bee gee news july, 1920

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 7-1-1920 Bee Gee News July, 1920 Bee Gee News July, 1920 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News July, 1920" (1920). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU.

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Bee Gee News July, 1920 Bee Gee News July, 1920

Bowling Green State University

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At the first chapel exercises for the summer session, announcements were made for the County Rally which was to take place on the following Tuesday. A week of hurried preparation began, the bulletin board was filled with notices of County meetings calling all the loyal sons and daughters of their respective counties to rally to the standard and surpass all others in stunts.

There was an air of expectancy as the time drew near, the air seemed charged with something which caused everyone to look forward eagerly to the time when all this enthusiasm would be let loose in one grand occasion. The day arrived at last and the counties commenced their din. There was Williams and Wood And Allen too From out their tin horns Much racket drew. The first stunt was the wedding of Mr. B. G. N. C. to Miss Seneca County.

The wedding procession headed by Rev. Fox marched slowly in to the strains of "Oh Promise Me" sung by Miss Marian Stackhouse. Many relatives from a dis- tance were present at the ceremony and wished the bridal couple best wishes for a long and prosperous life.

The Van Wert County Jazz Band, one of the best of its kind, did their best to entertain the audience and their efforts were fully appreciated.

The Hancock County students being very musical entertained the audience, first with original songs written by one of their own famous composers.

Then one of the ladies played a select- ion on the pipe organ which was designed and built by Hancock county especially for the Normal College. Wood county with over two hundred students march through an archway made of axes and branches making a very nice showing.

Williams county students were there with all the "pep" needed and made things lively with their noise.

Because we have not mentioned other counties does not mean that they were not there with a whole lot of enthusiasm, on'the contrary they were there, and made the County Rally for this year a decided success.

The judges awarded first prize to Seneca county, second to Hancock, and third to Van Wert.

Space does not permit us saying more, but as we close let this admonition fol- lows. Be Missionaries and draw to the College of our choice others from our counties end thus make our college the college of others.


Elizabeth Hawkins, Helen Smith, Grace Benton, Esther Bertram, Jacob Butturff, Myrha Caris, Myrtle Caris, Sarah Goorley, Gertrude Hawkins, Irma Hawkins, Frieda Heiby, Henenruth Hoover, Miriam Kalb, Dorothy Leust, Ruth McFarland, Mabel Grau, Orval Gundrum, Fern Mollenkopf, Grace Park, Thelma Quainl^nce, Nellie Scott, Mildred Shealy, Christina Shister, Unger Stella, Alice M. Wiley, Almeda Reece.


Doris, Armstrong, Winnifred Bond, Flora Christy, Margaret Dunson, Ruth El,art, Jesse Gackel, Wilhelmina, Gherke, M'-drcd Herbert, Mildred King, Effic Mc- Cauley, Edna Schlosser, Ruth Snyder, Lela Wentworth, Hazel Donderly.


President—Mr. Fox Vice President—Sue Alcorn

Secretary-Treasurer—Lucille Hossler

Gladys Turner, Marie Whiteman, Oneita Whitemrn, Sue Alcorn, Thelma Albright, Beatrice Armitage, Nellie Baker, Alice Baldosser, Dorothy Briner, Vere Carrick, Milford Claubaugh, Doris Cook, Lois Diet- zel, Mae DiJlon, Margaret Egbert, Armilla Falter, C. Deland Fox, Aima Garland.

Maxine Gillam, Louise G'.ick, Roeni Grafton, Sylvia Hall, Olga Harlitt, Al- phonse Harlett, Bernice Hathaway, Orville Herbert, Bernice Henninger, Gladys Hen- singer, H'ayward Holtz, Lucille Hossler, Mary Huff, Irene Hunter, He'en Jackson, Violet Kroft, Lucile Loomis, Mabel Magers.

