bb>b bbl»twa b*jb royal- 'jh»nfj7' jjj*^ s^lb^^a- j t · ctf.oi'fthv |.*rty...

KEW rUBLTCATIOW. .-?-¦ DR. HAYES'8 ARCTIC BOAT JOURNEY. AN ARCTIC BOAT JOl RNEY IM THE AUTUBHOB ySftYfy Ibaac I Hatbb. Umo. pp. FTS. Browa, Ta| ga.H.RCaaae, Oao of tbe moat inter-ee'ing eventa drocribed in Dr. Kaoe'o narratiTe of hia Aictic expedition ia the departare of a portioo of the company from th. Advnnee, with the view of reaching Upernavik in lSottb Greenland, the nean-at point to vYhicb. a jourwy over tbe ice waa luppoaod to be practicablo. Tbe party, which conaiatod of tho wntor of thia volnmo and oeve-n othera, left tbe brig in apposition to tbo opinion and ooucboI of Dr. Kane, but not Without hia aymphtby with their fortunea and hia wiehea for their aucseao. Tbey carried witb them hia written aiaaranee of a brolber'a welcouir* ahould they bo dtlvrn back, whifh waa amply ndeemed after tbo disaetrotia terminatiou of the eotcrpnae. Tbe toila and aufieringa of the party are folly to-. taitod in the pMBBBt IIBBBtf* BBJBJfiB- BB^BBbBJ for a narrative of excitiog intereat. Mr Peteraon, the Daoiah intorpietcr, waa ap pomted to the r-otntnand of thia forlorn hono, and Dr. Hayea. the aurgeon of tho Advamo, took an actV* part in ita crTorta aod dangora. The jourm-y «M comn.eoced on tbe IM of Augnit, 1864, ao outfit of proviaiona and fuol aotTiciorit. a. w.yi eotimated, to from four to fi*.e tvtvki, the time oetvaaary, wi h ordinary good luak, to roaoh Uper- navik. Two Wte nnd a aledge conatuuted the eqn;patent of travelin|, while a moierate aupply of atore* wm provided, eonsietiai of a bairel of par- boikd poik, half a barrol of raw pork, fifty pou ida of boiled beana, five barrela of breid, tilty pouu.a of eoffeo, and about five of tea, all aewed up in oaa ro* baga. Iu the way of luxuiit-a, they f.uod room for about twrr-ty pounds of flour, a two-gtilbn keg of molaaeea, a can of B.rden'a meat-biaeuit, half a do-en bottleo of lime-Juico, and two ol vinogar. After a perilous itrugglefor nearly a month thoy found furtber progreoi impo«-ible, whilo to retrac l their atepo waa eqtially bejond thoir powor. Taey rould noither travel over tlie ice, nor cut throu_;h it Thfy were cait npon a ahore m<>re bleak and bar- rt-n Aan any wbich they had before secn in that dn-ary region. The Surnmer wa» gene, and the Winter waa approaching rapidly. Tue bill* were eotered with .now, the valleya were IM with drifl; tbe atreami were all drbd up, and ti - * a waa ehroudtd in the gloom of an Arctic night. There were ocarcely aufficient provisioua rcmainioj- ft»r two wet-ka: the fuel wae etili more asanty; and ttua wa* merely lard and rope yarn, stiitablofor oook- ing food an_ melting ice, but not adapted to givo warinth to the balf-froren travelera. The place w about Bixt-e-n milea below Capt* Parry, about B.'.dtYBj* betwten Whal* and Wolatoaholrne Sounda. A nu re dianial apot, on which to atrtiggk* f«>r ex- irtet ce, can hardly be imagioed. lt wBBi-.d nntil tbe inoruitifr of Iho SBth of SaptBm- ber thai we fullv made af onr miudsthat eaoape was bOBBBBB WBbool WBReBg time in BBBOBB lBBBBfO t ,n, wc-tome proceodoa tt a.oure cur equipment; whiih we did bv c*tryui_- it, piece by piece, to a l«-t-r« oo ¦ lOOh BBM at h:ind, ci.refnily keepin-r tally tl a»e RBBBOBBBI hr-ifleo weie nr*«iog. Evoryl-UBg be- iog tfanr> made aafe, we apread over the wh ,le oar BMila, __d laetf ued UkOB down witb heavy atooej, tbtt tfce wind B%BI not carry tAem a#ay. Tne br>aU were capMre.t tr> prevent their boi-g tilleii with anow; I- d 'be oejB wi re atowed nndeir them. Iiut toieg dmie, we began to lojk about ua for a BBBBOaa buiTc-a but, aa we t-u'.d not live in our tt*ut. lt BBI ttiBt BaggaB-d! tlat we ahould conitnu-t a horn. alter 1b© BOBbor of tbe Faqinmaux; bnt it waa aoon . oui lu.ied that we rotild n.t ut a lortni^bt oottoot to> a *Kiilieiei_t ..uaiitity of atonee for eu.:h purpoae, if indeod we cor-ld tto il at all. AoooodBkgly tuie plii w*a abatirlcri <1 hh, nnlcr the circnmBtHUtea, qutte im prBt-ticable. While we were anxiouely ron*ideiia'i whal we »h<nild do, wanilcriDj- about wahoat disciv ering tj__T ltu-ible niode of overcoming our difficalty, ctf.oi'fthv |.*rty accidea'ai'ly found H crevic-e in tba iocL ilot _»r from tlie catnp. indaed dLroctlv BafaaBB to Uie lucding, and abont mttf yarde from tbe ahore. Tl_8 cttrhcti. wbich r*n parallel wi;h the rokat, W4J abent rigbt fe-et in widtb and <-ui'e level at the boM 'in. < ti tl.e ea*t aioe tlie tock wai ai\ feat bi-rb, *mo3tb, i rd tertical, asecfl ibat it wa* bfokoa iu two p'acea, l..rn.irg at oach a 6bo.'f. The other eide waa lower, being uct more than from three to four feet hi*_rh^ aud waa nmnd and Blopiog. Aa if to inake na for thia de- it waa, however, cut by a la'cral clcfU We _t 11 ce dt termined upon thi* p'ace for the hut. Tlie rctl-fe v.o-.ld aave ua tbe labor ..l mn.-h cirryinir oi .toDi-aand bnildmp, andthelittlebreakon the wcat- ern aice would anawtr tor a divir-way. llavirg row tixed upon a aite, the next thing waa to < t-laiu matermlB tor boUdtog. Thua far we iiad aeen tcnt vvbatr-vcr, every thing beins; covered with fltiitv. >Vt Lt-w foaae, boWOTBr, that tbere woro sorae stones BtaatOtod abtvot) but iinfortunately they were all lrt"*n th*bt, bo th<t v.. i mid aothftthoo_j and hero .f-chiad, wfaick we bad brOBghl fioai the !,:.*- boat deptd. and for wLicb we hid not hithorto fjund .*e, v.u* ttt great tervice. Iod-x*-!, without it, we ihotud ntt bare been aMe to efbB IByB-Bg. \ a cbirol i* it bur of iron BB ui"'i in diam'tt »r and taei fett lon^', wfca b i.a boat af one enl il tne form of Bliag, to be pr_*;ied b] tiielutud; nn'l ia abarpaned and iinrtie-r-d at tbo Otbar oad hka B OBOOBf itarrior'a dr.ll. \*t iih tkdo taotraaat-nt Mr. BobooJI loofened the *iLile the net ofaobroofhl them toe-ether. r*ot_e wt re canitd iv>o hu'jtiiod JBrda, aau all ofthoa of cicr-e rp< n our aboii'.leia. Uaving accnmnl'ited a eo&aidMaUo pi'e. t1--- u v,ailn; bat beraaaother dtBlcolty Wo h'ad notliiiig tt-ih which to iill ap the «it.< r?. T; ia ui p*. Bgara lo wantriag, aad at len,"h to. rrttui waa di.i.'V.nd BBBf tho BBBBB. l'tie i>al woo bow caUod ta laqBlBBoa bi b p-ok* i*i afU r l.-a-l of tbe aaad waa aborolod with one of our tia d-saor piatoa kato b fioeardod braad-bog, and Htui f-arrl.-d op to tht bafldaiBi DariM twodBll \tc tLua BOfkod, an-1 hai tb-it the ¦BwBafUOBof eeeing tlioareiof t!i" h i' io loood, Tae waJtawtre lonrteeu k-ct apart. foBB leot h-gh, ail thaao feet thick. We had labortd h»nl aud aluioel WO> ily itiiTitig our workinz-boura, reaerving only a 8hort tim*. f< r our acauty c.e*ila. Uu tbe foilowing day wo boill u *n tbe roek, on the wc*t 8*de, a _rabie, of whicb tno apex v.** fix feot from tho grontid, and wbich eloped dowo OB ea-'j uide ro the waiia. Tkrough thi* ytchUtu eide open> .1 the lateial deft. wbich ymuj apaunt J bythi lablo, whi.h i at tbta j-laee on the rudder ofthe Hooe, ce tbrtt: feot higb and two ft-et wide. Next day Petecbtn made for tnia of-enir.g a djor. whkhwao hlBgltBB an^le, aoaa to tlo-«c by ite 0B_ WoWit, wLrn it 1 al l-ei D p.ahed orxn from the outaidc N ot Jiaving a piece of board wide OBOBgh for the puip BO, i.e cnatmctod h fi*am-»-work of narnw a'.rna. an-1 rovered it wkb *a!.vfc_*. Tne oraokl ar-)-::.! the door- poete were tilltd with mose Above tbe doorway waa left aiotber opening for a window. Acroas tlna B ij8 otrtu-bod a atr.p of an old inuelin ehirt, greaaed with bl'ihbor for the better traoamiaaion of liK''t- Now raxne the more ditficnlt operation of loof.otf. Ote of tho boata matta eerved for a ridge-p.le; aud <.u thia aad the walle wete laid tbe oirp. f.r raf»>r8. theae were apread the boat'eaaila, *ahi<Ti were atratobod laut, and rocured by hea\y Btonca. Tnen . e roUi-cted mnas to thatch the'eanvaa. Tbia vt ua e\ >-n a tnore lab.rk--i8 )*<._ than carryiug the atonea: for wo .r> tre t-ompeiled t > Beoar tbo couutry in a!l directiooa, aad a*tbe mow waa almoa. every wbere a fooi deep, to dig for each piece of moaa tlutt we obtained. lodood, fjttr timeo oui of B*ro. we were uiauceaoful in linding b i_-_K,eluBpl after tiearing away caruloads of ano;". Tbia Lulior would rot hive been *o *avere bal that we bad lo ahoTel, aud were obliged lo BM oar tn 'liuner- piaU-8. (tur < arj-enter eudeavored to sappl v thia de- .ect by making aatioTel ont of ti. Bavoi of our now om lees rnolanaca kog, tarkia| tbaa togother, _ud Uat- et o u> tfi*ui a tf*ut-poU for a kaodle. but aa thia < on- Uivanco toon carne lo pioc< *, it iaded to aiuvier our purpoae. ThoBkOBO wae froien hurd, BBj wa« f.-nnd rarely In larger qnantitiea than a pateh two B thn.e feot in d ainetev, but more .reqoentiy in lnrupe tho n\/, (,f one'B I _n_d. lt waa dn/nnwith th< keo-caloal, aad rarried «oc our bai.ka in our clothea-b_gB, the c<i:iteutB oi wlucb "wi had previouaiy empti»d into the tent. W'e noadi- exoeflent proKreaa witb our work; and on the t-fth day, althoogh lealing unoertaiu aa u> what firttine awaited ua, yet we had at lea*t tbe c'-tnforiu- .:f -(.fiactK.n tbat, on tho next dav, wo ahould _ ttt a .ou#e to Blielter u», aud ahould thoa be protocted a_raL_ot oome cf tbe terrors of our pooitioiu On that bowavtr, juat »>efora Li«htfaJf, when we ware dtaiuit three t_ilee from tbe eauip, tbe il.uda, which *ud l>eaa oathonng alaco moruing, auddonly began to l-_«-__r_e tAeir fro_on vapor and the whole heaveus g^boVaina tbiok witb _a_i-_-g aaow. Lvorylhiag thal waa aotrary BMB to oa, waa M-B __¦¦ ." vitw. BLd.foarful that we ahould loae .'~*7- Wj trndgedback toward tho ***- , rt 0bHfral«.. Our outtaa.a ^hau-A- wero b ¦ |ed % g BBBB before we «;< «al to re-tur, » ^ M(| ct'-. opon tha BB>B_BBl»twa B*JB MP wd ^ tliia tin.0 a ghlaoaihoriy ~J^ lM %a. _r,.,u iiK romt«4tlit«l » ¦.'" xy_ heldontootr mo«4i-bi^4 rhilled and 'jh»nfj7' d(I1(( thoi' oootoato opon tne however, «*J, MJfrX.Mbwh«l hal heet. pre-ioualy St^^Sreti -ffloient to cover tho aealh .. lo with a lAJor a JjjJ JJJ*^ inereuae with tho BBI-BBBI, and, >y.a_B vmrnm , ^ _w, ,_ W(1 ,,.. S^lb^^a- * El'.jr r,i,ht wa. omiag on aa J drew under our cauraa ahelter. The modo of iiro durin* thia ternble renoontr* with froat and fn-ine, ia vividly deBCiiboe ia the followinKparagrapUa: 1 <t the readcr auppooo that I hire jn»t retornod fn tn it to the tmpe. Fir»t, 1 raiae tho fl%t raovat lid tronitimp down fourfeet, then drawiorm bnad and drt'.T. tb*-" t»nvaa. 1 row cra»l OB all ft.ura, t.iron. h ai_ feet of darknieB, np n gent'e ah.pc, thou three feet more downarapid dBBBfl t, when I"eOBBB ax.4in.ttie docr- thi. I pofili open with idt head; I pas* thr>u<h, the door riiuta of BEetf, und l BlBBi upnght, Ukin* carenoi toetiike BBJ hend BEBBBt tho otr-raf er. I am now infide the hitt. Tne ll >or, or aifda, on whieh I et-td inthroe fretwide. To iuy nght band u the " breek," which in the l»od and aeat of foor of my cotn- MU-oao. mv place i* atnong thea. To my loft ia the -' bretk" ol'throe other*. If thi* en»r_uco is suppiaed to I..- late in the dav, they are lyir.g down .ile ny.i le, b t.iilTtilo-bhin under them, bl-tnket. over th«>ra, liettdi c't to mv foeU Mr. Bon»a'l com.s nr.t, then Mr. Sonntag, thea a vacant place, thon poor att 8te- phePbon, and la»t comea Mr. Petersen. Joho, Godfrey, and Whirple lie in a mw on the other .ide, at nght atmlee to tbo ditection of the fonr previou.iy nrtraed. I5e ere me ia the poat which bbbUibb Uie roof, aadlaap. rtorta onr little Ump which ha. one feeble flime. ( thia tla-e is tEBEBaftd a .4aare ket. e, we htve rriace of our B«aWa uiaat-biaruit can. We have u-.andoned tl.e Uke; and now. with tht* BBBB aad Ixet- tle.woaielt from the anow all tba waior that wo ia- aaU-Bl leaat all that we can allord. Btt,oud __. Htands our open stove. - which may ho acen tl.e rVipiioi-kettlo and the BBBQBPaai bnt Ihcre .. no ar« there "W'o have fire ODly twice a day. Cloae behiad th.- Ktovoisthe Bolid rock, wh ch formy th»ea4'.er. aido of our bo_ ln a receee, in tho further corner to the hdt. are Btowed three clothee-b*K»; ia tho corroe- rondina con:er. to the right, Brt firemoro. I etoraon b iead is close to the etore, and cloae to Patemaa heud etf-du a gun; the athoffl nre haaalag onMde oa i.e_B in the pawhge. The OEEfBI Rnd raftere or^r- head' und the wai- all arennd, are white with a coat Intfof lrcat and iBB-iEA condenoed moi.tar. or our breath lt ia a cold, damp, dark, cheerlesi place. The temperatnie i. not belnw z.ero at the floor, nor above' W »n tho center. The temnerature outhide , .Be. from /ercfXo Bw° boloa it. ll ia BBftf Wiuter v'et and the cold haa not fully aet in. Tui* dilfdren:e between tbe ou'tudo and icBtae record ut BBjbj to tho 1 eat rudiated from our bodits. Tho warm bro*th. charsad with the mointure wbich freotjoe* the wai « and *ce:liPirt of our .now-palace with ghttenn/. cry.- laia heat* it too. Tha leaaar arul bbbbb laaEuy aepia- ciato thi* when he recalla tbo dimoufliouB of tho a.urt- ment into which wa. ciowded eight men. Iu averaga lenwrih 11< r the wallb uie not 40110 ptrallel) u f.