beatty prelim06 5068 p1

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  • 8/8/2019 Beatty Prelim06 5068 P1



    PAPER : 5068/1 DURATION : 1h

    DATE : 20th

    SEP 2006

    CLASS : NAME : NO :


    1. There are forty questions in this paper. Answer all the questions.

    2. Answers must be shaded in the multiple choice answer sheet clearly.

    3. Multiple answers or unclear shading will not be awarded marks.

    4. No marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

    5. Shade the most suitable answer of your choice.

    6. A copy of the Periodic Table is provided on the last page.




    This question paper consists of 16 printed pages(including this cover page and Periodic Table)

    [Turn over




  • 8/8/2019 Beatty Prelim06 5068 P1


    1 According to the kinetic theory of gases, which assumption is correct?

    A Gas particles strongly attract each another.B Gas particles travel in curved paths.C The volume of gas particles prevents random motion.

    D Energy may be transferred between colliding particles.

    2 Which of the following pairs of chemicals is the most suitable for preparinglead sulphate?

    A lead nitrate and sodium sulphateB lead oxide and sulphuric acidC lead carbonate and sulphuric acidD lead chloride and sodium sulphate

    3 Consider the following experiment.

    During the experiment the mass of contents of the test tube is plotted againsttime. Which of the following diagrams is the correct graph?


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    4 The manufacture of nitric acid can be represented as follows:

    N2 NH3 NO NO2 HNO3

    Which one of the following correctly shows the oxidation state of nitrogen at

    each stage of the process?

    N2 NH3 NO NO2 HNO3A 0 -3 +2 +4 +5B 0 +3 +2 +4 +5C -3 +3 +2 +4 +5D -3 -3 +2 +4 +5

    5 Which of the following rows contains three correct formulae for thenamed species?






    A HPO4-



    B H2PO4-



    C HPO42-



    D HPO3-



    6 Two particles X andY have the following composition:

    electrons neutrons protons

    X 4 6 5Y 6 4 5

    It follows that X and Y.

    1 are both positively charged.2 have the same mass number.3 are particles of the same element.

    A Only 1 is true.B Only 3 is true.C 1 and 2 are both true.D 2 and 3 are both true.

    7 A student added concentrated sulphuric acid to barium hydroxide solutionin a beaker. Which one of the following does not occur in the beaker as aresult of the mixing of the two liquids?


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    A Sulphur dioxide gas is evolved.B Solid barium sulphate is precipitated.C A rise in temperature of the liquid contents of the beaker is


    D The reaction: H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l) occurs.

    8 To a solution of zinc nitrate, concentrated ammonia solution is addeddrop wise. Which of the following is the correct sequence ofobservations as the reaction proceeds?

    A A cloudy white suspension forms at first, but eventually thesolution becomes clear.

    B The solution turns deep blue at first, then a pale blue precipitateforms.

    C The solution remains clear for the entire procedure.D A white precipitate forms in the solution, but the solution

    eventually turns a deep blue colour.

    9 The catalyst manganese (IV) oxide was added to 10cm3 of aqueous hydrogenperoxide in four separate experiments. The results are listed below. In whichexperiment was the manganese (IV) oxide most finely powdered?

    Experiment Hydrogen


    Temperature of

    the reaction (C)

    Volume of oxygen

    produced in 10s(cm3)

















    10 Which of the following represents the most likely structural formula for thecovalent compound, S2Cl2 ?

    A Cl S S Cl

    B S Cl S Cl

    C S Cl Cl S

    D Cl S S Cl

    11 Water is formed when hydrogen is burned in air. Which diagram showsapparatus correctly set up to collect the water?


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    12 Three different beakers were set up as shown in the diagram.

    What could metals X andY be?

    X YA Aluminium ZincB Zinc Copper C Lead Copper D Copper Zinc

    13 The scale below shows the colour of an indicatorQ in solutions of differentpH.


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    Which pair of solutions below can possibly be distinguished by using indicatorQ?