Honore Marsha, Thelma McDevitt, Mary Mohr, Lucille Newcorrer, Nelson Olds, Stanley Tennington Mildred Riehm, Flor- ence Rothrock, Ruth Rule, Bessie Sarc;eant, Hazel Shaw, Leora Shuey, Florence Smith, Odessa Spitler, Marion Stackhouse, Grace St:h.. Emma Wentz, Margaret Zartman, Adah Zitzer Leland S. Reichert.


Almeta Reidy, Gladys Bickley, Norma Bicbricher, Lucy Bintz, Steila Borchardt, Susan Busch, Margaret Cole, Myrtle Coles, Mary Dely, Henrietta Dircks, Katheryn Fedderseh, Minnie Fettel, Goldic Flickrer, Mrs. Cora Harmon, Lelia Hastings, Alta Honid, Elizabeth, Kelham, Caroline Lrmgc.

Mrs. Florence McMahon, Esther Mitthes The'ma Meye, Carol Neuscheler, Estelle Schacht, Elsie Sehlmeyer, Florence Stoll, Sylvia Vickery, Nina Wilbur,


Officers President—C. D. Van Tassel

Secretary—Dora Bil.ij

Pearl Seiler, Bessie Rudolph, Golda Sprow, Ross Herr, Dora Billig, Celia Borton.

FULTON COUNTY Lottie Brown, Mildred Curry, Cecile

Glore, Audrey Greene, Neva Goll, Blanche Winifred Huil, Magdaen Klein, Hazel Met- calf, Opal McClarren, Mary McQuillin, LaVerne Miley, Mrs. Nora Miey, Ethel Montgomery, Mildred Montgomery, Luella Perkins, Mabel Perkins, Marjorie Reebs.

Geneva Shambarger, Opal Shultz, Nancy Sipe, Alma Spring, Sadie Stratton, Ken- neth Whaley, Florence Williams, Grace Wolcop.


Dorothea Flory, Lenore Amstutz, E. Glenn Baxter, Faun Bowyer, Anna Conrath Ruth Crosser, Marjorie Day, Harry Dot- son, Aldine Ehrnman, Marion Flory Norma Gamble, Margaret Gaskell, Melle Huffman, Boneta Jamison, Luella Jeffrey, Viola Lee.

Velma Mell, Frances Miller, Oliven Mor- ris, Edith Ridenour, Lois Rupel, Carl Schindler, Alice Steiner, Helen Todd, Mary Tudor, Lucille Wood.


Adella Barrett, Maidie Eckleberry, Con- stance Endsley, Lenore Ewing, Vera Garl- ing, Mrs. Ruth Heckathom, Imo, Mabery, Norma Kerns, Ruth Lewis, Helen Moses, Garnet Rumer, Agnes Smith, Nellie Wildey.


Edna Morehead.

UNION COUNTY Gretchen Darling, Lura Love, Lena Love,

Ruth Gross, Effie Grandstaff, John Hum- phreys, R. J. Langstaff, Winona Morrison, Avonell R. Norris, Agnes Thompson.


Alma Lattin, Pearl Weida, Mildred Sliker, Grace Breisach, Barbara Langen- de\*ar, Margaret Altherholt, Gertrude Auvnend, Esther Bamberger, Regina Brim- acombe, Louise Brunsan, Delpha Buck, Sister Camillus, Hope Chandled, Dorothy Cope, Sister Ernestine, Josephine Fassett.

Bernita Fausz, Christina Goorley, Gene- gra Grover, Geordie Ruth Harris, Thelma Hawkins, Lottie Hubbell, Charlotte Hutch- inson Amelia Keifer, Barbara Langender- fer, Clara Mahler, Jennie Mayer, Ivadelle Marsereau, Grace Messer, Lottie Mooney,

Helen Murbach,. Loma Ott, Fannie Price, Susie Proudfoot, Nellie Russell, Helen Schroeder, Mary Schroeder, Ara Smith, Mabel Smith, Nina Spackey, Cora Sutherland, Norma Wirtz, Velma T. Huff- man.

