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Free Form BCN: A True Legend Never Dies Communicating and Introducing BCN’s Legacy Alex Danay, Nimisha Kashyap, Michael Love, Mariana Marshall, Natalia Novikova, & Tim Schickling

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  • 1. Free Form BCN:A True Legend Never DiesCommunicating and Introducing BCNs Legacy Alex Danay, Nimisha Kashyap, Michael Love, Mariana Marshall, Natalia Novikova, & Tim Schickling

2. Table of Contents! Situation Analysis - 1! SWOT Analysis - 2! Competitors - 3! Inspiration - 4! Strategy Overview - 5! Targets - 6! Public Relations - 7 ! Media List - 8 ! Intern Application - 9! Social Media - 10 ! Twitter - 11 ! New Website - 12 ! Details on Social Media - 13-17 ! Intern Application - 18! Guerilla Marketing - 19 ! Outdoor Fun With BCN - 20 ! Air Guitar Contest - 21 ! Rock Record Scavenger Hunt - 22! Monetization - 23 ! Details on Monetization - 24 ! Microtransactions - 25! Measurement - 26 3. Situation AnalysisWithin the last decade traditional radio has seen a sharp decline in its listeners. With the continuous growth of other musicoutlets such as Pandora, iTunes, satellite radio and Sirius XM it has been a struggle for the classic form of radio to stay onthe air. As of 2009 Pandora has accumulated 40 million registered users and iTunes has sold 8.5 billion songs, whiletraditional radio continues to become less popular. The fact that these newer mediums have less commercials and a morepersonalized format has made them more popular among listeners.In August 2009, WBCN played its last show, ending an important era for rock music. However, WBCN is now utilizing newmedia as a way to continue bringing its audience the classic sound and style they have always been known for via an onlineformat. This transition provides WBCN with the chance to reinvigorate the Boston rock scene with more music because ofthe commercial free format. Using online streaming provides WBCN with the opportunity to provide a global reach, as wellas connect with a more tech savvy audiences. WBCN already has an established fan base that they can rely on to listen andsupport the new format. In addition to their loyal listeners, WBCN is confident in its sound and has various alumni to helpdeliver the shows rock sound. Despite these strengths and opportunities, WBCN still faces some weaknesses that need to beaddressed. The new format might be difficult for original and new fans to incorporate into their lives and it is also a difficulttransition due to WBCNs lack of budget and workspace.1 4. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weakness !Established fan base !Different format !Alumni !Soft launch/not live !Know their sound !No major budget !Commercial free!No facilities or workspace Opportunities Threats !New and tech savvy audiences !Satellite radio !Provides a global reach!Sirius XM !Reinvigorate the Boston Rock !Pandora scene !iTunes !Opportunity for more music !General decrease in radio because it is commercial free listeners 2 5. Competitors! The Hype Machine !MySpaceMusic! Fuzz !Pandora! Grooveshark!! Deezer !Radiolicious! Live365 !Slacker! iLike !Spotify! !Stitcher Radio! MeeMix !ShareTheMusic! Musicovery 3 6. InspirationOur recommended strategy is inspired by those who inspirited the original WBCN. Yousee, we noticed a denite parallel between the early demise of WBCN and the fallen starsof Rock & Roll. Both the rock station and these rock stars suffered premature deaths.They were tragically taken before their time, forever endearing them to their audiencesand leaving them craving more. The likes of: Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Buddy Holly, Freddie Mercury, John Lennon, Ian Curtis,Duane Allman, John Bonham, David Box, Cliff Burton, Steve Clark, Nick Drake, StevenGains, and Elliot Smith (to name a few) died young and in the midst of great popularity.A situation such as this can transform a star into a legend.We see WBCN in the same light. Free Form BCN is the reincarnation of a fallen star, givena second life. Just as the legends of Rock & Rock live on through continual releases ofnew rarities, alternative takes, and studio sessions WBCN lives on though Free FormBCN. Like the rock gods mentioned above "A True Legend Never Dies".4 7. Strategy Overview! Inspiration: Life and Times of Famous Artists! PR Tactics and Community Outreach! Social Media Marketing! Word of Mouth Marketing! Guerrilla Marketing! Monetization and Measurement5 8. Targets! Primary Target: Older Audience:Communicating BCNs Legacy! Men and Women ages 35-55! Secondary Target: Newer Audience:Introducing BCNs Legacy! Men and Women ages 18-346 9. Public Relations! Media advisory! Pitch to Press: College Radio Stations, Local Publications(See next page for media list)! Community Outreach! MIT- Math Music Challenges (winner wins "radiotakeover")! Jordans Furniture and local business partnerships! DJ Personalities at college reunions/school dances! Cater music to class graduation year! DJ campus events! Job listing for PR and press intern(s). 