beauty and the beast - treatment.doc

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  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc





    Saladino Lopes

    201382 Erskine Street

    Sydney NSW 2000Australia

    +61 4 0641 6579

    [email protected]

  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc



    A beautiful young maiden is held captive by an evil Beast. The Beast must not only

    learn to love her, but win her love in return if he is ever to lift the curse and becomehuman again.

    The story of 'The Beauty and the Beast' is one that transcends time itself.

    Since the days when storytelling was once a spoken art, it has lived on in the hearts

    and minds of its audience. When words were not enough they tried to act out their

    fantasies on stage and when plays were not enough they tried to reenact those

    moments on film.

    Although there have been minor variations with each new retelling the basic plot and

    premise have remained relatively the same.

    In order to justify a remake I wanted to create a version that while remaining true to

    the original, brought something different. Something that audience had never seen


    Trying to distill the very essence of what had made it so magical, I approached this

    project with this idea of illusion. That things are not what they appear to be and

    everything is not what it seems.

    The plot of the story revolves around the illusion of class difference and the

    expectations that society places on us.

    Nobility marry with others of class, status and breeding. Holding firmly to the

    traditions that their predecessors have passed down to them and the expectations

    that come with blood and lineage.

    Forced into prearranged marriages against their choosing, those of noble blood are

    able to afford certain luxuries but not afforded the luxury of freedom that their

    common born counterparts would otherwise enjoy.

    Condemned to a loveless existence, they are forced to make the same mistakes

    over and over again.

    'Those who do not learn from history are forever doomed to repeat it'

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    A carriage travels along the road by night

    In the distance, a village under a moonlit sky

    The carriage makes its way along the road

    Before stopping outside a quaint two story provincial house

    The side door of the carriage opens outwards

    Stepping out from the carriage is a dark shadowy figure

    His face obscured beneath the brim of his wide hat, casting a shadow over his


    His long flowing coat trailing behind him

    The mysterious figure approaches the front door of the house

    Belles uncle is sitting in a wide back chair in front of the fireplace

    Smoking a pipe or reading a book

    When he hears a knock at the door

    Setting aside whatever he was doing

    He goes to answer the door

    Opening the door to see who it is calling at such a late hour

    In the room upstairs Belle is trying to sleep

    When she hears the commotion going on outside her door

    It sounds as if her uncle is arguing with someone

    Though she cant make out what they are saying

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    Wondering who it is coming around at this time of the night

    Slipping out from under her bed sheets she goes to take a look

    Belle walks downstairs to see whatshappening

    Only to see her uncle close the door behind him

    Before she is able to see who it was he was talking with

    Wondering who it is and why they are arguing

    But her uncle reassures her that it was nothing she need concern herself with

    Before ushering her back to bed

    Belle slips under the bed sheets

    Sitting on the edge of the bed, her uncle tucks her in for the night

    Seeing that shes having trouble getting back to sleep

    He goes across the room, browsing through the book shelf

    Before coming upon the one he is looking for

    He returns to her bedside with the book

    Making a deal with her

    He offers to read her a bedtime story in exchange for her having a good nights rest

    She agrees to the deal

    Opening the book he begins leafing through the pages before finding the chapter he

    is after

    Acting as story teller he reads the bedtime story to her

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    Narrating the opening of the story

    A convoy is travelling along the road

    A single carriage escorted by soldiers on horseback

    The weather conditions are gloomy and bleak

    The forest is shrouded in a heavy fog

    It all seems eerily silent

    There is a certain mood and atmosphere specific to this place

    They pass through a narrow passage skirted on either side by trees and shrubs

    Hidden behind the trees bandits/highway men watch the passing convoy from either


    As they wait for the signal to ambush them

    The rider at the front of the front of the convoy signal the other men to stop

    Inside the carriage Lord Bertrand notices the carriage coming to a halt

    He looks outside to see one of the soldiers pass by the window

    Moments pass by in silent anticipation

    He appears anxious, his hand fidgeting with impatience

    His fingers tapping impatiently on the arm rest

    He takes out an antique fob watch and looks at the time before returning it to his


    Rather than wait he opens the side door to the carriage to see whats keeping them

