be þam lytlan æþelinge

Mid licnessum gefæged be |?am writere Old English Anglo-Saxon

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The Little Prince in Oldenglish


Page 1: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Mid licnessum gefæged be |?am writere

Old EnglishAnglo-Saxon

Page 2: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

G eliefe ic f>æt h e æ tfleah m id a n u m færelde w ild ra fugla.



)e jjam lyzLxtt t e le l in j e

Mid licnessum gefaged bepam writere

Awend o f Frenciscra gereorde on Engliscgereord be

Fritz Kemmler

CSbttion ^tntenfaft

Page 3: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Is { k o s bok gecweden on Frenciscra gereorde: Le P e t i t P r in c e Copyright © 1946 by Édition Gallimard, Paris

We willdp pancian pamjreondumpæs lytlan æpelingespape bohton jreolice,freondlice and mildelice pa boc xrpam pe hie wxre awendefullice. Hiera naman and wunungstowe mihtpu her sceawian:

Jonathan Abram sohn, M ontreal (CDN ) | Kees Bolwidt, Amsterdam (NL) | M a Dolors Llansana Bosch, Igualda, Barcelona (E) | Angel Carrascull, Terrassa (E) | Bernard & Daniele Chaffange, Aix en Provence (F) | Pauline Couture, O ttaw a (C D N ) | Sylvain Cozzolino, Sannois (F) | D anny Endlich, Seattle, WA (USA) | A ntonio Massimo Fragomeni, Roma (I) | Pere Navarro Gomez, Tarragona (E) | Wolfgang Kuhl, M aintal (D) | Jean M ouhanna, Roma (I) | Avichai Nachumi, Kibbutz Beit Kama (IL) | Juan Vélez Nunez, Irunea-Pamplona (E) | Ronald Patel, Frankisch-Crum bach (D) | A nne & Hervé Pierret, Paris (F) | Joao Paulo de Sousa, San Donato Milanese (I) | Thomas Stolz, Bremen (D) | Yogeshwor N ath U praity & C hristine Liénard, Knokke-Heist (B) | Juan A ntonio Soler Vilanova, Tam arita de Litera (E).

© 2010 @ bition K in ten fafj 69239 Neckarsteinach

Tel. / Fax: +49 - 62 29 - 23 [email protected]

Satz: Philipp J. Sauer

Druck: Danuvia Druckhaus Neuburg G m bH

ISBN 978-3-937467-70-2

F O R E C W I D E : T O L É O N W E R T H

Ic ascige J?a cildru {jæt hie me willajs forgiefan for Jjæm Jje ic J>as

boc betæhte anum aweaxenan men. Hæbbe ic gode beladunge:

J)es aweaxena mann is min se besta freond on worulde. Hæbbe

ic eac oJ)re beladunge: Jaes aweaxena mann mæg ealle f>ing

understandan, eac cildra bee. Hæbbe ic eac jjridda beladunge:

|>es aweaxena mann wunaj) mid Francum |>ær jjær he is gedrefed

mid hungre and cyle. H im is micel Jjearf frofres. G if ealle jsas

beladunga nabbaj) nane nytte, ic betæce Jseos boc J>æm cilde {je

j^es aweaxena mann wæs in geardagum. Ealle aweaxenan men

giu cildru wæron: ac feawa habbaf) gemynd {jære timan. And

for J)æm ic nu befæste |)eos boc

To Léon Werth, pa pa he giet cnapa wæs.


Page 4: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol i: Her onginne^) seo boc J>e mon Lytel Æj>eling nemne]}

Pa |)a ic wæs on ielde .vi., geseah ic on anum sijse ane ænlice licnesse on

anre bee seo J)e wæs sop stær bepam w ildan wealde gecweden. Wæs miccelre

nædran licnesse seo Jdc wæs forswelgende wild deor, swa swa j^u mæg her

bufan geseon.

Seo boc sægde: “Pa entnædran, j e ge nu ‘boas’ nemnaj), hie forswelgaj)

heora feng on anum si^e ond ne tobitaja hie na. Ponne ne magon hie heora

limu na leng astyrian ond slæpajs .vi. monaj) to {jam Jsæt hie magon gemeltan

heora feng.”

Ic asmeade swi{?e ]?ara wundra ^e mon mæg gemetan on anum wildum

wealde and nam writiren for bleowum and ongann >a wyrcan mine fyrmeste

licnesse Jse ^u mæg her geseon:

Ætiewde ic mine mære licnesse aweaxenum mannum hie frignende

hwæjsre hie afyrhte wæren mid minre licnesse.


Page 5: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Hie cwædon me to: “For hwy sculon we beon afyrhte mid anum hæte?”

Næs na swa \>æt mine licnesse ætiewde anne hæt. Heo ætiewde miccle

entnædran, seo wæs forswelgende anne elpend. £*æt ic mihte \>xt ætiewan

aweaxenum leodum, wyrhte ic licnesse J>ara innoj?a jjære nædran. t>a

aweaxenan leode, symle hie willa|> getrahtnunge. Her {du mæg geseon mine

o|)ere licnesse.

t>a aweaxenan leode, hie me sægdon j^æt ic ne sceolde wyrcan na licnesse

be nædrum, sien hie opene, sien hie locene, ac J)æt ic sceolde leornian ma be

J>ære eor^Iare, be Jjam spellum, be jjære arithmetica and be J)am stæfcræfte.

Swa hit gelamp \>æt ic forlæte J>one micelne cræft Jsara J e licnessa wyrcaf), j a

[5a ic wæs on ielde .vi. Wæs hit be Jjam j^æt mine twa licnessa licodon nanum

menn swa j?æt min mod gewende me fram. Symle J>a aweaxenan menn nyllaj)

understandan be him silfum - ond symle him to trahtianne is to hefig ]?am

cildum ...

Swa moste ic leornian oj^erne cræft; |>us ic leornade stieran J>a lyftfiogan.

Gecom ic gewelhwær on [3ære weorolde ond, la, micele nytnesse hæfde jjære

eorJ)lare. Cu|>e ic tellan on anum eaganbyrhtme jaæt land China gecweden

fram J>æm lande |>e is nu gecweden Arizona. Ond hit hilp]? miccle on niht

Jxmne mon næf|) na leng |>one rihtan weg.

Hæfde ic eac miccle cyjsj^e godra manna on minum life. Breac ic gelomlice

cy{?l>e J)ara aweaxena manna ond cuj?e ic swif>e nearwe locian him on. Ac hit

ne beterode na min ingehygd be him.

Swa jxrnne ic gemete anne, be |>am |ie ic jjohte J)æt he wære lythwon snotor,

jjonne ætiewde ic him mine fyrste gelicnesse, {m jje ic cepte wel. Wolde ic

geseon hwæ^re he wære wis. Ac symle mon ageaf me |?a andsware: “Is hit an

hæt”. Ponne ne gecwæj} ic mid him ne be jja entnædran boas gecweden, ne

be wildum wealdum, ne be steorrum. Ac cwæjj ic swa swa he. Spæcon we be

Jjam plegum J)e ge ‘bridge’ ond ‘golf’ nemnajj, and be J?am cræfte gecweden

‘politica’ and be {3am claj)e |ie is gecweden ‘tiegan-claj)’. A nd symle se

aweaxena mann wæs gefeonde \>æt he gefand swa snottor mann swa ic eom.

Capitol ii

Swa ic reste ana and næfde nan mid Jjam Jje ic cujje sojjlice specan; and hit

læste oj) l>æt me wurde sum ungelimp jja Jja ic wæs on J)ære westene j e is nu

Sahara gecweden; beojj agan nu .vi. geara. Wæs hit be J>am ^æt min astyrere,

|>e ge nu ‘motor’ cweJjaJ), nolde na leng wyrcean. And for {>æm |?æt ic næfde

nahwæjser anne weorcmon ne oJ>re geferan ymbutan me, ic ana ongann

fandian |>æt hefig weorc on |)æm astyrere. Wæs min wyrd \>a. l i f ofjJje

dea|>. Næfde ic wæteres genoh J>æs me to drincan behofode binnan eahtum


Onslep ic jjy formestan nihte on J)am sandceosolum J^usend mila fram

manna gewununge. Wæs ic mare ana {rønne ænig forliden æfre gewurde

on anre fliete on middan |>ære sæ. Magon ge ea}?e understandan mine

wundrunge, |?a Jia ic wæs awæcnod on ærne mergen wi|) anre lytlan and

uncu^re stefne. Wæs heo sprecende:

“Atiefre me an sceap, ic [le bidde.”

“Hwæt is Jsæt J?æt |)u sægdest?”

“Atiefre me an sceap ...”

Asprang ic {3a to minum fotum swylce swa ligetsleht hrine me. Wipode


Page 6: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

ic mine eagan and ongann starian. Seah ic Jsær standan anne lytlan

wundorgefægedon mann |>e me locode on eornostlice. Her {du miht geseon

seo betsta licnesse jse ic sij^an cujae fægan be him. Nis seo licnesse nalæs

swa fæger swa he wæs. Nis hit næsna min gylt. Letton me aweaxene men to

fullwyrcanne J)one cræft J)ara metera, {3a {>a ic wæs on ylde .vi. geara. And for

jjæm ic leornode noht ealles butan fægan entnædran, ]?a |}e sindon æg|?er ge

gelocene ge geopenode.

Locode ic mid micclum eagum and ofwundrodum on j?a ætywnesse.

Forgieta]? noht \>xt ic wæs Jsusend mila fram ænigra manna gewununge. And

^ærtoeacan j^uhte me \>xt \>æt lytel wiht nære naj^or awede ne forjafarende

for mejsnesse, ne for hungre, ne for {rarste, ne for ege. Ne Jjuhte me ]>æt hit

wære cild \>xt forlure J^one rihtan weg Jjære westene onmiddan Jnusend mila

fram manna gewununge. Pa. J>a ic hleoj^rian mihte, cwæj) ic him to:

“L a ... hwæt dest {>u her?”

And eft he cwæj? softe genoh and eornostlice:

“Atiefre me an sceap, ic J)e bidde ...”

G if sume diegolnes is swijse hefig, mon mæg hiere noht wi|>standan.

Peahjae hit jjuhte me dwæslic - ^usend mila fram manna gewununge and

Jjam dea{?e geniehst - giet geteah ic ge bocfell ge writiren fram minum codde.

Ac { a gemunde ic \>æt ic wæs mare gelæred in j?ære eorjjlare, in spellum, in

arithmetica and in Jsam stæfcræfte - and be sumum dæle unrotlice sægde ic

jjæm wihte \>æt ic fægan ne cuj^e. And he andswarode:

“La, leof, atiefre me an sceap.”

S i^ a n ic næfre ne fægede sceap, ongann ic him fægan ane J>ara twega

licnessa J)e ic mihte fægan. Wæs hit |)a licnesse j^ære locenan entnædran. And

wæs ic swijse ofwundrod, {?a ]>a ic hierde jsone lytlan mann cwe^an:

“Na! Na! Ne wille ic nænne elpend wijjinnan entnædran. Is entnædre

swij^e frecendlic and is nied micclum rume jsam elpende. Is rum lytel innan

minum huse. Is me nied sceapes. Atiefre me sceap.”


' r

H er J)u miht geseon seo betsta licnesse {>e ic sitø>an cu{>e fægan be him.

Page 7: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

f*us ongann ic fægan.

P xt wiht me locode on bisige and he cwæ|) |)a:

“Na! \>xt sceap is side. Fæge me of>er.”

Ongann ic fægan.

Smearcode min freond lufelice and freondlice:

“Gesieh^u w e l... nis \>xt an sceap; is hit an ramm. H xflp he hornas.”

Ongann ic fægan ojsre licnesse.

Ac heo wæs onscunode swa swa Jja ærran:

“ Is jsæt sceap miccles to eald. Ic wille sceap J e

longe mæg libban.”

Ongann ic jxi leosan mine gejjylde; wæs seo

tid cumen \>xt ic moste wyrcan on minum

astyrere. Macode ic ]?a hra^e J^eosse licnesse and

gnornode Jms:

“La, ane ciste. I>æt sceap J>e \>u wilt is wi|)innan

|iære ciste.”

Wæs ic Jaa micel astyrod J a J)a ic geseah \>xt mines

ymbspræceres hleor ongann lihtan:

“Pis is eal swa ic hit gewilnode. Wenestu Jjæt Jjæm

sceape behofa|) miccles græses?”

“For hwy cwædest ]?u ]ju s?”

“For Jjæm |)e ealle |>ing sindon swijse lytel wijjinnan

minum huse ...”

“I>ær bij.1 græses genoh. Sealde ic Jje lytel sceap.’


. r r > • •

Gehnigode he jja his heafod to j^ære licnesse:

“Nis hit swa lytel swa ... La, hit onslep ...”

t>us ic mette Jrone lytlan æ|)eling.

Capitol iii

Wæs hit longe to \>xm J)æt ic cu{je understandan, hwanon he com. Se lytla

æ^eling ascode me manigjMng and hit Jsuhte me \>xt ne gehyrde he na fregnas

mine. Be syndrigum wordum jje ic gehyran mihte oncneow ic styccemælum

his J)a diegolnesse. I>a |>a he fyrst geseah minne lyftfiogan (ne wille ic fægan

minne lyftfiogan for jsæm |)e hit me is to micel Jsing), ascode he:

“La, hwæt is |?æt jse ic mæg her geseon?”

“Nis |)æt an J^ing, ac hit mæg fleon. Is hit

lyftfloga, min lyftfloga.”

Wæs ic swi]?e prud for Jjæm )pxt ic cuj?e

secgean him to Jsæt ic mihte fleon. Clypode

he |)a:

“Hwæt [3a. Gefeolle |?u o f heofenum?”

“Gese, leof,” sægde ic jsa eaj^modlice him to.

“La! Is hit blisse intinga...”

Ongann J?a swi^e hliehhan se lytla adding

and wæs ic swijse astyred be Jjam. For me is

micel jMng|>æt min ungelimp is understanden

cneordlice. Ac he sægde jsa:

“f>u come eac from heofone! Fram hwelcum

steorran come Jxi?”

Ongann ic J>a understandan J)a diegolnesse

Page 8: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

for hwy he andweard wæs and hrajse ic ascode:

“£>onne come ]du fram anum oJ)rum steorran?”

Ac he ne andwyrde noht. Scoc he \>a. softe his heafod and locode on

minum lyftflogan:

“La, be jDam jringe Jju ne mæge beon feorrcumen ...”

Ongann jsa aslæpan longe hwile. Genam J a min sceap fram his bisæce and

betæhte hine sylfne to sceawianne his gærsum.

Ge magon gej^encean hu stranglice ic wæs astyrode be \>xm foretacne J>ara

“oJ)era steorrena”. And for J>æm gecneordlæhte ic, hu ic ma mihte witan:

“Hwanon eart J>u, min j?u lytel wiht? Hwær is j?in ham? Hwider wilt |du

lædan min sceap?”

Andwyrde he æfter Jjohte and swige:

“Seo cist ])e J)u me ageaf, heo hæf]? J>a godnesse, Ipæt nihtes heo mæg beon

his hus.”

“Gese. And g if j?u wilt beon gehiersum, ic giefe J>e rap J)æt J)u miht hit

getiegan dæges. And giefe ic J e eac pinn.”

£>uhte me jpæt se cwide dyrfede j^one lytlan æ^eling:

“H it getiegan? Is hit wundorlic l>oht!”

“La, g if l>u hit ne getiege, hit wille gan hwærhwæga and losian ...”

E>a eft ongann hliehhan min freond:

“Hwider sceal hit gan be Jnnum willan?”

“Gehwider. G egnum ...”

Cwæ{) l>a se lytla æ^eling eornostlice:

“Nis hit nan hefig ^ing for |?æm j e J>a |)ing sindon swij^e lytel on minum


And wæs he wæninga gesworcen, Jsa \>a he toætyhte:

“Mæg mon na feorr gangan on rihte.”





H er f)u miht geseon J>one lytlan ad din g on Jaam tungle B .dcxii.

