bee (earlington, ky.). (earlington, ky) 1903-09-17 [p 6]. · 3 f 6 the bee earlllmbton kv jj rj 4 n...

3 f 6 THE BEE EARLllMBTON KV JJ rJ 4 n ANOTHER SEA fiGHTER LAUNCHED Ay r ° The Crusier Maryland Sister to tho y- Yl Colorado and West Virginia Takes Water THE SHIP IS 502 FEET LONG 1AND 69 FT 6 12 INCHES BEAM The Vessel Will Have as Her Arm went Four 8 1SIncli Guns Four 0Iucli Guns Eighteen IIncll fr Gnns Twelve 3 and Eight 1 Pounder and Other DcnthDcnlci Washington Sept 13The cruiser t Maryland which was launched Satur- day at Newport News is 602 feet on load water line extreme breadth 69 feet 6Y inches trial 1J s 860 tons mean draft trial dIsplace- ment 24 feet 1 inch ° t Tho Marylands armament will con list of four8Ya inch guns mounted In pairs in two electricallycontrolled el lipticallybalanced turrets one forward ind ono aft on tho main deck four G Inch guns on the gun deck a main broadside battery of ten GInch gun five on each side On tho main deck forward and aft will also bo located the I eighteen 3lnch guns of the secondary batteryThe secondary battery also will con- sist of twelve 3pounder eight 1pound tr two 3Inch rapidfiring guns two machine guns and six automatic guns of small caliber mounted In command Ing positions and on the military top Protection will be furnished by armor consisting of the water line bel Above this for a length of 200 feet the armor will bo of five Inches uniform thickness extending from the top of tho water line deck to the main deck S Transverse armor bulheads casemat x Armor and barbettes make up the oth ir protective features of the vessel Tho engines will be of the triple expansion type Tho Maryland is a sister ship to Clio Pennsylvania West Virginia Colo ado California and South Dakota F P FIFTY POISONED AT FAIR Orange Cider Sold nt Fnlrflcld la Contained Arsenic In Color- ing y Matter Fairfield la Sept HFfrty peoph were poisoned by drinking orang ider at tho fair grounds Saturday M I Garwin and Frank Donnelson rat iT ho stand at which tho decoction was told They offered the people all they t ould drink for five cents Many worn m and children availed themselves of ho opportunity to quench their thirst Soon after drinking they were taker Vlth a violent vomiting and becamt unconscious Fully fifty persons wen loaded into wagons and buggies and hurried away to the doctors Every physician In the city was called upon ind tho work of giving relief was be ¬ gun Several victims are in a danger ¬ ous condition In one case a family of eight are ill A boy named Bell iivlng at Birmingham is still uncon ¬ scious and not expected ot live Gar t pin has been placed In jail Donnelson iscaped It has been ascertained that the fakir put common dyo into the fluid they were selling to color it orange a The dye contained arsenic Garvin will oe tried Monday HEAVY RAINS IN NORTHWEST to Deluge In Minnesota and Snow IB North Dakota Will Damnge ofDollart the heaviest rain storms in recent years raged in St Paul and generally throughout the state late Friday night the official rainfall in thla city being I five inches for the 12 hours between 7 p m and 7 a m Many basements r were flooded and sleet car service was theln t 1Reports shaw that Friday nights rain storm extended from Elray Wis to Sioux City Ia end that damage to grain will be extensive In some parts of this stato it is impossible to movo i threshing machines or haul grain The result will be that many acres of grain h t and flax in shock will bo damaged if not totally ruined causing a loss of many thousand dollars Nearly all rail ¬ roads entering St Paul report more or less minor damage From North Da ¬ kota points reports come of snow on r the groundand at Granvlllo two inches has fallen i A dispatch from New Ulm Minn re ¬ ports four inches of rain in that vi ¬ r cinity Friday night Tho Cottonwood river isynit of its banks and the Ben zinc bridge has been washed away t PORCH STRUCK BY LIGHTNING DurIng n Severe Storm the Executive Mansion nt Springfield 5us Struck Ily Ijlelitnlns1 Springfield Ill Sept HTho top of the massive porch at tho front of the executive mansion was struck by light- ning ¬ t Sunday afternoon during a v storm Tho bolt of lightning was a terrific one and two great balls of fire I seemed to fall from tho porch Gov Yates thought that tho porch had caught fire and telephoned for the fire department Tho are marshal and Sa part of the fire department answered summons but could fine no fire The bolt of lightning was ono of the most terrific oVer witnessed here Pour 1crsoriiMiJKlllca tu IVveuIc f Fairfield VVls < Sept 14Four per- t ¬ t r sons were pilled and several wero in ¬ 4 jured in a wreck on the Chicago St 7 Paul Minneapolis Omaha railrbad I six miles from this place Saturday rr xr w I0Io III r- f t I tr t WM HOFFMAN CAPTUKEU The Murderer of William llniudt apturod Near llollovllle 111 nod Taken to Waterloo l Waterloo Ill Sept HWilliam Hoffmann who killed his father1 law William Brandt at Maeystow Ill last Monday evening wed cap- tured on the outskirts of Belleville Ill Saturday afternoon by a force of dep- uty sheriffs under leadership of Deputy Sheriff Klamm In a state of mental and physical col- lapse he fell asleep beneath a tree on the side of the road and when ho awoke It was to look Into the muzzles of two repeating shotguns and two re- volvers Ho made no resistance as he- w s unarmed He was delivered to Sheriff Thomas Ruch of Waterloo at East St Louis Lynching Threatened Sheriff Ruch and Deputy Wlllla Tolin arrived at ten oclock with HolY mann from Belleville on the Mobile Ohio passenger train Over four hun- dred persons were at the depot Several shouted Lynch him I Hang him but a large force of police and deputy sheriffs forced the people back Hoffmann was pale and nervous and trembled at the largo crowd With his hands and feet cuffed he was escorted to a carriage and quickly driven to the Monroe county Jail where he was placed In cell No G He refused to talk to anyone and lay down on his bed INDICTED MEN NAMED The Six Persons Named In the Sev- en Indictments Returned By the Grand Jury at Washington Washington Sept 12 United States District Attorney Beach announce that tho six persons named in the sov en indictments returned by the gran jury last Tuesday are George W Bea- rers former chief of the division of salaries and allowances post office de- partment August W Machen formo eneral superintendent of tho free de livery system post office department lames W Erwin former post office in spector with headquarters in San Francisco George H Huntington and Isaac S McGlehan both of New Yorl ity owners of the Columbia Suppl 2o of that city and Eugene E Schcble of Toledo 0 a dentist and Interested in the firm of Maybury 6 Sills of Detroit Mich letter box man ifacturers Beavers Machen and Er- wIn are named jointly in one Indict- ment for conspiracy to defraud thi United States Another Indictment is against Mc 31ehan Huntington and Machen tor sonspiracy to defraud the