    Blocking the path ahead of them is a wagon that appears to have had an accident

    While the other soldiers keep a look out

    A few of the men have dismounted from their horses to render assistance to the

    stricken travelers

    One of the riders escorting the carriage urges him to stay inside

    Tells him the situation at hand, of the broken down wagon

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    The men tell him to stay inside

    Before the man has a chance to reply/finish his sentence

    His words are suddenly silenced by the sound of gun fire

    Struck by a bullet the man falls from his horse

    Lord Bertrand watches him fall before clambering back into the safety of the carriage

    Emerging from behind their hiding spots

    The marauding bandits attack in numbers

    Rushing at them from all sides

    The captain of the guard cries out for his men to take up arms

    The soldiers return fire, but are unable to keep them at bay for long

    As they are soon forced to engage them in close combat

    In the confusion that follows their ranks become scattered and disorientated

    From inside the carriage Lord Bertrand cant help but watch as his own men are

    picked off one by one

    Some of them are taken down from afar by riflemen

    While others are caught in the middle of a relentless onslaught

    Despite their valiant attempts at protecting him they are either outnumbered or


    Seeing that all is lost, Lord Bertrand tries to make a run for it

    Stumbling and staggering out of the carriage he flees into the forest

    Hoping that in the ensuing confusion he will somehow get away


    One of the bandits appears at the window of his carriage leering in at him

    Latched shut from the inside the bandit tries to force his way in by punching through

    the window pane

    Emerging from the other side of the carriage Lord Bertrand stumbles and staggers

    out of the carriage

    Before fleeing into the forest

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    POV of one of the bandits, as he stares down the barrel of a rifle aimed at Lord

    Bertrand who escaping into the forest

    Before he is able to pull the trigger, one of his brethren stops him

    Lord Bertrand flees from the bandits hoping to lose them in the fog

    Just as he thinks he has lost them, comes the sounds of his pursuers not far behind

    Pushing him further on

    Though the further he ventures into the forest the more lost he becomes

    His clothes becoming torn and frayed as they are caught in the thickets and


    His boots becoming sodden with mud and leaves as he stumbles and staggers


    He leans against a tree, pausing to catch his breath

    Hearing them approach, he hides behind the tree

    Thinking that if he keeps still and stays quiet they wontbe able to find him

    Listening to them talk amongst themselves

    Lord Bertrand listens as their footsteps recede into the distance

    He peers around the trunk, catching a glimpse of them before they melt back into the

    gloom of the forest

    Emerging from his hiding place, he continues onwards

    Uncertain of where he is going only as long as its far away from them

    Emerging from the forest out into the open

    He finds himself in what appears to be the remnants of an old cemetery

    Walking amidst stone statues covered in moss and lichen, weathered with age,

    wreathed in wisteria vines and overgrown with ivy

    Surrounded by these stone figures, he cant help but feel that he is being watched

    In the eerie silence, every sound is magnified and even the slightest noise can

    somehow seem foreboding

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    He trudges on through the muck and mire before being brought to a halt

    His breath catching in his throat

    As the fog ahead of him slowly clears to reveal Avenant Manor

    A cross between a Baroque and a Jacobean manor with Gothic embellishments

    A weathered stone edifice whose outward appearance can be likened to that of a

    mausoleum tomb

    Drawing near, the building seems to loom over him ominously

    Walking up the flagstone steps he leaves behind a trail of muddy footprints in his


    Beyond being polite or having manners

    He knocks urgently on the door to get the attention of whoever is inside

    The door however yields all too easily too his touch

    Left slightly ajar it opens inwards as if inviting him to enter

    Pushing it open further he peers into the darkness inside

    He calls out to see if anyone is home, but no one responds

    The house remains silent

    Standing upon the threshold he looks back one last time before deciding to enter

    In desperation to escape his pursuers, he searches for shelter and sanctuary within

    the manor

    He calls out, half expecting somebody to respond

    Hearing only the old wooden floorboards creaking and groaning underfoot as he

    walks on them

    Venturing further in, he soon gets the distinct impression that the place has long

    since been abandoned

    Indications that it hasnt been lived in for a while

    The autumn leaves litter the ground, blown in by the wind

    Mould clings to the ceilings above

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    Moisture has caused the wallpaper to peel off