Page 9: Be þam lytlan æþelinge


Capitol iv

Ic leornode oJ>er micel Jjing: Næs se tungol, Jaanon he com, heardlice mare

l>onne hus!Ne Jjuhte me \>xt wundorlic. Oncneow ic \>xt onufan J>am micclum

tunglum j?e habba]? naman swa swa Eorjx:, Iupiter, Tir, Venus, sindon ojsre

hunde; and sindon to J>æs lytel, {^æt mon hie mæg unease geseon mid

feorrsceawere. G if sum tungolcræftiga onfindejj anne heora, nemnej} he hine

mid tæle. Wen is \>xt he nemnaj) hine ‘tungol .cccxxv.’.

Rihtlice ic mæg geliefan ^æt se tungol, jsanon com se lytla æjjeling, is

tungol B .dcxii. Wæs {?es tungol ana ongieten mid feorrsceawere be sumum

tungolcræftigan on Turcwarum J)y geare .mcmix.

I>a Jsa he hine onfunden hæfde, hæfde he miccle spræce be him mid

gehwanon cumenum tungolcræftigum. Ac næs Jsær nan [le him geliefde on;

and j^æt wæs for his sciccelse ana.

Swa sindon J?a aweaxenan men! _/J

H et an tictator w i{d Turc­

warum \>xt his leode o j^ e moton

habban {)a sciccelsa ana, J?a [ie

|>a menn habba^ ]?e on Europe

buaf}, o^Jje moton sweltan; and

wæs J^æt eal for J)am tungle B

.dcxii. Hæfde se tungolcræftiga

eft his miccle spræce jay geare

.mcmxx. and hæfde he J>a swij?e

cynelicne sciccels. And hæfde he

J)a lo f fram eallum andweardum.

G if ic telle eow J>as mislican

[>ing be J)am tungle B .dcxii. and

o . i . 4 ? ' * ' J -

betæce eow his getæl efne,

is hit for j}æm aweaxenum

mannum. HabbaJ) {)a

aweaxenan menn micle

lufu l>ara tala. G i f ge specaj)

to him be sumum niwan

friend, næfre hie ne frinaj)

eow be J>am micclum

jMngum. Hie nylla|> eow

næfre frinan: “Hwilc

is his stefne sweg? Hwilce plegan sindon him |?a leofestan? GegadriaJ) he

buterfleoga?” Hie willaj) frinan eow: “Hwilc is his yldo? H u monige bro^or

hafaj) he? Hwilc is his gewihte? Hu micel is his fæder sine?” tonne hie JjencaJ)

\>xt hie hine cunnon. G if ge secgeaj) aweaxenum mannum: “Geseah ic swij)e

ænlic hus mid readum tigelum and blostman beforan jsam eag^yrlum and

culfrum onuppan J)am hrofe ...” hie ne cunnon naht geseon J>æt hus on

heora gemynd. H it behofaj) him tellan: “Geseah ic an hus, |>æs weorj) is .c m.

scillinga.” Ponne hie willaj) cleopian sona: La, hit is ænlic!

And eac swa J^onne ge secgea{> him to: “Seo getacnung, to J)on f>æt se lytla

æjieling sojjlice wæs, is J)æt he wæs wlitig, \)Xt he hloh and J>æt he wolde

habban an sceap. A nd sojdice, l i f is gesef)ed be {?æm \>xt mon wille habban

an sceap”; ac hie willaj) sceacan hiera eaxla and willaj) eow lætan swa swa

cild. Ac g if ge willaj) him tellan: “Se tungol, J>anon he com, is tungol B

.dcxii.,” |x>nne wenaj) hie J>æt hit

is soJ> and hie na leng ne willaj)

eow frinan. Sindon hie swa. Ne

J)earf hit J>e ofjtyncan. Cildrum

behofaj? micelre forgiefnesse wij>

aweaxenan menn.

Page 10: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

We nu, we jse witon hwæt bilongej? to life, we myrgajj ymbe \>a. dysigan

getælas! Wære me leofre g if ic ongunne J?is stær swa swa ane race. Wolde ic

Jjonne secgean:

“Wæs sum lytel ad d ing in geardagum se |>e lifde in anum tungle; wæs se

tungol earfojdice mara j?onne he and behofode he anes freondes ...” Woldon

hie ma geliefan Jsæt hit wære \>xt sojs, |>a f>e magon oncnawan rihtlice be life.

Nylle ic \>æt mon Jxncej? lihtlice be minre bee. Is J)is stær j^ara gemyndgunga

swijje hefig to areccanne. Gewat min freond mid his sceape .vi. gearum ær.

Afandige ic her to awritanne hine swa Jjæt ic his ne forgiete na. Forgietan

anes freondes is swi|>e hefig Jnng. Næf}) ælc mann anne freond. And mihte

ic weor^an swa swa aweaxene menn \>z Jae lufiaj) tæle ana. And is hit be |>æm

\>æt ic bohte sume ciste bleona gefylled and grafa. Eft onginnan fægan on

minre ielde is earfojjlic Jjing, J?onne mon næfre gefægde oJ?re Jjing J^onne

locene and opene entnædran, J>a J>a mon wæs on ylde .vi. geara. Ic wille

sojjlice afandian \>æt {?a licnessa sindon eal swa J?a ]?ing æfter J)am J e hie

sindon gefæged. Ac nat ic fullice g if ic mæge jpæt fullfremman. Ane {?ara

licnessa is god, o|?re nis na leng lie J>am jringe. Hwilum ic dwelle be |>am

gemet. Is se lytla æ^eling ægj>er ge to micel ge to lytel. Sorg is me |>æt bleo his

scruda. Afandie ic manigfealdlice and swa swa ic mæg. Mæg ic eac dwellan

on micclum Jxngum. Ac ic bidde f m mon forgiefe me. M in freond næfre

ne ageaf me trahtnunga. Wen is \>xt he J^ohte Jjæt ic wære swa swa he. Ac

ne mæg ic geseon nane sceap be belocenre ciste. Eallmæst ic eom swa swa J>a

aweaxenan menn. Moste ic growan on ielde mid J^am timum.


Capitol v

Dæghwamlice leornode ic mara be Jsam tungle, be uteweardum sij?e and be

l>ære fare. Leornode ic \>as J)ing softe, J>a hwile ic wæs hyegende be J)am. I>y

[iriddan dæge leornode ic be bealwe j^ara apenahlaftreowa.

And com hit eac o f |>am sceape, jsa f>a se lytla æ|>eling ascode færinga swa

swa he wære gehefigode mid micclum tweo:

“Nis hit swa \>æt sceap wyrta fretaj}?”

“Gese, leof, is hit swa!”

“La, eom ic nu blij^e.”

Ne cuj)e ic understondan for hwy hit wære swa healic jjing \>xt sceap

wyrta fretajj. Ac se lytla æ^eling toætyhte:

“WillaJ) hi j^onne fretan apenahlaftreowas?”

Ic ]pz be fullan getrahtode {>æm lytlan æ{?elinge \>æt apenahlaftreowas

ne sindon na wyrta, ac sindon treowas, \>a. |>e sindon swa heah swa ciricean

torras. And g if he gelædde fullne flocc elpenda mid him, |>es flocc ne mihte

forswelgan an anliepig apenahlaftreow.

La, hloh he J?a be J>am Jsohte \>æs flocces {?ara elpenda.

“Hie moston stondan an uppan ojjerne ...”

Ac he J)a toætyhte wise:

“Ær|)am|)e J)a apenahlaftreowas growa]) on heah, so^lice hie sindon lytel.”

“So|?lice, hit is swa. Ac for hwy wilt |>u \>æt jsine sceap fretaj? {?a lytlan


Pa andswarode he: “La, leof. Sculon we geseon!” Wæs he cwe|>ende be

J)am, swylce swa hit wære \>æt andgietfullicoste J)ing se {?e mæg beon on

eor|?an. And moste ic neotan mines fullan andgietes, to Jaon \>xt ic mihte

\>æt |)ing be fullan understandan.


Page 11: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Soj^lice in f)æm tungle J>æs lytlan æj)elinges wæron gode and yfele plantan,

swa swa sindon in eallum tunglum. And for J>æm \>ær wæron gode sædu,

{)e cuma]? fram godum plantum, and yfele sædu, J>a ]?e cumaj) fram yfelum

plantum. Ac mon ne mæg geseon |>a sædu. Hie slæpaj) diegollice on J)ære

eorjDe o\> sum heora ge^ence^ to onwacanne. Ponne raxejs hine selfne and

ærest asendej) toweard J>ære sunne anne wynnsuman lytlan sprotan J>e ne

mæg derian. Ponne hit is antre sprota o j^e rose, mæg heo growan swa swa

heo wille. t>onne hit is sprota anre oj^re plantan seo J)e dera|), behofaj) hie

afierran swa hrajje swa mon ongeate, hwæt f)ios plante sie. Wæron egeslice

sædu in Jjam tungle J)æs lytlan æj^elinges ... and J)as wæron \>a. sædu |>ara

apenahlaftreowa. Seo eorjse J)æs tungles wæs heora fulle. And mon ne mæg

næfre adræfan apenahlaftreow g if mon is to læt ongean hit. H it jsurhgæjs

Jjone tunglan mid his wyrtum. And J^onne se tungol is to lytel and |?a

apenahlaftreowas sindon to monige, Jjonne hie cleofa}) hine.

“BehofaJ? gesceadwisnesse ana,” cwæj) se lytla æjjeling sij^an me

to. “Æfter |)am morgendlican J^weale behofaj) J e a|)wean jjone tungol.

Dæghwamlice |>u most geniedan Jje selfne to unwyrttrumianne {?a sprotan

J^ara apenahlaftreowa, swa sona swa J>u mæge geseon, j^æt hie ne sindon

nane rosan j^æm J e hie swifje

geliciaj^ on hiera geogujje. Is hit

micel langsumlic weorc, ac hit

is ea]?e.”

Sume dæge he gemanode

me \>æt ic deorfe to gefæganne

ænlice gelicnesse swa \>xt jja

cildru on minum earde hit

cujran fullice leornian. “Ponne

hie sij)iaj> sume dæge,” cwæ{? he,

“ hit mæg beon him to bryce. Hwilum hit ne deraj) na, g if mon forslæwe

weorc. Ac wij? apenahlaftreowas simle is hit micel wea. Gecneow ic tungol

jjam Jje lifode sleac mann in. Ne geseah he .iii. wyrta ...”

And gefægede ic f>es tungol be J)ære tale f>æs lytlan æ|>elinges. Ne wille ic

cwejsan swa swa predicere. Ac feawe witajs be [)æm J>rea J)ara apenahlaftreowa

and J)a brogan, J?a Jse mægon derian gehwelcum, se J e gedwelode, to J>æs

micel ]pæt ic ænes ne æthealdan wille mine scame. Ic secge: “Cild, bewariaf)

eow wif) jaam apenahlaftreowum!” To {?æs |>æt ic mæg warnian mine friend

wif> J)one brogan, se ]?e diegollice dera|) him and me selfum lange hwile,

* 3

Page 12: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

worhte ic micle be \>x k licnesse. Seo lar, jsa Jje ic j^us mæg agiefan, sojalice

heo is weorj^e J^ære abisgunge. Wen is J>æt ge frinaj): For hwy næf]) seo boc

oj^re gelicnessa, {5a jae sindon swa mære swa {?a be Jaam apenahlaftreowum?

Seo andswaru is swij^e bilewit: Sojilice, wolde ic gefægan J)a licnessa, ac ic ne

spedde. Pa J)a ic gefægde J a apenahlaftreowas, Jiuhte me on mode \>xt hit

wæs swijse niedbehefe |)ing.


¥ *Her {ju miht geseon {sa apenahlaftreowas.

Page 13: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol vi

La, lytel æ|)eling, mæg ic nu styccemælum understandan jsin hefigmod lif.

Longe hæfdest \>u noht ealles to tostregdanne jse selfne butan \>a. swetnesse

|>ære sunnan setlganga. Leornode ic >æt J?y feorjmn dæge, ]ja ]?a Jsu cwe|)ende

wære me to:

“Swijae ic lufige \>a. sunnan setlgangas. Wuton sceawian sunnan setlgang

“Moton we onbidan j^ære tide ...”

“Hwæs moton we onbidan?”

“Moton we onbidan j^ære sunnan setlganges.”

Fyrst J)u hæfdest ofwundrodne andwlitan and J)onne J>u hloh be jse

selfum. Cwæde J?u me to:

“Ealneg me |>ynce]) |)æt ic sie æt ham !”

Sojslice, Jaonne hit bij? underntid on J?am Geanlæhtum Eardum, j^onne

seo sunne wille gan to reste mid Francum, swa swa hit is widcuja. G if J>u wilt

geseon ^ære sunnan setlgang mid Francum, behofaja fleon wi|) Francas

binnan anum eaganbyrhtme. Wa la wa, is |)one weg to Francum to long. Ac

on Jjinum lytlan tungle is hit genyhtsum \>xt J)in setl sie onbroden feawa fota

trym. And meaht |)u gebidan jsære sunnan setlganges swa oft swa J)u wille.

“Witodlice, geseah ic .xliv. setlganga \>xre sunnan sume dæge!”

And raj)e æfter [jam toætyhtestu:

“Wast Jdu gearo Jxet mon lufaj) {)a setlgangas jsære sunnan Jjonne mon bij)

swi|)e u n ro t...”

“La, Jjonne J)u wære swijje unrot J>y dæge Jsonne ]du gesawe \>a. .xliv.

setlganga j^ære sunnan?”

Ac se lytla æj^eling ne andwyrde na.

Capitol vii

Py fiftan dæge \>xt sceap eft gefremede Ipxt ojare diegolnesse J>æs lifes |)æs

lytlan æj^elinges me wæs ætiewed. Fran he me swijse færinga, swylce swa he

wæs gegadriende j^a westmas anes fregnes, J)a jse aweoxon and gejsugon be

langre swige:

“SiJj^an sceap fretej) wyrta, wille hit eac swa fretan blostman?”

“Sceap fretejj ealle J)a, J>e sindon his mujje ætforan.”

“W ille hit eac fretan Jja blostman, jsa J>e Jjornas habbajD.”


Page 14: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Gese. Eac jsa blostman, J)a J)e Jjornas habba]?.”

“For hwy habbajj hie Jjornas?”

Nyste ic noht be |>am. Pohte ic to aliesanne an loc \>xt sticode ealles to

fæste on minum astyrere. Wæs me micel sorg for j^am j^æt min ungelimp

{suhte me swijae hefig. And sijpjsan min wæter wæs waniende, geseah ic

nealæcan \>xt wierreste |>ing.

“For hwy habba|> blostman j^ornas?”

Næfre forsoc se lytla æjaeling anne fregn, J>a J>a he hine geascode. Wæs ic

wyrcende on minum loce to json \>xt ic sægde leohtlice:

“Pornas nabbaja nane nytnesse. Blostman spryttaj) hie for yfelnesse


“Wa la wa!”

Swigode he Jsa. And jsa toætyhte he mid sumum graman:

“Ne geliefe ic on j^æt! Wac sindon blostman. NabbaJ) hie nan yfel. Hie

beorgaj) hie swa swa hie magon. GeliefaJ} hie |>æt hie sien frecendlic be Jjaern


Ne andwyrde ic J>a and sona J æs cwæja to me selfum: “G if J^æt loc sticie

leng, mot ic hit heawan o f his stowe mid hamore minum.” Eft gedrefde se

lytla æj^eling mine Jioht:

“And J)u wenst \>xt J a blostman ...”

“Na, leof, nis hit swa. Ne gewene ic noht. Sægde ic hwætwugu. Eom ic

abisgode mid marum J)ingum!”

He astylte, Jsa \>z he me locode on.

“M id marum jjingum?”

He locode me on hu ic onleat to J>am jringe \>xt him niedes moste ofjjyncan.

And hæfde ic |>a hamor on minum handum J>e wæron geunclænsode be J?am


“La, j^u cwej^est swa swa J?a aweaxenan menn!”