United States and still another is against the nine three for conspiracy to comml jrlbery both under Section 5440 R 5 Scheble and Machen are Indicted olntly for conspiracy against the United States arid again for conspiracy to commit bribery Another Indictment Is against McGlehan and Huntington or bribery and the last is against tlachen singly for accepting bribes un ler Section 5501 R S USING SIDEWISE PRESSURE low Davis of Arkansas Trying to Assist the Governor of Kentucky- In Extradition of Taylor Little Rock Ark Sept 13Gov lurbin of Indiana made requisition up- on Gov Jeff Davis Tuesday for George Ryan an alleged fugitive from justice liter hearing the case Gov Davis has otifled Gov Durbin that he would onor the requisition upon eonditloi that the Indiana governor returned to Kentucky Gov Taylor and other fugi- tives desired by the state for the mur- der of Gov Goebel Otherwise hi would not honor the requisition DONE BY MOHAMMEDANS usslau Monastery at Jernsale Sacked by Mohammedan and the Monks Murdered Berlin Sept 1GA dispatch to the ageblatt from Constantinople reports that the Russian monastery at Jerusa- lem has been sacked by a Mohamme dan mob and that all of the monk there were murdered lined the Malls to Defraud New York Sept 12 Arthur J lorbst was arrested and arraigned here Friday on a charge of fraudulent use of tho malls he and Julius N Nls son now under arrest In Chicago hav lng It Is alleged opened an office ii Chicago and borrowed the name of the Western Supply Co of that place to secure goods on the credit of that com- pany Reunion of the Telford Family Salem Ill Sept l4The annual re- union of tho Telford Family Reunion association was held Sunday at the old Covenanter church southwest of this city Fully 3000 persons were in- tendance onehalf of that number ling direct descendants of Capt Sam- uel ¬ Telford the revolutionary soldier who settled in this county in 1818 Two Feet of Snow In Dakota Minot N D Sept 15Two feet oj snow covers the ground In this section and trains are greatly delayed A spe clal from Kenmare N D says one sot of snow covers tho ground with snow still falling At Medora N D tho snow is ten inches deep Veteran Editor Dead El Paso Tex Sept 15E P Lowe II veteran western editor Is dead He jrved in the civil war and was a memo ber of a squad to which Jefferson Davis president of tho southern confederacy Ltrrcndcrcd Death ot Win E Anderson Milwaukee Sept 10Wm E Ander ion former superintendent of schools I anlt one of the bestknown educators n west died Tuesday f r nrKINJJEY f1EMO- RIAL fiT TOLEDO 00 It Was Unveiled With Due Cere- mony In the Presence of a Large Audience SENATOR FAIRBANKS OF IN ¬ DIANA DELIVERED ORATION I Second Anniversary of the Death of the Late President Not Obnerv With nay Set ProKriimuic at Cnn ton O Flornl Tokens Fro II Frlcnds and Strangers Toledo Sept IB Toleda was en fetc Monday over tho unveiling of tho lIc Kinley statue tho first memorial to the late president erected in Ohio After a naval parade on the river incluudii tho United States gunboat Michigan and the training ships Yantic and Hawk and a procession led by a bat- talion of United States infantry the tattle which stands fronting the court house was unveiled by Miss Dorothy Banner Col1 C Bonner president of the Memorial association in a brief Address presented tho monument to the county and Henry Conrad presl dent of the board of county comml iloners accepted the trust on tho part of tho county Senator M A Hani was then introduced as honorary presi- dent of tho day and mado a brief ex- tempore address A dedicatory poeD by Theodore McManus was read by tho author and tho orator of tho day Sen- Ator Charles W Fairbanks of Indaln was introduced Tho senator said Senator Fairbanks Address The place of Wm McKinley in hls tory is secure We are not too near the events of which he was a part cor- rectly to measure his proportions nor 10 we look with too partial eyes upon what ho did Wo know tho great share be bore In tho significant event through which he passed and we have alth to believe that tho judgment of his contemporaries will be confirmed ay history when with impartial hand she shall record the deeds of men You honor yourselves In honoring him You make tho future your debtor by erecting this statuo In commomora Lion of his lIfo and services for lI1te Ills immortal prototype Abraham Lin oln he belongs to the ages Hither the lovers of America institutions wil come In the unnumbered years before is and derive new hope and new in spiration Similar monuments w111 rise In other lands to which people not of our race will pay their homage The people of Cuba whose liberty was secured through his genius and states- manshIp will erect monuments in his honor So also the people of Port Rico and the faroff Philippines will raise enduring memorials to perpetu- ate to tho furthest ages the memory of tho president who carried to them tho blessings of republican government It seems but yesterday that William Mc- Kinley stood among us at the ver enlth of his power Ho possessed In ull degree the affections and confi- dence of his countrymen and his nam va a beneficent influence throughou he world Without warning the iruel blow fell We stood speechless In he midst of the uncommon sorrow Our great and beloved leader by some mysterious providence fell in the ilentltude of his strength Upon the day of his sepulture ruler and people of many lands held memos il services and all nations were In mourning Throughout the great re- public busy trado stood still the tele- graph was silent and as by some com- mon impulse steamships and rallroai rains stopped and the people uncov red in the streets or knelt lathe sanct cries Who knows but that the dl vino Master through this unspeakable tragedy sought to Imprint forever up- on human heart how splendidly the Just and bravo can live and how beau- tifully they pan die Against the darl lackground of two years ago stand In harper outline than wero othorwlsi possible tho higher and noble achieve tents and the majestic personality at ono of tho greatest of Americans After the singing of America by the audience Rev A M Hyde pro- nounced the benediction which closet the services MATTER OF MISSING SOCKS Another Sensational Disclosure at the Eastern Pennsylvania Prison Philadelphia Sept lGFollowlng closely on tho sensational disclosures at a counterfeiting plant inside the walls of the Eastern penitentiary it Is yarned that a shortage of 300001 stockings bad been discovered in the Locking department They dlsap eared since the first of tho year TrnliiH In 1crrlllc Collision Houston Tex Sept 1GOn a love prairIe on a 40mllo stretch of track straight as a die two freights of the Houston Toxas Central railroad met In a headend collision Monday morn- Ing Head Brakeman Manning and one other unldcntlllcd man were killed and t70 others are missing Both trains were converted into kindling The auao of tho wreck is unknown Senator Scott Seriously ill Denver