    A aqueous solutions of ammonia and sodium chlorideB aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide and ammoniaC aqueous solutions of sulphuric acid and ethanoic acidD water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride

    14 What volume of water is required to dilute 100cm3 of 8 mol/dm3 hydrochloricacid to a concentration of 2 mol/dm3?

    A 200cm3 C 400cm3

    B 300cm3 D 700cm3

    15 The energy diagram shows enthalpy changes that could take place during achemical reaction.

    Which enthalpy change represents the overall enthalpy change for thereaction?

    16 Which of the following shows the conditions for the manufacture of sulphuricacid?


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    Reactants CatalystA Sulphur dioxide PlatinumB Sulphur and air IronC Sulphur dioxide and


    Vanadium (V) oxide

    D Sulphur and water Vanadium (V) oxide

    17 Zirconium, Zr, is a transition metal used in flash bulbs.When the filament inside the bulb gets hot, zirconium burns with a white lightto form a mixture of zirconium (II) oxide and zirconium (IV) oxide. Theseoxides react with both acids and bases. Zirconium has no reaction with wateror steam.Which statement shows that zirconium is a transition metal?

    A Zirconium burns with a white light.B The oxides of zirconium are amphoteric.C Zirconium has oxidation states (numbers) of +2 and +4 in its oxides.D Zirconium is unreactive.

    18 A solution of monobasic acid of concentration 14.4 g/dm3 is titrated with asolution `of sodium hydroxide of concentration 0.200 mol/dm3. It is found thatexactly 30.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution neutralizes 25.0 cm3 of theacid. What is the relative molecular mass of the acid?

    A 14.4 C 60.0B 72.0 D 120

    19 To reduce atmospheric pollution, the waste gases from a coal-burning powerstation are passed through powdered calcium carbonate. Which waste gaswill not be removed by the powdered calcium carbonate?

    A carbon monoxide, COB nitrogen dioxide, NO2C phosphorus(V) oxide, P2O5

    D sulphur dioxide, SO2

    20 The fertilizer ammonium nitrate (Mr=80) is manufactured from ammonia(Mr=17) by a two-stage process:

    Stage 1

    Stage 2

    NH3 + 2O2 HNO3 = H2O

    HNO3 + NH3 NH4NO3


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    What is the maximum mass of fertilizer that can be made if only 17 tonnes ofammonia is available?

    A 34 tonnes C 80 tonnesB 40 tonnes D 97 tonnes

    21 Calcium carbonate reacts with dilute nitric acid. What volume of 0.25 mol/dm3

    dilute nitric acid is required to completely react with 0.5g of calciumcarbonate?

    A 10 cm3 C 40cm3

    B 20cm3 D 80 cm3

    22 Which of the following reactions is not a redox reaction?

    A rusting of an iron nailB displacement of copper from copper(II) sulphate solution by zincC precipitation of silver chloride by the addition of sodium chloride

    solution to silver nitrate solutionD burning of magnesium in nitrogen

    23 When a metal is electroplated with copper by electrolysis which of thefollowing statement(s) is/are true?

    I The metal to be plated with copper is the negative electrode.II The electrolyte is a solution of aqueous copper(II) ions, Cu2+ (aq).III Copper(II) ions are oxidized during the process.

    A I, II and III C II onlyB I and II only D II and III only

    24 Enzymes are chemicals that work as catalysts to assist in food digestion. Anexperiment is conducted to investigate the effect of high temperature onenzyme action. Which experiment will do this best?


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    key: EEE = enzymes

    xxx = food

    25 Nickel nitrate crystals give a green solution when they are dissolved in water.Which solution would have the darkest colour when the following amounts ofnickel nitrate are added to the corresponding test-tubes shown below?(Assume all the nickel nitrate is dissolved in each case)

    26 Different metals 1 to 6 are reacted with hydrochloric acid at 20oC. Thethermometers show the highest temperatures reached for the reactions.

    Study the diagrams below to determine the relative reactivity of the metalsused.


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    Which of the following combinations would show a positive reaction?

    I Metal 5 and aqueous salt of metal 1II Metal 6 and aqueous salt of metal 2III Metal 4 and aqueous salt of metal 3

    A I, II and IIIB I and II onlyC I and III only

    D II and III only

    27 The corrugated iron sheets which are used as a roofing material are oftencoated with tin as shown below.

    The tin layers

    A prevent corrosion solely by providing a mechanical barrier for the iron.B inhibit corrosion because they react with the iron to form an alloy.C act as a sacrificial anode and corrode in preference to iron.D improve the appearance of the iron and have no effect on the rate

    of corrosion.

