bbrecorder_1853_10_10.pdfnew york, fifth-day, august 18, 1853 . ~b 4.. bbnht ~ ~ to view, show that...

EDITED BY . B. UTTER AND TKOS. B. BROWN. "THE SEVENTH DAY 18 THE SABBATH OF' THE LORD THY GOD_" .n...--NO. 10. NEW YORK, FIFTH-DAY, AUGUST 18, 1853 . 4.. bb nHt to view, show that there IS a class of against hIm, and he paaseth· Ifhe clin get men to swallow a lit. ready to assIst tn any eVil work, to the extent hiS and se!ldbt kim away. Hie deadly pouon, In the firot place, he of their limited poWer. sons come to bonor, and ru: KNOWETH IT NOT will consenHo let them have a large potion P PING &Cji> -Now to the question whelher that power and they are brought" low, bllt he of truth to take it ih, 10 order to be sure to get IMMORTALITY-SPIRIT-RA will admit of such manifestatIOns. A familiar It not of them." (Job 14,: 20, .) and then he has them 1D a fair way To the Editors ortb. S.bbath Recorder - spUIt is a spint thlit holds famlhar interconrae shows that they are not oiJ1y 81lttle mote at another time, ull hit In tho Recorder of July 21st, I nouced some with a person, by giving afiswers'folnqu'inel. the earth, but also that they remain ccn'l# are well fastened around'ihem. J R F C 11 Then, what does the claim and profession of that they know nothmg of the But It may be asked, to what degree of er. questions, proposed by oltre, on spirit.rappera amount to, but that they have' -".L-'-friends in thi, world, whether 10 pros. ror has It auvanced, wILh such as conUnue to Immortalzty, Sptrtt.rapplng, &c. And though famdlar spirits 1 And is It not a common periLy or ad,.ereity. And it is the dead wllh· it 1 And what vital I1f1nClptes of Ihe I am perfectly satisfied wuh the answer gIven thtng for the Bible to tell of persons havzng out diBtinction, whether righteous or wicked gospel does It deny 1 I do n{9i know but they bil,T. B. B , as far as it goes, yet 1 thm'k some· famlhar spirits 1 If the Bible treated thiS af- But the story of the rich man aud Lazarus all profess to beheve that there is one God more Is for on those questions. faiT BS a mere pretense, and poured its anathe- shows that they go to Widely dJiferent places, But so Tar as I csn understand them, thell d mas on those who ."..etenaed to have fiamlll'ar and removed Lom eaeh other and an 1m IS near r II'ke the fi th f d I t th th t he questions llle, " How can you Iscoun· spirits, and said of and such persons that gulf It also that a ChrIBtI:n That n: Ihae rennncethespmt-rappmgswahoutglVlngBlble they pretended to deal witl) sucll spirits, then dead cannot be Bent back to warn the hvmg. deVIls believe, and trtmtble too. Beyond proof that they are faIlle 1 The BOul being thellopular notton, that it /was all deception, The hring are put upon their perIl, to adhere thiS, though they have not all advanced to the Immortal, how do you know that the dead do might sland, and the frankness of the to the word of God, or perish ThiS 18 *Ilfli· same degreE', yet I clln hardly tell of one not commumcate with the hVlDg lD thiS way 1 Bible 101) But as M, one of tire two must Clenl to establish the POlDt heyond any excus· the vitlll prIDClples of Ihe gospel whIch some d k h h h k fall; for the plain, unvarDlshed language of able doubt Ana there js notbtng in the BI' of them do not either dellY or so pervert as How a you now I t at t IS IS not t e war h B b tel Ie treats It as a reahty , as, for Illstance, ble, properly understood, that weighs ag.IDst to destroy lis lrue gospel character But I 01' God to introduce the millenmum 1" that Manasseh .. .7ea ltV"-wltk a fiamillar .m.-t" Ii h I b h d I I U Or" It; or t e one or two mlfltCU ous appearan· .or ear gOing mto t e etal s at present, est These questIOns can all be answered under Let the reader carefully peruse the followmg ces of departed spirits. recorded ID the Bible, some, who are not acquamted with them, one head.1 for, If BIble proof be gIven that passages: Lev 19: 31, and 20. 6, 27, Deut and they too nnder such very extraordlhary might thmk I 9landerE1d them. But that the their claims are false, It negatIVes the whole of 18: 11, lst Sam. 28' 3-9, 2d Ktngs 21: 6, Circumstances, together with the fact ·that Splrlt rappmg mBuence IS directly agalDst the ,them And nothlDg Will depend on the ques and 23: 24, 2d Chron 33: 6, alld IsaIah 8: there were so very few of them during, the Bible, and the rehglOn sU9taIned by It from tion, whether there Will be a period, some· 19, 19 3. anu 29' 4. The language In these long lapse ofume over ",hlch.the Bible histo. the days of the Apostles, It wants 110 eagle beautIful hnes qr\glllslJy appear<!d ID a per1odlca\ .tarted abollt twenty yea,. boys ofl'lton College r truth. tehdon< melody, they are locompdrable ] conld tell hts tale of yontb- oul,d oflove e' mee pasSIOn, more unearthly truth any tale before or 8mce , they could tell of tender lays mLdmght penned In cl ••• ,o shades, days mure bnght tban mbdem days, And maId. more fair tban modern maId. yon III from each, aud I moderately, or, to lIve on the ,uC'UDJ, by the members not know how the ·mllt(€Jf where in a future eternity, when the Wicked passages dlstlllctly conveys the Idea that per· ry carries us, wBlghs much more against the eye to see Will cease to exist or not. The present Btate sons dtd have familiar Spirits That in the 8th nouon of a common Illtercourse between hv. And now, If there IS any dependellce to be and COllI se ofthmgs, thiS 81de of the resurrecllon, 18 the chapter of IsaIah is ID connectIOn WIth a clear Ing men and departed Spirits, than It does for placed upon the Bible, or any reahty In our tbe beart \\,lth gentle point m queStion The exposItion of Eccl. prophecy of gospel times, and zs a It. At the appearance of Moses on the mount sacred trust III Jesus Chrtst for salvation, or with a weapon, Simple 9: 5, given by T. B B -that It IS 111 the af. that ppphes to us '8t tbls very day oftransfiguralJon, 1I0t a word that he spoke any reahty m our eDJoym! tlie foretastes shng, yet as the ... ",LI", faIrs of this world that the dead know not any prophet deSCribes what IS nowgomg on among was commumcated to the world We only heaven, and the secunty of eternal hfe through kindness' ThiS ktllf!:ll thmg-wtll, no be perfectly BIlHafacto us, as mgemously as he could have done It If know the subject of the conversallon. The hiS atontng sacnlice, the claIms 01 spmt rap· left Saul to !tve And ry to tho:ie whose VIews are already In har- he had been stand lUg over It and witnessIng very light and glory of heaven rested down pers are false, for both cannot be true, be· WOI k. Saul saId to DaVid, mony wltli hiS But such as Bre mclmed the the opelattons He says, "And when they upon them-msupportable by men III Ihe mg dlreclly opposed to eacb other And righteous than I, for thou other way, Will, as a matter of course, Wish to :;hall say unto you, Seek unto them that nave flesh That th"re IS JOY In heaven. adopt the laoguage or Paul, on another good, whereas I rl'i!warih!d 1nqUlre whether the teachlDgs of the Bible (not pretend to have) famJllar spmts, and the angels, over the repenlJllg Sinner, IS no Ilnd say, Touch not, not, han· Was not nere a VJ<:tolry-"-nlior'e .. 1Iniformly. or generally, c:orroboratll that senll unto Wizards, thal peep, and Ihat mutter; Idehce agalnst onr position; {or the Diln1ster· not And let us cleave to the pllre tesl\· God hke, than a meh!. It IS bad POlICY, alid also betrays a should not a people seek unto their Gad 1" mg angels, it is hkely, are permI!ted to carry mony, whICh IS bound up and sealed-to the Gi THE MINISTER, \ See Joseph, In want of candor, to refuse to grant to an adver· From these scriptures, the proof IS concluPlve, the news last will and teatament of Jesus Chnst, whICh r\ I _ brethren., For /I few Bary; what IS certatnlytrue, and may be provo that men have famd18r spmts 10 I donot think !tIS gIVIng due wmghtto Bible IS unalterably fixed, to stand till he comes to a or rather the lords there. they sold !rIm mtn ed 80. times; and thot It would be equally true that language to deny that Samuel appeared to Judge the world ELIAS BURDICK. resolution that thBlr minister must kmdness, broke the That therealetwo"classesofs,rmtsfrequent- the same wonld eXist in gospel limes, and Saul. though commentators do not generally SCUTT Aug 3,1853 lIve upon what they should col. slavery, and made him a Iy among us, cannot'be the Bible that Christians would be called on, by certam admIt it But, by consulting 1st Chi on month's end, let the amount be ht- spread over the land her before us, as the 10falhble testtmony of Je· persons, tr,J get rehglOus Instructton flOm them 10 13, It Will be seen that Soul expec'ed A SCHOOL INCIDENT, , and that they would not, from tbe cruel hrethren of J hovah Good angels are 9ald to be mmister- that have famzllar apuzla. TillS that only to Iget a commuDlCal1on from that forward, bInd tbemselves to make went to Egypt tor fi h . h h h b d The follOWIng InCIdent IS taken from the J h 1 "'1. th log Spirits, sent art to mlDlster to t em w 0 t ese operations would e set up un ec the wuman's famIlIar sf'lIit But when It was sum ThiS resolutIon they osep L'. are an shall be helfs of salvation And Jesus says of name of relIgIOn, which has now fully devel. perceIved that Samuel actually appeared, Cmcmnatl Tzmes If our readers can peruse to their pastor, wlth the solemn and returued them their then he hIS lzttle ones, " Tkezr angels do always behold oped IIself, claiming to be the only true an awful