( Continued on page 2)

Ricketts: "Shoot 'er home." Fox (absent mindly) "I prefer to take home in an auto."

MM mm-

BEE GEE NEWS Published by

The CountryLife Club Bowling Green State Normal College

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor in Chief, Harry J. Dotson. Business Manager, Glen Baxter . Ass't. Business Manager,Clive Treece.

Assistant Editors Literary Editor.Nellie Randall Art Editor, J. W. Welsh Athletic Editor, Clyde Van Tassell Society Editor, Marguerite Riegle Faculty Advisor, G. W. Beattie

Subscription Rates single Copy 5c. Per Year 60c. Subscriptions, payable In advance.

Send all remittances to Business Manager, Bee Gee News

Bowling Green, Ohio. In care B. G. S. N. C.

EDITORIAL BOOST for your county. Boost forB.G.S.

N. C. Boost the Bee Gee News. We pro- pose a plan to you that will do all, it is as follows: Let every county select a county correspondent for the Bee Gee News. This county corrspodent to gather good news items of the county and the Bee Gee News will publish the items from the various counties under the county headings.

The local staff will gather the news here at the College, and the Bee Gee News will net as (he distributors of the good work of all. To get all the news is simple—sub- scribe for the Bee Gee News and every month get the news of your college, your county and your friends in other counties. This little plan should help to make us all boosters.

OHIO has been greatly honored by the two great political parties, each selecting one of our prominent statesmen as their standard bearer.

Without regard to political ideas every Ohioan should be very proud of the fact that the nation looks to Ohio for leader- ship today, and we feel that the delegates both at Chicago and San Francisco, acted wisely, for whatever the outcome of the November election, we are sure of capable, conscientious leadership. As good citizens, it is our duty to take an active intelligent interest in the selection of your leaders.

Men and women alike must take time to become familiar with the fundamental principles of our government and the methods we employ to secure an expression of the people.

Therefore let us all be good citizens and do our part, not only by making a care- ful study of the issues and leaders of the nresent campaign, but also by exercising our duty as a voter.

CLUB WEEK Prof. O. C. Croy and Miss Horst of Ex-

tension Department 0. U. S., Club Work, are meeting classes of Agriculture, Civics Home Economics and Sociology, explain- ing the Boys and Girls Club work, with great success.

Students are enthusiastic about the op- portunities of club work, and eagerly await the time when they may co-operate w'th tl e state leaders of Boys and Girls Clubs.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Chapel Monday July 19th, ten o'clock.

Ten o'clock classes recite at seven o'clock. Seven o'clock classes omitted.

Hon. E. C. Vermillion, State Director of Americanization will speak at chapel, Mon- day July 19th, ten o'clock, and in the af- ternoon Mrs. Bame, General Superintend- ent of Americanization, will be here to meet classes in Civics and Sociology, also to conduct a general conference, open to faculty and students, at three o'clock.

Commencement exercises, July section, 1920 class, Thursday morning July 29th, ten o'clock. Exercises take place of chapel period of closing week.

Commencement address will be given by an educator of note.

Important meeting of Tie Board of Trustees July 12th 1920.

Contract for rebuilding powerhouse stack was let to L. G. Foltz and Sons, Columbus, Ohio. Plans provide for a brick stack, to match the brick of the other buildings, 'the idea to be carried out will give us a stack comporting with architectural idea cf the other buildings, than just a I" 1Min stack like the old ones.

Work is progressing satisfactorily upon the Training School building. Repair work upon damages of recent cyclone are to be taken up soon so the plant will be in fine shape for Fall semester.

Members of the Faculty were reappoint- ed rnd confirmed. Salaries increased to the full of the funds at the command of t. e Board of Trustees.

Deffenbaugh house, corner East Wooster and Wayne to be moved, east of training school, near Hixon street. This allows im- provement of sidewalks of Wayne street now called "Highway of Holensss."

