belcorp tests process

Belcorp Tests Process All candidates must fullfilt this tow tests as part of the selecction process and indicate to the TN Manager when you already complete it bowth, to continue in the selection process Test Number 1 DISC Click this link: Follow these steps: Sing in as "Persona"

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Explain to realized belcorp tests


Belcorp Tests Process All candidates must fullfilt this tow tests as part of the selecction process and indicate to the TN

Manager when you already complete it bowth, to continue in the selection process

Test Number 1 DISC Click this link:

Follow these steps:

Sing in as "Persona"

Fill your personal information

Select in "Tipo de Persona” the option: “Personal Externo (EXT)"

In section "Perfil base", indicate “DISC”

In “Información Personal” is not required click in “ACEPTAR”

And finally “Aplicar Evaluaciones”

Test number 2 This is the second test all the applicants must do to apply for this TN

Click in this link:

Follow this steps:

If you are a new candidate you will generate a username and a password

If you already have a username and a password you must sing in with it

Complete the required information and you will have access to 3 sub-test (each of these have a

imitated time so be careful and wisely with your time):

1- Numerical reasoning

2- Verbal Reasoning

3- Spatial Reasoning

Final Instructions It’s important to remember this is a preliminary and eliminatory step of the selection process. For

the complexity of the test, it’s necessary to work on it in a free distraction environmental. We also

recommended use a cable connection because you can have some problems with the wireless

connection and you have a limited time

Those links are unique, moreover, in the moment you star with the test you CANNOT stop it and

you must finish it in the set time