Col Sept 15 Senator Na- than B Scott of West Virginia is III- Ilt tho Brown mince hotel in this city Ho Is suffering from Injuries received In a wreck near Chicago on Friday and also from malarial fever and Is ir A serious condition Froze To Death In Scptciuber Minot N D Sept 1GThe frozen codY of a man named Kerkey was und Tuesday near his home- s 4 TiN fit I 1f JI iV j fJ yNlNnw RUSSIA MUST EVACUATE Japan Deeply Stirred by Russias Failure to Carry Out Promises Demands the Withdrawal of Troops Front Manchuria on the Dnte Fixed iv Year Ago London Sopt 15 Japan and Grent Britain havo exchanged views on tho latest demands mado by Russia au China and they decided to protest sep arately to tho Pokln governme against their acceptance In caso this should provo fruitless and Russia CM tlnues her occupation of Manchuria Japan proposes to break off the nego- tiations with Russia for a definition or their respective rights In Manchuria and Corea and to demand of the S1 Petersburg government that it order the evacuation of Chinese territory We can not permit tho postpon mont of the evacuation said tho Jap anesse authority for Russia would utilize the additional time to strength- en her fleet and army in tho far cast Already her naval tonnage there Is equal to ours Public sentiment In Ja- pan is deeply stirred by Russias fall urn to carry out hEr promises to evaci ato Manchuria and demands the with- drawal of her troops on tho date fixed a year ago Prince Chi tin Warned Not to Aceep- Pokln Sept 15Chit Chung Tung di- rector of commerce is urging the min- Isters to use their Influence with Prlnco Ching tho president of the foreign of flee to reject tho latest Russian pro- posals regarding the evacuation of Manchuria He fears that Ching w111 accett them unless pressure Is brougl to bear on him M Uchida tho Jaj aneso minister here luau warned Chins against the avceptanco of the Russia propositionMINERS GO BACK TO WORK President Mitchell Scores n Victor In the XovliiKcr plo Coal Miners Strike 6 Kansas City Mo Sept 15A dis- patch from Novinger Mo says that tho striking coal miners held a mas meeting Monday night and voted to return to work today This action was taken in obedience to tho order of the convention of Miners District No 2J which met here Sunday Immediately after President Mitchell and tho other mine leaders heard of tho decision of tho Novlnger strikers they notified the mine owners that they were ready for a joint conference and tho conference was called at once President Mltchel and the delegates to the miners con- vention will remain here until the wag scale for the coming year and all othe differences between the miners and op orators have been settled by tho con- ference as another convention of the miners will bo necessary to ratify the Action of the conference HOFFMANN ACTS QUEERLY The Slayer of William Urniidt lib KutlierlnLnv Is Downhearted and Very Much Troubled Waterloo lilt Sept 15William A Hoffmann murderer of his fatherin law William Brandt Is downhearted and continually worrying He wil tpeak to ho one except to complain tc Sheriff Thomas Ruch that ho Is very Ill The prisoners Winchester repeating ilxshotgun was found by a hunter Ir the woods near Adam Hoffmans home Hoffmanns wife and her brother Villlam A Brandt visited their moth jr Mrs William Brandt for the first IMO since tho shooting occurred Ev srythlng is quieting down at Meys own and there Is no fear of a lynch IngTho Montae county circuit court lonvenes here on September 28 whet It Is expected his case will be tried Ir ourt hirer Hoffmanns actions are very ueer pnd he seems to bo troubled very uuch INJURIES PROVED FATAL heaths of Ernest F Vltmnr Prom the Result of Injuries Received at Port Arthur Tex In 1001 Kansas City Mo Sept 1C Ernest F Vltmar formerly general manager ot the International Trading Co of his city and Port Arthur Tex and rho had been associated financially with tho Stillwell railroad enterprises Is dead In this city aged 33 years Death resulted from Injuries received at Port Arthur In September 1901 when ho was assaulted The body will bo taken to Germany for burial The Fifteenth Amendment Memphis Tenn Sept 15Edward- W Carmack the junior representative of Tennessee In the upper branch of longress It was announced will Intro duco a bill In tho senate for the repeal of tho fifteenth amendment to tho fed oral constitution tho Intent of which Is that there shall bo no dlscrlmlna ton against a citizen of tho United itates because of color religion or irevious condition of servitude Sections of AVlHUoiiHlii Flooded Sparta Wis Sept 15A terrific thunder and rainstorm Monday night dded to tho distressingly wet condi- tion prevailing In this section Street ore flooded and much damage done to bridges and highways Farm work has been practically at R standstill for hreo weeks The damage on account ot bridges bclns swept away and ol the bursting of dams will amount to 40000 Injured fly Tornado MoultrIe Ga Sept 1GA tornado hlch struck this section Tuesday Ue itroyed the county schoolhouse those leaping with thelr rbrearo- es no were seriously injured II a 06 SYSTEMATIC ANNIHILA liON Some of the Points In the Note Pres- ented by Bulgaria to the European Powers TURKEY UNDER THE PRETEXT- OF SUPPRESSING REVOLUTION Qlvea Ilalgarla Reason to SUIIPOSC That nt an Opportune lUonlcnt She Will ho Attacked b1udcT Cnn Not Afford to lie Taken bT Surprise Sofia Bulgaria Sept 1GFollowlng arc some of tho points in tho note which Bulgaria has just presented to tho powersI What tho Bulgarian government had foreseen as expressed in its note of Juno 29 of the development of affairs In Turkey has become amply verIfied 5Jo Turklsh government is systoma Jcally annihilating tho Bulgarian peo- ple Tho mobilization and concentration of such great forces in European Tur- key under tho pretext of suppressing tho revolution gives Bulgaria reason to suppose that at an opportune mo- ment she will bo attacked by Turkey The Bulgarian government can no longer remain indifferent to tho pro ance of such a situation which Is of A nature calculated to bring about a aostlle collision between Turkey and BulgariaIf great powers do not take measures to give tho sublime porto ounscls of wisdom and of moderation tho Bulgarian government will bo obliged to tako the necessary steps to so ready for every eventuality and to not bo token by surprise IIULGAUIAS SMIEXGTH ould Put Two Hundred and FlttT Thouxniid In the Field London Sept 1C Joseph Augcloj ho new Bulgarian agent to England icllovcs that should a conflict btwce his country and tho porte occur the Ictory would bo with tho Bulgarian beyond a doubt In an interview today Angcloff said Wo are able to put an army of 250 00 in tho field within 24 hours all of hem strong disciplined men possess- Ing the conviction of the justice of heir cause Angeloff concluded by appealing to the civilized world for gifts of money ood and clothing for tho perishing Macedonians TEN FEET DEEP IN COLORADO