becoming the best 2010: alberta's 5-year health action plan

Becoming the Best:  Alberta’s 5-Y ear Health Action Plan 2010 2015

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Becomingthe Best:

 Alberta’s 5-Year

Health Action Plan 2010 2015

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Published November 2010

ISBN: 978-0-7785-8286-1 (Web version)

ISBN: 978-0-7785-8285-4 (Print version)

For additional copies o this document contact:

 Alberta Health and Wellness Communications

22nd oor, 10025 Jasper Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta T5J 1S6

Phone: 780-638-3225 or toll ree 310-0000

Fax: 780-427-1171

E-mail: [email protected]

You can fnd this document on the Alberta Health and Wellness

website — and on the Alberta Health

Services website —

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What is the Best

Health System?

Improve Access and

Reduce Wait Times

Provide More Choice

for Continuing Care

Strengthen Primary

Health Care

Be Healthy,

Stay Healthy

Build One

Health System



 pg. 1

 pg. 5

 pg. 17 

 pg. 29

 pg. 11

 pg. 23

 Table of Contents

 pg. 36

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1  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

What is the Best Health System?

 Albertans have sai the best health system is one that is there

or them when they nee it. It puts people rst by:

 » supporting iniviuals, amilies an communitiesto be healthy;

 » proviing sae, high quality care that is base on

the best possible evience, incluing research an

scientic evience, clinical experience an other

creible inormation; an

 » aressing the nees o patients, their amilies an

all Albertans. It encourages their active involvement

in health-relate ecisions.

While most Albertans are satise with the care they receive

once they get into the health system, they say the current

system coul be better. It coul be easier to access, an wait

times coul be shorter. An many are concerne about long-

term sustainability. Will the health system be there or them

when they nee it in years to come?

Right now, the province has a unique opportunity to respon

to the strategies an concerns o Albertans. The Alberta

government has establishe one single health authority,

 Alberta Health Services, to co-orinate an eliver publiclyune health services throughout the province. The primary

goals or Alberta Health Services are improving quality,

accessibility an sustainability.

The Alberta government has also assure Albertans that Alberta

Health Services will receive stable an preictable uning or

5 years – the rst 5-year commitment in Canaa. Now an action

plan has been evelope to match the uning commitment. This

“Ou o is o cee

he bes-peomi,

 pubic uded 

 heh ssem i Cd.”

- Pemie Ed Semch

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2 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

The system will also ocus on early etection an prevention

o illness – helping people to stay healthy. The result will be

better health outcomes an improve quality an length o

lie, particularly or the most vulnerable people in our province.

First, Albertans nee better, timelier access to health services.Figure one (page 3) escribes aggressive targets or various

health services, incluing access to:

 » HealthLink (24/7 telephone access to a registere nurse)

within one minute;

 »  A primary care team member (octor or another

health-care provier, i appropriate) within two ays;

»  A specialist within one month (30 ays) o reerral; an

 »  Appropriate care options or seniors an those requiring

ongoing care within one month (30 ays).

These wait time targets are among the most progressive

in Canaa. But they are only part o a bigger picture.

Improvements an innovations throughout the health system

will secure Alberta’s reputation as the best in the country.

We will benchmark our perormance against that o others,

an ensure our system achieves excellence. The health

system will also:

 » Increase home care to encourage more

inepenent liestyles; » Provie more supportive-living options that combine

housing with supports or aily living an health care;

 » Improve access to long-term care bes or those with

more complex, chronic conitions; an

 »  A over 5,300 continuing-care spaces over the next

5 years.

action plan will have an impact on the health o every Albertan,

an will help make our health system the best-perorming,

publicly une health system in Canaa.

Simply, the plan puts people rst – ahea o any one service,

provier or health-care acility. The plan recognizes that peopleare active participants in their own health, with iniviual

ecisions to make, base on iniviual nees.

Becoming the Best is organize into ve strategies:

 » Improve access an reuce wait times;

 » Provie more options or continuing care;

 » Strengthen primary health care;

 » Be healthy, stay healthy; an

 » Buil one health system.

 All ve strategies work together an are equally important.

Progress in any one area brings us closer to Alberta’s goal

o having the best publicly une health system in Canaa.

Beore nalizing our plan, we sought an receive avice rom

a number o groups, incluing: the College o Physicians an

Surgeons o Alberta; the College an Association o Registere

Nurses o Alberta; the Alberta College o Pharmacists; an

the Health Quality Council o Alberta. Their cooperation an

collaboration will be essential to successully complete the

actions in this plan. We also consulte octors an cancer

experts, an reviewe national an international perormance

benchmarks, while eveloping our perormance measures.

What ca Abetas expect i 5 eas?Within 5 years, Albertans can expect a stronger, more

integrated, province-wide health system. This health system

will eliver improve access to care, assessment an iagnosis.

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3  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

¹ Fig. 1 The response time targets in Figure 1 represent the experience o 9 out o 10 people,an are irectional, with evelopmental work unerway on how best to measureperormance towar achievement o these targets. A complete listing o currentlyapprove perormance measures an targets linke to the 5-Year Funing Plan isavailable at an also at .New measures an targets will be ae to this listing over time, ater havingunergone a thorough review an approval process.

62 ays 130 ays

1 to Health Link

Non Cancer

14 wks (98 ays)

to treatment


1 h (30 ays)

to treatment

2 ays to a primary

care team member

1 h (30 ays)

to see a specialist

to HealthLink (a 24/7 nurse telephone avice

an health inormation service).

to consult with an appropriate primary care team

member. Team members may inclue octors,

nurses, ietitians, mental health proessionals,

pharmacists, therapists an others.

length o stay or ischarge emergencyepartment visits.

length o stay or amitte emergency

epartment visits.

to see a specialist

 » To Treatment:

 › Cancer - 4 weeks (28 ays)

› Non Cancer - 14 weeks (98 ays)

to a continuing care service package

(long-term care, supportive living, home care).