-urtoea ff-et, iu breudth is cight fect, and it» meau highl ie li re feet. I 'have wtid we had lire only twice a day. Tnig fire was. not, howe\er, intended Ior warmtlt, bu: more- lyfor the pun>oee ol boiling a B >t of olfoo, and of ookirg wba'cver food we migbt have. Whiie we had fnt we need the la.p which had enrved n. in th. 6eld- but thi. failiug, we burued whatever wood we bappeced to poftstivt. I htve already mentiouoJ that we weie mbg the utivca of our bieid-barrol and of i.tir kcgB. Theie could not, of courae, laat Ioqb; and, at length thciowaa no reaource butoar boat*. Tho Hote wni, BOOOrO.B«y« broken to niece,. lt went 11 our verv hoarts to d'.rtroy thi. gaJluni c..mpauton of f-o mui j BtTBgalao. und we knew not how far the act inight attect our future fottuuen; but c-rae whdt would, ai.d reiritt the BaatraiotfaB as we might, tier* arai u-. ultcrrativo. At arat t\e u^ed lmr tonderly, an if t > inolcng tbe aclual dirisoluMoo.tearing aw.r aaoh piocoa only aa did not mmm hc r form; but, li lally, the Uonwale had to be .viificed--a_d then thi Ilope liy in the fuow a hopeh-es wrcck. We looked ut>on her now n.erelv aa a mfls. of lumher, and barned her uo without coa-punction. The l>ent pieceB.the th warU, tbe keel, und in fatrt ull that were likoly to he of auy lervii-e t'o tbe Eb.iu)raa'ix.were bbtoU, and cntetuilf f-tow-4-d aw«y in OLe ixiiner of tha hut a. merchauaiee, bo as t<. be 10 the tl Jeving B.leBB whooo ekill nnd arrjiiiritiifnee. were njw tp be onr oo'y de- pendenee for tbe mcanB of life. MHP lt mtibt not be ihcugbl that thia in.ignificant of wood, altogeibor uot more tiiau a few, nave u. much T110. At mt>-t, ara < onld uoe only a u.ere bandfai Of epliiifrni and even Ukmjo wore po>r, for tbettoodwa. water-eonked, aml a larxre part if it onld not rriade to bam witbont con.tant blowing. Iu tonce'iaeiiie of thi. there wa-. e-> much Htnoke thtt t\t- were a'n.oet etjlled wbenever mcai-ti.e ch,_ie irniid; Bometi:ue8 weie BBBB.BBaJ driven from tho hn'. We taereiiidefatigable iuonr tfl.irtittoaddao'nething toourfitCH-k offood; butdayafuirday woutby, and.t-i it wub tie aarxe monotAinou. Btory.faiiure. Fox-trapn were buiJt along the ehore, to the fforth and to the pouth, chiefly nnot-r tho Huperintendence of l'efernen. There wlre.'I think, fonrteen, and tliey rttn^ed over nearly ten mile. of coa»t. They wero virited d*'ly, when tbe weathe.r would permtt: but, BBOBBt in s Hin- k ii)et_n(«, none of them wtre ever ftuu.i to i-outiin aay th ing ''-.t drifted anow, whkfa retpiirod them to be tom dt wn and reeoOBArBOteC Soreral time^. triey bai I.e. n eittercd by animal., which had Citcaped in oon.e- qai nce of rome dtfei t of eoaattui-tion. b_eac tra}:B wero binlt nearly upon the aanie _>nm i- p'e an k boj's 1 ibbittrap ;i» home. BaloettBB a .mxth, v. I roeh, WB itniingc.i wme flit utoneB of about »'¦! incht. thick, bo h. to nelBBB on threo aidon an are4 .ix bebra bytwo feol uudahalf. tiver tbia iu^ioBtire u«re 'bjiI10.M ll '! .t fontr, aud baCwBBfl Uie t wo whirh cloeed up oue of tha end*, ttaa inierted a peg BfBJOM. ing an inch wi..I tbe iucloaure (ln thi. peg was looBi-ly hung, '.* B I'.op, a Bmall j.'ece of mcat; out- .aiuo .1 th'*, on the ^-i:e peg, was placed aanher loop m H.- at the end oi a cord, which waa carnel up throngh tho rtar of tbe trap, and ovor tbe top to tbe frtnt whero it wae t'.ed around a thiu Hatflag of *l»t« whia. n.oved freelv np and down, beitg guided and bold by two lurpc- llockn placed ouo on eiiher .ida of tbe BODB. e. '1 BB o(*rntion of tliif .implo 111 t.-hinery will be ri-miily "..dt.rt.tood. The lox enter. under the ftJide or Irap-aoor, Barx.BOBBBB tbe re/tr, itei/.e.fie btit, and attoanEa to bt,ck out; tho bait i. pulled from the I't-g, ardwiih it iho loop whirh Biipportu tbe door. 'fhli lupaort being rt-moved the door fallr, and tlie an¬ imal ib raaght. F.vtrjthiing now dependd npon the rrackft being tifhtly clored; fcr ir tho animal can get hi» littl*- no»e bat a BBB tWO Ht jties, he B tture to mako hi. way t it. It i. ul-^o i;r.p<.rt _it that the .piici- .hould r.ot be large onough lo allow him to t.irn routid, for, ir. tl at eaaa, tl e trap must le very perfert if ho doea tict lOBBBB tbe dotir und eeca'pe. This aceident hupprneti to u. ft-veral time.- no d.'tiht, to the Kftftt lov of the (bx, bt f Daach toouidiscouiliture. AOt a daf Baa.d tbat no wer» not out M itb oorguui nnd r floo. " l'et<"r4H.'n, uccompai ied by diH'eren' nwra- ln 11 ofthe purty in tim, watcbetl theojiencrackeinthe ice for areftior'a walriifl; while otheitt were ac utring tlu land iui-earili of batt. and R4ZBB Of tbe furraer -tt.- ..ii-cotered Dot one, ahhough trat kn were »ome- liiita obafived, .'iL'l <>ur BBB-BB wa. moat ddigei.i. I be ai imal. I*ing ..tirtly w hte, with only a few Raok hair. 011 the tipa of tbi-ir t-ara, i-oiild not be exairjr de- ititcd. Tl.ey fretjuent the ro< hy plaBBB where they find ahelter. und 1-00.0 dowo lO.B plain to feel on\ moue, and l'<'un. wl.ii h they tlig- up from be* tica'bthe blow. Wo Lunted around and aroaod the roekl Bl tl'- baiB of Ae cl rb-, when- il acemed most probable that baaaa would he found, hal to no por- po.e; weeaaidaerarsibrtoaa. 'ihe foxea (boththo bluo and white taiieiiefj .seie rejeateoly peen; bm llnvwera very tinJd. and could not be apj.roarhed witbin h ahortor runge tban two or three hundred vardr. '>ti oue occubkii Mr. llonuull aud myeolf h*d a ttiiio'urnn for fully three BOBBa uiter ono, without Bticcera. Eath of u. had a gun, aud we trit-d erory nrt and ttn.tagem. Tho liltle ta low was eeen one locinent far np the hill-nide, eeitod BBSaaieekj and beii'tf theye ltn-bued, he Monld leap down, aod ciam benrig arouiid the face ol the hill, wonbl l>e next aeon .n ibe plain: whero, again puranod, he would pler. full- 'hclo about BB,BBtf 1BBBBMBBt ft aUaghtoriaf hm," ttbB ton. not tbe moat eenona biinnoao in tho world. lh'rir-11 hid behind a rock while 1 cba.ed; .adIbee- 1 W and Boaoall aheea*! aat, aBhoeah aAverbl tinea tbe eecreted bbUJEBBBBI to d.reot'y in the fca'l path, yet be afway- ttirned at tho propor nioment to iilaure the aa<ety of hi.i.ock, troU.ngJBEBB- fnll- awuT .loltlng the air-the prettie.t and moil " vr Sof l.vw,gKcreat,.r... Ho wa. about ihe ..,. 5 1, , eat, roor.d and plt.uip, white A«thaanow Whh a loaf, 1 OBBted ncBe and a W *|g*****_! .a'), t.err.e<l to bo hia e.,>ee.a) Blf-B. lt wa. 'ii.ite evident that he waa amuamg hiiaaolf; and he ap- peared to be iincioue lhal he w aa doing it at our ei- per re. He rolled and totaed himwlf aboat amoog Ihe Iw^ae drift, now apringing into tho atr, tow bouiidtiig BWay. now .Uipping ahort, oooi.B| hia head 11 BEBBBB at.U elevatintf 01 a foot, aa if liBteiiiag, B4»emicg all tno titxe to te abowiiig oB hia " ttointa' to .ne_i«., >or BEO. bo nared not the >hJuo ol tho very omalioat part of bi. veiy p.euy tail. Tired aud exhaiutod, wo <r«ve up tho puni'iit aal rotnt-ed boiuo. Tho foa foUowoa na B!wB-Bata; and when we laatBaw him bo we lo- kod back f*om tbe rocks »b-.vetho bit h* waa n-onn'ed en an elevHtlon, ntieiioir h'a aSri.1, ' .v ar*, wIi'kIi ecunded mnch like mo.kety of our defeai. , B sOOOB bad BO beUer anncrM ntefli. lie oSacrved ?e-reral .**'*. bal .all of 'bem at a di*taoce. One w*a tirt-d -Uby bim attLe long rar.f-eofiwohnndred yarda, ,. >. \vHe vntlt ilr*": iiri'.»h»r w*a ki'led. * «B|in'i4"d to be, at a a-horter diotance; but the woundod 000 eo- capel and aad tbo other aank. tl.e |i aie in haiit-n a. n BbH-BBI he«oi,d nencriptioa. Kb utiitieb loM u* tbat the oa*t, fiitu a bttle way be- low «*'r)r>e lVr* to tbe nv*nt.h al W"l* eti^<»l*oe BobbI iacallad tho " barren ground." Even tho poor plt- laiioe of atooo ttioaa lhat we get, comeo not without liatd labor atii much aeiirchiug. Home of aa ara to itmuitof it ahnoatevrry day. Thisaerrn eg»nera'l* fhlle U tte lot ol Sonntu.-, l.onaill. ani my*e'f. Nse- |l t nron ie an iavalul, but when he ran crnwl ont 0* .l.H-rB wo may conut upon him. for be is fnll of apirit Tbe _ni»B doee BOl BfTBOWBh Jobn, (ludfrey, ani Wi.ivp'e, aa well a* Yvilh tbe roatof ue, aodwsael- rlom huve tbeir belp; we therefira pu* t»-em oo wau:"-. al.erra»*ly B* the but, and lei one of them go with Prtcraen, nnd the ttb-r to ttio tmps a? K -otn Bay, wlmthei are nb'e. The poor fellowa, howevor, aro nciB'ly ai<k, and tbey aeldotn atiraScad. We (tbe nioae gu'hcrer*' Ba out in the BBIBaBf aa roon a* it tn liK**t. E.cO cartie* a tb.-plat.*, a jRBOtiiO* boorvxTOa (. relic of our k<-g*l bcut in tbe ahape of a borre-rhoe, and ii little bag-wbicb ia a aturt wiih tha r. ol nnd a*ecY*a I ed up. The ula'ei ik to r**ar awar the anow, wbicb ia often more than two feet deep; the iron ia to wraio off the moea. We trarel alwaya over IM.. h aiBBBd. Oi-ru Yve CrttoOOd tiie btj to |RoM ub .. ur anil vtcre.lUtiint froa the hnt aix milea. BOBO- time* or lobof in IBBBWaa vtilh a good supply- eiiongh to loB IWBOf ¦«. da*"; BBItlBBWOi*B i.ot col'i et enongb in five or lix boara to tflve II a aln- BloBcaL I b-ve ooatblBkBO, for a wboUda.. with- ont obUbb a pint. Tbe KT.ater uumber ol the rocka bt_vo^tT)bmgoo them, amTthe hard labor of e'eanng ft-tii tbe deep mdow ia ourecom,ii>n*cd. We bo.l tlie BOOBWBbabaadl 1 or two of tueat- r-i-ctit, flonr, or l.r.-nd .lu.t. and tBM eke out onr *uP- i.lie*. It la diopBoBBg Bt be»<. BB* ¦ acar.-el m.-ro nu'ritiouathanpaper. When the t nu-maua lolt ui. we hud eacb Uuityw* Mocuito, boeido throe pi .U ol bread-dnat. Tbe aHowaoco |0 cach maa wm une b .- cuita -lay; but tbo temperatt're ia ao low. and oar i,',., i*... l.nrd, tbitttSiaamal qnantitf of lool B not .nittic't-nt f.-r onr nee.l. We voto to livo bettor, aad tlun atarve ii we *o we dooble tho raUoru 1-vtry cay of tha *ort of ida tellt tta tale in furrown iu oat elooiBJ IflOaOBO moao fU givonaome of Bl violent carrbea and gaatritia. We all fr -rhtfaIlr auik. Oodfrey haa fainte.l in tryiog to reBB bioiaelf; aiul lullii K he would buvo seriou-ily mjared himaolf k :,ii*tlbewa'l, bad he not been OBUBt by Joho. Th* lattcr laararcely Jibleto walk; and be-i dei, he M Hi-iH mucb from l.emorthcida. Whipp'e ia no n'rong- Pr B-OpbOBBOB BBI 1'**-*ido me, MBf for NoOtB. Hia l.iiirtlroul-lea have ,ome back and I nover go ont without expectiDg to tad him, U]>on my return, a We niuat refer our readera to the volutne itaelf fcr the tbrillirg f?etaila of further plano for reaohinj tbe deatiued haibor, atd Uteir ultimato failure, tr.getlicrY\ithtlieretnrQ ofthe dikcomfited party to their old c^mradei in the Advanoo. Dr. H^jei alBO ieta foith at length the reaaona for hia c"»nfi- in tbe lucccia of an expedition intonded to reoch the North Pole. Ncither hia fiith nor hia couiBge ia in the sligbteit iafBJB ubated by tbe ex- BMMBOI of auffericir, aod tbe aanguioe, adveotutoui '. pint which he evincri, ootmected with evident practicnl ability of no cornmon ordor, preaenti an encxura(jeiuert, if not a gunratity. for the aucceaa of hia inttDdcd tnterprife. THE LIKE OF DANIK.L YVIISitN, D. [)., Blahep ef Cal- rutla ai.d MeUoi.o.itari cf InJIa. Hy J.i«iam MaTBBan, A. M -va. pp. **. liould k Llarola. llir crroe cf I)an.:el Wilaon U fnmili _r to the etulent of n-lipictia paniea BJ a pr.imi._ent repre*entative of the Evbrgelical or CaJviniatic tendcuciea in the Caor. h of Er.glatd. Kectiving hia earlieet reli_rious imprea- .ioTB nnder tbe iiiflntnce of Joha Newton, Riciurd CtflB, Howliad Hill, :tnd otber* of a nimilar, he commented hia pullic career aa an earneat adrocata of the op'iirna maintained by Wil^erforce, CliArlee SiBOOB, Thouias Kcott, and of which the "Chrittiaa f>! *<rver" ia well known aa tho able and etrennoaa chjtbipiin. He rommenc<d hia miniatry in 1WI at Cbobham, an agri. ultural village in Sirrey, -8 carate io Mr. ftcil; in 1*'^ waa appointed to a tuU>r*htp at Okford, W-Ore be rtuu-lned ror ahout veara and M ha'f, duritg which time be waa n*r»t curate of Wor- tcn, ar.d Utn of Hl. John'a Chapcl, l_ondon, whorc he rrmi.intdui,ii]tkeyearlr--'l. He then bocame victr of It,lirficn, dinhargirg the datiea of that ofllce, BLtl lm%\ wlieo, on the death of Dr. Turner, HiaLrp of Calen'ta, he waa appointed hia anc- icnor, and fiom that time ti hia leath in I*..*, at the BM of W», he waa dBvXBol to tlie arduotu and inilefiti- jf-al le lalora for tbe promotiou of ChriBtiani'.y in In lu, which BBBJ made Lia numo coiupicuoua in tbe hiticty of iiiieeii na. Biahop Wi'eon waa a man of atuc'ionB babite* and eolid learning, though lr.a addictid t" contemplatton than to actioo; of great decirion af cbaracter, iu eome cuaea bor- dering on aclf-will; with lk'l? lOlfOOi for forma ..r OOTOflBOaiOO, OOOkfOBOd with llBIld expeiienn-; de»ti- tuie of the elegant ulttire ani 'rraceful addreaa of Heber, cn9 of hin bbOB diatinKoiahed pr«dex;a-or>. he waastem of purpote ex*>li< it io apee.b, and anpoliobcd in mannar; hia idcua were coufined toa limirtd range of *r,)>jocta, wLile liia encruy in Uie dia< liargo of duty waa almi at wiiliout a parailrl; with little iuH.ina'.i-n, be MBBMMd an enormona BoaBtlooBioaBBMBBj the ubject of BBBBBBBd revorenoe, he waa not (freatly loved by many; accial in Lia diaponition, fond of .¦..uvoraatiou, and txertiaing a gen. rona hoapitahty, he appearato l.h\i- liml few atuu'hmenin, and no intimacie.; t'ree frttu worldline.a, from every trace of OOlBiadalgOBBBi from all dui lioity and gnile, he wae not free 1 tom im- bition; l.nt be found hia bighcat glory iu the progreaa of tlie faiih; atd in bia /.cal, coii.iii;e, litmneba, and aaM devotion, niuit be regardod aa a model of the miaaionatv li*l:op. The biography contained in tbia voluii.eieinoie iimtiiictive than iuteroeting. |l in awk- -evard and dirrii-* in atyle, ol.a.ure iti n-irrative, aud wlolly devoid of any rt-deeiningi liarmof compoaition. T.he aalient featurea of cbaiatter which evidontly bo- lorj_td lo it* aul ject are not illuetrnt. d by happy d. lin- ealitB on tl.e part of the writer, but m ikt; a ju BBBn] i.ipr. neion by tbeir own inlrinaic atreiigth. IBB INTIIIIfiNH Of THE MIND IMH l Tl\ ELY IN iKSriOATKD. Hy t.e ll*v. .Ii.r- Mi -a, I.I.. I>. 