    Evidence that rot and decay have set in

    A fine patina of dust covers the mantel piece

    Lord Bertrand runs his finger along it, before coming away with a piece of lint that he

    rubs between his thumb and forefinger

    He stops to admire a painting of the manors former resident and master overlooking

    the fireplace

    A painting in the tenebrous style which make use of the chiaroscuro technique

    A picture that has since faded over time and become worn with age

    The strange thing about this picture is the porcelain mask he wears to cover his face

    He cocks his eyebrow in a questioning manner, but does not stop too long to think of

    such things

    After having run through the forest to escape his pursuers he feels exhausted

    Despite the urgency of the situation he realizes he needs some rest

    In front of the fireplace there sits two wide back chairs and table with a chessboard

    on it

    Deciding to make himself comfortable, he seats himself in one of the chairs

    Looking upon the chessboard he sees the chess pieces have been set, but there is

    no one to play with

    It is the last thing he notices before his eyelids grow too heavy and sleep overcomes


    The house is pitched into darkness

    A flame sparks and sputters to life

    A fire that spreads out to fill the fireplace

    Illuminating the chamber surroundings

    Seated in the chair before the fireplace Lord Bertrand still sleeps

    A shadow passes over him

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    The sound of a chair creaking and groaning underneath the weight of someone

    sitting down upon it

    Hearing the noise Lord Bertrand soon rouses from his slumber

    Slowly his eyes flicker open before the realization comes upon him

    Causing him to sit upright in attention

    Bleary eyed and half conscious he looks around the room

    But there is no one to be found

    He sinks back into the chair trying to relax, loosening his grip on the arm rest

    Looking down he sees a decanter of brandy and two shot glasses

    As a token of goodwill he takes it upon himself to accept this small gesture of


    Sitting up he pours himself a drink

    Before bringing it to his lips

    He is about to take a sip when he notices something

    A pawn on the chessboard appears to have been moved

    He pauses momentarily

    Before downing the contents of the glass in one gulp

    Setting the glass down on the table

    He decides to take

    Move one of his pawns into position

    Sinking back into his seat

    Lord Bertrand waits for his gracious host to return

    As he begins tapping his fingers impatiently on the arm rest

    With a short attention span, his eyes begin to wander

    He begins to wonder where this host of his might be and when hell return

    Turning back he notices something odd

    One of the chess pieces appears to have been moved while he wasntlooking

    Before he can even give voice to the question he looks up from the board

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    To see Master Avenant sitting in the chair before him, appearing as if out of nowhere

    Lord Bertrand is so shocked and aghast he stumbles backwards, knocking the chair


    Grabbing the fireplace poker he brandishes it as a weapon

    Keeping his distance from him

    Seated in the chair opposite him, Master Avenant looks calm and composed

    He wears a long full bottomed wig that lies draped across his shoulders, a symbol of

    status and prestige amongst French aristocracy

    Elaborately tailored garments of French nobility

    Leather gloves over his hands

    A porcelain mask to cover his face, giving him an air of mystery and elusiveness

    Underneath the mask is a shadowy translucent form

    Staring out from between the slits of the mask where the eyes should be is nothing

    but a dark empty void

    It is not that which most intrigues him, but the fact that the lips of the porcelain mask

    move accordingly when he speaks

    The master of the house tells him his full title and name (honorific)

    The master of the house answers him in a relaxed and casual manner as if

    everything were normal and nothing was out of the ordinary

    The Lord must wonder if he is dreaming

    The master tells him to relax sit down and that he is no danger

    Before casually tells him that it is his move

    He looks down at the chess board

    He sits back down

    Lord Avenant understands what he must be going through/can only imagine the

    thoughts going through his head right now

    That if wants to go he can, he is entirely free to go if he wishes

    Though he must warn him about the others still looking for him

    Lord Bertrand looks outside the window to the flames of torchlight in the distance, asthe bandits seek him out

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    Not wishing to overstay his welcome any more than he has to