1 minute

2 dAYS

4 HourS

8 HourS

1 montH(30 dAYS)

1 montH

(30 dAYS)

Fig. 1 Abeta’s 2015 wait time tagets¹

ProvinciAl WAit time tArgetS

Response within:

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4 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

To increase access to primary health care, Albertans will

be able to access one or more members o a health-care

team – octors, nurses, pharmacists, ietitians an others –

epening on the service require. These teams will ensure

 Albertans receive the right care, rom the right person, at the

right time. Care will be better co-orinate. An with more

services available in the community, ewer people will nee

to visit emergency epartments.

Over the next 5 years, there will be an increase in the range

o services that help people to stay physically an mentally

well, an to avoi injuries, aiction, an chronic iseases.

The health system will oer relevant, accurate inormation

to iniviuals an amilies, an proven programs an tools

to help Albertans an their amilies manage their health nees.

It will work with communities an agencies to create healthier

social an physical environments. Mental health an aiction

services will be better integrate into primary care an the

overall health system. Gaps in services that exist toay will

be lle so patients o not “all between the cracks” o a

large an complex system.

With the creation o Alberta Health Services an the continue

evolution to one health system, Albertans will benet rom

moels o care base on the best scientic evience available,

better use o technology, increase patient saety, an engagean high-perorming workorce, an less uplication resulting

in cost savings. A new Alberta Health Act will support a moern

an eective health system.

This 5-year action plan will be reviewe an upate annually

to incorporate new inormation an avances in health care.

5 eas o stabe dig

Fdig o Abeta Heath ad Weess is

$15 biio o 2010-11 ad icdes the base

opeatig dig poided to Abeta Heath

Seices as we as dig o items sch as

phsicia seices, pima cae etwoks,

cace ad high cost dgs, ad sppemeta

heath beets.

Statig i 2010-11, the Abeta goemet

has a 5-ea commitmet to Abeta Heath

Seices that icdes dig iceases o 

six pe cet i each o the st thee eas ad

4.5 pe cet i each o the ext two eas. I

2010-11, AHS wi eceie $9 biio i base

opeatig dig that iceases to $11.1 biio

i 2014-15.

(Source: Alberta Health and Wellness.)

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6 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

reduce wi imes i emeec depmes

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.1 dp a p w a aassss s (rya Axaa a

rkyw ga Hspas’ y

pas) aw -pa a

a ass b s.

1.2 A 12 new treatment spaces to the emergency

epartment at the Stollery Chilren’s Hospital,

plus a eicate entrance an separate waiting

room an triage esk or patients who are mobile.

1.3 expa Hahlk p a

pas ab h a ya ps.

1.4 i w psss ak hspa

shas a y.

1.5 ip a w -apay p

ass w psss a wa-s

ey dpas.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.6 Continue to reuce long-stay patients in

hospitals to ree capacity or acute-care patients.

1.7 Expan an/or reevelop numerous health

acilities in communities aroun the province.

 The Abeta goemet is ocsed obidig the ight aciities, i the ight

paces i the poice to meet commit

heath cae eeds ow ad ito the te.

 As pat o the 2010-13 Heath Capita Pa

Phase Oe (ot icdig Edmoto ad

Caga), the Abeta goemet wi be

poidig $1.4 biio i tota poicia

sppot o 22 pojects i 15 commities.

 This icdes:

› $1.3 biio o hospitas;

› $34 miio o cace eqipmet;

 › $53.5 miio o get cae cetes,

commit heath cetes ad pima

cae cetes; ad

› $88 miio o cotiig cae aciities.

Phase Oe aso icdes a additioa

$1 biio o poice-wide iitiaties.

Moe iomatio is aaiabe at


Wok o Phase Two o the pa egadig

Caga ad Edmoto coties.

(Source: Alberta Health and Wellness.)

Heath Capita Pa iestmets

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

 A w bp byJ 2011

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7  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

 Albertans will see a octor an be treate

more quickly:

 › By 2014-15, approximately 90 per cent o

patients will be treate an ischarge rom

the emergency epartment within our hours.

Current rates in Alberta’s 16 busiest emergency

epartments are 63 per cent within our hours.

For all sites, the rate is 80 per cent.

 › By 2014-15, approximately 90 per cent o

those neeing amission to hospital will

be treate an amitte within eight hours.

Current rates at Alberta’s busiest emergency

epartments are 38 per cent. For all sites,

the rate is 49 per cent.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.8 Expan the role o emergency meical technicians

an parameics to:

 › Treat patients on-site instea o taking them

to an emergency epartment, as appropriate.

› Ientiy oler, at risk, iniviuals who may

nee screening or alls, home care, an other

services (pilot in Calgary, Emonton, an

Parklan County).

1.9 Implement programs in emergency epartments

(Calgary, Emonton, Re deer, Lethbrige, an

St. Albert) to enable seniors to return home with

ae home care support rather than be hospitalize.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.10 Create primary care options, incluing urgent care

centres (meical acilities or people who have

unexpecte but not lie-threatening health concerns

that require same-ay treatment) or services

throughout the province, in orer to improve 24/7

access to services.

 Albertans will have more options or care

outsie o emergency epartments.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.11 Improve patient fow through hospitals by:

 ›  A appxay 360 w hspa bs.›  Aing at least 2,300 continuing care spaces

to support seniors an people with isabilities

(see also page 13).

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.12 Ensure the best use o hospital bes through new

services, better hospital fow, an better integration

with community an tertiary care teams.

There will be shorter wait times or patients

requiring acute care bes.

Length o stay in hospital will be reuce,

an patient care will be more co-orinate.

 A w bp byJ 2011

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8 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

Prompt Attention or 

 Alberta’s Children

Medica attetio caot come ast eogh whe

a sick o ijed chid isits the emegec depatmet.

 At Abeta Chide’s Hospita i Caga, ma og

patiets waitig i the emegec depatmet with thei

amiies ae seeig doctos sooe at a ew ‘fow bed’

assessmet aea. Impemeted i Septembe 2009,

these beds hae heped the hospita edce the time

o most patiets to see a docto b 15 mites –

a 15 pe cet impoemet.