8 yo pp. I I- Roli.-it Cai .er k Brolh*r*. ln d.hcuHiWK tho auhject t<> wbicb thin work U do- voted.the Htitborbaa atumpto.l to r-teer a midile courae Mwecn the theory whi:h trucesall knowlodg.-, jaifi BBBR and maxin,* to ob*eivatiou and t.T|*rience, and tbat wbich aeeeita tl.e exiatenco of id- .i*. trutha, prim i- p!**, orif-inating in tbe native energy ofthe miud, and r.-i ii bt ita inwaid li_-b'. Tbe coucluaion, at which he Ux-frBf, ia that tht-reaie ptiraary peroeptiona and fun- CHir.iitaJ lawa of Uclicf BaBBBBl in tbe oatnOa of the Uiii.d, lut tbey are dillorent from tlie rharaeter often aecfibtil to tlifm by pbibaophnal writer*, and by no nehBB Ctted to ui-.-omollah tbe ptirposee tlaimcd for iheiu i.i m. tapby*i' al and theoloj.ical -qieculation. In tbe OOaiBO oi bi* BagaaBBt, ke linde oc.a*ion to conaid- ei the priiuipal problcme af mctaphyeire, aud althoagh be ovidantlv fcliruiVa from tbe attenipt to eatabluih a rif._._i',i r\8t»m,b_H criticiimo ou tbe moat emincnt leadtn cf BOdsri aj-eculation, :ti» often a-ute, and a watafiti'.gefctive. a AKNUWI Kimr. OFMVINU THINiiS. YV1TII THE MW 01 TBRIB RXIRFRMCR. Iy H. N. Ubli A. BL, M. I>. l.ii r., pp. IM, H.i lii-'t* Br.itheia. 1 he eleiucntary princlpler of uutural Bcience are hore I iir-u.ird in a popi.Lar toru, iu tbiit iBaBBBBI with b:in,an phf__BBJTf BBBall tbe reettlte of tho m_*t recent reeearchea aud diacoveria* on the BubjtHi, tbe aithor hae drawti tip..n bia petnouul oli.iervaiiona aad IBMnaBII. in a wide ran-/e of trati-l. llia *titemotits uieilliiatntt-d by faimliar f-xiiinplea. tnken from overy- dav life, ai.d are Bkillfitlly applb d to explalning liie << BBBbbBB of healib and pb)»ical tomfort. MUflBBRfBB II » Ti Ain-WiKb fii*K»" is the titloof an elegant v> liuno of **-,em*, ni*iiy of lavi* u.jojkI an ixtenaive ciicuUtion in Uie uew*pa- I . i*, Btid wbich tba aalhor, Mr. (tkoRox IL Clahb c.f Ccnnecticut, haa here coilectod for the finB tim*. Thapa{-er aad tvpography do aa much crodu to tbe ptirtere of Hartfotd, wbere tbe rolo«? li pabliahed, aa ita coitoDt. do to tho literary renown of that anciont chy. Mr. Clark BBBBBBB a teady aeote of tbe ha-or- cuh a vein ol roai ly wntimrnt, and k vigorou*, fl >wiog dirait n. A. a epeciinen of bi. prodiKiiona wo qaote Uielotlowii'g: THE PARSON. \Vn > n I waa yonng, aad fond of noiaa, Ar d woro ray tlrat i/nty bomeapan j vket, And fooght otoat bat'l * with ihe boya, A_d l.'lt-d m> faUiera hooao witb raokot; Our v eH-belovcd tartor died, And )eft bebin i bim .coroo of weenera. Btout piiiar* of tho church, long tried, At weil aa ler aer propo.and aJoepera. Ile wa. a pa'rinrch, wrino and _rrtY, Oto of tne old-ttme Chrirtian .iholar.; Who cheered btlltcUon'. weary way, Aid gtve th' r pprte4»d advice.and dollara. Tho matroc.' lova for bim, at laat, Sit'.lim.d almoct to veneratiou, For ho 'd bapti/id ono half the ptutt, And all tho preoent genoraUon. (>ut*ido tho chnrch, tbe gor)d man beld A oo_p'ebet.»iv© eupervi.iort, And Tillagc quidtianc* were oompelled To bow before Lie calm decigioo. "limugh partv etrifo m'ght rage and irwoll, Or rkop ica raiae aome knotty qnootioia, There camo no atorm he could not rjaell, No donbt too grave for hii digeetion. I do remo-ber weil tho aoooe, Wben, all tbe corpregat on tteated, Uo c'oeed Uie book with revoront mien. And twito Ihe pregti-it taxt repeattd; And theD, aa irrluenccd from above, lli. henrt with holy themee expandiug, Appealed to Faiih and G'hrietiau Love, A. weil aa hnrcan uaderntanUing. Bh Wl., hia toneB, bil earneat way«, Form one of tremory'. pleaaing pictoroa, A. be, in atrong but h'omelr phraee, In purteri hope cr uttered htrictaree. Tbe volv.t cap be alwaya woro, Where'er hothomped ihe pnlpit cuahlon, Ixm n.c d like a l>eacon from tho .hore, To warn ub biiiuera from pordition. The l>APft of men a erow mnB bear. 80 Providt-ncc or Fate coctriro it; Of ptivalo grefe be had hia ehaxe, And t»r.n,e that were not quite ho privat*. Ho m'ght coiceal the Brnoldeirinii; firo Of mental or domestic trial, Ba* tronblee with tbe wrangling choir Were patent ae their own bajtvviol. Of coorf-e, thero wae among hi. chvge, Ono bncy, meddling, anciont maiden, Who. like a tire-ship. roamed at large, With fnrtive etore. of wandal laden. 8he Bcuttered branc'B of diacord free, bb© elaudered and auuoyed the paraou, '1 ill ail atrreed ahe ought to be Indicttd for cou.tructivo araon. On Wedcefday n'ght. he al way. made To n. n qu'et paiatoral vteit; 80 wh.n tbe bell BB toach befrayod, ky motber never aaked, " Who ia UT Bnt wheeling ont the ea»y chair, With if. i_»iting arm. of leathcr, She Iaid bi» pipe, wUh thougbtfal care, And fcteel tobacco box togeUier. Tl'oee genial timep were mellow ripo, When folkfi were nol inclined to bicker, If miiiiBterB ODJoyed a pipo And sippcd a eocul glaea of liqnor; So wbile hia cheerfnl featareB grlo vcd, And fmoke-wrcutliB rrcled to the ceUinj., Hi» talk in Btreame of wisdom rlowed, L'ko watera from a fount of healiug. We loved the man, revered him, too.* A* wbo did not tbat ever knew him? H a piety and kindueso drew, With rords of love, all cliuee. to him. Hi» praiee by men teed not be lipped, To mako onr t-orrowing hearta beat faster, For memory hold. a eeeret crypt Whereio la ehrineed our sainted ptvtor. ROflh-a EEa T.IVIP. WotMngar.l VVartlii.ia tba B HJenieM. Hy Cba.-lee D. Klrk. Bm rp Bl BaaBi k Ji.-x-on. Life of Jolin fi. \V. Hawllni. Compiled by hl. Son. Rex. Wil- Ji_o i.eorge liawklni, A- M. F.'th Itiautauii. Wuij. pp, Ui. 1'. Jewett L Co. A Knowled.aof Lixliu Tblngi, with tha lexwa of tbeir Kxiit enee. Hy A. N. Ite.I, A. M., M. P. Ui pp. -lt. Kail- ll»re k B»etben. I oatl'^rn aealth aoi Noribt-rn Prnflti,ai exhiltlted iu Sutn'.loa! fa ta a.d Dfliclai fl.-rrei. By Thumaa Preriti a KatteiL tvo pp. 1*8. Cleoiie W. b John A. tA'ood. Orr.uentaileaeB tb- Law of Billa of Ex ..Ba Hy Joaeph Bioiy. LI. 0. fourth H'd Revi^d, Corieotetl, aod _u- lt j..,l ....>. pp. 6i' I..:;ls,, ii t'o. Tlie r i..jO'iatlti:tlot oliiy ef Hlaxeiy. By Lyiauder Spotjuer, hxo. pp Wi Bela Martl.. Iuflustre of I'.i-i.ate. By J. H-tiarueli. 4to. pn. *4. Cbar laa Bnlr_rr. A Met'i vu-I <-gal Tr. Btife on »4a'r>r»""!.'a and M' Exldeooe. By Jols J. Klwell, M. D. 8va. pp HB. Joln S. Vourhle*. llowtoLixe: I4a»!i.g aol Waitlt.r. or llomeitlc Kronomx II lnn.-f.-.i. By aoloB Ko!.ln.or_ l'.'iua pp. 343. Kowlar A. Wei'.. tlyoe; A BaW. By Inconiru. Uaio. pp- 3TJ. Charlet lciib_*r. frta:.i»nti frnri tha ."t ldy of a Putor. By Rex leorge W. Nl( bnia, A M. Itn.o. i.p. IBE Henry B. Pri^a. Tlie B>-li«ion "f Mo._| or the Art of Bftjxlixlog I.lbeHy. and of PA-rferiing audiufl'ieifuly pioioog.g Happiueia. l.'oio. p. ". C'aliin Bl.o. Iiai.i. Fleine'i'a-y knaioinx ar.d },h}»'o)r.*y. By Elward Hl'.chroek, D.I>. LL.II .'nd Kdward Hltebeaek, ir.. B. U. U010. pp. 441. lviaon I'1 Ir.rt-x, k Co. Tha l'Btienfi' ar..l Phy.Haoi' AJd. By E. M. H-xnt, M". IJ BE ( M. Saxlor, Bark. r, Jt Co. Tlie llar. foote.l Maiden: A Tale. Uy BertheiJ Auerbarh. Tranalst. d bx f lixa BorkatBBB Laa. 12mo ip. >». Jamea blui.toe lt t.'o^_^^^^ I.ITERARY. .Heaiiie the arthle of Maranlay on SUvery, pnb- li.bedfKino wceksngoin The faVBEEB, there in still ancther of an earlier date in "Kaifeh'.'» t/ttarterly Mag- azine " cf Juno, 1.0, which ia HUp(>oeed to hare boea ihe getm of the moreelaborate onoin "Tho Kdinhurgh Review." Tho snbject evidenily interegted him early in life, while tho conteet againet Slavery wa«J atili pfn.lirgin Kngland. To thcMe wo BBBJE.1 atill an- otherin"TheKdiubnrghRoview" for March, 1827 (voL xlv, p. :W3), gnggeeted bj Major Mjodj's Report*, and di«o_*ing the Social and Indnstnal Cupat-itien of No- groea. ln thia aiticle arofover_ pawagea which po»- t*tA. all tbo pecoliar BBBBBtfl.Bt.B of h>. beat wriiinge. Hat thero ie ntill uncther article, never publisbed iu onrconntry, yet with hia indubitabl.'ear-mtirk, in "The Kdinborgh Retiew " for February, 1H>». lu titlo ia "Tho Londcn rnivei>ity,'' aud it oontain. eoverttl paBKigccon claseicnl BtB.Bfl wbiub have never boon Hi'rpiived fven by himHelf in powor and oloquem-o. Take, for iut-tance, the 1 ompariaon between Greek aud Latm and tbo literatarxn af thet+ti two tonguott. . Harth'. " African Travele" havo been BBBB.Ba] in»o Fitnih; Michelet. '' Amour into Ocrman; Humboldt'a " CcBmo." i. h l trajiolated into Hunga- riiin, under tho au.pieea t.f the 1 m% A^demy. .Thoworkaof tlu brotlu-ra Mhghitweit on Auit w ill be pnblifbed in Koglhh, in ninc vo'uim-, with I ."0 mapa Bii'l illtietrati-.r", tbo f.rnt VEN.B to appoar iu Aprll 0 May utxt .Tli*' King of Kavaria olfer.4 a pri/o oi .. l.'KW for the beat wo k on Gorman anti|nity up t<i (linrlo- mugne; #.'> C04. fora muutiul of Qbb.BB liistory up U> the nineteenth, or *-J,000 np to tho fotirttjenth centary; ai.d *} 1,'><>0 for tbe bort bio^raphy of tho tnogt eminent (Jennari, and tho t>nn e BBBBB- for that of tho t!n»t dia- tiDguiHlird Davarian per»onnge. Candidatoe for tho fii>t piige la eend thi'ir MSS. to Munich beforo Jan.l, VAtt, addre.fed to the Cot.miittee of tho Acadomy of B.BBBEj ft.r tb.-Be.-t.n I und third prirea, brtfore Jan. I, IW| and for the fourth and tiflh, beforo April i, im. .Schiller'rA only .un-iving duughtor, Madamo von filt'itlien KuMtWitnn, having i.'i'i.-Hted tbe public to forward to ber all the Bpeeche*, .c, reltttiig to the re.ent BchiUer Kertiviil, luu received not loee than .,000 aetg of meinoiiala from l'H) dirlorent place.. .Atrttn.lHiit.n of tho " Com.pondenceof Alt-ximder von Huoiboldt" with Vttrnhagen von Kuao from 1H-J7 to l-..s, wliith in now ltibking itti mtuh n<>i«e on tho contiiant of Kurope, i. aummnced 10 appear iminedi- a't)> by Me«eTt». Tnibnor _ (0., ia Loudon. It will I-.iiituin, in addition, rtiineroM.letter.from die-ugniahed wivan., etatitemen, c. -., adtlreteed to Huoiboldt.aa Arago, 8ir J. Herechel, Thiera, 8ir Robert l'eel, Wm. II. 1'reecotf, Virtor Hugo, oitracUj from Van F.tue'. Ifiarie., &c, aml will form ono volume ocUvo, ol' about 'Xt) ptigea. .The Rov. Aloxander Djre la contiutung hia ono vtlumo reprinta of tho old draautlat., nndertakeu i.rigtnal'y by Mr. Moxon, and now laaued hy MetwrB. Rou ttdge tV Co. Tbo work. of (laorge I*aei« and liA-bert Groene v> Ul ahortly a{>poax. To Uio biblio- motiae, tbeae douWeHy-lamned ccU-oe aro a poor euh- 8th*_tferbTtboboawifolpo4dHv<Kedliooat^^ Blr. Mckeiirg, ln wbicb tlieaa PlbtaSettao dra-a'iirte «-t hj pearvd In a colleoted* ebapc, all of wbioh are now of gToataud r*owtan»ly-iocrer_idt)gaeardty and valae. .Mr. Manae_ of Albaay ia a-lafaHglblo ia hi« eff/jr o ?o pen etun'e tbo fragmeutary memoriBle of Amerleao Hiidery. Two aew fcJnmea of his elegant »eriea ia small qnarto»re tmnonnced, "The Uopnbllehed Royal- 1-t Poefiy of the Rfvolutioo," ir.clnilng tho vereee of Htajwdmiy and Odell, odited, with lotrodactlon aod Notee. by Winthrop Svgf nt, and - Bargoyno'o Or- deily Book," during the wholo of hia memor.ble cam- paifen tohis capitolation | Oclobsr, 1777,, with nume- rous hiftorlcal aud biograpbical notee, and orig^tnl aketiieeof Brrtieh and American olHcera. Tliooo wdl form tbe ecventb and elghth volumeaof the aeriee. Ooe bondred copie* being tbo Ltuut-er to wbiah the Icnpre.- eion ia atrictly coi.fined, thcngb iasned only lavrt year, the eariy volutnee are qnite nnprocurable. .Several important worka aro now in progrees at Oxford, nudeiUken by tbe Univeraity preoa, or the eatabtiebme-t of Menan*, Parker. Among them are TLe Kcele-ia«iical Hia ory of John of Epheeua, trans- Iated fTom tho original Syriac MH. bro-ight from Epypt by tho Rev. II. Tattam, a valnable contriba- tion to the knowledge of Cbriaiian antiquity. Tbo Anglo-Norroan P*alter of William the Conqueror, editc.i ly M. Eranciaqne Mlch»l. The Phxebu* of Plato, a reviaed Text and Commentwy, edHed by Mr. Poete of Oriel College. A new Catens on St. Paul a EpieUee, from tho worka of the early fathert and civiLeo of tbe Medi-eval ehurch, by the Rev. Dcnry Newhuid. The new and enlarged edition of Jelf'4 Orcek Orammar, founded ou that of Kuhner, and now by ancceaeivo teviaala readered the moet completeextant work in thia branch of philoaopby, and eome other booka of minor importauce, .A memoir of Thomaa Hood, the poet, noveliat, and hnmoriat, ia preparing by his daagbter. H will con- taio mncb criginal correapondence, exh biliog a new pliase of tho eharaoter of tbia delightful writer. .A very intero«ting work ou the Erench B-ok Trade baa lately beea pnbliehed by M. Edmond Wer- det, tbe publiaher, conCdential friend, and biographer of Balrar. It includee a view of the paat, tbe praeeot, and the fotnre of tbe book trade, or La L'hrarii Fravrai»e., w ith biographical akf-tcbeo of the moat diri- tinguialetl pnbliahers aince the Kovoln ion. The pe¬ riod of IMB bo tixes on aa 'iio moet floatiahing of tbe pnbliahing buainca*, both for the size and morit of the workBthiunndertaken a~d the beaaty of executiou which the tjpographic arts had then attalned. A fatal blow, cot recovercd ironi, waa given to thi* comaier- cial prospei-tty by the Kevolatiou of 1*W, and since tt-at time tbe i_-»pre#aible demand for cheapneaa, which baa redur.d tbe nanal l-'mo. editioua from 3J fraacs jier vcdnme to 1 franc, and atill lower, ia couaiderel to be deBructive of anything like a return to the cl-aaicaJ etyle of production wbich d/atinguiahed the preseeo and publiahing bonteo of thiity jears aince. Tbe work in- cludes many tmioua particnlara of literary hiotory, w;th whio>. Uie book trade ia cloacly allied. .Tbfelaat "iind" of valuable hi.tonVal dc*.it _->uts that haa occnrred the collcction of Mr. Eden, after- ward Lord Aucklaod, who waa celebrated aa the ne .j'..tia or of tho coamerf»- trwUy wi,h .