beauty secreats of a plastic surgeon

Mexican actor, model, and singer Actor, modelo y cantante Mexicano Latino FamiLy LiFestyLe magazine October 2012 Carabias Christian Jorge Emmanuelli Náter Contemporary Afro-Caribbean Elder and Master percussionist Maestro Contemporáneo de la percusión Afro-Caribeña Buen Provecho with Sylvia Meléndez-Klinger Latino Fashion Week is Back in Chicago Regresa a Chicago Latino Fashion Week

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Page 1: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Mexican actor, model, and singer

Actor, modelo y cantante Mexicano Latino FamiLy LiFestyLe magazine October 2012


Jorge Emmanuelli NáterContemporary Afro-CaribbeanElder and Master percussionistMaestro Contemporáneo de lapercusión Afro-Caribeña

Buen Provechowith Sylvia Meléndez-Klinger

Latino Fashion Weekis Back in Chicago

Regresa a Chicago Latino Fashion Week

Page 2: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

2 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 3

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4 NuevOImpaCt Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine


Año XII - ED No. 146


T anto a nivel nacional como local, los latinos estamos ha-ciendo un gran impacto sobre la cultura estadounidense.No debemos pasar por alto las enormes contribuciones

que hemos hecho en las industrias del entretenimiento y lamoda. Seamos realistas, los latinos somos “CALIENTES”, y ¡esta-mos de moda! Creo que estamos entrando en una era de oroen nuestra generación, donde el latino se elevará a las posicionesy los roles más prominentes. No sólo estamos educados, talen-tosos, preparados y calificados para hacerlo, sino que luciremosbien haciéndolo...


Both nationally and locally, Latinos are making agreat impact upon American culture. Not to beoverlooked are the tremendous contributions we

have made in the entertainment and fashionindustries. Let’s face it, we are hot, and we are instyle! I believe we are entering into a golden era inour generation where Latinos will rise to the positionsand roles of the highest influence. Not only are weeducated, skilled, talented, and qualified to do it, butwe will look good as we do it too…




Mexican actor, model, and singer


The Evan Experience

Contenido Content

Mexican actor, model, and singerActor, modelo y cantante Mexicano

�������������������������� ��� October 2012

CarabiasChristianJorge Emmanuelli Náter���� �����������$��� ���� �������� ��� �����������

� ��������� ���� � ��� ��� �����#������$��� "Buen Provecho������������ �!�� �$����� �

Latino Fashion Week����������������� �� ����������Latino Fashion Week

5307 W. Leland Avenue Chicago, IL 60030

Telephone: (773) | E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLISHER Laudir [email protected]


Martha GinesAzarel LugoSylvia Meléndez-Klinger Sergio RojasAnthony SantiagoLynette Santiago

ARTCOPY DESIGN & LAYOUT Victor Ulloa / Digital Image

[email protected] Anthony Santiago

Anthony-Santiago.comWEB DESIGN & LAYOUT Erik Scottberg


[email protected] Daniel Rojas

[email protected] Lora-Stepan

[email protected] Ortiz

[email protected] Collazo

[email protected] CHICAGO Roberto V. Rodriguez

[email protected] Hoehn

[email protected]

SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORSImagen Marketing ConsultantsLatino Fashion WeekTom Schoenewald, ERod, Inc.

Cover photo of C.Carabias Jhonny ArraizCover Stylist for C. Carabias Richard ChingThe Evan Experience

Evan’s outfit: Jakob Custom Clothiers, NYC.Photo: Brian Friedman, B-Freed Photography

[ Phase 2 ]


It’s not just a fashionshow, IT’S A MOVEMENT!


Contemporary Afro-CaribbeanElder and Master Percussionist


Page 5: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 5

Martha Dominguez LUTCF3458 S Halsted StChicago, IL, 60608Phone: 773-254-5810martha.dominguez@

¡Hablo español!

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Sin seguro FDIC Sin garantía bancaria Puede perder valor

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Como puede ayudar COUNTRY:¿Cuál es su idea de seguridad financiera?


Page 6: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

There are so many things that don’tmake sense and it’s easy to findsomeone to point the finger at. In our

wonderful city of Chicago we can quicklysum up issues that are in dire need ofattention that impact our communities insignificant ways. Education, public safety,immigration, poverty, hunger, humantrafficking, and the list can go on indefinitely,depending on where you live and whatyou’re exposed to or impacted by.

Recently our city made nationalheadlines due to the Chicago Public Schoolstrike. Depending who you spoke with andwhat news channel you tuned into, the fingerwas pointed in multiple directions. I mustadmit I am not an expert in matters of thepublic education system, but water coolerconversations weren’t difficult to have inregards to the subject. It was easy to findpeople who were pro-union, some anti-union, and others whose main concern was

that children return to their classroomssooner rather than later.

Much like the Chicago Public Schoolsand the Chicago Teachers Union, each of usface situations where it feels like anagreement cannot be made. Whether it’swith our spouse, parents, friends, neighbors,co-workers, many times when things gettough, we go on strike. We walk away andchoose to play hardball unless things go ourway. What we often fail to realize is that theimpact goes far deeper than just thedisagreement we may be having.

We learned through the strike in our citythat many were impacted financially andemotionally, not only those involved in thedispute, but also innocent bystanders such aschildren and caretakers. I’m not here to pointthe finger and tell you who was wrong withthe decision made, but I am here to tell youthat in our personal lives, checking-out is notthe solution.

Charles Swindoll once said, “Life is 10%what happens to me and 90% how I react toit.” It’s easy to blame others and point thefinger, but in the end it’s our response towhat’s going on around us that’s going tohave the most impact. Life is filled withdisappointment and disillusionment, butthose events only make up 10% of our life,the reaction is what matters most.

I don’t know about you but I’ve chosento live my life not defined by what happens,but instead by being mindful of my reactions.Let’s stop checking-out of situations thatdon’t go our way and instead find a commonground that will translate into a reaction thatbreeds success. Let’s focus on solutionsrather than the problems, and find hope inthe midst of what seems to be turmoil. It’s allabout our attitude, not about who’s atblame. Let’s take responsibility, rememberthose who are most important in our livesand stop the blame game!

Hay tantas cosas que no tienen sen-tido y a veces es más fácil señalarcon el dedo a otros que asumir res-

ponsabilidad. En nuestra hermosa ciudad deChicago no es fácil resumir las situacionesque impactan nuestras comunidades de granmanera tales como la educación, seguridadpública, inmigración, pobreza, hambre, y lalista puede continuar indefinidamente de-pendiendo de donde usted vive y a lo queesté expuesto.

Recientemente nuestra ciudad llego aestar en noticieros nacionales debido a lahuelga de las Escuelas Públicas. Depen-diendo de con quién hablaba y qué canal denoticias sintonizaba me di cuenta que eldedo de culpa se señaló en múltiples direc-ciones. Puedo admitir que no soy experta enasuntos del sistema de educación pública,pero no era difícil tropezar con personas ha-blando del tema de la huelga el mes pasado.Había un surtido de personas interesadas enel tema, desde aquellas a favor del sindicato,otras anti-sindical, y varias cuya preocupa-ción primordial era que los niños regresaran

a sus salones de clase lo antes posible. Al igual que las Escuelas Públicas y el Sin-

dicato de Maestros de Chicago, cada uno denosotros enfrentamos situaciones donde noes fácil llegar a un acuerdo. Ya sea con nuestrocónyuge, padres, amigos, vecinos, compañe-ros de trabajo, muchas veces cuando las situa-ciones se ponen difíciles, nos vamos a lahuelga. ¿Cómo? Nos alejamos y optamos porser personas duras si las cosas no salen comoqueremos. Lo triste es que a menudo no nosdamos cuenta que el impacto va mucho másprofundo que el desacuerdo presente, sinoque muchos son afectados.

Mediante la huelga de las escuelas elmes pasado muchos se vieron afectadoseconómicamente y emocionalmente, nosólo las personas involucradas en la disputa,sino también personas inocentes como losniños y padres/guardianes. Yo no estoy aquípara señalar con el dedo y decirle quien tuvola culpa por el desacuerdo, pero estoy aquípara decirles que en nuestra vida personal,el echar los brazos al aire y desprendernosde un asunto difícil no es la solución.

Charles Swindoll dijo: "La vida es 10%lo que me sucede y 90% cómo reacciono aello." Es fácil culpar a los demás y señalarcon el dedo, pero al final es nuestra res-puesta a lo que está pasando a nuestro alre-dedor que va a tener el mayor impacto.Todos tendremos nuestra porción decep-ción y desilusión, pero esos eventos sólo re-presentan el 10% de nuestra vida, lareacción es lo más importante.

Yo no sé de ti, pero he decidido vivir lavida de manera que no sea defina por lo quesucede, sino estar consciente de mis reaccio-nes. Debemos dejar de resignarnos cuandolas situaciones no resulten a nuestro favor yen lugar buscar encontrar un terreno comúnque se traduzca en una reacción que genereéxito. Debemos centrarnos en las soluciones,no los problemas y así hallar esperanza enmedio de lo que parece ser confusión. Todoes cuestión de nuestra actitud, no se trata dequién es culpable. ¡Asumamos la responsa-bilidad, recordemos a los que son verdade-ramente importantes en nuestras vidas ydejemos el juego de la culpa!