Wæs ic ofsceamode be |>am. And he toætyhte butan ænigre are:


“On eallum J)ingum bist J»u dweliende ... ealle J)ing J>u wilt misfon!”

Wæs he micclum astyrode. Asceoc his gylden feax on winde.

“Cnawe ic tungol J>am {>e wunaj) in full read mann. Næfre ne e|>ode he

stenc anre blostman. Næfre ne geseah he nænne tungol. Næfre ne lufode

lie nænigne. Næfre ne dide he nan J)ing butan ariman. A nd ealne J)one dæg

cftgaj) he swa swa |>u: ‘Ic eom gedreog mann! Ic eom gedreog mann!’ And

\>xt ablawaj) hine mid ofermode. And nis

hit nan mann, ac hit is sponge.”

“Hwæt is hit?”

“Is hit sponge!”

Blatode J?a se lytla æjjeling for


“Si|)|)an manigum .m.m. geara J a

blostman tydraj) J>ornas. Si^jjan manigum

.m.m. geara sceap swaj>eah fretaj) blostman.

And J>u demest hit lytel jMng \>xt mon

wille witan for hwy hie geswincaj) to

tydranne Jjornas, J?a Jae to nanre note

sien? CweJ>est J)u jpxt \>xt gewinn j^ara

sceapa wij) blostman sie lytel |>ing? Huru

læs dreoglice J>onne Jsa getalu anes miclan

readan mannes? And g if ic cnawe ane

blostman seo J>e is ana on J>ære eor|)an and

is on minum lytlan tungle anum and g if

an lytel sceap, j^eah hit nyste \>æt J^æt hit

dej>, mæg adwæscan \>a. blostman on anum

mergen - cwej?e j^u J^æt hit sie lytel J>ing?”

Blyscede he for astyrunge and toætyhte

he ba:

Page 15: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Ponne mon lufaf) blostman se is anfeald in eallum .m.m. tungla, J>onne

is hit genoh ]pxt he locie upweard him to, swa \>xt he mæge blissian. Segej?

to him selfum: Is mine blostma on heah hwærhwega ... Ac jsonne jaæt sceap

fretejj {3a blostman, {rønne is hit for him swa swa ealle tunglas adwæscede

wæren! A nd hit sie lytel J)ing?”

Ne mihte he cwejaan nan jsing elles. Færinga he gefeoll to geocsunge. Wæs

seo niht cumen. Hæfde ic aled mine tolas. N e ræhte ic ne mines hamores,

ne mines loces, ne mines j^urstes, ne mines dea]ses, ne næniges ojsres Ringes.

Mote an lytel æ]?eling beon gefrefrede in anum steorran, anum tungle, in

tungle minum, her in eorj^an! Ymbclypte ic hine. Roccode ic hine. Runode

ic him to: “Seo blostma J?e J>u lufast, nis he noht gefrecnode ... Ic wille

gefægan anne cæfl for Jxnum sceape ... Ic wille gefægan anne pearroc for

Jjinre blostman ... Ic wille ...” Nyste ic hwæt ic cu]?e secgean ma. Puhte me

[oæt ic wære swij>e ægype. Nyste ic hu ic mihte cuman him to, hwær ic mihte

hine geræcan ... Pæt land J^ara teara is swij^e diegolful.

Capitol viii

Hrajae scolde ic witan mare be J5isse blostman. Ealneg wæron blostman

on [sam tungle |>æs lytlan æj^elinges; J?a wæron swi^e anfeald, gehiewed o f

leafum on anum beage; næron hie hefige |)ing and drefdon nænne manna.

Lihton on anum morgenne on græse and acwuncon on æfne. Ac sume dæge

an hiora gebredde wyrtrumas be anum sæde - God ana wat hwanon \>xt

come. Beheold se lytla æ^eling swijje gearwe Jxme sprotan, se |>e næs na

gelic {?am o{?rum sprotum. Mihte hit beon niwe gecynd apenahlaftreowa.

Ac seo wyrt hrajse ablann to weaxanne and ongann for^bringan blede. Se

lytla æ^eling, se [?e wæs andweard J a Jsa swijje micle bled wæs growende,


gearwe ongeat \>xt heo mote habban wundorlic hiw. Ac seo bled ne mihte

na fulfremman on hiere grenan bure J>æt heo wære gearo hiere beorhtnesse.

Geceas heo smealice hiere hiw, gegyrde heo hie lætlice, getrymode heo hiere

leafas an æfter ojsrum. Nolde heo ætiewan ealle befealden swa swa blede Jjæs

popiges. Nolde heo ætiewan ær heo wære mid fulre beorhtnesse gefrætwed.

La, wolde heo lician. Læste hiere diegolful Jaweal monigum dagum. Pa,

sumum morgenne, j a [3a seo sunne wæs upastigende, heo wæs ongierwede.

And heo cwæ{? cinende æfter |?æm J e heo worhte mid swa micclum gerade:

“La, hearde ic onwoc ... Bidde ic forgiefnesse ... Giet ic eom full hreoh ...”

Ponne se lytla æjseling na leng ne cujae gehydan his wundrunge:

“Eart J)u swij?e ænlic!”

“Nis hit swa?” andswarode seo bled softe. “And wæs ic acenned mid

sunnan ...”

Wei arædde se lytel æ^eling \>xt heo næfde anfealdnesse genoh; ac wæs

heo swi{?e gecwemlice!

“Is nu seo tid J?æs morgenmetes, swa me |>yncej),” heo toætyhte sona;

“willa{> gemunan mines, {?æs ic bidde eow.”

Wæs he J>a swijse amarode, se lytla æjseling, and brohte wætercruce full

fersces wæteres and beswilode J>a blostman.

Gedrehte heo hine swijje sona mid hiere idelnesse. Sume dæge, jaa Jja heo

wæs sprecende be |>am .iv. j^orna him to, sægde heo to jsam lytlan æ|)elinge:

“Magon cuman J)a tigras mid heora næglsperum!”

“Ne sindon J)ær nane tigras on minum

tungle,” andswarode j?a se lytla æj^eling;

“and tigras næfre fretaj? græses.”

“Ne eom ic na græs,” andwyrde seo

blostma softe.

“Aria mines ...”

“Ne forhtie ic nane tigras; ac gryrelic is


Page 16: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

me se wind. Hæfst {?u an jMng \>æt mæg

scieldan fram jiam winde?”

“W ind sie gryrelic? ... Pæt is yfel

wyrd anre blostme,” {rohte {5a se lytla

æjseling. “Is hit swij>e earfojslic be J^ære

blostm an...”

“On æfnunge ]du gelogast me anum

glærenan potte beneo|)an. Is hit micel

ceald mid eow. Nis hit na god, swa swa

hit is. Panon ic com ...”

A c heo gestynte hie J)a. Wæs heo

cyrnel J)a |>a heo com. N e cu|>e heo

nan J^ing be |)am ojsrum woruldum.

Ofscamod \>æt mon ongeat hiere swa anfealde leasunge, cohhette heo tuwa

o j^e Jsriwa swa J?æt heo mihte misdon ongean Jsam lytlan æ^elinge:

“Pæt {sing^æt mæg scieldan fram J>am winde ...?”

“La, wolde ic hit nu gefeccan; ac wære {du cwe|)ende to me!”

Pa geniedde heo hie selfe eft to cohhettan swa|5æt he niedes mote habban


Pus se lytla æ^eling hra|)e ongann tweon

ongean hire, for ealre his lufe. Ongeat he hiera

lihtan word swi{?e eornostlice and wear{? J?a

micel unrot.

“H it wære betre g if ic ne geliefde hiere

na,” sægde he me to sume dæge. “Mon ne

sceal næfre hlystan blostmum, hit behofa{)

hie sceawian and ejsian hiere stenc. Afylde

blostma min {>one tungle stences ac hit ne cuj^e me rotsian. H it wære betre

gif' {xct stær be {jam næglsperum, {net me swijje bryrde, gehrerde me ma.”

And he me betæhte jsas word:

“Ne cu{)e ic hit understandan {>a! H it wære betre g if ic gedemde hire be

hiere dædum and næsna be hiere wordum. Stanc heo and gleow for minum

{■>i ngum. Wa la wa, \>æt ic ætfleah {>a! Scolde ic arædan hiere hnescnesse seo J>e

wæs hiere earmum leasungum behindan. Sindon blostman wijaercwidennesse

swijae fulle! Wæs ic { a ealles to giung to lufianne hiere.”

Page 17: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol ix

Geliefe ic J>æt he ætfleah mid anum færelde wildra fugla. On morgenne his

fare he fægre aclænsode his tungol. Smealice he geswipode his beorgas J>c

mihton lieg aspiwan. Hæfde he twa cwicra beorga J>e mihton lieg aspiwan;

wæron hie swij>e nytt to gegearwianne {x>ne morgenmete. Hæfde he eac

anne acwinenne beorg. And for J)æm J>e he sægde to him selfum: “Ne

canst J>u næfre witan!” geswipode he eac J)one acwinenne beorg. G if |)a lieg

aspiwende beorgas sindon geswipode wel, hie willaj? biernan softe and efen

and ne willaj) utaberstan. E>onne J>a lieg aspiwende beorgas utaberstaj) Jionne

hit is swylce swa cylen wære onbærnde. SoJ> is: Sindon menn on eorJ>an to

lytel and J>æs we ne magon swipian ure lieg aspiwende beorgas. And for \>æm

hie us micclum geswencaj).

Hefigmode atær J>a se lytla æj>eling jaa endenehstan sprotan J>æs

apenahlaftreowes. Ne geliefde he na J>æt he æfre cume eft. Ac eall J>æt weorc

Jjuhte him J>y morgenne swij>e swete. And J>a J>a he beswilode J>a blostman on

Jjære æftemæstan tide and wolde hie gelogian jjam glærenan potte beneoJ>an,

J>a oncneow he him selfum wij>innan J^æt he wolde wepan.

“W ille J>u gesunde beon,” cwæj> he to J>ære blostman.

Ac heo ne andwyrde him na.

“W ille J>u gesunde beon,” cwæj> he eft.

Seo blostma cohhette J>a. Ne wæs hit na for cealde.

“Wæs ic dysig,” cwæj> heo J>a him to. “Ascie ic J)inre forgiefnesse. Afanda

to Jiionne.”

Wæs he ofwundrod J>æt \>ær næron nane hospas. Wæs J>a ætstandende and

hæfde J>one glærenne pott on handa. Ne cuj>e he understandan J>a smoltan



» V \ \ T



Page 18: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“La, f)u eart me leof,” cwæf) seo blostma. “Ne wiste be {jam. Is hit min

gescyld. Nis hit nan \veor[ilie Jjing. Ac J>u wære swa dwæslic swa swa ic wæs.

Afanda to jjionne ... Læt Jjisne glærenne pott gerestan! Ne gierne ic jsæs na

len g...”

“And se w in d ...”

“Ne eom ic swa forcilled swa j^æt ... I?æt fersc lyft on nihte wille me

gehelpan. Ic eom blostma.”

“And j?a d eo r...”

“BehofaJ) me adreogan twa o ^ e jjrie ymela g if ic wille witan hwæt J?a

buterfleogan sien. Pynce]} me Jsæt \>zt sie swi^e fæger. Hwa is |>e wille me

elles gesecan? Scealt \>u beon swi|?e feorr. Ac be {>am micclum deorum, ne

forhtige ic na. Hæbbe ic næglsperu mine.”

And unscyldiglice heo ojriewde hiere feower Jjorna. And heo |->a toætyhte:

“Ne leng hit to swi{?e, is hit droflic. t>u geceas to si^ianne. Ga nu!” „

Ne wolde heo J^æt he gesawe hie wepan. Wæs heo anmode blostma.

Capitol x

Wæs he on lande |>ara tungla .cccxxv., .cccxxvi., .cccxxvii., .cccxxviii.,

.cccxxix. and .cccxxx. Swa he ongann hie geneosian, to abisgianne hine

selfne \>xr ge to leornianne.

Lifode an cyning on J)æm formestan. Wæs se cyning sittende on his

cynesetl, \>xt wæs anfeald and jaeah hit wæs cynelic. Wæs he gescrydde

purpre and deorwier^e fliese.

“La! Mæg ic geseon sum scealc,” clypode se cyning, he geseah Jrøne

lytlan æ^eling. Wæs se lytla æ^eling^a frignende hine selfne:

“Hu mæg he gecnawan me sij^an he ne geseah me næfre ær?”

Nyste he |>æt mid cyningum seo woruld is swij>e anfeald J)ing: Sindon

ealle menn scealcas.

“Cum me to, swa \>æt ic mæg jje bet geseon,” cwæ|j J?a se cyning him to

and wæs swijse prud {wet he mihte beon cyning ofor anum menn.

Locode Ipa. se lytla æ^eling g if he mihte findan setl; ac wæs se tungol ealle

bewrigen mid {>am ænlican fliese { æs cynelican scicceles. Ongann J)a standan

and sij^an he wæs werig, moste he ganian.

“Nis hit na sidu ganian andweardum j?am cyninge,” sægde |xi se cyning.

“ f>æt ic jae forbeode.”

“Ne mæg ic hit forberan,” andswarode jaa se lytla æ^eling swijse amasode.

“ Hæfde ic longne sij) and ne slep ic na ...”

Cwæjj J)a se cyning him to: “£>onne ic hate f>e ganian. Ne geseah ic nænne

ganian be manigum gearum; is ganian seldlic J)ing! La, most J)u ganian eft;

hit is bebod.”

“AfæreJ) me ^æt, ne mæg ic na leng ganian ...” stamerode se lytla æ^eling

and ongann blatian.

“La, la!” andswarode se cyning. “Hwæt, ic hate Jse ganian sona and eft


Clumode he hwætwugu and mihte mon Jii ncan |iæt he wære astyrode.

Wæs Ipæm cyninge micel Jiing^æt his ealdorlicnes wære behealden. Wolde

he gej>afian nane ungehiersumnesse. Wæs he swij^e styrne cyning. Ac sijjjsan

he wæs eac god cyning, wæron his hæse gedefe.

“G if ic gehete,” he wolde secgean, “g if ic gehete anum ealdormenn

gehiwian hine to brimfugole, and g if j^es ealdormon nolde gehieran, nære

hit na his gylt. Wære hit min gylt.”

Aliefest Jxi me gesittan?” ascode J)a se lytla æ^eling mid forwandigendre


“ Hate ic {?e sittan,” andswarode se cyning and cynelice geteah J>one

læppan his cynelican scicceles him to.


Page 19: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Pa ofwundrode se lytla æj)eling. Wæs se tungol swij>e lytel. Hwæs mihte

se cyning gewealdan?

“Hlaford min ...” cwæ[) he J>a him to, “ ic ascige jsæt me sie aliefed J>æt ic

mæg J>e frignan ...”

“ Ic hate J>e ascian me,” sægde se cyning efestlice.

“Hlaford ..., hwæs gewealdest J>u?”

“Ealles gewealde ic,” andwyrde se cyning mid micelre anfealdnesse.


M id micclum gebære gewisode J>a se cyning his tungol, J>a oJ>re tunglas

and J>a steorran.

“Pæs ealles gewealdest J)u?” cwæj) J>a se lytla adding.

“Pæs ealles ...” andwyrde se cyning.

Næs he swij^e styrne cyning ana, ac wæs he gemæne cyning.

“And J>a steorran willaj) gehiersumian J>e?” ,

“SoJ>lice,” cwæji se cyning. “GehiersumiaJ* hie minum worde. GeJ>afige ic

nane unhiersumnesse.”

Wæs se lytla æjæling swij>e ofwundrod J>ære mihte. Mihte he J>ære mihte

gewealdan, J>onne mihte he geseon na .xliii. sunan setlgangas, ac .lxxii. oJ)J>e

.c., oJ)J>e .cc. on anum dæge butan anre styrunge his setles. And siJ>J>an he

wearj) hwætwugu modcearig, J>onne he gemunde his lytlan tungles, se lytla

æ^eling onbrægd his heorte and ascode anre are æt J>am cyninge:

“Wolde ic geseon sunnan setlgang ... GeJ>afa me J>one dream ... Hat J>a

sunnan gan to setle ...”