 Abot 60 pe cet o patiets comig to the hospita’s

emegec depatmet ae ot seios i bt do hae

aimets o ijies that eqie costatio with a docto.

Istead o spedig time i emegec waitig ooms,

og patiets ad thei amiies ae ow beig taseed

to the fow bed aea, ocated jst iside the emegec

depatmet, ad eceiig pompt costatio. The the

ca be admitted to hospita o be dischaged with adice

ad/o istctios to oow p with a ami docto.

“We take the time to sot ot patiets’ eeds ight om

the stat, so ow whe sick chide come to o

depatmet, thee is a bed aaiabe o them,” sas D.

Daid Chak, the hospita’s dept chie o emegec.

 The fow bed aea ma hae as ma as 10 beds dig

bs peiods i the emegec depatmet. Moe tha

60,000 patiets isit the Abeta Chide’s Hospita

emegec depatmet ee ea.

d. da chak, py h y a h Aba ch’sHspa caay, wh a y pa. may h a h as

wa h y pa a s s s a a w

‘fw b’ assss aa h hspa.

“We take the time to sot

ot patiets’ eeds ight

om the stat…”

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9  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

reduce wi imes o cce ce

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.16 op a aa hapy s lhb ha w

aa 600 pas p ya. (p)

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.17 Open new raiation therapy sites in Re deer an

Grane Prairie.

Cancer patients will receive more timely

raiation therapy closer to home.

The targete maximum time that most people will

wait rom reerral to their irst appointment with a

raiation oncologist will be two weeks by 2013-14.

Current wait times are 7.1 weeks.

The targete maximum time that most people

will wait rom the time o a meical prescription

or raiation therapy to the start o raiation

therapy will be our weeks by 2010-11. Current

wait times are 5.6 weeks.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.18 develop a provincial plan or cancer that consiers

immeiate an uture nees or treatment,specialists, an other resources.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.19 Implement the provincial plan or cancer.

Timely cancer treatment will be available

when neee.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

reduce wi imes o sue 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.13 P appxay 3,000 aa

ss 2010, :

 › 1,400 aaas.

› 120 a aspas.

› 200 hp.

1.14 Perorm an aitional 400 enoscopies (meical

proceure to view the igestive tract.)

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.15 Continue to increase surgical capacity through

increase volumes, implementation o wait time

management systems, an more ecient useo operating rooms.

 Access or scheule surgeries will be improve,

with target wait times or surgeries as ollows:

 › hip replacement surgery within 14 weeks

by 2014-15 (currently 35 weeks).

 › knee replacement surgery within 14 weeks

by 2014-15 (currently 49 weeks).

 › coronary artery bypass grat surgery within

one to six weeks base on urgency by

2011-12 (currently two to 31 weeks).

 › cataract surgery within 14 weeks by 2014-15

(currently 41 weeks).

 › all other types o surgery within 14 weeks

by 2014-15. A w bp byJ 2011

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10 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnSWHAt Will

We do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW Will

We do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

 A w bp byJ 2011

Bee ike o pim heh-ce povides o medic d suic  speciiss

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)1.20 develop a stanarize approach to assess, reer

an book patients with specialists (cancer, cariac,

hip/knee, an cataract).

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.21 Explore use o other communication technologies

to link specialists an primary care proviers.

1.22 Signicantly increase the use o Telehealth

to conuct clinical interventions.

diagnosis an treatment will happen earlier.

Deveop sddized ce ps(ciic ce phws) o iceseefciec d se 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.23 develop integrate care an treatment plans or at

least three major iseases, incluing mental illness,

heart conitions an bone an joint health. (AHS)

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.24 Implement consistent care an treatment plans

or high priority areas an evelop others.

 Albertans will receive similar treatment an

inormation, base on best practices, wherever

they live in the province.

Hep abes fd hei w oud he heh ssem

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

1.25 esabsh a a pa aa sys ha

w p h -a a, sp p

pa ass ss a ss, a hp

pas asws qss.

1.26 Consult with health-care proessionals to eveloppolicies or a primary navigation moel or use in

 Alberta’s health system.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

1.27 Implement strategies to urther support people to

navigate through the system, incluing expansion

o HealthLink.

Patients will see the right person with theright skills.

Patients will be assesse an supporte

through the entire care process, rom initial

assessment to treatment an ollow up.

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StratEgy 2

Provide More Choice

or Continuing CareThe time is ast approaching when there will be more

granparents than granchilren. By 2030, one out o ve

 Albertans will be more than 65-years-ol an the average

age o Alberta’s population will continue to increase.

Many seniors will be more inepenent an healthier than in

previous generations. Others, incluing those with isabilities,

will nee health care, an will want options that allow them

to receive care while continuing to live in their own homes

an communities.

Over the next 5 years, Alberta’s home care program will be

strengthene. More investment will also be mae in supportive-

living options that combine housing with supports or aily

living an health care.

In aition, over 5,300 continuing care spaces will be ae

over the next 5 years. They will help reuce eman or hospital

bes, ease congestion in emergency epartments,

an a capacity to the overall health-care system.

Goa #2

 All Albertans requiring continuing care will have access to

an appropriate option or care within one month (30 days).

  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

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12 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

Cotiig cae sees peope who

eed ogoig heath ad pesoa

cae otside o a hospita. Thee ae

a mbe o was o Abetas to

get cotiig cae:

 ›  AT HOME thogh home cae ad

othe sppot seices.

 › SuPPOrTIvE lIvInG poides a

esidetia settig whee peope ca

maitai coto oe thei ies whie

aso eceiig the heath ad

pesoa sppot the eed.

› FACIlITy lIvInG meas og-tem

cae aciities sch as sig homes

ad axiia hospitas. It is o those

who eed a high ee o cae to

maage compex, stabe heath

coditios 24 hos a da, 7 dasa week.

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13  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Expd d djus home ce so peope c emi idepedeo s o s possibe

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)2.4 Expan home care hours to allow at least 3,000

more people to receive home care services.

