||bc2035 your de cision the e co n o m ic s ta k es: key ...€¦ · dead letter in large measure...

H4 BREAKING NEWS: VANCOUVERSUN.COM | SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013 || BC2035 — YOUR DECISION SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 2013 | BREAKING NEWS: VANCOUVERSUN.COM H5 BC2035 — YOUR DECISION VICTORIA F or the political party chosen to form government in the May 14 election, one of the biggest challenges will be dealing with B.C.’s burgeoning “banana” movement. I’m not talking big groceries. BANANA is the acronym for “build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone,” a sentiment that would appear to be manifesting itself with increasing regularity in British Columbia. One could get the impres- sion that within a day or two of anyone proposing to build anything in this province, somebody will be assembling a coalition — environmental- ists, community activists, First Nations, or all of the foregoing — to make sure it never, ever gets off the ground. Increase the shipment of goods through the country’s major port on the West Coast? Never, say citizens against port expansion. Ship more coal through Metro Vancouver? Not in our watery backyard. Tankers? Don’t even think of it. Pipelines? Eek! Refineries? Hand me the smelling salts! Nor is this anti-development stance confined to the protec- tionist Lower Mainland. The Enbridge Northern Gate- way pipeline is pretty much a dead letter in large measure because of widespread oppo- sition in the region through which it would pass. Hard to think of a major mine that doesn’t face an uphill fight for approval. Logging protests have been in relative abeyance over the past decade, probably because the coastal industry itself has been in stasis for much of the time. The obstacles multiply once one turns to the challenge of coming up with the energy sources needed to power any major expansion in the resource or industrial sector. Natural gas-fired generation is the most attractive option on the cost side for making electricity, owing to the North America-wide glut of supply. B.C. has gobs of the stuff. The generating plants could be built close to where the power is needed, reducing the cost and loss associated with lengthy transmission lines. And in some jurisdictions, natural gas is regarded as a plausibly “green” option to, say, burning coal. But along with all the poten- tial megawatts, gas-fired plants would generate a lot of emis- sions and controversy in B.C. BC Hydro’s proposal to locate a natural gas plant at Duke Point near Nanaimo ran into ferocious opposition a gen- eration ago. Ditto when the Americans wanted to build one on their side of the border, near Abbotsford. BC Hydro’s giant Burrard thermal station remains idle for most of the time owing to concerns about its affect on air quality. Nor is the proven option of renewable water power as acceptable as it once was in a province that has long enjoyed the benefits of relatively cheap power from massive hydroelec- tric dams. Private run-of-the-river proj- ects have been trashed by envi- ronmentalists, recreational fishers, and ideologues alike. As VAUGHN PALMER VANCOUVER SUN for the proposal to build a pub- licly owned hydroelectric dam at Site C on the Peace River, the coalition against it remains as determined to prevent flooding of agricultural land as it was 30 years ago when BC Hydro first touted the idea. Wind farms, like run-of-the- river projects, offer an inter- mittent source of power that complements the storage capacity of hydroelectric dams. But when the Haida proposed a large-scale wind farm in the waters off their islands, it was denounced as a threat to sea life and migratory birds. Even tidal power does not escape approbation in this obstructionist province. All three tidal generating sites under consideration at the south end of Vancouver Island are said to pose a threat to orca habitat and to other marine life. New sources of power are critical to proceeding with the large-scale manufacture of liq- uefied natural gas for export, essential to shoring up provin- cial revenues and production against slumping markets in North America. LNG terminals, being a com- bination of a compressor and a freezer, are huge users of power. They can be powered by consumption of natural gas itself — direct drive, as it is known, being the method for making LNG in rival jurisdic- tions around the world. But that option is not the pre- ferred one in a province with ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Then there’s the related con- troversy over the process of fracking, whereby liquid is injected into shale deposits deep in the earth to crack the rock and free up the natural gas that is trapped there. Though both the governing B.C. Liberals and the oppo- sition New Democrats have played down concerns about fracking, still the process is an emerging target for environ- mentalists in many quarters. Not to say that the province should put all of its developmen- tal eggs into one growth strat- egy, be it LNG, mining, forestry or anything else. Nor is there any avoiding environmental review or the court-mandated obliga- tion to consult First Nations and accommodate their interests. But neither can the next gov- ernment of the province sur- render to all of the groups of — to use another tongue-in-cheek term — “citizens against virtu- ally everything” or CAVES, as they’ve also been called. A no-growth economy is not an option in a province where the population is both growing and aging, the one demanding more homes, wider educational oppor- tunities and new means of mak- ing a living; the other necessitat- ing more access to increasingly expensive public health care and support services of every kind. All of which argues that the party winning the election will need to break the news to Brit- ish Columbians that our days as a “banana” province are over. We should choose wisely among growth opportunities. But we can’t say no to everything. [email protected] THE ECONOMIC STAKES: Key economic sectors and what they bring to B.C. Top 5 B.C. origin exports to the world (2012) • Coal 18% of B.C. exports • Lumber 13% • Wood pulp 7% • Copper 6% • Oil & gas 5% Oil & gas THE FIGURES GDP: Oil and gas extraction contributed $6.1 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 3.2 per cent of provin- cial GDP. Employment: Oil and gas extrac- tion, direct jobs 2012: 3,500 Trade/exports: Value of B.C. natural gas exports to all countries in 2012: $1.5 bil- lion (2011, $1.9 billion). Total