bein hametzarim 5769

Bein Hametzarim Appeal "Kupat Ha’ir has done well to come out with a special appeal for the bein hametzarim period." Kupat Ha’ir has well to come cial Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit»a, opens the Bein Hametzarim appeal at the conclusion of Shacharis on the fast day of 17 Tamuz:

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The Gedolei Hador declare: the best advice for the bein hametzarim period is to contribute to Kupat hair


Page 1: Bein Hametzarim 5769

Bein Hametzarim Appeal

"Kupat Ha’ir has

done well to come

out with a special

appeal for the

bein hametzarim


Kupat Ha’ir has

well to come


Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim

Kanievsky, shlit»a, opens the Bein

Hametzarim appeal at the

conclusion of Shacharis on the

fast day of 17 Tamuz:

Page 2: Bein Hametzarim 5769

Between the narrow straits, between the boundaries closing in on us from all sides, an abyss over here and a thorny field over there – Am Yisrael is running for its life.

Our distress over the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash is deep and cutting. Our pain over the personal tragedies that affect families within our community and deepens the anguish. Our fear of this period of time - the bein hametzarim period, which has claimed so many victims among our finest and brightest – increases steadily.

But there is one solution. The mitzvah of tzedakah.

The bein hmetzarim period has come upon us because of discord in Am Yisrael. Because of controversy, because of blind hatred, because one man hurt another. Because there was no love between them. Because there was fighting and strife and contention. Because hatred divided them and split them up, burning like a bushfire and consuming everything to its roots.

And if hatred was the cause of the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash –

The mitzvah of tzedakah, with Hashem’s help, will be the catalyst for its rebuilding.

The mitzvah of tzedakah is the tikkun! The mitzvah of tzedakah more than anything else symbolizes the love between man and his fellow man, caring and compassion for those less fortunate than us even if we don’t know them personally. Just the fact that they are our brethren and they are suffering are enough reason for us to come to their aid.

The mitzvah of tzedakah is our tikkun for these times.

The bein hametzarim period is a period of tzedakah. It is a time appropriate for

collective, united giving. It is a time when the entire Am Yisrael should be participating in the mitzvah of tzedakah.

The Bein Hametzarim period is a time that is most appropriate for a tzedakah appeal.

Not in vain have the Gedolei Hador written

that “Kupat Ha’ir has done well to come out with a

special appeal for the sake of the poor during the bein

hametzarim period.” These days of mourning are appropriate and worthy of an


It is during this period that Hashem waits to see our ahavas chinam. He waits for us to perform the mitzvah of tzedakah. He wants to see us working to rebuild the Beis Hamikdash by doing everything in our power to atone for the situation that brought about the churban. Every generation in which the Beis Hamikdash is not rebuilt is considered as if it was guilty of its destruction. It was in our times that we suffered this terrible destruction; it was due to our sins.

What are we doing to rebuild it? How are we preparing for the arrival of this difficult period? With which merit do we come to ask, as we sit barefoot on the floor – that it be rebuilt?

With the merit of the mitzvah of tzedakah!

The mitzvah of tzedakah is the mitzvah that will lead the way for us, the merit that will plead in our favor, the power that will make our plea’s rise to Shamayim.

If we merit it, if we respond, if we live together in harmony, maybe we will merit seeing its consolation.

The Gedolei Hador Declare:The Best Advice for the Bein Hametzarim Period is to contribute to Kupat Ha’ir

Maran Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlit”a, signing the letter on the fast-day of 17 Tamuz.

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The Bein Hametzarim

Appeal: What For?

Page 3: Bein Hametzarim 5769

ועיין קריאת גדולי הדור בצדקה". ושביה תפדה במשפט "ציון הכתוב: כמאמר צדקה לתת גדול ענין יש המצרים בין בזמן הנה

במהר"ל בחי' אגדות שבת ע"ב שהתיקון לימי בין המצרים הוא בנתינת צדקה שמגביר האחדות. ואכן יפה עשו

"קופת העיר" שיוצאים במגבית מיוחדת לימי בין המצרים עבור העניים, ויחולק בס"ד מיד לאחר ימי בין המצרים

ובזכות תרומה לקופת העיר יזכו כל התורמים להנצל מפגעי הזמן ולברכה והצלחה וכט"ס.

During the period of bein hametzarim, there is a big inyan to give tzedakah, as it is written: Tzion bamishpat tipadeh veshaveha

betzedakah. See the Maharal in Chiddushei Aggados, Shabbos, pg. 72, that the tikkun for the bein hametzarim period is giving tzedakah,

which strengthens unity. Indeed, Kupat Ha’ir has done well to come out with a special appeal for the sake of the poor during the

bein hametzarim period. With Hashem’s help, the money will be distributed immediately after the bein hametzarim. In the merit

of contributions to Kupat Ha’ir, may all the contributors be spared the dangers of the period and merit blessing, success and

everything good.Klal Yisrael needs Hashem’s mercy, especially during the bein hametzarim period. The best advice is that the mitzvah of tzedakah to

Kupat Ha’ir will protect contributors.

