bega-us - · 2020. 12....

BEGA-US, a recognized leader in the lighting industry, offers an array of exterior and interior lighting products with an emphasis on quality design, materials, innovation and performance. We are a solid, privately held company located in Southern California seeking a highly motivated individual for a full time position as the Vice President of Sales, reporting to the President. This is an exceptional and rare opportunity to join the preeminent leader in architectural lighting solutions. As a brand leader and innovator, BEGA-US seeks the best and brightest to become an integral member of our Sales and Executive Management Team. The successful candidate will have a proven record of experience and success in the following areas: s t <HDUV RI 6DOHV 0DQDJHPHQW H[SHULHQFH ZLWK DQ H[WHULRU OLJKWLQJ PDQXIDFWXUHU s $ELOLW\ WR HIIHFWLYHO\ PRQLWRU DQG HYDOXDWH PDUNHW QHHGV DQG LPSOHPHQW VWUDWHJLF SURPRWLRQDO DQG sales strategies. s /HDGHUVKLS VNLOOV IRFXVHG RQ WHDP GHYHORSPHQW WUDLQLQJ DQG VXSSRUW XQZDYHULQJ FRPPLWPHQW WR FRQWLQXRXV improvement initiatives. s 6WURQJ SDVVLRQ DQG DELOLW\ WR FRQVLVWHQWO\ GHOLYHU VXSHULRU VHUYLFH WR LQWHUQDO DQG H[WHUQDO FXVWRPHUV E\ employing a balanced, strategic approach that is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives. s 0DQDJH ORQJWHUP UHODWLRQVKLSV ZLWK UHSUHVHQWDWLYH DJHQFLHV VSHFLƄHUV DQG DOO NH\ VWDNHKROGHUV within sales channel. s ,Q GHSWK NQRZOHGJH RI H[LVWLQJ DQG HPHUJLQJ OLJKWLQJ WHFKQRORJLHV LQFOXGLQJ VROLG VWDWH OLJKWLQJ s 8QGHUVWDQGLQJ DQG DSSUHFLDWLRQ RI DUFKLWHFWXUDO GHVLJQ DQG OLJKWLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQV s ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SURMHFW H[SHULHQFH D SOXV s 6WURQJ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI PDQXIDFWXULQJ HQYLURQPHQW LQFOXGLQJ WKH IXQFWLRQDO DQG RSHUDWLRQDO DVSHFWV of the organization. s 'HYHORS DQG PDQDJH H[WHUQDO FRPPXQLFDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ VDOHV UHSRUWLQJ VDOHV SROLFLHV DQG YDULRXV promotional initiatives. s 0DQDJH VDOHV IRUHFDVWLQJ DQG EXGJHWLQJ SURFHVV LQFOXGLQJ LPSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI HIIHFWLYH JURZWK VWUDWHJLHV s 6WURQJ SURMHFW PDQDJHPHQW DQG SUHVHQWDWLRQV VNLOOV DELOLW\ WR SODQ DQG FRQGXFW QDWLRQDO VDOHV PHHWLQJV and product introductions. Educational Requirements: s %XVLQHVV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 'HJUHH LQ VDOHV PDUNHWLQJ RU UHODWHG ƄHOGV 0%$ SUHIHUUHG s ,QGXVWU\ UHODWHG DFFUHGLWDWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ /((' $3 /& GHVLUDEOH BEGA-US RIIHUV DQG DWWUDFWLYH FRPSHQVDWLRQ SDFNDJH LQFOXGLQJ KHDOWK FDUH . DQG DQ extraordinary working environment. 4XDOLƄHG FDQGLGDWHV PD\ DSSO\ E\ VHQGLQJ UHVXPH DQG FRYHU OHWWHU WR (UPD &HUYDQWHV BEGA-US Human 5HVRXUFHV 0DQDJHU HFHUYDQWHV#%(*$86FRP BEGA-US %(*$ :D\ &DUSLQWHULD &$ )$; ZZZ%(*$86FRP

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Post on 19-Feb-2021




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  • BEGA-US, a recognized leader in the lighting industry, offers an array of exterior and interior lighting products with an emphasis on quality design, materials, innovation and performance. We are a solid, privately held company

    located in Southern California seeking a highly motivated individual for a full time position as the Vice President of

    Sales, reporting to the President.

    This is an exceptional and rare opportunity to join the preeminent leader in architectural lighting solutions. As a

    brand leader and innovator, BEGA-US seeks the best and brightest to become an integral member of our Sales and Executive Management Team.

    The successful candidate will have a proven record of experience and success in the following areas:

    sales strategies.

    improvement initiatives.

    employing a balanced, strategic approach that is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.

    within sales channel.

    of the organization.

    promotional initiatives.

    and product introductions.

    Educational Requirements:

    BEGA-US extraordinary working environment.

    BEGA-US Human