astonishment overwhelmed both the account of the conduct of the noble boy .. Brother, you linust squeeze, the made himself known. .. I I am Joseph, your the face of my Father which is m heaven." !igion of tbe present day And we are s'trlct- Saul and the women And the paasage Just hiS teacher, wllhout a mOistened cheek, bad." He replted, that he would brother, whom ye sold IDtq EgXpt ,.. Here That I a th t h t th I fj b dd h h d h f d b h · f I was kindness, forgiveness. And It crushed to s, s e cOllOec Ion sows, 0 receIve e y or I en to any t mg to 0 Wit It, rE' erre to sows t 8t gomg to mqUlre 0 a they can do more than we can It wdl also the matter, and see how lhe-p an waB first intlmatlon of hiS will, and Ily to theIr pro. and directed to seek unto God-to hiS law, famlhu spirIt through that woman lis medl- to answer. death the Spirit (If Jealo u y had once te "'tl'o Th t d t th t th !I d b h h b d f h " G d be read with mterest, says the Roxbury Jour· made him a slave. He had conquered. c n. er 1 oes no appear a ey n to IS testlmony-w lC was oun urn, "as one 0 IS transgressions agamst 0, few days, he upon the owner hl lIve here among us; but come when they are and sealed among the immediate disciples for whICh he was slam A poor encourage. nal, " by those who knew the venerable Dr. who was a membel of hIS church, Come farther down in tile wor1d's history, lent, as mimsters minis. our tord And the prophet say", "If they ment to consult medIums, or spirits through PrentICe, and those who may the hiS rent, and told him that.,he cOllld not and tell me, what word, of those spoken by ters of gr I t th l' h D It d' h d b h I A d h 1 f the" meek and lowl v J eeUi '-the •• Pnnce of ace, or gospe rll ; lor t e IVlDe spea not accor mg to t IS wor ,It IS ecause t em ute mtracu ous appearance 0 parties spoken of. The doctor taught the him any specified sllm lOr the house " testl ony fi h d d" b d h d Peace," the" SaVIOr world"-was best m was ms e , an oun up l ere IS no light 111 them." Samuel, Bnd the tremen ous message he • Roxbury Grammar School,' whtch was kept ume forth; .. that the tImes were calculated to 'subdue the hard and sealed, among Clmst's dIBll1ples." (See But it may sull he asked, How do we know brought, a)most extinguished the lamp of life he must gauee%e ," btlt he would pay I I · h 8 16 aud Rev 22 -18 19) A d 10 the bUlldmg now occupied, In part, by our "Ia T hearts of his .Are we not nomt- sa a : , . •. n but what the spulte of dead men make some 10 Sanl at the tIme And every word record. Circumstances wou permit. lie '.' Ji wbile jalth, hope, and chanty-all necessa· of these commuDlcations, admltttng their ae. ed as the words of Samuel to S.aul, was fulfill office." The doctor IS stdl hVlDg. stared at IiIm with astoDlsllment, and ed to tbe on '1 Are we t.ut t t th b h I I d d h bl r asked to heten to the tones of that ry graces-were 0 con mue tn e c urc , !lve eXistence 'TheIr acUve eXIstence. seps ed to the letter. In my ear y years, alten e t e pu le " Man I who lets houses 10 that man· prophecleII, With all mlTacnlous gifts, rate from the body, must be admitted, and can It IS claimed, by Borne, that the ans"ltbef, Illc,!,oool In Roxbury, Massacbusetts Dr Na- give as much as you please for It 1- vOlce-"Father, forgive 0, hele was were to fall, cease, vamsh away. (See 1st be proved conclUSively It can also be prov- gave John hiS revelalions was a human spirit thaDlel Prenuce was our respected teacher; one ever hear of such a thtng 1 I kindness. [ Cor. 13' 8-13,) ! And when the land of ed, that they are not here 10 our atmosphere, Bnt I do not beheve that the language of Rev. but hIS patience, at times, would get nearly to advance the renta pound ne:dyear i Look over our extenc[edicOljnllryat the pre- IsraeliS cleansed from Idols, which IS yet 10 the to know the affairs of men 10 the :flesh, or 22. 9, was designed to convey any such Idea exhausted by the infraclJons of the school not IIave my house, I am Bure, for sent day. What hns miserable future, the Lord says, .. And also I wIll cause make commuDlcations to them That there I think any unprejudiced scholar, givlDg it rules by the scholars. On one occaSIOn, 10 less" He next went totbe mlll- of other d misery and ihe prophets and the nnclean SpiritS to pass has been one or two IOstauces of their appear. careful examination, Will admit, thet It means a wrathy way, he threatened to pUnIsh asked for half a lIack offlour .. C .. .. ... : cand out of the lana. ,And It shall come to pass, mg.?!l eartb In the days of miracles, and as thllL be WUDlll being, llnd not'to of a very heavy ferule, the nrst said the mlher, "but, do you know oe,mllLlU' ab()de:s of plenty peace 1 What I thatwhenan1shall yet then his father miracles, must be admllted. To lay tbe found worshIped-that he was a fellow servant, boy detected in whispertng, and appolOted of flour has advanced JllDce has kmdled anew the fl of love and affec I and hiS mother that begal him shall say qnto allon for proving thelC separate eXistence in serving the samEi God tha.t John and his bre- 80me as detectors. Shortly after, one of these the last." "I was not aware lion In hearts long and fpe"zrng I hIm, Theu shalt n"t for thou spebkest aellve life, we notite, first, the language thren the prophets served But If this angel detectors Bhouted- u Master, John Zeigler IS rephed the mUJlster, "and IOdeed It IS ,I f lles m the name of tho L/Jrd: au I hlo tiiLhe, Paul. In acts 26. 22.23," Havmg therefore was one of the old plophets, (which 1 do not " John was called up. and asked of great consequence, as the order of things and Ilis mother that begat him shall lhl usl obtalOed hellp of God, I conuuue unt(} this day, beheve,) even then we should have but three if It was a by the way, was a fa· IS changed; I alII to-give what I can for It- thonsands of children 1 HI sholt, has him throdgh when he plopheslelh" (Zech wttnesswg both to small and gleat, eaylDg oftheee mlracitous appearances of departed VOrIte, both of teacher and hIS school· Brother, you must qqueeze, the times are bad." been the great nr,rin,.n,mt. 1ate temper- 13: 2, 3) ThiS shows, that SinCe the gift of nOlle other thmgs than those wlJlch the pro. 8ptrltB, dllring-lltej.,Q60 -yeanrof ths world's mates) "Yes," answered John. "I was .. Good 01 bad," answered the miller, " I must ance le£ol mallon, carcted JOY and prophecy failed, at t?e close of tbe apostohc phets and Moses d d 8ay should come, IhBt wh\ch the Bible history car· not aware what I was about I was mlent haveaccordmg to 50s. per sack for It; hearken, gladness a\l over the What, hut kIDd· age, prophesymg-prete_mg to reveal nl(w ChrIst shoiJld suifer, and that HE SllOllld be the ries us.. Who, has a fight to beheve it in workmg out a sum, and requested the one man' who sells flouI upon those terms 1" He ness 1 ,I b t d th B bl t thO 1'. t who sat next to reach the arithmetic that con- d d h fi ( b I" Reader., have you an enemy whom you trut silo contame In e Ie-IS promp - FIRST that should nse firom the dead," &e. now Decome a commun IDg lur men a next procee e to t e armer, passlDg y • e I..; d d b l l So h 1 T t "th d t d d talned the rule which I Wished to see" The h d h t II ) would mako a fllend-a nplghhor who nile s e y rnc ean s t e POlDt IS C ear, hen, though some were restored back to thi! 10 ercour.e wi epar e apm s I-an maltster, w 0 was a eacon, wit ou ca mg. ld that good angels are no longer employed to life, as Lazarus and others, before tbat tOOl in the fllce of so many plam doctor regretted hIS hasty threat, but told and asked fa a bushel of wheat;. The farmer repentance-a fallen won I commumcate new truth, but are employed, so yet nOlle who had died were ever lIta\emenl8 of tbe Bible to the conttary.; and John he could not suffer him 10 escape the said he should have It, but It would cost him lestore to sobnety and not I far as the Lord sees fit to emploY them, as raIsed from the dead, to hve m the now, too,lIltlce the law andteBlimony IS bound pUDlshment, aud contltlued: "I Wish I could eight shdllngs and Blxpence "No, no, broth· the power of KINDNESS. !o 1II1nlstersof prOVIdence. eternal state, till after the of up and sellled, and eIghteen liundler! yeol8 aVOid it, but I cannot wahout a forfeiture of e1," replIed "you must squeeze, Fallen angels, or deVils, roam m our at- Christ Hence every passage wInch shows aud more since the last will and testame{'t of my word, and the consequent loss of my au- for the tlmea are had, I WIll gIVe you as 1lI0sphele Their leader is said to he the the acllve eXistence of persolls (whose bodies Chnet was sealed by hiS death, unalter- thorny. I Will," continued he, "leave It to much as I can at the end of the month, after prince of the power of the 81r-lho splllt that had thed) befUle the of Chnst, IS ably fixed Though the Apostles were em any three scholars you may choose, to say seemg how much the collection WIll' be." I 'II0!0 worketh m the children of disobedience. proQf ID pOint Alld t e IS abundance ployed to wrtte out his testament after hIS whetht'r or not I omit the pumshment." John "What has that to do with the price of One of them, 10 Job's day, came from walk such proof. Room for bu Jltle of It, how- death, and qualIfilld to do It by the speCial op said he would agree to that, and Immediately wheat 1" exclaimed the farmer; "I have a ing up an1down ID the earth, and from gOing ever, can be aHowed here. Isaiah, d erallons of the Holy Spirit to bring it