for Canada: $8.5 billion in 2012. Oil, other energy exports (not including electricity or coal), B.C. in 2012: $766 million (2011, $641 million). Total for Canada $98.8 billion in 2012. PARTY PLATFORMS NDP Expand existing carbon tax to include oil and gas emissions that are vented, or released, during operations; aim is a five-per-cent reduction in B.C.’s total CO 2 emis- sions by encouraging innovation to curtail such venting. Energy critic John Horgan says he’s confident an “exhaustive” independent review of hydrau- lic fracturing (fracking) used to extract natural gas would show it’s not harmful. Opposed to Enbridge Northern Gateway oil pipeline project and “major expansion” of the Kinder Morgan’s pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby. Maintain moratorium on off- shore oil exploration, drilling, and oil tankers along the North Coast. Liberals Create a ministry of natural gas development to pursue potential liquefied natural gas (LNG) export opportunities. Create a B.C. Prosperity Fund using projected royalty revenue from LNG exports to reduce/ eliminate provincial debt. Develop new electricity sup- ply including a $7.9-billion Site C Dam on Peace River to support LNG development. Continue to pursue a “fair share” of the oil export prof- its that Enbridge Northern Gateway would generate if the pipeline project is approved by National Energy Board, and demand “world class” marine spill response. Conservatives: Support natural resource development. Greens: Create BC Energy Authority to oversee energy regu- lation and planning. Forestry THE FIGURES GDP: Forestry, including logging, paper and wood product manufacturing, con- tributed $5.7 billion to B.C.’s industrial GDP in 2011, or 3 per cent of all industry GDP. Employment: Forestry and logging direct and support jobs 2012: 17,700, wood product manufacturing 26,700, paper manufacturing 12,000. Trade/exports: Value of B.C. forest product exports to all countries in 2012: $6.1 billion (2011, $5.7 billion). Total for Canada: $11.3 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Lumber $4.2 billion, cedar shakes and shingles ($146 million), plywood and veneer $174 million, other panel products $427 mil- lion, select value added wood products $361 million, logs $577 million, other $286 million Trade/exports: Value of B.C. pulp and paper exports to all countries in 2012: $3.9 billion (2011, $4.2 billion). Total for Canada: $15.1 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Pulp $2.8 billion, newsprint $254 million, paper and paperboard $735 million, other $144 million. PARTY PLATFORMS NDP No tenure reform for at least four years. Instead, will focus on forest health and stewardship, conduct a timber inventory and replant timber stands damaged by the pine beetle. Invest $30 million this year, and $100 million by 2018, to improve forest health and bolster a competitive forest economy including increasing supply of skilled workers through apprenticeships. Double planting of seedlings on Crown land to 50 million annually over five years. Enhance forest ministry research capacity. Renewed emphasis on local and region- al land-use planning engagement. Won’t ban raw log exports but want to discuss options with industry on the premise that raw log exports are too large. Liberals Maintain and grow Asian lumber mar- kets by co-sponsoring with the forest industry annual trade missions to China, India, Japan and Korea. Work with loggers and shippers to ensure that raw log export volumes don’t disadvantage mill operators in B.C. Boost silviculture by $10 million/year in regions affected by pine beetle, begin- ning in 2015/16 fiscal year. Implement 10-year, $80-million forest inventory plan for 35 million hectares to assess pine beetle effect in priority areas. Legislation to provide secure fibre sup- ply for bio-energy, pellet and secondary manufacturing operators. Conservatives: Support forest resource development. Greens: Shift forestry from indus- trial to ecologically based approach, support higher value forest product manufacturing. Housing, construction THE FIGURES GDP: Housing and construc- tion including residential, non- residential, engineering and repair contributed $14.8 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 7.8 per cent of provincial GDP. Employment: Total construc- tion sector jobs in 2012, 192,200, includes 77,400 in prime contracting, 115,500 trade contracting. PARTY PLATFORMS Liberals Collaborate with the Union of B.C. Municipalities to prepare for another round of federal infra- structure funding. Project 100,000 construction and permanent jobs from emer- gence of an LNG export industry involving five major players. Support a proposed oil refin- ery in Kitimat that would create 6,000 construction jobs and 3,000 permanent jobs. NDP Annually build up to 1,500 units of affordable housing including non-profit, co-op and rental. Leverage existing $250 million Housing Endowment Fund to support partnerships with local governments, private sector and non-profits. “Strengthen and rebalance” the Residential Tenancy and Manufactured Home Acts. Conservatives: Promote eco- nomic growth and development in northern B.C. Green: Invest 0.5 per cent of the provincial budget into housing to increase number/quality of units available for below-market rentals. Agriculture & fisheries THE FIGURES GDP: Agriculture including crop and animal production contribut- ed $1.08 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.57 per cent of provincial GDP. Employment: Agriculture direct jobs and support activities in 2012, 26,000. In addition, jobs in food manufacturing, 27,200. Trade/exports: Value of B.C. agriculture and food exports to all countries in 2012: $1.8 bil- lion (2011, $1.6 billion). Total for Canada: $42.3 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Fruit and nuts $301 million, vegetables $214 million, other $1.3 billion. Trade/exports: Value of B.C. aquaculture and commercial fishing exports to all countries in 2012, $843 million (2011, $898 million). Total for Canada: $4 bil- lion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Fish excluding salmon $148 million, whole salmon $345 million, salm- on canned, fillets, etc. $45 million, other $309 million. PARTY PLATFORMS Liberals $20 million in carbon tax relief for greenhouse and flower growers, sustain $4 million in carbon tax relief for farmers using coloured fuel. Add $2 million to “Buy Local” campaign supporting B.C. farmers. Work with organic farmers to develop “B.C. Organic” brand. Create agriculture centre of excellence at University of Fraser Valley. NDP Invest $8 million annually in programs to develop local and stable markets for B.C. growers. Create Feed BC program, expanding market for B.C. grow- ers by putting locally grown food into B.C. hospitals. Create Grow BC program to promote food security by sup- porting replanting/renewal of orchards and more support for organic and conventional farmers. Bring back Buy BC marketing program to support local growers. Cut LDB markup on spirits from B.C. craft distillers, allow on-site sales and direct sales to restau- rants and bars. Conservatives: Would repeal car- bon tax to provide relief to farm- ers and ranchers. Green: Bolster agricultural land reserve to create more land for farming. BC Hydro, green energy THE FIGURES GDP: Electrical utilities contributed $2.91 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 1.5 per cent of provincial GDP. Natural gas distribution, water and sewage utilities contributed $981 million to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.52 per cent of provincial GDP, according to BC Stats data sourced from Statistics Canada. Employment: Overall there were 14,900 workers in the utilities sector in 2012 including BC Hydro, Fortis BC and municipal water and sew- age districts. BC Hydro, the prov- ince’s largest public utility has 5,800 employees. Fortis BC, a private sec- tor utility delivering natural gas and electricity, has 2,200. PARTY PLATFORMS NDP According to energy critic John Horgan, the New Democrats would revitalize the B.C. Utilities Commission to play a greater role in reviewing BC Hydro’s long term funding and capital project plans and provide funding for stakehold- er groups, or interveners, to partici- pate in those reviews. Horgan says NDP would allow utilities commission to determine whether a $7.9-billion Site C dam is needed at this time, but notes Hydro is projecting a 10-year electricity surplus due to Liberals’ expansion of independent power production. Horgan says utilities commis- sion and interveners need to pub- licly review possibility of future BC Hydro rate increases rather than have cabinet make decisions with- out proper consultation. Eliminate Pacific Carbon Trust. Liberals Maintain “standing offer” oppor- tunity for ongoing development of independent clean energy power projects under 15 megawatts, particularly with First Nations involvement. Work to ensure continued oppor- tunities for renewable power. Energy Minister Rich Coleman says controversial $1-billion smart meter program is paying for itself with lower electricity rates by cur- tailing power theft. BC Hydro’s mounting debt issues will be fixed via a huge flow of natu- ral gas royalty revenue from the projected emergence of a liquefied natural gas export industry. Conservatives: Concerned about cost of Site C, indepen- dent power. Green: Shift B.C. energy consumption from fossil fuel to renewables, and promote energy conservation. Mining THE FIGURES GDP: Mining and quarrying contributed $3.38 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic prod- uct in 2011, or 1.79 per cent of provincial GDP, according to BC Stats data sourced from Statistics Canada. Employment: Mining direct jobs in 2012, 14,000. Trade/exports: Value of B.C. metal and mineral exports to all countries in 2012 (2011): $3.45 billion ($3.49 billion). Total for Canada: $22.3 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Coal $5.6 billion, copper ores and concentrates $1.9 billion, molyb- denum $224 million, aluminum $408 million, zinc $581 million, other $331 million. PARTY PLATFORMS Liberals Support mine development by signing 10 new benefit agree- ments with First Nations that would be affected if projects go ahead. Continue to pursue deal with federal government to create single environmental review process. Complete northwest transmis- sion line opening northwest B.C. to expanded mine development and exploration. Streamline mining application process to create faster turn- arounds for investors. NDP “Renewed emphasis” on rural economic development through investment in sustainable mining. Encourage mineral explora- tion by ensuring average 55-day turnaround for notice of work permits. Extend mining flow-through share tax credit. Maintain support for Geoscience B.C. Improve mine development opportunities with more timely environmental assessment decisions. Conservatives: Use resource development activities to build and bolster local communities. Green: Support mining but mini- mize environmental impacts and enact policy reforms reflecting that. Health care and social assistance THE FIGURES GDP: Health care and social assis- tance contributed $13.3 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 7.05 per cent of provincial GDP. Employment: Total health care and social assistance sector jobs in 2012, 274,500. Includes hospi- tals 101,400 jobs, nursing and res- idential care 41,900 jobs, doctors and outpatient services 74,500 jobs, social assistance 56,600. PARTY PLATFORMS Liberals Following through on 2013 budget, a further $2.4 billion in health care over next three years. Continue $132-million project to ensure everyone in province has access to a family doctor. Create additional 500 addiction spaces by 2017. Double hospice beds by 2020. Offer $1 million annually to fund student loan forgiveness program for out-of-province medical school grads, same as applies to in-province grads. Extra $5 million per year to United Way for seniors support programming. NDP Reduce fees 20 per cent for licensed infant and toddler care, saving families estimated $2,000/ year. A $210-million annual invest- ment in a family bonus program for low and moderate income families, up to $829 for each child under 18. Increasing income assistance rate $20/month and indexing to inflation. Double income assistance earnings exemption to $400/ month. Add new front line staff to Ministry of Children and Families. Strengthen Community Living B.C. Spend $35 million to improve residential care service for seniors Spend $35 million on child and youth mental health treatment and outreach services. Conservatives: Better training of health care professionals, greater transparency in health care fund- ing and spending. Green: Create community-based health care teams of service providers including doctors and social workers, increase access to alternative medical treatments. High-tech, film, culture THE FIGURES Selected GDP highlights: Arts, enter- tainment and recreation