2.5 Upate policies an services to ensure consistency

in home care services across the province.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.6 Continue to expan home care by aing more

hours or those requiring short-term care, in orer

to prevent hospitalization or an emergency situation.

Co-orinate care will be provie in the home,

especially or Albertans who are oler, rail, or

oten amitte to hospital.

People will receive similar, consistent services

no matter where they live in the province.

 add d eubish moe o-emce beds d suppoive

 ivi spces

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)2.1 A at least 2,300 continuing care spaces to

support seniors an people with isabilities.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.2 A 3,000 more continuing care spaces.

2.3 develop multi-use acilities, like Michener Village in

Re deer, which allow resients to move easily rom

one level o care to another.

Fewer people will wait in hospital bes or

continuing care – 250 by 2014-15 (current

rate is 777 people).

Fewer people will wait in the community or

continuing care – 750 by 2014-15 (current

rate is 1,233 people).

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14 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Icese suppo o ceives

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

2.10 Increase an enhance eucation, care, respite,

an support services provie to amily caregivers.

2.11 Pilot a “community initiatives program” in Emonton

an Jasper that connects seniors, neighbours, an

volunteers to support seniors aging in their homes.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.12 Continue to ensure consistent access to respite

care throughout the province.

2.13 Exten the community initiatives program to six

aitional communities.

Support an respite services will help amily

an community caregivers to reuce burn-out,

enabling them to maintain care or their love

ones longer.

Caregivers will be treate as partners in

proviing care.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

remove bies, use echoo 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

2.7 Test eectiveness o selecte new technologies –

such as monitoring evices or ementia clients

an prompting evices to assist clients to take

meication as prescribe – in two pilot communities

(Grane Prairie an Meicine Hat).

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.8 Evaluate the health technologies project; evelop

recommenations on province-wie implementation.

2.9 Aress barriers to aging at home (e.g. inability

to get to a octor, inability to get health equipment

in the home).

Seniors an people with isabilities will have

greater inepenence.

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

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15  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

Seniors have CHOICE

 At 85-eas-od, Fak Backwe has jst discoeed how

mch he oes the iteestig stoies o ew ieds adoppotities o a wide age o actiities ad expeieces.

He discoeed these passios ate beig eeed to

the Compehesie Home Optio o Itegated Cae

o the Ede (CHOICE) pogam at Capita Cae nowood

i Edmoto.

 Twice a week, Backwe is picked p b bs ad take

to Capita Cae nowood (oe o e CHOICE sites),

whee he takes pat i aios actiities ad meets

with his CHOICE team.

 The pogam, ded b Abeta Heath Seices, is

desiged to be a oe-stop shop o its ciets. Each

ciet is assiged a team that icdes a docto, se,

phsiotheapist, occpatioa theapist, socia woke,

phamacist ad actiit ad pesoa cae sta membe.

I-home cae ad ate-hos emegec access ae aso

poided. This co-odiated team heps keep peope at

home ad ot o hospita ad og-tem cae.

Backwe ikes CHOICE o two easos. It gies his team

a bid’s-ee iew o his medica ad socia eeds. Adit gies him some mch-eeded espite om caig o

his wie, who eeds 24-ho cae i thei cotiig cae

esidece. “I’m qite happ to get ot ad meet othe peope

ad to see that I’m ot as sick as I thoght I was, becase

I am we ooked ate at CHOICE. I ea appeciate that,”

sas Backwe.ak Bakw aks pa h cphs H op ia ca

h ey (cHoice) pa a capa ca nw e. th pa s

a -sp shp s s.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

 A w bp by

J 2011

Esue h peope wih speci  eeds eceive suppo, ce d  skied eio om ied s 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)2.14 A aitional palliative care.

2.15 Increase supportive-living bes or people

with ementia.

2.16 Expan options or care to people who are isable

or have other special nees.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.17 Oer specialize palliative care in homes throughout

the province.

2.18 Expan palliative care beyon the hospital to

provie more services in the community, such

as ay programs, hospices, an home care.

2.19 Establish a dementia Coalition with community

partners to improve support to caregivers.

2.20 Create a 24/7 help-line to support those with

ementia, their amilies an caregivers.

Families an those with special nees will bebetter supporte by the health-care system.

Ehce ccess, co-odiio d sdds o coiui ce

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

2.21 dp a sa p a 5-ya pa a. th pa w sb h

a h a -

a, a w apa pas a w ways

a ss.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.22 Review an upate the plan or continuing

care annually.

The plan will ensure the province has a co-orinate,

lexible an sustainable continuing care system.

 Albertans will have more choices or services at

home an in the community.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

2.23 Revise stanars to maintain quality an assurance.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

2.24 Publicly report on perormance an compliancewith stanars.

2.25 Set higher targets or quality o care.

 Albertans receiving continuing care will have

a higher quality o lie an health-care services.

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StratEgy 3

Strengthen Primary Health Care

Primary health care reers to the care a patient receives roma octor or a health-care team when rst entering the health-

care system.

Primary health care is about:

» Iniviuals playing an active role in their own health;

 » Preventing people rom becoming ill or injure;

» Managing chronic conitions; an

» Treating acute an episoic illness.

Primary health care inclues services like: health promotion;isease prevention; screening tests an examinations;

rehabilitation therapy; an nutritional an psychological

counselling. This means that in aition to octors, a variety

o proessionals - incluing nurses, pharmacists, ietitians,

counsellors, rehabilitation therapists an social workers -

provie primary health care. Ieally, this team approach allows

the patient to see the health-care provier who can best

aress his or her nees, while ensuring the continuity o care

that provies or the best health outcomes.

 At present, primary care teams are being organize in

communities throughout Alberta in the orm o primary care

networks (PCNs). A PCN is a ormal arrangement between

groups o amily physicians an Alberta Health Services. The

new organization orme by this legal partnership is a primary

care network that works to co-orinate primary care services

or patients in a specic geographic area.

