become a national supervising coordinator in 18 months will spend 12-15 hours per week total...

Download Become A National Supervising Coordinator In 18 Months Will Spend 12-15 Hours Per Week Total Start-Up Capital ≤ £1,500

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  • Slide 1
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  • Become A National Supervising Coordinator In 18 Months Will Spend 12-15 Hours Per Week Total Start-Up Capital 1,500
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  • Pre-Plan Mental Exercise National Supervising Coordinator -Earning 5,700 - 8,499 In A Four-week Pay Period You Need To Have Two Business Development Centers Open One BDC Flushing 4 Times Per 4 Weeks One BDC Flushing 3 Times Per 4 Weeks Number Of Go-Now Distributors = 12 (Personally Sponsored Distributors 4 Per Leg)
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  • G0-NOW DISTRIBUTORS 1.Implementing Getting Started Guide 2.Master the Basic 5 3.Become an UFO (UnFranchise Owner) 4.Be a Good Follower and Self Starter 5.Show The Plan
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  • 5000 BV / WK Three of Four Weeks 5000 BV/WK 002 003
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  • LONG-TERM Build Directors in each leg with multiple Nationals, Supervising and Professional Coordinators SHORT-TERM Ultimately looking to build three (3) solid Professional Coordinators
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  • SUMMARY Retail Two Customers Per Week First 12 Weeks (10 Repeat Preferred Customers) Recruiting Four Go Nows Per Leg Leadership Development Lead By Example Direct and Empower Go Now Distributors To Grow Manage Hold Your Go Now Distributors Accountable and Duplicate (use measurements from the Getting Started Guide and UFO Booklets)
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  • Key to Remember When Building an Action Plan Cover your monthly overhead with the net retail profit. If your overhead is 150 per month, you must generate 150 in net retail profit. (example would be 10 Isotonix Daily Essential Kits) Meet your monthly financial goals with commission and bonus checks (BV).
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  • Key to Remember When Building an Action Plan Always build through the fundamentals of the UnFranchise Business Development System Base 10 Seven Strong and duplicate. Every Leg that you build, should include a personal sponsoring goal of Four Go Now Distributors in each leg.
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  • Writing an Action Plan 1.Need a written goal statement. 2.Translate the goal statement into a pin level. 3.Determine from the pin level how many BDCs must be opened and how frequent they must flush each four-week period to meet the pin level.
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  • For example: A Professional Coordinator must have one Business Development Center open and must flush 850 in BV commissions three out of four weeks. For example: A National Supervising Coordinator must have two Business Development Centers open - One BDC must flush 850 in commission every week totaling 3,400. The second BDC must flush 850 in commission three out of four weeks, totaling 5,950 in commission to meet the National Supervising Coordinator in commission. For example: A Director must have three Business Development Centers open. Each BDC must flush 850 in commissions every week reaching a minimum of 10,200. Writing an Action Plan
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  • 4.You must know how many dedicated hours a Distributor will spend, each week and secure a one- year commitment to build. 5.Determine if there are any financial restrictions. Determine the start-up capital available and separate it into a separate checking account. 6.Every New Distributor has the same minimum retailing goal. 10 Preferred Customers purchasing > 30 PBV exceeding 300 BV monthly. Note: Look to move them to Autoship and implement online Shop Buddy. Writing an Action Plan
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  • 7. Every leg, when building out a BDC, should have a minimum of four Personally Sponsored Go Now Distributors. 8. Business Plans and Action Plans are only as good as the Distributor makes them. (The Sponsor / Mentor should agree with the plan, agree to work the plan and must be sure the Distributor knows how to implement the steps of the plan. i.e. recruiting, retailing, how to use, etc.) Writing an Action Plan
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  • Action Plan Review 1.A written Goal Statement. (make it real) 2.Translate the Goal Statement into a financial goal, broken down to monthly. Match the monthly financial goal to a Market America pin level. 3.Determine from the pin level how many Business Development Centers must be built and frequency of pay. 4.How many hours of focused time, per week, will you dedicate for a minimum of one year.