Full attendance of the Board of Trustees consisting of :-

Supt. J. E. Collins, President. Supt. F. E. Reynolds, Secretary. A. C. Brown, Treasurer. E. H. Ganz. J. E. Shatzel.

THE COMMUNITY SING More than a thousand voices took part

in the first Community Sing this year and made it a grand success.

On Wednesday evening June 30th, the largest of the three was given of the one thousand people that attended the sing, seven hundred were College students.

Crane's Band accompanied the singers and rendered a number of concert select- ions one of the favorite being "Poet and Peasant."

Another real treat of the evening was a solo by Miss Roberts a student from Van Wert, who sang very sweetly in her clear Welsh voice and pleased her audience She was accompanied on the piano by Miss Hazel Ramsey of Van Wert.

Students, faculty, and citizens greatly enjoy these sings and we predict larger attendance in the future.

SOCIAL CALENDAR July 13—Out-Door Social. July 16—Philharmonic Club Concert. July 23—County Life Club entertain-

ment. July 27—Play Festival. July 28—Lindquest Recital Company. August 10—Recital, Prof. Newcomb,

O. W. U. School of Oratory.

Summer School Students (Continued from page 1)


President—Hazel Ramsey Secretary-Treasurer—Peg Roberts

C. L. Shaffer, Eunice Weldy, Burnice Weldy, Ruth Borden, Maude Brubaker, Blanche Clark, Frieda Custer, Dean Switz- er, Guy Detro, Abbie Dull, Vera Fisher, Ruby Frick, Blanche Fisher, Gertrude Gorbel, Florence Hicks, H. Hileman, Paul- ine Hoaglin, Mary Jones, Jerome Morrison,

Gwen Koch, Nelia Leidy, Golda Medaugh, Louse Meredith, Gwendol;, n Mo3er, Bernice Neel, Marie Neel, Olive Pancake, Lela roliock, Hazel Ramsey, Leah Roberts, Alena Roller, Mary Sawyer, Mary Spitler, Madge Swoveland, Ariel Tayor, Fay Tay- lor, Kathleen Thomson, Lavonna Unger, Mary Weisgerber, Homer Woten, Esther Yoh.

MONROE COUNTY Alma Weishauer.

LORAIN COUNTY Mabel Callin, Madeline Howe, Cather-

ine Ward, Alida Watson.

LOGAN COUNTY Alice Brundige, Jessie Brundige, Gail

Bushong, Floy Cook, Zenith Dally, Mar- garet Forry, Dorcas Headington, Vivian Hudson, Bessie Loffer, Gladys Riffle, Dol- ores Taylor, Velma Vance.

LICKING COUNTY Harriet Belt, Ruth Sesser.

AUGLAIZE COUNTY Florence Anderegg, Florence Barnes,

Violet Barnes, Dora Barnes, Lulu Bec'ndolt, Cora Birk, Mamie Boesel, Irene Breese, Ida Brown, Julia Burk, Kathryn Buss, Audrey Cisco, Ruth Crow, Selma Cook, Isabel! Dittmar, Ruby Feikert, Lola Fishsr.

Mamie Fogt, Mildred Frey, Nora Hc';- tle, Kate Kohler, Clara Kolter, Harriet Kuenzel, Edith Matlehner, Emma Maileh- ner, Delia Morrin, Edith Rohrbaugh, Eileen Rohrbaugh, Agnes Schwark, Edith Smith, Margaret Smit'i, Hope Smith, Essie Wolph.

SUMMIT COUNTY Happy Switzer.



MERCER COUNTY Alice Abbott, Luella Felver, Edna Kerns,

Alice Fast, Orpha Kerns, Urban Kling- shirn, Etta Hamilton, Lela High, Arthur Rose, Pauline Smith.