  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Bee coec abes omi docos d ohe heh-ce povides

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)3.1 Expan Albertans’ access to primary health-care

teams, giving 100,000 more Albertans access to

primary health care.

3.2 Increase the involvement o nurse practitioners,

physician assistants an other health-care proviers

in the elivery o primary health care:

 › Better eine “who oes what” when proviing

primary health care.

› Expan the role o pharmacists to help manage

meications an provie injections.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

3.3 Continue to introuce new programs, practices,

an policies to give all Albertans access to a primary

health-care team by introucing ormal enrolment.

More health care will be provie locally in octors’

oices, or by primary health-care teams.

 Albertans will be able to consult with anappropriate member o a primary health-care

team within two ays.

PCNs are new an innovative solutions to improving primary

health care in Alberta. A primary care network improves the

elivery o primary health care services through:

 » Integration doctors an other health-care proessionals

work with Alberta Health Services to eliver

specic primary care services;

 » Capacity PCNs increase the use o existing resources

an acilities;

»  Access PCNs increase access to the health-care

system; an

 » Innovation PCNs n better, ierent an special ways

to improve health care or their patients.

Right now, over 2.5 million patients receive their health services

through PCNs. Further expansion an ne-tuning o PCNs, as

well as the introuction o other ways o elivering primary care,

will help to ensure primary health-care programs an services

are available to all Albertans. This will continue to be a key

strategy in improving quality, access an sustainability or the

health system overall.

Primary health-care proviers also work closely with those

who eliver aiction an mental health services. These

services inclue treatment, as well as programs to prevent

aiction an mental illness. Over the next 5 years, these

services will become more integrate into the overall health

system. Gaps in service that exist toay will be lle so that

mental health patients o not “all between the cracks” o a

large an complex health system.

Goa #3

 Albertans have access to primary health care when they

need it, where they need it, rom the appropriate provider.

» The target or consultation with an appropriate member

o a primary health care team is within two ays.

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

3.9 dp pa say ass

a a a hah sss wh a s :

 › S p;

 › ta pss;

 › Saaz s a assss

a hah ss; › ip ss h a yh a sk;

 › m ass a hah ss

a a a s; a

› Pssa p sa.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

3.10 Implement programs, practices an policies to

support the aiction an mental health strategy

evelope in 2010-11.

3.11 A aitional treatment bes or aicte youthto the Protection o Chilren Abusing drugs program.

Mental health an aiction services will

be better integrate into health services.

There will be better access to mental health

services or chilren an youth.

The target is 92 per cent o chilren requiring

mental health treatment will receive it within

30 ays by 2012-13 (current rate is 78 per cent).

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

3.4 Support the Access Improvement Measures (AIM)

program as part o an overall quality improvement

strategy to reuce wait times to see a primary

care provier.

Fewer people will visit emergency epartments

or care that coul be more appropriately

manage at a amily octor’s oice – the target

is 22 per cent o emergency visits in 2013 -14

(2008-09 rate is 28 per cent).

Fewer people will be hospitalize or health

conitions that may be prevente or manage

by appropriate primary care – the target is

280 per 100,000 by 2013-14 (2008-09 rateis 308 per 100,000).

Suppo abes wih ddicio d me heh issues

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

3.5 A w hspa a as bs

a hah pas (.. 10 S. Pa;

44 e).3.6 A at least 35 new mental health community

spaces throughout Alberta.

3.7 A 65 mental health sta to schools an clinics.

3.8 Train sta in organizations serving young aults

to screen, assess an intervene in cases relate

to aiction (Emonton, Re deer an Calgary). A w bp byJ 2011

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It’s a chage most patiets ma ot ad shod ot ee

otice, sas Joe MacGiia, the exectie diecto o the

Caga ra PCn.

“I PCns, patiets do’t see that thee ae meta heath

seices oe hee, ad this is sepaate om m docto oe

hee, which is sepaate om m home cae se oe hee.

Patiets do’t – ad shod’t – see the sstem diided

ike that. The jst eed to kow that seices ae hee,

co-odiated whe the eed them.”

like Bett Hogd.

“A I ca sa is o cod’t d bette heath cae ad

I am e happ hee ad eeoe is so kid to me,”

she sas. “I thik it is a wode sstem.”


Patient Plans, Blueberry

Mufns and Coee

“The docto comes i oce a moth,” sas Bett Hogd,

94, a esidet o the High Cot lodge, a seios’ home

at Back Diamod.

“He comes i ad o tak to him ad o te him o

pobems ad he takes cae o them.”

Howee, Hogd’s docto is jst oe membe o a etie

team o doctos, ses, phamacists, dietitias ad othe

heath-cae poessioas who take cae o he as pat o 

the Caga ra Pima Cae netwok (PCn).

 A PCn is a oma aagemet betwee a gop o doctos

ad Abeta Heath Seices (AHS). Pima cae etwoks

poide compehesie cae to a deed patiet popatio.

I a tpica PCn, ami doctos wok with AHS ad othe

heath-cae poides sig a team appoach. A PCn cod

opeate thogh oe ciic, o it cod opeate thogh a

etwok o seea poides i seea ciics.

Poides at the Caga ra PCn meet at east ocea moth at the odge to shae iomatio, deeop patiet

pas ad pass aod bebe ms ad coee.

rogh two-thids o ami doctos ow beog to

a pima cae etwok. Thee ae 38 i the poice,

with moe comig.

By H, a s a ss’ h Bak da, s happy

wh h hah ss p by h caay ra Pay ca nwk.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Hep abes mechoic disese

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

3.15 Share inormation an best practices to preventan manage chronic iseases.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

3.16 Improve care or Albertans with complex, chronic

conitions by:

 › developing an implementing iabetes

management plans;

 › developing an implementing a plan or

prevention an management o obesity.

 › Reaching Albertans through targete


 › Tracking Albertans with chronic conitions;

 › developing personalize treatment plans; an

 › Engaging with Albertans to help them manage

their own health conitions.

3.17 Evaluate an exten programs that have

been successul or treating chronic isease

(e.g., Stanor Sel Management Program).