    28 The diagram represents a method for extracting aluminium from its

    purified ore by electrolysis.


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    What substances are X and Y?

    X Y

    A carbon aluminium hydroxideB carbon aluminium oxideC aluminium aluminium hydroxideD aluminium aluminium oxide

    29 Fixed quantities of two substances X and Y are mixed in a beaker and themass of the beaker and its contents are recorded at regular intervals. Thegraph shows the results obtained. What could substances X andY be?

    A copper(II) carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acidB magnesium and dilute nitric acidC aqueous sodium carbonate and copper(II) sulphateD manganese(IV) oxide and hydrogen peroxide solution

    30 Hydrogen gas is required in the production of margarine. The word equationfor the production of margarine is shown below:


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    Vegetable oils + hydrogen gas margarine

    Which of the following options correctly lists the nature of vegetable oils, thetype of reaction occurring and the catalyst used?

    Nature of vegetableoil

    Type of reaction Catalyst used

    A unsaturatedcompound



    B saturated compound addition reaction vanadium(V) oxideC saturated compound substitution


    D unsaturatedcompound

    addition reaction nickel

    31 Which of the following is NOT a product of the reaction sequence below?

    A copper C oxygenB iron(III) oxide D water vapour

    32 An organic compound G reacts with an acidified solution of potassiumdichromate(VI). G does not react with the bromine water. G isA ethaneB ethanol

    C ethyl ethanoateD ethanoic acid

    33 When hydrogen peroxide is added to iron (II) sulphate solution, the palegreen solution turns brown. This is because

    A the hydrogen peroxide is acting as a reducing agentB iron is formedC Fe2+ is oxidized to Fe3+ by hydrogen peroxideD iron (II) hydroxide is formed



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    Using then apparatus shown, chlorine was passed through the tube. After ashort time, coloured substances were seen at P, Q and R.

    What were these coloured substances?

    At P At Q At R

    A Green gas Violet vapour Black solid

    B Green gas Red brown vapour Violet vapour C Red brown vapour Violet vapour Black solidD Violet vapour Red brown vapour Red brown vapour

    35 Pieces of apples usually go brown when they are left in air for a few minutes.In food-processing factories, it is important to stop this browning.

    The graph shows how browning is controlled by the pH of a solution.

    To stop this browning, cut apples are contained in special solutions.Which one of these solutions stops browning?

    A sodium hydrogencarbonate of pH 9B sugar of pH 6.5C citric acid of pH 4D sodium hydrogensulphate of pH 2.5

    36 Which of the following pairs of monomers would most readily produce acondensation polymer?


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    A HOOC(CH2)2COOH and HO(CH2)2OHB C2H4 and C3H6C C2H5COOH and C2H5OHD CH3COOH and NaOH

    37 Read the following statements about polymers.

    I Polythene is a condensation polymer, but polyvinyl chloride(PVC) is an addition polymer

    II Synthetic polymers which are made from an acid monomer andan alcohol monomer are called polyesters.

    III Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a stronger plastic than polythene dueto the presence of chlorine atoms, which tend to increase thestrength of attractive forces between the chains of molecules.

    IV Condensation polymers are so called because thepolymerisation reaction produces water molecules whichcondense upon cooling.

    V Addition polymers are made from long chain alkanes which reactby adding functional groups to the ends of the chains.

    Which of the following is correct about the above statements?

    A Only statement I is correct.B Only statements I and IV are correct.

    C Only statement V is correct.D Only statements II, III and IV are correct.

    38 Catalytic addition of steam to hydrocarbon P forms compound Q. CompoundQ can be oxidized to give compound R. What could P, Q and R be?


    D C3H6 C2H5COOH C2H5OH

    39 A chemical analysis on a famous brand of orange juice shows the presenceof a compound called octyl ethanoate.What is the most likely use of octyl ethanoate in orange juice?

    A sweetener C preservativeB antioxidant D flavouring


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    40 Which of the following compounds cannot be a monomer for making apolymer?