Illzxurd paging In Colorado anti In Souse Places the Immaculate Is Ten Feet Deep Denver Col Sept 1GReports iron he northern part of tho state are t- he effect that a storm has prevailed here during the past 24 hours In a number of places snow fell ant he storm approached the proportion f a blizzard In tho mountains It has been snow- ing for several days In the neighbor nod of Buena Vista a high wind pre ailed causing the enow to drift It zany places it is reported to be ten set deep- RUSADE AMONG FEUDISTS nlvatlon tray Viewed With Open month Wonderment In the Feud District Jackson Ky Sept 1GA corps of Salvation army workers under com- mand of Col R E Holz of Cleveland rived here last night and began their rusado among tho feudisw They ap- peared on the streets clad in their unl torms and tho mountaineers of the md town gathered about them In open mouth wonderment The meetings aro being held in tho courthouse in which J B Marcum lost his life by an as iBslns bullet and from a window of which Town Marshal James Cockrell lVas murdered Sam Parks Again Indicted New York Sept 15The grand Jury onday returned another indictment Against Sam Parks tho walling dele- gate making the fifth indictment found against him On ono indictment Parks has been found guilty Tho Indictment turned Monday charges Parks wItb- the extortion of 500 from tho Tiffany studios on Fourth avenue Parks was ralgned before Judgo Foster and ball Vas fixed at 2000 which was Immo dlately furnished plfc and Suns Chnrgcll with Murder Caruthersvlllc Mo Sept 15MrsS- amh Elizabeth Bostic shot and killed her husband Thos A Bostlc after o vlolont quarrel Sunday night The coroners Jury Monday morning held the woman and her two sons by- her first husband J A Yarbrough for- tho murder They were arrested and placed in tho county jail Dies From Fall From Bridge Venice Ill Sept ltLouls Kraft 20 cars old of Venice Ill died yester- day at St Marys hospital East St- Louis tho result of injuries received In a fall from tho Eads bridge on Front street Friday afternoon Ho was at- worlt on the railroad tracks on tho idge when he made a misstep and- Cell to the granite stroot below aJrDn T w 1 1 tf c 5i < YI lf f 11 < I OTHEiiWlSE UNJSOT1UJSD Senator Cockrell wiltaddress tho old I Bottlers at their annual reunion In Hunlsvlllo Mo October 1 Tho Elgin 111 board of trado voted 1R000 for tho Illinois dairy exhibit at the St Louis Worlds fair The Novlnser Mo miners have ro turned to work and a conference with operators Is In progress at Kansas City Samuel J Parks has been rearrested In New York on a charge of extortion made by Tiffany company of New Yorli city The war department has ordered that the 4000 tons of Philippine exhibits just arrived bo detained at the port of entry A mammoth aviary to be the largos steel cage In the world will be built for the Smithsonian Institution at the Worlds fair- William Ford ono of Montt au coon tys oldest citizens killed himself In his barn four miles south ofTlpton Mo by shooting Tho sultan of Sulu isno louder a sub ject of tho United States having re moved with his wives slaves and dat tos to Singapore Sir Thomas Lipton declares he war not Invited to the Sewanhoka Yacht club dinner as It was known ho would not be n the east at tho time Starger Tosseys large hay barn at Toledo 111 was destroyed by fire causing a loss of 10000 Eight hun ¬ dredtons of hay wore consumed IN Merryfleld chief offlcor of the White Cross army of the Unites Statue Is In St Louis with a view to establishing a branch of the organiza Lion there GOT Toole of Montana honored tho requisition of Gov Dockory of Mis sourl for Carey Snydor wanted In Kansas City on a charge of highway robbery Tho three Drako brothers of St Louis who worej olloved to have boor lost In tho Clearwater country In western Montana have returned to Missoula Sheriff Hamilton of Madison county Ark has placed Jesse Hull In tho state penitentiary Eighteen months ago after serving four or five months Hull escaped Patrolman Albert Sctianeman of tho Seattle Wash police force was shot and jailed by William S Thomas ono of tho three men who hold up tho Vlllard bar last Saturday night President Harry Hawcs of tho Jef ¬ arson club of St Louis has given It out flat that Circuit attorney Folk will not get a single delegate from St Louis to support his gubernatorial candidacy Mlllllilii nlvcrnltr Opinnl Decatur 111 Sept IGTbo James Milllkln university opened Tuesday for tho first time with 602 students The Institution begins with buildings plant and ground worth 275000 Gifts have been made to it as follows lames Milllkln of Decatur 370000 citizens of Decatur 100000 Cumber- land ¬ Presbyterian church of Indiana Illinois and town 150000 lUnch 1I Given Addltlonnl Bond Washington Sept IGJt W Mach en the muchIndicted exofficial of the post office department Monday after noon gave bond In the sum of 10000 This was required by tho district at- torney on account of the new Indict neat ngalrst him I Old Defender Day I Baltimore Md Sept 13Tho Baltll moro Chamber of Commerce Stock Ex hango and public buildings were hosed Saturday which Is a holiday by legislative act The day Is known IU- Old Defenders day In memory of tho tattle of North Point In 1814 Darned Herself V tmlr Chicago Sept 13ln the presence of for blind mother Mrs Clara Costello Friday night saturated her dress with teroseno and touched a match to 1L She was so badly burned that she died short time later in the hospital Sanitary Inspection Deirnii Springfield 111 Sept HThe stILts board of health has begun n systematic nspectloa of tho sanitary conditions and the watqr supply of every city in the state with a view of ascertaining that is needed to prevent epidemic dls eases THE MARKETS New York Sept 16 ATTLENatlvo Steers4 4 23 tai 5W JOTTON P U LOURWinter Wheat 375 4 SJ 1HaCOHNNo2 OniCMesa new 15 25 W 10 23 ST LOUIS OTTONMlddllnE 11 EEVESSteers 4 00rip 573 Cows and Heifers 2 25 ry 6 0- 0ALVESper 100 Ibs 600 660 lOQS Fair to Choice 6 50 S C 10 IHEEP Fair to Choice 3 00 ftp 3 50 LOUR Patents 4 00 GJ 413 Other Grades 3 25 4p J M- VHEATNo 2 Red 8U4fc W- AlORNNo 2 ts u 4- 9OATSNo2 ej31t1 WW E7H TOOLTub Washed 20 Op S- OOther Grades 12 6p 203 IAY Clear Timothy now 8 12 CO JUTTERChoice Dairy 13j 16 1ACON Clear Ribs V6 JOGS FresU 17eep 19 ARD Choice Steam ftp 8- ORKSttifdardMessfnew > tpUi < p CHICAGO JATTLEXativo Steers 4 CO 1OG8 Kulr to Choice 563 itGl0 HEEP Fuh to Cholco 3 50 LOURWinter Patents 3 75 W a M SprIng Patents 4 20 fJ 4 67 a St S14ORNNo ATSNo 2 31 lOHKMess 13 70 13 75 KANSAS CITY ATTLE Native Steers 4 60 at fi 4- llOGSIalr to Cholco 5 33 f B bl r HEATNO 2 Red so p 8- 1DRNNo 2 Mixed 46 GP ij14 ATSNo 2 White 40HG > 41 NEW ORLEANS LOUR High Grades 410 4 ii- OCORNNo2 2 fib 1- 1OATSNo2 f 4- 1HAYCholco c I7oo 17 to ORICStandard Mess M 15 W- ACON Short Sides 6 14 Qj l > 4 LOUISVILLE WHEATNo2 Red E5 S- iCORNNo2 63 0- ATS bt No 2 31 t 38 ACONShort Ribs 9tni- TTONflliddfng Ij tf Itti a Y r i r X t rJ M ft f Iio p t I y