6 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

Yo no se de ti,pero...Por: Lynette Santiago

Follow Lynette’s blog@

Much like theChicago PublicSchools and theChicago TeachersUnion, each of usface situationswhere it feels like anagreement cannotbe made. Whetherit’s with our spouse,parents, friends,neighbors, co-workers, manytimes when thingsget tough, we go onstrike.


The Blame Game

El juego de la culpa

Page 7: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 7

DIENTES DOLOROSOS PUEDENTENER UN EFECTO EN ELSALÓN ESCOLARLa capacidad de los niños de apren-der puede verse comprometida porla enfermedad dental

"Cada año más de 50 millones dehoras escolares se pierden por los es-tudiantes debido a enfermedadesdentales. En los casos en que el dolorno es suficientemente intenso comopara mantener a los niños fuera de laescuela, todavía podría distraerlos enel salón."

C on un nuevo año escolar que seacerca rápidamente, no es dema-siado muy temprano para empezar a

pensar en las citas de regreso a la escuela desu hijo. El estado de Illinois requiere ahoraque todos los estudiantes de kínder, segundoy sexto reciban un examen dental completacon un dentista licenciado. Los exámenesdentales no son sólo un requisito del estado,sino que también son muy importantes conel fin de prevenir los problemas dentales ypara monitorear el desarrollo dental de suhijo. Empacar almuerzos saludables y limi-tando el consumo de bebidas azucaradastambién puede ayudar a los padres a preve-nir los problemas asociados con la decaden-cia dental infantil. Así que no espere hastaque sea demasiado tarde, visítenos regular-mente para chequeos y limpiezas. El Dr.Beyer está capacitado para ver los problemasocultos que usted no puede ver. Durante sucita con él, él también discutirá las técnicasadecuadas de cepillado y uso de hilo dentalpara fomentar buenos hábitos dentales paratoda la vida y una sonrisa saludable.

200 Milwaukee AvenueBuffalo Grove, IL 60089 Tel: 847-520-0770 • Fax: 847-520-1179www.beyerdental.comEmail: [email protected]

Hablamos Español






• Blanqueo de dientes

• Hacemos rellenos blancos

• Exámenes para la escuela

• Coronas, puentes y Veeners

• Frenos invisibles

• Tratamiento Cosmético


• Endononcias

• Pacientes nuevos yniños bienvenidos.

• Se hacen citas en lastardes y los sábados

• Se atienden emergencias.

�����������PAINFUL TEETH CAN HAVE EFFECT IN THE CLASSROOMChildren’s ability to learn can becompromised by dental illness

"Each year more than 50 millionschool hours are lost by students dueto dental-related illnesses. In caseswhere pain is not intense enough to keepchildren out of school, it might still distractthem in the classroom."

With a new school year rapidly approaching, it’snot too soon to begin thinking about yourchild’s back-to-school appointments. The

state of Illinois now requires that all students inkindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade have a dental examcompleted by a licensed dentist. Dental exams arenot only a state requirement, they are also veryimportant in order to prevent dental problems andmonitor your child’s dental development. Packinghealthy lunches and limiting the consumption ofsugary beverages can also help parents preventproblems associated with childhood tooth decay.So don’t wait until it’s too late- visit us regularlyfor checkups and cleanings. Dr. Beyer is trained tosee the hidden problems you can’t. During yourdental appointment he will also discuss properbrushing and flossing techniques to encouragegood, lifelong dental habits and a healthy smile.

Page 8: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

8 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

Una de mismetas es elcine y hacerproyectos enel mercado eningles, etapaque yaestamospreparando.

Photo by Anthony Santiago


Christian Carabias es unactor mexicano conmuchos talentos yambiciones que estáhaciendo su marca en

Estados Unidos. Él es un amante de laciudad de Chicago y es apasionadoacerca de hacer una diferencia en lasvidas de los latinos americanos. Ustedtendrá la oportunidad de verlo, y sitienes la suerte, podrá conocerlo enpersona este mes en Latino FashionWeek. Esto fue lo que dijo Christianhace poco cuando tuvimos laoportunidad de hablar sobre su vida,sus gustos y otras cosas...

Nuevo Impact: ¿Por qué te encantatanto Chicago?Christian: Como sabes, radico en laciudad de Miami, una ciudad hermosapor sus playas y bellezas naturales. Perote puedo confesar que la metrópoli medeslumbra y me atrapa. La arquitectura,historia, etc... digno de admirar yestudiar aunque viví en la ciudad deMéxico muchos anos y he viajadomucho te puedo decir que Chicago tienesu magia pero para mi lo masimportante es su gente. Aunque nopodría dejar de mencionar la comida,soy amante de la buena comida ¡así quelas amistades que he desarrollado y labuena comida so la combinaciónperfecta!

NI: Danos una instantánea en lanovela nueva.CC:Actualmente estoy grabando ELROSTRO DE LA VENGANZA porTelemundo, donde interpreto a OmarMercader, hermano menor delprotagonista. Es un personaje muyinteresante Omar, igual que los demás

personajes de estatelenovela viven enuna holla expressde emociones ysentimientos que ala menorprovocación loshará reaccionar.Omar tiene muydesarrollado susentido depaternidad ya quetiene un hijo de 8anos y lo crió sinsu madre que los

abandono. Así que Juanito para Omares su mas grande tesoro. A pesar de sertan joven tratará que Juanito no viva loque el vivió y aunque Omar estranquilo y de buenos sentimientospor su hijo será capas de cualquiercosa. Yo en la vida real tengo un hijo aligual que Juanito de 8 anos y me haayudado a entender mejor mipersonaje ya que solo así puedes llegara entender lo que Omar será capas dehacer por su hijo Juanito.

NI: ¿Cuál es tu objetivo final en laindustria como artista?CC:Mi objetivo final en la industria esentretener a la gente, hacer que seemocionen y vibren con los diferentespersonajes que interpreto. Quiero quela gente se olvide de sus problemas porun rato. Una de mis metas es el cine yhacer proyectos en el mercado eningles, etapa que ya estamospreparando.

NI: ¿Por qué eres tan apasionadoacerca de Latino Fashion Week?CC: Me considero apasionado conrespecto a Latino Fashion Week

primero que nada por que me encantala moda y siempre he estado envueltoen ella como modelo en otra etapa demi carrera. Por otro lado me parece ungran proyecto el de dar a conocer lomejor de la moda Latina tantodiseñadores, modelos y gente de estaindustria a otros mercados. Los Latinosestamos de moda en el mundo y nosolamente eso, sino que hay talentopara exportar y dar a conocer. Ademásde esas razones, LFW ayuda adiferentes organizaciones benéficas loque pone mas en alto a los Latinos porsu calidad humana y para mi lo masimportante son los proyectoshumanitarios.

NI: ¿Qué es algo que la mayoría de lagente no sabe acerca de ti?CC: Algo que mucha gente no sabe demi es que también me entreno deempresario con un concepto nuevo detelevisión por Internet como productorwww.vidaonlinetv.com Conprogramas de entretenimiento,cobertura de los eventos sociales másimportantes en las ciudades masCosmopolitan del mundo, los lugaresde moda, deportes extremos, salud yBELLEZA, moda y música. Losllevaremos a conocer y divertirse conlos ricos y famosos, también prontoestrenamos este programa en latelevisión y una de mis metas es podermostrar al mundo lo mejor de Chicago.

NI: ¿Qué causa (comunitaria,humanitaria etc.) te mueve a la accióny porqué?CC:Definitivamente apoyar a causashumanitarias esta en mis prioridadescomo persona, artista y empresario.Actualmente soy imagen dePROLITERACY que promueve laalfabetización en ingles como primeralengua y también como segundalengua para los inmigrantes. Yo lleguea este país sin hablar ingles y se loimportante y difícil que es y losproblemas tan graves que enfrenta lagente por no saber hablar ingles eneste país. También he apoyandoinstituciones como AUTISIM SPEAKS(fundación para niños autistas) etc. Yomismo funde una organización BIRDTENNIS donde Hemos ayudado ya amas de 500 niños en 5 anos aintroducirlos al deporte.

Actor, modelo y cantante Mexicano

ByLaudir Lugo

Page 9: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Christian Carabias

Page 10: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

10 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

¿Necesita cuidado medico personal o para un ser querido?


Nuestros empleados bilingües tratan a todos nuestros pacientes con Respeto, Compasión y Dignidad.


• Terapia Física en su Hogar (Los mejores terapéuticos)• Enfermeras graduadas• Ayudantes de Salud en el Hogar• Terapia de Habla• Terapia Ocupacional• Servicios de ama de casa

����������������� �����Llame a Obed Peña o Visite nuestra página web

1019 W. Fulton - Suite 200 • Chicago, IL 60607


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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 11

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Your Partner in Health

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Chronic low back pain is not only one ofthe leading causes for doctor visits, it is also aleading cause of inactivity and deterioration ofquality of life, which often lead to weight gain,depression and other serious health risks.While chronic back pain is often caused by an

imbalance in another area of your body,particularly the feet, pelvis, abdominal area, orpoor upper spine posture, there are a fewexercises you can do to strengthen your lowerback and other core muscles to reduce thepain until you identify and correct the exact

cause. Sometimes, simply strengthening weakcore muscles can eliminate the pain.