7 10. Media List 8 11. Intern Application: Public Relations! About WBCN ! Free Form BCN is a digital-only Rock radio station airing on WBZ-FMHD-2 in Boston, Massachusetts and owned by CBS Radio. Before switching to 98.5 HD-2 on August 12, 2009, WBCN ran its last rock format for 41 years as an analog radio on 104.1 MHz (now WBMX). WBCN became a legend in the Rock music industry for providing a breakthrough for many bands, most notable U2.! We are looking for an unpaid intern to work with us! Responsibilities ! Assists with administrative duties ! Drafts basic public relations materials including news releases, media alerts, fact sheets, meeting summaries, status reports and other materials as directed ! Outreach to local and college publications ! Carries out special and media even planning activities and arrangements Attends and participates in meetings, presentations, trafc meetings and brainstorming sessions as directed Measuring/evaluating coverage Develops and updates media lists and other databases Assists with the management of outside vendors to successfully complete outside work, including, but notlimited to printing of materials, renting of audio/visual equipment, photography, graphic arts services orsupplying needed products! Requirement Skills ! Enrolled in, or a recent graduate of, a university public relations, marketing, advertising or other related program ! Current students will preferably have at least sophomore standing ! Demonstrate the ability to undertake basic public relations writing assignments, and posses an understanding of basic media relations skills ! Prociency in Microsoft Ofce Suite including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access and Outlook ! Interns will work between 15-25 hours a week. Summer interns will work 40 hours per week ! Prior relevant experience is preferred! To Apply ! Please send a cover letter, resume and writing samples to [email protected] 12. Social Media! Social Media Contests! Most active Facebook friend of the week! Most active Twitter follower of the week! E-mail! Chain letter! E-newsletter! YouTube! Videos and slideshows of old pictures, behind the scenes videos,air guitar contests! BCN Website! Redesign website, link to all social media platforms, etc.! Job listing for social media intern(s) 10 13. Twitter! Dos ! Create a dened personality for BCN on Twitter ! Create individual DJ Twitter account in addition to BCNS account Tweet 4-6 related content per day 1-2 personality tweets per day ! Find interesting content (news articles) related to BCN and the music industry and share them ! Inform when there is a new product offering or important change ! Share blog posts from Sam ! Hold Tweet-Ups once a solid following is established.! Donts ! Dont put a limit on the amount of @replies especially when it comes from requests ! Do not set up Auto-DMs! Sometimes ! Share the BCN link from time to time, but excessive promotion becomes annoying ! Push followers to the Facebook page, and vice versa 11 14. New Website12 15. Details on Social MediaFree Form BCN should reward its fans who are particularly active on social media. Each week the most active Facebookfriend and/or Twitter follower could have a block of songs dedicated to them, be sent BCN marketing collateral, or otherwisebe honored. The DJ could even thank them for their support and participation on air. Essential judging criteria shouldinclude amount of BCN tweets retweeted, quantity and quality of original mentions on Twitter and of Facebook commentsand posts. This tactic will not only salute the loyal listener and hence reinforce their community participation, but alsoencourage others to become more involved with the stations social media efforts.Social media efforts are a wise investment; the advantages for companies using a social network like Facebook are evident.The barriers to entry are low but the potential for prot is high. By engaging in social media, one gets wide distribution on atrusted network without any need to share revenue. The direct cost is zero, however employee time and effort areimportant factors to consider. The human capital it takes to maintain a strong social media presence should not be takenlightly. To be effective online, engagement must be timely and consistent; and to execute this, Free Form BCN employeesmust make a consorted effort to tackle the endeavor head on and with long-term commitment.Social media gives BCN the tools to maintain a strong relationship with members that can translate into increasedlistenership. There is an old chestnut in business that goes something like; winning a new customer is ve to ten times moreexpensive than keeping an existing one. This truism can be applied to most businesses, including internet radio. If FreeForm BCN were able to keep current listeners more involved with the station after the broadcast ends, retention rate mightjust increase.13 16. Details on Social Media IIPaul Gillin, author of Secrets of Social Media Marketing, believes listening is the most important part of asocial media strategy. He says to "listen to what customers say about you", that taking note of "the othertopics they discuss can yield segmentation insights." This is where sites like Facebook and Twitter come intoplay. Facebook provides a forum where rock radio and hey-day WBCN enthusiasts are present and active.Twitter on the other hand is a tool for "micro-blogging" or posting very short updates, comments or thoughts.These networks not only allow for open communication with the members of your community, but provide aspace where the members will talk amongst themselves as well. By listening to what they are discussing,Free Form BCN will be afforded the opportunity to gain insights that can aid in constructing an ever-improving communication strategy. Engaging more effectively and hence increasing/maintain listenership isone component, another is researching for further promotional and content ideas. If BCN pays attention tothe communitys interests, they can then create content that serves them.When creating social media content in-house, quality counts. Remember people, are bombarded by thousandsof marketing messages daily. Facebook and Twitter are no different than the "real world"; quality content willrise above the mass marketing nonsense. Brette Borow, a Mashable (one of the largest and most reputableblogs on the Internet) contributor believes emotion is required in crafting quality. Understandable, itsgeneral marketing knowledge that creating an emotional connection is one of the most effective ways tomotivate users. 