**'l»uce m ir8'** and aceompanied the Bad ot pBRJWl to Ameriea ia 1778 to treat with tbe revoked Colomef'. M-ch ma ter of inteies. to the hLatoriacs of our Ke^'olannary stnigg'e will nnqueetionably be found, an, in ad'.. Wi '.o tho entire eocret correepondence. of Mt. Edeu and William Pi't, tbe naneo of Lord Ooorge Oarmaine, Lord SufloUr, Irord Hawkeabnry, the GrenvUlee, and oUiert are the moet confidential correapondeutn. . \ wboleeome example of aeverity in the canae of lit4.t~_.ture haa juat been made at Lt-ipaic. Or. Lindner, Piofttoor in tho Univeraity there, haa been.convicted of tbe orime of atealing and matilatiug some of the booka and manascripta of tbe Public Library. Tho aenttnee paaatd iaa aevero oue, Imtnot diaproportioDod to tbe u(/-ff ivatcd rature of tbe ciime.aix years im- prifODmeni, with h-j-d Libor. The 8tate of our pubiic libraiitr will teeltl'v geneially to tlie prevaJouce ofthe t tltnee, bnt we aie ucableto point out any autsh cor. reclive for it B* tha ahovf. --Meet~B. Sacndeia A Otley will puhli*h imme- .1 ii »ly .' I'lo firbt Dntxntktic uovel over publ'alied ia tegland". (ioetle in Mr. II. Noel liumphrfv. Tbey alao announce the appearan.-e of a hietoric-U remance." The Neviiles of Garretatown ". edited by Mr. Cbarlee I*?ver. .Tho tranalation of " The t »dea of Horace" by Thtodore Martin, who dividee with Profeaaor Aytoun the fnmeof being tbe original " Bon Ginltier, "ia meet- ii _r with ^rcat praiaeaa ihe moat aaccesaful of modern attempt* to reprodnce in EDfjliah the l"u_*itive beauties if the I.oman Lyriat, thongh not the groateat, ia the moet popnlar ti the claaaic poeta. A diatin- guiahed London publiaher lately remarked that not a year paratd without hia beiin, otrered tran»lationa of hia woika, and g-enerally by men of eminonco in the ro. itd or politioal tvorld. .The new Frencli tranalation of Shakespeare by M. Kninoois Mctor Hugo baa proceodod to a lifth voluae. H it ia any credit to atrike out a novelty, in a beaten track, M. Httgo baa cert-inly achieved it in hia claasi- loatfoa of the Play a; thua, volume 3 waa entitled ls* Tyrans, and coiupriaee Macbeth, Kiug John, and Kicha/d III. Volume I, Le> Jalour,\i devoted t.. Triolua and Creaaida, Mnch Ado About Nothing, and The Winter'a Tale. .Ihe Buthorrhip ofth.- I'.irlitnientury PoeminBlick- w.odaMaga.-ne, " St. Stephen a,' ia at laat avosved by Sir E. Bulwtr I.ytton. It will bc pnbliehed iu a ccparate form by Mo.ara. I!la» kwood. . .Tlie enrioua " Diornal'- of Thomaa 7-u_/e, a dai'y journalof evtiitH, by a citiien of London, embra. iug the period from l'>»'.i to IB7t, aud aboondiiig iu original iiln-trationa of thep'tblic and pritate a'l'iira of that evetitful time, jshortly lo be publinbcd, nnder the tditoi-thip of Mr. HoBpor. It haa been only known, bitberto, thiough tbe extraeta employed by Lord Bniy- brooke in his ediUon of Pepya'a IMary, to contirm .»r illnttrate the detaila ofthe latter woik, with whi. h it ia cotem-xiraiy in point of time. - Mr. Kobert Cbiimlera haa inat edited a biograph¬ ical tract of a novel cbaractor. It iaentitled " Momoirs of a Hanking Houwe," and w:_a written by Sir Williim Forbea, the biographer of Dr. Beattie, and frieud of Sir YV-dter Scott, to commemorute a commorcial caner of ncarly a entuiy, of aute and unde\iutlng, thuiijrh niodeialo proai-entT, aethe motber of other and more extctd. d c*tabli_-bineiita. Sir William Korbea'o Bank c'oteive* uolice, thegreat iAmdon lirmB of Coutta Ai Co. h'id Herrita, Eaiqubar A Co. beinK originally eciora. *t »r-t:ibli*bed by junior brancbos, of the i:ciu- bnrgh Lou-h*. .In accordiuice with a late angg* ation in a li'er.try periccMcal, MeaeTH. Hlack A Co., of Ktlinburgh, au counce that Uieir pnblicationj wili all contiin u label notifjing the amonnt of poaUtge on the volame by the Book Poet, thua faciliUting the uae of thia moat haudy mathod of cirrulaUon. Tho idea ia bo good, and k> eaaily pracUcable, tbat we hope it will aoon bo adopted by Niw-Yorkpubliidiei8. .A porticn of the library of Mr. Cutlar Korgueon, lately eold in lrondon, waa one of the tnost auperb airall mImUbRR of booka recently oeen in the market. Though compriaing only -".'7 lota, tho produco of the aa'e waa nearly $r,OU0. An incompleto copy of the Scotch "Book of t'onimou l'rayer," U'*17, priuted by Kobert Young, bronght £13. Tbo bigheat pticod lot waa aproof copy ofthe " MMb. JBmbbBb. " before I/ettere, wbich B.dd for i.'ll>!_. .The Centary Club reeenUy gave an eihil-ition of plctotea by some of the artiata belonging to the Club, in emulatioti of the weekly exbibitioa at the Atbe- DB'tim. Tbe membetf of Who Athenaeum Clab, wo le_rn, are taking otepo toward tho eeubliahtnent of a permaa* entgallery of art; bnt tha acbooie haa not yet been atirti.-ienlly nuttoreal to admit of any of the dotalls of tho plan boing made public. ART ITF.MS. .It B very prcbable that tho Atbeaiaa. koow rfling about Ictica., and tbat t . Florentlnea *«a igToraitt ol Ghiberii; rbeC xkney* BBB BBB the deaa ot tSt F-_'a ri-ng Lko a aymmotrkal uoaaHtia abevo tbe tof* of tbeir boo.ce, tnay not h«.-« known wbam grbiua it aaa that deaigned the fabric Tboykotw -«.BllBB do wa New-Yorke- know of tk. Iuiaoae,, tba Ghibtrtia, and tho bir Cbtiatopheni, whohav. ha*a_ bo»y at work tho paot twn»y yeat in nomU- Irg acd beatuifying tha uetropolig of «,ka lSOwWorid? It i* ctrtainly a moel reujvkkUo eir- comatance tbat there are no architecU in thi. otiaary vfl r/Atc iiam.. are kuown to the peo.4e: and yot waa boildera we are! Alraoat any Atnoricaa geuUorn« who prtteod. to bo educitted, could tt-U without (bo letut heaitation who bnilt the Lew I'.triiaaaent Hrta.* in Locdon, wQo completed tbe l.Tiivre, or wh> tH* leadmg architecU cf Ktirope are at tho prweeut Ub*. But wbo kcow. anjtlir.g aboat Amerie*n ar. liitecUT Can any body namo tbo an-bitect wbo faruiaced tho da- tigtafor tlat ccafly national atrortore, tbo "C.pEol F.iteiieion ?" Ia iht-re any man in tbe rity otcept tatt indefa igaMo aLtiqt.ry, tho Clcrk of the Cmbibob Conni fl, who Know. who wbo th.ardiilectof tho Oty IT-ll I Wo h ave a great nnmbor of very fioe cba«aea_ aud the namea of their architec'a are a. little koowa aa tlofeof tliomouod buildert. Wo know tha'. Horaeo Walpole made the flrat attempt in Kogiaod to rexiva g> tafte for Oo.ic architectore, by theerer'ion of hie grotefrque villa, with it. '' pie-cruit battleinent*," at Strawberry Hill; bnt what ia tha nameof tho -aa. wbooiiginated the cin-Atlantic atyla of Go'-ie arehi- tecttre.f.r it wae a creaiion, and not a rerival T Tlie firat eaomple of tbiartyle in Amerir* ia tho not very old Cliiuch of 8t. Thomaa, oa tho corner of IIoo_»b 8tre«t and Broadway. It waa a fooVlo bo ginn'og, to be t-'ire, bnt it haa led to great reeulto, acd tbe name of the ambitiou. aivhite** wi. made it ought to be known and honorod by bi. aaora enligbtecf d iu.d more fortuna'e aucceaoora, We knoaj that Mr. Uj jobn waa tho arcni-ot ol Trinity Ghcrch, I ut we do cot know w ho deeiknel St. Panl'B aod SL JoLn's, wlich cvime a nvich bighertrderofarchi- t«ctcr«l talent. Tboro are great nambera of'fine dwelling-bouaea, too, " up town," which h»vo apniDg np witbjn a few yoara, aa if at tavo bidding of a aorcorer; but wo know nothiag of tho artiata whoae geniua gave them tbeir beeaty. Our architect. are pceaibly too mnch engrotwed in lh«- profe_ic nal labora to think of cuitivatirg tlieir repata, tion. Aid yet wo bavo an " Inalitut* of ArehiWi,'' but the puolic, fi>r ae _e reaaon or ovher, do not lotra nny tbifg about thtm. Oor architecta never aend aay cf their deeigna to tho exbibi-ion of tha Academj cf D»bign. Ferb*.* in a few %_uiH.oa th. uamcacf our A_eric_n BrunelloecVij,Y_cou., aad luigoJoncMawillbeknown toCxcrdAsacendanU; bat ktow nctbirg aboat thom outiifclves, oxcep* from tbeir woike whkh eucomp.¦« ue on overy eide. .A .mail pictnre gallery haa beon rosently openod by M. Otlnran iu the Farmtly Biilding.on the cornar of Broadway and Bord Btrobt. He baa a lew ve.'lina picttuc.of tbe modernFrenchax, 1 Garmin echoola, liu afew good painticg. hy our own artiita. But tbo fiaaB plcture i.n. hia collection ia a large in irine pioco by Vaa JHeefrt.a vitw of Antwerp. witb a J>QUhfrig.e yinf att.chcr, and a {.reat vantty of utrangecraft B|BB .ail. TkBBB objecta are all repreeeuted with great m- cuiacy, and the water i. eiTpecially good. R. tk. painting givta no just idea of Mr, Van Bde.t'. mirrel- ona powtr in depiuiog the lierce action oi tho aea, when it ia la&hod into tur tulont motion by a horricatie. 4 pictur* of thj kTnd whi.-h he has re:eutly rioi.h»d for tbe Acadcmy uf Kxbibition will gi ve a mach botter idea of hia talent aa a marine paicter - We regrot to learn that Mr. IBB.MB Johnaoa ia- tenda going otf on an oxtended tonr at the XonavWoB for tbo purpo^ of maklntr .k»t. be. amoug tbe half breed. ond Indiic. who livo beyoud the cotAmtttt civilirad life. We oinnot hut think that be migut lal betUr im^jecta for hi. peccil in tho back alam. of tk. Atl.atic ciliea. .Tbe eloatiou for tne now Duaaeldorif Gallery a Broadway, haa bten drawn ly af r H _:.tlton, ac Ki glieh arcbite. t, who bae deeigsed oome vory admirAhtt nildijig. in Cinnnnati, wbero he h_ reatded for tt.T> ral ytara. It cxbibiti a very band#»me front, tbirt; ftot wideand tivo .torie. higb, bighly diacorrtted, t. Kt.-iug piece of tho third stcry ree'ing upon the book f three caryritidee, repreoenting scolptiire, paiautit; and ecitnee. Tlie gallery will be two hundred ratt d«ep, and divided into thr.-e ap*rtment., ono for A.» ican paintings, ore for fK-alpture, aid ono for foreifi worka of art. Tbe eite ia oppoeite I.iara Keeari Thcater, apd tho front i* to be of white mirblo. TB woik i. to be cuutmenced at onte, anl it i. iatondodti bave the gallery ready for o<.k-upancy by the 1**' next O .tober. .Wo learn tlmt young Mr. Thorno, a aoaofB Scalptor, who reoently went to Pari. for :ho puroai of etady, baa becomo a pupil of F.douird Fn>io. 8ia< of tho small pitture. which he rini.-ihed bel'iraheka *New-Tork evinced a veryhigh order ol'taleut forgt*rt aubjedr*. .Innete haa taken the rtudio reoently orrupiediy C'ltixan, in Moutaguo place, Brooklyn, where heaa a \f ry fair landwipe on bin eaael, reprtoonting a tai- light ecene, which baa already beenpurrhaaed ky* Brooklyn patron of art. Coleman ia onthepoiBa' leavirg for Kuropo, inteuding to remain yeart abroad. .Brocklyn ia tho metropolia of I.t>ng hland, wkkk a c«rtaiu Kngliah author eay. should bt? I'ormel into aa independent State, and :t is trying iu be.t Bf ouido ia lival city ou thia aide of the wmt Kivcr. It ii boilla* an Acadcmy of Mobu much largor and mach more elegnnt. e-terually at lean, than tho Actdemy ia Irvingjlace. And, on Wedneoday mght 1-t.tbar. wae an *uti.t a Re<-eption at tbe Brooklyn lMwortt«, in Mur.-i.aguo pltce, whi.-h far e.xciilod any Haiil*r entertu. iment iu New-York, ia the way of a croatBd apartmiWk Tho BrooklyniUa havo a pcrfoct aani. fcr1 piiturt* and they can bt not of e»me very ni-coUec- tiona on the "Hcigbta" There wtre nct a g«« many i.Vturt-* exhibittd ou Wedneoday tight, l»' tlerewhe moro tl.n could be »©en to Bir..aJEj G'.ncul, lnneei, ('olt-nc-Q, and (;ari>entar, wer,,*J arti.t. Hho ocenpiod the largeat amount of .P'**. .*¦ aUracte|l tmv aUcntion. llnntin»r»on and H°hh«*V^ who arf Brooklyn nien, contributed nahing. *^.1 oulv ne* arti.t who made a marked tfebot oo »» aaaaaaaj wa, Mr. J. G. Browu. whooe " portraitol a la^y," :;it ee promise of great o-ceUetvc m hi* ha* * utt.' ->Wb learn that Mr. Leutio ha. been .'osjuhing tkB di-liuguisbed authoritv iu Amerioan arcb.vology, BU Peler F.-rce of VVa-iington, for the pnrpoee of joEilT 1Dg ti-o archa-m ofthe " S-ara and *StriI.e.,.' wk»B be I^utre, ha. btrcluced into tho fkmWt of Uj Hattleoi l'rincetoa. We think that tho artia ** hardly BBBSBbI i" hia attempt. I.ieatenant 8chayla^ Haailtouinhiawoikou tho Aaorioan Flag haa ** bauated the itiibjort, and accordiug to him, aad Baccrof' ia equally iB8-El up»n thia point, ibo tu ard .trijea as tho ttag ofthe loi^n wa. novor heard < nntil *ix BBBB- after tho Battle of Frioeoton wl fougbt Aa Mr. Leutie committed tho aame arror i bi. " W._hingtco crcBeiDg the I>e_w-e," be ika» kit. iniagiiiwho haa good aulhoritf for it. ". m he w Ul favor the world with tho ootirce of bi. rwaHUB, ee, for b e B »x»iuid to.uutily himatlf if he oan. I -John Ru»kin> eloqnor.t enthuala.a haa »«] directodtoanewquarter. Ho ha. ex-wBed rarB and Veuice. and ha. oow found a no- aubjoct in iB Holy F8mily-ofKeyaoldo,iBtbeNadonal U-tary,! wbi h ho -oaponding hia weaUh of explouroa. *J crUkiiim on thal piciore in tho laat ComhUl M**-J'1 _thecal«ii.lion cfhi. gorgeoiw etyla. ^Mf*7j jtoelf luu UH been deemt-d worthy of uotU» ainca kvt I 1 _l-iw aitf