Remember, back pain can quickly diminishyour quality of life, so add these exercises toyour workout today!


1. Side Plank – lie on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees, and your forearm on a soft surface. Pushing down with your forearm, lift your hip towards the ceiling and tighten the muscles of the sides that are closest to the floor. Hold for 5 seconds; then slowly lower your hip back to the ground and repeat.

! 8 repetitions (5 seconds each) ! Once you are able to do 8 reps for 5 seconds each with

good form, try the advanced ones from your feet.

! !

2. Floor Bridge – lie on your back facing up, with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tighten your abdominals; then lift your hips in the air by pressing your heels into the ground and tightening your butt muscles. Hold for 5 seconds; then slowly lower your hips back to the ground and repeat.

! 15 repetitions (5 seconds each) ! Once you are able to do 15 reps for 5 seconds each with

good form, try the advanced ones with one leg.

3. Lying Torso Twist – Lie on your back facing up with your knees bent and feet in

the air (hip and knees should both be at 90 degrees). Place your arms out wide with the palms facing down. Tighten your abdominals; then rotate your legs to one side keeping your knees together, and keeping your hands on the ground. Go as far as your body will allow, then return and do the same on the other side. Repeat for desired amount of reps.

! 15 repetitions on each side (30 total)

Tighten your abdominals; then rotate your legs to o

4. 3-D Plank – Lie facing down on the floor, and support your upper body with your forearms. Tighten your abdominals by sucking in your belly button towards your spine; then lift your abs and legs off the floor with just your forearms and your toes touching the ground. Your hips should go slightly higher than your shoulder level. Go up and down 8 times in a controlled manner; then drive the hips side-to-side for 8 reps; and finish with rotating the pelvis 4 times in each direction (clockwise and counter-clockwise).

! 8 up & down; plus 8 side-to-side; plus 8 rotations (4 ea.) ! Rest 10 seconds between each change of direction. Reduce

your rest time until you can do all 3 without rest, then increase reps

Por:Sergio Rojas

FAFS, CSCS,CES, CNSFitness & WeightLoss Expert






Page 12: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

En los meses que preceden a latemporada de playa, hombres ymujeres se esfuerzan al máximo

en el gimnasio, para lograr una mejorapariencia corporal. Pero una vez quetermina el verano y comienza el in-vierno, muchos de esos esforzadosasistentes al gimnasio abandonan susesfuerzos y aumentan de peso.

Aunque pudiera parecer algo in-herente a la naturaleza humana, tam-bién es una pérdida de todo elesfuerzo que se hizo antes de que lle-gara el verano. Mantenerse en formadurante el invierno y en la próximatemporada playera no tiene que serdemasiado difícil. A propósito de ello,el Registro Nacional de Control dePeso (National Weight Control Re-gistry) que realizó un trabajo conhombres y mujeres que rebajaron 60libras y mantuvieron el peso durantecinco años por lo menos, descubriócosas interesantes acerca de quienesno se sintieron satisfechos con unamera pérdida de peso, sino que qui-sieron mantenerla. Entre los resulta-dos notables del estudio con esaspersonas están los siguientes:• El 78 por ciento comienza su día

como corresponde, desayunandodiariamente

• El 75 por ciento no le tiene miedoa la balanza, y se pesan al menosuna vez a la semana

• El 90 por ciento ejercita un pro-medio de una hora diaria

• El 62 por ciento ve televisión pormenos de 10 horas semanales

Estas conductas no deben sor-prendernos. Desayunar todos losdías estimula el metabolismo luegode una noche de descanso, y un des-ayuno rico en proteínas es más pro-penso a darnos menos apetito en lashoras antes del almuerzo. Además, laejercitación diaria en vez de estarsentado en el sofá es claramente be-neficiosa. Y el poder motivador de lasrutinas de levantamiento de pesotampoco debe ser subestimado.

Pero hay otras cosas que debenhacer los hombres y las mujeres parano aumentar de peso en invierno unavez que pasa el verano.

• Levantar pesos. Los hombres y mu-jeres pudieran pensar que el levanta-miento de pesos es para jóvenes, peroen realidad puede combatir la pérdidade tejido muscular que generalmentecomienza cuando una persona cum-ple los treinta años. Los músculos que-man cerca de tres veces más caloríasque grasa, por lo cual esa reducción enel tejido muscular en la medida queenvejecemos obstaculiza rebajar depeso. Combata esa pérdida de masamuscular con ejercicios de fuerza ypesos de mano. Los pesos de manopueden crear musculatura y fortalecerlos huesos, y mientras menos múscu-los se pierdan, más capaz será el orga-nismo en la quema de calorías.

• Control de raciones. Las raciones sehan incrementado en los últimosaños de forma sin precedentes. Con-

sidere el caso del bagel promedio, unfavorito del desayuno. Según datosde los Institutos Nacionales de Salud(National Institutes of Health, NIH),hace 20 años el bagel promedio teníaun diámetro de tres pulgadas y 140calorías. En la actualidad, el bageltiene seis pulgadas de diámetro y 350calorías. Los NIH también destacanque hace 20 años un plato de espa-gueti y tres albóndigas totalizaban500 calorías, mientras que actual-mente superan las 1,000 calorías.Pero todo el que controla susraciones es mucho máspropenso a perder pesoque quienes no las con-trola. Entre los "trucos"para controlar las racio-nes está la compra decomida preparada oincluso comprarplatos más peque-ños. Independien-temente delmétodo que se use, silas raciones son menores, no seaumentará de peso.

• Dedicar más tiempo a la actividadfísica. En una encuesta patrocinadapor la Agencia de Protección Me-dioambiental (Environmental Pro-tection Agency) que examinó lasactividades realizadas por la mujerpromedio mayor de 18 años, la con-ducción de un vehículo, ver televi-sión y el trabajo de oficina fuerontres de las cuatro actividades a las

que se dedicaba más tiempo. Y elejercicio ni siquiera estuvo entre lasdiez primeras. Aunque esas respues-tas no dicen cómo emplean sutiempo los hombres, es lógico asumirque tanto los hombres como las mu-jeres pueden dedicar más tiempo a laactividad física y menos al sedenta-rismo. Por ejemplo, si se puede ir altrabajo en bicicleta y no en automó-vil, desempolve la suya y deje elcoche en el garaje. (MS)

12 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

Healthy LivingVida Saludable

Spa Day $99• 30 Min Swedish Massage• 30 Min Aromatherapy Body Scrub• 30 Min Organic Facial

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Azul Holistic Spa842 W. Adams Chicago IL



Cómo mantener el peso despuésque termine la temporada de playa

Page 13: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

I n the months leading up to beachseason, men and women tend to hitthe gym hard in an effort to make

their bodies look their best. But oncethose swimsuits have been packed awayfor winter, many of those samehardworking men and women abandontheir efforts and allow themselves topack on a few extra pounds.

While that might be humannature, it's also a waste of all that pre-summer effort. Keeping fit through thewinter and into next beach seasondoesn't have to be so difficult. In fact,the National Weight Control Registry,who tracked men and women who lost60 pounds and kept if off for at leastfive years, discovered some interestingthings about those who weren'tsatisfied with just losing weight butwanted to keep that weight off as well.Among the notable things they foundabout the people they tracked:• 78 percent start their day off right,eating breakfast every day

• 75 percent aren't scared of thescales, weighing themselves at leastonce a week

• 90 percent exercise an average ofone hour per day

• 62 percent watch fewer than 10hours of television per weekThese behaviors should not come

as a surprise. Eating breakfast everyday revs up the metabolism after anight of rest, and a breakfast that's richin protein is more likely to make youless hungry in the hours before lunch.Also, daily exercise at the expense oftime spent on the couch is clearlybeneficial. And the motivating powerof routine weigh-ins should not beunderestimated, either.

But there are other things menand women can do to keep frompacking winter weight back on oncebeach season is a thing of the past.• Lift weights. Men and womenmight think lifting weights is for youngpeople, but pumping iron can helpcombat muscle tissue loss that typicallybegins when a person is in his or herthirties. Muscle burns roughly threetimes more calories than fat, so thisreduction in muscle tissue as you agemakes it harder to keep weight off.