14 17. Details on Social Media IIITherefore, provide content your audience can relate to. Dove is a great example of a company that does this right. Gillinargues, "Choosing a distinctive voice is the single most important element in differentiating content." He continues,"Humanize the social media experience. Write in personal terms. Tell stories." To be successful in social media, BCN musthead his advice and be consistent with its social media language. Try to write in the same style, maintain a certain moodand tone.In addition to quality, utility should be synonymous with your brand. It will allow you to create a relationship with youronline fans and followers. Borow says to "Create a series of posts that your fans can look forward to on a daily or weeklybasis something they will feel a real connection to and will teach them something they can use." This brings to mindanother Gillin "secret". He states, "Regularly scheduled online events keep community members coming back". This isnatural to the Free From BCN; the station has been executing this strategy in the "real world" for nearly forty years. BCNalready knows how to scheduling weekly, monthly, and yearly meet ups, events and parties very well. Now execute thisprinciple online. Consistent activities create a destination that users will check in with on a regular basis, and crafting adestination for potentials to center around enhances community.A popular online event is the giveaway. But if youre doing a giveaway, running a great promotion or launching a newprogram, you need to keep the process simple. Borow advises, "not to over think your promotions. Your fans will lookforward to the next time your brand has something new and exciting to share, as long as taking advantage of the offer isrelatively pain-free."15 18. Details on Social Media IVBCN must be wary not to overload community members, with a constant barrage of promotions. Balance publishingpersonal stories on Facebook and pursuing promotional tactics on Twitter. Borow said it best, "Unlike Twitter, where mostpeople are following a plethora of people and information is passing by at lightning speed, Facebook has a tendency to drawattention to spammy posts. Facebook users do not want to see the same message posted multiple times in their feed. So ifyoure promoting something through your fan page be sure to reword it and provide additional value before you post it asecond time."Yes, it is vital to inform fans of the positive, but do not be afraid to address negative issues. The web is transparent; FreeForm BCN should make this work to its advantage. Launching a new show? Let your followers and fans be the rst to know.Has the station just reached an important milestone? Then tell your fans the very moment the information is certied. Inan online and open world it is so important to share news and the sooner the better. But if the station has run into problemsor having technical difculties like a down web site, take the same approach. BCN must be upfront and straightforward, andtherefore be the rst to inform the community. Free Form BCNs honesty will speak volumes about the station.Another point is that inclusion is crucial. It is absolutely vital to connect the organizations social media efforts directly tothe ofcial website. Presently, the Twitter and Facebook pages do a good job of providing visible links back to, butthen once on the homepage there is no way of navigating directly back to Twitter or Facebook. It would denitely aid thestations social media efforts if there were Twitter and Facebook links on the WBCN website. 16 19. Details on Social Media VA popular way of executing this is by installing "share buttons". This may be as simple as contacting the contractedweb design service, but if they do not have the capabilities in house, companies like AddThis ( a proven track record. AddThis "makes sharing easy" and even provides analytics to track the performance ofeach button.By utilizing share buttons, you can readily and easily integrate the stations online presence. This effort may evenboost site trafc. BCN should also put the Twitter handle and Facebook web address in print. Publish thisinformation on all of the upcoming marketing collateral.Sources:, Paul. Secrets of Social Media Marketing17 20. Intern Application: Social Media! About WBCN !Free Form BCN is a digital-only Rock radio station airing on WBZ-FMHD-2 in Boston, Massachusetts and owned by CBS Radio.Before switching to 98.5 HD-2 on August 12, 2009, WBCN ran its last rock format for 41 years as an analog radio on 104.1 MHz(now WBMX). WBCN became a legend in the Rock music industry for providing a breakthrough for many bands, most notableU2.! We are looking for an unpaid intern to work with us! Responsibilities !Assists with