“G if ic abude anum ealdormenn fleon swa swa buterfleogan toweard

blostman, an æfter ojirum, oJ>J>e writan sarlicne sang oJ>J>e hiwian hine to

brimfugole and g if se ealdormon nolde don swa swa ic hine hete, hæfe ic

J>onne J>a teonan oJ>J>e he?”

“Wære hit J>in teona,” cwæji se lytla æj)eling mid gewissunge.


“Tela. H it gedafenaj) ælcne biddan J>æs J>e he mæg gelæstan,” andswarode

Jia se cyning. “Stent ealdorlicnes first on gesceadwisnesse. G if J>u bebeode

I 1 J>inum folce forjwadan and hie selfe adrencan on sæ, willaj) hie ungehiersum

beon. Me gedafenaj» abeodan gehiersumnesse siJ>J>an mine bebodu sindon



Page 20: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Hwæt geweorjae be minum sunan setlgange?” cwæji |>a se lytla æ^eling,

se l e næfre forgeat anre frignesse |?a ]?e he fran anre tide.

“Scealt j?u habban J^inne sunan setlgang. W ille ic bebeodan be {jam. Ac

wille ic be minre cynelican gesceadwisnesse onbidan jsæs spedigan timan.”

“Hwanne mægj)æt beon?” ascode se lytla æj^eling.

“La, la,” andwyrde se cyning, se Jje wæs lociende on miclan dægsceawere.

“La, la, wille hit beon to dæge, on æfnunge, seofon tidum and j^ære eahto^an

butan {rønne [iriddan dæl. Ond |ui wille ongietan swa swa mon gehiersuma]}


Ganode se lytla æjrøling. Ofhreaw jsæs sunan setlganges se ]rø he ne

gesawe. £>ohte him lytle langunghwil.

“Næbbe ic her naht elles to donne,” cwæ|) he ongean Jrøne cyning. “W ille

ic eft simian!”

“Ne sijMe |j u na, ic jie bidde,” andwyrde se cyning; wæs he swi]?e prud \>æt

he hæfde sumne scealc. “ Ic |ie gedo to witan.”

“Hwæt is seo bisgung J æs witan?”

“Scealt l>u beo wita jaæs rihtes!”

“Ac nis her nan {)e ic cujrø deman!”

“Nis Ipæt cu^,” cwæ|) se cyning. “Ne eode ic jrøne weg ymbutan mines

rices. Ic eam swi^e frod feores; næbbe ic nænne stede for anum wægne and

mejrøgaj) se ymbcerr.”

“La, geseah ic,” cwæjs se lytla æjrøling and hnag to eor^an swa |)æt he cujrø

sceawian J>a oJ)re sidan \>æs tungles, “\>xt nis eac nan mann in o|)re sidan ...”

“Demst |m be [ic selfum,” him andswarode se cyning. “Is \>æt hefigost

j^inga. Is hit micclum hefigra ]Mng to demanne be him selfum ]rønne to

demanne be o{)rum. I>onne ]rø spedest to demanne wel be ]rø selfum, ]rønne

bist ]du sojjlice wita.”

“Mæg ic,” sægde j a se lytla æjrøling, “deman be me selfum, swa hwær swa

ic sie. M ot ic na wunian her.”


“La, la!” cwæj) [3a se cyning; “ [nncc^ me \>æt sum eald ræt bi]) gehwær

011 minum tungle. Hierde ic hine on nihte. M iht ]rø beon dema jsæs ealdan

rætes. Sceal ]rø hwilum hine deman to deajrø. t»us his l i f hanga]} on |)inum

dome. Ac {rø gemiltsaj) him æfre swa J^æt ]rø miht sparian hine. Is Jaær an ræt»ana.

“Ne lica]} me deman to deajrø,” andswarode se lytla æ^cling [xi, “and ic

wille nu gewitan fram J)isum stede.”

“ Na, na,” sægde se cyning.

Ac se lytla æ^eling, se ^e gegearwode eall {ring his forjjgewitenesse, ne

wolde gehefigian Jrøne ealdan cyning:

“G if ]rø, min cyning, weorj^ast gehiersumnesse be timan, scealt ]rø me

bebeodan gesceadwis J^ing. Swa [lin bebod sie [iæt ic heonnon gewite binnan

anum eaganbyrhtme. Pyncej-t me \>æt j^a J>ing sindon gode to [xim.”

t>a Jsa se cyning noht ne sægde, se lytla æjicling ieldode anre hwile and

sij^an gewat mid siccetunge.

“Scealt j)u beon min ærendraca,” clypode J>a se cyning hrajse.

Wolde he jjæt hit gejrøhte |iæt he hæfde micel geweald.

Sindon {5a aweaxenan menn swijrø wundorlice, cwæ[i se lytla æjrøling be

him selfum, [3a jja he wæs forJ)gewitende.

Page 21: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xi

Wunode oferhydig mann on J>am ojsrum tungle.

“La, la, hwæt, cymj) sum freond to geneosunge!” clypode se oferhydiga

mann feorran, J?a J»a he geseah Jrone lytlan æ^eling.

Soblice, to oferhydige menn ojsre menn sindon freondas.

“Wes [in hal,” cwæj) J>a

se lytla æ^eling. “Hæfst J>u

wundorlicne hæt on heafod.”

“Is se hæt for gretinge,”

andswarode J)a se mann. “Is

se hæt for gretinge, ]}onne

menn heriajj me. Is hit micel

misgelimp \>æt manna nan ne

ætiewej) her.”

“La, hwæt?” cwæj> J>a se

lytla æjseling, se jje cuj>e nan

{ring understandan.

“Clæpp J)ine handa,” rædde

J>a se oferhydiga mann.

Geclæppte se lytla æ^eling

his handa. Grette hine jsa se

oferhydiga mann anfealdlice

and rærde his hæt.

“Is ]ris myrgra ^onne seo

geneosunge be |>am cyninge,”

sægde jaa se lytla æj>eling be

him selfum. And ongann J>a eft clæppan his handa. And rærde se

oferhydiga mann eft his hæt to gretinge.

t>æs æfter fif eaganbyrhtma ofjjyncode j^am lytlan æj>elinge se

langsumlica plega:

“And hwæs behofaj) swa Ipæt se hæt fealle adunweard?” cwæja he J)a.

Page 22: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Ac se oferhydiga mann ne gehierde hine na. Æ fre willaj) J>a oferhydigan

menn gehieran J)a herenesse ana.

“Hwæt, awundrast J>u me soblice?” ascode he J>one lytlan æjæling.

“Hwæt is J>æt, ‘awundrian’?”

“Awundrian is to understandanne \>æt ic eom se fægresta, se geglengedesta,

se ricosta and se gesceadwisesta mann J>æs tungles.”

“Ac eart J>u ana on Jnnum tungle!”

“Geglade me, awundra me J)eahhwæJ>re!”

“Awundrige ic J>e,” sægde J>a se lytla æjæling, and arærde his eaxle hwonlice.

“Ac for hwy JiynceJ) J>e ]pæt micel?”

Gewat |ia se lytla æj>eling.

“Soblice, J>a aweaxenan menn sindon swij>e wundorlice,” he wæs cwejiende

to him selfum, J>a J>a he forjjsijrøde.

Capitol xii

Wæs J>ær an drincere on J>æm J>riddan steorran. Wæs seo neosung swij>e

sceort ac heo macode J>æt se lytla æ^eling gefeoll on ane micele unrotnesse.

“Hwæt eart J>u secende her?” he ascode J>one drincere J)one J)e he mette

sittende and suwiende beforan twam ræwum flasca; ane J>ara wæs æmettig,

ojire full.

“Ic drince,” andswarode se drincere mid J>eostorfullum andwlitan.

“For hwy eart J)u drincende?” se lytla æj>eling ascode æt him.

“Swa J>æt ic mæge forgietan,” andswarode se drincere.


“Hwæt is J)æt J>e J>u wile forgietan?” sægde J)a se lytla æjieling, hine


“Swa jjæt ic mæge forgieten J>æt ic earn ofsceamod,” cwæj> se drincere,

Imigiende his heafod.

“For hwy eart J)u ofsceamod?” ascode J)a se lytla æj>eling; hæfde he

gcwilnunge him to helpanne.

“For J>æm J)e ic supe!” cwæjj \>a se drincere; gefeoll J)a to swige and nolde

specan na leng.

Asleap J>a se lytla æj>eling, dreorigmod.

Walawa, sindon \>a aweaxenan leode æfre swij>e wundorlice, he wæs

cwejjende to him silfum on his sij>e.

Capitol xiii

Se feorJ>a tungol wæs J>æs bisigan mannes tungol. Wæs J>es mann to J>æm

bisig J)æt he næfre ne ahofhis heafod, J>aJ)e se lytla æjieling {rider com.

“Wes J>u hal,” sægde se lytla æjjeling him to. “Pin sticca J>æs smocan


“Twa and J>rio sindon fif. F if and seofon sindon twelf. Tw elf and jjrio

sindon fiftyne. Wes J>u hal. Fiftyne and seofon sindon twa and twentig, twa

and twentig and siex sindon eaht and twentig. Næbbe ic J>a timan hine to

onælan. Siex and twentig and fif sindon an and J>ritig. La! H it is .di.m.m. and

.dcxii.m. and .dccxxxi.”

“.d.m.m. hwelcra Jiinga?”


Page 23: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Hwæt? Eart ]>u giet mid me? .di.m.m. and an ]>ara ... nat ic na leng ...

hæbbe ic micel weorc! Ic eom eornoste mann, wille ic na beon abisgode mid

{jam ]>ingum J?ara cildra. Twa and fif sindon seofon ...

“.di.m.m. and an hwelcra J>inga?” eftgiode ]>a se lytla æ^eling, se ]>e næfre

on life forsoc ane frignunge ]>e he gefran ær.

Se bisiga mann ahof ]>a his heafod.


“Wæs ic gedrefed ])riwa on eallum Jjam .liv. gearum ]>æs ]>e ic libbe on J^am

t u ngle. Wæs se æresta si]> .xxii. geara ær and wæs hit Bitela Maius se ]>e gefeoll

of hiehjm, God anawat. Macode he micele claterunge and ic misfengfeower

si[->um be minum getælum. Se æftera si]) wæs .xi. gearum ær and wæs hit ])rag

|)æs dropan. Næbbe ic plegena genoh. Næbbe ic na timan to æmtianne. And

is nu se ]>ridda si]?! And ])us ic secge .di.m.m . . . ”

“.m.m.m. hwelcra jsinga?” Ongeat ]>a se bisig mann ]iæt he sceolde nabban


“.m.m.m. ]>ara litla])inga, ]>a se mon mæghwilum geseon on heofonum.”


“Næs na ])æt; lytle ]>ing])a ])e bliccetta]).”


“Næs na ])æt. Lytle ]>ing o f golde, ]m ]>e willa]) idela menn lædan to

swefnum. Eom ic eornoste mann. Næbbe ic na ]>a timan to swefnum.”

“La, ])a steorran?”

“Magon hie ]>onne beon steorran.”

“And hwæt dest ]>u be ]>am .d.m.m. steorrum?”

“ di.m. and .dcxxi.m. and .dccxxxi. Ic eom eornoste mann and smealic.”

“And hwæt dest ]>u be ]>am steorrum?”

“Hwæt ic do be jsam?”

“Gese, leof.”

“Ne gedo ic naht. Healde ic hie.”

“E>u healdest \>z steorran?”


“Ac geseah ic anne cyning, se ]>e ...”

“Cyningas ne gehealda]) naht, hie gewealda])’ anes Ringes. So])lice, hit is

o]>er ]>ing.”

“And hwæt is seo fremung ]>e ]>u hæfst fram ]>ara steorran ceape?”


Page 24: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“GedeJj me |iæt weligne.”

“And hwæt is seo fremungjjæs welan?”

“Mæg ic bycgean ma steorran, g if hie sien onfunden.”

Cwæj> se lytla æjseling |)a to him selfum: “Pince]? he hwætwugu swa swa

min drincere.”

Ascode j)a ojaere frignunge:

“Hu mæg mon agan steorran?”

“Hwa ah hie?” cwæjs se bisiga mann ^a astyrode.

“Nat ic j^æt. Nah hie nan mann.”

“Gehealde ic hie, sij^an ic Jrohte first be Jjam.”

“W ille \>æt beon genoh?”

“Gese, wislice. Ponne ]du findest atamans, se j e is nanes mannes, jjonne

\>u miht gehealdan hine. Ponne J>u hæfst se firsta {>oht be anum fringe and jju

hit hæfst mid rihte, Jxmne ]>u miht agan hit. And ic, ah ic Jja steorran, sij^an

nan mann ær ne ]3ohte hie to aganne Jjonne ic.”

“So^lice,” cwæj) se lytla adding. “And hwæt dest ^u be him?”

“Gewealde ic hiera. Arime ic hie and arime ic hie eft,” sægde se bisiga man.

“Nis hit leoht [ling. Ac ic eom eornoste mann.”

Næs \>æt |iæm litlan æjselinge gecweme.

“Ponne ic hæbbe seolcen healsmyne, jrønne mæg ic minne heals mid him

bewindan and mæg ic hine beran mid me. Ponne ic hæbbe blostman, |)onne

mæg ic hie gegadrian and hie beran mid me. Ac j)u ne miht gegadrian J)a


“Ne con ic |)æt. Ac ic mæg hie gelecgean on minum sceatt-iecere.”

“Hwæt eart ]>u cwe^ende?”

“Cwæ{) ic Ipæt ic wille awritan \>æt getæl minra steorra on anum leafe. And

jsonne wille ic belucan ]pæt leaf on anre ciste.”

“And is jMs eall?”


“Gese, is j is genoh.”

“ Is j)is gleam,” Jjohte jja se lytla æ^eling. “Is |>is scoplic J)ing. Ac nis nan

1 ilit deop j)ing.”

Pohte se lytla æjaeling be J>am deopum ingum on swijpe ojjre wisan jjonne

pa aweaxenan menn.

“Hæbbe ic blostman,” toætyhte he {?a, “hæbbe ic blostman seo jje ic

beswilige dæghwamlice. Hæbbe ic [irie beorgas ])e magon lieg aspiwan and

gcswipige ic ælcre wuce. Geswipige ic eac jrøne Jje ne mæg leng lieg aspiewan.

Mon ne mæg næfre gecnawan eall gelimp. Is hit god for minum beorgum, jja

|>c magon lieg aspiewan, and is hit god for minum blostman, })æt ic mæg hie

gcwealdan. Ac j)u ne miht awiht gefremian jaam steorrum ...”

Se bisiga mann geopenode j a his muj>, ac j)a j a he ne mihte findan nane

.mdswaru \>a gewat se lytla adding.

“Pa aweaxenan menn sojslice sindon ungewunelic,” cwæ[) he ]ja to him

sclfum on his sijse.

Page 25: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xiv

Se fifta tungol wæs swij>e wundorlic. Wæs he se læsta eallra ]jara tungla.

Hæfde he rumes genoh for anre strætcandele and anum leohtboran. Ne

mihte se lytla æjseling understandan for hwi hit behofode anre strætcandele

and anes leohtboran hwærhwega on heofonum on anum tungle butan huse

and butan mannum. Ac he cwæj} to him selfum:

“Wen is Jaæt J>es mann is hwætwugu wedenheort. Ac nis he swa weden-

heort swa se cyning, se oferhydiga mann, se bisiga mann and se drincere. Is

his weorc huru andgietful. Ponne he lihtej? his candele, [rønne is hit swylce

he gesette anne niwan tungol o j^e ane blostman on eorjjan. Ponne he

acwencej) his candele, jrønne onslepaj) tungol and blostma. Is seo notu swi^e

fæger. Sojslice, is heo eac nytlic for \>æm J>e heo is fæger.”

Ponne he com to Jjam tungle, jrønne he arfæstlice gegrette Jrøne leohtboran.

“Wes Jju hal. For hwi adwæsctestu nu jrine candele?”

“Hæbbe ic wissunge,” cwæj> se leohtbora. “Wes J>u hal.”