    (The line between the world that we think we know and this other world we can only

    imagine begins to blur / the line between reality and fantasy)

    Lord Bertrand emerges from the front door of the manor

    Folding his arms over his chest, he braces himself against the cold

    Before descending the flagstone steps

    Standing by the attic window overlooking the courtyard

    MasterAvenantlooks out the window watching as Lord Bertrand leaves

    Behind him his son appears at the door

    Asking him who it was

    Behind him, his son appears at the doorway

    His father turning askance to address him

    Nothing you need concern yourself with

    Never once looking back as he leaves the manor behind him

    Lord Bertrands figure slowly recedes into the distance

    Before completely disappearing into the fog

    Hiking through forest he uses a fallen branch as a walking aid

    The more distance he puts behind him and that accursed manor the closer he gets to

    returning to his own home stead

    Over time the conditions seem to gradually improve

    The perpetual fog that seems to enshroud the forest in perpetual gloom soon gives

    way to rich evergreen trees and shrubs

    Emerging into the light of day

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    The end of the story teller narrating the intro as it seamlessly transitions into the

    main story itself

    Set many years later

    As many years pass in an instant

    There is a seamless transition as he ages before our very eyes

    There are lines upon his face, signs of having aged

    Wrinkles around his eyes, hair graying at the temples

    The hair of the young girl changes, with the curls growing out becoming slightly


    The nobleman grows into an old man and his young daughter has since grown to

    become a beautiful woman.

    Pulling back from the embrace, he stops to look at her

    She has since grown from the girl he once knew into young woman

    Itscome to the day when he has to fulfill that promise made long ago

    By giving his daughter away

    Promised to another when she was just a young girl

    Now that day has come, he will have to send her away

    There is a look of sadness and regret as he is forced to watch his daughter go,

    married off to someone else she hardly even knows

    (When they pull back from the embrace, we the audience realize it isnt Belle)

    Belle is at the doorlooking in

    (It is here we realize the situation/roles are reversed)

    Belle interrupts, coughs to get their attention/ knocks politely

    Accidentally interrupting them

    To announce the carriage has arrived

    Father leaves them to talk amongst themselves

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    Her father tells his daughter Anna that he will be downstairs waiting

    Preparing the carriage for departure

    Belle the servant helps Anna pack her things for the journey

    Her friend is thankful for her coming when she did

    Things could have gotten a lot more awkward if she hadnt

    Her friend hasnt even finished packing, indecisive about what to take with her

    (Exposition - says a lot about her state of mind)

    Helping Anna pack her clothes and belonging

    For the journey ahead

    Where she will be sent off to live with her new husband

    They are both tentative and anxious

    Belle and her friend get into some long winded conversationwhere they

    contemplated this kind of thing since they were young

    Never thinking about what would happen when it would

    And now the day has arrived, she is not sure what to think

    Belle chides herself for being so bad at saying goodbye

    Lord Bertrands daughter Anna discuss the impending marriagewith her close friend

    Belle; the niece of the caretaker of the grounds.

    The woman being betrothed is scared and anxious and needs Belle there for


    Belle wants to go with her, but she has commitments

    One of which is to take care of her Uncle

    Being a product of their upbringing, both have different views on the impending


    While Anna acts like a traditional housewife who wants to be waited on hand and foot

    and have everything provided for her

    Belle is more like a contemporary role model. She does not want to be a stay at

    home all day mom waiting for her man to return so she can tend to his every need.

    She is more comfortable in working. Keeping herself occupied.

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    Having a great sense of satisfaction in knowing that she has accomplished

    something at the end of the day.

    Having been brought up on the notion of fairy tale weddings, the Anna talks about

    the tradition of arranged marriages as if it were something to be proud of. But Belle is

    not one to be tied down by convention.

    It goes without saying that Belle has her reservations about her friend being married

    off to someone she hardly even knows, but the real reason she is so sad is that her

    friend is going away.

    (Their roles have been switched. Instead of Belle, someone else is to be sent in her

    place. Belle helps Anna pack her things for the trip while she stays behind)

    Farewell scene

    Lord Bertrand and the other house servants see her off

    Gathered around the carriage with Belle amongst them

    Watching as her friend leaves

    Belle holds her to a promise, to write back to her when she gets there

    But her friend says that once shes settled in, she will send for Belle

    Which reassures her somewhat?

