being a christ husband

Being A Christ Husband Covering Your Bride

Upload: damon-t-rich

Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Being A Christ Husband

Being A Christ Husband

Covering Your Bride

Page 2: Being A Christ Husband

The Scriptural Husband

• Procreation and sexual satisfaction (1 Corinthians 7:3)

• Demonstrate mutual submission (1 Corinthians 7:4)

• A teacher of the word (1 Corinthians 14:35)

• Leads his wife and home with Godly intent and Christly purpose (Ephesians 5:23)

• Loves his wife & sacrifices for her (Ephesians 5:25)

• Is knowledgeable of her ways and her stature…weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7)

Page 3: Being A Christ Husband

I’m Tired

There is no easy way to state this, but MARRIAGE IS HARD WORK!!!

I have run into and spoken to many married men in the past year or so and

their speech has been the same, “I’m tired. I love my wife, but she doesn’t get

it and I’m tired of trying to lead someone who is not interested in following

me.” I understand them, have been there and faced the struggle and let me tell

you…the struggle is real.

So what do you do when you are tired of trying?

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I’m Looking To The Hills…Where Is The


When I have these encounters with husbands, we usually end up discussing

Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the

church, and gave himself for it.”

These men are tired of trying to live this scripture and they ask, what do you do

when you’re tired of trying to live it out?

Where is the help? The answer is complex and simple all at the same time.

What do I do?

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The Simple Answer

Continue to be a Christ husband! Continue to be the example of all the

scriptures that provide insight into what it means to be a Godly husband.

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The Breaking Point & The Question

You might say, “Well everyone has a breaking point.” And you are correct,

but here is the question about the breaking point, “Which breaking point

have you reached?”

• Your breaking point…the point where you have run out of idea’s and

efforts are ready to leave…OR

• Christ’s breaking point…the point where you are ready to follow God’s


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The Complex Answer

The details of being a Christ husband is where the complexity comes into play.

To be a Christ husband means that you have to:

• Remember the cup

• Endure the assault

• Suffer the Cross of Marriage

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The Cup

• Christ volunteered to come to the earth with the purpose of covering his


• During his most challenging time, he remembered the purpose for which he


• Remembering the purpose allows you to have a “never the less” approach to

the cup of marriage…there is no one who enjoys shaping

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Encountering The Cup

To deal with drinking the cup you need…:

• To go to a place of prayer…find your garden, go there quickly and with


• Seek the father for confirmation, reaffirmation and strength…for the


• Resolve to walk in the decision of God

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Endure The Assault


• Your wife may engage in actions that result in an attack on your

character…often without malice

• You will struggle to understand the absence of respect and appreciation

from the one you are willing to lay down your life for

• God will ask for your silence

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Suffer the Cross of Marriage

Nothing will prepare you for the cross of marriage…you will cry, you will feel

forsaken, but you must resist:

• Calling the legions or taking refuge in their deliverance

• Giving into the critics

• Resist drinking from the sponge of bitterness

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The Legions

Jesus could have called for legions of angels to come to deliver him, but he

would have damaged the purpose.

Your legions will come in various forms, such as:

• Divorce lawyers

• Other women

• Work

• Self Medication…drugs, alcohol, food, etc…

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The Critics

Those around you will either be…:

• Critics…Or

• Encouragers

While you’re going through your challenges, who you surround yourself with will impact your ability to endure.

Critics will encourage you to take self serving actions

Encouragers will seek to push you towards the purpose and count on the hope it offers them

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Resist Drinking from the Sponge of Bitterness

While Jesus was on the cross he refused to drink the bitter drink offered to him

by the guards watching his suffering. This would have perhaps eased his

suffering or made him numb to it.

However, when you are offered the opportunity to become bitter towards your

spouse, resist it. It may make you feel good for a moment, but in the end it will

cause you to lose focus of the suffering and its purpose.

Colossians 3:19 “Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.”

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What Is The Purpose?

• When Jesus died, he..

• Afforded his bride the opportunity to be reconciled

• Granted her access to guidance, even in his absence

• Set an example to look to and replicate

• Showed her how to walk out purpose

All of these things covered her and offered provision!