 Albertans with chronic isease will get the

support they nee to play a larger role in

managing their conition.

There will be ewer hospital amissions or

people with iabetes an other chronic iseases.

Povide iomio

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

3.12 g Abas ass ab a s

a ab say w a hah

s a a ps hh

h Psa Hah Pa.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

3.13 Give Albertans access to their personal health

recor to enter an maintain their own ata –

such as weight, bloo pressure, allergies, an amily

history – in orer to analyze, tren an

share with their care proviers.

3.14 Expan the Personal Health Portal to provie

secure online access to personal clinical healthinormation an personalize tools that enhance

access to the health system.

 Albertans will have access to their own electronic

health recors as will the health-care proviers

who treat them.

 A w bp byJ 2011

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

 Albertans will have better co-orinate

services. Solutions to gaps an issues in

primary health care will be oun.

Care will be base on the best scientiicinormation available.

Primary health-care proviers will have the

resources they nee to reach out an help

people at risk o becoming ill.

Impove he qui d deive o pim heh ce

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

3.18 develop a primary health-care plan or the provincethat better integrates primary care programs an

services with a range o community an mental

health services, resulting in an integrate primary

health-care service.

3.19 develop inicators to measure an improve

quality o care.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

3.20 Implement the provincial primary health-care

plan, incluing implementation o a plan or

chronic isease prevention an management.

3.21 Increase the involvement o primary health-care

proviers in health promotion, an isease an

injury prevention.

3.22 Reuce health gaps in rural areas an among

low socio-economic groups by targeting services

to match care nees, an proviing better support

an training or sta.

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

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StratEgy 4

Be Healthy, Stay Healthy

Keeping healthy is essential to achieving a high quality o lie.

 As Alberta’s population grows an ages, the number o people

with chronic iseases will increase. That means more eman

or hospital bes, continuing care, an other services unless

we step up our eorts to keep people healthy.

Over the next 5 years, the health system will continue to a

an improve the range o services that help people to stay well

an avoi injuries an chronic iseases. The health system will

oer relevant, accurate inormation to iniviuals an amilies,

an proven programs an tools to help them achieve the best

health. It will also work with communities an agencies to

create healthier social an physical environments.

Goa #4

 Albertans will live longer and enjoy a high quality o lie.

  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

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Eat, Move

and Live Well

Boie Middeto has a basket i the coe

o he oom whee she ca toss a the cothes

that o oge t. Middeto has bee takig pat

i the pogam Weight loss o lie – Eat, Moe

ad lie We, ceated b egisteed dietitias at

 Abeta Heath Seices i Gade Paiie to

sppot peope who wat to make heath ieste

chages. “As the weight goes dow, it bids m

codece p,” sas Middeto, who ost 23

pods i six moths. Edcatio sessios aeioma ad aow paticipats to ask specic

qestios, paticipate i gop discssios, ad

access the iomatio poided b the dietitias

ad othe heath-cae poessioas.

“As the weight goes

dow, it bids m

codece p.”

B m s b hh h Wh lss l - ea, m

a l W pa, a by s as a Aba Hah Ss.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Wok wih chide d hei miieso suppo he heh deveopmeo chide

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)4.1 Promote healthy eating an active living to amilies,

in schools, an in communities through initiatives

such as Healthy U, Alberta Healthy School

Community Wellness Fun, Ever Active Schools,

Health Promotion Coorinators or Healthy Weights

an Communities ChooseWell.

4.2 Increase programs to support healthy births,

incluing those targete at Fetal Alcohol

Spectrum disorer.

4.3 Stanarize screening practices or newborns.Treat an ollow up on ientie issues.

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.4 Introuce an support new programs like the U.K.’s

‘Min, Exercise, Nutrition… do It’ program to ght

obesity an promote healthy weight an physical

activity in chilren an youth.

4.5 develop an provie more programs to ensure

babies have a healthy birth weight, to prevent

obesity as they get oler, an to help chilren

be strong both mentally an physically.

4.6 Implement programs an policies that promote

healthier birth outcomes or low-income women,

breasteeing, an chil an maternal health.

4.7 develop strategies to enable low-income amilies

to better access community wellness programs.

4.8 Monitor an report on gaps (inequities) in healthstatus across Alberta.

There will be better co-orination o programs

relate to chilren’s health, an chilren will

receive better care to support their iniviual

growth an evelopmental nees.

Gaps in health status will be reuce.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Peve ijuies d disese

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.9 Start implementation o the Alberta Injury Control

Strategy to reuce riving collisions.

4.10 Strengthen programs that increase seatbelt use

an the use o chil saety seats.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.11 develop strategies to reuce the risk o eath

an injury in trac accients in rural Alberta.

4.12 Enhance programs to reuce alls in chilren

an seniors.

There will be ewer injuries an eaths relate

to alls an traic collisions.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.13 Continue to increase supports or Albertans

to quit using tobacco by:

› Expaning QuitCore rom 10 to 12 sites across

 Alberta. This is a ree an coniential support

program or those who want to quit using

tobacco proucts.

› Further eveloping kinergarten to Grae 12

school programs to prevent alcohol, tobacco

an rug abuse.

›  Aing telephone an computer-base

counselling services to reuce tobacco use.

 Fewer Albertans will start smoking an more

will quit smoking.

Fewer Albertans will suer rom smoking-relate


Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.14 Encourage more Albertans to be screene or

colorectal, breast an cervical cancers through

general an targete awareness programs.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.15 Expan screening or colorectal, breast an cervicalcancers across the province.

Cancers will be etecte earlier an treatment

outcomes will improve.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnSBeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.21 Increase access to immunization or chilren uner

two years o age by increasing access to clinics.

4.22 Increase access to infuenza immunization or all

 Albertans by oering the vaccine in pharmacies

an octors’ oces.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.23 Increase immunizations or chilren over two years

o age, particularly those in low-income amilies.

More Albertans will be immunize resulting

in ewer cases o vaccine-preventable isease.