contributed $1.86 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.98 per cent of provincial GDP. Motion picture and sound recording contributed $526 million, or 0.27 per cent of GDP. Telecommunications contributed $4.19 billion, or 2.22 per cent of GDP. Professional, scientific and technical services, including accounting, archi- tecture, law, contributed $10.03 bil- lion, or 5.76 per cent of GDP. Selected employment: Motion pic- ture and sound recording in 2012, 8,800, performing arts, spectator sports and support 18,200, computer system design services 40,800, man- agement, scientific and technical services 27,40, information technol- ogy 5,300. Broadcasting and telecoms 22,500. PARTY PLATFORMS NDP Increase tax credits in film and TV production to 40 per cent on labour costs for both foreign and domestic productions. At present, foreign pro- ductions get a 33-per-cent credit and domestic productions get 35 per cent. No change is proposed for digital animation or visual effects tax credit, which runs at 17.5 per cent of eligible labour expenditures. The NDP estimate that the incre- mental cost of the promised tax credit increase would be $45 million on the assumption that a higher rate will attract additional activity. The party calculates the economic payback at $93 million. Liberals Launched technology strategy in July 2012, including support for clean technology, wireless, health and life sciences, accelerating tech commer- cialization and adoption. Expand small business venture capital program with additional $5 million in 2015-16 and work with B.C. Technology Industry Association to encourage federal government to match venture program funding. Expand B.C. Training Tax Credit Program to include co-op and interim placements in small tech firms. Establish B.C. Film Trade office in Hollywood at cost of $4 million. Digital animation or visual effects tax credit bonus increased to 17.5 per cent from 15 per cent, at a cost of $1.22 million per year. Maintain 2013 budget pledge of $60 million in new and reallocated funding for sports and arts fund plus $18 million to increase youth partici- pation in the arts. Conservatives: No platform state- ments on arts, culture, technology, film, television. Green: Increase arts and culture funding and provide multi- year funding to established groups while encouraging their transition to financial independence. Education services THE FIGURES GDP: Education services includ- ing public and post-secondary training contributed $10.4 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 5.53 per cent of provincial GDP. Employment: Total including public schools, universities, col- leges and other schools and sup- port services in 2012, 177,300; includes university 39,600, post- secondary 14,000. PARTY PLATFORMS NDP Redirect B.C. training and edu- cation savings grant and early years strategy into new child care and early education plan. Invest $100 million to improve classroom learning conditions, addressing overcrowded class- rooms and ESL, aboriginal and special needs students. Hire new teachers, teaching assistants, librarians, counsellors. Create early years innovation fund. Confront bullying with prov- incewide standards for school codes of conduct Liberals Modernize education and skills training programs. Proposes a 10-year labour agreement with teachers to limit classroom disruption, offering wage increase reflecting public sector average, and “significant” funds to address classroom size and composition challenges. Early childhood education and child care benefits for families. Limit post-secondary tuition fee increase to two per cent through next term of office, and free textbooks for college and university students. Student aid program that encourages students to take in-demand training in regions where demand is strong, such as oil and gas field operations in the northeast. Conservatives: Give young British Columbians the first opportunity to fill new skilled labour jobs. Green: Establish an education commission. Research by Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun Sources: BC Stats, Statistics Canada NOTE: Some totals, such as GDP amounts, do not directly correlate with other amounts such as export values, due to varying methods for measuring sectors and differing methods for sorting sub-sectors into larger categories by BC Stats and Statistics Canada. Transport, warehousing THE FIGURES GDP: Transportation and ware- housing contributed $10.5 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 5.6 per cent of provincial GDP. Employment: Transportation jobs including air, rail, water, truck, pipeline transmission, postal service, couriers in 2012, 128,000. Single largest sub-sector is trucking, 31,600 workers. PARTY PLATFORMS Liberals Work with Metro Vancouver mayors to identify sources of funds for transit improvement, hold referendum on rapid transit to Surrey and Broadway corridors, two major economic centres for the province. Consult with Metro Vancouver on accelerating replacement for Massey Tunnel. Complete four-laning of Highway 1 from Kamloops to Alberta border, a $650-million investment. Develop transportation strate- gy for Vancouver Island including road, rail, air and sea and improve safety of Malahat Highway corridor. Pursue federal government and Via Rail to re-establish rail passenger service on Vancouver Island. NDP Freeze BC Ferries rates while audit is carried out to look for cost savings within the corpora- tion. Current fares will remain in place until March 2015. Pacific Carbon Trust would be eliminated, and levies paid to it by public institutions would instead go to fund energy-effi- cient upgrades at hospitals, post- secondary schools and Crown corporations. Spend $120 million of Carbon Tax revenue over three years to invest in transit and green projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including retrofits and other green infrastructure in urban and rural areas. Conservatives: Review transpor- tation policies such as selective bridge tolls in Lower Mainland. Green: Increased funding for public transit, more HOV lanes, reestablish BC Ferries as a Crown corporation. A no-growth economy is not an option in a province where the population is both growing and aging. Opinion: Whoever wins the May 14 election must be prepared to fight the BANANA movement There isn’t a single industrial project in B.C. that doesn’t face opposition — and often bitter opposition at that — but British Columbia cannot afford for the naysayers to win every time