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Page 1: Bee (Earlington, Ky.). (Earlington, KY) 1903-09-17 [p 6]. · 3 f 6 THE BEE EARLllMBTON KV JJ rJ 4 n ANOTHER SEA fiGHTER LAUNCHED Ay r ° The Crusier Maryland Sister to tho y-Yl Colorado








The Crusier Maryland Sister to thoy-


Colorado and West VirginiaTakes Water



The Vessel Will Have as Her Armwent Four 8 1SIncli Guns Four0Iucli Guns Eighteen IIncllfrGnns Twelve 3 and Eight 1

Pounder and Other DcnthDcnlci

Washington Sept 13The cruisert Maryland which was launched Satur-

day at Newport News is 602 feet onload water line extreme breadth 69

feet 6Y inches trial 1J

s 860 tons mean draft trial dIsplace-

ment 24 feet 1 inch°t Tho Marylands armament will con

list of four8Ya inch guns mounted Inpairs in two electricallycontrolled ellipticallybalanced turrets one forwardind ono aft on tho main deck four G

Inch guns on the gun deck a mainbroadside battery of ten GInch gunfive on each side On tho main deckforward and aft will also bo located the

I eighteen 3lnch guns of the secondary

batteryThesecondary battery also will con-

sist of twelve 3pounder eight 1poundtr two 3Inch rapidfiring guns twomachine guns and six automatic gunsof small caliber mounted In commandIng positions and on the military top

Protection will be furnished byarmor consisting of the water line belAbove this for a length of 200 feet thearmor will bo of five Inches uniformthickness extending from the top oftho water line deck to the main deck


Transverse armor bulheads casematx Armor and barbettes make up the oth

ir protective features of the vessel Thoengines will be of the triple expansiontype Tho Maryland is a sister ship toClio Pennsylvania West Virginia Colo

ado California and South DakotaF


Orange Cider Sold nt Fnlrflcld laContained Arsenic In Color-

ingy Matter

Fairfield la Sept HFfrty peophwere poisoned by drinking orangider at tho fair grounds Saturday M

I Garwin and Frank Donnelson ratiT ho stand at which tho decoction was

told They offered the people all theyt ould drink for five cents Many worn

m and children availed themselves ofho opportunity to quench their thirst

Soon after drinking they were takerVlth a violent vomiting and becamtunconscious Fully fifty persons wenloaded into wagons and buggies andhurried away to the doctors Everyphysician In the city was called uponind tho work of giving relief was be ¬

gun Several victims are in a danger ¬

ous condition In one case a familyof eight are ill A boy named Belliivlng at Birmingham is still uncon¬

scious and not expected ot live Gart pin has been placed In jail Donnelson

iscaped It has been ascertained thatthe fakir put common dyo into the fluidthey were selling to color it orange

a The dye contained arsenic Garvin willoe tried Monday


to Deluge In Minnesota and Snow IBNorth Dakota Will Damnge

ofDollart theheaviest rain storms in recent yearsraged in St Paul and generallythroughout the state late Friday nightthe official rainfall in thla city being

I five inches for the 12 hours between7 p m and 7 a m Many basements

r were flooded and sleet car service wasthelnt 1Reports shaw that Friday nights rainstorm extended from Elray Wis toSioux City Ia end that damage tograin will be extensive In some partsof this stato it is impossible to movo

i threshing machines or haul grain Theresult will be that many acres of grain

h t and flax in shock will bo damaged ifnot totally ruined causing a loss ofmany thousand dollars Nearly all rail¬

roads entering St Paul report more orless minor damage From North Da ¬

kota points reports come of snow onr the groundand at Granvlllo two inches

has falleni A dispatch from New Ulm Minn re ¬

ports four inches of rain in that vi ¬

r cinity Friday night Tho Cottonwoodriver isynit of its banks and the Benzinc bridge has been washed away



DurIng n Severe Storm the ExecutiveMansion nt Springfield 5us

Struck Ily Ijlelitnlns1

Springfield Ill Sept HTho top ofthe massive porch at tho front of theexecutive mansion was struck by light-ning


t Sunday afternoon during av storm Tho bolt of lightning was a

terrific one and two great balls of fireI seemed to fall from tho porch Gov

Yates thought that tho porch hadcaught fire and telephoned for thefire department Tho are marshal and

Sa part of the fire department answeredsummons but could fine no fire

The bolt of lightning was ono of themost terrific oVer witnessed here

Pour 1crsoriiMiJKlllca tu IVveuIc

f Fairfield VVls < Sept 14Four per-t


t r sons were pilled and several wero in¬

4 jured in a wreck on the Chicago St7 Paul Minneapolis Omaha railrbadI six miles from this place Saturday

rr xr wI0Io



f t I tr t


The Murderer of William llniudt apturodNear llollovllle 111 nod Taken

to Waterlool

Waterloo Ill Sept HWilliamHoffmann who killed his father1law William Brandt at MaeystowIll last Monday evening wed cap-

tured on the outskirts of Belleville IllSaturday afternoon by a force of dep-uty sheriffs under leadership of DeputySheriff Klamm

In a state of mental and physical col-

lapse he fell asleep beneath a tree onthe side of the road and when hoawoke It was to look Into the muzzlesof two repeating shotguns and two re-

volvers Ho made no resistance as he-

w s unarmed He was delivered toSheriff Thomas Ruch of Waterloo atEast St Louis

Lynching ThreatenedSheriff Ruch and Deputy Wlllla

Tolin arrived at ten oclock with HolY

mann from Belleville on the MobileOhio passenger train Over four hun-dred persons were at the depot

Several shouted Lynch him I Hanghim but a large force of police anddeputy sheriffs forced the people back

Hoffmann was pale and nervous andtrembled at the largo crowd With hishands and feet cuffed he was escortedto a carriage and quickly driven tothe Monroe county Jail where he wasplaced In cell No G He refused totalk to anyone and lay down on hisbed


The Six Persons Named In the Sev-

en Indictments Returned By theGrand Jury at Washington

Washington Sept 12 United StatesDistrict Attorney Beach announcethat tho six persons named in the soven indictments returned by the granjury last Tuesday are George W Bea-rers former chief of the division ofsalaries and allowances post office de-

partment August W Machen formoeneral superintendent of tho free de

livery system post office departmentlames W Erwin former post office inspector with headquarters in SanFrancisco George H Huntington andIsaac S McGlehan both of New Yorlity owners of the Columbia Suppl

2o of that city and Eugene ESchcble of Toledo 0 a dentist andInterested in the firm of Maybury 6

Sills of Detroit Mich letter box manifacturers Beavers Machen and Er-wIn are named jointly in one Indict-ment for conspiracy to defraud thiUnited States