Fight this loss of muscle mass bystrength training with hand weights.Hand weights help build muscle andstrengthen bones, and the less muscleyou lose the more capable your bodywill be at burning calories.• Subscribe to portion control.Portions have increased dramaticallyover the years. Consider the case of theaverage bagel, a breakfast favorite.According to the National Institutes ofHealth, 20 years ago the average bagelwas three inches in diameter and 140calories. Today, the average bagelchecks in at six inches in diameter and350 calories. The NIH also notes that 20years ago a plate of spaghetti and threesmall meatballs was 500 calories, whilethat same meal today is more than1,000 calories. But men and womenwho control their portions are muchmore likely to keep lost weight off thanthose who don't control portions. Tricks

to portion control can include buyingprepared meals or even buying smallerdishes. Whatever the method chosen, ifthe portions are smaller you're likely tobe smaller as well.• Spend time more being physicallyactive. In a survey sponsored by theEnvironmental Protection Agency thatexamined activities undertaken by theaverage woman over the age of 18,driving, watching television and officework were three of the four activitieswomen spent the most time on. Infact, exercise did not even land in thetop 10. Though these responses don'treference how men spend their time,it's safe to assume both men andwomen can spend more time beingactive and less time on more sedentaryactivities. For example, if it's possible toride a bicycle to work instead of drive acar, dust off the bike and leave the carin the garage. (MS)

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 13

Healthy LivingVida Saludable

Chicago Smile CenterPhone: (312)440-4909John Hancock Center - Suite 3250875 N Michigan Ave.Chicago, IL 60611

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Chicago smile

PATIENT’S TESTIMONIAL"I've been a patient of Dr. Yahav for thepast three years and I could not behappier. His staff is professsional andhis skills are perfect. I feel comforta-ble as a patient of his, because Iknow that my needs will be taken

care of at a fair price. He doeswork that will last. I think we allknow how important it is tohave a good dentist. I highlyrecommend!"

(Don S. Harwood Heights, IL)


Dr. Jonathan Yahav is a renowned Chicago dentist who has helped many cosmetic dentistry pa-tients obtain better smiles. From his state-of-the-art Chicago offices, Dr. Jonathan Yahav servesChicago and Northwest suburban patients. Dr. Jonathan Yahav is an artist with a smile as wellas a canvas. His artistic background and experience with a paintbrush allow him to create smilemasterpieces with the eye of an artist.

All that is good begins with a SMILE!When you visit our office, your smile is our top priority.

Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle care that you deserve.

Keep pounds off evenafter beach season hascome and gone

Page 14: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

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14 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

Page 15: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 15


Nuevo Impact Exclusive

L atino Fashion Week was birthedas an idea that came into fruitionas a result of realizing there wasa lack of support for Latinos infashion, cosmetology, retail

merchandising, and the industry as a whole inChicago. Founders and Principals Cesar Rolonand Arabel Rosales say, “When you go to NY,L.A. and Miami you see all of that, but it wasjust not here in Chicago till LFW.” Cesar andArabel decided to do something about thatimmediately; so they gathered a committeeand within a few short months held their firstLatino Fashion Week Event. They had no ideait would become what it is today.

“It started as something we did tosupport designers. It was something we puttogether really fast, and it had great successfor something so quickly planned”, says Arabel.

Although the shows, expos, and networking thattake place at LFW are second to none, it has evolved intoa week of education for the Latino Community. EachLFW has a theme, which exposes Latinos to the greatcontributions our people have made to the fashion,music, film, photography/cinematography, and

commercial industries. What began as a local Chicago vision has become

an internationally known movement. Latino Fashion hasheld shows in Chicago, Miami, and Dallas, but New York,Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dubai, and other cities across theglobe are already in the works. Photographers, models,designers, and artists from all over the world regularly

participate in Latino Fashion Week events.Cesar says, “It is really amazing to see

the support LFW has garnered across the citieswe have visited. We’ve been very fortunatethat every year, those kinds of blessings haveincreased.” Something that makes thismovement so unique is that there issomething for everyone. LFW is not aboutcatering to one demographic. They havesomething for teens, musicians and the artisticculture, celebrities, middle-aged folks, businesspeople, the urban, suburban, and diverseethnicities. So this month, experience whathundreds of thousands of people across theUnited States have already experienced; this ismore than just a fashion show, it’s amovement!

It’s not just a fashion show, IT’S A MOVEMENT!Latino Fashion Week is back in Chicago

Photo: Anthony Santiago

Photo: Steve Starr

LATINO FASHION WEEK® |LFW™, is the only fullweek and tour dedicated to Latino Fashion in theUnited States, showcasing top Latino designersfrom Central and South America, the Caribbeanand the U.S. LFW is a multi-day brandedentertainment environment providingopportunities for fashion designers and sponsorsto come face-to-face with primary celebrities,musical talent, media and consumers. LFW alsoincludes Model’s Night Out™, a fashionable wayto raise funds and create awareness for greatcauses. LFW is not just a fashion show. It is amovement. “By Latinos, For Everyone.”

Page 16: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Lights, Camera, Fashion…on September 15, 2012Latino Fashion Week helda casting call at thebeautiful Zhou B Art

Center which will also hostLatino Fashion week. Very earlyin the morning even before thecasting call even began, fashionmodel hopefuls lined up andwaited to get their chance to

show theyhad what ittook to walkthe LFWrunway.However, thisdecisionwould be leftup to Co-founders andPrincipalsArabel AlvaRosales andCesar Rolonwith guestmodel

Gregory Stellatos. Just before it was time for

things to begin, the host panelintroduced themselves andwelcomed all the hopefuls to theLFW Casting Call. Theatmosphere was electric, livelyand full of anticipation. Fashionmodel hopefuls of all ages, sexand race started filling up thevery large open space.

As I glanced around theroom people were practicingtheir runway walks and poses.Some were doing behind thescene video interviews and somewere just being silly in front ofthe camera. One thing that reallycaught my eye and was also coolto see was all the networkingthat was going on. One by onewith their comp cards in handthey showed the panel whatthey were made of, giving thepanel their best poses andrunway walks. As each modelcame by, the panel was focusedtaking notes on what they wereseeing.

I think the hardest part ofthe day for each of thesehopefuls and the rest of us therewas, not knowing who hadmade it through and would soonbe getting a call to be part ofLFW. I guess if you want to knowyou would need to buy ticketsand come to the show.

ByAnthony Santiago

Lights, Camera,


Lights, Camera,


Page 17: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine www.nuevoiMPACt.CoM Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 17

By: Araceli Leon

At Latino Fashion Week, the presenceof beautiful models wearing beautifulclothes captivates our attention. Whilewe can buy clothes to look better, it isthe rare person who is naturally bornwith facial features that are perfectlybalanced. For most of us, more oftenthan not subtle imbalances in our facecan lead to drawing attention awayfrom our eyes and to other parts of ourface.

So here's a not so big secret: modelsand actresses get plastic surgery toenhance their beauty, too!! We featureDr. Anil Shah, a plastic surgeon, whosepractice is based on creating beautyand balance is no surprise a hit withmodels and actors. In particular, Dr.Shah works with ethnicities of alltypes, including Latinos, to help createan ethnically appropriate, yetuniversally beautiful aesthetic. I askedDr. Shah, an authority on beautifulfaces, how to enhance our ownattractiveness.

Here are Dr. Shah's top 5 beauty secrets,exclusive for Nuevo Impact Readers:

1. D-EMPHASIZE THE NOSES"Undoubtedly an overly prominent nose will draw attention away from the other parts of theface, including the eyes. The nose is the central portion of the face, its impact can not be

understated," stated Dr. Shah. Dr. Shahbelieves that when you look at a modelfemale nose blends in with the rest of thefacial features. This does not mean thatyour nose has to look like every other noseaccording to him. "Rather embrace theindividual differences in your face andmake it work with the rest of the face. Ifyou have softer facial features a softer noselike Jennifer Lopez works well. If youhave more angular features, a smaller

thinner nose like Megan Fox can work well with the restof the face." It is really important according to Dr. Shahto go to a trusted facial specialist. He states that he fixespoorly performed surgeries in up to 50% of his cases.Plastic surgery has become so much more accessible thatwe are treating it more and more like shopping.However, unlike shopping, many changes of plasticsurgery can not be returned. Make sure you go to asurgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery whendealing with your face. The face is definitely not the areayou want to save money on. "Everyday I see unfortunate

patients who ask me for help. They have either gone locally to a less experienced surgeon orgone abroad and tried to save money. Ultimately you do not save money if you get a poorresult and need additional surgery. Go to the best surgeon you can afford. It always costs moreto fix a mistake than to do it right the first time."

2. SKINOne of the most attractive features we can have is clean smooth skin. For many of us thisrequires eating right, drinking water, and the right use of skin creams and peels. Whilethere are a multitude of over the counter lotions which are available, many of the higherpotency skin care routines can only be purchased in a plastic surgeon's office. "Keepingskin, plump, tight and young requires patients to use A grade products. The last few yearshave resulted in higher strength retinols and high potency growth serums that have helpedrevolutionize skin care," Dr. Shah states. Skin needs protection early on and rejuvenation isstarting earlier and earlier he states.