all to called out G. S, T. D., and D. P. D. The great lent to pay next month, ana I do not \ h h . b I Of th h d' t d doctor told them to return a verdICt, which h b h t b b t to ana fr 10 It And one of them SalU to upon t e death of the nghteous, says, .. t elr remem rance, ye , I ey a lOser e a know ow to flllg t IIlgs 0 ear e ween Jesns, Our 11I1me 19 legion, fOI we are many. merCiful men are taken away. none conSIder. slOg Ie thIDg tbat be did nOf authOrize before they Boon did, (after consnltatlon.) as fullows: the wages, the uthes, and the payments." But their power IS bounded; for they art' ing lhat the nghteo!1 S IS taken away from the he died, they would have been guilty of forge. .. The master's rule kept IDvlOlate- ThiS brother kept II large farm. and paid reBerved in chains, unBer darkness, unto tHt evil to come. He shall enter peace; they ty. And If they. or an angel. or any oiller ohn must receive the threatened pUDIshment specific wages to hiS laborers, except Jacko, d d h h II t Z Z d c.reature, shuuld mtroduce a new thltlg, as'e· of SIX blows of the fernIe; but It must be, 10- tbe half.,wltted "oy, who WRS at band to fetch J "udgment of the gleat l ny. 1\n t II apos s a reI In t"elr ue 8, EAOH ONE WALKING IN d U H 1 truth t en l'orced In that testament Illcted on volunteer proxies; an we, the ar· h fi h 'I th tie shows their hmltauoh, by saylllg, Relnst the HIS UPRIGHTNESS." (Isaiah 57: 1,2) ere IgIOuS , no ", t e cows or t e women, .0 c ean e oUv . d h II fl Th" b h d tIt t d th t th or make any essential alteration, they woulil bitrators, wlll sbare the punishment by recelv, I'ollses, &c. devIl, an e WI ee 10m you. IS 1m· ot pomts are IS IDct y S a e - a ey, w bl h" J h h h diD P IIIlS, on the other hand, that If we court hiS their tiodles of course, rest m thjlir beds, their fall nder that condemnation pronounced by t 0 ows eac . a n, w 0 a Isten- Tile mmister next called upon J obn, the 1 8 .. though we or an an ed to the verdict, stepped up to the doctor, h k h Ii h th t r s for C ompany, "r commit ourselves to hiS influence, graves. and they, thDlr -dIsembodied spints, , ,. s oem a er, w 0, a ter earmg e e m I' "r d 'j other oapel urlto and With outstretched hand, exclaimed: f h b h rI! this 1.,. .. roulltl to admIre hiS wonders-,- the same Ume, have ehtere into peace, and an g a paIr a s oes, egan to put t B,.snull 10 0 hiS "peeping and mutterinlf"-we may have wal,k in their upnghtneds-which clln be no. we have preached unto .. Master, here is my hand; they shan't be Wide nostrils, which wece as black as two I) I t b r d" Then the doctrine struck a blow', I will receive the punishment." fl d Ik t II ectlng enough of n. Though it appears, by tile thlDg less than mtelhgljnt obedience to the you, e e accu se ., ues, an ta very sarcas Ica y resp question that one of them put to our SavIOur dIVIne law And we know, If the pI am state. that we must have a new revelation, and a new The- doctor, nnder pretence of wiping hiB such terms. "He would not put a patch _" Art thou come to torment us before the ments of the Bible are to be relted on, tliat azspensatlfJn, to introduce the mIllenmum, must shielded hiS eyes, and tellmg the boys upon hiS shoe undl'ir tree pence." The butch. time l;'-that they know their doom, that. Moses had not rISen from thfj dead at the uriIe have germmated in some corner of that pit to go to thelf seats, said he would thlDk of il. er treated hlm m hke manner, .. his meat was .. h th It' I .a ascended t ra- I btl!ieve he did thmk of It to hiS dymg day, h d" d th together WIth unjusl men, lney are reservea he was seen and lieard to converse with Jesus w el/ce e a or s ocus... a so muc a po'}n ; an e . 1Into the day of Judgemllnt, to be pUDlshed, on the Mount It IS l1S dIstinctly stilted that present Mahon:teta;nism; ana we ought to set but the pUDlshment was never mfllcted." ed upon having a regular prIce for (see Pet. 2' 9,) amlklJow that their power he died, as auy other hIstorical fact in the our faces a$ firm agamst tbe one as the other, THE GRASS OF THE OVEN. modlties. is now limited, yet discloses to us their See Deut. 34; 6, 6. And the etory of But, according t9 scnpture, we may expect, m On bls way home, the minister present worK, by sa,Ying, "Your great adver. nch man and Lazarus, whether we take the order ofdlvioeprovldence, an overthrow In crdssing Leban;;:-- we stopped day the ehop of hIS principal deacon. the devil, walketh about as a roarmg a statement df facts, or as a parable to every oppraSlnvll, tyrannical power. which op- for refreshment, near a rivulet llowlDg towards him for 80me small arltcles PUBLIC lion, seeking whpm he MAY devour" Then, trate fatts, corroborates the sentlmen" poseube triumph of B:l!d finally the east. As I was sitting there, I observed use of hiS family, such as a pound V'.8V"'" if we would keep out of the cotla of the old both righteous and wicked !tve-that their des!fucl1on of all the ,WIcked, to mtro- a peasant of the country dlggmg up with a 1'J)C)Ullld of sugar, a pound of 'eTJ.1 mt , we must etand aloof from and resiat spirits live an intelligent, active lIfe, in a state the,millennium. J, IOrt of pIck, axe, the, c:;lumps of shrubs ounceS of tea, and a balfpenny ;hia clha.rme, lest we be the persons whom he of separation from the body. If it were not But we h",ve one thlDg more to introduce, graas. which grow ID the thID sot! (but no tobacco,) After packmg the may devour. And, as a roartnglion-a natu· so, It would he jUlLt as true of the souias of brIDg ,argument to,lta [climax. The over the rocks. He was collectmg neatly, the grocer began to count their ral ventriloquist-he seems to take a hellish the body, that it dies, lind then the whole JQhn. after :gilmgJll11 wllI'Dlngssgalnst carry home, in order to bum them as .. You need DQt waste your time recKonlDg," delight in throwing over liimeelf the garb of would be deaa, from our death 8pi6ta and false prophets,gtves UB a fuel. had Been heaps of the same material interrupted the mlDIster, .. I am to pay you J!!liglon, and then making his roar sound to recuon And to say It illSO, to go by to teJlt tliem"in. lit John 4: pIled up near the limekilns In the of for them as my clrcumstauces will permit. be in the sanctuary of the truly pious, and'so contradi<;tion of the words of ae .. We afe of : be that knoweth Urtaa; and I frequently saw troops Brother, you must slJ.uceze, as ilie umes' Bre fi.rilrhtep his unwary dupes into hIS, own particularly in regard to the God, heareth us: :he that 111101 of God, bear· returDlng from tbe fi\'llJs Toaded very bad with present, but I will give wilth,i's,f·bul:.w::as:jplaced.,qn 8ays, (John 11: 25, 26.) .. He eth ljot UI; hereby know we the !spirlt of orsbch fueL The scarcity conscientiously for them what lies in Here, in myopmlon, It where alithe wnters on me, though he were dead, yet truth, and the spmt of enon" Wilen is very great, and the power." .. SqfUezt I" said the Bhl)pll.eepeJr; _gainlt the .pirit whose writings I Jive; and whosoever hveth, and beheveth S8YS," We are of God," he mtans to resort to the use of .. what do iYP\l mean 1 give what you have hJld the qpnOrtUDlty of peruSloUg, have lIie, "hall NEVER dIe,'" aqd the other inspired apo.tle., of being bllrnt, in ord how mnch w tll that be '" .. I cap not sa 1 ii .T- h •. I h'!i B h t fth d d th And then it Illin harmony. with: the warmillgtheir inwinter, present,"rephedthepastor, "but YO\l" J). h ... ;"II .... failed; and thie e pfIDCtpa reasoll w IC ut t e spm S 0 e ea are nO L ere Isaiah, (6: 20,)" To tbe law and to their d8lly They not know at the end of the next month, when I has to move mv pen 00' thel oilr earth, to know the_llifaira of men in h h 11 .. ·11 b " .. That I. Th i{tbey a_" L not thl' urpose the shrubs and see how muc t e co eetton .. 1 e. lub ,iect. It hal long b""D verY nnpopular to Ileeh, commumcate to them. e JOl''''''''' 8 P _L k OJ A .,,,, "e:catl8e th . Ii ht b t the th common WIll not do for me," Bald tbe .... op eeper, .. 0 ..... men c'ould baV6 the aid of evil T lrits as explainlld bv T. B. ,w ere 18 no g 1n u ga r e . J' .... \I .... "d h a tbe wild flowe'" of am obliged to pay a certain pnce lor to as8iet them in cadY,ll\S ou. miac'bie and is know not An now to t e an ,'" I have a -) deception in humin society. TherefIJre grllat of the adhere' to the plain and BO rich i1ext week." .. pain. have been to sPI Brble the Bible, and bold! on the iavlO11f minist6l', "well,l see there glery among called And that 8enllment. or do whlc he to 'queeze, and that I am there is no doubt hut what muoli bas been' the .pirit of m!ln, of!Jad times; If I diaeoverbd,'in that of things. :Sut ,his af. spint of the hke our Saviour and ford. no\proofthattnere i. onf a the your plan would answer. cali- of the of plae?s; ill' upwaril, bOlh upon all the members who sell anything connection with other peraona. Ani1t dJBtl l \ Then for the use Of man, but lOU must aU ba'l'e notliing towards convincing:belieUtl. ili lUs$ wii:kelt, when partjcular price for yolit goods ;"the thing.. Not'doe$ it a'atisfY'mullitudds witJ) earth;lwhile:tbeapmtofthe or my house, the !Diller, tlie farmer, tbe havaeeen these fIling_, orbeai'd ot'tlt'e'iDi(rom glesllgpo the butcher, tbe tailor, and vOUlrlellfl the malt, reli.bte witnesses, an,d yet'lillVe.M ,.rlb, J You will not let me have a fellowship for them, that there is nobperatl0Jl or of lUgar, or aD oUDe8 Of., oat bf10ur or .lpiritlaboUt them. And the faCtI brOl1.hl , I I