(Cont'.n:-?d on page 4)

SFArt to . AL COLLEGE RflVA/l Ikio «c

^_,---;.-r» (J BEE GEE NEWS



A brief discussion of such a comprehen- sive subject must include only the essen- tials. The following types of tendencies might be presented.

(1.) Types of tests and scales now in existence; (2.) Types of uses now made of tests and scales; (4.) Research or effi- ciency bureaus; (5.) Consideration of measurements in educational associations; (6.) Literature on educational measure- ments; (7.) Reactions on present subject- ive methods of measurements; (8.) The technique of development or measurements and their use; (9.) Some factors in the movement about which caution should be observed.

Types of Tests and Scales Now In Use At least eight types of tests and scales,

some standardized and others not, make up the present body of this newer pro- cedure in educational measurements. First, there are the Binet-Simon general intelligence tests and their various mod- ifications.

The purpose of these tests furnish work in measurements of mental functions.

Of the general intelligence scales, there are also the Yerkes-Bridges point scale, the Otis point scale, the Myers Scale, and a few other examples. The special tests of the cancellation and association types con- stitute a minor group of this first general class.

The chief development of measurements for the schoolman is in the attempts to me.'isnre products of class room teaching. The first great group of these measure- ments are tests of mental functions of the informational and habitual types.

The scales for handwriting, tests in spell- ing, first year algebra scales, tests of his- torical and scientific information, are well known examples of this group.

Probably nine-tenths of existing scales and tests are primarily of this type. These were the first group to be brought into existence. It was easier to develop meas- urements of such' functions, and their growth served to educate investigators in the technique of development of scales. Tie opponents of the movement, observing the character of these tests, freely predict- ed that it would stop there and would re- sult in the widespread use of such meas- urements in the schools, and such use would inevitably result in undue stress on habit and routine functioins in learning.

Tie third important type of measure- ments to appear consists of tests and scales for the measure of thinking (reasoning, judgment.) Stones' Reasoning Tests in arithmetic is good example and widely known. J. P. Herring's tests in abilities in scientific thinking lists and attempts to measure the chief elements in scientific thinking. M. J. Van Wagenen's recenty developed tests of abilities in U. S. History in elementary school includes two scales for infoimation, two for thinking and two for character judgment.

In spite of Buckingham's recent critic- ism, it is the writer's view that more in- vestigation and development of tests should be made in this field.

The very difficult problem of producing tests of aesthetic (appreciative enjoyment) functions is being attacked. Thorndike's scale for drawing is a pioneer. Frintner aims directly at the problem in his tests of children's aesthetic apprecia- tion of pictures. It is not inconceivable that, in the near future, we shall have samples of literature arranged in order of their appreciative values, literary merit, well standarized, and of great service in measurement* of some of the elements of aesthetic appreciation. Iadce-J, there ar3 already promises of such KCaiea. In the field of music, the remarkable work of Seat Lore has resulted in a method of making evaluations of some of the elements of appreciative music.

This type of measurement is commonly considered the impossible by the opponents of standardized measurements. It is to ba hoped that the experimentation will prove so successful as to confound their claims.

The measure of ethical qualities is an- other difficult problem, yet there are two attempts to make score-cards that can be used for this purpose. The first is "a scale for measuring habits of good citizenship," by Upton and Chassell. An approach to the measurement of the same types of qual- ities is also observable in recent attempts to produce a score-Card for teacher rating. Measurement of educational institutions hf.s alfso been undertaken.

The development of tests for use in sel- ection and classification of army recruits, under the direction of Thondike has made it possible to do some measuring outside of the army. Madsen and Sylvester give data on use of these tests among high school students. There is a growing ten- dency to use intelligence tests in college entrance methods. Columbia University is an outstanding example. Reactions on Present Subjective Methods

of Measurements In a few cases, attention has been giv-

en to attempts to refine and make more re- liable the present subjective measurements. This is in marked contrast with the earlier stages of this movement during which the criticism of the subjective measurements brought about such constructive suggest- ions as checking by use of the probability curve, use of completion tests with the method right and wrong cases, and rating by relative position. Probably the best re- action, is the suggestion made by McCall in his "a new kind of an examination." The following statement accompanying dir- ections illustrate this.