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Page 1: ||BC2035 YOUR DE CISION THE E CO N O M IC S TA K ES: Key ...€¦ · dead letter in large measure because of widespread oppo-sition in the region through which it would pass. Hard

H4 BREAKING NEWS: VANCOUVERSUN.COM | SAtURdAy, ApRIl 27, 2013|| BC2035 — Your DeCision SAtURdAy, ApRIl 27, 2013 | BREAKING NEWS: VANCOUVERSUN.COM H5BC2035 — Your DeCision


For the political party chosen to form government in the May 14 election, one of the

biggest challenges will be dealing with B.C.’s burgeoning “banana” movement.

I’m not talking big groceries.BANANA is the acronym

for “build absolutely nothing

anywhere near anyone,” a sentiment that would appear to be manifesting itself with increasing regularity in British Columbia.

One could get the impres-sion that within a day or two of anyone proposing to build anything in this province, somebody will be assembling a coalition — environmental-ists, community activists, First Nations, or all of the foregoing — to make sure it never, ever gets off the ground.

Increase the shipment of goods through the country’s major port on the West Coast?

Never, say citizens against port expansion.

Ship more coal through Metro Vancouver? Not in our watery backyard.

Tankers? Don’t even think of it. Pipelines? Eek! Refineries? Hand me the smelling salts!

Nor is this anti-development stance confined to the protec-tionist Lower Mainland.

The Enbridge Northern Gate-way pipeline is pretty much a dead letter in large measure because of widespread oppo-sition in the region through which it would pass. Hard to think of a major mine that

doesn’t face an uphill fight for approval.

Logging protests have been in relative abeyance over the past decade, probably because the coastal industry itself has been in stasis for much of the time.

The obstacles multiply once one turns to the challenge of coming up with the energy sources needed to power any major expansion in the resource or industrial sector.

Natural gas-fired generation is the most attractive option on the cost side for making electricity, owing to the North America-wide glut of supply.

B.C. has gobs of the stuff. The generating plants could be built close to where the power is needed, reducing the cost and loss associated with lengthy transmission lines. And in some jurisdictions, natural gas is regarded as a plausibly “green” option to, say, burning coal.

But along with all the poten-tial megawatts, gas-fired plants would generate a lot of emis-sions and controversy in B.C.

BC Hydro’s proposal to locate a natural gas plant at Duke Point near Nanaimo ran into ferocious opposition a gen-eration ago. Ditto when the

Americans wanted to build one on their side of the border, near Abbotsford. BC Hydro’s giant Burrard thermal station remains idle for most of the time owing to concerns about its affect on air quality.

Nor is the proven option of renewable water power as acceptable as it once was in a province that has long enjoyed the benefits of relatively cheap power from massive hydroelec-tric dams.

Private run-of-the-river proj-ects have been trashed by envi-ronmentalists, recreational fishers, and ideologues alike. As


for the proposal to build a pub-licly owned hydroelectric dam at Site C on the Peace River, the coalition against it remains as determined to prevent flooding of agricultural land as it was 30 years ago when BC Hydro first touted the idea.

Wind farms, like run-of-the-river projects, offer an inter-mittent source of power that complements the storage capacity of hydroelectric dams. But when the Haida proposed a large-scale wind farm in the waters off their islands, it was denounced as a threat to sea life and migratory birds.

Even tidal power does not escape approbation in this obstructionist province. All three tidal generating sites under consideration at the south end of Vancouver Island are said to pose a threat to orca habitat and to other marine life.

New sources of power are critical to proceeding with the large-scale manufacture of liq-uefied natural gas for export, essential to shoring up provin-cial revenues and production against slumping markets in North America.

LNG terminals, being a com-bination of a compressor and

a freezer, are huge users of power. They can be powered by consumption of natural gas itself — direct drive, as it is known, being the method for making LNG in rival jurisdic-tions around the world.

But that option is not the pre-ferred one in a province with ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Then there’s the related con-troversy over the process of fracking, whereby liquid is injected into shale deposits deep in the earth to crack the rock and free up the natural gas that is trapped there.

Though both the governing B.C. Liberals and the oppo-sition New Democrats have played down concerns about fracking, still the process is an emerging target for environ-mentalists in many quarters.

Not to say that the province should put all of its developmen-tal eggs into one growth strat-egy, be it LNG, mining, forestry or anything else. Nor is there any avoiding environmental review or the court-mandated obliga-tion to consult First Nations and accommodate their interests.

But neither can the next gov-ernment of the province sur-render to all of the groups of — to use another tongue-in-cheek term — “citizens against virtu-ally everything” or CAVES, as they’ve also been called.

A no-growth economy is not an option in a province where the

population is both growing and aging, the one demanding more homes, wider educational oppor-tunities and new means of mak-ing a living; the other necessitat-ing more access to increasingly expensive public health care and support services of every kind.

All of which argues that the party winning the election will need to break the news to Brit-ish Columbians that our days as a “banana” province are over. We should choose wisely among growth opportunities. But we can’t say no to everything.

[email protected]

THE EcoNoMic sTAkEs: Key economic sectors and what they bring to B.C.Top 5 B.C. origin exports to the world (2012) • Coal 18% of B.C. exports • Lumber 13% • Wood pulp 7% • Copper 6% • Oil & gas 5%

oil & gas The figuresGDP: Oil and gas extraction contributed $6.1 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 3.2 per cent of provin-cial GDP.Employment: Oil and gas extrac-tion, direct jobs 2012: 3,500Trade/exports: Value of B.C. natural gas exports to all countries in 2012: $1.5 bil-lion (2011, $1.9 billion). Total for Canada: $8.5 billion in 2012. Oil, other energy exports (not including electricity or coal), B.C. in 2012: $766 million (2011, $641 million). Total for Canada $98.8 billion in 2012.

ParTy PlaTformsNDP

Expand existing carbon tax to ■include oil and gas emissions that are vented, or released, during operations; aim is a five-per-cent reduction in B.C.’s total CO2 emis-sions by encouraging innovation to curtail such venting.

Energy critic John Horgan says ■he’s confident an “exhaustive” independent review of hydrau-lic fracturing (fracking) used to extract natural gas would show it’s not harmful.