Another Indictment is against Mc31ehan Huntington and Machen torsonspiracy to defraud the UnitedStates and still another is against thenine three for conspiracy to commljrlbery both under Section 5440 R

5 Scheble and Machen are Indictedolntly for conspiracy against theUnited States arid again for conspiracyto commit bribery Another IndictmentIs against McGlehan and Huntingtonor bribery and the last is against

tlachen singly for accepting bribes unler Section 5501 R S


low Davis of Arkansas Trying toAssist the Governor of Kentucky-

In Extradition of Taylor

Little Rock Ark Sept 13Govlurbin of Indiana made requisition up-

on Gov Jeff Davis Tuesday for GeorgeRyan an alleged fugitive from justiceliter hearing the case Gov Davis hasotifled Gov Durbin that he wouldonor the requisition upon eonditloi

that the Indiana governor returned toKentucky Gov Taylor and other fugi-

tives desired by the state for the mur-der of Gov Goebel Otherwise hiwould not honor the requisition


usslau Monastery at JernsaleSacked by Mohammedan and

the Monks Murdered

Berlin Sept 1GA dispatch to theageblatt from Constantinople reportsthat the Russian monastery at Jerusa-lem has been sacked by a Mohammedan mob and that all of the monkthere were murdered

lined the Malls to DefraudNew York Sept 12 Arthur J

lorbst was arrested and arraignedhere Friday on a charge of fraudulentuse of tho malls he and Julius N Nlsson now under arrest In Chicago havlng It Is alleged opened an office iiChicago and borrowed the name of theWestern Supply Co of that place tosecure goods on the credit of that com-


Reunion of the Telford FamilySalem Ill Sept l4The annual re-

union of tho Telford Family Reunionassociation was held Sunday at the

old Covenanter church southwest ofthis city Fully 3000 persons were in-

tendance onehalf of that numberling direct descendants of Capt Sam-


Telford the revolutionary soldierwho settled in this county in 1818

Two Feet of Snow In DakotaMinot N D Sept 15Two feet oj

snow covers the ground In this sectionand trains are greatly delayed A speclal from Kenmare N D says onesot of snow covers tho ground with

snow still falling At Medora N Dtho snow is ten inches deep

Veteran Editor DeadEl Paso Tex Sept 15E P Lowe

II veteran western editor Is dead Hejrved in the civil war and was a memo

ber of a squad to which Jefferson Davispresident of tho southern confederacyLtrrcndcrcd

Death ot Win E AndersonMilwaukee Sept 10Wm E Ander

ion former superintendent of schoolsI anlt one of the bestknown educators

n west died Tuesdayf




It Was Unveiled With Due Cere-

mony In the Presence of aLarge Audience



Second Anniversary of the Death ofthe Late President Not ObnervWith nay Set ProKriimuic at Cnnton O Flornl Tokens Fro II

Frlcnds and Strangers

Toledo Sept IB Toleda was en fetcMonday over tho unveiling of tho lIcKinley statue tho first memorial to thelate president erected in Ohio Aftera naval parade on the river incluudiitho United States gunboat Michiganand the training ships Yantic andHawk and a procession led by a bat-talion of United States infantry thetattle which stands fronting the courthouse was unveiled by Miss DorothyBanner Col1 C Bonner presidentof the Memorial association in a briefAddress presented tho monument tothe county and Henry Conrad presldent of the board of county commliloners accepted the trust on tho partof tho county Senator M A Haniwas then introduced as honorary presi-

dent of tho day and mado a brief ex-

tempore address A dedicatory poeDby Theodore McManus was read by thoauthor and tho orator of tho day Sen-

Ator Charles W Fairbanks of Indalnwas introduced Tho senator said

Senator Fairbanks AddressThe place of Wm McKinley in hls

tory is secure We are not too nearthe events of which he was a part cor-

rectly to measure his proportions nor10 we look with too partial eyes uponwhat ho did Wo know tho great sharebe bore In tho significant eventthrough which he passed and we havealth to believe that tho judgment ofhis contemporaries will be confirmeday history when with impartial handshe shall record the deeds of men

You honor yourselves In honoringhim You make tho future your debtorby erecting this statuo In commomoraLion of his lIfo and services for lI1teIlls immortal prototype Abraham Linoln he belongs to the ages Hither

the lovers of America institutions wil

come In the unnumbered years beforeis and derive new hope and new inspiration Similar monuments w111

rise In other lands to which peoplenot of our race will pay their homageThe people of Cuba whose liberty wassecured through his genius and states-manshIp will erect monuments in hishonor So also the people of PortRico and the faroff Philippines willraise enduring memorials to perpetu-ate to tho furthest ages the memory oftho president who carried to them thoblessings of republican government Itseems but yesterday that William Mc-

Kinley stood among us at the verenlth of his power Ho possessed Inull degree the affections and confi-

dence of his countrymen and his namva a beneficent influence throughouhe world Without warning theiruel blow fell We stood speechless Inhe midst of the uncommon sorrow

Our great and beloved leader by somemysterious providence fell in theilentltude of his strength

Upon the day of his sepulture rulerand people of many lands held memosil services and all nations were Inmourning Throughout the great re-

public busy trado stood still the tele-graph was silent and as by some com-

mon impulse steamships and rallroairains stopped and the people uncovred in the streets or knelt lathe sanctcries Who knows but that the dl

vino Master through this unspeakabletragedy sought to Imprint forever up-

on human heart how splendidly theJust and bravo can live and how beau-tifully they pan die Against the darllackground of two years ago stand Inharper outline than wero othorwlsipossible tho higher and noble achievetents and the majestic personality atono of tho greatest of Americans

After the singing of America bythe audience Rev A M Hyde pro-nounced the benediction which closetthe services


Another Sensational Disclosure atthe Eastern Pennsylvania


Philadelphia Sept lGFollowlngclosely on tho sensational disclosures

at a counterfeiting plant inside thewalls of the Eastern penitentiary it Isyarned that a shortage of 300001stockings bad been discovered in theLocking department They dlsapeared since the first of tho year

TrnliiH In 1crrlllc CollisionHouston Tex Sept 1GOn a love

prairIe on a 40mllo stretch of trackstraight as a die two freights of theHouston Toxas Central railroad metIn a headend collision Monday morn-Ing Head Brakeman Manning and one

other unldcntlllcd man were killed andt70 others are missing Both trainswere converted into kindling Theauao of tho wreck is unknown

Senator Scott Seriously illDenver Col Sept 15 Senator Na-

than B Scott of West Virginia is III-

Ilt tho Brown mince hotel in this cityHo Is suffering from Injuries receivedIn a wreck near Chicago on Fridayand also from malarial fever and Is irA serious condition