"In general, the mountain ranges run east and west. True or False." If the state- ment is true, the pupil is to underline the word true; if •false, underline the word false. The pupils total score is the difference between the total correct underlining and the total incorrect underlinings.

Inasmuch as subjective tests will be used for many years, the need for improving

these (if it can be done) should not be overlooked and all attention given to the development of objective tests.

Technique of Statistical Method In the methods of developing new tests

and scales, there seems to be no new gener- al procedure, but practically follow the pattern established by the first attempts, such as were used in making Thorndike's handwriting scale, and Trabues' language completion in scales. However, some of the specific phases cf these methods are being used more carefully. This is shown by the r-e*bod used by Starch and Watters in their Latin tests as compared with the method rsed by Starch in developing his ear icr Latin tests.

In the use of statistical methods, there is a very evident tendency to improve technique. Courtis and Thorndikes dis- cussion of "Correct Formulae for Addition Tests," Ayers' plan for a shorter method for computing the coefficient of correlation and Mc Call's recent consideration of the nature of the medium show well this tend- ency.

Some Factors Wh;ch Demand Cauti-n Tn the development of steps in a stand-

ard scale, the term value has been fre- quently applied to the numerical index of the "step." This has, in some cases, led to confusion with social value, when the numerical index indicates degree of diffi- culty. That there is some relation be- tween the two is probably true, but they are not identical, more careful definition is necessary to avoid confusion.

Dr. G. M. Wilson has made the criticism that we are producing tests for abilities in subjects, much of the content of which has not yet been shown to be of any very great value. He illustrates by use of arithmetic, assuming his criticism to be true, we are facing two other problems. First, we are probably wasting time and energy by pro- ducing such tests, and second, such tests, if widely used, well standardized, and used as bases for comparisons between efficiencies of school systems, can become educational "bogies" which will tend to keep curricula static.

Teachers and all educational workers are concerned at all times with more than measurements.

Administrative problems other than those of measurements, determination of valid educational aims, methods, and con- tent are present at all times. Measurements must contribute to the solution of the pro- blem involved, but they cannot do the thing alone. In our enthusiasm for measure- meets,therefore, it is worth while that we observe caution as benefits true scientists, and not overlook other factors in the educational activities of the nation.

Lastly, there is a possible error of in- consistency in our work of measurements, This has been referred to above. To be scientific we will do best to make claims on the basis of data and to make no claims for measuring all human mental, functions with a test devised to measure but a few, or to claim measurement of several by a scale devised to measure but one.

I ■■■■i



When one stops to consider how a group of teachers and would-be teachers, who have but a few days previously closed a year of strenuous activities in school, al- most to an individual start to inquire into the opportunities for learning play in its various forms, it is then one asks, what is play?

These teachers, many of them with years of experience have found that the playground is the child's world, that it is there he really starts to portray his charac- ter and determines his social efficiency

■ which is the aim of the modern educator. It :s on the playground that a carefully

instructed teacher must guide him in ac- cordance with rules of fair play, happiness, and will power which combined with a body well developed physically go to make the capable man or woman demanded by modern society.

It is the teacher of little or no exper- ience who neglects athletics. They are few judging by the size and number of classes for play etc"., and every student is thero to receive some benefit to carry back to his or her school.

Athletics as a college asset are, not to be ignored, but are to be upheld to the full- est extent as they assist in creating a real school spirit.

The entire student body should support loyally any activities which go to heighten the spirit of our school.

In response to these convictions the men of the institution are daily practicing on the ball ground and in the gymnasium. The tennis courts also come in for their share of practice.

The students of past sessions are join- ing with new students and are forming a team whose abilities will be such that the achievements of the past years will be equaled or surpassed.