The Gedolei Hador Declare:The Best Advice for the The Best Advice for the Bein Hametzarim Period is to contribute to Kupat Ha’ir

Kvittel for One’s DescendantsKKTo Maranan Verabanan Gedolei Hador, shlit”a

I have taken your advice and responded to your call, contributing the sum of ____ to Kupat Ha’ir for their Bein Hametzarim appeal. I would like to request that:

My son ____________________, my son ____________________, my son ____________________

be safe throughout the summer.

My daughter ________________, my daughter _______________, my daughter _______________

be safe throughout the summer.

All names coming in to the telephone hotline until Monday night, 28 Tamuz, will be transferred on Tusday, 29 Tamuz, to the Gedolei Hador, who will pray for them according

to the request specified.

All the names that come in until Tisha B’Av at 12:00 p.m. will be transferred to the Gedolei Hador immediately at the onset of the Bein Hametzarim period to be prayed for

according to the request specified.

Page 4: Bein Hametzarim 5769

Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, was traveling abroad in order to strengthen Torah learning across the globe.

He was eagerly awaited at each of his many destinations. In every city on his itinerary, hearts were beating with excitement. But it was no simple matter, this journey… not easy or self-understood in any sense of the word. The trip itself, the effort it involved, the tremendous effort invested in every step…

His students accompanied him lovingly; his attendants stood at his back and call. Harav Steinman was about to leave.

Maran boarded the plane. He walked down the aisle and took his seat. It was time to fasten his seatbelt; soon the wheels of the plane would detach from the holy soil of Eretz Yisrael and the plane would rise in the air.

Or would it?

Not yet! Maran is asking for something. He turns to his student/attendant, his eyes darting around. The student bends over to better hear what Rav Steinman is requesting.

“We need to contribute to Kupat Ha’ir before the trip,” said Maran, shlit”a. “We need it to be successful…”

Already while preparing for the flight, Maran, shlit”a,

Name ............................................................................................................................

Address: .....................................................................................................................

City, State & Zip....................................................................................................

Phone #:.......................................................................................................................

Amount:...................... How many Months:............................................

Bank Routing #: ...................................................................................................

Account #:................................................................................................................

Signature: ...............................................................................................................


The sum of .......................................................................................................................

On a monthly basis, For............................................................ months

One time donation .........................................................................................

Credit card # ......................................................................................................................

Expiration date .............................................................................................................

Name .......................................................................................................................................

Address .................................................................................................................................

Tel ................................................................................................................................................

Signature: ............................................................................................................................


Donations can be sent to:

Rabbi Chaim Leib Epstein Shlita

1608 46th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11204

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser Shlita

1336 East 21st Street

Brooklyn, New York York 11210

Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Shlita

568 Kensington Place

Cedarhurst, N.Y. 11516

Rabbi Chaim Schabes Shlita

7 Barrie Drive

Spring Valley NY 10977

Rabbi Aron Schechter Shlita

1248 East 12th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11230

Kupat Hair4415 14th Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11219 Rabbi Malkiel Kotler Shlita

521 5th Street

Lakewood, New Jersey 08701

Home of Rabbi Shmuel Berenbaum Ztl

1795 East 7th Street

Brooklyn, New York 11223

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Shlita

1574 43rd Street

Brooklyn, New York 11219

Rabbi Don Blumberg Shlita

4 Yale Drive

Monsey, NewYork 10952

Rabbi Ephraim E. Shapiro Shlita

971 NE 172nd Street

North Miami Beach FL. 33162

MM H HH AhAh L ib St i hhlilit”thh L ib St i hhlilit”t”

It’s Not Every Da

Page 5: Bein Hametzarim 5769

spoke about the matter of giving tzedakah to Kupat Ha’ir before takeoff. His attendants made sure to take along the pushka that always stands on his desk. Now this pushka was presented to Maran, shlit”a, in the airplane.

Maran smiled with pleasure. He took the pushka and with a shiver of emotion, he dropped inside a

considerable contribution. Harav Steinman felt he needed merits on his way to augment Torah abroad. Merits!

The pushka was returned to its place with great respect and an almost magical atmosphere enveloped everyone present. True, when Maran set out on his historic journey the previous year, he had also sought

the merit of contributing to Kupat Ha’ir. Then, too, he had dropped his personal contribution into the metal pushka affixed to the wall opposite his door.