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.n...--NO. 10. NEW YORK, FIFTH-DAY, AUGUST 18, 1853 .

~b 4.. bbnHt ~ ~ to view, show that there IS a class of against hIm, and he paaseth· chauge8tl:~;nn;n;" Ifhe clin get men to swallow a lit. Il&'~~ ~U ~ ~trnrutt. ready to assIst tn any eVil work, to the extent hiS co~tenance, and se!ldbt kim away. Hie deadly pouon, In the firot place, he

================:::::::~ of their limited poWer. sons come to bonor, and ru: KNOWETH IT NOT will consenHo let them have a large potion

PPING &Cji> -Now to the question whelher that power and they are brought" low, bllt he of truth to take it ih, 10 order to be sure to get IMMORTALITY-SPIRIT-RA • • will admit of such manifestatIOns. A familiar It not of them." (Job 14,: 20, .) and then he has them 1D a fair way To the Editors ortb. S.bbath Recorder - spUIt is a spint thlit holds famlhar interconrae shows that they are not oiJ1y ~n~ .~ 81lttle mote at another time, ull hit

In tho Recorder of July 21st, I nouced some with a person, by giving afiswers'folnqu'inel. the earth, but also that they remain ccn'l# are well fastened around'ihem. • J R F C 11 Then, what does the claim and profession of that they know nothmg of the But It may be asked, to what degree of er.

questions, proposed by • oltre, on spirit.rappera amount to, but that they have' -".L-'-friends in thi, world, whether 10 pros. ror has It auvanced, wILh such as conUnue to Immortalzty, Sptrtt.rapplng, &c. And though famdlar spirits 1 And is It not a common periLy or ad,.ereity. And it is the dead wllh· it 1 And what vital I1f1nClptes of Ihe I am perfectly satisfied wuh the answer gIven thtng for the Bible to tell of persons havzng out diBtinction, whether righteous or wicked gospel does It deny 1 I do n{9i know but they bil,T. B. B , as far as it goes, yet 1 thm'k some· famlhar spirits 1 If the Bible treated thiS af- But the story of the rich man aud Lazarus all profess to beheve that there is one God