administrative duties !Drafts basic public relations materials including news releases, media alerts, fact sheets, meeting summaries, status reports andother materials as directed !Outreach to local and college publications !Carries out special and media even planning activities and arrangements Attends and participates in meetings, presentations, trafc meetings and brainstorming sessions as directed Measuring/evaluating coverage Develops and updates media lists and other databases Assists with the management of outside vendors to successfully complete outside work, including, but not limited to printing of materials, renting of audio/visual equipment, photography, graphic arts services or supplying needed products! Requirement Skills !Help create content, promote and publicize a variety of web properties and accounts !Monitor and update the WBCN Twitter handle, Youtube page and Facebook fan page !Create and send out e-newletters !Develop and participate in blogs !Evaluate online social media efforts !Assist in the search engine optimization of our various web properties Assist in the marketing department in the development, execution and optimization of marketing campaigns Contribute to marketing strategy: brainstorming, market research, social networking and internet marketing strategy! To Apply !Please send a cover letter, resume and writing samples to [email protected] 21. Guerilla Marketing! Inexpensive Merchandise! T-shirts, frisbees and bar napkins with BCN logo! Street Team! Hand out yers, wear t-shirts, throw beach balls on Boston Common andRevere beach! Parking Garage Promotions! Promotional banners in parking garages! College Campus Street Team! Plaster campuses with posters, etc.! BCN Truck/Van! Drive around downtown playing BCN! Park at beaches with members of Street Team and hand out merchandise! Scavenger Hunt! Vintage LPs hidden in secret historic spots around Boston! Word of Mouth! Depend on loyal BCN listeners to act as leaders in spreading the new BCNmessage19 22. Guerrilla Tactics: Outdoor Fun With BCNThe premise is for a street team to show up at outdoor locations that attract large numbers ofpeople come nice weather (think Boston Commons - lunch time - when the temperature exceeds 65degrees) and engage them by blasting the stations music and distributing fun marketing collaterallike blow-up beach balls, frisbees, and bottled water. All of the material will be branded with theBCN logo and information, including the stations web address.The goal of this tactic is to create an atmosphere reminiscent of outdoor music festivals andstadium concerts. We hope to get people excited about Free Form BCN, by showing them rst-handthe web radio stations fun and irreverent attitude. Ideally park goers will be intrigued by the rocktunes, and become eager to have a member of the street team toss them a beach ball or frisbee.People who arent physically active and those enjoying the day alone will still be happy to receive acold and complimentary bottle of water. Its only natural for friends playing with the BCN frisbeesor bouncing beach balls back and forth to talk about the curious origins of the collateral, this will in-turn launch a small word-of-mouth campaign. Those with Internet enabled devices may decide tond BCN online and tune in. And for those who didnt have outdoor Internet access, hopefully theexperience will be unusual and pleasant enough to motivate them to nd BCN online once at homeor at work later that day.20 23. Guerilla Tactics:Air Guitar ContestJust about every fan of rock music has at one time or another played air guitar. It could have been an innocent impersonation at the ageten, living out a fantasy in front of the bedroom mirror during the teenage years, or simply strumming a few imaginary cords whilejamming out in the car. But now air guitar is longer a guilty pleasure, it isnt even played alone or without an audience anymore. In fact,there is an ofcial organization that launches a US Air Guitar Championship annually (the 2010 tour is visiting sixteen cities across thecountry). This competition is a big deal, winners are sent to the Air Guitar World Championships in Oulu, Finland to compete against airguitarists from a number of nations for the coveted world title.Free Form BCN should take advantage of this wacky subculture, after all most of the songs contestants perform to are rock radio staples.People clearly nd these events entertaining and millions of people watch the competition videos online, which presents a great opportunityfor viral marketing success. Therefore, we propose BCN hold a similar competition. Contestants can enter for a chance to win a grand prize(TBD) and the glory of being named Bostons premire air guitarist.Rules would follow the US Air Guitar guidelines: each performance is played to one minute of a song, the instrument must be invisible andbe a guitar, air roadies are allowed but must leave the stage before the performance, contests each consist of two rounds (round one eachcompetitor performs to a song of their choice while in round two the top competitors perform a surprise song). The performance will bejudged on three criteria: technical merit, stage presence, and "airness" or the extent to which a performance transcends the imitation of areal guitar and becomes an art form in and of itself.Of course, this event would be lmed and then posted online. If the current Youtube selection is any indication, the BCN videos will be quiteentertaining and