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Page 1: BB>B BBl»twa B*JB Royal- 'jh»nfj7' JJJ*^ S^lb^^a- J t · ctf.oi'fthv |.*rty accidea'ai'ly found H crevic-e in tba iocL ilot _»r from tlie catnp.indaed dLroctlv BafaaBB to Uie



ySftYfy Ibaac I Hatbb. Umo. pp. FTS. Browa, Ta|ga.H.RCaaae,Oao of tbe moat inter-ee'ing eventa drocribed in

Dr. Kaoe'o narratiTe of hia Aictic expedition ia thedepartare of a portioo of the company from th.Advnnee, with the view of reaching Upernavik inlSottb Greenland, the nean-at point to vYhicb. a

jourwy over tbe ice waa luppoaod to be practicablo.Tbe party, which conaiatod of tho wntor of thiavolnmo and oeve-n othera, left tbe brig in appositionto tbo opinion and ooucboI of Dr. Kane, but not

Without hia aymphtby with their fortunea and hia

wiehea for their aucseao. Tbey carried witb them

hia written aiaaranee of a brolber'a welcouir* ahouldthey bo dtlvrn back, whifh waa amply ndeemedafter tbo disaetrotia terminatiou of the eotcrpnae.Tbe toila and aufieringa of the party are folly to-.taitod in the pMBBBt IIBBBtf* BBJBJfiB- BB^BBbBJfor a narrative of excitiog intereat.Mr Peteraon, the Daoiah intorpietcr, waa ap

pomted to the r-otntnand of thia forlorn hono, and

Dr. Hayea. the aurgeon of tho Advamo, took an

actV* part in ita crTorta aod dangora. The jourm-y«M comn.eoced on tbe IM of Augnit, 1864,

ao outfit of proviaiona and fuol aotTiciorit. a. w.yi

eotimated, to from four to fi*.e tvtvki, the time

oetvaaary, wi h ordinary good luak, to roaoh Uper-navik. Two Wte nnd a aledge conatuuted the

eqn;patent of travelin|, while a moierate aupply of

atore* wm provided, eonsietiai of a bairel of par-boikd poik, half a barrol of raw pork, fifty pou idaof boiled beana, five barrela of breid, tilty pouu.aof eoffeo, and about five of tea, all aewed up in oaa

ro* baga. Iu the way of luxuiit-a, they f.uod room

for about twrr-ty pounds of flour, a two-gtilbn kegof molaaeea, a can of B.rden'a meat-biaeuit, half a

do-en bottleo of lime-Juico, and two ol vinogar.After a perilous itrugglefor nearly a month thoy

found furtber progreoi impo«-ible, whilo to retrac l

their atepo waa eqtially bejond thoir powor. Taeyrould noither travel over tlie ice, nor cut throu_;h it

Thfy were cait npon a ahore m<>re bleak and bar-

rt-n Aan any wbich they had before secn in thatdn-ary region. The Surnmer wa» gene, and theWinter waa approaching rapidly. Tue bill* were

eotered with .now, the valleya were IM with

drifl; tbe atreami were all drbd up, and ti - * a

waa ehroudtd in the gloom of an Arctic night.There were ocarcely aufficient provisioua rcmainioj-ft»r two wet-ka: the fuel wae etili more asanty; andttua wa* merely lard and rope yarn, stiitablofor oook-ing food an_ melting ice, but not adapted to givowarinth to the balf-froren travelera. The placew a» about Bixt-e-n milea below Capt* Parry, about

B.'.dtYBj* betwten Whal* and Wolatoaholrne Sounda.A nu re dianial apot, on which to atrtiggk* f«>r ex-

irtet ce, can hardly be wBBi-.d nntil tbe inoruitifr of Iho SBth of SaptBm-

ber thai we fullv made af onr miudsthat eaoape was

bOBBBBB WBbool WBReBg time in BBBOBB lBBBBfOt ,n, wc-tome proceodoa tt a.oure cur equipment;whiih we did bv c*tryui_- it, piece by piece, to a l«-t-r«oo ¦ lOOh BBM at h:ind, ci.refnily keepin-r tally tl a»e

RBBBOBBBI hr-ifleo weie nr*«iog. Evoryl-UBg be-iog tfanr> made aafe, we apread over the wh ,le oar

BMila, __d laetf ued UkOB down witb heavy atooej, tbtttfce wind B%BI not carry tAem a#ay. Tne br>aU were

capMre.t tr> prevent their boi-g tilleii with anow;I- d 'be oejB wi re atowed nndeir them.Iiut toieg dmie, we began to lojk about ua for a

BBBBOaa buiTc-a but, aa we t-u'.d not live in our tt* BBI ttiBt BaggaB-d! tlat we ahould conitnu-t a horn.alter 1b© BOBbor of tbe Faqinmaux; bnt it waa aoon. oui lu.ied that we rotild n.t ut a lortni^bt oottoot to> a *Kiilieiei_t ..uaiitity of atonee for eu.:h purpoae,if indeod we cor-ld tto il at all. AoooodBkgly tuie pliiw*a abatirlcri <1 hh, nnlcr the circnmBtHUtea, qutte imprBt-ticable. While we were anxiouely ron*ideiia'iwhal we »h<nild do, wanilcriDj- about wahoat discivering tj__T ltu-ible niode of overcoming our difficalty,ctf.oi'fthv |.*rty accidea'ai'ly found H crevic-e in tbaiocL ilot _»r from tlie catnp.indaed dLroctlv BafaaBBto Uie lucding, and abont mttf yarde from tbe ahore.Tl_8 cttrhcti. wbich r*n parallel wi;h the rokat, W4Jabent rigbt fe-et in widtb and <-ui'e level at the boM 'in.< ti tl.e ea*t aioe tlie tock wai ai\ feat bi-rb, *mo3tb,i rd tertical, asecfl ibat it wa* bfokoa iu two p'acea,l..rn.irg at oach a 6bo.'f. The other eide waa lower,being uct more than from three to four feet hi*_rh^ audwaa nmnd and Blopiog. Aa if to inake na for thia it waa, however, cut by a la'cral clcfUWe _t 11 ce dt termined upon thi* p'ace for the hut.

Tlie rctl-fe v.o-.ld aave ua tbe labor ..l mn.-h cirryiniroi .toDi-aand bnildmp, andthelittlebreakon the wcat-ern aice would anawtr tor a divir-way.

llavirg row tixed upon a aite, the next thing waa to< t-laiu matermlB tor boUdtog. Thua far we iiad aeen

tcnt vvbatr-vcr, every thing beins; covered with fltiitv.>Vt Lt-w foaae, boWOTBr, that tbere woro sorae stonesBtaatOtod abtvot) but iinfortunately they were alllrt"*n th*bt, bo th<t v.. i mid aothftthoo_j and hero

.f-chiad, wfaick we bad brOBghl fioai the !,:.*-boat deptd. and for wLicb we hid not hithorto fjund.*e, v.u* ttt great tervice. Iod-x*-!, without it, we

ihotud ntt bare been aMe to efbB IByB-Bg.\ a cbirol i* it bur of iron BB ui"'i in diam'tt »r and

taei fett lon^', wfca b i.a boat af one enl il tne form ofBliag, to be pr_*;ied b] tiielutud; nn'l ia abarpanedand iinrtie-r-d at tbo Otbar oad hka B OBOOBfitarrior'adr.ll. \*t iih tkdo taotraaat-nt Mr. BobooJI loofened the

*iLile the net ofaobroofhl them toe-ether.r*ot_e wt re canitd iv>o hu'jtiiod JBrda, aau all ofthoaof cicr-e rp< n our aboii'.leia.

Uaving accnmnl'ited a eo&aidMaUo pi'e. t1---u v,ailn; bat beraaaother dtBlcolty

Wo h'ad notliiiig tt-ih which to iill ap the«it.< r?. T; ia ui p*. Bgara lo wantriag, aad at len,"h

to. rrttui waa di.i.'V.nd BBBf tho BBBBB. l'tiei>al woo bow caUod ta laqBlBBoa bi b p-ok* i*iafU r l.-a-l of tbe aaad waa aborolod with one of

our tia d-saor piatoa kato b fioeardod braad-bog, andHtui f-arrl.-d op to tht bafldaiBiDariM twodBll \tc tLua BOfkod, an-1 hai tb-it the

¦BwBafUOBof eeeing tlioareiof t!i" h i' io loood, TaewaJtawtre lonrteeu k-ct apart. foBB leot h-gh, ailthaao feet thick. We had labortd h»nl aud aluioel WO>

ily itiiTitig our workinz-boura, reaerving only a

8hort tim*. f< r our acauty c.e*ila.Uu tbe foilowing day wo boill u *n tbe roek, on the

wc*t 8*de, a _rabie, of whicb tno apex v.** fix feotfrom tho grontid, and wbich eloped dowo OB ea-'j uidero the waiia. Tkrough thi* ytchUtu eide open> .1 thelateial deft. wbich ymuj apaunt J bythi lablo, whi.h

i at tbta j-laee on the rudder ofthe Hooe, leavj.trce tbrtt: feot higb and two ft-et wide. Next day

Petecbtn made for tnia of-enir.g a djor. whkhwaohlBgltBB an^le, aoaa to tlo-«c by ite 0B_ WoWit,wLrn it 1 al l-ei D p.ahed orxn from the outaidc N otJiaving a piece of board wide OBOBgh for the puip BO,i.e cnatmctod h fi*am-»-work of narnw a'.rna. an-1rovered it wkb *a!.vfc_*. Tne oraokl ar-)-::.! the door-poete were tilltd with mose Above tbe doorway waa

left aiotber opening for a window. Acroas tlna B ij8otrtu-bod a atr.p of an old inuelin ehirt, greaaed withbl'ihbor for the better traoamiaaion of liK''t-Now raxne the more ditficnlt operation of loof.otf.

Ote of tho boata matta eerved for a ridge-p.le; aud<.u thia aad the walle wete laid tbe oirp. f.r raf»> theae were apread the boat'eaaila, *ahi<Ti were

atratobod laut, and rocured by hea\y Btonca. Tnen. e roUi-cted mnas to thatch the'eanvaa. Tbia vt ua e\ >-na tnore lab.rk--i8 )*<._ than carryiug the atonea: for wo.r> tre t-ompeiled t > Beoar tbo couutry in a!l directiooa,aad a*tbe mow waa almoa. every wbere a fooi deep, todig for each piece of moaa tlutt we obtained. lodood,fjttr timeo oui of B*ro. we were uiauceaoful in lindingb i_-_K,eluBpl after tiearing away caruloads of ano;".Tbia Lulior would rot hive been *o *avere bal that webad lo ahoTel, aud were obliged lo BM oar tn 'liuner-piaU-8. (tur < arj-enter eudeavored to sappl v thia de-.ect by making aatioTel ont of ti. Bavoi of our nowom lees rnolanaca kog, tarkia| tbaa togother, _ud Uat-et o u> tfi*ui a tf*ut-poU for a kaodle. but aa thia < on-Uivanco toon carne lo pioc< *, it iaded to aiuvier ourpurpoae.ThoBkOBO wae froien hurd, BBj wa« f.-nnd rarely In

larger qnantitiea than a pateh two B thn.e feot ind ainetev, but more .reqoentiy in lnrupe tho n\/, (,f one'BI _n_d. lt waa dn/nnwith th< keo-caloal, aad rarried«oc our bai.ka in our clothea-b_gB, the c<i:iteutB oi wlucb"wi had previouaiy empti»d into the tent.

W'e noadi- exoeflent proKreaa witb our work; and on

the t-fth day, althoogh lealing unoertaiu aa u> whatfirttine awaited ua, yet we had at lea*t tbe c'-tnforiu-.:f -(.fiactK.n tbat, on tho next dav, wo ahould _ ttt a

.ou#e to Blielter u», aud ahould thoa be protocteda_raL_ot oome cf tbe terrors of our pooitioiu On that

bowavtr, juat »>efora Li«htfaJf, when we ware

dtaiuit three t_ilee from tbe eauip, tbe il.uda, which*ud l>eaa oathonng alaco moruing, auddonly began tol-_«-__r_e tAeir fro_on vapor and the whole heaveusg^boVaina tbiok witb _a_i-_-g aaow. Lvorylhiag

thal waa aotrary BMB to oa, waa M-B __¦¦ ."

vitw. BLd.foarful that we ahould loae .'~*7- Wjtrndgedback toward tho ***-

, rt 0bHfral«..Our outtaa.a ^hau-A- wero b ¦ |ed % g

BBBB before we «;< «al to re-tur, » ^ M(| ct'-.opon tha BB>B_BBl»twa B*JB MP wd ^tliia tin.0 a ghlaoaihoriy~J^ lM %a. _r,.,u

iiK romt«4tlit«l » ¦.'"xy_ heldontootr mo«4i-bi^4

rhilled and 'jh»nfj7' d(I1(( thoi' oootoato opon tnehowever, «*J, MJfrX.Mbwh«l hal heet. pre-ioualySt^^Sreti -ffloient to cover tho aealh .. lo

with a lAJor a JjjJ JJJ*^ inereuae with tho BBI-BBBI,and, >y.a_B vmrnm ,

^ _w, ,_ W(1 ,,..S^lb^^a- * El'.jr r,i,ht wa. omiag on aa

J drew under our cauraa ahelter.The modo of iiro durin* thia ternble renoontr*

with froat and fn-ine, ia vividly deBCiiboe ia the

followinKparagrapUa:1 <t the readcr auppooo that I hire jn»t retornod

fn tn it to the tmpe. Fir»t, 1 raiae tho fl%t raovat

lid tronitimp down fourfeet, then drawiorm bnad anddrt'.T. tb*-" t»nvaa. 1 row cra»l OB all ft.ura, t.iron. hai_ feet of darknieB, np n gent'e ah.pc, thou three feetmore downarapid dBBBfl t, when I"eOBBB ax.4in.ttiedocr- thi. I pofili open with idt head; I pas* thr>u<h,the door riiuta of BEetf, und l BlBBi upnght, Ukin*carenoi toetiike BBJ hend BEBBBt tho otr-raf er. Iam now infide the hitt. Tne ll >or, or aifda, on whiehI et-td inthroe fretwide. To iuy nght band u the" breek," which in the l»od and aeat of foor of my cotn-

MU-oao. mv place i* atnong thea. To my loft ia the-' bretk" ol'throe other*. If thi* en»r_uco is suppiaedto I..- late in the dav, they are lyir.g down .ile ny.i le,b t.iilTtilo-bhin under them, bl-tnket. over th«>ra, thf.trliettdi c't r» to mv foeU Mr. Bon»a'l com.s nr.t, thenMr. Sonntag, thea a vacant place, thon poor att 8te-phePbon, and la»t comea Mr. Petersen. Joho, Godfrey,and Whirple lie in a mw on the other .ide, at nghtatmlee to tbo ditection of the fonr previou.iy nrtraed.I5e ere me ia the poat which bbbUibb Uie roof, aadlaap.rtorta onr little Ump which ha. one feeble flime. (

thia tla-e is tEBEBaftd a .4aare ket. e, we htve

rriace of our B«aWa uiaat-biaruit can. We have

u-.andoned tl.e Uke; and now. with tht* BBBB aad Ixet-

tle.woaielt from the anow all tba waior that wo ia-

aaU-Bl leaat all that we can allord. Btt,oud i«

__. Htands our open stove. - which may ho acen tl.e

rVipiioi-kettlo and the BBBQBPaai bnt Ihcre .. no ar«

there "W'o have fire ODly twice a day. Cloae behiadth.- Ktovoisthe Bolid rock, wh ch formy th»ea4'.er.aido of our bo_ ln a receee, in tho further corner to

the hdt. are Btowed three clothee-b*K»; ia tho corroe-

rondina con:er. to the right, Brt firemoro. I etoraon b

iead is close to the etore, and cloae to Patemaaheud etf-du a gun; the athoffl nre haaalag onMde oa

i.e_B in the pawhge. The OEEfBI Rnd raftere or^r-

head' und the wai- all arennd, are white with a coatIntfof lrcat and iBB-iEA condenoed moi.tar. or our

breath lt ia a cold, damp, dark, cheerlesi place.The temperatnie i. not belnw z.ero at the floor, nor

above' W »n tho center. The temnerature outhide

, .Be. from /ercfXo Bw° boloa it. ll ia BBftf Wiuterv'et and the cold haa not fully aet in. Tui* dilfdren:ebetween tbe ou'tudo and icBtae record ut BBjbj to tho1 eat rudiated from our bodits. Tho warm bro*th.charsad with the mointure wbich freotjoe* the wai «

and *ce:liPirt of our .now-palace with ghttenn/. cry.-laia heat* it too. Tha leaaar arul bbbbb laaEuy aepia-ciato thi* when he recalla tbo dimoufliouB of tho a.urt-ment into which wa. ciowded eight men. Iu averagalenwrih 11< r the wallb uie not 40110 ptrallel) u f.-urtoea

ff-et, iu breudth is cight fect, and it» meau highl ie li refeet.