~ th~g more Is call~ for on those questions. faiT BS a mere pretense, and poured its anathe- shows that they go to Widely dJiferent places, But so Tar as I csn understand them, thell d mas on those who ."..etenaed to have fiamlll'ar and ~ar removed Lom eaeh other and an 1m ~alth IS near r II'ke the fi th f d I t th th t

he questions llle, " How can you Iscoun· spirits, and said of ~~ch and such persons that pa8S~ble gulf bet~:en It also sh~w8, that th~ ~f a ChrIBtI:n That ~~ n: ':no~; th:~ Ihae rennncethespmt-rappmgswahoutglVlngBlble they pretended to deal witl) sucll spirits, then dead cannot be Bent back to warn the hvmg. deVIls believe, and trtmtble too. Beyond proof that they are faIlle 1 The BOul being thellopular notton, that it /was all deception, The hring are put upon their perIl, to adhere thiS, though they have not all advanced to the Immortal, how do you know that the dead do might sland, and the hone~t frankness of the to the word of God, or perish ThiS 18 *Ilfli· same degreE', yet I clln hardly tell of one not commumcate with the hVlDg lD thiS way 1 Bible 101) But as ~t M, one of tire two must Clenl to establish the POlDt heyond any excus· the vitlll prIDClples of Ihe gospel whIch some

d k L~ h h h k fall; for the plain, unvarDlshed language of able doubt Ana there js notbtng in the BI' of them do not either dellY or so pervert as How a you now I t at t IS IS not t e war h B b tel Ie treats It as a reahty , as, for Illstance, ble, properly understood, that weighs ag.IDst to destroy lis lrue gospel character But I 01' God to introduce the millenmum 1" that Manasseh .. .7ealtV"-wltk a fiamillar .m.-t" Ii h I ~ b h d I I U Or" It; or t e one or two mlfltCU ous appearan· .or ear gOing mto t e etal s at present, est

These questIOns can all be answered under Let the reader carefully peruse the followmg ces of departed spirits. recorded ID the Bible, some, who are not acquamted with them, one head.1 for, If BIble proof be gIven that passages: Lev 19: 31, and 20. 6, 27, Deut and they too nnder such very extraordlhary might thmk I 9landerE1d them. But that the their claims are false, It negatIVes the whole of 18: 11, lst Sam. 28' 3-9, 2d Ktngs 21: 6, Circumstances, together with the fact ·that Splrlt rappmg mBuence IS directly agalDst the

,them And nothlDg Will depend on the ques and 23: 24, 2d Chron 33: 6, alld IsaIah 8: there were so very few of them during, the Bible, and the rehglOn sU9taIned by It from tion, whether there Will be a period, some· 19, 19 3. anu 29' 4. The language In these long lapse ofume over ",hlch.the Bible histo. the days of the Apostles, It wants 110 eagle

"""'WII]~ beautIful hnes qr\glllslJy appear<!d ID a per1odlca\ .tarted abollt twenty yea,.

boys ofl'lton College ~, r truth. tehdon< melody, they are locompdrable ]

• .,..~ ~a,.u conld tell hts tale of yontb­oul,d thlink:~its80ene. oflove e' mee

pasSIOn, more unearthly truth ~hall any tale before or 8mce

, they could tell of tender lays mLdmght penned In cl ••• ,o shades,

days mure bnght tban mbdem days, And maId. more fair tban modern maId.

yon III propo~tinn from each, aud I moderately, or, to lIve on the ,uC'UDJ,

by the members not know how the ·mllt(€Jf

where in a future eternity, when the Wicked passages dlstlllctly conveys the Idea that per· ry carries us, wBlghs much more against the eye to see Will cease to exist or not. The present Btate sons dtd have familiar Spirits That in the 8th nouon of a common Illtercourse between hv. And now, If there IS any dependellce to be and COllI se contumlel,,-,Jiil;'I~ ofthmgs, thiS 81de of the resurrecllon, 18 the chapter of IsaIah is ID connectIOn WIth a clear Ing men and departed Spirits, than It does for placed upon the Bible, or any reahty In our tbe beart \\,lth gentle point m queStion The exposItion of Eccl. prophecy of gospel times, and zs a It. At the appearance of Moses on the mount sacred trust III Jesus Chrtst for salvation, or with a weapon, Simple 9: 5, given by T. B B -that It IS 111 the af. that ppphes to us '8t tbls very day oftransfiguralJon, 1I0t a word that he spoke any reahty m our eDJoym! tlie foretastes shng, yet sur~ as the ~r'·,n."lllnf' ... ",LI", faIrs of this world that the dead know not any prophet deSCribes what IS nowgomg on among was commumcated to the world We only heaven, and the secunty of eternal hfe through kindness' ThiS ktllf!:ll rali'klio~~hlattllid,.: thmg-wtll, no do~bt, be perfectly BIlHafacto us, as mgemously as he could have done It If know the subject of the conversallon. The hiS atontng sacnlice, the claIms 01 spmt rap· left Saul to !tve And ry to tho:ie whose VIews are already In har- he had been stand lUg over It and witnessIng very light and glory of heaven rested down pers are false, for both cannot be true, be· WOI k. Saul saId to DaVid, mony wltli hiS But such as Bre mclmed the the opelattons He says, "And when they upon them-msupportable by men III Ihe mg dlreclly opposed to eacb other And righteous than I, for thou other way, Will, as a matter of course, Wish to :;hall say unto you, Seek unto them that nave flesh That th"re IS JOY In heaven. adopt the laoguage or Paul, on another good, whereas I rl'i!warih!d 1nqUlre whether the teachlDgs of the Bible (not pretend to have) famJllar spmts, and the angels, over the repenlJllg Sinner, IS no Ilnd say, Touch not, ta~te not, han· Was not nere a VJ<:tolry-"-nlior'e .. 'nrlOlI~' 1Iniformly. or generally, c:orroboratll that senll unto Wizards, thal peep, and Ihat mutter; Idehce agalnst onr position; {or the Diln1ster· not And let us cleave to the pllre tesl\· God hke, than a meh!. It IS bad POlICY, alid also betrays a should not a people seek unto their Gad 1" mg angels, it is hkely, are permI!ted to carry mony, whICh IS bound up and sealed-to the Gi THE MINISTER, \ See Joseph, In

want of candor, to refuse to grant to an adver· From these scriptures, the proof IS concluPlve, the news last will and teatament of Jesus Chnst, whICh r\ I _ brethren., For /I few ~io,,,,,,,!' Bary; what IS certatnlytrue, and may be provo that men d~d have famd18r spmts 10 I donot think !tIS gIVIng due wmghtto Bible IS unalterably fixed, to stand till he comes to a chdic'h~ or rather the lords there. they sold !rIm mtn ed 80. times; and thot It would be equally true that language to deny that Samuel appeared to Judge the world ELIAS BURDICK. resolution that thBlr minister must kmdness, broke the