hilarious making them prime to go viral. Both in person and online the audience should be delighted by the display andfeel the need to share the weird experience with friends, spreading the Free Form BCN brand along with the video.Source:http://www.usairguitar.com21 24. Guerilla Tactics:Rock Record Scavenger HuntThe idea of using a scavenger hunt as a pseudo marketing contest is nothingnew, over the years the hunt has proven itself as tried-and-true promotionaltactic. Free Form BCN can use this formula to great effect. By hiding concerttickets, vinyl records, CDs and marketing collateral all over the cities of Bostonand Cambridge then revealing clues to the locations on air, on the ofcialwebsite, and on the Twitter/Facebook pages BCN will be crafting a search forgreat music. The prizes should be "hidden" in meaningful music themedlocations. Classic venues like the Middle East are a must, the original NewburyComics is another good location, and of course the Esplanade would ts the bill,for countless band-shell performances have been held on the waterfront. GettingBostonians involved online and in the physical world will undoubtedly createbuzz for the brand and drive trafc to the site, increasing the number of streams. 22 25. Monetization! Integrated Sponsorship! "This playlist is brought to you by..."! Website banners! One time only donations! Jukebox Fridays! Pay specic amount for songs and/or dedications! Producers" can buy out an hour -cap on how much timeyou can buy! Funders/Monthly Supporters! Different levels (silver, gold, platinum)! Special access to events and other benets23 26. Details on MonetizationOne current online advertising model synchronizes display advertising with in-stream audio advertising. Pandora (theautomated music recommendation service) employs this tactic. A banner ad is embedded in the site, engaging the user visually,after a number of songs have played the banner is then re-enforced with an audio cue. A traditional 15-30 second spot interruptsthe listening experience to inform the user of the very same product or service seen in the banner.Two years ago Pandora began experimenting with these in-stream ads, but quickly scrapped the idea due to negative feedback.But after failed attempts exploring other revenue models, the company was forced to reinstate the audio ads. Again, users werenot pleased, Pandoras Twitter account received thousands of complaints and expressions of dissatisfaction. The companyresponded, via Tweet, "so you know, we did not take on audio ads lightly. We try to be extremely respectful of your listeningexperience, & promise to be prudent."Although a number of users were initially up in arms about the change, with some promising to leave the service, most nowrecognize that Pandora needs to host audio ads if it hopes to stay in business. The consensus among users seems to be that theystill consider the ads an annoyance, but will ultimately tolerate them. After all, Pandoras 48 million users still tune in ( and iPhone application) an average of 11.6 hours a month.And as The New York Times reported in an article published March 7, 2010, "At the end of 2009, Pandora reported its rstprotable quarter and $50 million in annual revenue mostly from ads and the rest from subscriptions and payments fromiTunes and when people buy music." Pandoras new found success proves that synchronized display/in-streamaudio advertising approach can work. Free Form BCN should indeed learn from this example.Sources: 27. MicrotransactionsMicrotransactions, are another proven form of monetization in the online space. If the cost is low enough andtransaction process simple enough, users are willing to pay small sums (via credit card or Paypal) forcontent.Free Form BCN could take advantage of this by broadcasting, for a nominal fee, user created content. Takeour recommendation of "BCN Jukebox" as an example. The concept here for a listener to pay specic amountsfor song requests and/or dedications. For 25 cents listeners can request a song. For 99 cents listeners canrequest a song and have a dedication attached. An online submission page on the stations website wouldfacilitate this process. A BCN employee would then actively review the requests, offering either an approvalor disapproval. If the song is approved and makes it on-air, the transaction goes though and the listenersbank account is charged, however if it is not, the account remains untouched.For a fty-dollar premium loyal listeners could purchase a "producer credit" effectively buying an hoursworth of the stations time. The listener would submit a crafted playlist for approval. This would draw inpeople who are incredibly passionate about music. The concept aligns with BCNs theme of meticulouslychosen sets that compliment each other when played in succession. If the listeners playlist is approved byBCN, they would receive an email notifying them of when exactly the set will air. When that time came theBCN DJ would introduce the set naming and thanking said "producer".25 28. Measurement! Number of streams! Web Analytics! Twitter followers/trackers! Facebook followers! links! Number of e-mail subscribers! Track e-mail blast progress via MyEmma (monthly fee)! Press Releases tracked! Number of press hits/amount of press coverage! Number of people who participate in events! Inventory of the amount of merchandise distributed 26 29. Thank You! Thank you for giving us theopportunity to help bring back the original rock of Boston!