Opposed to Enbridge Northern ■Gateway oil pipeline project and “major expansion” of the Kinder Morgan’s pipeline from Alberta to Burnaby.

Maintain moratorium on off- ■shore oil exploration, drilling, and oil tankers along the North Coast. Liberals

Create a ministry of natural gas ■development to pursue potential liquefied natural gas (LNG) export opportunities.

Create a B.C. Prosperity Fund ■using projected royalty revenue from LNG exports to reduce/eliminate provincial debt.

Develop new electricity sup- ■ply including a $7.9-billion Site C Dam on Peace River to support LNG development.

Continue to pursue a “fair ■share” of the oil export prof-its that Enbridge Northern Gateway would generate if the pipeline project is approved by National Energy Board, and demand “world class” marine spill response. Conservatives: Support natural resource development.Greens: Create BC Energy Authority to oversee energy regu-lation and planning.

ForestryThe figuresGDP: Forestry, including logging, paper and wood product manufacturing, con-tributed $5.7 billion to B.C.’s industrial GDP in 2011, or 3 per cent of all industry GDP.Employment: Forestry and logging direct and support jobs 2012: 17,700, wood product manufacturing 26,700, paper manufacturing 12,000.Trade/exports: Value of B.C. forest product exports to all countries in 2012: $6.1 billion (2011, $5.7 billion). Total for Canada: $11.3 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Lumber $4.2 billion, cedar shakes and shingles ($146 million), plywood and veneer $174 million, other panel products $427 mil-lion, select value added wood products $361 million, logs $577 million, other $286 millionTrade/exports: Value of B.C. pulp and paper exports to all countries in 2012: $3.9 billion (2011, $4.2 billion). Total for Canada: $15.1 billion in 2012. Sub-sector exports in 2012: Pulp $2.8 billion, newsprint $254 million, paper and paperboard $735 million, other $144 million.

ParTy PlaTformsNDP

No tenure reform for at least four years. ■Instead, will focus on forest health and stewardship, conduct a timber inventory and replant timber stands damaged by the pine beetle.

Invest $30 million this year, and $100 ■million by 2018, to improve forest health and bolster a competitive forest economy including increasing supply of skilled workers through apprenticeships.

Double planting of seedlings on Crown ■land to 50 million annually over five years.

Enhance forest ministry research ■capacity.

Renewed emphasis on local and region- ■al land-use planning engagement.

Won’t ban raw log exports but want ■to discuss options with industry on the premise that raw log exports are too large. Liberals

Maintain and grow Asian lumber mar- ■kets by co-sponsoring with the forest industry annual trade missions to China, India, Japan and Korea.

Work with loggers and shippers to ■ensure that raw log export volumes don’t disadvantage mill operators in B.C.

Boost silviculture by $10 million/year ■in regions affected by pine beetle, begin-ning in 2015/16 fiscal year.

Implement 10-year, $80-million forest ■inventory plan for 35 million hectares to assess pine beetle effect in priority areas.

Legislation to provide secure fibre sup- ■ply for bio-energy, pellet and secondary manufacturing operators. Conservatives: Support forest resource development.Greens: Shift forestry from indus-trial to ecologically based approach, support higher value forest product manufacturing.

Housing, constructionThe figuresGDP: Housing and construc-tion including residential, non-residential, engineering and repair contributed $14.8 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 7.8 per cent of provincial GDP.Employment: Total construc-tion sector jobs in 2012, 192,200, includes 77,400 in prime contracting, 115,500 trade contracting.

ParTy PlaTformsLiberals

Collaborate with the Union of ■B.C. Municipalities to prepare for another round of federal infra-structure funding.

Project 100,000 construction ■and permanent jobs from emer-gence of an LNG export industry involving five major players.

Support a proposed oil refin- ■ery in Kitimat that would create 6,000 construction jobs and 3,000 permanent jobs. NDP

Annually build up to 1,500 ■units of affordable housing including non-profit, co-op and rental.

Leverage existing $250 million ■Housing Endowment Fund to support partnerships with local governments, private sector and non-profits.

“Strengthen and rebalance” ■the Residential Tenancy and Manufactured Home Acts. Conservatives: Promote eco-nomic growth and development in northern B.C.Green: Invest 0.5 per cent of the provincial budget into housing to increase number/quality of units available for below-market rentals.

Agriculture & fisheries The figuresGDP: Agriculture including crop and animal production contribut-ed $1.08 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.57 per cent of provincial GDP.Employment: Agriculture direct jobs and support activities in 2012, 26,000. In addition, jobs in food manufacturing, 27,200. Trade/exports: Value of B.C. agriculture and food exports to all countries in 2012: $1.8 bil-lion (2011, $1.6 billion). Total for Canada: $42.3 billion in 2012.Sub-sector exports in 2012: Fruit and nuts $301 million, vegetables $214 million, other $1.3 billion.Trade/exports: Value of B.C. aquaculture and commercial fishing exports to all countries in 2012, $843 million (2011, $898 million). Total for Canada: $4 bil-lion in 2012.Sub-sector exports in 2012: Fish excluding salmon $148 million, whole salmon $345 million, salm-on canned, fillets, etc. $45 million, other $309 million.

ParTy PlaTformsLiberals

$20 million in carbon tax ■relief for greenhouse and flower growers, sustain $4 million in carbon tax relief for farmers using coloured fuel.

Add $2 million to “Buy Local” ■campaign supporting B.C. farmers.

Work with organic farmers to ■develop “B.C. Organic” brand.

Create agriculture centre of ■excellence at University of Fraser Valley. NDP

Invest $8 million annually in ■programs to develop local and stable markets for B.C. growers.