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  • 5.Determine if there are financial restrictions. Identify start-up capital available; separate the business. 6.Customer development goal is a minimum of 10 repeat Preferred Customers each purchasing > 30 BV. (two per week for 12 weeks24 yields 10=15 repeat customers). Action Plan Review
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  • 7. Every organization should have a minimum of four Personally Sponsored Go Now Distributors. 8. Action Plan must be agreed upon by both business partners, Shop Consultants and mentor for an effective partnership. (Mentor teaches fundamentals, set measurements, hold accountability). Action Plan Review
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  • Action Plan Worksheet Approach Four People Two Appointments Total Time Per Customer 1 hour @ 15 mins. each 1 hour @ 30 mins. each 2 hours Create two new customers - per week - for a minimum of 12 weeks to build 10 repeat purchasing customers. A New Customer Equals Four (4) hours per week toward Retailing
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  • 16 Names and Approaches 16 Follow-Up Calls 8 Interviews/First Appt. 4 Plans 2 UBPs / HBPs 4 Follow-Up Calls Total Time to Recruit 1 New Shop Consultant Two New Shop Consultants Per Quarter (UFO Goal) 4 hours - 15 mins. each 8 hours - 1 hour each 8 hours - 2 hours each 6 hours - 3 hours each 2 hours - 30 mins. each 32 hours 64 hours A New Go-Now Shop Consultant Six (6) hours per week toward Recruiting Action Plan Worksheet
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  • (4) Weekly Mentor Calls (2) Bi-monthly UBPs / HBP 1 Monthly Training - NDT / Basic 5 1 Monthly NMTSS Event (8 of 12 months) Monthly Administration - ( ABC / Trial Run Meetings - (2 Per Week) 2 hours - 30 mins. each 6 hours -3 hours each 4 hours 8 hours 4 hours 24 hours - 3 hours each 46 hours Approximately eight (8) hours per week MONTHLY Action Plan Worksheet
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  • ABC Pattern, Trial Runs, HBPs Retailing Recruiting Training Administration and ABC Trial Run 24 16 24 88 hours Approximately 22 hours per week CHALLENGE TOTAL MONTHLY HOURS Action Plan Worksheet
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  • Leverage Time...Work Smarter Retailing... - Product Previews Recruiting... - Group Interviews, 2 on 1, HBPs, UBPs ABC Pattern / Trial Run... - HBPs
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  • Action Plan Worksheet Summary Retailing, Recruiting, Training and Administration are intertwined through leveraging time, the NMTSS and the Business Development Systems. Many activities are merged thus reducing time to a manageable 12-15 hour per week.
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  • Monthly Action Plan Worksheet Retailing Recruiting ABC Pattern / Trial Run Training Administration 12 hours 6 hours (contact, follow up, interview 24 hours (two-three hour slots per week) 14 hours (two UBPs / HBPs or one training) 4 hours 60 / 4 = 15 hours
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  • Action Plan Worksheet Goal Statement Financial Translation Number of BDCs Needed: Number of Current - Personally Sponsored Go Now Distributors Number of Current - Preferred Customers (Repeat Customers 30 BV Per Month)
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  • Action Plan Worksheet Dedicated Market America Hours Per Week Timeline To Accomplish Goal Number Of Legs Needed New Go Now Distributors Needed Number Of New Preferred Customers Needed
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  • Action Plan Worksheet DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY Number of Possibilities Per Week Number of Approaches Per Week Number of Interviews Booked Number of Follow Up Appointments Number of Plans Number of ABC / Trial Run Meetings Per Month Number of UBPs Per Week New Distributors Per Quarter Dedicated Market America Hours Per Week Timeline to Accomplish Goal Filling The Bean Jar - (Social Networking)
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  • Action Plan Worksheet NMTSS Number of UBPs Number of Trainings ( NDT, Product, B5) Number of NMTSS Events Number of Locals 4 Date of Districts 1 (Date) Date of Regional 1 (Date) Date of International Convention 1 (Date) Date of World Conference 1 (Date)
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  • In Simplest Terms 12 - 15 Hours Per Week For Two Three Years Develop One Business Development Center GET THE ONE DONE
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