But this time, a moment before the plane left the ground, precisely at the moment when the angels from abroad had already arrived and the angels from Eretz Yisrael were taking their leave, Maran prepared to fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah.

Ki malachav yetzaveh…lishmorcha bederachecha… the words were whispered with great emotion.

We need so much protection, in so many aspects. Baruch Hashem, there is a way to ensure protection! There is Kupat Ha’ir!

k bb tt thththh tttttt ff ii iiii tt dd kk hhh tttt KK ttt idd bl tt ibib tttii HH SStt i ffff ltltltlt hhhhkk bbbbb ttt thth ttttttttt ff ii iiiiii tt dd kk hhhhhh tt KK ttt idd bl tt ibib tttii HHH SStt

Day Such a Journey Takes Place

Page 6: Bein Hametzarim 5769

When we want to know how to do something, it is the Gedolei Hador who show us the way.

It’s almost time to go up to the mountains. It’s almost that season that cost us a number of souls each year, Rachmana litzlan. People feel tense and anxious. Families pack up and set off - and no one knows if everyone will return home safely at the end of the summer or not. The Satan is mekatreg during times of danger and the winding country roads are dangerous indeed. The middah of din reigns. Who knows what each new day will bring?

Before Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib

Steinman, shlit”a, sets off on a journey dedicated entirely to mitzvos and service of Hashem, he contributes to Kupat Ha’ir. He feels this is a necessary step, the way to merit a good trip and siyatta dishmaya in achieving one’s goals for the trip. And if he feels this way, who are we to think otherwise?

Harav Steinman does not merely make do with his standing order to Kupat Ha’ir. He doesn’t make do with his regular, steady contributions. He doesn’t make do with the Kupat Ha’ir pushka affixed to his door.

None of these are enough for him!

Maran Has This Specific Moment in Mind

Maran has in mind the specific moment in which his situation changes. First he was in a regular situation; now he is traveling – and traveling means danger and the Satan being mekatreg.

Time To Go Up To The Mountains To The Moun

Page 7: Bein Hametzarim 5769


He has in mind this specific moment in time during which the change takes place – not a moment earlier or later. He asks to contribute precisely at the moment he sets off on his journey. That is the sensitive point, the right time and place.

Maran asks for and receives Kupat Ha’ir’s pushka and he contributes with great emotion. This is not an ordinary step for him. He knows that the entire

Jewish nation looks to him for guidance. And this is what he chooses to do.

A Time of Danger? There is Something You Can Do!

It’s almost time to go to the mountains. The middah of din is prevalent, Rachmana litzlan, and it is clearly a time of danger. One’s heart pounds. The suitcases are packed; the trunk is full. The lists are all crossed off; everyone has everything he or she needs.

But are we ready to drive off? Not yet.

First we need to contribute to Kupat Ha’ir. We need to catch just the right moment, as we leave the house and enter a situation of sakanah, danger. We haven’t yet done the hishtadlus incumbent upon us, the one thing that really helps ensure a safe trip and a happy return filled with wonderful memories.

Before you leave to the country, contribute to Kupat Ha’ir. Make sure to include every child and adult, every soul in your care. It’s worth the price!

Now you can be calm with the knowledge that you’ve done the best thing possible to ensure your family’s safety, that you’re in good hands. Now you know the Satan has been stripped of his power over your loved ones and that you’ve created good angels instead. Can there be money better spent before a trip to the mountains?

Kupat Ha’ir – Because We Value Our Lives!

Maran Hagaon Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlit”a, shows us the way and we follow his example. We do so because we value our lives and those of our children and this is the way to protect them.

May we be zocheh!

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Gedolei Hador shlit”a:The best safeguard for your journey-

a donation to Kupat Ha’ir!

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A Time of Danger?

your journeyon to Kupat Ha’ir! To The Mountainsuntains

Page 8: Bein Hametzarim 5769

Please make checks payable to: American Friends of Kupat Ha'ir

How do I donate to Kupat Ha'ir?

1-866-221-93521-866-221-935224 Hour Tzeddakahhotline

Send your donation in the enclosed envelope.

Call the 24 Hour Tzeddakah Hotline (donation by credit card) at 1-866-221-9352 Fax: 1-888-633-2188Email: [email protected]

Send your donation to the Rabbonim in your area (see list on Envelope).

Send your donation to:Kupat Ha'ir4415 14th AvenueBrooklyn, NY 11219

Send your envelope.

Call the 24c



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For all information or to receive a pushka call 1-800-233-2188 Our office number in Israel: 3-671-6994

Gedolei Hador shlit”a:The best safeguard for your journey-

a donation to Kupat Ha’ir!