Create Feed BC program, ■expanding market for B.C. grow-ers by putting locally grown food into B.C. hospitals.

Create Grow BC program to ■promote food security by sup-porting replanting/renewal of orchards and more support for organic and conventional farmers.

Bring back Buy BC marketing ■program to support local growers.

Cut LDB markup on spirits from ■B.C. craft distillers, allow on-site sales and direct sales to restau-rants and bars. Conservatives: Would repeal car-bon tax to provide relief to farm-ers and ranchers.Green: Bolster agricultural land reserve to create more land for farming.

Bc Hydro, green energyThe figuresGDP: Electrical utilities contributed $2.91 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 1.5 per cent of provincial GDP. Natural gas distribution, water and sewage utilities contributed $981 million to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.52 per cent of provincial GDP, according to BC Stats data sourced from Statistics Canada.Employment: Overall there were 14,900 workers in the utilities sector in 2012 including BC Hydro, Fortis BC and municipal water and sew-age districts. BC Hydro, the prov-ince’s largest public utility has 5,800 employees. Fortis BC, a private sec-tor utility delivering natural gas and electricity, has 2,200.

ParTy PlaTformsNDP

According to energy critic John ■Horgan, the New Democrats would revitalize the B.C. Utilities Commission to play a greater role in reviewing BC Hydro’s long term funding and capital project plans and provide funding for stakehold-er groups, or interveners, to partici-pate in those reviews.

Horgan says NDP would allow ■utilities commission to determine whether a $7.9-billion Site C dam is needed at this time, but notes Hydro is projecting a 10-year electricity surplus due to Liberals’ expansion of independent power production.

Horgan says utilities commis- ■sion and interveners need to pub-licly review possibility of future BC Hydro rate increases rather than have cabinet make decisions with-out proper consultation.

Eliminate Pacific Carbon Trust. ■


Maintain “standing offer” oppor- ■tunity for ongoing development of independent clean energy power projects under 15 megawatts, particularly with First Nations involvement.

Work to ensure continued oppor- ■tunities for renewable power.

Energy Minister Rich Coleman ■says controversial $1-billion smart meter program is paying for itself with lower electricity rates by cur-tailing power theft.

BC Hydro’s mounting debt issues ■will be fixed via a huge flow of natu-ral gas royalty revenue from the projected emergence of a liquefied natural gas export industry. Conservatives: Concerned about cost of Site C, indepen-dent power.Green: Shift B.C. energy consumption from fossil fuel to renewables, and promote energy conservation.

Mining The figuresGDP: Mining and quarrying contributed $3.38 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic prod-uct in 2011, or 1.79 per cent of provincial GDP, according to BC Stats data sourced from Statistics Canada.Employment: Mining direct jobs in 2012, 14,000.Trade/exports: Value of B.C. metal and mineral exports to all countries in 2012 (2011): $3.45 billion ($3.49 billion). Total for Canada: $22.3 billion in 2012.Sub-sector exports in 2012: Coal $5.6 billion, copper ores and concentrates $1.9 billion, molyb-denum $224 million, aluminum $408 million, zinc $581 million, other $331 million.

ParTy PlaTformsLiberals

Support mine development ■by signing 10 new benefit agree-ments with First Nations that would be affected if projects go ahead.

Continue to pursue deal with ■federal government to create single environmental review process.

Complete northwest transmis- ■sion line opening northwest B.C. to expanded mine development and exploration.

Streamline mining application ■process to create faster turn-arounds for investors. NDP

“Renewed emphasis” on rural ■economic development through investment in sustainable mining.

Encourage mineral explora- ■tion by ensuring average 55-day turnaround for notice of work permits.

Extend mining flow-through ■share tax credit.

Maintain support for ■Geoscience B.C.

Improve mine development ■opportunities with more timely environmental assessment decisions. Conservatives: Use resource development activities to build and bolster local communities.Green: Support mining but mini-mize environmental impacts and enact policy reforms reflecting that.

Health care and social assistanceThe figuresGDP: Health care and social assis-tance contributed $13.3 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 7.05 per cent of provincial GDP.Employment: Total health care and social assistance sector jobs in 2012, 274,500. Includes hospi-tals 101,400 jobs, nursing and res-idential care 41,900 jobs, doctors and outpatient services 74,500 jobs, social assistance 56,600.

ParTy PlaTformsLiberals

Following through on 2013 ■budget, a further $2.4 billion in health care over next three years.

Continue $132-million project ■to ensure everyone in province has access to a family doctor.

Create additional 500 addiction ■spaces by 2017.

Double hospice beds by 2020. ■

Offer $1 million annually to ■fund student loan forgiveness program for out-of-province medical school grads, same as applies to in-province grads.

Extra $5 million per year to ■United Way for seniors support programming. NDP

Reduce fees 20 per cent for ■licensed infant and toddler care, saving families estimated $2,000/year.

A $210-million annual invest- ■ment in a family bonus program for low and moderate income families, up to $829 for each child under 18.

Increasing income assistance ■rate $20/month and indexing to inflation.

Double income assistance ■earnings exemption to $400/month.

Add new front line staff to ■Ministry of Children and Families.

Strengthen Community Living ■B.C.

Spend $35 million to improve ■residential care service for seniors

Spend $35 million on child and ■youth mental health treatment and outreach services.

Conservatives: Better training of health care professionals, greater transparency in health care fund-ing and spending.Green: Create community-based health care teams of service providers including doctors and social workers, increase access to alternative medical treatments.

