beachside bugle april 2012

4 Tingira Cres t: 4232 4990 [email protected] April 2012 Brought to you monthly by Cathy and her team at your local cafe Beachside Bugle Kiama's own Cathedral Rocks, at the southern end of Jones Beach, is the only NSW location to rank in the top ten of a list of the 100 best views in the country. The list, published by Australia’s best-selling travel magazine, Australian Traveller, promises to reveal the most beautiful places to holiday in Australia. The 9th ranking is way ahead of Sydney Har- bour which features twice, once from the air (60) and the other from the newly opened Park Hyatt (20). It is streets ahead of Mac- quarie Lighthouse (48), Bondi Beach (81) and La Perouse (88). According to Australian Traveller’s Managing Editor Quentin Long, “The atmosphere at Cathedral Rocks is overwhelming. You sense a beginning-of-time feeling when viewing the distinctive volcanic rock formations rising eerily from the ocean.” The Top 100 was determined by a panel of distinguished Australian photographers rank- ing over 1000 favourite 'best view' entries from the magazine’s readers, tourism opera- tors, and local and international travellers. Thanks to whoever nominated Cathedral Rocks. We live in such a beautiful area, some- times we take it for granted. At the Cafe I'm privileged to talk to many visitors blown away by the natural beauty of our region. So at the risk of causing a traffic jam, some- time soon pop down and have another look. National recognition for our great landscape Enjoy the fruits of the sea We are already almost half booked out for our Seafood Night, so if you and your friends would like to come along you had better make a booking soon. We are holding it in Autumn rather than Spring this year, so we can enjoy a different variety of fish. Don’t ask me what we will be having - it really depends on what is running at the time. All I know is that it will be delicious! Details: Friday 20 April, from 7pm. $50/head. t: 4232 4990 [email protected]

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Find out what is happening at our Cafe and Kiama this month


4 Tingira Cres t: 4232 4990 [email protected]

April 2012

Brought to you monthly by Cathy and her team at your local cafe

Beachside Bugle

Kiama's own Cathedral Rocks, at the southern

end of Jones Beach, is the only NSW location

to rank in the top ten of a list of the 100 best

views in the country. The list, published by

Australia’s best-selling travel magazine,

Australian Traveller, promises to reveal the

most beautiful places to holiday in Australia.

The 9th ranking is way ahead of Sydney Har-

bour which features twice, once from the air

(60) and the other from the newly opened

Park Hyatt (20). It is streets ahead of Mac-

quarie Lighthouse (48), Bondi Beach (81) and

La Perouse (88).

According to Australian Traveller’s Managing

Editor Quentin Long, “The atmosphere at

Cathedral Rocks is overwhelming. You sense

a beginning-of-time feeling when viewing the

distinctive volcanic rock formations rising

eerily from the ocean.”

The Top 100 was determined by a panel of

distinguished Australian photographers rank-

ing over 1000 favourite 'best view' entries

from the magazine’s readers, tourism opera-

tors, and local and international travellers.

Thanks to whoever nominated Cathedral

Rocks. We live in such a beautiful area, some-

times we take it for granted. At the Cafe I'm

privileged to talk to many visitors blown away

by the natural beauty of our region.

So at the risk of causing a traffic jam, some-

time soon pop down and have another look.

National recognition for our great landscape

Enjoy the fruits of the sea

We are already almost half booked out for our

Seafood Night, so if you and your friends would like

to come along you had better make a booking soon.

We are holding it in Autumn rather than Spring this

year, so we can enjoy a different variety of fish.

Don’t ask me what we will be having - it really

depends on what is running at the time. All I know

is that it will be delicious!

Details: Friday 20 April, from 7pm. $50/head.

t: 4232 4990 [email protected]

All that Jazz: Dr Don just the medicine

Easter opening hours We will be closed on Good Friday and on Easter Monday, but open on the Tuesday after Easter and as usual from then on.

It was great to see so many of you come along to

the Café to enjoy one of the events of the 2012 Kiama

Jazz & Blues Festival recently. The music was fabulous,

and it was a opportunity for our local community to get

together. Given the numbers are growing each year,

I think it is time to apply to block off the street and

build the event next year (thinking along the lines of

an off-Terralong St Fringe Festival). Will let you know

what transpires.

Movies without the hype Tired of the blockbuster offerings at the big

commercial cinemas? Gerringong Pics and

Flicks is a movie club which shows monthly

movies at the Gerringong Town Hall.

Movies are screened 7.30 for 8pm on the first

Friday of each month (except January). $10

on the night, or $50 for 11 movies.