Froze To Death In ScptciuberMinot N D Sept 1GThe frozen

codY of a man named Kerkey wasund Tuesday near his home-


4 TiN fitI 1fJI iVj




Japan Deeply Stirred by RussiasFailure to Carry Out Promises

Demands the Withdrawal of TroopsFront Manchuria on the Dnte

Fixed iv Year Ago

London Sopt 15 Japan and GrentBritain havo exchanged views on tholatest demands mado by Russia auChina and they decided to protest separately to tho Pokln governmeagainst their acceptance In caso thisshould provo fruitless and Russia CMtlnues her occupation of ManchuriaJapan proposes to break off the nego-

tiations with Russia for a definition ortheir respective rights In Manchuriaand Corea and to demand of the S1Petersburg government that it orderthe evacuation of Chinese territory

We can not permit tho postponmont of the evacuation said tho Japanesse authority for Russia wouldutilize the additional time to strength-en her fleet and army in tho far castAlready her naval tonnage there Isequal to ours Public sentiment In Ja-pan is deeply stirred by Russias fallurn to carry out hEr promises to evaciato Manchuria and demands the with-

drawal of her troops on tho date fixeda year ago

Prince Chi tin Warned Not to Aceep-

Pokln Sept 15Chit Chung Tung di-

rector of commerce is urging the min-

Isters to use their Influence with PrlncoChing tho president of the foreign offlee to reject tho latest Russian pro-

posals regarding the evacuation ofManchuria He fears that Ching w111

accett them unless pressure Is brouglto bear on him M Uchida tho Jajaneso minister here luau warned Chinsagainst the avceptanco of the Russia



President Mitchell Scores n VictorIn the XovliiKcr plo Coal

Miners Strike6

Kansas City Mo Sept 15A dis-

patch from Novinger Mo says thattho striking coal miners held a masmeeting Monday night and voted toreturn to work today This action wastaken in obedience to tho order of theconvention of Miners District No 2J

which met here Sunday Immediatelyafter President Mitchell and tho othermine leaders heard of tho decision oftho Novlnger strikers they notified themine owners that they were ready fora joint conference and tho conferencewas called at once President Mltcheland the delegates to the miners con-

vention will remain here until the wagscale for the coming year and all othedifferences between the miners and oporators have been settled by tho con-

ference as another convention of theminers will bo necessary to ratify theAction of the conference


The Slayer of William Urniidt libKutlierlnLnv Is Downhearted

and Very Much Troubled

Waterloo lilt Sept 15William A

Hoffmann murderer of his fatherinlaw William Brandt Is downheartedand continually worrying He wiltpeak to ho one except to complain tcSheriff Thomas Ruch that ho Is veryIll

The prisoners Winchester repeatingilxshotgun was found by a hunter Ir

the woods near Adam Hoffmans homeHoffmanns wife and her brother

Villlam A Brandt visited their mothjr Mrs William Brandt for the firstIMO since tho shooting occurred Evsrythlng is quieting down at Meysown and there Is no fear of a lynch

IngTho Montae county circuit courtlonvenes here on September 28 whetIt Is expected his case will be tried Irourt hirer Hoffmanns actions are veryueer pnd he seems to bo troubled veryuuch


heaths of Ernest F Vltmnr Prom theResult of Injuries Received at

Port Arthur Tex In 1001

Kansas City Mo Sept 1C ErnestF Vltmar formerly general managerot the International Trading Co ofhis city and Port Arthur Tex and

rho had been associated financiallywith tho Stillwell railroad enterprisesIs dead In this city aged 33 yearsDeath resulted from Injuries receivedat Port Arthur In September 1901

when ho was assaulted The body willbo taken to Germany for burial

The Fifteenth AmendmentMemphis Tenn Sept 15Edward-

W Carmack the junior representativeof Tennessee In the upper branch oflongress It was announced will Introduco a bill In tho senate for the repealof tho fifteenth amendment to tho fedoral constitution tho Intent of whichIs that there shall bo no dlscrlmlnaton against a citizen of tho United

itates because of color religion orirevious condition of servitude

Sections of AVlHUoiiHlii FloodedSparta Wis Sept 15A terrific

thunder and rainstorm Monday nightdded to tho distressingly wet condi-

tion prevailing In this section Streetore flooded and much damage done

to bridges and highways Farm workhas been practically at R standstill forhreo weeks The damage on accountot bridges bclns swept away and olthe bursting of dams will amount to40000

Injured fly TornadoMoultrIe Ga Sept 1GA tornadohlch struck this section Tuesday Ue

itroyed the county schoolhouse thoseleaping with thelr rbrearo-es

nowere seriously injured





Some of the Points In the Note Pres-

ented by Bulgaria to theEuropean Powers



Qlvea Ilalgarla Reason to SUIIPOSC

That nt an Opportune lUonlcntShe Will ho Attacked b1udcT

Cnn Not Afford to lie Taken bTSurprise

Sofia Bulgaria Sept 1GFollowlngarc some of tho points in tho notewhich Bulgaria has just presented to

tho powersIWhat tho Bulgarian government hadforeseen as expressed in its note ofJuno 29 of the development of affairsIn Turkey has become amply verIfied

5Jo Turklsh government is systomaJcally annihilating tho Bulgarian peo-

pleTho mobilization and concentration

of such great forces in European Tur-

key under tho pretext of suppressingtho revolution gives Bulgaria reasonto suppose that at an opportune mo-

ment she will bo attacked by TurkeyThe Bulgarian government can no

longer remain indifferent to tho pro

ance of such a situation which Is of

A nature calculated to bring about a

aostlle collision between Turkey and

BulgariaIfgreat powers do not take

measures to give tho sublime portoounscls of wisdom and of moderation

tho Bulgarian government will bo

obliged to tako the necessary steps toso ready for every eventuality and tonot bo token by surprise


ould Put Two Hundred and FlttTThouxniid In the Field

London Sept 1C Joseph Augclojho new Bulgarian agent to Englandicllovcs that should a conflict btwcehis country and tho porte occur theIctory would bo with tho Bulgarianbeyond a doubt

In an interview today Angcloff saidWo are able to put an army of 250

00 in tho field within 24 hours all ofhem strong disciplined men possess-Ing the conviction of the justice ofheir cause

Angeloff concluded by appealing tothe civilized world for gifts of moneyood and clothing for tho perishing



Illzxurd paging In Colorado anti InSouse Places the Immaculate

Is Ten Feet Deep

Denver Col Sept 1GReports ironhe northern part of tho state are t-

he effect that a storm has prevailedhere during the past 24 hoursIn a number of places snow fell ant

he storm approached the proportionf a blizzardIn tho mountains It has been snow-

ing for several days In the neighbornod of Buena Vista a high wind preailed causing the enow to drift It

zany places it is reported to be tenset deep-


nlvatlon tray Viewed With Openmonth Wonderment In the

Feud District

Jackson Ky Sept 1GA corps ofSalvation army workers under com-

mand of Col R E Holz of Clevelandrived here last night and began theirrusado among tho feudisw They ap-

peared on the streets clad in their unltorms and tho mountaineers of themd town gathered about them In open

mouth wonderment The meetings arobeing held in tho courthouse in whichJ B Marcum lost his life by an asiBslns bullet and from a window ofwhich Town Marshal James CockrelllVas murdered

