beausoleil fishing holidays in france with accommodation 2013 highlights

Our Favourite Carp Fishing Stories of 2013 Thanks for the memories...

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Many carp anglers came to Beausoleil French Carp and Cats in Northern France, some with their friends or families, to enjoy the exciting fishing and comfortable accommodation that this holiday venue provides. Here’s an overview of the most memorable carp and catfish fishing successes of 2013. May these stories inspire all our visitors for 2014!


Page 1: Beausoleil fishing holidays in france with accommodation   2013 highlights

Our Favourite Carp Fishing Stories of 2013 Thanks for the memories...

Page 2: Beausoleil fishing holidays in france with accommodation   2013 highlights

Congratulations to Steve

In 2013, Beausoleil regular

Steve took 10 carp in total,

including five thirties and two

that we had never seen

before. Most of Steve's fish

came from one feature which

he fished with just one rod

during the days. Bait was

introduced in small quantities

at regular intervals. Steve also

managed a 63lbs catfish.

Largest number of carp out in a week by one angler

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Congratulations to Kevin

Although Steve in April caught

10 carp, Kevin was not far

behind with 9. Technically and

tactically, Kevin was spot on.

He used hand sharpened

hooks and the Beausoleil carp

rig to great effect. Lines were

fished super slack and he

fished a different swim every

day so the fish could never

work out what was going on.

He also pre-baited various

spots where he’d seen carp

activity and targeted them

later during the week. 

Second largest number of carp out in a week

by one angler

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Congratulations to:

Trig (April)

Gary (May)

Simon (July)

Dennis (August)

and Dave (September)

We also had 9 catfish over

80lbs throughout the year

A record 5 catfish over 90lbs came out

during the year

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The summer commons

We usually see a couple of

commons out each week but

for no particular reason, these

7 anglers got 10 out over 2

consecutive weeks in August

(all caught on Blue Oyster


10 commons out over 2 weeks in August

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Sam with 6 carp to 34lbs

Sam visited Beausoleil for the

3rd time with her husband and

2 friends and for the first time,

she was the top rod for the

week! This is the best ever

catch of carp in a week by any

of the women carpers that we

have welcomed over the

years. The secret to Sam’s

success was to accurately

locate and place rigs on the

hard gravel patches using the

rowing boat. Sam also used

the Beausoleil big carp rig with

hand sharpened hooks.

Best ever catch of carp in a week by a lady angler

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Summer family fishing

This family take their carp

fishing very seriously with the

whole family spending 6 nights

underneath the stars. During

the days, they rested the

swims and enjoyed relaxing in

the house and grounds. At

night, they were ready for the

action! Special mention to

young Jack who landed his

dream catfish at 74lbs at 3am

on the very last night. See you

again in 2015!

Best family fishing holiday

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8 catfish > 50lbs in one week

Catfish fishing at Beausoleil in

July is usually great but this

year, we had an awesome

week with 8 catfish in total

between 50 and 85lbs caught

on Blue Oyster boilies and on

the Beausoleil universal carp

and catfish rig.

A brace of 80lbs+ in October

October is not a month we

associate with big catfish

captures, but this year, with

milder temperatures, Sander

caught not one but two big

catfish at 84 and 88lbs.

Two amazing catfishing weeks in July and October

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Andy came in April and

managed to catch all species in

the lake:

- Common carp to 33lbs

- Mirror carp

- Sturgeon (no photo)

- Catfish to 80lbs

Full catch report:

11 fish total:

2 x Mirror carp: 25, 24lbs 8oz

2 x Common Carp: 33lbs 4 oz

(PB), 27lbs 8oz

2 x Sturgeon: 24lbs (PB), 16lbs

5 x Catfish: 80lbs (PB), 72lbs,

60lbs, 55lbs, 6lbs

The only angler to catch all species during one week

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For your next fishing holidays

in France, visit our website

and our social sites for more

photos, videos, fishing stories

and tips from the Beausoleil

lake and venue.