The targets are:

 › Rates o seasonal inluenza immunization

or chilren uner two will increase rom

43 per cent (2008-09) to 75 per cent by


 › Rates o seasonal inluenza immunization

or aults 65 an oler will increase rom

55 per cent (2009-10) to 75 per cent by


 › Rates o chilhoo immunization or

iphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis,

polio an Hib will increase rom 80 per cent(2008-09) to 97 per cent by 2011-12.

 › Rates o chilhoo immunization or

measles, mumps an rubella will increase

rom 91 per cent (2008-09) to 98 per cent

by 2011-12.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.16 develop an provie public eucation materials or

prevention o the most common chronic iseases –

iabetes, hypertension, heart isease, kiney ailure

an epression – incluing inormation on where to

get help in the community.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.17 Continue to evelop eucation an awareness tools

to prevent chronic iseases.

 Albertans will have a better unerstaning o

chronic iseases an will make better choices

relate to their health.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.18 Implement an eucation an awareness campaign

targete at those at risk o getting a sexually-

transmitte inection.

4.19 Increase availability o prevention co-orinators

to eucate those at risk o getting a sexually-

transmitte inection.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.20 Improve the process or notiying people who have

been expose to sexually-transmitte inections.

There will be ewer cases o sexually-transmitte

inections in Alberta.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.27 Provie wellness inormation through , health proviers

an community services.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)4.28 Make healthy eating at restaurants easier through

the Alberta Health Check Restaurant Program.

 Albertans will be able to access reliable wellness

inormation to improve an maintain their health.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

 A w bp byJ 2011

Cee hehie soci d phsic eviomes

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

4.24 H ms’s Wss s asawass a a a


4.25 Launch a long-term provincial plan on wellness –

Health Alberta: A Wellness Framework - that will

set the stage or government an other stakeholers

to help Albertans improve their health.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

4.26 Avocate or policies that promote a healthier society –

or example:

 › Walkable communities;

 › Nutritional labelling o restaurant oo;

 › Reuce salt in processe oos;

 › Elimination o inustrial trans ats; an

 › Better access to healthy oo in schools

an isavantage neighbourhoos.

 Albertans will live in communities that support

healthy liestyles.

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StratEgy 5

Build One Health System

 Any high perorming health system is built on: »  An engage an highly unctioning health workorce;

 » Best practices in saety;

 » Research an evience to improve care;

 » Proven technologies; an

 » Legislation that supports an eective health system.

 All health services – a call to HealthLink Alberta, a visit

to a member o a primary health-care team, or booking an

appointment with a specialist – are base on this ounation.

The workorce remains the heart o our system – octors,

nurses an all other health-care proviers working in Alberta’s

hospitals an communities. The workorce o toay is alreay

making use o team-base elivery an integrate moels o

care. Alberta Health an Wellness an Alberta Health Services

will continue to work with health-care proviers, government

epartments, voluntary an community organizations, as well

as Albertans to evelop the best moels o care or the health

system in this province.

To achieve excellence in care, patient saety must be a centralpriority. Systems must be in place to minimize the possibility

o human error an harm to patients. Patients, their amilies

an health-care proviers must be encourage to play an

active role in ostering a culture o saety.

Ongoing research an using the best available evience are

critical to ensuring Albertans get high quality care. Alberta’s

health an health research systems, incluing its acaemic

  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

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health sciences centres, attract the best scientists an

clinicians. They create an environment or continuous learning

that incorporates research into the health system. By using the

best evience available, health leaers make better inorme

ecisions about health services incluing: surgical proceures;

rugs an rug therapy; an how to most eectively implementnew programs.

 Avances in technology will continue to infuence how

programs an services are elivere. Technology will allow

or better tracking an sharing o test results an better

communication between health-care proviers an patients.

Patients will be able to better unerstan an access their own

health inormation, an contribute more to ecisions about their

health care.

Health legislation provies a ramework or the operation o

 Alberta’s health system. In the all o 2009, the Minister’s Avisory

Committee on Health consulte with stakeholers an the public

on what to o about Alberta’s health legislation. The committee

recommene a single piece o legislation – the Alberta Health

 Act – with a common set o principles an the fexibility to improve

how things are one through regulation an policy. New an

integrate health legislation will strengthen operational roles

an responsibilities, business rules, an accountability.

 All these elements orm the ounation o our health system.

They make it work, encouraging the involvement o patients,communities an citizens in health-relate ecisions. The

contribution o Albertans to builing our health system –

proviing input into its esign, evaluating the quality o its

services, an making personal ecisions aroun care – ensures

our health system meets the nees o Albertans, both toay

an in the uture.

Goa #5

 Alberta will have a patient-ocused system – one in which

 Albertans are satisfed with the quality o the health-careservices they receive.

 » The percentage o patients satise or very satise with

health care services personally receive in Alberta within

the past year will be at least 71 per cent.²

² The Health Quality Council o Alberta, Alberta Health Services an Alberta Health anWellness are working together to gather inormation on patient experience with care.Further inormation is available at, , or

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31  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Hep docos d ohe heh-ce povides chieve exceece i hei d-o-d wok 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.1 Increase opportunities or training an eucation.

5.2 Improve workplace health an saety through

certication an mentoring programs.

5.3 Recruit health-care proviers to provie the

right mix o health proessionals in the province.

5.4 Commit to recruiting at least 70 per cent o

registere nurses grauate in Alberta.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.5 Enable proessionals to work to the ull extent o

their skills an abilities, as part o larger health teams.

5.6 Continue commitment to recruit at least 70 per cent

o registere nurses grauate in Alberta.

 Albertans will receive high quality health care

rom proessionals with the right skills.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Impove pubic d pie se 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.7 esabsh a Pa Say awk

a spp pa say Aba. (p)

5.8 Improve provincial stanars or prevention

an control o inections in health-care acilities.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.9 develop an eliver courses on patient saety

throughout the province.

5.10 Publicly report on perormance an compliance

with stanars.