That therealetwo"classesofs,rmtsfrequent- the same wonld eXist in gospel limes, and Saul. though commentators do not generally SCUTT Aug 3,1853 lIve upon what they should col. slavery, and made him a Iy among us, cannot'be deDled,~wI!h the Bible that Christians would be called on, by certam admIt it But, by consulting 1st Chi on ~---.--'----' month's end, let the amount be ht- spread over the land her before us, as the 10falhble testtmony of Je· persons, tr,J get rehglOus Instructton flOm them 10 13, It Will be seen that Soul expec'ed A SCHOOL INCIDENT, , and that they would not, from tbe cruel hrethren of J hovah Good angels are 9ald to be mmister- that have famzllar apuzla. TillS show~, that only to Iget a commuDlCal1on from that forward, bInd tbemselves to make went to Egypt tor • fi h . h h h b d The follOWIng InCIdent IS taken from the J h 1 "'1. th log Spirits, sent art to mlDlster to t em w 0 t ese operations would e set up un ec the wuman's famIlIar sf'lIit But when It was sum ThiS resolutIon they osep L'. are an shall be helfs of salvation And Jesus says of name of relIgIOn, which has now fully devel. perceIved that Samuel actually appeared, Cmcmnatl Tzmes If our readers can peruse to their pastor, wlth the solemn and returued them their then he hIS lzttle ones, " Tkezr angels do always behold oped IIself, claiming to be the only true an awful astonishment overwhelmed both the account of the conduct of the noble boy .. Brother, you linust squeeze, the made himself known. .. I I am Joseph, your the face of my Father which is m heaven." !igion of tbe present day And we are s'trlct- Saul and the women And the paasage Just hiS teacher, wllhout a mOistened cheek, bad." He replted, that he would brother, whom ye sold IDtq EgXpt ,.. Here That I a th t h t th I fj b dd h h d h f d b h · f I was kindness, forgiveness. ~ And It crushed to

s, s e cOllOec Ion sows, 0 receIve e y or I en to any t mg to 0 Wit It, rE' erre to sows t 8t gomg to mqUlre 0 a they can do more than we can It wdl also the matter, and see how lhe-p an waB first intlmatlon of hiS will, and Ily to theIr pro. and directed to seek unto God-to hiS law, famlhu spirIt through that woman lis medl- to answer. death the Spirit (If Jealou y tba~ had once te"'tl'o Th t d t th t th !I d b h h b d f h " G d be read with mterest, says the Roxbury Jour· made him a slave. He had conquered. c n. er 1 oes no appear a ey n to IS testlmony-w lC was oun urn, "as one 0 IS transgressions agamst 0, few days, he c~lled upon the owner hl lIve here among us; but come when they are and sealed among the immediate disciples for whICh he was slam A poor encourage. nal, " by those who knew the venerable Dr. who was a membel of hIS church, Come farther down in tile wor1d's history, lent, as mimsters ofpro'/)~dence-not minis. our tord And the prophet say", "If they ment to consult medIums, or spirits through PrentICe, and those who may r~member the hiS rent, and told him that.,he cOllld not and tell me, what word, of ~1l those spoken by ters of gr I t th l' h D It d' h d b h I A d h 1 f ~ the" meek and lowlv J eeUi '-the •• Pnnce of

ace, or gospe rll ; lor t e IVlDe spea not accor mg to t IS wor ,It IS ecause t em ute mtracu ous appearance 0 parties spoken of. The doctor taught the him any specified sllm lOr the house " testl ony fi h d d" b d h d Peace," the" SaVIOr world"-was best m was ms e , an oun up l ere IS no light 111 them." Samuel, Bnd the tremen ous message he • Roxbury Grammar School,' whtch was kept ume forth; .. that the tImes were calculated to 'subdue the hard

and sealed, among Clmst's dIBll1ples." (See But it may sull he asked, How do we know brought, a)most extinguished the lamp of life he must gauee%e ," btlt he would pay I I· h 8 16 aud Rev 22 -18 19) A d 10 the bUlldmg now occupied, In part, by our "Ia T hearts of his .Are we not nomt-sa a : , . •. n but what the spulte of dead men make some 10 Sanl at the tIme And every word record. Circumstances wou permit. lie '.' Ji

wbile jalth, hope, and chanty-all necessa· of these commuDlcations, admltttng their ae. ed as the words of Samuel to S.aul, was fulfill office." The doctor IS stdl hVlDg. stared at IiIm with astoDlsllment, and ed to tbe on '1 Are we t.ut t t th b h I I d d h bl r asked to heten to the tones of that

ry graces-were 0 con mue tn e c urc , !lve eXistence ~ 'TheIr acUve eXIstence. seps ed to the letter. In my ear y years, alten e t e pu le " Man I who lets houses 10 that man· prophecleII, With all o~ber mlTacnlous gifts, rate from the body, must be admitted, and can It IS claimed, by Borne, that the ans"ltbef, Illc,!,oool In Roxbury, Massacbusetts Dr Na- give as much as you please for It 1- vOlce-"Father, forgive 0, hele was were to fall, cease, vamsh away. (See 1st be proved conclUSively It can also be prov- gave John hiS revelalions was a human spirit thaDlel Prenuce was our respected teacher; one ever hear of such a thtng 1 I kindness. [ Cor. 13' 8-13,) ! And when the land of ed, that they are not here 10 our atmosphere, Bnt I do not beheve that the language of Rev. but hIS patience, at times, would get nearly to advance the renta pound ne:dyear i Look over our extenc[edicOljnllryat the pre-IsraeliS cleansed from Idols, which IS yet 10 the to know the affairs of men 10 the :flesh, or 22. 9, was designed to convey any such Idea exhausted by the infraclJons of the school not IIave my house, I am Bure, for sent day. What hns miserable future, the Lord says, .. And also I wIll cause make commuDlcations to them That there I think any unprejudiced scholar, givlDg it rules by the scholars. On one occaSIOn, 10 less" He next went totbe mlll- of other d misery and ihe prophets and the nnclean SpiritS to pass has been one or two IOstauces of their appear. careful examination, Will admit, thet It means a wrathy way, he threatened to pUnIsh asked for half a lIack offlour .. C .. ~I_WJ:el@edJ~eEls.JWiiL.clllllU'11, ..'4J, ... : ~neali cand out of the lana. ,And It shall come to pass, mg.?!l eartb In the days of miracles, and as thllL be WUDlll a~eated being, llnd not'to of a very heavy ferule, the nrst said the mlher, "but, do you know oe,mllLlU' ab()de:s of plenty peace 1 What I thatwhenan1shall yet p~ophesy, then his father miracles, must be admllted. To lay tbe found worshIped-that he was a fellow servant, boy detected in whispertng, and appolOted of flour has advanced JllDce has kmdled anew the fl of love and affec I and hiS mother that begal him shall say qnto allon for proving thelC separate eXistence in serving the samEi God tha.t John and his bre- 80me as detectors. Shortly after, one of these the last." "I was not aware lion In hearts long "dr~'~a<,,1 and fpe"zrng I hIm, Theu shalt n"t hv~, for thou spebkest aellve life, we notite, first, the language thren the prophets served But If this angel detectors Bhouted-u Master, John Zeigler IS rephed the mUJlster, "and IOdeed It IS ;~:e~o~~n~h~~sa:;~la~f 81:da~~~s t~f ,I f lles m the name of tho L/Jrd: au I hlo tiiLhe, Paul. In acts 26. 22.23," Havmg therefore was one of the old plophets, (which 1 do not " John was called up. and asked of great consequence, as the order of things and Ilis mother that begat him shall lhl usl obtalOed hellp of God, I conuuue unt(} this day, beheve,) even then we should have but three if It was a by the way, was a fa· IS changed; I alII to-give what I can for It- thonsands of children 1 HI sholt, has

• him throdgh when he plopheslelh" (Zech wttnesswg both to small and gleat, eaylDg oftheee mlracitous appearances of departed VOrIte, both of teacher and hIS school· Brother, you must qqueeze, the times are bad." been the great nr,rin,.n,mt. ~he 1ate temper-13: 2, 3) ThiS shows, that SinCe the gift of nOlle other thmgs than those wlJlch the pro. 8ptrltB, dllring-lltej.,Q60 -yeanrof ths world's mates) "Yes," answered John. "I was .. Good 01 bad," answered the miller, " I must ance le£ol mallon, carcted JOY and prophecy failed, at t?e close of tbe apostohc phets and Moses d d 8ay should come, IhBt eXl8~nce,:over wh\ch the Bible history car· not aware what I was about I was mlent haveaccordmg to 50s. per sack for It; hearken, gladness a\l over the What, hut kIDd· age, prophesymg-prete_mg to reveal nl(w ChrIst shoiJld suifer, and that HE SllOllld be the ries us.. Who, ~hen, has a fight to beheve it in workmg out a sum, and requested the one man' who sells flouI upon those terms 1" He ness 1 ,I

b t d th B bl t ~ thO 1'. t who sat next to reach the arithmetic that con- d d h fi ( b I" Reader., have you an enemy whom you trut silo contame In e Ie-IS promp - FIRST that should nse firom the dead," &e. now Decome a commun IDg lur men a next procee e to t e armer, passlDg y • e I..; d

