bcu - pio - assessment-centers - 251013

Assessment-Centers Team Diversity: Noora Al-Abdulla Panchapha Laochoo Solar Perera Joachim Kranzler Navin Mahaveer Okwuchukwu Nnajiofor MSC Management People in Organisations Group-Presentation 25/10/2013

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Group-presentation in "people and organisations" at the BCU


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Team Diversity:

Noora Al-Abdulla

Panchapha Laochoo

Solar Perera

Joachim Kranzler

Navin Mahaveer

Okwuchukwu Nnajiofor

MSC Management

People in Organisations



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The basic idea of an assessment center (AC) is the assembly of a number of different but complementary

techniques that specifically can determine the ability of an individual to undertake a particular job. (Goss, 1994)

An assessment center is usually a full day of selection tests and activities, designed specifically to test out the

skills and abilities of the candidate in relation to the job. (Leatherbarrow et al., 2010)

An assessment center approach means that a number of people are assessed together by a number of assessors,

using a variety of selections techniques. This enables the collection of a range of information and observation

and evaluation of how individuals interact with other people. (Foot and Hook, 2011)

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(Bhupendra, 2012)

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Techniques and aims

(Prashant, 2012)

• Leadership skills • Analytical skills • Working under

pressure • Teamwork • Co-operating with

other people • Verbal and written

communication skills • Numeracy

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Techniques and aims

(University of Kent, 2011)

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...a typical day at an AC

(Oxford University Careers Service, 2012)

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Critical aspects

Advantages Disadvantages

Finding the right participants Costly => avarage GBP 225 per candidate (Crail, 2007)

Flexible customization to requirements

Binding recources (time, staff, space, etc.) => 1 to 3 days

Selection, training and promotion of candidates

Observers may bring in their own perceptions and biases while evaluating

Mapping of next challenges by simulation

De-motivation of candidates with poor assesments

Candidates can improve their performance and increase strenghts and remove weaknesses

Candidates might lose confidence in their abilities during the process of assessment

Evaluation is judged by different excperts

(Bhupendra, 2012)

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Thank you!

Any questions?

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Reference list (1)

Bhupendra, S. (2012) Need of Assessment Centers, 16 August 2012. Available at:


[Accessed 20 October 2013]

Crail, M. (2007) Employers rate assessment centres as worth the high cost. Available at:


worth-the-high-cost.htm [Accessed 22 October 2013]

Foot, M. and Hook, C. (2011) Introducing Human Resource management.

6th Edn. Harlow: Pearson Financial Times.

Goss, D.(1994) principle of human recourse management. 1st Edn. New York: Routledge.

Leatherbarrow, C., Flectcher, J. and Currie, D. (2010) introduction to human resource management.

2nd Edn. London: Chartered Institute of personnel and development.

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Reference list (2)

Oxford University Careers Service (2012) Assessment Centers. Available at:


[Accessed 24 October 2013]

Prashant, K. (2013) Techniques of Assessment Centers. Slideshare, 9 Dezember 2012.

Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/pacifi_c/assessment- centers?from_search=5

[Accessed 20 October 2013]

University of Kent (2011) Assessment Centers. Available at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/selection.htm

[Accessed 24 October 2013]