3. CHEEKBONESNot all of us are blessed with beautiful cheekbones. For many female patients, beautifulcheekbones can help to frame the face and create a beautiful curve to the face. "I find one ofthe most attractive features in a female faceis a higher cheekbone. Creating thecheekbone can be done in a softer methodusing facial fillers and occasionally animplant" states Dr. Shah. According to Dr.Shah, an attractive face looks like an upsidedown triangle. As we age, the face looksmore and more like a triangle. He believesthis where many patients can have adefinite aesthetic edge. A small amount offiller can create a large increase in facialattractiveness. (Figure 2)

4. JAW AND CHINIt is not surprising that many fashionable pieces expose the neck and some of the decollete.Universally, a model's chin, jawline, and neck serves to help frame the face and neck. Arecent study found that the number one rising procedure in the United States was chinaugmentation. This is thought to be a result of newer technologies such as digital camerasand Skype making patients aware of their face structure. Amazingly a few centimeters hereor there can make all the difference. "For some of us, exercise and weight loss still does notremove a double chin. Newer liposuction techniques allow for micro-incisions to helpsculpt jawlines. Chins can now be augmented as an in office procedure as well, making amodel jawline more of a reality for patients than ever before," Dr. Shah stated excitedly.

5. LASHESHow many of us are wish we had longer fuller lashes. In fact every mascara brand claims todo just this. A new product called Latisse does this in about a month. "Thicker lashesserve to highlight the eyes and make them more attractive. Latisse is one of the mosteffective products available." Be aware of the artificial lashes. Dr. Shah believes that theglued on lashes can permanently damage your eyelashes and in fact cost more than Latisse.

We live in a wonderful time where we can make changes to our faces to make it moreattractive, many times being able to go home the same day. Although plastic surgery is nowmore accessible than ever, make sure you check out your plastic surgeon thoroughly. Just asyou wouldn't want anyone to make your purse or shirt, you must be doubly careful when itcomes to your face. Find a respected facial expert.

Beauty Secrets of a Plastic SurgeonHow to Present Your Face Its Model Best?

Dr. Anil Shah, MD, FACS, SC

Chicago Plastic Surgery Center is located at:

845 North Michigan Ave, Suite 934e, Chicago IL 60611 | Tel.

“Anil R Shah MD is a plastic surgeonrenowned for his expertise in beauty

“Subtle beauty enhancement in rhinoplasty for anactual model (surgery performed by Dr. Shah)

“Patient with cheek facial filler to create arefreshed look (performed by Dr. Shah)

Page 18: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

18 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

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LazosFamiliaresMuchas de las lecciones importantes que se

dirigen al aprendizaje académico ocurremucho antes del niño entrar a kindergar-

ten. La “tabula rasa” ya tiene pensamiento cognitivoimprimido sobre sus paginas. Los niños ya han

aprendido el arte del hablacuando tratan de imitar los cons-tantes sonidos que oyen en sumedio ambiente. Ya han apren-dido el arte de escuchar segúnoyen la voz de su mama afirmarsu amor, una y otra vez. Elloshan aprendido el arte de ver,según se quedan maravillados almirar la imagen de su papa res-catándolo de la prisión de lacuna. Ellos han entrado a kin-dergarten con un entendimientode la expresión escrita a travésde las numerosas veces que hanescrito las paredes de su casa.

Todo esto, y más, ya se ha llevado a cabo, y todavíano ha pisado su pies el salón de clase. Todavía nohan conocido al maestro.

Las bases para el aprendizaje primero ocurrenen el hogar, con los padres como Primer Maestro. Laparticipación de los padres puede ser un grande pre-dictor del éxito académico de un niño. Tan prontoun bebe entra en este mundo, sus padres se convier-ten en sus Primeros Maestros. Ellos se conviertenen el primero que aboga por sus hijos, asegurándoseque todas sus necesidades son suplidas en la escuelay ayudándolos lograr sus metas. De la misma formaque los padres toman la responsabilidad de alimen-tar el cuerpo de su niño, ellos también son respon-sables por nutrir sus mentes.

La responsabilidad del padre es fundamental enque su niño logre éxito académico. Es más que ase-gurar que sus tareas estén completas, firmar lashojas de permiso o aparecer a la escuela en el día delas calificaciones. Su envolvimiento tiene que serGENUINO. El hogar y la escuela no son dos diferen-tes arenas! Primeros Maestros conocen esto.

Los Primeros Maestros son un modelo delaprendizaje, especialmente durante los años de for-mación de sus hijos. Ellos leen juntos, exploran lanaturaleza juntos, adoran juntos en la iglesia, coci-nan juntos (quizás un exquisito plato de arroz con

salchichas), y leen la letra de una canción mientrasque los Primeros Maestros se hacen ridículos bai-lando en la sala de su casa. Estos tipos de padresestán modelando un “amor hacia el aprender”. Pri-meros Maestros siempre se dan de cuenta de lascosas que les gusta a sus hijos. ¿Aman carros? ¿Co-cinar? ¿Modas? ¿Leer? ¿Deportes? o ¿Pintar? Esta esuna gran oportunidad para buscar libros o navegarel internet para reforzar sus intereses. Estas sonoportunidades para nuestros niños explorar y am-pliar sus conocimientos.

Primeros Maestros aseguran tiempo para leer

con sus hijos. Por lo general, la mama es la queasume la responsabilidad de leer, pero quisiera retara los padres para que sean intencional en leer con sushijos, no importando cuantos años tengan, por lomenos dos veces en la semana. Ellos aman oír la vozde Papi, no importando lo tonto que suene al quererimitar la voz de la Cenicienta, o lo miedoso quesuene su voz cuando este describiendo una escenasiniestra en el capitulo 4 de una novela de misterio.

Cuando los padres reconozcan que ellos son elPrimer Maestro de sus hijos, es inevitable que todaslas sendas conducirán al éxito de su niño.

Primer Maestro

By:Martha Gines

Page 19: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 19

Family TiesLazos Familiares



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¡Los padres pueden subir a lo

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By: Martha Gines

M any important lessons that lead to academiclearning actually happen before our childrenenter kindergarten. The “blank slate” already

has cognitive thought printed on its pages. Children havealready learned the art of speaking when they try toimitate the sounds they hear in their environment. Theyhave already learned the art of listening as theyconsistently hear the sounds of their mother’s voice affirmher love, over and over. They have already learned the artof sight, as they are in awe of the image of their fatherrescuing them from the cradle. They have enteredkindergarten with an understanding of written expression,through their numerous experiences with writing on thewalls at home. All of this, and more, has already takenplace, and they have not yet set foot in the classroom.They have yet to meet the teacher.

The groundwork for learning first takes place athome, with the parents as First Teachers. Parentalinvolvement can be a huge predictor of a child’s academicsuccess. As soon as a baby comes into this world, hisparents become his First Teachers, educating him aboutthe world we live in. They become their child’s advocate,making sure their needs are met at school and supportingthem in achieving their goals. Just as parents take on theresponsibility of nourishing a child’s body, they are alsoresponsible for nurturing their mind.

A parent’s responsibility is pivotal in their child achieving

academic success. It’s more than just checking to make surethat their homework has been completed, signingpermission slips or showing up on report card pick up day.Their involvement has to be GENUINE. Home and schoolare not two different arenas! First Teachers know this.

First Teachers are a model for learning, especiallyduring their child’s formative years. They read together,explore nature together, worship together, cook together(perhaps a tasty plate of “arroz con salchichas”), and readthe lyrics to a song as First Teachers make fools ofthemselves on the dance floor at home. These types ofparents are modeling a “love of learning”. First Teachersalways take notice of what their children love. Do theylove cars, cooking, fashion, reading, sports, or painting?This is a great opportunity to find books or websites thatreinforce their interests. These are opportunities for ourchildren to explore and expand their knowledge.

First Teachers set time aside to read with theirchildren. Usually the mother takes on this bondingexperience, but I would like to challenge the fathers to beintentional about reading with their children, no matterhow old they are, at least twice a week. They love thesound of the father’s voice, no matter how silly it mightsound when imitating Cinderella’s voice, or how scary itmight sound as he describes an ominous scene in Chapter4 in a mystery novel.

When parents recognize that they are their child’sFirst Teacher, it is inevitable that all roads will lead to theirchild’s success.

First Teacher

Page 20: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

20 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine

Las mujeres, los hombres y losniños aman a las mascotas porigual. Pero varios estudios indi-

can que éstas pueden desempeñar unimportante papel en las vidas de susdueñas.

Un estudio realizado por la Facul-tad de Medicina Veterinaria de la uni-versidad UC Davis descubrió uncomponen psicológico en la relaciónentre las mujeres y sus mascotas. Estosanimalitos son acompañantes cuandosus dueñas no tienen familiares y ami-

gos a disposición. Más aún, el estudioindicó que las mujeres que viven solaspero tienen mascota se sienten menosfaltas de compañía que quienes vivensolas sin un animalito.

En los últimos años las mascotasse han humanizado más, gracias engran parte a las mujeres que los adop-tan. Tanto así, que las mujeres están ala vanguardia en la compra de ropa y

accesorios para mascotas. Además, ensu mayoría se hacen cargo de los gas-tos de embellecimiento de sus masco-tas y de consentir a los animales, segúndatos de la Asociación Americana deProductos para Mascotas (AmericanPet Products Association, APPA). En el2012, la APPA estima que los consumi-dores estadounidenses gastarán unos$52.87 mil millones en sus mascotas. Y

es posible que las mujeres lideren esatendencia.