d b l l So h 1 T • t "th d t d • t· d talned the rule which I Wished to see" The h d h t II ) would mako a fllend-a nplghhor who nile s

e y rnc ean sp~rz s t e POlDt IS C ear, hen, though some were restored back to thi! 10 ercour.e wi epar e apm s I-an maltster, w 0 was a eacon, wit ou ca mg. ld that good angels are no longer employed to life, as Lazarus and others, before tbat tOOl H~ht in the fllce of so many plam doctor regretted hIS hasty threat, but told and asked fa a bushel of wheat;. The farmer repentance-a fallen won I commumcate new truth, but are employed, so yet nOlle who had died were ever lIta\emenl8 of tbe Bible to the conttary.; and John he could not suffer him 10 escape the said he should have It, but It would cost him lestore to sobnety and not I far as the Lord sees fit to emploY them, as raIsed from the dead, to hve m the now, too,lIltlce the law andteBlimony IS bound pUDlshment, aud contltlued: "I Wish I could eight shdllngs and Blxpence "No, no, broth· the power of KINDNESS. !o

1II1nlstersof prOVIdence. eternal state, till after the of up and sellled, and eIghteen liundler! yeol8 aVOid it, but I cannot wahout a forfeiture of e1," replIed th~mlmster, "you must squeeze, Fallen angels, or deVils, roam m our at- Christ Hence every passage wInch shows aud more since the last will and testame{'t of my word, and the consequent loss of my au- for the tlmea are had, I WIll gIVe you as

1lI0sphele Their leader is said to he the the acllve eXistence of persolls (whose bodies Jesu~ Chnet was sealed by hiS death, unalter- thorny. I Will," continued he, "leave It to much as I can at the end of the month, after prince of the power of the 81r-lho splllt that had thed) befUle the r~rrecuou of Chnst, IS ably fixed ~ Though the Apostles were em any three scholars you may choose, to say seemg how much the collection WIll' be."

I 'II0!0 worketh m the children of disobedience. proQf ID pOint Alld t e IS abundance ployed to wrtte out his testament after hIS whetht'r or not I omit the pumshment." John "What has that to do with the price of One of them, 10 Job's day, came from walk such proof. Room for bu Jltle of It, how- death, and qualIfilld to do It by the speCial op said he would agree to that, and Immediately wheat 1" exclaimed the farmer; "I have a ing up an1down ID the earth, and from gOing ever, can be aHowed here. Isaiah, d erallons of the Holy Spirit to bring it all to called out G. S, T. D., and D. P. D. The great lent to pay next month, ana I do not

\ • h h . b I Of th h d' t d doctor told them to return a verdICt, which h b h t b b t to ana fr 10 It And one of them SalU to upon t e death of the nghteous, says, .. t elr remem rance, ye , I ey a lOser e a know ow to flllg t IIlgs 0 ear e ween Jesns, Our 11I1me 19 legion, fOI we are many. merCiful men are taken away. none conSIder. slOg Ie thIDg tbat be did nOf authOrize before they Boon did, (after consnltatlon.) as fullows: the wages, the uthes, and the payments."

~ But their power IS bounded; for they art' ing lhat the nghteo!1S IS taken away from the he died, they would have been guilty of forge. .. The master's rule must~be kept IDvlOlate- ThiS brother kept II large farm. and paid reBerved in chains, unBer darkness, unto tHt evil to come. He shall enter ~nto peace; they ty. And If they. or an angel. or any oiller ohn must receive the threatened pUDIshment specific wages to hiS laborers, except Jacko,

d d h h II t Z Z d c.reature, shuuld mtroduce a new thltlg, as'e· of SIX blows of the fernIe; but It must be, 10- tbe half.,wltted "oy, who WRS at band to fetch J"udgment of the gleat l ny. 1\n t II apos s a reI In t"elr ue 8, EAOH ONE WALKING IN d U

H 1 truth t enl'orced In that testament Illcted on volunteer proxies; an we, the ar· h fi h 'I th .~ tie shows their hmltauoh, by saylllg, Relnst the HIS UPRIGHTNESS." (Isaiah 57: 1,2) ere IgIOuS , no ", t e cows or t e women, .0 c ean e oUv . d h II fl ~ Th" b h d tIt t d th t th or make any essential alteration, they woulil bitrators, wlll sbare the punishment by recelv, I'ollses, &c.

devIl, an e WI ee 10m you. IS 1m· ot pomts are IS IDct y S a e - a ey, w bl h" J h h h diD P

IIIlS, on the other hand, that If we court hiS their tiodles of course, rest m thjlir beds, their fall nder that condemnation pronounced by ~ng t 0 ows eac . a n, w 0 a Isten- Tile mmister next called upon J obn, the 1 8 .. though we or an an ed to the verdict, stepped up to the doctor, h k h Ii h th t r s for

Company, "r commit ourselves to hiS influence, graves. and they, thDlr -dIsembodied spints, u,~ • , ,. s oem a er, w 0, a ter earmg e e m ~ I' "r d 'j other oapel urlto and With outstretched hand, exclaimed: f h b h rI! this 1.,. 1.""6."1~ .. roulltl to admIre hiS wonders-,- the same Ume, have ehtere into peace, and an g a paIr a s oes, egan to put t B,.snull 10 0

hiS "peeping and mutterinlf"-we may have wal,k in their upnghtneds-which clln be no. we have preached unto .. Master, here is my hand; they shan't be Wide nostrils, which wece as black as two I) I t b r d" Then the doctrine struck a blow', I will receive the punishment." fl d Ik t II ectlng enough of n. Though it appears, by tile thlDg less than mtelhgljnt obedience to the you, e e accu se ., ues, an ta very sarcas Ica y resp

question that one of them put to our SavIOur dIVIne law And we know, If the pI am state. that we must have a new revelation, and a new The- doctor, nnder pretence of wiping hiB such terms. "He would not put a patch _" Art thou come to torment us before the ments of the Bible are to be relted on, tliat azspensatlfJn, to introduce the mIllenmum, must shielded hiS eyes, and tellmg the boys upon hiS shoe undl'ir tree pence." The butch. time l;'-that they know their doom, that. Moses had not rISen from thfj dead at the uriIe have germmated in some corner of that pit to go to thelf seats, said he would thlDk of il. er treated hlm m hke manner, .. his meat was

.. h th It' I .a ascended t ra- I btl!ieve he did thmk of It to hiS dymg day, h d" d th together WIth unjusl men, lney are reservea he was seen and lieard to converse with Jesus w el/ce e l'ew:~ a or s ocus... a so muc a po'}n ; an e . 1Into the day of Judgemllnt, to be pUDlshed, on the Mount It IS l1S dIstinctly stilted that present Mahon:teta;nism; ana we ought to set but the pUDlshment was never mfllcted." ed upon having a regular prIce for (see ~d Pet. 2' 9,) amlklJow that their power he died, as auy other hIstorical fact in the our faces a$ firm agamst tbe one as the other, THE GRASS OF THE OVEN. modlties. is now limited, yet Pa~l discloses to us their See Deut. 34; 6, 6. And the etory of But, according t9 scnpture, we may expect, m On bls way home, the minister present worK, by sa,Ying, "Your great adver. nch man and Lazarus, whether we take the order ofdlvioeprovldence, an overthrow In crdssing Leban;;:--we stopped ~e day the ehop of hIS principal deacon. ur,y~ the devil, walketh about as a roarmg a statement df facts, or as a parable to every oppraSlnvll, tyrannical power. which op- for refreshment, near a rivulet llowlDg towards him for 80me small arltcles ne'ce8ISat~