I 'have wtid we had lire only twice a day. Tnigfire was. not, howe\er, intended Ior warmtlt, bu: more-

lyfor the pun>oee ol boiling a B >t of olfoo, and ofookirg wba'cver food we migbt have. Whiie we

had fnt we need the la.p which had enrved n. in th.6eld- but thi. failiug, we burued whatever wood we

bappeced to poftstivt. I htve already mentiouoJ thatwe weie mbg the utivca of our bieid-barrol and ofi.tir kcgB. Theie could not, of courae, laat Ioqb; and,at length thciowaa no reaource butoar boat*. ThoHote wni, BOOOrO.B«y« broken to niece,. lt went 11our verv hoarts to d'.rtroy thi. gaJluni c..mpauton off-o mui j BtTBgalao. und we knew not how far the actinight attect our future fottuuen; but c-rae whdt would,ai.d reiritt the BaatraiotfaB as we might, tier* arai u-.

ultcrrativo. At arat t\e u^ed lmr tonderly, an if t >

inolcng tbe aclual dirisoluMoo.tearing aw.r aaohpiocoa only aa did not mmm hc r form; but, li lally, theUonwale had to be .viificed--a_d then thi Ilope liyin the fuow a hopeh-es wrcck. We looked ut>on hernow n.erelv aa a mfls. of lumher, and barned her uowithout coa-punction. The l>ent pieceB.the th warU,tbe keel, und in fatrt ull that were likoly to he of auylervii-e t'o tbe Eb.iu)raa'ix.were bbtoU, and cntetuilff-tow-4-d aw«y in OLe ixiiner of tha hut a. merchauaiee,bo as t<. be 10 the tl Jeving B.leBB whoooekill nnd arrjiiiritiifnee. were njw tp be onr oo'y de-pendenee for tbe mcanB of life. MHP

lt mtibt not be ihcugbl that thia in.ignificant anpj.lyof wood, altogeibor uot more tiiau a few,nave u. much T110. At mt>-t, ara < onld uoe only a u.ere

bandfai Of epliiifrni and even Ukmjo wore po>r, fortbettoodwa. water-eonked, aml a larxre part if itonld not b« rriade to bam witbont con.tant blowing.Iu tonce'iaeiiie of thi. there wa-. e-> much Htnoke thttt\t- were a'n.oet etjlled wbenever mcai-ti.e ch,_ie

irniid; Bometi:ue8 w« weie BBBB.BBaJ driven fromtho hn'.We taereiiidefatigable iuonr tfl.irtittoaddao'nething

toourfitCH-k offood; butdayafuirday woutby, and.t-iit wub tie aarxe monotAinou. Btory.faiiure. Fox-trapnwere buiJt along the ehore, to the fforth and to thepouth, chiefly nnot-r tho Huperintendence of l'efernen.There wlre.'I think, fonrteen, and tliey rttn^ed over

nearly ten mile. of coa»t. They wero virited d*'ly,when tbe weathe.r would permtt: but, BBOBBt in s Hin-k ii)et_n(«, none of them wtre ever ftuu.i to i-outiin

aay thing ''-.t drifted anow, whkfa retpiirod them to betom dt wn and reeoOBArBOteC Soreral time^. triey baiI.e. n eittercd by animal., which had Citcaped in oon.e-

qai nce of rome dtfei t of eoaattui-tion.b_eac tra}:B wero binlt nearly upon the aanie _>nm i-

p'e an k boj's 1 ibbittrap ;i» home. BaloettBB a .mxth,|» v. I roeh, WB itniingc.i wme flit utoneB of about »'¦!incht. thick, bo h. to nelBBB on threo aidon an are4 .ixbebra bytwo feol uudahalf. tiver tbia iu^ioBtireu«re 'bjiI10.M ll '! .t fontr, aud baCwBBfl Uie t wo whirhcloeed up oue of tha end*, ttaa inierted a peg an inch wi..I tbe iucloaure (ln thi. peg was

looBi-ly hung, '.* B I'.op, a Bmall j.'ece of mcat; out-.aiuo .1 th'*, on the ^-i:e peg, was placed aanher loopm H.- at the end oi a cord, which waa carnel upthrongh tho rtar of tbe trap, and ovor tbe top to tbefrtnt whero it wae t'.ed around a thiu Hatflag of *l»t«whia. n.oved freelv np and down, beitg guided andbold by two lurpc- llockn placed ouo on eiiher .ida oftbe BODB. e. '1 BB o(*rntion of tliif .implo 111 t.-hinerywill be ri-miily "..dt.rt.tood. The lox enter. under theftJide or Irap-aoor, Barx.BOBBBB tbe re/tr, itei/.e.fie btit,and attoanEa to bt,ck out; tho bait i. pulled from theI't-g, ardwiih it iho loop whirh Biipportu tbe door.'fhli lupaort being rt-moved the door fallr, and tlie an¬

imal ib raaght. F.vtrjthiing now dependd npon therrackft being tifhtly clored; fcr ir tho animal can gethi» littl*- no»e bata BBB tWO Ht jties, he B tture to makohi. way t it. It i. ul-^o i;r.p<.rt _it that the .piici- .houldr.ot be large onough lo allow him to t.irn routid, for,ir. tl at eaaa, tl e trap must le very perfert if ho doeatict lOBBBB tbe dotir und eeca'pe. This aceidenthupprneti to u. ft-veral time.- no d.'tiht, to the Kftfttlov of the (bx, bt f Daach toouidiscouiliture.AOt a daf Baa.d tbat no wer» not out M itb oorguui

nnd r floo."

l'et<"r4H.'n, uccompai ied by diH'eren' nwra-ln 11 ofthe purty in tim, watcbetl theojiencrackeintheice for areftior'a walriifl; while otheitt were ac utringtlu land iui-earili of batt. and R4ZBB Of tbe furraer-tt.- ..ii-cotered Dot one, ahhough trat kn were »ome-liiita obafived, .'iL'l <>ur BBB-BB wa. moat ddigei.i.I be ai imal. I*ing ..tirtly w hte, with only a few Raokhair. 011 the tipa of tbi-ir t-ara, i-oiild not be exairjr de-ititcd. Tl.ey fretjuent the ro< hy plaBBB where theyfind ahelter. und 1-00.0 dowo lO.B plain to feel on\ moue, and l'<'un. wl.ii h they tlig- up from be*tica'bthe blow. Wo Lunted around and aroaod theroekl Bl tl'- baiB of Ae cl rb-, when- il acemed mostprobable that baaaa would he found, hal to no por-po.e; weeaaidaerarsibrtoaa. 'ihe foxea (boththobluo and white taiieiiefj .seie rejeateoly peen; bmllnvwera very tinJd. and could not be apj.roarhedwitbin h ahortor runge tban two or three hundredvardr. '>ti oue occubkii Mr. llonuull aud myeolf h*da ttiiio'urnn for fully three BOBBa uiter ono, withoutBticcera. Eath of u. had a gun, aud we trit-d erorynrt and ttn.tagem. Tho liltle ta low was eeen one

locinent far np the hill-nide, eeitod BBSaaieekj andbeii'tf theye ltn-bued, he Monld leap down, aod ciambenrig arouiid the face ol the hill, wonbl l>e next aeon

.n ibe plain: whero, again puranod, he would pler.full- 'hclo about BB,BBtf 1BBBBMBBt ft aUaghtoriafhm," ttbB ton. not tbe moat eenona biinnoao in thoworld. lh'rir-11 hid behind a rock while 1 cba.ed;.adIbee- 1 W and Boaoall aheea*! aat, aBhoeahaAverbl tinea tbe eecreted bbUJEBBBBI to l« d.reot'yin the fca'l path, yet be afway- ttirned at tho propornioment to iilaure the aa<ety of hi.i.ock, troU.ngJBEBB-fnll- awuT .loltlng the air-the prettie.t and moil"

vr Sof l.vw,gKcreat,.r... Ho wa. about ihe ..,.

5 1, , eat, roor.d and plt.uip, white A«thaanowWhh a loaf, 1 OBBted ncBe and aW *|g*****_!.a'), t.err.e<l to bo hia e.,>ee.a) Blf-B. lt wa.

'ii.ite evident that he waa amuamg hiiaaolf; and he ap-peared to be c« iincioue lhal he w aa doing it at our ei-

per re. He rolled and totaed himwlf aboat amoog IheIw^ae drift, now apringing into tho atr, tow bouiidtiigBWay. now .Uipping ahort, oooi.B| hia head 11 BEBBBBat.U elevatintf 01 a foot, aa if liBteiiiag, B4»emicg all tnotitxe to te abowiiig oB hia " ttointa' to .ne_i«., >or

BEO. bo nared not the >hJuo ol tho very omalioat partof bi. veiy p.euy tail. Tired aud exhaiutod, wo <r«veup tho puni'iit aal rotnt-ed boiuo. Tho foa foUowoa

na B!wB-Bata; and when we laatBawhim bo we lo- kod back f*om tbe rocks »b-.vetho bith* waa n-onn'ed en an elevHtlon, ntieiioir h'a aSri.1,

' .v ar*, wIi'kIi ecunded mnch like mo.kety of our

defeai., B sOOOB bad BO beUer anncrM ntefli. lie oSacrved

?e-reral .**'*. bal .all of 'bem at a di*taoce. One w*a

tirt-d -Uby bim attLe long rar.f-eofiwohnndred yarda,,. >. \vHe vntlt ilr*": iiri'.»h»r w*a ki'led. * «B|in'i4"dto be, at a a-horter diotance; but the woundod 000 eo-

capel and aad tbo other |i aie in haiit-n a. n BbH-BBI he«oi,d nencriptioa.

Kb utiitieb loM u* tbat the oa*t, fiitu a bttle way be-low «*'r)r>e lVr* to tbe nv*nt.h al W"l* eti^<»l*oe BobbIiacallad tho " barren ground." Even tho poor plt-laiioe of atooo ttioaa lhat we get, comeo not withoutliatd labor atii much aeiirchiug. Home of aa ara to

itmuitof it ahnoatevrry day. Thisaerrn eg»nera'l*fhlle U tte lot ol Sonntu.-, l.onaill. ani my*e'f. Nse-|l t nron ie an iavalul, but when he ran crnwl ont 0*.l.H-rB wo may conut upon him. for be is fnll of apiritTbe _ni»B doee BOl BfTBOWBh Jobn, (ludfrey, ani

Wi.ivp'e, aa well a* Yvilh tbe roatof ue, aodwsael-rlom huve tbeir belp; we therefira pu* t»-em oo wau:"-.

al.erra»*ly B* the but, and lei one of them go withPrtcraen, nnd the ttb-r to ttio tmps a? K -otn Bay,wlmthei are nb'e. The poor fellowa, howevor, aro

nciB'ly ai<k, and tbey aeldotn atiraScad.We (tbe nioae gu'hcrer*' Ba out in the BBIBaBf aa

roon a* it tn liK**t. E.cO cartie* a tb.-plat.*, a jRBOtiiO*boorvxTOa (. relic of our k<-g*l bcut in tbe ahape of a

borre-rhoe, and ii little bag-wbicb ia a aturt wiih thar. ol nnd a*ecY*a I ed up. The ula'ei ik to r**ar awarthe anow, wbicb ia often more than two feet deep; theiron ia to wraio off the moea. We trarel alwaya over

IM.. h aiBBBd. Oi-ru Yve CrttoOOd tiie btj to |RoM ub

.. ur anil vtcre.lUtiint froa the hnt aix milea. BOBO-time* or lobof in IBBBWaa vtilh a good supply-eiiongh to loB IWBOf ¦«. da*"; BBItlBBWOi*Bi.ot col'i et enongb in five or lix boara to tflve II a aln-

BloBcaL I b-ve ooatblBkBO, for a wboUda.. with-ont obUbb a pint. Tbe KT.ater uumber ol the rocka

bt_vo^tT)bmgoo them, amTthe hard labor of e'eanngft-tii tbe deep mdow ia ourecom,ii>n*cd.We bo.l tlie BOOBWBbabaadl 1 or two of tueat-

r-i-ctit, flonr, or l.r.-nd .lu.t. and tBM eke out onr *uP-i.lie*. It la diopBoBBg Bt be»<. BB* ¦ acar.-el m.-ro

nu'ritiouathanpaper. When the t nu-maua lolt ui.

we hud eacb Uuityw* Mocuito, boeido throe pi .U ol

bread-dnat. Tbe aHowaoco |0 cach maa wm une b .-

cuita -lay; but tbo temperatt're ia ao low. and oar

i,',., i*... l.nrd, tbitttSiaamal qnantitf of lool B not

.nittic't-nt f.-r onr nee.l. We voto to livo bettor, aadtlun atarve ii we *o we dooble tho raUoru

1-vtry cay of tha *ort of ida tellt tta tale in furrowniu oat elooiBJ IflOaOBO moao fU givonaome of Blviolent carrbea and gaatritia. We all fr -rhtfaIlrauik. Oodfrey haa fainte.l in tryiog to reBB bioiaelf;aiul lullii K he would buvo seriou-ily mjared himaolfk :,ii*tlbewa'l, bad he not been OBUBt by Joho.Th* lattcr laararcely Jibleto walk; and be-i dei, he

M Hi-iH mucb from l.emorthcida. Whipp'e ia no n'rong-Pr B-OpbOBBOB BBI 1'**-*ido me, MBf o« for NoOtB.Hia l.iiirtlroul-lea have ,ome back and I nover goont without expectiDg to tad him, U]>on my return, a

We niuat refer our readera to the volutne itaelffcr the tbrillirg f?etaila of further plano for reaohinjtbe deatiued haibor, atd Uteir ultimato failure,tr.getlicrY\ithtlieretnrQ ofthe dikcomfited partyto their old c^mradei in the Advanoo. Dr. H^jeialBO ieta foith at length the reaaona for hia c"»nfi- in tbe lucccia of an expedition intonded to

reoch the North Pole. Ncither hia fiith nor hia

couiBge ia in the sligbteit iafBJB ubated by tbe ex-

BMMBOI of auffericir, aod tbe aanguioe, adveotutoui'. pint which he evincri, ootmected with evident

practicnl ability of no cornmon ordor, preaenti an

encxura(jeiuert, if not a gunratity. for the aucceaa

of hia inttDdcd tnterprife.THE LIKE OF DANIK.L YVIISitN, D. [)., Blahep ef Cal-

rutla ai.d MeUoi.o.itari cf InJIa. Hy J.i«iam MaTBBan,A. M -va. pp. **. liould k Llarola.

llir crroe cf I)an.:el Wilaon U fnmili _r to the etulentof n-lipictia paniea BJ a pr.imi._ent repre*entative ofthe Evbrgelical or CaJviniatic tendcuciea in the Caor. hof Er.glatd. Kectiving hia earlieet reli_rious imprea-.ioTB nnder tbe iiiflntnce of Joha Newton, RiciurdCtflB, Howliad Hill, :tnd otber* of a nimilar, hecommented hia pullic career aa an earneat adrocata ofthe op'iirna maintained by Wil^erforce, CliArleeSiBOOB, Thouias Kcott, and of which the "Chrittiaaf>! *<rver" ia well known aa tho able and etrennoaa

chjtbipiin. He rommenc<d hia miniatry in 1WI at

Cbobham, an agri. ultural village in Sirrey, -8 carate

io Mr. ftcil; in 1*'^ waa appointed to a tuU>r*htp at

Okford, W-Ore be rtuu-lned ror ahout veara and

M ha'f, duritg which time be waa n*r»t curate of Wor-

tcn, ar.d Utn of Hl. John'a Chapcl, l_ondon, whorc herrmi.intdui,ii]tkeyearlr--'l. He then bocame victrof It,lirficn, dinhargirg the datiea of that ofllce,BLtl lm%\ wlieo, on the death of Dr. Turner,HiaLrp of Calen'ta, he waa appointed hia anc-

icnor, and fiom that time ti hia leath in I*..*, at theBM of W», he waa dBvXBol to tlie arduotu and inilefiti-

jf-al le lalora for tbe promotiou of ChriBtiani'.y in In lu,which BBBJ made Lia numo coiupicuoua in tbehiticty of iiiieeii na. Biahop Wi'eon waa a man

of atuc'ionB babite* and eolid learning, thoughlr.a addictid t" contemplatton than to actioo;of great decirion af cbaracter, iu eome cuaea bor-dering on aclf-will; with lk'l? lOlfOOi for forma ..r

OOTOflBOaiOO, OOOkfOBOd with llBIld expeiienn-; de»ti-tuie of the elegant ulttire ani 'rraceful addreaa ofHeber, cn9 of hin bbOB diatinKoiahed pr«dex;a-or>. hewaastem of purpote ex*>li< it io apee.b, and anpoliobcdin mannar; hia idcua were coufined toa limirtd range of*r,)>jocta, wLile liia encruy in Uie dia< liargo of duty waa

almi at wiiliout a parailrl; with little iuH.ina'.i-n, beMBBMMd an enormona BoaBtlooBioaBBMBBj the ubject ofBBBBBBBd revorenoe, he waa not (freatly loved bymany; accial in Lia diaponition, fond of .¦..uvoraatiou,and txertiaing a gen. rona hoapitahty, he appearatol.h\i- liml few atuu'hmenin, and no intimacie.; t'reefrttu worldline.a, from every trace of OOlBiadalgOBBBifrom all dui lioity and gnile, he wae not free 1 tom im-

bition; l.nt be found hia bighcat glory iu the progreaaof tlie faiih; atd in bia /.cal, coii.iii;e, litmneba, andaaM devotion, niuit be regardod aa a model of themiaaionatv li*l:op. The biography contained in tbiavoluii.eieinoie iimtiiictive than iuteroeting. |l in awk--evard and dirrii-* in atyle, ol.a.ure iti n-irrative, audwlolly devoid of any rt-deeiningi liarmof compoaition.T.he aalient featurea of cbaiatter which evidontly bo-lorj_td lo it* aul ject are not illuetrnt. d by happy d. lin-ealitB on tl.e part of the writer, but m ikt; a ju BBBn]i.ipr. neion by tbeir own inlrinaic atreiigth.IBB INTIIIIfiNH Of THE MIND IMH l Tl\ ELY IN

iKSriOATKD. Hy t.e ll*v. .Ii.r- Mi -a, I.I.. I>. 8yo pp. I I- Roli.-it Cai .er k Brolh*r*.

ln d.hcuHiWK tho auhject t<> wbicb thin work U do-voted.the Htitborbaa atumpto.l to r-teer a midile courae

Mwecn the theory whi:h trucesall knowlodg.-, jaifiBBBR and maxin,* to ob*eivatiou and t.T|*rience, andtbat wbich aeeeita tl.e exiatenco of id- .i*. trutha, prim i-

p!**, orif-inating in tbe native energy ofthe miud, andr.-i ii bt ita inwaid li_-b'. Tbe coucluaion, at which heUx-frBf, ia that tht-reaie ptiraary peroeptiona and fun-CHir.iitaJ lawa of Uclicf BaBBBBl in tbe oatnOa of the

Uiii.d, lut tbey are dillorent from tlie rharaeter oftenaecfibtil to tlifm by pbibaophnal writer*, and by no

nehBB Ctted to ui-.-omollah tbe ptirposee tlaimcd foriheiu i.i m. tapby*i' al and theoloj.ical -qieculation. Intbe OOaiBO oi bi* BagaaBBt, ke linde oc.a*ion to conaid-ei the priiuipal problcme af mctaphyeire, aud althoaghbe ovidantlv fcliruiVa from tbe attenipt to eatabluih a

rif._._i',i r\8t»m,b_H criticiimo ou tbe moat emincntleadtn cf BOdsri aj-eculation, :ti» often a-ute, anda watafiti'.gefctive.


