executive


Term 3

*Torres Strait Islander cultural display to be added to Aboriginal display in the foyer. Budget to include the purchase of Torres Strait Islander artefacts.

Apology Day Assembly 13th February 2011

*Candle lit at all K-6 Assemblies

Page 4: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

Reconciliation Candle lit at Assembly

The Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags are flown daily at Bellbird School

*Ensure staff members at our school are culturally educated, aware and respectful.

Principal and executive

Staff meeting focus once per semester

*SDD session term 4 held to provide Professional Learning for all staff.*Staff member/s to attend AECG meetings twice per term.

*Include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in a range of curriculum areas and ensure that Torres Strait Islander culture is actively included as part of this process.

All staff Ongoing throughout the year

*2011 explicit teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture through Connected Outcomes Groups Units of work Stages ES1, 1, 2 and 3.

* Bellbird to organise a focus on Torres Strait Islander culture for local schools/ TSI students.

3. Opportunities: There are many opportunities employed at Bellbird Public School that are important to our school’s vision for reconciliation. Principal and teacher of Aboriginal descent, PLPs for all students, analysis of data to determine areas of need and commitment to employing an Aboriginal Education Worker to work in all classes K-6.Action Responsibi

lityTimeline Measurable Target

*Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and students to reach their full potential.

ARCO staff member

Ongoing throughout

*We have an anti-racism policy in action with staff identified and known to students as Anti-

Page 5: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

ES1 enjoys Bunny Hop Fun Day

* Personalised Learning Plans to be reviewed. Professional learning for staff to implement PLPs including a cultural goal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

STLA-LSTItinerant staff

All staff

PrincipalS1 Executive

the year


Term 4

SDD Term 3

Racism contact officer who has attended appropriate professional development.

*Additional support is provided where necessary (Support Teacher Learning Assistance, Learning Support Team, Itinerant Behaviour and Counsellor Support).

*Analysis of NAPLAN, SNAP and ELLA data to ensure our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students achieve equitable outcomes particularly in literacy and numeracy. Identified needs are reflected in Bellbird’s school plan.

*PLPs involving student, staff and parents/ caregivers developed twice per year.

*Employ or consult Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at our school.*Actively pursue grants/ staff from DET and other schools to employ/ job swap with an Indigenous Education Worker and or artist, ensuring an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culturally significant program is taught across all stages. *We work closely with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, high school students and staff.

PrincipalS1 Executive

Term 4 2011

*Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander worker or teacher involved in assisting Bellbird staff to deliver COGs units of work with an Aboriginal perspective.

*Junior AECG and Aboriginal Studies students involved in sharing knowledge with Bellbird students.

4. Tracking progress and reporting: Action Responsibi

lityTimeline Measurable Target

* Monitor and refresh our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Principal StaffCommunity members

Term 1 and 2

Term 4

*Our Reconciliation Action Plan is reviewed term 1, reported on and refreshed during NAIDOC Week term 2, embedded into Bellbird Public School’s Plan and reported on in the Annual Report.

Page 6: Bellbird Public   Web view*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Stage3 attend the LMG Cultural Camp. ... Respect is a word you will hear and see often in every

Reconciliation Week 2008-Bellbird Public School’s RAP is conceived

Reconciliation has grown over the years at Bellbird Public School