Sam Parks Again IndictedNew York Sept 15The grand Jury

onday returned another indictmentAgainst Sam Parks tho walling dele-gate making the fifth indictment foundagainst him On ono indictment Parkshas been found guilty Tho Indictment

turned Monday charges Parks wItb-

the extortion of 500 from tho Tiffanystudios on Fourth avenue Parks was

ralgned before Judgo Foster and ballVas fixed at 2000 which was Immodlately furnished

plfc and Suns Chnrgcll with MurderCaruthersvlllc Mo Sept 15MrsS-

amh Elizabeth Bostic shot and killedher husband Thos A Bostlc after o

vlolont quarrel Sunday nightThe coroners Jury Monday morning

held the woman and her two sons by-

her first husband J A Yarbrough for-

tho murder They were arrested andplaced in tho county jail

Dies From Fall From BridgeVenice Ill Sept ltLouls Kraft 20

cars old of Venice Ill died yester-day at St Marys hospital East St-Louis tho result of injuries receivedIn a fall from tho Eads bridge on Frontstreet Friday afternoon Ho was at-

worlt on the railroad tracks on thoidge when he made a misstep and-

Cell to the granite stroot below



1 tf c5i <

YI lf f11



Senator Cockrell wiltaddress tho oldI

Bottlers at their annual reunion InHunlsvlllo Mo October 1

Tho Elgin 111 board of trado voted1R000 for tho Illinois dairy exhibit

at the St Louis Worlds fairThe Novlnser Mo miners have ro

turned to work and a conference withoperators Is In progress at Kansas City

Samuel J Parks has been rearrestedIn New York on a charge of extortionmade by Tiffany company of New Yorlicity

The war department has ordered thatthe 4000 tons of Philippine exhibitsjust arrived bo detained at the portof entry

A mammoth aviary to be the largossteel cage In the world will be built forthe Smithsonian Institution at theWorlds fair-

William Ford ono of Montt au coontys oldest citizens killed himself Inhis barn four miles south ofTlptonMo by shooting

Tho sultan of Sulu isno louder a subject of tho United States having removed with his wives slaves and dattos to Singapore

Sir Thomas Lipton declares he warnot Invited to the Sewanhoka Yachtclub dinner as It was known ho wouldnot be n the east at tho time

Starger Tosseys large hay barn atToledo 111 was destroyed by firecausing a loss of 10000 Eight hun ¬

dredtons of hay wore consumedIN Merryfleld chief offlcor of the

White Cross army of the UnitesStatue Is In St Louis with a view toestablishing a branch of the organizaLion there

GOT Toole of Montana honored thorequisition of Gov Dockory of Missourl for Carey Snydor wanted InKansas City on a charge of highwayrobbery

Tho three Drako brothers of StLouis who worej olloved to have boorlost In tho Clearwater country Inwestern Montana have returned toMissoula

Sheriff Hamilton of Madison countyArk has placed Jesse Hull In thostate penitentiary Eighteen monthsago after serving four or five monthsHull escaped

Patrolman Albert Sctianeman of thoSeattle Wash police force was shotand jailed by William S Thomas onoof tho three men who hold up thoVlllard bar last Saturday night

President Harry Hawcs of tho Jef ¬

arson club of St Louis has given Itout flat that Circuit attorney Folk willnot get a single delegate from St Louisto support his gubernatorial candidacy

Mlllllilii nlvcrnltr OpinnlDecatur 111 Sept IGTbo James

Milllkln university opened Tuesdayfor tho first time with 602 studentsThe Institution begins with buildingsplant and ground worth 275000 Giftshave been made to it as followslames Milllkln of Decatur 370000citizens of Decatur 100000 Cumber-land


Presbyterian church of IndianaIllinois and town 150000

lUnch 1I Given Addltlonnl BondWashington Sept IGJt W Mach

en the muchIndicted exofficial of thepost office department Monday afternoon gave bond In the sum of 10000This was required by tho district at-

torney on account of the new Indictneat ngalrst him I

Old Defender Day I

Baltimore Md Sept 13Tho Baltllmoro Chamber of Commerce Stock Exhango and public buildings werehosed Saturday which Is a holiday bylegislative act The day Is known IU-

Old Defenders day In memory of thotattle of North Point In 1814

Darned Herself V tmlrChicago Sept 13ln the presence of

for blind mother Mrs Clara CostelloFriday night saturated her dress withteroseno and touched a match to 1L

She was so badly burned that she died

short time later in the hospital

Sanitary Inspection DeirniiSpringfield 111 Sept HThe stILts

board of health has begun n systematicnspectloa of tho sanitary conditionsand the watqr supply of every city inthe state with a view of ascertainingthat is needed to prevent epidemic dls



New York Sept 16

ATTLENatlvo Steers4 4 23 tai 5 WJOTTON P ULOURWinter Wheat 375 4 SJ

1HaCOHNNo2OniCMesa new 15 25 W 10 23


EEVESSteers 4 00rip 573Cows and Heifers 2 25 ry 6 0-

0ALVESper 100 Ibs 600 660lOQS Fair to Choice 6 50 S C 10IHEEP Fair to Choice 3 00 ftp 3 50LOUR Patents 4 00 GJ 413

Other Grades 3 25 4p J M-

VHEATNo 2 Red 8U4fc W-AlORNNo 2 ts u 4-

9OATSNo2 ej31t1WW E7H

TOOLTub Washed 20 Op S-OOther Grades 12 6p 203

IAY Clear Timothy now 8 12 CO

JUTTERChoice Dairy 13j 161ACON Clear Ribs V6JOGS FresU 17eep 19

ARD Choice Steam ftp 8-

ORKSttifdardMessfnew> tpUi <pCHICAGO

JATTLEXativo Steers 4 CO

1OG8 Kulr to Choice 563 itGl0HEEP Fuh to Cholco 3 50

LOURWinter Patents 3 75 W a MSprIng Patents 4 20 fJ 4 67

a St

S14ORNNoATSNo 2 31

lOHKMess 13 70 13 75

KANSAS CITYATTLE Native Steers 4 60 at fi 4-

llOGSIalr to Cholco 5 33 f B bl rHEATNO 2 Red so p 8-1DRNNo 2 Mixed 46 GP ij14

ATSNo 2 White 40HG > 41NEW ORLEANS

LOUR High Grades 410 4 ii-OCORNNo22 fib 1-1OATSNo2 f 4-1HAYCholco c I7oo 17 toORICStandard Mess M 15 W-

ACON Short Sides 6 14Qj l > 4


ATSb t

No 2 31 t 38

ACONShort Ribs 9tni-TTONflliddfng

Ijtf Itti


r i r X t rJM

ft f Iio p tI y