Coach Byerman is endeavoring to secure • games with other colleges and has been assured games with Kent Normal on their grounds for July 24th.

Other games will be booker; as fast as possible.

The student body and friends of the College are looking forward to these rames and will be there with a full supply of "pep" to root our team to victory.

Summer School Students

(Continued from page 2)


President—Fay Feller Secretary-Treasurer—Verda Mae Zeigler

Margaret Sampson, CUve Treece, Ollie Bame, Dale Clymer, Beatrice Cramer, Luella Coates, Prudence Cross, Dorothy Dietsch, Edna Ebling, Fay Feller, Mrs. Fay Feller, Mary Fish, Mildred Folk, Ger- trude Hamnett, Mabel Harris, Nellie Hau- man, Mary Hauman, E. D. Huston.

Vaiere King, Aria Krabill, Helene Kivis, Gwenolyn Kroske, May Mayer, Glendora Mills, Donnabelle Montgomery, Cozy Mor- gan, Anna Reigel, Eva Reynolds, Mabel Risser, Florence Roller, Vera Ross, Hazel Searfoss, Mabel Shafer,- Joyce Sharning- house, Helen Sharp, Ella Shirley,

Emma Simms, Lucile Steen, Mae Steen, Ethel Tallman, Le Ona Torrance, Ina Treece Elizabeth Trout, Mary Wagner J. W. Welsh, Edith Young, Verda Mae Zeig- ler.

Put-in-Bay excursion Saturday July 12, enjoyed by students and faculty alike' About 400 in the party, more about this >n next issue as "Echoes of the Excursion."


A. W. Whitman, B. G. Agriculture and Science, 1920, elected superintendent Rudolph, O., salary $1,800.

C D. Fox recently elected principal of Prospect School, Mansfield, O., salarv $1,800. *

Center field has discovered the stumb- ling stores in his field.

MARION COUNTY Nona Bolander, Isabelle Bower, Flor-

ence Busch, Mabel Castle, Ruth Christman, Clara Cress, Harry George, Mary Hinds, Flossie Kennedy, Velma Laipply, Laura Lee, Sara Jane Melvin, Vera Murphy, Pearl Schlintz, Claude Sifrett.

SANDUSKY COUNTY Ludivina Steinberger, Lillie Bingle, Jen-

ne Beatty, Viola Beebe, Helen Cleveland, Cleo Coonrod, Viva Coonrod, Mae Daily, Daily, Helen Dalton, Lavina Darr, Eula Dickman, Margaret Ensign, Mary Fitzpatrick, Bessie Flicker, Ethel Flicker, Pearle Gategar Emma Grover, Lula Hall'

Dorothy Greenslade, Harold Held, Aw,lda Rosalind Howey, Glenn Jordan, Eloise Killinger, Gladys Keller, Helen Lande, Eulalia Lehmann, Mary Lukins Blanche May, Gladys May, Janetti Mc- Cleary, Helen Miller, Genevieve Murphy Eunice Ray, Hattie Schwartz, Ruth Taylor

Mabelle Snyder, Margaret, Swain, Jen- nie Taylor, Fern Wagner, Elinor Wicker- ham, Hazel Wickerham, Althea Wilson, Uottie Zimmerman, Ethel R. Hardy.

DRAKE COUNTY Amy Ainsworth, Theodore Hemmel-


FRANKLIN COUNTY Albert Nickolas.


A,^d'TrT,KeySOr' Nieta J°hnson, Clytice

Aldred, Edna Bashore, Bernice Bowlen Ceceha Brady, Cleo Burroughs, Adah D.ckerson, Cecelia Cussen, L. Edward Poulk, Nellie Gray, Bernice Grube, Mrs. Elura Halleck, Grace Harp, lea Harp, Lenna Jeffrey, Neva Johnson, Alma Saum,

Mrs. Grace Keck, Enid Kilpatrick, Car- men Klinger, Ruby Klinger, Frances Kuhn, Katherine Maloy, Vi^na Mosier, Frieda Murphy, Helen Pearl, Hanna Smith, Wininfred Smith, Hazel Stayer, Gertrude Yeaxling, Mhiam Zeigler, Rhea Zeigler, Edilh Kilpatrick. .