“Hwæt is \>æt - wissunge?”

“Is h it w issunge to acw encan m ine candel. H æ bbe Jdu godne æfen.”And he eft alihte his candele.

“For hwi alihtest J>u hie nu eft?” cwæj) se lytla æjseling.

“For J)am J?e hit is seo wissung,” andwyrde se leohtbora.

“Ne mæg icjsæt understandan,” sægde {ja se lytla æjjeling.

“Nis \>xt nan Jring to understandanne,” cwæ{j se leohtbora. “La, wissunge

is wissunge. Wes J>u hal.”

And he eft adwæscte his candele.




“Gedo ic grimme Jsenunge.’

Page 26: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Adrygde he j>a his foranheafod mid linenhrægle o f readum bleo.

“Gedo ic grimme J^enunge. Wæs hit gesceadwis geara. Adwæscte ic on

morgenne and lihte ic on æfen. Mihte ic gerestan on ojjrum tidum dæges

and mihte ic geslæpan on o{?rum tidum nihtes...”

“And wæs seo wissung onwend s i^ a n ?”

“Næs seo wissung na onwend,” cwæj) se leohtbora. “And is }?æt se sarlic

sang! Is se tungol wrijxnde æfre snellicor fram geare to geare and seo wissung

næs na onwend!”

“N u {)onne?” cwæjj se lytla æ^eling.

“Pa nu, Jsa he is wrij^ende æne binnan ]>am siextigoJ)an dæle anre tide,

næbbe ic na leng anne eaganbyrhtm me to gerestan. Æ fre on j>am siextigo|>an

dæle anre tide lihte ic J a candele æne and eac adwæsce hie æne!”

“Is hit myrge ]>ing! HabbaJ) dagas jrøne siextigoJ>an dæl anre tide mid Jse!”

“Nis hit na myrge,” cwæj) se leohtbora. “SpecaJ) we nu anne monajx

“Ænne mona|>?”

“Gese, jsritigum si{>um Jjone siextigoj^an dæl anre tide. Pritig daga! Hæbbe

]du godne æfen.”

And lihte he |>a his candele eft.

Se lytla æjseling hine beheold and he lufode Jsone leohtboran, se {>e

fulworhte his wissunge treowfæstlice. He gemunde J>ara sunan setlganga, \>a.

|>e he fylgede be |?am \>xt he onbræd his setl. Wolde he gehelpan his freondes:

“Wast tu ... gecnawe ic hu |>u miht |>e gerestan, J^onne J>u woldest...”

“Æ fre ic wille me restan,” cwæj) J>a se leohtbora.

Mæg mon beon treowe and sleac samod.

Toætyhte jsa se lytla seeding:

“ Is Jjin tungol to |?æs lytel {?æt |>u mægst hit ymbfaran mid |>rie hliepa. Pu

most gan to Jjæs lætlice {>æt |>u meaht æfre beon on \>xve sunnan. Ponne |)u

wilt Jje gerestan, {jonne jsu most gan ... and wille se dæg gelæstan swa longe

swa j>u wilt.”


“Pæt ne wille micclum gehelpan mines,” cwæj) {sa se leohtbora. “Lufige ic

[xme slæp on minum life.”

“Ponne nis nan tohopa,” sægde j?a se lytla æjseling.

“Nis nan tohopa,” cwæj} se leohtbora. “Wes f)u hal.”

And adwæscte he j)a his candele.

“Bi{j he oforhogad fram eallum ojjrum,” cwaef) |>a se lytla æjaeling to him

selfum, |>a j a he si]>ode for{} - “ fram cyninge, fram drincere, fram {jam

bisigan menn. And is he se ana se j>e ne onstyraj) me to hleahtore. Mæg

his beon be jjam |>æt he abisgaj? hine be ojsrum Jjingum and næs na be him


Geteah he longe besorgiende sicetunge and toætyhte jja to him selfum:

“Is he se ana, {)one {)e ic mihte habban me to friend. Ac so^lice, is his

tungol to lytel. Nis f)ær na rymet J?e mæge twa gehealdan ...”

Nolde se lytla æ{?eling ne ge|?afian \>xt he beweop {jone gebletsodan tungol

for {jam .mccccxl. sunan setlganga binnan .xxiv. tida.

Capitol xv

Wæs se siexta tungol be tienum sijsum mara. Wunode Ipxr an eald mann, se

[>e awrat ungemetlice bee.

“La, la! Sum wita!” cwx\> he, jsa f>a he {?one lytlan æ^eling geseah.

Gesette hine se lytla æ^eling |?a onuppan [jam borde and gereste

hwætwugu. Hæfde he longne si{)!

“Hwanon cume Jsu?” ascode hine se ealda mann.

“Hwæt is seo micele boc?” sægde se lytla æ^eling. “Hwæt dest |xi her?”

“Ic eom eorjrwritere,” sægde se ealda mann.

“Hwæt is eorjrwritere?”


Page 27: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Is he wita se J»e cnawe]} hwær sindon sæ, streamas, byrig, beorgas and


“Is hit J)ing Jiæs ic micel gieme,” sægde ]?a se lytla æj^eling. “Is hit soj) cræft

æt J>am ende!” And he locode on J>one tungol J)æs eor{)writeres. Næfre ær ne

geseah he swa cynelic tungol.

“Is eower tungol swijae wlitig. Sindon her ænige widsæ?”

“Ne mæg ic Jjæt gecnawan,” sægde se eorj^writere.

“Wa la w a!” Wæs se lytla æ^eling swij^e beswicen. “And sindon her ænige


“Ne mæg ic Ipæt gecnawan,” sægde {3a se eorj^writere.

“And sindon her ænige burga, streama and westena?”

“Ne mæg ic \>xt gecnawan,” cwæ|) se eorJ>writere.

“Ac bist J>u eorJ)writere!”

“SoJjlice!” sægde se eorjswritere; “ac eom ic na spyrigend. Nabbaja we ænige


spyrigenda. Se eor^writere ne tella{> na J>a byrig, jja streamas, jaa beorgas, f>a

sæ, J>a widsæ and J>a westene. Is eorjwritere to weor^lic to æfterspyrigeanne.

N æfre wille he forlætan his bord^ærj^ær he writt. Ac grete]} he J>a spyrigendas.

HefrineJ) hie be jsam jringum and awritt heora onfundennesse. And J^onne

|ia writ anes spyrigendes J)yncaJ) him healic, J>onne se eorjyvvritere wille

openlice afandian be Jjæs spyrigendes siodum.”

“For hwy wille he swa gedon?”

“For |)am J)æt an spyrigend, se J>e leogejs, gefremej) wean on eorjrvvritera

bocum. Eac swa an spyrigend se [le drincej).”

“Hu mægjjæt beon?” ascode J?a se lytla æ^eling.

“For J>am J>e drinceras geseoj) jsa ]>ing twifealdlice. Wolde eorjjwritere

awritan be twam beorgum \>xr Ipær is an beorg ana.”

“Gecnawe ic anne mann,” sægde J>a se lytla æ^eling, “and se wære yfel


“Mæg hit beon swa. Ac Jjonne \>a siodu \>æs syprigendes {jyncaJj gode,

[wnne mon afandiaja his onfundennesse.”

“W ille mon gan secan his onfundennesse?”

“Næs na swa. Wære hit to hefig J>ing. Ac mon gierne]? tacnu æt [lam

spyrigende. Ponne he onfand micelne beorg, Jsonne mot he forj^bringan

greate stanas.”

Pa færinga andode se eorjrwritere.

“Nu J>u, Jsu eart feorrancumen! Eart |du spyrigend! Scealt J)u awritan

|)inne tungol me beforan.”

And se eorjywritere onleac his micle boc and gegearwode his writseax.

I'irst mon awritt J?a talu jjara spyrigenda mid leade. W ille mon onbidan Jiara

tacna |>æs spyrigendes ær {)am hie beoJ> awriten mid atrume.

“Nu jjonne?” ascode se eorJ>writere.

“La, nis \>xr micele styrung on minum earde,” cwxjp jja se lytla æjjeling,

“ for J>æm \>æt he is swij^e lytel. Hæbbe ic Jjrie beorga J)e magon lieg aspiewan.


Page 28: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Twa Jsara lieg aspiewienda beorga sindon on life and se Jsridda is adwæsced.

Ac we ne magon witan.”

“We ne magon witan,” cwæj) se eorjnvritere.

“Hæbbe ic eac ane blostman.”

“Ne awritaj? we be blostmum,” sægde {?a se eorjywritere.

“For hwi ne gedest {?u swa? Hie sindon {>a fægrestan {Mng.”

“We ne awritaj? be |>am for |)am Jje hie sindon hwilwende.”

“Hwæt is hwilwende?”

“Beo]} \>a. bee \>ara eorjrwritera j)a deorwierj^estan eallra boca,” sægde ]?a se

eorjswritere. “Hie næfre ne ealdiajj. GeweorjjeJ) hit seldhwanne \>xt an beorg

wille beon on anre oJ)re stowe. Geweor^ej) hit seldhwanne ^æt seo widsæ

wille ageotan hire wæter. Awrita]) we be {oam ecum jjingum ana.”

“Ac magon J)a lieg aspiewende beorgas J?e wæron adwæsced, eft acwician,”

sægde \>a. se lytla æ^eling. “Hwæt getacnajs ‘hwilwende’?”

“HwæJjre jaa lieg aspiewende beorgas sien on life oj^er wæron adwæsced

getacnaj) swa same,” sægde J>a se eorjjwritere. “Is ure caru be J>am beorge ana.

And he ne wille wandrian.”

“Ac hwæt getacnaj} ‘hwilwende’,” eftgiode se lytla æjaeling, se J>e næfre on

his life wolde forsacan anne fregn Jsone Jse he geascode.

“H it is \>zz ‘hit sceal sona swindan’.”

“And sceal mine blostma sona swindan?”


“Is mine blostma hwilwende,” cwæj) se lytla æ^eling {?a to him selfum;

“and heo hæfjs feower jsorna ana to werianne hie selfe wij} Jmm worolde!

And læfde ic hie ana on minum huse!”

Wæs hit J)æt firste tacen \>xre gehreowsunge. Ac hæfde he bieldo sona eft.

“Hwider rædest jui me gangan,” ascode he [3a.

“Ga to jrøne tungol eorj)e gecweden,” andswarode {3a se eorj>writere;

'hæfj} he godne hlisan ...”

Gewat j>a se lytla æj^eling and polite be his blostman.

Page 29: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xvi

Witodlice, se seofojja steorra wæs seo eorjje.

Is seo eorjje ma jjonne an Jjara tungla! Mon mæg ariman on Jjære eorjjan

.cxi. cyninga Jjonne man ne forgietejj, la, Jja cyningas J)ara sweartena leoda;

.vii.m. eorjjwriteras, .cm.m. ceapmanna, .vii.m.m. and .d.m. drincera,

.ccc.m.m. oferhydigra manna, Jjæt is to cwejjenne huru .ii.m.m.m. gejjungenra


Swa Jjæt ge magon understandan Jjone ymbhwyrft fjære eorjjan, mote ic

eow tellan Jjæt ær Jjam Jje se leohtstream wære onfunden, hæfde mon on Jjam

.vi. Jjeodlanda {sære eorjjan weorod leohtborena and Jja wæron .cdlxii.m. and


Hwanne mon feorran onlocode, Jjuhte hit wlanc Jjing. Wæron Jja plegan

[jæs werodes swa ge{jungen swylce swa hie wæron hopperas, {ja Jje mon mæg

gesceawian on pleghusum.

Ærest comon Jja leohtboran {jara leohtfæta Jje sindon on {jam niwan londe

on sæ, Jje nu is N ew Zealand gecweden, and on j)am sujjrenan Jjeodlande,

Jje ge nu Australia nemna[i. Sona swa hie onlihton heora leohtfatu, sigon

hie to slæpe. Eft comon {ja leohtboran ge o f China ge o f Siberia to heora

plegum. And hie eac aswundon {jam wæfersolore behindan. Ponne comon

Jja leohtboran Jje buajj mid Estum and mid Indeum. And Jjonne comon

Jja Jje libbajj on Affricalonde and on Europe. Ponne comon J?a Jje buajj on

sujjdæle [jære niwan weorolde and Jjonne {ja fram nor{jdæle. And næfre hie

gedwolodon be {sære endebyrdnesse. Wæs hit fægerlic {ring to sceawianne.

Ana se leohtbora {jæs anes leohtfætes on norjjende and his gefera Jjæs anes

leohtfætes on sugende adrugon heora li f on idelnesse and on smyltnesse:

worhton hie tuwa ælc gear.


Capitol xvii

(lif mon wille beon snotor, hit gelimpjj Jjæt mon lythwon oferdejj Jja jjing.

N .us ic be fullan treowe {ja {3a ic ræhte eow be {3am leohtborum. Mæg hit

fvl impan Jjæt Jja, Jja Jje urne steorran nyton, ne magon hine gejjencan rihtlice

on heora gemyndum. BrucaJj menn swijje lytel Jjæs ruman Jjære eorjjan.

( lif Jja .ii.m.m.m. eorjjbuendra Jje nu sindon on eorjjan stodon uprihte and

lythwon gejjrungen, swa swa on gejjinge, hie wæren ea{je gesamnode on

anum openlicum ruman Jje is .xx. mila on lengjje and .xx. mila on bræde.

Mæg mon {jæt gumcynn gejjringan on {jam læstan {jara ieglanda jjære

Smyltan Sæwe.

So{jlice, jja aweaxenan menn nylla{j {jæt geliefan æt eow. Pencajj

|>æt hie brucajj micel Jjæs ruman. Pencajj Jjæt hie beojj heah, swa swa

apenahlaftreowas. RædaJj him Jjonne hit to arimanne. LufiaJj hie {ja getalu,

wille hit gelician him. Ac ge ne sculon forlorian eowrum timan mid {jam.

I læfjj hit nane nytnesse. Getruwia{j ge me.

Pa {ja he wæs on eorjjan, wundrode {ja se lytla æjjeling for {jæm Jje he

ne mihte nan wiht geseon. Pa {ja he wæs forhtiende Jjæt he ne gecure {jone

rihtan steorran, ongann jja on sande styrian hring, se ]je wæs gehiwod swa

swa mona.

“Hæbbe Jju gode æfentide,” sægde {ja se lytla æ{jeling on wene.

“Hæbbe {j u gode æfentide,” sægde j j a seo nædre.

“Hwæt is se steorra jjone jje ic gefeoll on?” axode Jja se lytla æjjeling.

“Pu gefeolle on {ja eor|jan, eart J>u on Affricalonde,” andswarode Jja seo


“La! ... nis nan wiht on eorjjan?”

“Is her seo westen. Nis nan wiht on {jam westenum. Is seo eorjje micel,”

sægde seo nædre.

Page 30: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Sæt him {sa se lytla æjseling anum stane onuppan and ahof his eagan up

to heofonum:

“Ic ascige me selfum,” sægde he, “hwæjsre {sa steorran lihtajs, swa Jsæt

sume dæge ælc manna mæg gefindan his steorran. Loca on minum steorran.

Stande|> he rihte bufan us ... Ac is he swijse feorr!”

“He is fæger,” sægde seo nædre. “Hwæt wilt Jsu her gedon?”

“Hæbbe ic earfojsnesse be anre blostma,” sægde [3a se lytla æ (sel ing.

“La!” sægde {sa seo nædre.

Ac swigodon Jsa begen.

“Hwær sindon {3a menn?” toætyhte (sa se lytla æjseling æfter longre hwile.

“Is {sis l i f on westene eallmæst swa swa ancerlif...”

“Mæg mon beon anhaga betwux mannum,” sægde (sa seo nædre.

Locode {sa se lytla æjseling longe on hire.

“Eart (su myrge deor,” sægde he æfter langre hwile, “ Jsu eart Jsynne swa swa


“Ac eom ic strengra Jsonne anes cyninges finger,” sægde seo nædre.

Moste he (sa hliehhan, se lytla æjseling:

“Neart (su swijse m ihtig... næfst (su nane fe t ... {su ne miht na simian ...”