Está comprobado y demostradoque las mascotas pueden mejorar lacalidad de vida de las personas quecomparten con ellas sus vidas. El vín-culo emocional entre una mascota y sudueña puede ser más significativo quela relación entre las mascotas y otrosmiembros de la familia. (MS).

P ets are beloved by women, men and childrenalike. But research indicates that pets may play aspecial role in the lives of female pet owners.

A study by UC Davis School of VeterinaryMedicine uncovered a psychological component to therelationship between women and their pets. Pets actas companions when family members and friends areunavailable. Furthermore, the study also indicated thatwomen who live alone but own a pet are less lonelythan women living alone who are without a pet.

Pets have become more humanized in recentyears, thanks in large part to the women in theirlives. Women are driving the purchases of petclothing and accessories. Women largely fund the

grooming expenses for pets, and pamper theanimals, according to information from theAmerican Pet Products Association. In 2012, theAPPA estimates American consumers will spend$52.87 billion on their pets. And women justmay be doing the buying.

It is well documented that pets canimprove the quality of life of the peoplethat share their lives. The emotionalbond between a pet and a femalepet parent could be moresignificant than the relationshipbetween pets and othermembers of the family. (MS)

Family TiesLazos Familiares

Women and their pets

Las mujeres y sus mascotas

Create a Musical Mural with Steve MusgraveDate: Wed. October 03, 2012Time: 4:00 pmLocation:�Archer Heights �5055 S. Archer Avenue�60632Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:�With paint, cut paper and drawing materials, participants willcollaborate to create a mural that expresses the experienceof listening to music at the Archer Heights Branch Library onWednesday, October 3, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. For children ages5+. Please call 312-747-9241 for additional information.

Adult Book DiscussionDate: Wed. October 03, 2012Time: 6:00 pmLocation:�Vodak-East Side�3710 E. 106th Street�60617Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:Read and discuss Death with Interruptions by Jose Saramagoat the Vodak/Eastside Branch Library on Wednesday, Octo-ber 3, 2012 at 6 p.m. �Please call 312-747-5500 for additionalinformation. What if no one were to ever die again? What ifdeath became human and were to fall in love?

Piñata Stories and CraftsDate: Thu. October 04, 2012Time: 10:30 amLocation:�North Austin�5724 W. North Avenue�60639Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:�Join us as we share a few stories, learn a few Spanish words,sing, dance, and make Piñata craft to take home at the NorthAustin Branch Library on Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 10:30a.m. Please call 312-746-4233 for additional information.

Paper Mosaic Aztec Mask MakingDate: Thu. October 04, 2012Time: 3:30 pmLocation:�Jeffery Manor�2401 E. 100th Street�60617Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:Join us and learn about Aztec culture and create your ownAztec inspired mosaic mask using craft paper.

Latin American Stories and CraftsDate: Thu. October 04, 2012Time: 4:00 pmLocation:�Little Village�2311 S. Kedzie Avenue�60623Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:Listen to Latin American stories and make a craft at the LittleVillage Branch Library on Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 4:00p.m. Bilingual, for children ages 3-8. Please call 312-745-1862 for additional information.

Art and Wisdom of the Mayas (in Spanish)Date: Sat. October 06, 2012Time: 2:00 pmLocation:�McKinley Park�1915 W. 35th Street �60609Program: Hispanic Heritage MonthAbout this event:From Palenque and Tikal to Chichen Itza and Uxmal, theMayas have left us with an amazing cultural heritage. Comediscover highlights of their art, a doorway into the fascinatingMayan worldview at the McKinley Park Branch Library on Sa-turday, October 6, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Please call 312-747-6082 for additional information.

For more info visit

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH CONTINUESJoin the Chicago Public Library in Celebrating Diversity in 2012 with its an-

nual observance of Hispanic Heritage Month. Through October 15, the ChicagoPublic Library offers a variety of programs highlighting and honoring the mu-sical culture, traditions and contributions of Hispanic Americans.

Program highlights include exhibits by local artists, lectures and discus-sions, a screening of a selection from PBS’s POV series, storytelling, arts andcrafts for kids, and book discussions for adults and teens.

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I n mid-2011, roughly 200,000 Citigroupcredit card customers received somestartling news. Hackers had accessed

the gigantic bank's system, a securitybreach that exposed account holder'snames, e-mail addresses and accountnumbers to hackers.

News of the breach created a senseof panic among Citi's customers. Despitethe fact that customers' social securitynumbers, dates of birth, card expirationdates, and card security codes were notcompromised, the breach did leave thosecustomers whose information wasaccessed susceptible to further fraud.Having names and matching sensitiveinformation, such as e-mail addresses andaccount numbers, enables hackers topotentially perpetuate mass fraud, leavingCiti customers at great risk.

The Citi breach wasn't the onlybreach to cause panic. Shortly before Citirevealed its security had beencompromised, a banking breach at thePeople's Federal Credit Union in Texas wasvictimized by hackers who used asoftware program to generate debit cardnumbers which they then used in otherstates that do not require PIN numbers tomake a transaction. That breach left manyof the credit union's customers withnothing in their accounts, though thecredit union insisted the money would bereplaced. In Australia, a security breachcaused a handful of banks to cancel creditcards in an effort to protect customers.

These incidents occurred withinweeks of one another, leaving manyaccount holders wary of online banking.While it's safe to assume there will be

future security breaches, that doesn'tmean banking customers should abandononline banking. But it may meancustomers should take security moreseriously. The following security measuresare some of the ways men and womencan protect themselves from criminalslooking to access their information.

• Be wary of junk e-mails. Junk e-mail isless prevalent than it once was, but thatdoesn't mean it's now harmless. In fact,hyperlinks within junk e-mails are one ofthe more common ways hackers gainaccess to private a information. Such linkswill likely take consumers to sites that lookvery similar to their bank's Web site, andit's there where consumers findthemselves in deep trouble, enteringpersonal information that they'reessentially handing over to criminals.Banks do not use e-mail to contact theircustomers about account balances orother sensitive information. Even if the e-mail appears legitimate (and it likely will),do not click on the link within it. Instead,go directly to the institution's Web siteand login from there.

• Protect mobile devices.Mobiledevices are the same as computers andthey need the same protection. More andmore people bank through their mobiledevices, but those people might besurprised to know mobile banking appsare not always very secure. Whendownloading apps for your phone, alwaysresearch their security beforedownloading and always update themobile device security software as

frequently as possible.

• Change passwords. It's gettingincreasingly difficult to rememberpasswords. The more people go online, themore likely they are to be asked to create ausername and password. Each is requiredfor e-mail accounts, online banking,accessing bills online, and just aboutanything else that involves sensitiveinformation. While it can be difficult tokeep track of all those usernames andpasswords, it helps to change themfrequently and to never use the samepassword for multiple accounts. It'sespecially important to have a uniquepassword for online banking. In addition,make answers to additional securityquestions something only you wouldknow. For example, if asked for your highschool's mascot, say "meatloaf" or "hotdog" instead of the school's actual mascot.Such answers are more likely to be knownby you and you alone.

• Monitor accounts online daily. Inresponse to the Citi breach, manycustomers may have considered closingonline accounts. However, such ameasure makes it more difficult tomonitor financial activity. Insteadof eliminating accounts, peoplecan monitor their onlineaccounts on a daily basis.This makes it easier tocustomers to detectfraud and report it totheir financialinstitutionimmediately. (MS)

Safety measures to take when banking online

In mid-2011,roughly 200,000Citigroup credit cardcustomers receivedsome startlingnews. Hackers hadaccessed thegigantic bank'ssystem, a securitybreach that exposedaccount holder'snames, e-mailaddresses andaccount numbers tohackers.

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Evan Rodriguez’s entire life haschanged since the ChicagoBears drafted him, both

professionally and personally. Evanknows how to evolve, and he isquickly making some necessarytransitions. In college he was atight end, but as a pro, he hasadapted because the Bears arecounting on him to play fullback, h-back, and tight end. He’s notdoing too badly at that either; hewas named an opening day starterlast month.

Evan is also making a smoothtransition to his new home,Chicago. One of the hardest andover looked changes is adjusting toa new community. Evan has spentthe majority of his life in NorthBergen, New Jersey, just across the

river from New York City. Now helives halfway across the country in asmall suburb near Halas Hall, theChicago Bears facility in LakeForest. He is often able to see thegreat city of Chicago, whichreminds him of his hometown.Evan is not feeling homesickthough, he recently helped hismother and little brother move ashort distance away so the familycould stay close.

Azarel Lugo: How have youliked living in Chicago so far?

Evan Rodriguez: I like it a lot,reminds me of NYC, and I amalways comfortable in a big city.Also, it's a lot cleaner than NYC.

AL: Anything that makes youfeel like you are back at home?

ER: Not too much, other than its abig city like NYC. I am not really asuburban guy; you never knowwhat's going to pop out at youfrom the woods!

AL: What have been the 2 mostchallenging adjustments withthe move to Chicago?

ER: Definitely just getting familiarwith the surrounding area andmaking connections, both personaland for business.