April’s movie, Of Gods and Men, is being held

on the second Friday of the month, because

of Easter. Enquiries to Charles 0421 593 897

Help Legacy: Buy some ANZAC Biscuits For the fifth year, the Little Blowhole Café will

be getting the rolled oats and golden syrup out

to make ANZAC biscuits in support of Legacy.

As our regulars will know, we do this every year

as our little bit to help the wonderful ladies of

our local Legacy branch who raise money all year.

The entire sales proceeds go to them.

Everyone loves ANZAC biscuits, so it is a win:win

situation. Available from mid April.

Try our new menu items Come and check out our new menu. There

are some interesting new dishes, like this one

Cohen created: Sourdough French Toast with

stewed fruit and yoghurt. It’s become an

instant hit - helped along by the fact we all

rave about it.

But while there are some new dishes, we just

couldn’t bring ourselves to drop our most

popular dishes, most of which have been

around since we opened in 2007.

April happenings Easter goings on at the Harbour Looks like we are in for an unusually fine

Easter Weekend. The Lions Club is again hold-

ing an Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday, in

support of the Humour Foundation’s Clown

Doctors. The family fun day, with traditional

activities such as egg & spoon and potato sack

races, tug o’ war and egg throwing (and catch-

ing), kicks off at 10am. Cadbury’s have do-

nated 1000 Easter eggs and heaps of Freddos

for the Hunt! Entry by donation.

An extra Seaside Craft Market is also being

held on Easter Monday.

Choir returns by popular demand Doesn’t seem long since the Sydney Male Choir

visited Kiama, but they are back again soon.

This time they are being supported by a

wonderfully named female a capella quartet,

The Fantastic Glamma Rays.

Details: 15 April, 2.30pm at the Pavilion

Tickets are $30, and funds raised are going

to support HIV/AIDS relief in Welkom,

South Africa.

Opportunity to rummage around Bit cranky that as Cohen is away on holidays

I won’t be able to get down to my favourite

Rummage Sale, being held at the Anglican

Church at the end of Terralong St on Saturday

14 April. Always interesting things there.

Please note: While we try to get everything right, we are only human and cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

Beachside gets a revamped Salon

I was amongst the first to book in with Roz

and Chris, the new hairdressers at the Salon

on Tingira. It was great to be in such experi-

enced hands, with both of them having worked

as hairdressers, and run their own salons, for

decades. Roz has only been out from Glasgow

for a year, so her accent can be a bit challeng-

ing, but she’s working hard at speaking slowly.

Take advantage of the opening specials.

There are plans to introduce beauty services

soon. t: 4232 3918

If you are interested in advertising to the Beachside

community through future editions of the Bugle, pop in

and talk to Cathy.


May’s just around the corner

Feel your entertaining area

isn't quite complete? Foodies with

some DIY skills

(or access to

them) will

be interested

in a workshop

being held in

early May to

teach you all

you need to

know about

building your own wood fired oven, at a frac-

tion of the cost of one which is ready-made

or in kit form. The workshop will consist of a

series of ‘hands-on’, realistic activities inter-

spersed with discussions and practical demon-

strations related to wood fired oven design;

construction; material selection; and tem-

perature control, as well as oven operation

and cooking tips.

Participants will be involved in the construc-

tion and completion of two ovens using

different techniques – an adobe oven using

readily available cheap materials and a high

temperature castable ‘concrete’ oven with

other sophisticated refractory materials.

The latter oven will equate to a ready made

oven of approx $5000, but will be built

for well below a fifth of that cost. And the

marvellous thing is the workshop will leave

Kiama with a valuable community asset,

given where the course is being held.

Details: 5-6 May, Kiama Community Garden

$200 ($340 for couples), including detailed

handbook, and a pizza feast on the Sunday.


Bookings and enquires to Alan at

[email protected]

Wings over the Illawarra ’12 This Festival is growing bigger and bigger

each year, with a continuous program of

ground and air events across the whole day.

The Gates open at 9am and the formal Fying

Program will commence at 11am.

Details: Sunday 6 May, Albion Park Airport.

Book ahead and save 10% on your admission

price. Visit for details.

Tenor recital in Gerringong Gerringong Music Club has given advance

warning so you can enjoy the dynamic tenor

voice of Pascal Herington (accompanied by

Michael Curtain on the piano). Pascal and

Michael will be performing lieder, opera and

songs from shows.

Details: 6 May, Gerringong Town Hall, 2pm

Tickets $15, (no charge for students, children

& music club members). More information


To take the stress off me getting the May edition out, I want to alert you a few

things happening early in the month.