MORROW COUNTY Cecil Cramer, MartU Crisenherry, Mis.

Nellie Hart, Adaline Levering, Marguer- ite Pleister.

FULTON COUNTY Helen Dilgart.

GUYAHOGA COUNTY . Florence Dunford, Vivion Thompson.


President—Murhl T. Ricketts Secretary-Treasurer—Lowell Brown

Lucille Allison, Lucille Beberstein Edythe Boohman, Florence Bowman, Irene Bradhurst, Mildred Brown, Dale Bradford, Grace Brannan, Ruth Brannan, Lowell Brown, Irene Burkholder, Mary Carroll, Consolo Himes, Mary Cook, Margaret Doo- littie, Blanche Fenicle, Mildred Gosline,

Alice Toner, Fanny Gilcher, Neva Gray, Mildred Greek, Golda Harmon, Dale Hill- ard, Murine Hodson, Vivian Ingle, Ada- line Ingram, Nan Johnson, Florence Jones, Hollie Kollar, Ruth Krathwohl, Bruce McDaniel, Gladys McLaughlin, Lois Miller, Pearl Miller, Alta Newcomb, Mabel Wholf.

Dorothy Newcomb, Mrs. Gertrude New- comb, Helen Pepper, Nellie Randall, Murhl Ricketts, Mary Rosendaul, Ruby Shuman, Jennie Stenger, Susannah Stenger, Was- tella Swnger, Edna Stipe, Blanche Ver- nier, Mabel Walker, Emma Whitla.

MIAMI COUNTY Ruth Boyd, Gladys Drake.

WAYNE COUNTY Dorothy Gantz, Helen Schweisberger.

WYANDOT COUNTY Helen Bender, .Helen Bcr.ven, Ciai'.ce

Brown, Mildred Corfman, Frances Court- ade, Grace Courtade, Mauice Cum.m, Beatrice Disher, Mary Fernbaugh, Kather- ine Fleck, Dorothy Fleck, Helen Gie<-, Camilla Haner, Leolia Joins, Clara KreiseV

Marquerite Lowry, Anna McClain, Helen Miller, Iva Miller, Gertrude Montz, Violet McBride, E. Rowland Leefe, Burl Rutler, Helen Reynolds, Helen Schwartz, Frances Searles, Myrtle Secord, Gretta Stoner, Edith Swartz, Charlotte Walton.

DELAWARE COUNTY Mrs. May Inman, Veva Bartan, Anna

Carpenter, Mrs. Butler Cross, Mild eJ Moeker, Mildred Perfect, Gertrude Said, Irma Strong, Elizabeth Ketcham.


PUTNAM COUNTY Lucile Adrain, MildreJ Bacon,

Baumgartner, Ethel Maidiow, Mark.

KNOX COUNTY Ruby Frye, Evalyn Gatton, Loa McFeok

Grace Shaman, Lulu Turney. OTTAWA COUNTY

Marvel Allen, Harriett, Carstens, Leon- clla Cutcher, Alma Davis, Mildred Fri- end, Minnie Goodsite, Helen Hr.nsen, Olive Helgesen, Esther Hostrup, C.arote Meyer, Orlena Miller, Ruth Moon, Agnes Mulligan, Leona Nebb, Irene Ne.vton

Isabel Nielsen, Fay Ohm, Lois Palmer' Inez Samsen, Leonard Sauer, Bertha Schaaf, Leonora Scl.aaf, Mabel Schmar le- becl:, Eunice Tadsen, Mar~aret

(COiiiUueJ in net issue)

Mary Marcia