High-tech, film, cultureThe figuresSelected GDP highlights: Arts, enter-tainment and recreation contributed $1.86 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 0.98 per cent of provincial GDP. Motion picture and sound recording contributed $526 million, or 0.27 per cent of GDP. Telecommunications contributed $4.19 billion, or 2.22 per cent of GDP. Professional, scientific and technical services, including accounting, archi-tecture, law, contributed $10.03 bil-lion, or 5.76 per cent of GDP.Selected employment: Motion pic-ture and sound recording in 2012, 8,800, performing arts, spectator sports and support 18,200, computer system design services 40,800, man-agement, scientific and technical services 27,40, information technol-ogy 5,300. Broadcasting and telecoms 22,500.

ParTy PlaTformsNDP

Increase tax credits in film and TV ■production to 40 per cent on labour costs for both foreign and domestic productions. At present, foreign pro-ductions get a 33-per-cent credit and domestic productions get 35 per cent.

No change is proposed for digital ■animation or visual effects tax credit, which runs at 17.5 per cent of eligible labour expenditures.

The NDP estimate that the incre- ■mental cost of the promised tax credit increase would be $45 million on the assumption that a higher rate will attract additional activity. The party calculates the economic payback at $93 million. Liberals

Launched technology strategy in ■July 2012, including support for clean technology, wireless, health and life sciences, accelerating tech commer-cialization and adoption.

Expand small business venture ■capital program with additional $5 million in 2015-16 and work with B.C. Technology Industry Association to encourage federal government to match venture program funding.

Expand B.C. Training Tax Credit ■Program to include co-op and interim placements in small tech firms.

Establish B.C. Film Trade office in ■Hollywood at cost of $4 million.

Digital animation or visual effects ■tax credit bonus increased to 17.5 per cent from 15 per cent, at a cost of $1.22 million per year.

Maintain 2013 budget pledge of ■$60 million in new and reallocated funding for sports and arts fund plus $18 million to increase youth partici-pation in the arts. Conservatives: No platform state-

ments on arts, culture, technology, film, television.

Green: Increase arts and culture funding and provide multi-

year funding to established groups while encouraging their transition to financial independence.

Education servicesThe figuresGDP: Education services includ-ing public and post-secondary training contributed $10.4 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 5.53 per cent of provincial GDP.Employment: Total including public schools, universities, col-leges and other schools and sup-port services in 2012, 177,300; includes university 39,600, post-secondary 14,000.

ParTy PlaTformsNDP

Redirect B.C. training and edu- ■cation savings grant and early years strategy into new child care and early education plan.

Invest $100 million to improve ■classroom learning conditions, addressing overcrowded class-rooms and ESL, aboriginal and special needs students.

Hire new teachers, teaching ■assistants, librarians, counsellors.

Create early years innovation ■fund.

Confront bullying with prov- ■incewide standards for school codes of conduct Liberals

Modernize education and skills ■training programs.

Proposes a 10-year labour ■agreement with teachers to limit classroom disruption, offering wage increase reflecting public sector average, and “significant” funds to address classroom size and composition challenges.

Early childhood education and ■child care benefits for families.

Limit post-secondary tuition ■fee increase to two per cent through next term of office, and free textbooks for college and university students.

Student aid program that ■encourages students to take in-demand training in regions where demand is strong, such as oil and gas field operations in the northeast. Conservatives: Give young British Columbians the first opportunity to fill new skilled labour jobs.Green: Establish an education commission.

Research by scott simpson, Vancouver sun Sources: BC Stats, Statistics Canada NOTE: Some totals, such as GDP amounts, do not directly correlate with other amounts such as export values, due to varying methods for measuring sectors and differing methods for sorting sub-sectors into larger categories by BC Stats and Statistics Canada.

Transport, warehousing The figuresGDP: Transportation and ware-housing contributed $10.5 billion to B.C.’s industrial gross domestic product in 2011, or 5.6 per cent of provincial GDP.Employment: Transportation jobs including air, rail, water, truck, pipeline transmission, postal service, couriers in 2012, 128,000. Single largest sub-sector is trucking, 31,600 workers.

ParTy PlaTformsLiberals

Work with Metro Vancouver ■mayors to identify sources of funds for transit improvement, hold referendum on rapid transit to Surrey and Broadway corridors, two major economic centres for the province.

Consult with Metro Vancouver ■on accelerating replacement for Massey Tunnel.

Complete four-laning of ■Highway 1 from Kamloops to Alberta border, a $650-million investment.

Develop transportation strate- ■gy for Vancouver Island including road, rail, air and sea and improve safety of Malahat Highway corridor.

Pursue federal government ■and Via Rail to re-establish rail passenger service on Vancouver Island. NDP

Freeze BC Ferries rates while ■audit is carried out to look for cost savings within the corpora-tion. Current fares will remain in place until March 2015.

Pacific Carbon Trust would be ■eliminated, and levies paid to it by public institutions would instead go to fund energy-effi-cient upgrades at hospitals, post-secondary schools and Crown corporations.

Spend $120 million of Carbon ■Tax revenue over three years to invest in transit and green projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including retrofits and other green infrastructure in urban and rural areas.

Conservatives: Review transpor-tation policies such as selective bridge tolls in Lower Mainland.Green: Increased funding for public transit, more HOV lanes, reestablish BC Ferries as a Crown corporation.

A no-growth economy is not an option in a province where the population is both growing and aging.

opinion: Whoever wins the May 14 election must be prepared to fight the BANANA movementThere isn’t a single industrial project in B.C. that doesn’t face opposition — and often bitter opposition at that — but British Columbia cannot afford for the naysayers to win every time