    The carriage departs

    Anna waving goodbye to those gathered

    The others go back to doing their chores, as life continues on

    Bell stays behind, watching as the carriage passes beyond the gates

    Being closest to her, there is a sense of longing as she watches her go

    Either that she wont see her again or that she longs to venture beyond

    She wistfully sighs before joining the others

    Returning back to her everyday existence

    Belle returns to the kitchen pantry, slipping through the back door

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    Sitting on the edge of the bed, staring out the window

    He turns to her askance;an empty and forlorn look upon his face

    Feeling as if shessomehow caught him in the act or invading his privacy

    She excuses herself, apologizing for intruding

    She turns on her heel trying to exit graciously

    She is about to close the door behind her

    When she hears Lord Bertrands voice calling for her to wait

    She peeks in, meek and subservient

    He remains looking out the window, looking off into the distance

    As if in contemplation

    (This scene is a clue/hint to Belles true identity - From Belles POV he could be

    talking about his daughter Anna, but from his POV he could be hinting at Belle being

    his daughter)

    Belle offers him her condolence and excuses him for his faults

    (From Belles POV she offers him her condolence, but from his POV it is as if she is

    excusing him for his faults)

    Before reverting once again to master and servant role

    (Long Version)

    He looks like a man who lives in the past, haunted by the decisions he has had to


    He is somehow distant with an air of detachment

    Belle apologizes for intruding and politely excuses herself

    Lord Bertrand however tells her to wait before bidding her to enter.

    (In a very cryptic manner he reveals some clues without going into detail)

    One the one hand it could be construed that he misses his daughter and talks about

    her in absence (how Belle perceives it)

    But on the other hand he could be vaguely hinting at her true identity

    Lord Bertrand is seated on the bed, he is turned away from her(metaphorically

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    Before making his way inside

    (Employing misdirection so as to keep a sense of mystery and not give away

    anything away too soon. I want to use the effect of the storm, the play of light and

    shadow here, the foreboding and ominous drum and rhythm of the thunder)

    Taking out anyone who stands in his way

    The reverberating bass of thunder can be felt, a deep bass in time with the growing

    tension and suspense that continues to build

    He is on the roof overlooking the grounds

    Watching as the guards scurry about

    Lightning flashes behind him and his dark silhouette with his long flowing cape is

    cast into relief against the stormy sky

    Lord Bertrand is frantic with anxiety

    He knew this would happen

    The captain of the guard is trying desperately to reassure him

    Saying they have the situation under control

    Reassuring him that they have guards posted outside

    The captain of the guard goes out

    Closing the door behind him

    Outside the door

    The guards gather together, trying to protect him from what is coming (a last stand)

    All is silent

    Lord Avenant appears, but we do not get a proper glimpse of his face under the brim

    of his hat

    Terrified the men fire all at once

    The flashes from their muzzle lights their faces and roar of gun fire, plumes of smoke

    Roar of gun fire can be heard inside the noblemans room from the door

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    Lord Bertrand hears a commotion going on outside

    Sounds of a struggle

    Then all is silent

    He goes through the drawer and grabs a flintlock pistol

    Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looks down at the weapon

    It is almost seems as if he is desperate enough to use on himself

    The door slowly opens and the nobleman gets a glimpse of what has happened

    As the lightning flashes revealing the fallen bodies strewn along the ground

    Tension builds as the reverberating sound of thunder in the distance

    But there is no sign of the master

    (Version 2)

    The scene is timed to the beat of the story being told in the pub/tavern

    As they are talking about the beast in the forest, we see from the POV of the beast

    moving through the forest mist/fog only to emerge at the gates of the castle itself

    The guards are on watch duty at their post or patrolling the grounds

    The surrounding fog seems to creep up on them

    A cloud of dark smoke or mist, which seems be amorphous with no shape or form

    Coming upon the guards suddenly without warning and renders them unconscious

    Some of the guards are caught unaware while others put up a struggle, but to no


    They are enveloped in fog/enshrouded in mist and as the cloud passes over them

    Leaving a trail of bodies in its wake

    From afar it looks like a formless mass of dark cloud that leaves behind this trail of