01 TBRIB RXIRFRMCR. Iy H. N. Ubli A. BL, M. I>.l.ii r., pp. IM, H.i lii-'t* Br.itheia.

1 he eleiucntary princlpler of uutural Bcience are hore

I iir-u.ird in a popi.Lar toru, iu tbiit iBaBBBBI withb:in,an phf__BBJTf BBBall tbe reettlte of tho m_*trecent reeearchea aud diacoveria* on the BubjtHi, tbeaithor hae drawti tip..n bia petnouul oli.iervaiiona aadIBMnaBII. in a wide ran-/e of trati-l. llia *titemotits

uieilliiatntt-d by faimliar f-xiiinplea. tnken from overy-dav life, ai.d are Bkillfitlly applb d to explalning liie<< BBBbbBB of healib and pb)»ical tomfort.

MUflBBRfBB II » Ti Ain-WiKb fii*K»" is thetitloof an elegant v> liuno of **-,em*, ni*iiy of v.hi.ltlavi* u.jojkI an ixtenaive ciicuUtion in Uie uew*pa-I . i*, Btid wbich tba aalhor, Mr. (tkoRox IL Clahbc.f Ccnnecticut, haa here coilectod for the finB tim*.

Thapa{-er aad tvpography do aa much crodu to tbe

ptirtere of Hartfotd, wbere tbe rolo«? li pabliahed, aa

ita coitoDt. do to tho literary renown of that anciontchy. Mr. Clark BBBBBBB a teady aeote of tbe ha-or-cuh a vein ol roai ly wntimrnt, and k vigorou*, fl >wiogdirait n. A. a epeciinen of bi. prodiKiiona wo qaoteUielotlowii'g:


\Vn > n I waa yonng, aad fond of noiaa,Ar d woro ray tlrat i/nty bomeapan j vket,

And fooght otoat bat'l * with ihe boya,A_d l.'lt-d m> faUiera hooao witb raokot;

Our v eH-belovcd tartor died,And )eft bebin i bim .coroo of weenera.

Btout piiiar* of tho church, long tried,At weil aa ler aer propo.and aJoepera.

Ile wa. a pa'rinrch, wrino and _rrtY,Oto of tne old-ttme Chrirtian .iholar.;

Who cheered btlltcUon'. weary way,Aid gtve th' r pprte4»d advice.and dollara.

Tho matroc.' lova for bim, at laat,Sit'.lim.d almoct to veneratiou,

For ho 'd bapti/id ono half the ptutt,And all tho preoent genoraUon.

(>ut*ido tho chnrch, tbe gor)d man beldA oo_p'ebet.»iv© eupervi.iort,

And Tillagc quidtianc* were oompelledTo bow before Lie calm decigioo.

"limugh partv etrifo m'ght rage and irwoll,Or rkop ica raiae aome knotty qnootioia,

There camo no atorm he could not rjaell,No donbt too grave for hii digeetion.

I do remo-ber weil tho aoooe,Wben, all tbe corpregat on tteated,

Uo c'oeed Uie book with revoront mien.

And twito Ihe pregti-it taxt repeattd;And theD, aa irrluenccd from above,

lli. henrt with holy themee expandiug,Appealed to Faiih and G'hrietiau Love,A. weil aa hnrcan uaderntanUing.

Bh Wl., hia toneB, bil earneat way«,Form one of tremory'. pleaaing pictoroa,

A. be, in atrong but h'omelr phraee,In purteri hope cr uttered htrictaree.

Tbe volv.t cap be alwaya woro,Where'er hothomped ihe pnlpit cuahlon,

Ixm n.c d like a l>eacon from tho .hore,To warn ub biiiuera from pordition.

The l>APft of men a erow mnB bear.80 Providt-ncc or Fate coctriro it;

Of ptivalo grefe be had hia ehaxe,And t»r.n,e that were not quite ho privat*.

Ho m'ght coiceal the Brnoldeirinii; firoOf mental or domestic trial,

Ba* tronblee with tbe wrangling choirWere patent ae their own bajtvviol.

Of coorf-e, thero wae among hi. chvge,Ono bncy, meddling, anciont maiden,

Who. like a tire-ship. roamed at large,With fnrtive etore. of wandal laden.

8he Bcuttered branc'B of diacord free,bb© elaudered and auuoyed the paraou,

'1 ill ail atrreed ahe ought to beIndicttd for cou.tructivo araon.

On Wedcefday n'ght. he al way. madeTo n. n qu'et paiatoral vteit;

80 wh.n tbe bell BB toach befrayod,ky motber never aaked, " Who ia UT

Bnt wheeling ont the ea»y chair,With if. i_»iting arm. of leathcr,

She Iaid bi» pipe, wUh thougbtfal care,And fcteel tobacco box togeUier.

Tl'oee genial timep were mellow ripo,When folkfi were nol inclined to bicker,

If miiiiBterB ODJoyed a pipoAnd sippcd a eocul glaea of liqnor;

So wbile hia cheerfnl featareB grlo vcd,And fmoke-wrcutliB rrcled to the ceUinj.,

Hi» talk in Btreame of wisdom rlowed,L'ko watera from a fount of healiug.

We loved the man, revered him, too.*A* wbo did not tbat ever knew him?

H a piety and kindueso drew,With rords of love, all cliuee. to him.

Hi» praiee by men teed not be lipped,To mako onr t-orrowing hearta beat faster,

For memory hold. a eeeret cryptWhereio la ehrineed our sainted ptvtor.

ROflh-a EEa T.IVIP.WotMngar.l VVartlii.ia tba B HJenieM. Hy Cba.-lee D. Klrk.

Bm rp Bl BaaBi k Ji.-x-on.Life of Jolin fi. \V. Hawllni. Compiled by hl. Son. Rex. Wil-

Ji_o i.eorge liawklni, A- M. F.'th Itiautauii. Wuij.pp, Ui. 1'. Jewett L Co.

A Knowled.aof Lixliu Tblngi, with tha lexwa of tbeir Kxiitenee. Hy A. N. Ite.I, A. M., M. P. Ui pp. -lt. Kail-ll»re k B»etben.

Ioatl'^rn aealth aoi Noribt-rn Prnflti,ai exhiltlted iu Sutn'.loa!fa ta a.d Dfliclai fl.-rrei. By Thumaa Preriti a KatteiLtvo pp. 1*8. Cleoiie W. b John A. tA'ood.

Orr.uentaileaeB tb- Law of Billa of Ex ..Ba Hy JoaephBioiy. LI. 0. fourth H'd Revi^d, Corieotetl, aod _u-lt j..,l ....>. pp. 6i' I..:;ls,, ii t'o.

Tlie r i..jO'iatlti:tlot oliiy ef Hlaxeiy. By Lyiauder Spotjuer,hxo. pp Wi Bela Martl..

Iuflustre of I'.i-i.ate. By J. H-tiarueli. 4to. pn. *4. Cbar laaBnlr_rr.

A Met'i vu-I <-gal Tr. Btife on »4a'r>r»""!.'a and M' Exldeooe.By Jols J. Klwell, M. D. 8va. pp HB. Joln S. Vourhle*.

llowtoLixe: I4a»!i.g aol Waitlt.r. or llomeitlc Kronomx IIlnn.-f.-.i. By aoloB Ko!.ln.or_ l'.'iua pp. 343. KowlarA. Wei'.. tlyoe; A BaW. By Inconiru. Uaio. pp- 3TJ. Charletlciib_*r.

frta:.i»nti frnri tha ."t ldy of a Putor. By Rex leorge W.Nl( bnia, A M. Itn.o. i.p. IBE Henry B. Pri^a.

Tlie B>-li«ion "f Mo._| or the Art of Bftjxlixlog I.lbeHy. andof PA-rferiing audiufl'ieifuly pioioog.g Happiueia. l.'oio.

p. ". C'aliin Bl.o. Iiai.i.Fleine'i'a-y knaioinx ar.d },h}»'o)r.*y. By Elward Hl'.chroek,

D.I>. LL.II .'nd Kdward Hltebeaek, ir.. B. U. U010.pp. 441. lviaon I'1 Ir.rt-x, k Co.

Tha l'Btienfi' ar..l Phy.Haoi' AJd. By E. M. H-xnt, M". BE ( M. Saxlor, Bark. r, Jt Co.

Tlie llar. foote.l Maiden: A Tale. Uy BertheiJ Auerbarh.Tranalst. d bx f lixa BorkatBBB Laa. 12mo ip. >». Jamea

blui.toe lt t.'o^_^^^^


.Heaiiie the arthle of Maranlay on SUvery, pnb-li.bedfKino wceksngoin The faVBEEB, there in stillancther of an earlier date in "Kaifeh'.'» t/ttarterly Mag-azine " cf Juno, 1.0, which ia HUp(>oeed to hare boeaihe getm of the moreelaborate onoin "Tho KdinhurghReview." Tho snbject evidenily interegted him earlyin life, while tho conteet againet Slavery wa«J atilipfn.lirgin Kngland. To thcMe wo BBBJE.1 atill an-

otherin"TheKdiubnrghRoview" for March, 1827 (voLxlv, p. :W3), gnggeeted bj Major Mjodj's Report*, anddi«o_*ing the Social and Indnstnal Cupat-itien of No-groea. ln thia aiticle arofover_ pawagea which po»-t*tA. all tbo pecoliar BBBBBtfl.Bt.B of h>. beat wriiinge.Hat thero ie ntill uncther article, never publisbed iuonrconntry, yet with hia indubitabl.'ear-mtirk, in "TheKdinborgh Retiew " for February, 1H>». lu titlo ia"Tho Londcn rnivei>ity,'' aud it oontain. eoverttlpaBKigccon claseicnl BtB.Bfl wbiub have never boonHi'rpiived fven by himHelf in powor and oloquem-o.Take, for iut-tance, the 1 ompariaon between Greek audLatm and tbo literatarxn af thet+ti two tonguott.. Harth'. " African Travele" havo been BBBB.Ba]

in»o Fitnih; Michelet. '' Amour into Ocrman;Humboldt'a " CcBmo." i. h l trajiolated into Hunga-riiin, under tho au.pieea t.f the 1 m% A^demy..Thoworkaof tlu brotlu-ra Mhghitweit on Auit

w ill be pnblifbed in Koglhh, in ninc vo'uim-, with I ."0

mapa Bii'l illtietrati-.r", tbo f.rnt VEN.B to appoar iu

Aprll 0 May utxt.Tli*' King of Kavaria olfer.4 a pri/o oi .. l.'KW for

the beat wo k on Gorman anti|nity up t<i (linrlo-mugne; #.'> C04. fora muutiul of Qbb.BB liistory up U>

the nineteenth, or *-J,000 np to tho fotirttjenth centary;ai.d *} 1,'><>0 for tbe bort bio^raphy of tho tnogt eminent(Jennari, and tho t>nn e BBBBB- for that of tho t!n»t dia-tiDguiHlird Davarian per»onnge. Candidatoe for thofii>t piige la eend thi'ir MSS. to Munich beforo Jan.l,VAtt, addre.fed to the Cot.miittee of tho Acadomy ofB.BBBEj ft.r tb.-Be.-t.n I und third prirea, brtfore Jan.I, IW| and for the fourth and tiflh, beforo Aprili, im.

.Schiller'rA only .un-iving duughtor, Madamo von

filt'itlien KuMtWitnn, having i.'i'i.-Hted tbe public toforward to ber all the Bpeeche*, .c, reltttiig to there.ent BchiUer Kertiviil, luu received not loee than .,000aetg of meinoiiala from l'H) dirlorent place..

.Atrttn.lHiit.n of tho " Com.pondenceof Alt-ximdervon Huoiboldt" with Vttrnhagen von Kuao from 1H-J7to l-..s, wliith in now ltibking itti mtuh n<>i«e on thocontiiant of Kurope, i. aummnced 10 appear iminedi-a't)> by Me«eTt». Tnibnor _ (0., ia Loudon. It willI-.iiituin, in addition, rtiineroM.letter.from die-ugniahedwivan., etatitemen, c. -., adtlreteed to Huoiboldt.aaArago, 8ir J. Herechel, Thiera, 8ir Robert l'eel, Wm.II. 1'reecotf, Virtor Hugo, oitracUj from Van F.tue'.Ifiarie., &c, aml will form ono volume ocUvo, ol'about 'Xt) ptigea..The Rov. Aloxander Djre la contiutung hia ono

vtlumo reprinta of tho old draautlat., nndertakeui.rigtnal'y by Mr. Moxon, and now laaued hy MetwrB.Rou ttdge tV Co. Tbo work. of (laorge I*aei« andliA-bert Groene v> Ul ahortly a{>poax. To Uio biblio-

motiae, tbeae douWeHy-lamned ccU-oe aro a poor euh-

8th*_tferbTtboboawifolpo4dHv<Kedliooat^^ Blr.

Mckeiirg, ln wbicb tlieaa PlbtaSettao dra-a'iirte «-t

hj pearvd In a colleoted* ebapc, all of wbioh are now of

gToataud r*owtan»ly-iocrer_idt)gaeardty and valae..Mr. Manae_ of Albaay ia a-lafaHglblo ia hi« eff/jr o

?o pen etun'e tbo fragmeutary memoriBle of Amerleao

Hiidery. Two aew fcJnmea of his elegant »eriea ia

small qnarto»re tmnonnced, "The Uopnbllehed Royal-1-t Poefiy of the Rfvolutioo," ir.clnilng tho vereee of

Htajwdmiy and Odell, odited, with lotrodactlon aod

Notee. by Winthrop Svgfnt, and - Bargoyno'o Or-

deily Book," during the wholo of hia memor.ble cam-

paifen tohis capitolation | Oclobsr, 1777,, with nume-

rous hiftorlcal aud biograpbical notee, and orig^tnlaketiieeof Brrtieh and American olHcera. Tliooo wdlform tbe ecventb and elghth volumeaof the aeriee. Ooebondred copie* being tbo Ltuut-er to wbiah the Icnpre.-eion ia atrictly coi.fined, thcngb iasned only lavrt year,the eariy volutnee are qnite nnprocurable..Several important worka aro now in progrees at

Oxford, nudeiUken by tbe Univeraity preoa, or theeatabtiebme-t of Menan*, Parker. Among them are

TLe Kcele-ia«iical Hia ory of John of Epheeua, trans-

Iated fTom tho original Syriac MH. bro-ight from

Epypt by tho Rev. II. Tattam, a valnable contriba-tion to the knowledge of Cbriaiian antiquity. TboAnglo-Norroan P*alter of William the Conqueror,editc.i ly M. Eranciaqne Mlch»l. The Phxebu* of

Plato, a reviaed Text and Commentwy, edHed byMr. Poete of Oriel College. A new Catens on St.Paul a EpieUee, from tho worka of the early fathertand civiLeo of tbe Medi-eval ehurch, by the Rev.