There will be ewer patient saety incients

in health-care acilities in the province.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.11 develop a province-wie system or tracking

an controlling outbreaks o contagious iseases.

5.12 Ensure a health response plan is in place or all

possible public emergencies incluing panemic,

acts o terrorism, an natural isasters.

 A w bp byJ 2011

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.13 Further enhance the province-wie system

or tracking an controlling outbreaks o

contagious iseases:

› Phase II – Aition o “sexually transmitte

inections an tuberculosis” interace to

immunization registry atabase.

› Phase III – Aition o “immunization an

averse events reporting” interace to both

the provier registry atabase an elivery

site registry atabase.

 Alberta will be well-prepare to eal with

health emergencies.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.14 develop a process or evaluating the positive an

negative impact o propose public policy on the

health o Albertans.

Those involve in public policy will have access

to reliable health inormation when making

ecisions on behal o the public.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

 A w bp byJ 2011

Mke decisios bsed o soud  esech d evuio

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.15 Make new treatment an technology ecisions

base on soun research, evaluation, an

assessment o new health technology:

 ›  A 12 w hah hs

w b assss h 2010-11 sa ya.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.16 Increase the number o health technologies

assesse to 20 every year.

5.17 Reassess current health technologies an

clinical practices or saety an eectiveness.

Unsae or obsolete treatments an technologies

(e.g. meical evices or surgical techniques) will

be replace with more eective alternatives.

The health system will be more eective an

eicient, an will improve the health o Albertans.

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BeneitS to AlBertAnS

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.18 ras Aba’s Hah rsah a ia

Say spp sah s wss

a hah s y. (p)

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)5.19 Implement actions uner Alberta’s Health

Research an Innovation Strategy where Alberta

Health an Wellness an Alberta Health Services

have responsibility.

Health research will be more closely linke to

the health system an to irectly improving the

health o Albertans.

There will be spin-o economic beneits or Alberta.

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW Will

We do it?

 A w bp byJ 2011

Use echoo o she heh iomio, whie esui peso pivc 

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.20 ea hah-a ps s

h p’s hah sys

p a ass pa a ay

sa aay.

5.21 A electronic iagnostic imaging recors

(e.g., X-rays, MRIs, ultrasouns) to the provincial

electronic health recor.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.22 Roll-out an electronic reerral system that gives

octors a listing o available specialists as well

as the ability to book patient reerrals online.

Meical inormation will be house in one

electronic health recor. This will give health-

care proviers immeiate access to up-to-ate

patient meical inormation (incluing X-rays),

ensuring Albertans the best care possible.

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34 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

BeneitS to AlBertAnS

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

WHAt WillWe do?

HoW WillWe do it?

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.28 develop a new regulation uner the Health

Information Act that enables the creation o a

warehouse o non-ientiable health ata that

can be use or health research.

Researchers will have access to aggregate ata

that will help them in solutions to major health

issues in Alberta.

Mee d sddizeopei ssems

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)5.29 Reuce uplication, streamline processes,

an evelop common inormation systems

or all business unctions.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.30 develop common inormation systems or

patient care.

Every area o the province will use the sametechnology an processes to manage inormation.

Money that is save will be spent on proviing

better health services to the public.

Reliable inormation will be collecte an use

to improve patient saety.

Upde ou heh eisio o meehe chi eeds o abes

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.23 cs wh Abas a wha hy

wa sa. (p)

5.24 dp a a Aba Hah A

a a Hah cha – Phas 1. (p)

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.25 Consult with Albertans on:

 › Consoliating ive core health acts – Phase 2.

 › Regulations an policies to support the

 Alberta Health Act.

 Alberta’s new legislation will allow the health

system to respon more quickly an eectively

to evelopments in health care.

 Albertans will be ully engage in ecisions relate

to health care.

Sh- as (competed b Mach 2012)

5.26 Review the Public Health Act to incorporate

changing roles an responsibilities.

m - as (competed b Mach 2015)

5.27 Introuce changes to the Public Health Act.

 Albertans will have increase public health monitoring,

surveillance, an health promotion activities.

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35  Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010

 Abeta has the most adaced poicia eectoic heath

ecod i a o Caada. Oe 30,000 o Abeta’s heath-cae

poides – icdig doctos, ses, phamacists ad aied

heath wokes – otie access eectoic heath iomatio

oie. Sice Jaa 2008, a Abetas hae thei heath

iomatio (o pesciptios dispesed, ab ests,

tasciptio epots, etc.) saed i Abeta’s Eectoic

Heath recod.

 The eectoic heath ecod is a impotat too o

phsicias, phamacists ad othe heath seice poides

i Abeta. It impoes patiet cae b poidig p-to-date

iomatio immediate at the poit o cae. Makig basic

patiet iomatio aaiabe to heath seice poides wi

sppot bette cae decisios ad impoe patiet saet.

 Alberta’s electronic health-care

system is the best in Canada

 The eectoic heath ecod is a impotat

too o phsicias, phamacists ad otheheath seice poides i Abeta.

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36 Aba Hah a Wss / Aba Hah Ss | B h Bs: Aba’s 5-Ya Hah A Pa 2010-2015 | 30/11/2010


 Accelerating Change

The ve strategies in this action plan are esigne to createa stronger, more integrate, province-wie health system.

This system will put people rst. It will help Albertans to be

well an stay well, an eliver quality care to Albertans

whenever an wherever they nee it. It will shit the ocus

rom an over-epenence on hospitals to care that is more


 All ve strategies will work together; progress in any one area

moves Alberta closer to achieving Premier Stelmach’s vision

o the best-perorming, publicly une health system in Canaa.

The success o this action plan epens on one common

element: the active participation o both health-care proviers

an the users o the system. The commitment o Albertans is

neee. It will be their eort to stay healthy an active, their

wise ecisions about their health, an their openness to change

that will buil a strong health system an ensure that it is

sustainable or generations to come.

The Alberta government is committe to working with its partners

an with Albertans to achieve the actions ientie in this plan,an to ensuring that the right investments are mae to buil the

very best health system in Canaa.


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