    But as it goes further along we see it take on the semblance of shape and form

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    A dark shrouded wraith like figure

    The guards try to fight against it, but it is as if their weapons have no effect on it

    Bullets pass through it as they try firing upon it

    Swords slice apart the smoke only for it to reform

    Whatever they do they are powerless to stand against it

    Inside his tower strong hold, Lord Bertrand hears the commotion outside and goes to

    the window to see whatshappening

    Seeing the bodies of his fallen men

    Returning to the pub/tavern where there is talk amongst the patrons of a rumored

    deal that was struck between the Lord (ambiguously implying either Lord Bertrand or

    Master Avenant) and the Devil himself

    The lord tries to escape and opens the door

    One of his men posted outside, emerges from out of the smoke and falls to the

    ground before him

    Smoke escaping his lips

    The amorphous mass resolves and takes shape and form

    As the dark wraith like form passes over the fallen man

    Stepping over his fallen body approaching Lord Bertrand

    Who cowers in fear from him

    Lord Bertrand rushes to close the door

    Locking the dead bolt

    His anxious state is expressed in his heavy and ragged breathing

    Trying to remain calm despite thoughts to the contrary

    His breathing begins to slow and subside

    Coming out in short spurts

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    From behind him a dark shape rises into view

    The lightning cast his dark shadow looming over him

    Lord Bertrand turns to find himself confronted by Master Avenant

    Lord Avenant grabs him by his shirt front and picks him up off the ground

    We get a glimpse of his masked face as it peers out from beneath the brim of his hat,

    lightning illuminating his features

    (This is not the original Master Avenant, but his son and heir who has taken his place

    A marked difference in the sound of his voice and the style of clothing he wears)

    He confronts Lord Bertrand for betraying the agreement

    Sending a servant girl in place of his own daughter

    He is angry that he spared his life and this is how he repays him

    The nobleman has reason for not honoring the agreement

    Having suspected for some time now that the deal was rigged

    Everything from the ambush to the chance meeting to the deal itself was all


    That nothing was left to chance (The illusion of free will and choice)

    Justification for not honoring the bargain

    The Master threatens an ultimatum

    Either he sends his daughter or he takes everything from him

    Letting go of Lord Bertrand

    Who crumples to his knees, a broken man (as if he is on his hands and knees


    The Master leaves, turning his back on him

    What if he doesn't, a final weak protest

    As if he had a choice / itsnot like he has a choice the master says (summing up the

    whole dilemma entirely - The illusion of free will and choice)

    Then the master leaves by the open window, stepping out

    He becomes like a trail of smoke that descends to the ground below

    The smoke cloud billows outwards, as he emerges from the smoke

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    The carriage soon arrives at the destination

    Stopping outside the manor steps

    The coach man hangs up his riding crop before jumping off, landing heavily on his


    Inside the carriage, Belle is still asleep

    Her head rested to the side next to the window pane

    The coach man raps upon the window pane waking her up

    She comes awake with a start

    Looking around almost uncertain of where she is and how she got here

    The coachman gets her bags off the back and drops them at the bottom of the

    pavement steps

    The coach man is brusque and rude, making no move to help with her bags her or

    even open the carriage door for her

    She steps off the carriage, looking up at the manor that looms in front of her

    At a window curtain which is slightly parted

    POV of someone inside, looking down from the window

    Belle does not get a proper chance to see the coachmansface or even thank him

    Before he departs, leaving her momentarily stranded in this strange and foreboding


    She is left alone before the steps of the manor, watching as the carriage disappears

    The sound of the horses hooves receding into the distance

    There is a feeling of loneliness and vulnerability

    She looks around with a little confusion and unease

    Dragging her heavy bags along the steps before piling it near the doorstep (she is

    not like a lady who lets others do the work for her, when she is able to do it herself)

    She looks back and sees the muddy outline of footprints she has left behind,

    definitely not a good first impression to make

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  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


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  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc


  • 7/29/2019 Beauty and the Beast - Treatment.doc