Dcnry Newhuid. The new and enlarged edition ofJelf'4 Orcek Orammar, founded ou that of Kuhner,and now by ancceaeivo teviaala readered the moet

completeextant work in thia branch of philoaopby,and eome other booka of minor importauce,.A memoir ofThomaa Hood, the poet, noveliat, and

hnmoriat, ia preparing by his daagbter. H will con-

taio mncb criginal correapondence, exh biliog a new

pliase of tho eharaoter of tbia delightful writer..A very intero«ting work ou the Erench B-ok

Trade baa lately beea pnbliehed by M. Edmond Wer-

det, tbe publiaher, conCdential friend, and biographerof Balrar. It includee a view of the paat, tbe praeeot,and the fotnre of tbe book trade, or La L'hrariiFravrai»e., w ith biographical akf-tcbeo of the moat diri-

tinguialetl pnbliahers aince the Kovoln ion. The pe¬riod of IMB bo tixes on aa 'iio moet floatiahing of tbe

pnbliahing buainca*, both for the size and morit of theworkBthiunndertaken a~d the beaaty of executiouwhich the tjpographic arts had then attalned. A fatalblow, cot recovercd ironi, waa given to thi* comaier-

cial prospei-tty by the Kevolatiou of 1*W, and sincett-at time tbe i_-»pre#aible demand for cheapneaa, whichbaa redur.d tbe nanal l-'mo. editioua from 3J fraacs

jier vcdnme to 1 franc, and atill lower, ia couaiderel to

be deBructive of anything like a return to the cl-aaicaJetyle of production wbich d/atinguiahed the preseeo and

publiahing bonteo of thiity jears aince. Tbe work in-cludes many tmioua particnlara of literary hiotory,w;th whio>. Uie book trade ia cloacly allied..Tbfelaat "iind" of valuable hi.tonVal dc*.it _->uts

that haa occnrred i» the collcction of Mr. Eden, after-ward Lord Aucklaod, who waa celebrated aa the ne

.j'..tia or of tho coamerf»- trwUy wi,h .**'l»uce m ir8'**

and aceompanied the Bad ot pBRJWl to Ameriea ia

1778 to treat with tbe revoked Colomef'. M-ch ma ter

of inteies. to the hLatoriacs of our Ke^'olannarystnigg'e will nnqueetionably be found, an, in ad'.. Wi'.o tho entire eocret correepondence. of Mt. Edeu andWilliam Pi't, tbe naneo of Lord Ooorge Oarmaine,Lord SufloUr, Irord Hawkeabnry, the GrenvUlee, andoUiert are the moet confidential correapondeutn.. \ wboleeome example of aeverity in the canae of

lit4.t~_.ture haa juat been made at Lt-ipaic. Or. Lindner,Piofttoor in tho Univeraity there, haa been.convictedof tbe orime of atealing and matilatiug some of thebooka and manascripta of tbe Public Library. Thoaenttnee paaatd iaa aevero oue, Imtnot diaproportioDodto tbe u(/-ff ivatcd rature of tbe ciime.aix years im-prifODmeni, with h-j-d Libor. The 8tate of our pubiiclibraiitr will teeltl'v geneially to tlie prevaJouce ofthet tltnee, bnt we aie ucableto point out any autsh cor.

reclive for it B* tha ahovf.

--Meet~B. Sacndeia A Otley will puhli*h imme-.1 ii »ly .' I'lo firbt Dntxntktic uovel over publ'alied iategland".(ioetle in Mr. II. Noelliumphrfv. Tbey alao announce the appearan.-e of a

hietoric-U remance." The Neviiles of Garretatown ".

edited by Mr. Cbarlee I*?ver..Tho tranalation of " The t »dea of Horace" by

Thtodore Martin, who dividee with Profeaaor Aytounthe fnmeof being tbe original " Bon Ginltier, "ia meet-ii _r with ^rcat praiaeaa ihe moat aaccesaful of modernattempt* to reprodnce in EDfjliah the l"u_*itive beautiesif the I.oman Lyriat, thongh not the groateat,ia the moet popnlar ti the claaaic poeta. A diatin-guiahed London publiaher lately remarked that not a

year paratd without hia beiin, otrered tran»lationa ofhia woika, and g-enerally by men of eminonco in thero. itd or politioal tvorld..The new Frencli tranalation of Shakespeare by M.

Kninoois Mctor Hugo baa proceodod to a lifth voluae.H it ia any credit to atrike out a novelty, in a beatentrack, M. Httgo baa cert-inly achieved it in hia claasi-loatfoa of the Play a; thua, volume 3 waa entitledls* Tyrans, and coiupriaee Macbeth, Kiug John,and Kicha/d III. Volume I, Le> Jalour,\i devotedt.. Triolua and Creaaida, Mnch Ado About Nothing,and The Winter'a Tale..Ihe Buthorrhip ofth.- I'.irlitnientury PoeminBlick-

w.odaMaga.-ne, " St. Stephen a,' ia at laat avosvedby Sir E. Bulwtr I.ytton. It will bc pnbliehed iu a

ccparate form by Mo.ara. I!la» kwood. .

.Tlie enrioua " Diornal'- of Thomaa 7-u_/e, a dai'yjournalof evtiitH, by a citiien of London, embra. iugthe period from l'>»'.i to IB7t, aud aboondiiig iu originaliiln-trationa of thep'tblic and pritate a'l'iira of thatevetitful time, i» jshortly lo be publinbcd, nnder thetditoi-thip of Mr. HoBpor. It haa been only known,bitberto, thiough tbe extraeta employed by Lord Bniy-brooke in his ediUon of Pepya'a IMary, to contirm .»r

illnttrate the detaila ofthe latter woik, with whi. h it ia

cotem-xiraiy in point of time.- Mr. Kobert Cbiimlera haa inat edited a biograph¬

ical tract of a novel cbaractor. It iaentitled " Momoirsof a Hanking Houwe," and w:_a written by Sir Williim

Forbea, the biographer of Dr. Beattie, and frieud ofSir YV-dter Scott, to commemorute a commorcial caner

of ncarly a entuiy, of aute and unde\iutlng, thuiijrhniodeialo proai-entT, aethe motber of other and more

extctd. d c*tabli_-bineiita. Sir William Korbea'o Bankc'oteive* uolice, thegreat iAmdon lirmB of Coutta Ai

Co. h'id Herrita, Eaiqubar A Co. beinK originallyeciora. *t »r-t:ibli*bed by junior brancbos, of the i:ciu-

bnrgh Lou-h*..In accordiuice with a late angg* ation in a li'er.try

periccMcal, MeaeTH. Hlack A Co., of Ktlinburgh, au

counce that Uieir pnblicationj wili all contiin u labelnotifjing the amonnt of poaUtge on the volame by theBook Poet, thua faciliUting the uae of thia moat haudymathod of cirrulaUon. Tho idea ia bo good, and k>

eaaily pracUcable, tbat we hope it will aoon bo adoptedby Niw-Yorkpubliidiei8..A porticn of the library of Mr. Cutlar Korgueon,

lately eold in lrondon, waa one of the tnost auperbairall mImUbRR of booka recently oeen in the market.

Though compriaing only -".'7 lota, tho produco of theaa'e waa nearly $r,OU0. An incompleto copy of theScotch "Book of t'onimou l'rayer," U'*17, priuted byKobert Young, bronght £13. Tbo bigheat pticod lotwaa aproof copy ofthe " MMb. JBmbbBb. " before

I/ettere, wbich B.dd for i.'ll>!_.

.The Centary Club reeenUy gave an eihil-ition of

plctotea by some of the artiata belonging to the Club,in emulatioti of the weekly exbibitioa at the Atbe-

DB'tim. Tbe membetf of Who Athenaeum Clab, wo le_rn,are taking otepo toward tho eeubliahtnent of a permaa*entgallery of art; bnt tha acbooie haa not yet beenatirti.-ienlly nuttoreal to admit of any of the dotalls oftho plan boing made public.


.It B very prcbable that tho Atbeaiaa. koowrfling about Ictica., and tbat t . Florentlnea *«aigToraitt ol Ghiberii; rbeC xkney* BBBBBB the deaaot tSt F-_'a ri-ng Lko a aymmotrkal uoaaHtia abevotbe tof* of tbeir boo.ce, tnay not h«.-« known wbamgrbiua it aaa that deaigned the fabric Tboykotw

-« do wa New-Yorke- know of tk. Iuiaoae,, tbaGhibtrtia, and tho bir Cbtiatopheni, whohav. ha*a_bo»y at work tho paot twn»y yeat in nomU-Irg acd beatuifying tha uetropolig of «,kalSOwWorid? It i* ctrtainly a moel reujvkkUo eir-comatance tbat there are no architecU in thi. otiaaryvfl r/Atc iiam.. are kuown to the peo.4e: and yot waaboildera we are! Alraoat any Atnoricaa geuUorn«who prtteod. to bo educitted, could tt-U without (boletut heaitation who bnilt the Lew I'.triiaaaent Hrta.*in Locdon, wQo completed tbe l.Tiivre, or wh> tH*leadmg architecU cf Ktirope are at tho prweeut Ub*.But wbo kcow. anjtlir.g aboat Amerie*n ar. liitecUTCan any body namo tbo an-bitect wbo faruiaced tho da-tigtafor tlat ccafly national atrortore, tbo "C.pEolF.iteiieion ?" Ia iht-re any man in tbe rity otcept tattindefa igaMo aLtiqt.ry, tho Clcrk of the CmbibobConni fl, who Know. who wbo th.ardiilectof tho OtyIT-ll I Wo h ave a great nnmbor of very fioe cba«aea_aud the namea of their architec'a are a. little koowa aa

tlofeof tliomouod buildert. Wo know tha'. HoraeoWalpole made the flrat attempt in Kogiaod to rexiva g>tafte for Oo.ic architectore, by theerer'ion of hiegrotefrque villa, with it. '' pie-cruit battleinent*," at

Strawberry Hill; bnt what ia tha nameof tho -aa.

wbooiiginated the cin-Atlantic atyla of Go'-ie arehi-tecttre.f.r it wae a creaiion, and not a rerival T Tliefirat eaomple of tbiartyle in Amerir* ia tho not veryold Cliiuch of 8t. Thomaa, oa tho corner of IIoo_»b8tre«t and Broadway. It waa a fooVlo bo

ginn'og, to be t-'ire, bnt it haa led to greatreeulto, acd tbe name of the ambitiou. aivhite** wi.

made it ought to be known and honorod by bi. aaora

enligbtecf d iu.d more fortuna'e aucceaoora, We knoajthat Mr. Uj jobn waa tho arcni-ot ol Trinity Ghcrch,I ut we do cot know w ho deeiknel St. Panl'B aod SL

JoLn's, wlich cvime a nvich bighertrderofarchi-t«ctcr«l talent. Tboro are great nambera of'finedwelling-bouaea, too, " up town," which h»vo

apniDg np witbjn a few yoara, aa if at tavo

bidding of a aorcorer; but wo know nothiag oftho artiata whoae geniua gave them tbeir beeaty.Our architect. are pceaibly too mnch engrotwed in lh«-

profe_ic nal labora to think of cuitivatirg tlieir repata,tion. Aid yet wo bavo an " Inalitut* of ArehiWi,''but the puolic, fi>r ae _e reaaon or ovher, do not lotranny tbifg about thtm. Oor architecta never aend aaycf their deeigna to tho exbibi-ion of tha Natio.ilAcademj cf D»bign. Ferb*.* in a few %_uiH.oa th.uamcacf our A_eric_n BrunelloecVij,Y_cou., aadluigoJoncMawillbeknown toCxcrdAsacendanU; bat w«ktow nctbirg aboat thom outiifclves, oxcep* from tbeirwoike whkh eucomp.¦« ue on overy eide..A .mail pictnre gallery haa beon rosently openod

by M. Otlnran iu the Farmtly Biilding.on the cornar

of Broadway and Bord Btrobt. He baa a lew ve.'linapicttuc.of tbe modernFrenchax, 1 Garmin echoola, liuafew good painticg. hy our own artiita. But tbo fiaaBplcture i.n. hia collection ia a large in irine pioco by VaaJHeefrt.a vitw of Antwerp. witb a J>QUhfrig.e yinfatt.chcr, and a {.reat vantty of utrangecraft B|BB.ail. TkBBB objecta are all repreeeuted with great m-cuiacy, and the water i. eiTpecially good. R. tk.painting givta no just idea of Mr, Van Bde.t'. mirrel-ona powtr in depiuiog the lierce action oi tho aea,when it ia la&hod into tur tulont motion by a horricatie.4 pictur* of thj kTnd whi.-h he has re:eutly rioi.h»dfor tbe Acadcmy uf Kxbibition will gi ve a mach botteridea of hia talent aa a marine paicter- We regrot to learn that Mr. IBB.MB Johnaoa ia-

tenda going otf on an oxtended tonr at the XonavWoBfor tbo purpo^ of maklntr .k»t. be. amoug tbe halfbreed. ond Indiic. who livo beyoud the cotAmttttcivilirad life. We oinnot hut think that be migut lalbetUr im^jecta for hi. peccil in tho back alam. of tk.Atl.atic ciliea..Tbe eloatiou for tne now Duaaeldorif Gallery a

Broadway, haa bten drawn ly af r H _:.tlton, ac Ki

glieh arcbite. t, who bae deeigsed oome vory admirAhttnildijig. in Cinnnnati, wbero he h_ reatded for tt.T>

ral ytara. It cxbibiti a very band#»me front, tbirt;ftot wideand tivo .torie. higb, bighly diacorrtted, t.

Kt.-iug piece of tho third stcry ree'ing upon the bookf three caryritidee, repreoenting scolptiire, paiautit;

and ecitnee. Tlie gallery will be two hundred ratt

d«ep, and divided into thr.-e ap*rtment., ono for A.»ican paintings, ore for fK-alpture, aid ono for foreifiworka of art. Tbe eite ia oppoeite I.iara KeeariThcater, apd tho front i* to be of white mirblo. TBwoik i. to be cuutmenced at onte, anl it i. iatondodtibave the gallery ready for o<.k-upancy by the 1**'next O .tober..Wo learn tlmt young Mr. Thorno, a aoaofB

Scalptor, who reoently went to Pari. for :ho puroaiof etady, baa becomo a pupil of F.douird Fn>io. 8ia<of tho small pitture. which he rini.-ihed bel'iraheka*New-Tork evinced a veryhigh order ol'taleut forgt*rtaubjedr*..Innete haa taken the rtudio reoently orrupiediy

C'ltixan, in Moutaguo place, Brooklyn, where heaaa \f ry fair landwipe on bin eaael, reprtoonting a tai-light ecene, which baa already beenpurrhaaed ky*Brooklyn patron of art. Coleman ia onthepoiBa'leavirg for Kuropo, inteuding to remain yeartabroad..Brocklyn ia tho metropolia of I.t>ng hland, wkkk

a c«rtaiu Kngliah author eay. should bt? I'ormel into aa

independent State, and :t is trying iu be.t Bf ouido ia

lival city ou thia aide of the wmt Kivcr. It ii boilla*an Acadcmy of Mobu much largor and mach more

elegnnt. e-terually at lean, than tho Actdemy ia

Irvingjlace. And, on Wedneoday mght 1-t.tbar.wae an *uti.t a Re<-eption at tbe Brooklyn lMwortt«,in Mur.-i.aguo pltce, whi.-h far e.xciilod any Haiil*rentertu. iment iu New-York, ia the way of a croatBdapartmiWk Tho BrooklyniUa havo a pcrfoct aani. fcr1

piiturt* and they can bt not of e»me very ni-coUec-tiona on the "Hcigbta" There wtre nct a g««many i.Vturt-* exhibittd ou Wedneoday tight, l»'

tlerewhe moro tl.n could be »©en to Bir..aJEjG'.ncul, lnneei, ('olt-nc-Q, and (;ari>entar, wer,,*Jarti.t. Hho ocenpiod the largeat amount of .P'**. .*¦

aUracte|l tmv aUcntion. llnntin»r»on and H°hh«*V^who arf Brooklyn nien, contributed nahing. *^.1oulv ne* arti.t who made a marked tfebot oo »»

aaaaaaaj wa, Mr. J. G. Browu. whooe " portraitol a

la^y," :;it ee promise of great o-ceUetvc m hi* ha* *

utt.'->Wb learn that Mr. Leutio ha. been .'osjuhing tkB

di-liuguisbed authoritv iu Amerioan arcb.vology, BU

Peler F.-rce of VVa-iington, for the pnrpoee of joEilT1Dg ti-o archa-m ofthe " S-ara and *StriI.e.,.' wk»B

be I^utre, ha. btrcluced into tho fkmWt of UjHattleoi l'rincetoa. We think that tho artia **

hardly BBBSBbI i" hia attempt. I.ieatenant 8chayla^Haailtouinhiawoikou tho Aaorioan Flag haa **

bauated the itiibjort, and accordiug to him, aadBaccrof' ia equally iB8-El up»n thia point, ibo tu

ard .trijea as tho ttag ofthe loi^n wa. novor heard <

nntil *ix BBBB- after tho Battle of Frioeoton wl

fougbt Aa Mr. Leutie committed tho aame arror i

bi. " W._hingtco crcBeiDg the I>e_w-e," be ika»

kit. iniagiiiwho haa good aulhoritf for it. ". mhe w Ul favor the world with tho ootirce of bi. rwaHUB,

ee, for b e B »x»iuid to.uutily himatlf if he oan. I

-John Ru»kin> eloqnor.t enthuala.a haa »«]directodtoanewquarter. Ho ha. ex-wBed rarB

and Veuice. and ha. oow found a no- aubjoct in iB

Holy F8mily-ofKeyaoldo,iBtbeNadonal U-tary,!wbi h ho -oaponding hia weaUh of explouroa. *JcrUkiiim on thal piciore in tho laat ComhUl M**-J'1_thecal«ii.lion cfhi. gorgeoiw etyla. ^Mf*7jjtoelf luu UH been deemt-d worthy of uotU» ainca kvt