“Mæg ic Jse alædan fierr [3 on ne ænig scipa,” sægde Jsa seo nædre.

Slong|3a onbutan Jsæs lytlan æjselinges ancleowe, swa swa gylden earmbeag.

“Pone {se ic hrine, hine agiefe ic [sære eorjsan o f Jsære {se he com,” toætyhte

heo Jsa. “Ac eart Jsu clæne, {du Jse come o f steorran ...”

A geaf he nan andwyrde jsa, se lytla æ^eling.

“Besargie ic Jse on J?isse eorjsan ascapen o f heardum stane, Jsu Jse eart (sus

untrum. Mæg ic (se gehelpan sume dæge (sonne {su langast to swijse {sines

steorran. Mæg ic ...”

“La, ic (sæt fullice undergeat,” sægde se lytla æjseling, “ac for hwy specst Jsu

a on rædelse?”

60“Eart J)u myrge deor,” sægde he æfter langre hwile, “Jju eart Jjynne swa swa finger...”

Page 31: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Mæg ic hie ealle acræftan,” sægde {sa seo nædre.

Swigodon Jsa begen.

Capitol xviii

Purhferde se lyel æjseling Jsa westene and mette ane blostman ana; seo hæfde

Jsrie leafa and wæs swijse mæte blostma.

“Wes Jsu hal,” sægde Jsa se lytla æjseling.

“Wes Jsu hal,” cwæjs jsa seo blostma.

“Hwær sindon men?” se lytla æjseling ascode Jsa getyngelice.

Geseah seo blostma draf camela on anum dæge:

“ J>a men? Pær sindon ægjser .vi. ojsjse .vii., swa hit JsynceJs me. Geseah ic

Jsa be gearum. Ac næfre mon wat, hwær mon mæg hie findan. Sindon hie

adrifene be Jsam winde. Habbajs hie nænne wyrtruman - and Jsæt deriajs

him micclum.”

“W ille Jsu gesunde beon,” sægde se lytla æjseling Jsa.

“W ille Jsu gesunde beon,” cwæjs Jsa seo blostma.


Capitol xix

Gestah se lytla æjseling on anum heam beorge. Ne cujse he ma Jsonne Jsa Jsrie

beorga, jsa Jse wæren fyr aspiwende and ræhton to his cneowum ana. Wæs

se beorg, Jsæs fyr wæs acwinen, his fotscamol. “Mæg ic,” cwæjs he to him

selfum, “ fram anum swa heam beorge geseon ealle Jsa eorjse and ealle Jsa men

be anum eagan bearhtme ...” Ac geseah he ana Jsa nædla scearpra clifa.

“Wes Jsu hal,” cwæjs he Jsa leohtlice.

“Wes Jsu h a l... Wes Jsu h a l... Wes Jsu hal,” andswarode Jsa seo wudumær.

“Hwa miht Jsu beon?” ascode Jsa se lytla æjseling.

“Hwa miht Jsu beon ... Hwa miht Jsu beon ... Hwa miht Jsu beon ...?”

andswarode Jsa seo wudumær.



Page 32: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Sindon min friend; ic eom ana,” cwæjj he.

“Ic eom ana ... ic eom ana ... ic eom ana ...” andswarode jja seo wudumær.

“ Is jjes steorra wundorlice!” jjohte he jja. “Is hit full dryge, brorda full and

full sealt. And jja men nabbajj rædelse genoh. Æftercwejjajj hie swa hwæt

swa mon him sæge ... Hæfde ic blostman æt ham; ealneg cwæjj heo ærest...”

Capitol xx

Æ fter jjam jje se lytla æjjeling wandrode be sande, be clifum and on snawe

langre hwile, hit gelamp æt Jjæm ende jjæt he geseah ane stræte. And ealle

stræta lædajj to mannum.

“Wes {ju hal,” sægde he.

Wæs hit an geard mid blowendum rosum.

“Wes ]ju hal,” cwædon jja rosan.

Sceawode se lytla æjjeling jja rosan. Ealle hie wæron gelice his blostman.

“Hwæt magon ge beon?” ascode he æt him, micel ofwundrode.

“Sindon we rosan,” sægdon jja rosan.

“La!” sægde Jja se lytla æjjeling...

Wæs he swijje unrot jja. Tealde him his rosa jjæt ne wære nane ojjre hire

gelice on eorjjan. A nd la! Wæron jja .v.m. gelicra, ealle hire gelice, on anum i

“Wære heo swijje gram jjone heo gesawe jjæt,” cwæjj he jja be him selfum;

“wolde heo micclum cohhettan and faran swa swa heo sceolde steorfan, to

jjone jjæt mon ne hlohe be hire. And, sojjlice, moste ic don swylce swa ic

carode hie swa jjæt heo ne gefore me to micelre scame ...”

Cwæjj he jja to him selfum: “Wende ic jjæt ic wære welig be anre seldlicre

blostman - and hæbbe ic gemæne rosan ana. Heo and mine jja jjry fyr

6 4Is j>es steorra full dryge, brorda full and full sealt.

Page 33: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

aspiwende beorga, Jsa se geræcajs to minum cneowum and mid jiam anum

heora Jsæs fyr wenunga sie acwinen a on ecnisse, hie næs na helpajs to Jsam

Jsæt ic eom swijse micel æjseling ...” Awearp Jsa hine selfne on græse and

ongann gretan.

Capitol xxi

Pærrihte ætiewde se fox.

“Hæbbe Jsu godne dæg,” sægde se fox.

“Hæbbe Jsu godne dæg,” andswarode Jsa se lytla æjseling getynge, Jsa J>a he

onwende hine sylfne and naht ne geseah.

“La, her,” cwæjs Jsa seo stefn, “eom ic Jsære apuldran beneojsan ...”

“Hwa mæge Jsu beon?” cwæjs Jsa se lytla æjseling. “Eart Jsu swijse fæger ...”

“ Ic eom fox,” sægde Jsa se fox.

“Cum me to, swa Jsæt we magon geplegan,” cwæjs se lytla æjseling him to.


“Eom ic swijse u n ro t...”

“Ne mæg ic noht plegan mid Jse,” cwæjs Jsa se fox. “Ne earn ic tamcode nu


“La, bidde ic Jse jsinre forgiefnesse!” sægde Jsa se lytla æjseling.

Toætyhte he Jsa æfter sumre smeaunge:

“La, hwæt is ‘tamcian’ ?”

“Ne eart Jsu o f Jsissum stede,” sægde se fox, “hwæt eart |su secende?”

“Sece ic menn,” sægde Jsa se lytla æjseling. “Hwæt is ‘tamcian’?”

Sægde Jsa se fox: “Habbajs menn wæpen and sceotajs him mid. H it is swijse

hefiglic. And fedajs hie eac hennfuglas. H it is heora mæste caru. Secest Jsu


“Na,” sægde se lytla æjseling, “sece ic friend. Hwæt is ‘tamcian’?”

“Tamcian - is Jsæt Jsing Jse mon forgeat,” sægde se fox. “ t>æs andgiet is

‘ feallan on gecyjsjse’.”

“Feallan on gecyjsjse?”

Page 34: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Witodlice,” sægde se fox. “Ne eart {ju for me giet naht elles butan sum

lytel cniht se Jje is fullice gelic .c.m. ojjra lytlena cnihta. Ne bejjearfe ic J>e

swa swa Jju ne bejjearfest me. To J>e eom ic fox ana se jje is gelic .c.m. foxa. Ac

g if {ju me wilt tamcian, Jjonne wit uncit bejjearfaJj. Bist Jju for me ænlic on

eorjjan. Beo ic for {je ænlic on eorjjan ...”

“Nu ic onginne to understandanne,” sægde ]ja se lytla æjjeling. “Is her

blostma ... and seo me tamcode, truwe ic ...”

“Pæt mæg beon,” sægde se fox. “Mæg mon fmdan ealle Jjara Jjinga on

eorjjan Jje magon beon ...”

“Ac nis hit her on eorjjan,” sægde se lytla æjjeling Jja.

Puhte hit swa swa se fox wære micel astyred:

“On anum ojjrum steorran?”u/~\ n

G e se .

“Sindon huntan on Jjam steorran?”


“La, is hit healic J>ing! And sindon hennfuglas on Jjam steorran?”


“Nis nan Jjing fullfremed!” sægde se fox on siccetunge.

Ac se fox com eft to his Jjohte:

“Is min li f langsumlic. Huntige ic hennfuglas and menn huntigaj) me.

Sindon ealle hennfuglas gelice and sindon ealle menn gelice. Swa ic hæbbe

swa swa langsumlic lif. Ac g if Jju me wilt tamcian, Jjonne bij> min li f Jjære

sunnan full. Mæg ic gecnawan Jjone sweg Jjines stæpes se Jje is ungelic eallum

ojjrum stapum. Pa ojjre stapas gedojj me fleon under Jjone grund. Pin stæp

wille me geteon o f minum huse swa swa swegcræft. And la Jjonne! M iht

Jju geseon Jjider J>a æcras Jjæs hwætes? Ne ete ic lafes. Is me se hwæte buton

nytte. Ne gemunafj me nanes Jjinges J>a æcras J>æs hwætes. And is hit swijje


dreorig. Ac hæfst Jju feax swa gylden swa swa hwæte. La, hit bij> wundorful

J)onne Jju me getamcodest! Pæt gold J>æs hwætes wille me gemunan Jjines.

And wille ic leornian to lufianne Jjone sweg Jjæs windes on hwæte ...”

Swigode J>a se fox and locode on Jjone lytlan æjjeling langre hwile.

“Tamcige me, ic Jje bidde!” sægde he.

“Wolde ic hit gedon blijjelice,” andswarode Jja se lytla æjjeling, “ac ic

næbbe timan genoh. M ot ic finden friend and gecnawan manig Jjing.”

“Mon mæg oncnawan Jja J>ing ana, J>a Jje mon tamcajj,” sægde se fox.

“Nabbajj menn genoh Jjære tide swa Jjæt hie magon gecnawan hwætwugu.

BycgaJj ealle Jjing fulfremmede on ceapstowum. And siJjJjan ne sindon

ceapstowa, Jjær mon mæg gebycgan friend, nabbajj menn nane friend na

leng. G if Jju wilt habban freond, getamcie Jju me!”

“Hwæt is me to donne?” ascode Jja se lytla æjjeling.

“BehofaJj Jje habban gejjyld swijje micel,” andswarode se fox. “Most Jju

sittan on græse noht feorr me fram. Ic wille Jje locian on o f minum angnere,

swa swa on stealcunge, and Jju ne sægst naht. Is seo tunge se wiell ealra

ungejjwærnessa. Ac ælce dæge Jju miht gesittan an wiht me near ...”

Py ojjre morgenne se lytla æjjeling com eft.

“H it wære betre Jjæt Jju cume eft on Jjære ilcan tide,” sægde se fox. “G if

Jju cume on Jjære teojjan tide, mihte ic onginnan Jjære fægnunge on Jjære

nigojjan tide. A nd bij) mine fægnunge be Jjam swijjor, be Jjam ic mara timan

hæbbe. W ille ic onginnan Jjære unrotnesse and Jjære unstilnesse on Jjære

teojjan tide; sceal ic witan hu deor bijj Jja blisse. Ac Jjonne Jju cume to anre

uncujjre stunde, ne mæg ic na ne witan hwonne mine heorte sceal beon

andweard ... H it gedafenaj» fæstra sida.”

“Hwæt is ‘fæst sidu’ ?” cwæjj se lytla æjjeling.

“Is hit eac J>ing Jjæt menn forgeaton,” sægde se fox. “Is hit Jjæt Jjæt mæg


Page 35: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

besceadan dæg fram dæge, tide fram tidum. Swa Jsær is an sidu mid minum

huntum. Hoppiajs hie on Jsone Jsunres dæg mid Jsa fæmnan Jsæs Jsorpes. And

Jsus is Jsæs Jsunres dæg se wundorful dæg. Wandrige ic ojs J>one wingeard.

Ponne Jsa huntan woldon hoppian be anre uncujsre tide, wæron ealle dagas

gelice and ic ne mihte habban freo tide.”

Swa se lytla æjseling tamcode Jsone fox. And Jsa Jsa nealæhte Jsa tide Jsære


“Walawa,” cwæjs se fox, “mot ic wepan.”

“Is hit Jsin gylt,” cwæjs Jsa se lytla æjseling, “ ic gewysce Jse nanes yfles, ac Jsu

woldest Jsæt ic Jse tamcige ...”

“M id gewisse,” cwæjs se fox.

“Ac nu Jsu wilt wepan!” sægde se lytla æjseling.

“M id gewisse,” sægde se fox.

“Swa Jsu ne gewinnst naht!”

“Gewinne ic hwætes bleo,” cwæjs se fox.

And he Jsa toætyhte:

“Ga and loca eft on Jsa rosan. And Jsu scealt

understondan Jsæt Jsine rosa ane is on worolde.

And Jsu wilt cuman eft and secgan me ‘beo

gesunde’ and ic wille Jse agiefan diegolnesse.”

^ 7

“G if J)U cume on Jaære teoJ>an tide, mihte ic onginnan Jsære fægnunge

on Jsære nigojsan tide.”

Page 36: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Eode Jja se lytla æjjeling to locianne eft on J>a rosan.

“Ge ne sindon na gelice minre rosan, sindon ge naht nu giet,” sægde

he him to. “Nis nan gewunelic mid eow and ge ne sindon gewunelic mid

nanum menn. Ge sindon swa swa wæs min fox. Næs he mara Jjonne fox and

wæs he gelic .c.m. ojjra. Ac ic gedyde hine to minum friend and is he nu ænlic

on worolde.”

And wæron J>a rosan swijje ofsceamode.

“Sindon ge fæger, ac sindon ge æmettig,” toætyhte he J>a giet. “Ne mæg

mon steorfan for eowrum Jjingum. M id gewisse, sum wegfarende mann

mæge Jjencan Jjæt mine rosa sie eow gelice. Ac be hire selfre heo is mara

Jjonne ealle ge, for Jjæm Jje ic wæterode hie. And for J>æm Jje hit is heo, seo J>e

ic sette Jjam glæse beneojjan. And for Jjæm J>e hit is heo, seo Jje ic beweardode

mid Jjam scielde. And for Jjæm J>e hit is heo, Jjære Jje ic heora ymelas acwealde

(ealle butan twam oJjJjc Jjrim Jja J>e ic ne acwealde for J>æm buterfleogum).

And for J>æm Jje hit is heo, seo Jje ic gehierde oJjJje mænan, oJ>J>e hreman,

oJjJje hwilum swigian. For Jjæm J>e hit is mine rosa.”

And com he eft to J>am foxe.

“Beo Jju gesunde,” cwæj» he ...

“Beo Jju gesunde,” cwæj) se fox. “La, min diegolnes. Heo is swijje anfeald:

Seo heorte ana mæg geseon wel. Ne magon Jja eagan na geseon Jjæt Jjæt is


“Ne magon Jja eagan na geseon Jjæt Jjæt is healic,” cwæjj se lytla æjjeling

ongean to Jjon J>æt he hit hæfde fæste in gemynde.

“£>a timan, J>a Jje J ju forlure for Jjinre rosan, gedejj Jjæ t Jrine rosan is swijje


“E>a timan Jja Jje ic forleas for minre rosan ...” cwæjj se lytla æjjeling to Jjon

Jjæt he hit hæfde fæste in gemynde.


“Forgeaton menn Jjisses sojjes,” sægde Jja se fox. “Ac J ju ne Jjearft his

forgietan. Eart Jju scyldig Jjæs Jje Jju macodest Jje gewunelic. Eart Jju scyldig

[jinre rosan...”

“Eom ic scyldig minre rosan,” cwæjj Jja se lytla æjjeling eft to Jjon Jjæt he

hit hæfde fæste in gemynde.

Awearp J>a hine selfne on græse and ongann gretan.

Page 37: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xxii

“Wes jsu hal,” sægde se lytla æjseling.

“Wes Jsu hal,” cwæjs se wisa Jsara pajsa.

