bds cleveland potash case study

BEYOND DIGITAL SOLUTIONS 1 CASE STUDY CLEVELAND POTASH UK Industries: Corporate Product: 46” Interactive Touch Screens Introduction: Cleveland Potash is a mining company, owned by Israeli based ICL Fertilisers. Given the importance of health and safety in their workplace, the initial requirement was for a digital communication solution that would enable the company to display up to date policy information to employees on a constant basis. The interactive sign includes all management rules and policies and was strongly promoted by the HR team. As the sign build developed, the importance of displaying key performance indicators became a central requirement, such as how much product was mined in previous days and how much was shipped from the Tees Dock base. Although critical to the performance of the business, this up to date key information was previously not displayed automatically and openly. Both the attract loop and the central page of the sign display actual figures against target using a feed of data from a central company database. Other content includes ‘instant messaging’ using the dedicated text area on the main page, live weather updates and unique pages for each building. Cleveland Potash chose to install an estate of 46” interactive digital screens in various locations around their site, including the mine, port and management areas. All of the concept, graphic design, user interface of the site and functionality/user interface was designed by Beyond Digital. Functionality: - Interactive - Software Platform – Four Winds Interactive - Corporate Communications - Live 3 Day Weather Feed - Training Documentation - Company Policies - Management Rules - Health & Safety Instructions - Job Vacancies - KPI Integration - Site Map

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46” Interactive Touch Screens


Cleveland Potash is a mining company, owned by Israeli based ICL Fertilisers. Given the importance of health and safety in their workplace, the initial requirement was for a digital communication solution that would enable the company to display up to date policy information to employees on a constant basis. The interactive sign includes all management rules and policies and was strongly promoted by the HR team.

As the sign build developed, the importance of displaying key performance indicators became a central requirement, such as how much product was mined in previous days and how much was shipped from the Tees Dock base. Although critical to the performance of the business, this up to date key information was previously not displayed automatically and openly. Both the attract loop and the central page of the sign display actual figures against target using a feed of data from a central company database.

Other content includes ‘instant messaging’ using the dedicated text area on the main page, live weather updates and unique pages for each building.

Cleveland Potash chose to install an estate of 46” interactive digital screens in various locations around their site, including the mine, port and management areas. All of the concept, graphic design, user interface of the site and functionality/user interface was designed by Beyond Digital.


- Interactive- Software Platform – Four Winds Interactive- Corporate Communications- Live 3 Day Weather Feed- Training Documentation- Company Policies- Management Rules- Health & Safety Instructions- Job Vacancies- KPI Integration- Site Map

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User Interface

Multiple regions of live data and interactive buttons, Including live weather feed, and wayfinding map of site.

Live Production

Live production statistics and performance reports from 5 sites including satellite office at Tees Dock over 10 miles away.

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Live Production

Management rules and policies for employees to access at any time on-site.