AL: What have been the 2 mostchallenging adjustments to life as anNFL starter for the Chicago Bears?

ER: Being focused on the game andbeing consistent, week in and weekout. There's a lot of pressure beinga rookie having to prove yourself. Ilearned a lot from Brandon Marshalalready - he preaches to me thatguys get satisfied too quickly andthen they aren't hungry anymore,like they were when they were new.

AL: Evan, so how are yougetting your dose of PuertoRican food these days?

ER: Oh definitely my mom'scooking, and also some shops nearthe Spanish barber shop I go to inthe city, Barber Lounge onMilwaukee Ave.

Evan knows how toevolve, and he isquickly making somenecessary transitions.In college he was atight end, but as apro, he has adaptedbecause the Bears arecounting on him toplay fullback, h-back,and tight end.

PorAzarel Lugo

The Evan Experience [ Phase 2 ]

Photo: B-Freed Photography Photo: Anthony Santiago

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Personal de Nuevo Impact

La ciudad de Chicago siempre ha sidoconocida por dar a luz grandes músi-cos y artistas, pero en algunas ocasio-

nes somos bendecidos cuando algunos delos grandes se muda de otro lugar a nuestrapreciosa ciudad. ¿Pues saben que? ¡Otra le-genda esta viviendo entre nosotros! JorgeEmmanuelli Náter es el mayor de los “Her-manos Emmanuelli Náter” y el bisnieto dellegendario tocador de Bomba “Sergio NáterPeña”. Jorge representa por lo menos 100años de legado musical Afro-Caribeño. Du-rante mas de treinta años de trabajo musical,cultural y educativo en Puerto Rico, EstadosUnidos y Europa; Jorge ha tenido la oportu-nidad de colaborar y presentarse junto a or-questas y artistas legendarios tales como: LosMuñequitos de Matanzas, William CepedaAfrorican Jazz, Clave Tres Jazz Ensemble,Elías López y Trompetas con Trovadores,Giovanni Hidalgo, Cachete Maldonado, An-thony Carrillo, Johnny El Bravo, Carmita Ji-ménez, Danny Rivera, Don Rafael CepedaAtiles y La Familia Cepeda, y muchos otros.Su entrenamiento e influencias musicales seextienden fuera de la isla de Puerto Rico apaíses tales como Burkina Faso (África,) SriLanka, Honduras, Georgia (Rusia), Méjico,Italia, Francia, y Cuba entre otros.

Como resultado de su vasto conoci-miento y experiencia en la música Afro-Caribeña Jorge Emmanuelli Náter esconsiderado un Anciano y Maestro con-temporáneo de la percusión, el canto, elbaile, y la composición de la Bomba y de laPlena dentro y fuera de Puerto Rico. Tam-bién figura como director artístico y musi-cal de la “CHICAGO AFRO-PUERTORICAN ENSEMBLE” y como fundador de“La Primera Familia de la Evolución de laBomba y Plena – HERMANOS EMMANUE-LLI NÁTER”

En esta entrevista exclusiva con NuevoImpact Jorge nos comparte su conoci-miento y perspectiva en cuanto su generomusical.

NI: ¿Cuál es la importancia o el valor quetiene el poder impartir el conocimiento yexponer estos géneros musicales?Jorge: Casi todos los géneros musicalesdentro de la cultura “Pop” mundial contie-nen o están influenciados por la músicaAfro-Caribeña y Latino Americana en ge-neral. Desde la música de Justin Bieber,Carrie Underwood, Mariah Carey, hasta lafamosa Lady Gaga; la presencia de música

Afro-Caribeña se percibe tangiblementemientras es interpretada por artistas de al-cance nacional e internacional. Este granhecho convierte la impartición de nuestrolegado y conocimiento en un regalo de unvalor incalculable dentro del espectro delas artes en general.

NI: ¿Cuáles géneros musicales han nacidode la música Afro-Caribeña los cuales po-drían pasar por desapercibidos a la per-cepción del publico?Jorge: Muchos géneros musicales Afro-Ca-ribeños tales como la Bomba y la Plena sonlos ancestros de géneros musicales de lacultura “Pop” moderna tales como el Rock,Hip Hop, Reggaeton, Latin Jazz, Salsa,Funk, House y muchos mas. Por tal razónmuchos rasgos musicales dentro de la mú-sica moderna como el elemento de patro-nes rítmicos-direccionales, mejorconocido como “CLAVE”, siempre estánpresentes dentro la música que escucha-mos a diario siendo interpretada por nues-tros artistas favoritos.

NI: Háblanos sobre cuan especial y únicosson los instrumentos que tocas en estosgéneros musicales.Jorge: A pesar de que la Bomba a existidopor mas de tres siglos, los instrumentosmusicales tradicionales de la música Afro-Puertorriqueña han sido mantenidos enobscuridad. Instrumentos como el barrilde Bomba son ancestros de muchos ins-trumentos de percusión ya consideradosinternacionales como los bongos, congas,y aun la batería. Precisamente el Barril deBomba es el instrumento nacional mas an-tiguo de Puerto Rico. También están lospanderos o panderetas de Plena, y ambostambores usan cuero de cabra a diferenciade las congas que usan cuero de vaca.También existen otros instrumentos den-tro de la música tradicional puertorri-queña los cuales me he dedicado a sacarde la obscuridad como la “Marimbula”, lacual es el ancestro musical del bajo acús-tico y eléctrico que se usa en casi todos losgéneros musicales en el mundo. Por causade que los instrumentos antes menciona-dos están totalmente excluidos de la mú-sica tropical contemporánea de mayorpopularidad y circulación, convierte a losmismos en “especies en peligro de extin-ción”, y a la vez los hace muchos mas es-peciales para todo aquel que los tiene y losquiere aprender a tocar en los géneros mu-sicales de hoy en día.

24 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine


Maestro Contemporáneo de la percusión Afro-Caribeña

Jorge Emmanuelli Náter

Foto: Anthony Santiago

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Nuevo Impact Staff

Chicago is known for givingbirth to great musicians andartists, but every now andthen, we are blessed to havesome of the great ones move

from other places to our beloved city.Guess what, another legend has movedinto town! Jorge E. Emmanuelli Náter isthe elder brother of the HermanosEmmanuelli Náter Bomba & PlenaEnsemble and great grandson of masterBomba musician Sergio Náter Peña. Jorgeembodies the legacy of at least 100 yearsof Afro-Caribbean music. In over thirtyyears of musical, cultural, and educationalwork in Puerto Rico, the US, and EuropeJorge has had the opportunity tocollaborate and perform with legendarymusical ensembles and artist such as the,Los Muñequitos de Matanzas, WilliamCepeda’s Afrorican Jazz, Clave Tres JazzEnsemble, Elias Lopez y Trompetas conTrovadores, Giovanni Hidalgo, CacheteMaldonado, Anthony Carrillo, Johnny ElBravo, Carmita Jimenez, Danny Rivera,Don Rafael Cepeda Atiles and the CepedaFamily and many others. His musical andartistic preparation and influences extendoutside of Puerto Rico including countriessuch as Burkina Faso (Africa,) Sri Lanka,Honduras, Georgia (Russia), Mexico, Italy,France, and Cuba.

As a result of his vast knowledge andexperience in Afro-Puerto Rican music,Jorge E. Emmanuelli Náter is considered acontemporary Elder and a Masterdrummer, singer, dancer, as well ascomposer of both Bomba and Plena inPuerto Rico and beyond. He is the musicaland artistic director of the CHICAGOAFRO-PUERTO RICAN ENSEMBLE andfounder of the Bomba & Plena ensembleknow as “The first family of Puerto RicanBomba and Plena Evolution” HERMANOSEMMANUELLI NÁTER”.

In this Nuevo Impact exclusiveinterview, Jorge shares his perspective andexpertise on the importance of his genreof music.

NI: What is the value of imparting theknowledge and exposure of thisgenre of music?Jorge:Almost every single musical genrewithin worldwide pop culture contains oris influenced by Afro-Caribbean and Latin

American music. From Justin Bieber, CarrieUnderwood, Mariah Carey, to Lady Gaga,Afro-Caribbean music is tangibly presentevery week at the top of the charts beingperformed by national and internationalartists all over the world. This fact makesthe impartation of our legacy even morevaluable within the music industry andgreater arts spectrum.

NI: What genres of music werebirthed out of Afro-Caribbean Musicthat the common person may noteven realize?Jorge: Afro-Caribbean music – such asAfro-Puerto Rican Bomba and Plena – arethe ancestor of many modern pop culturemusic genres such as Rock, Hip Hop,Reggaeton, Latin Jazz, Salsa, Funk andmany more. Therefore, many musicalfeatures such as the element of directionalrhythmic patterns, better known as“CLAVE”, are always present in all ourfavorite music as being performed daily byour favorite artists.