“Hwæt dest Jsu her?” ascode se lytla æjseling.

“Gerihtlæce ic Jsa wegfarendan be Jsu se n d u m sægde se wisa [sara pajsa.

“Onsende ic Jsa færeldas, Jsa Jse hie alædajs, nu on steorbord, nu on bæcbord.”

E>a abifode jsæt hus jsæs wisan jsara pajsa for swijse swiftum færelde, afylled

leohtum and dyniende swa swa jsunor.

“Sojslice, hie sindon on o f s t e cwæjs se lytla æjseling. “Hwider willajs hie?”

“Is se steormann self Jsæs færeldes uncujs Jsære stihtunge,” cwæjs [sa se wisa

Jsara pajsa.

And ojser scinenda færeld dynode Jsa be jsam wege on ojsre stihtunge.

“La, cumajs hie eft ongean?” ascode se lytla æjseling...

“E>a sindon ojsre, ungelic Jsam ojsrum,” sægde Jsa se wisa Jsara pajsa. “H it is

on wrixle.”

“Ne wæron hie eajshylde, Jsær [sær hie wæron?”

“Næfre nis mon eajshylde, ]sær Jsær mon mæg beon,” sægde ]sa se wisa Jsara


And dynode Jsa on wege se Jsunor Jsæs Jsriddan swiftan scinendan færeldes.

“Lecgajs hie on last Jsam formum sijsiendum?” ascode [3a se lytla æjseling.

“Ne lecgajs hie on last nanum Jsinge,” cwæjs jsa se wisa Jsara pajsa. “Sindon

hie æjser on slæpe Jsærbinnan ojsjse hie ganiajs. Ana Jsa cild tringajs heora

nosan on jsæt glæs Jsæra eagjsyrla.”

“Ana Jsa cildru witajs, hwider hie willajs,” sægde Jsa se lytla æjseling. “Hie

sellajs heora timan on plegol {sing o f clajse and is hit him swijse weorjs and

willajs hie wepan g if man him hit benimjs ...”

“Hie sindon blijse,” sægde jsa se wisa Jsara pajsa.


Capitol xxiii

“Wes jsu hal,” cwæjs se lytla æjseling.

“Wes jsu hal,” sægde se ceapman.

Hæfde he to ciepinge full strange poslas, jsa jse mihton acwencan ælcne

jsurst. M on nimjs anne on anre wuce and mon nylle drincan na leng.

“To hwy ceapast jsu jsas jsing?” cwæjs se lytla æjseling.

“For jsæm jsæt hit mæg cepan micel timan,” cwæjs se ceapman. “Wise men

acræfton jsæt mon mæg cepan .liii. stunda binnan anre wuce.”

“Hwæt mæge mon don mid jsæm .liii. stunda?”

“]?u miht gedon mid Jsæm swa hwæt swa jsu wille ...”

“G if ic mihte cepan .liii. stunda,” sægde Jsa se lytla æjseling, “ ic wolde secan

anne wiellan full lætlice ...”


Page 38: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xxiv

Wæs hit on jjam eahtojjan dæge sijjjjan me wearjj jjæt ungelimp on jjære

westene and ic gehierde jjæt stær jjæs ceapmannes jjara poslas, jja jja ic dranc

jjone endemestan dropan mines wætres.

“Wala,” cwæja ic to jjam lytlan æjjelinge, “ jjine gemynegunga sindon swijje

fæger; ac ne gecræftgode ic minne lyftflogan na giet and næbbe ic naht to

drincan; and ic wolde beon blijje Jjonne ic selfa mihte gan efenlice to anum


“M in freond, se fox,” sægde he ...

“La, Jju min lytla cniht, nis hit na leng be jjam foxe.”

“For hwy?”

“Sijjjjan man sceal steorfan jjurstes...”

Ne cujje he understandan mine fordrifnesse and andswarode jja:

“Is hit god hwonne mon hæfde sumne freond jjeah swa mon steorfe. Ic

eom blij^e jjæt ic hæfde jjone fox me to friend ...”

“Ne mæg he metan fullice jja frecennesse,” cwæjj ic to me selfum. “Næfjj

he næfre hungor ne jjurst. Lythwon jjære sunnan is him genoh ...”

Ac he locode me on and ageaf andsware to minum jjohte:

“&yrstejj eac me ... gan we secan pytt.”

Sceawode ic bære swylce swa ic næfde nænne tohopan; næfjj mon nænige

nyttunge g if mon on wene wille secan pytt on unarimendlicre westene.

Eodon wit swa jjeah.

&a jja we wandrodon suwiende for monigum tidum, com seo niht and jja

steorran ongunnon scinan. Seah ic hie swa swa on gesihjje sijjjjan ic lythwon

feferode for jjurste. Tumbodon {3a word Jjæs lytlan æjjelinges on minre


“Eac Jju eart jjyrstende?” ascode ic hine.

Ne ageaf he me nane andsware ac cwæjj he ana:


“Mæg wæter gehelpan eac jjære heortan ...”

Ne cujje ic understondan his word and swigode ic ... Wiste ic wel Jjæt hit

ne gedafenode to ascianne hine.

Wear]} he mejje and sæt hine selfne. Sæt ic me selfne wijj hine. And æfter

langre swigunge toætyhte he jja:

“Sindon jja steorran fæger for Jjæm Joe hie gemyndgiajj anre blostman, jja

jje mon ne mæg na geseon ...”

Andswarode ic jja: “To gewisse” and locode ic suwiende on jja fyldas jjæs

sandes jjæt se mona wæs scinende on.

“Is seo westen fæger,” toætyhte he jja ...

And sojj hit is. A lufode ic jja westene. Mæg man gesittan on anum

sandbeorge and mon ne gesiehjj nawiht. Mæg mon eac naht ne gehieran.

And ealle jja hwile hwætwugu is scinende on jjære stillnesse.

“Is seo westen fæger for jjæm jje heo hæfjj sumne pytt hwærhwega,” sægde

se lytla æjjeling.

And wæs ic blijjeheort jjæt ic færinga mihte understandan jjone diglan

scima jjæs sandes. E>a jja ic wæs geong cniht, wunode ic on anum ealdan

huse be jjæm cwæjj sagu jjæt an sceatt wære bediglod jjærbinnan. Sojjlice,

ne mihte nan mann næfre jjone sceatt ne onfindan and wen bijj jjæt nan

mann hine næfre ne gesohte. Ac begol he jjæt hus. Hæfde min hus dierne his

heortan on grunde...

“Gese,” cwæj) ic to jjam lytlan æjjelinge, “swa swa hit mæge beon jjæt hus

ojjjje jja steorran ojjjje seo westen, jjæt jjæt gedejj hie fæger, mon ne mæg næs

na geseon!”

“Ic eom blijje,” cwæjj he jja, “ jjæt jju eart on anum mid minum foxe.”

I>a jja se lytla æjjeling feoll on slæpe befealde ic hine on minum earmum

and ongann forjj gangan. Wæs ic astyred. &uhte me swa swa ic bære anne

mearune majjum. Puhte me eac jjæt nan jjinc wære on eorjjan jjæt mihte

beon mearura. Locode ic on jjone blacne hnifol on leohte jjæs monan, on jja


Page 39: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

eagan, Jsa Jse wæron belocen, on Jsone locce, se Jse bifode on winde; and cwæjs

ic Jsa to me selfum: “E>æt Jsæt ic mæg geseon, nis hit buton wrigels ana. Mon

ne mæg na geseon Jsæt Jsæt is weorjslicost...”

Sijsjsan his smæras wæron noht fullice geopenode Jsuhte hit swa swa he

smearcode be sumum dæle and sægde ic me to: “Eom ic swijse onhrered be

Jsæs lytlan æjselinges treowjse to anre blostman, be Jsære onlicnesse anre rosan

seo Jse lihtejs hine swa swa Jsæt lieg anre candle swa Jseah he beo on slæpe

...” And Jsuhte me Jsæt he wære mearura Jsonne ær. H it behofajs geornlice

beorgan candla: magon hie beon acwenhte be windes blæste ...

And Jsa ic eode forjs on Jsære wisan, onfand ic pytt on ærne mergen.

78 H loh he J>a, gehran J>æs rapes, plegode m id Jiære wince.

Page 40: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Capitol xxv

“PringaJ menn on Ja swiftan færeldas,” sægde se lytla æjeling, “Jeah Je hie

nyton naht, hwider hie w illa j. Sindon hie {rønne astyrode and iernaj on

gehwyrfte ...”

And toætyhte he jsa:

“Ne deag hit to nanum Jinge ...”

Se pytt, Jrøne Je we geræhton, ne wæs gelic Jam Je sindon on {)ære westene

on Affricalonde. Pa pyttas {sære westene on Affricalonde sindon anfealde

holas adolfen on sande. Pes pytt wæs gelic anum pytte, se Je mon hæfp on

Jrørpum. Ac næs Jæ r nan Jrørp and Juhte me Jæ t me wurde swefn.

“Is hit wundorlic,” cw æ j ic J a to Jam lytlan æjelinge, “her sindon ealle

Jin g : seo wince, se cyfl and se rap ...”

Hloh he Ja , gehran Jæs rapes, plegode mid Jære wince.

And cear J a wince swa swa windfana æfter Jam Je se wind wæs longe on


“Gehyrstu Jæ t we aweccaj Jone pytt,” sægde se lytla æjseling, “and he

s in g e j...”

Nolde ic Jæ t he wunne hine selfne:

“A lie f me Jæ t ic gedo Jæ t,” cw æj ic J a him to, “ is hit to heflglic for Je .”

A h o f ic lætlice Jone cyfl to Jæs pyttes bordriman. Sette ic hine eac

uprihte. Wæron mine earan giet gehierende {røne sweg Jære wince and seah

ic J a sunnan abifian on Jæ t wæter Jæ t abifode giet.

“PyrsteJ me Jæ s wæteres,” cwæj J a se lytla æjeling, “selle me drincan ...”

Mihte ic J a understandan Jæ t Jæ t he wæs secende.

A h o f ic {røne cyfl to his smærum. Dranc J a and his eagan wæron gelocene.

Wæs hit swa swa hit wære freolstid. Wæs Jæ t wæter sojlice o jer Jin g Jonne

drincan ana. Asprang hit fram Jam sije Jam steorrum beneojan, fram Jam


swege Jære wince, fram minra earma geswince. Wæs hit god Jære heortan,

swa swa giefu. Swa swa se scima self Ja ra giefena, J a Je ic onfeng, J a J a ic wæs

cniht, com o f Jam candlum Jæ s geolbeames, com o f swege Jæra geolsanga

on cirican, o f manjwærnesse Jæs leahtores.

“Pa menn on Jinum e jle ,” cw æ j J a se lytla æjeling, “getyhtaj .v.m. rosena

on anum tune ... and giet hie Jæ r ne magon na findan Jæ t Jæ t hie gesecaj ...”

“Hie ne magon hit onfindan,” andswarode ic J a ...

“And giet mon mæg onfindan Jæ t Jæ t hie secaj on anre rosan o j je on

hwætwugu wæteres...”

“Sojlice,” andswarode ic Ja .

And se lytla æjeling toætyhte:

“Ac J a eagan sindon blinde. H it behofaj secan mid Jære heortan.”

Hæfde ic drincan. Mihte ic eac e jian wel. H æ fJ sand bleo huniges on

ærne mergen. Wæs ic eac bli{?e Jæs bleos huniges. For hwi sceolde ic habban


“Most Ju behealdan J in behat,” se lytla æjeling cw æ j J a milde, J a J a he

sæt eft to minre side.

“Hwelc behat?”

“Pu wast geare, anne cæfl for minum sceape ... Eom ic getiemed for Jære


Ateah ic mine gefegas o f minum pohhan. Sceawode hie J a se lytla æjeling

and cw æj hliehhende:

“Pine apenahlaftreowa sindon be dæle gelice cawlum ...”


Wæs ic to so je micel collenferhj minra apenahlaftreowa!

“Pin fox ... his earan ... sindon hie be dæle gelice hornum ... sindon hie

miccles to lange!”

And hloh he J a eft.


Page 41: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Pu eart wohlic, lytel cniht, ne cujje ic naht elles gefægan Jjonne entnædraili

Jja jje sindon ægjjer ge gelocene ge geopenode!”

“La! Bist Jju spedic on [iam,” cwæj> he J>a, “sojjlice, Jja cildru witon Ic


Gefægde ic J>a anne cæfl on efste. And wæs mine heorte abifiende, Jja Jja it

hine sealde J>am lytlan æj>elinge:

“ t>u hæfst gemynde J)a J>e sindon me uncuj>...”

Ac ne andswarode he na. Sægde he:

“ Wast J>u be minum hliepe on Jja eorjjan... bij> agangen an gear tomorgen,"

And æfter sumre swigunge toætyhte he J>a giet:

“Gefeoll ic sojjlice adune on neaweste ...”

Blyscede he J>a.

Hæfde ic eft wundorlice sorga and nyste ic naht for hwy. Swa J>eah mosii

ic hine frignan:

“ I>onne nis hit nan gelimp Jjæt J>u on Jjone mergen Jjy ic mette Jje, .viil,

dagum ær, wære wandriende be J>e selfum, .m. mila fram Jjam dælum, J>aiu

Jje menn eardiajj on? Come Jju eft to Jjære stede on Jjære Jje Jju gefeolle?”

Blyscede he J>a swiJ>or, se lytla æj>eling.

Toætyhte ic J>a forwandigendre stefne:

“Wæs hit wenunga se dæg J>æs geares ym brynes?...”

Eft blyscede se lytla æjjeling. He næfre ageaf nan andsware to nan it

frignunge, ac Jjonne mon blyscej), sojilice hit getacnajj ‘gese’.

“Wala,” cwæj» ic, “eom ic afyrht!”

Ac he andswarode:

“BehofaJ) J>e to swincanne. Most J)u awendan to Jjinne lyftflogan. Wille It

her Jjin onbidan. Cum eft tomorgen Jjonne hit æ fnajj...”

Ac næs ic col Jja. Gemunde ic J)æs foxes. Wen is Jjæt man wille wepiill

hwonlice, Jjonne mon wearj) getamcod selfwilles ...


Capitol xxvi

Wæs J) ær wij> Jjone pytt sum ealda weall gefeged o f stanum se Jje afeallen

wæs. f>a J>a ic com eft ongean fram minre bisge on æfenne J)æs æfterfylgendan

dæges, geseah ic feorran J>one lytlan æjjeling hangiendum scancum sittan

Jjam wealle onufan. Gehyrde ic hine sprecan:

“Ne mæg Jju na gemunan?” sægde he. “Nis hit her rihte!”

Wæs him andwyrdende untweolice oJ>re stefne, sijjjjan he andwyrde eft:

“Gese! Gese! Is hit se dæg, ac nis hit seo stowe selfe ...”

Wæs ic forfjgongende to J>am wealle. Ne mihte ic geseon nanwiht ne ne

gehyran. I>eah swa se lytla æj)eling andwyrde eft ongean:

“Sojilice! £>u scealt geseon J>æt anginn mines spores on sande. BehofaJ) J>e

to abidanne me Jjær. W ille ic beon J>ær to nihte.”

Wæs ic feowertig elna fram J>am wealle and giet ne cuj)e ic naht geseon.

Toætyhte J)a se lytla æjjeling æfter sceortre swigunge:

“Hæfst Jju god ator? Eart Jju sicor J>æt Jju nylt J>æt ic mot gejjolian longe?”

Æ tstod ic Jja and mine heorte wæs ajjywed, ac ne mihte ic understandan

nawiht Jjagiet.

“Ga Jju nu,” sægde he, “ for J>on Jje ic wille hleapan ofdune!”

Gewende ic mine gesihjje toweard Jjæm fet Jjæs wealles and dyde hliep!

