belize zoo final

A Zoo Started by a Community Member

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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A Zoo Started by a Community Member

To focus on teaching visitors about the wildlife of Belize through encountering the animals in their natural habitat.

The goal is take care of the animals of Belize.

To protect and conserve Belize's natural resources. Stop cutting down the rain forest.

“The Greatness of a Nation and its moral progress can be judged in the way its animals are treated” by Mohammad Gandhi

The animals that you will find in this zoo are native animals. So what does that mean?

These are animals that you will find in Belize.

Native means being in a place or environment where something was born.

Where were you born?

What is your native country?

(Talk about this with a partner)

Giraffes and zebras are native to Africa and not Belize.

So what are some animals native to Belize?

Can you guess a few?

Keel Billed Toucan

This toucan seemed

social with people

when wanting some


Collared Aracari Toucan

We observed these

birds interacting

with each other and

people for 30

minutes. We

observed only one

interaction with

another bird. No

interactions with

people. These birds

do not seem very


River Otter


Junior climbs the

fence looking for a


Treat Time!

Fresh meat treat!

A girl harpy eagle!

Harpy Eagle

Tapir Caution Sign

Selsa (Tour Guide for

the Belize Zoo)

posted 3 signs along

a highway in hopes

that people would

slow down and not

hit the tapir. Sees

someone took 2 out

of 3 signs. During

our visit he had to

pick up a tapir that

was hit by a driver.

Mrs. HT sees Lucky

Boy during her visit

on July 23, 2013

Lucky Boy

Sharon Matola (the

Belize Zoo’s founder)

spends some extra

time introducing us

to Lucky Boy.

Junior Jaguar

Junior is looking

good in June/July,


Junior Jaguar

What has he


Close Up of Junior

Look at his coat!!

Sharon and Junior

Sharon introduces us

to Junior Jaguar. She

rewards him for

obeying her signal to

roll over.

Junior Jaguar

Sharon teaches us

how to signal Junior

to roll over.

Admiring Junior

Enjoying his quiet

spot in his area.

Junior the Jaguar

Remember he is a

wild animal!

Roaring Junior

Look at those teeth!

What does Junior

have to say?

Black Howler Monkey

Listen to their


Black Howler Monkey

Listen to what he has

to say!





Are very destructive to landscapes

Are very aggressive

Travel in packs of 20-300

Are omnivores (eat both plants and animals-like fruit)

Have a scent that they secrete…boy do they smell!

What other information did you hear?

A Baby Alligator

Petting an alligator?

Should we or

shouldn’t we?

Don’t pet me if you

have Deet on your

hands. It will make

me sick.

First – With your group, write the definition of native.

Second- With your group see how many animals you can list that are native to Belize.


You can list any animal that you have seen in this PowerPoint.

Up Close and Personal

Do you think children should have a relationship that is up close and personal? That means that you should be able to touch and handle animals. Children should be allowed to pet animals when they walk up to a zoo cage.

or Step Back That Animal is Wild

Do you think children should not be able to touch animals when they walk up to their cage? Children should respect wild animals and think about the animal’s personal space.