NI: Tell us about some of the uniquenessof your instruments in this genre.Jorge: Even though Bomba has beenaround for more than three centuries,the instrumentation for traditional Afro-Puerto Rican music has been kept inobscurity. Bomba barrels are one of theancestor drums to many internationalpercussive instruments such as bongos,congas and even the “drum sets ordrum kits”. They are the older nationalinstruments in Puerto Rico along withthe “Panderos de Plena” or Plena pandrums, and they use goatskin asopposed to the cow skin used forbongos and congas. There are otherAfro-Caribbean ancestral instrumentsused in Puerto Rican traditional musicthat I am devoted to bringing back fromobscurity such as the “Marimbula”which is the ancestor of the acoustic andelectric bass used in most music genresin the world. Many of our favoritemodern tropical music forms do notinclude these instruments in theirensembles, although they include theirderivatives. Their absence incontemporary musical genres makesthese instruments “endangeredspecies”, and very unique for those whohave them and want to learn how toplay them nowadays.

Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 25


Jorge Emmanuelli NáterContemporary Afro-Caribbean Elder and Master Percussionist

Photo: Anthony Santiago

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I t’s hard to believe it is back to school timealready! Well, in Chicago it is back to schooltime with a little bit of Déjà vu; but regardless, it

is still a great time to get the family back on trackfor the new school year. Many parents worryabout keeping the family healthy, so I haveprovided a few tips to help you get your family onthe right track to a healthy lifestyle.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast• Studies show that kids who eat breakfasthave better long-term and short-term memoryand can recall information better than those whodon’t eat breakfast. Breakfast-eaters also havebetter test grades and school attendance—and

even better moods.• If your kids skip on breakfast they are proneto consume more and burn less caloriesthroughout the day due to hunger. It could beharder for hungry kids to concentrate and learn.• Top 10 breakfast ideas:1. Yogurt with berries topped with granola2. High fiber cold cereal with low fat milk andstrawberries3. Toast with peanut butter and apple slices4. Bagel with low fat cream cheese and banana5. Muffin, pear and low fat milk or yogurt

The next five ideas are a bit off-beat, which goesto show you can have fun with breakfast—and

still make it quick and nutritious.

6. How about peanut butter and jelly rolled upin a whole-wheat tortilla? Grab an apple andsome fat-free milk and you’re all set.7. Toast a whole-wheat bagel half and top itwith reduced-fat cheese and tomato slices. Add aglass of grapefruit juice.8. Dip into hummus (chick pea dip) with high-fiber crackers, and enjoy a cluster of grapes on theside.9. Have a hard-boiled egg with whole-wheatbread sticks and a glass of tomato juice.10. Raid the fridge for “unbreakfast-like” optionssuch as a slice of cold cheese pizza with a glass oforange juice.

Think small• Pay attention to what the kids are eating andprovide the right selections when it comes to mealportions. Portions should be given according totheir age and activity level.

Keep them fueled• Keep in mind that kids have active schedulesand may need a snack from time to time. Add asnack to their backpacks—especially if theyparticipate in extracurricular activities—or greetthem with healthy snacks when they come home.Here is a list of a few healthy snacks (100 caloriesand under) your kids will love:� ½ small cantaloupe or 1 small banana� 4 cubes of low fat cheese� 1 cup (8 oz.) fat free yogurt� 6 large cucumber slices dipped in lime juice� 1 frozen fruit juice bar� ½ cup wheat cereal with ½ cup skim milk� 1 medium orange or 20 grapes� 2 cups fat free popcorn sprinkled with yourfavorite seasoning (rosemary, Italian seasonings,chilli powder, etc.)� 10 whole roasted almonds

Back to School Nutrition Guide: Tips to Help Children Succeed in School

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700 N. Milwaukee Avenue # 130 Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061



Curry, Kabab & Seafood House

Provide a variety of nutritious foods • The school lunch should provide well-balanced meals, but it is also the parent’sresponsibility to provide a variety of healthy mealsat home.• Include fruits and vegetables with each meal. • In addition, include low fat milk and/or low-fat dairy products, beans, lean meats such asseafood twice a week (see recipe below), whole-grain breads and cereals and every now and thensurprise them with a treat.

Plan your weekly meals together• Planning your meals together is a great toolfor making sure you provide them with favorites,but also with foods with high nutrient value.Encourage ideas that help kids to make nutritiouschoices that are still fun. For example, a diet rich inseafood can aid brain development and heart andeye health. Recipes such as Gorton’s Fish StickStackers and Fish Face BLT Wrap allows kids to becreative, while getting in those wonderful Omega3s found in seafood.

Get Moving• All physical activity contributes to betterhealth, but you also need about 30 to 60 minutesof cardiovascular activities each week for optimumheart health. Walking just a few extra minutes aday may lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and may raisehealthy cholesterol (HDL). Exercise doesn’t have tobe a trip to the gym: choose physical activities thatinvolve the whole family such as bicycling, soccer,dancing or walking the dog.

Be a Role Model• Research shows that mothers are one of themain sources of health information in the familyand often serve as role models for their daughters.Set an example for your family by eating healthyand staying active yourself and encouraginghealthy activities you can do together as a familysuch as cooking meals, gardening or taking awalk.

Stress Less • Remember to schedule a little time for funand relaxation. Reduce daily stress with exercise,friendships, group affiliations, hobbies andlaughing. For a special treat, get away for theweekend to any place you can escape with familyand friends.

Sylvia’s Recipe of the Month

Ingredients2 refrigerated pie crust, thawed if frozen2 (6.3 oz.) packages frozen Gorton’s Grilled Salmon

Fillets2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped3 tablespoons butter, melted1 egg, lighted beaten

Preparation1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 2. Roll each piecrust and cut each piece in half.

Transfer all four Gorton’s Grilled Salmon Filletsinto a large baking pan lined with parchmentpaper.

3. In a small bowl, combined, butter, parsley andbasil and mix thoroughly.

4. Place each fillet on top of each piecrust piece andspread butter mixture evenly on top of all foursalmon fillets.

5. Fold pastry to form a triangle and pinch crusttogether firmly to seal, and then lightly pressedges with a dinner fork for a decorative effect, ifdesired.

6. Dip a pastry brush into beaten egg and brush topof each empanada with beaten egg.

7. Bake for about 25 to 28 minutes or until crispgolden brown. May cover lightly with foil paperto avoid over browning.

Yield: 4 servings

NOTE: May use any Gorton’s grilled fillets instead ofsalmon

Below is a recipe to help you get a delicious lean protein in a snap, ¡BUEN PROVECHO!


Page 30: Beauty Secreats of a Plastic Surgeon

Bajo la administración delPresidente Obama hanocurrido varios cambiosmuy importantes de apli-cación de la ley migrato-

ria. Cuando es cierto que no se halogrado una reforma migratoria, la

administraciónha implementadocambios impor-tantes en la ma-nera deinterpretar y apli-car las leyes. Al-gunos cambiosfavorecen a losmigrantes, perootros han conver-tido a la adminis-tración en una delas más duras enmateria de depor-taciones.

El primer cambio fue la intensi-ficación en el número de deportacio-nes. La administración ha hechohincapié en la importancia de aplicarlas leyes existentes y comenzó la pri-mera parte de la Administración im-plementando estrategias paradetener y deportar a un creciente nú-mero de extranjeros (el más grandeen los últimos años).

Asimismo, la carga de trabajo delos tribunales migratorios se ha in-crementado de tal manera, que losjueces aplazan fechas para juicio dedos a tres años.

La segunda parte del periodo deObama ha visto un cambio en la ma-

nera en que se interpretan las reglasadministrativas. Ya que el Congresono ha aprobado ningún cambio a laley en sí, el Presidente ha tomado lainiciativa para implementar cambiosen su ámbito de poder. Para comen-zar, permitió que los Fiscales de Mi-gración puedan ejercer máslibremente sus poderes de discreciónpara procesar o no a una persona in-documentada. En muchos casos,personas indocumentadas eran dete-nidas por autoridades policíacas es-tatales y procesadas por violacionesde tránsito o crímenes menores. Va-rios Estados de la Unión comenzarona adoptar sus propias reglas quasi-migratorias y a detener a un crecientenúmero de extranjeros. Gracias a ladiscreción de los fiscales migratorios,muchas personas –que aunque se-guirían indocumentadas- se benefi-ciaron del cierre administrativo delos procesos de deportación en sucontra.

Por último, el famoso caso de los“DREAMERS”, donde el Presidenteaplica un remedio administrativopara permitir una acción diferidapara permitir que jóvenes menores a31 años de edad, y que llegaron antesde los 15 años, puedan obtener unpermiso de trabajo y un seguro so-cial. De igual manera, la persona norecibe la residencia, pero puede ob-tener licencia de manejo, acceso apréstamos, etc.

El Presidente Obama reciente-mente reconoció su falla en lograruna nueva ley migratoria, una re-

forma que promueva el trato justo delos millones de personas que se en-cuentran indocumentadas. Por con-secuencia, sí gana las elecciones, unsegundo periodo le permitirá propo-

ner una reforma migratoria amplia,que arregle un sistema que ha perpe-tuado la situación ilegal insosteniblee ilógica que divide miles de familiasen nuestro país.

30 NuevoImpact Octubre 2012 Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine


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La Migración bajo la Administración de Barack Obama

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Latino Family Lifestyle Magazine Octubre 2012 NuevoImpact 31

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