Wæs Jjær sume Jjara geolora nædra toweard Jjæm lytlan æjjelinge astrehte,

Jjara Jje magon acwellan eow binnan .xxx. eagan beorhtma ... Grapode ic on

minum pohhan for minum isene J>æs scytes and ongann Jja iernan, ac mid

Jjam dyne, se Jje ic Jja wæs maciende, glad seo nædre Jja softe on Jjæt sand,

swa swa ane stræl wætres se J>e aJjynnaJj, and butan micelre ofoste asleap Jjam

stanum betweonan mid lytelre hristunge swa swa cymj> o f isene.

Com ic to Jjam wealle swa rihte Jjæt ic cujje ymbclyppan on minum

earmum minne lytlan æjjeling, Jjone lytlan cniht; wæs he hwit swa swa snaw.


Page 42: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“La, hwæt wille Jis beon? Eart Ju nu cwejende mid nædrum!”

Hæfde ic him anumen his geolu c la j Je he hæfde his swuran onbutan.

Leahte ic his Junwanga and sealde ic him drincan. And ne dorste ic nu hine

befrinan leng. Locode he me on eornostlicee and clypte he me. Gefredde ic

his heortan cloccettan swa swa seo heorte anes forjferendan fugles Je wæs

ascoten mid flintisen. C w æ j he me to:

“Ic eom glæd fo rjam je Ju funde Jæ t Jæ s J in acræftere bejorfte. M iht Ju

wendan ham ongean...”

“Hwanon miht Ju Jæ t witan?”

Wolde ic him areccan Ja , Jæ t ic spedde on minum weorce, Jeah Je ic Jæs

næfre ne wende!

Ne answarode he na minre æsce, ac toætyhte he Ja :

“La, ic wille wendan ham to dæge, swa swa Ju ...”

Ponne hefiglice:

“Is hit miclum firr ... is hit miclum earfojlic ...”

Ongeat ic Jæ t micel Jin g wæs gelimpende Ja . Beclypte ic hine fæste on

minum earmum, swa swa lytel cild; ac noht Jo n læs Juhte me swylce he wæs

feallende uplonge on anne botm and Jæ t ic ne cu je hine æthealdan ...

Wæs his lec hefig and ajeniende sw ije feorr:

“Hæbbe ic J in sceap. And hæbbe ic eac Jæ s sceapes ciste. And swa ic

hæbbe Jone caefl...”

Smearcode he J a hefigmode.

Onbad ic langre tide. Gefredde ic Jæ t he gewearmode styccemælum:

“Lytel cniht, Ju wære a fyrh t...”

Sojlice, wæs he afyrht. Ac he wæs smearciende softe:

“W ille ic beon be miclum sw ijor afyrht to nihte ...”




“G a J511 nu,” sægde he, “ for Jo n J>e ic wille hleapan ofdune!”

Page 43: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Eft acolode ic, Jja J>a ic ongeat Jjæt wyrd. Næfre eft gehieran Jjone hleahtor

- ongeat ic J>a, Jjæt ic ne mihte aberan Jjæt gejjoht. E>uhte me hit swa swa pytt

on westene.

“Lytel cniht, giet wille ic hieran Jjinne hleahtor ...”

Ac sæde he me to:

“W ille hit beon full gear to nihte. W ille min steorra beon bufan Jjære

stowe J>ær Jjær ic lende Jjy ærran geare ...”

“Lytel cniht, is Jjæt stær Jjære nædran, Jjære metinge and J>æs steorran swa

swa yfele gesiht...”

Ac ne andswarode he na minre fregne. Cwæjj he Jja:

“Ne mæg mon geseon Jjæt Jjæt is healic ...”

“W itodlice...”

“ Is hit swa swa mid blostman. G if Jju lufast sume blostman seo Jje wunajj

on steorran, Jjonne hit JjynceJj Jje swote to locianne up to heofonum. Ealle

steorran sindon blostman fulle.”

“W itodlice...”

“Is hit swa swa mid J>am wætere. £>æt wæter Jjæt Jju sealde me drincan,

[juhte me swaswegcræft for Jjære wince and Jjam rape... eart Jju Jjæs gemyndig

... wæs hit god.”

“W itodlice...”

“Pu wilt gesceawian Jja steorran nihtes. Is min ham to Jjæs lytel Jjæt ic ne

mæg tæcan Jje his stowe. Is hit bet swa. M in steorra wille beon for Jje an Jjara

steorra. E>onne wilt Jju blijje gesceawian ealle steorran ... Hie ealle willajj

beon J>in friend. And Jjonne wille ic Jje sellan sume giefe ...”

Hloh he Jjagiet.

“Walawa. Lytel cniht, lytel cniht. LicaJ» me wel J>es hleahtor!”

“W ille Jjes beon mine giefu ... wille hit beon swa swa mid Jjam wætere ...”


“Hwæt wilt Jju secgean?”

“Men habbajj steorran ac ne sindon hie hand swa gelice. k m Jje siJjiaJj,

sindon J>a steorran latteowas. Ojjrum ne sindon hie naht elles butan lytle

Icohtas. Ojjrum, Jja Jje sindon witan, Jja steorran sindon hefig Jjing. Wæron

hie gold minum ceapmen. Ac swigiaj) ealle Jja steorran. Ac Jju scealt habban

steorran swa swa nan ojjer w ih t ...”

“Hwæt wilt J>u secgean?”

“Nihtes, hwonne Jju eart lociende up to heofonum, wille hit Jje Jjyncan

swa swa ealle steorran hleahen for Jjam Jje ic hleahe in anum hiera. &u scealt

habban steorran Jja Jje magon hliehhan!”

And hloh he J>a eft.

“And Jjonne Jju gefrefrodest J>e selfum (simble man hine selfne gefrefrejj)

|hi bist blijje Jjæs Jje Jju me gecneowe. Simble scealt Jju beon min freond.

I .icaj» J>e hliehhan mid me. And scealt Jju geopenian Jjin eagjjyrel hwilum Jje

to frofre anum ... And Jjine friend beojj micel ofwundrede, Jjonne hie seojj,

pæt Jju eart lociende up to heofonum and eart hleahende samod. £>onne Jju

«ccalt secgean him to: ‘Efne, Jja steorran simble gedojj me hliehhan!’ And

hie willajj Jjencan Jjæt Jju sie wod. Swa ic J>e sceal gedælan fægere gerscipe ...”

And hloh he Jja eft.

“ BiJj hit gelice swylce swa ic geafe Jje for steorrum anne heap lytelra bellena

|>a Jje hliehhan magon ...”

And wæs he hleahende Jjagiet. Ac wearjj he on eornoste eft ongean:

“ Wite J ju Jjæt Jju ne scealt cuman to nihte!”

“Nylle ic Jje alætan.”

“Hit bijj swylce swa ic gesiclode ... be dæle swilce swa ic wære forjjferende.

Is li it swa. Ne cum Jju to sceawianne hit, nis hit Jjæs wierjje ...”

“Nylle ic Jje alætan.”

Page 44: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Ac wæs he cara gefylled.

“CweJje ic \>æt }>e to ... is hit eac for }>ære nædran. N e sceal heo bitan }>e ...

Pa nædran sindon yfele. Magon hie bitan him to gamene ...”

“Nylle ic J?e alætan.”

Ac wæs he gehefgad be anum jMnge:

“So}} hit is, hie nabbajs nan ator to J)am o}>rum bite ...”

Ne geseah ic hu he gewende on his forjrfore on ]?ære ilcan nihte. Atfleah

he wij^utan anum hlynne. Pa J?a ic cu]?e aræcan hine, wæs he gangende mid

swiftum and fæstum stridum. Sæde he ana:

“La, eart }?u her ...”

And he genam me be handum. Ac wæs he giet tintregiende hine selfne:

“Ne gedydest J?u jsæt rihte. H it smeortej? }>e. ÆtieweJ? hit swylce swa ic

wære dead, ac \>zt ne bij? so}?...”

Swigode ic j?a.

“Understand nu. Is hit to feorr. Ne can ic niman minne lichaman mid me.

Is he to hefig.”

Swigode ic {?a.

“Sceal he licgan swa swa æmettig wrigels. Ne sceal mon beon dreorig be

swa ealdum w riglum ...”

Swigode ic }>a.

Awende his ellen hwæthwugu. Giet he eft ongann:

“Gecnawe j?u \>xt hit bij? wundorful. W ille ic eac sceawian }?a steorran.

Ealle steorran beoj? pyttas mid anre rustigan wince. Ealla steorran sella}) me

drincan ...”

Swigode ic }?a.

“Pæt bij? swi{?e myrge! Pu scealt habban .d.m.m. bellena, sceal ic habban

.d.m.m. p y tta ...”

Swigode he eac, si}?}?an he wæs wepende ...

“Is hit her. A lie f me gangan anne stride be me selfum.”

Gesæt hine selfne for }æm }>c he wæs afyrht. Sæde he giet:

Pu wast ... mine blostma ... eom ic getiemed for hire! And is heo swa

wac! And is heo swa swa cild. Hæf]? heo feower J?orna J?a J?e ne dugon to

awerianne hie wi}> J?a worulde ...”

Page 45: Be þam lytlan æþelinge


5sct ic me selfne, sif>{>an ic na leng cu}>e standan. Sæde he }>a:

‘La ... Is |)is e a l...”' Jcielde he hwonlice and J^onne he aras. Dyde he anne stride. Ne mihte i

ran me selfne.

Næs hit naht elles jionne geolu leoma be his ancleowe. Ne astyrede he

hine selfne for anum eaganbyrhtme. Ne ceallode he. Asah he softe swa swa

treow asihj). Næs Jsær nan dyne for jjam sande.

Capitol xxvii

Sojlice, beoji nu agangen eft .vi. geara ... Næfre ne getealde ic \>xt stær.

Wæron blij^e ]ja friend, }>a j e me eft gesawon, ]?æt hie me gesawon lifigendne.

Wæs ic unrot ac cwæj) ic him to: “Cymj} hit o f Jsære teorunge ...”

Gefrefrode ic me selfne nu hwonlice. Pæt is to secganne ... na fullice. Ac

wat ic geare }>æt he gefor eft to his steorran for }>am |>e ic ne fand na his

lichaman on ærne mergen. Næs hit na swijse hefig lichama ... Lufige ic eac

nihtes hlystan jsa steorran. Beojs hie swa swa .d.m.m. bellena.

Ac belimpe}) nu micel wundor. Forgeat ic to gefeganne anne Jswang for

[um cæfle, [sone [ic ic gewyrhte J>am lytlan æjselinge. Sceal }>æt sceap næfre

ne habban anne cæfl his mujse abutan. And jsus ic eom frignende me selfum:

“Hwæt gelumpe, la, on j>am steorran? Wen is [sæt Jsæt sceap frete Jsa blostman5>

Cwe{>e ic to me selfum on anre tide: “Sojlice, ne gewearjs Jsæt! Se lytla

æjeling nihtes bejsecjs his blostman mid Jsæm glæse and he bewitejs wel his

sceap ...” Ponne eom ic blijse. A nd ealle steorran softe hleahajs.

Cwejse ic to me selfum on ojsre tide: “Mæge hit belimpan Jsæt mon is

forgitel, and is hit genoh. OJsJse he forgeat on anre nihte jsæs glæses, ojsjse

|iæt sceap æthleop stille on anre nihte ...” Ponne ealle Jsa bellan bcojs awende

to tearum! ...


Page 46: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Is hit swijje micel diegolnes. Eow, ge ]?e eac lufaj) jjone lytlan æ^eling, and

swa eac for me, nan {ring on J>a eorjjan mæg beon swa swa hit ær wæs, Jionne

hwærhwega - and nyton we hwær hit sie - an sceap Jjæt we ne cunnon, oJ)J)e

fræt rosan oJ)J)e ne fræt rosan ...

LocaJ> up to J)am heofonum. AsciaJ) eow selfum: £>æt sceap, gefræt hit J)a

blostman. OJ)J)e gese o j^e na. SeoJ) jjonne hu eall bi{? awend ...

Ac nan Jjara aweaxena leoda næfre ne understent J>æt hit is swij>e healic



Page 47: Be þam lytlan æþelinge


Is Jsis landa beorhtost and sarost on worulde for minum

intingum. H it is gelic Jsæm lande Jse mon mæg geseon on [>æm

endenehstan leafe. Ac ic gefægde |iæt land eft swa Jsæt ge magon

hit fullice oncnawan. Se lytla æjeling æteowode in jsære stowe,

jsa jsa he to eorjsan com and jsa Jsa he ætswand.

Lociajs rihtlice on Jsæt land, swa Jsæt ge magon ongietan

hit eft, Jsonne ge sijsiajs on Jsære westene on Affricalonde. And

Jsonne ge wenunga cumajs be Jsære stowe, efestajs na fierr, Jsæs

ic bidde eow, onbidajs hwonlice, efne beneojsan jsæm tungle!

Ponne sum cnafa cymjs to eow and he hliehjs and is gylden

gefeaxed, and he ne wille andwyrdan Jsonne mon hine frignejs

- Jsonne ge arædajs, hwa he is. Beojs jsonne freondlic! Ne lætajs

na Jsæt ic sie dreorig leng: Writajs me hrajse, Jsæt he is eft cumen.

Her endaj) seo boc J e mon Lytel Æjseling nemnejs.

Page 48: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

Translator’s Note

In preparing this translation, some basic decisions had to be made in order to achieve a certain degree o f ‘authenticity’. Thus, the dialect chosen for this translation is late West- Saxon, one o f the O ld English (or Anglo-Saxon) dialects, written in the southern parts o f England (those south of the Thames, but excluding Kent and adjacent areas) around the year 1000 A.D. Spelling is however fairly stable and does not show the variation that can be found in late Old English texts. I have used the form “mon” for the impersonal pronoun, but “man(n)” (and inflected forms) for the noun. However, M odern English “land” is spelled both “land” and “lond” and there is some variation between “Jjæm” and “f>am”. Punctuation follows m odern conventions.

In Old English, the indefinite article was not yet a regular linguistic feature and the meaning and function o f a noun also depended on the context in which it was used, just as in Latin. I have therefore used indefinite articles in those cases where it is essential for modern readers in respect of the meaning o f a particular phrase. Also, I have used both “an” and “sum” and their inflected forms.

In O ld English manuscripts, Roman numerals (digits) can be found side by side with O ld English numerals and ordinals. As a rule, I have used Roman numerals; these appear with a dot at the beginning and at the end, e.g. “.v.” In Chapters 7, 13 and 18, special conventions have been used for higher numerals, e.g. “.ccc.m.m.” — 300*1000*1000 = 300,000,000. In Chapter 13, some o f the numbers are even more complex, involving units, decades and so on. I have therefore used the conjuction “and” to combine groups consisting o f Roman numerals, for example in translating “cinq cent un millions six cent vingt-deux mille sept cent trente et un” which appears as: “.di.m.m. and .dcxii.m. and .dccxxxi.” - 501,000,000+622,000+731.

As a rule, I have retained modern proper names, as in Chapter 1, where “Arizona” appears in an explanatory relative clause: “fram Jjæm lande {5e is nu gecweden Arizona”. However, I have translated those proper names which can be translated into O ld English: “États-Unis” in Chapter 6 appears as “Geanlæhtum Eardum ” and “Pacifique” as “Smyltan Sæwe” (Chapter 17).

Words expressing modern concepts and material objects, such as “aiguilleur, allumeur” and so on, have been translated into Old English (with an occasional paraphrase); in many instances, original Old English words have received a new metaphorical meaning; also, the tendency, in Old English, for compounding and affixation, has frequently been used. Thus, “aiguilleur” appears as “wisa J>ara pajja”, “allumeur” as “leohtbora”, “avion” as “lyftfloga”, “baobab” as “apenahlaftreowe”, “moteur,” as “astyrere”, “réverbére” as “strætcandel”, and “train” as “færeld” - the list is not exhaustive and readers are invited to use their imagination.

Page 49: Be þam lytlan æþelinge

“Beo pu gesunde, ” cwæp se fox. “La, min diegolnes.Heo is swipe anfeald: Seo heorte ana mag geseon wel.

Ne magon pa eagan na geseon pætpæt is healic. ”“Ne magon pa eagan na geseon pæt pæt is healic, ” cwæp se lytla

æpeling ongean to pon pæt he hit hæfde feste in gemynde.¥