lion, seeking whpm he MAY devour" Then, trate fatts, corroborates the sentlmen" poseube triumph of the'gf?8~I! B:l!d finally the east. As I was sitting there, I observed use of hiS family, such as a pound V'.8V"'" if we would keep out of the cotla of the old both righteous and wicked !tve-that their des!fucl1on of all the o~nly ,WIcked, to mtro- a peasant of the country dlggmg up with a 1'J)C)Ullld of sugar, a pound of ,.oon~IIee!~~!!.l~~:t 'eTJ.1mt, we must etand aloof from and resiat spirits live an intelligent, active lIfe, in a state duc~ the,millennium. J, IOrt of pIck, axe, the, c:;lumps of shrubs an~ ounceS of tea, and a balfpenny EVerJic-S.ab'bat.b~':",'i':'''i ;hia clha.rme, lest we be the persons whom he of separation from the body. If it were not But we h",ve one thlDg more to introduce, graas. which grow ID the thID sot! (but no tobacco,) After packmg the may devour. And, as a roartnglion-a natu· so, It would he jUlLt as true of the souias of brIDg th~ ,argument to,lta [climax. The over the rocks. He was collectmg neatly, the grocer began to count their ral ventriloquist-he seems to take a hellish the body, that it dies, lind then the whole JQhn. after :gilmgJll11 wllI'Dlngssgalnst carry home, in order to bum them as .. You need DQt waste your time recKonlDg," delight in throwing over liimeelf the garb of would be deaa, from our death 8pi6ta and false prophets,gtves UB a fuel. had Been heaps of the same material interrupted the mlDIster, .. I am to pay you J!!liglon, and then making his roar sound to recuon And to say It illSO, to go by to teJlt tliem"in. lit John 4: pIled up near the limekilns In the of for them as my clrcumstauces will permit. be in the sanctuary of the truly pious, and'so contradi<;tion of the words of ae 8ay~, .. We afe of ~ : be that knoweth Urtaa; and I frequently saw troops Brother, you must slJ.uceze, as ilie umes' Bre ,~<~~~." fi.rilrhtep his unwary dupes into hIS, own dea~ly particularly in regard to the God, heareth us: :he that 111101 of God, bear· returDlng from tbe fi\'llJs Toaded very bad with present, but I will give wilth,i's,f·bul:.w::as:jplaced.,qn t;.:11t8t'd~ir: Ja~l! 8ays, (John 11: 25, 26.) .. He eth ljot UI; hereby know we the !spirlt of orsbch fueL The scarcity conscientiously for them what lies in

Here, in myopmlon, It where alithe wnters on me, though he were dead, yet 8h~1l truth, and the spmt of enon" Wilen is very great, and the power." .. SqfUezt I" said the Bhl)pll.eepeJr; _gainlt the .pirit ~appings, whose writings I Jive; and whosoever hveth, and beheveth S8YS," We are of God," he mtans to resort to the use of .. what do iYP\l mean 1 give what you have hJld the qpnOrtUDlty of peruSloUg, have lIie, "hall NEVER dIe,'" aqd the other inspired apo.tle., of being bllrnt, in ord how mnch wtll that be '" .. I cap not sa1 ii


•. I h'!i B h • t fth d d th And then it Illin harmony. with: the warmillgtheir inwinter, present,"rephedthepastor, "but YO\l" J). h ... ;"II .... failed; and thie IS~t e pfIDCtpa reasoll w IC ut t e spm S 0 e ea are nOL ere Isaiah, (6: 20,)" To tbe law and to their d8lly They not know at the end of the next month, when I has Prompted~me to move mv pen 00' thel oilr earth, to know the_llifaira of men in h h 11 • • .. ·11 b " .. That I. Th i{tbey a_" L not thl' urpose the shrubs and see how muc t e co eetton .. 1 e. lub,iect. It hal long b""D verY nnpopular to Ileeh, commumcate to them. e JOl''''''''' 8 P _L k OJ A ~-:- .,,,, "e:catl8e th . Ii ht b t the th common WIll not do for me," Bald tbe .... op eeper, .. 0 ..... t~at men c'ould baV6 the aid of evil Tlrits as explainlld bv T. B. ,w ere 18 no g 1n u ga r e . J' .... \I.... "d h a tbe wild flowe'" of am obliged to pay a certain pnce lor to as8iet them in cadY,ll\S ou. miac'bie and is know not An now to t e an ,'" arti~nd I have a -) deception in humin society. TherefIJre grllat of the adhere' to the plain and BO rich ~ i1ext week." .. pain. have been tak~n to sPI ~ut'triQkp o~jug. Brble the Bible, and bold! on the iavlO11f minist6l', "well,l see there glery among tho~e called "pirit.rap~. And that 8enllment. or do whlc he to 'queeze, and that I am there is no doubt hut what muoli bas been' the .pirit of m!ln, of!Jad times; If I tri~""rfor'm diaeoverbd,'in that ~ine of things. :Sut ,his af. spint of the hke our Saviour and ford. no\proofthattnere i. onf a mani'e8tatiq~ the ~ar~l'l your plan would answer. cali-of the po~er of IIpiri~'iJtot~er plae?s; a~a ill' upwaril, bOlh upon all the members who sell anything connection with other peraona. • Ani1t dJBtll gUag~. \ Then for the use Of man, but lOU must aU ba'l'e notliing towards convincing:belieUtl. ili lUs$ wii:kelt, when partjcular price for yolit goods ;"the thing.. Not'doe$ it a'atisfY'mullitudds witJ) earth;lwhile:tbeapmtofthe or my house, the !Diller, tlie farmer, tbe havaeeen these fIling_, orbeai'd ot'tlt'e'iDi(rom glesllgpo the butcher, tbe tailor, and vOUlrlellfl the malt, reli.bte witnesses, an,d yet'lillVe.M ,.rlb, J You will not let me have a ::~IL:II~'D;P~j~;~~~I~' fellowship for them, that there is nobperatl0Jl or of lUgar, or aD oUDe8 Of., oat bf10ur or .lpiritlaboUt them. And the faCtI brOl1.hl ,~ , I


, ~~t ~nbhnt~ l\trnrbtf. .,

lit rd •• -Mo,.. Yo~k, A_pit 1!t1, 1833.


h i

-- '


amusements, and what authority exists for 'he"S~)iJtl~il" Guardia" of to-day announces" French unf9r~a!ely~too .most grstefullellers'frnm Ljberia. But PRE)lJUM Foa AN premium of applying to the Sunday those texts of scripture l:y placard, ' allracti!ln of th'lpaper, the of ou'\, modern • do'; but tliat will Ie is. far from rich, and though he 8S8ures me VOO ill uff"l'etl, 011 b_r of a libe~IlI and pi. which were originally written with reference "Defeat" of the Sabbath,breakers. But thele not IHove 'any crown to their re;oicing. Per, he will gladly sell Evelina Illld her chitliren l '( ( h' L h '

J (whom he originally bought at thoe eamest Ie, IUH CI IZl'n, to w lerta t er propoeesto add the seventh day of the week; but his com, seems but little to boast Qf-especially wheh verting the Scriptures is one- of ,he IOIIS( quest uf Juhn Gordon, tu savettiem from he, 850 or 8100 if tile work fulfills his expeeta,

, . I!Iunication was not printed in full, and he was it is cpnsidered that the meeling was expi:e9S" solemn. most awful dQlIunciatiohs n~ai"st 1JIg: sepal'ated and sold 10 'he traders) flll les8 tiolls.) ful' 1111 essay, not exceeding 290 12mo.' o THE SUNDA~ATUTE. referred 10 Paley and others for light upon ly called of those unfavorable to Sunday sail- man left on the Record. Sabbatarians d" not than balf'their mal ket value, illllrder to secure pages, 011 .. The mqre pe7j'ecf. czemplijicalio'll

'I Tbe a~umption thafthe Sabbatn, as enjoin- those points, the discussion of which isl not iog, and that. in consequence, one of the papers require that Moses should bave been brought theil' freedom, the stata of his affHirs i~ such in ChristIan life o/the Doctrinf'8 0/ tke Gospel, ' 'e~by the law of tba land, is altogethe}' a civil considered appropriate for a daily paper. in favor of that sailing had dissuaded its read- up in the eystem of tha .. French Armee," or :~::r~;. is not justifilld in giving them' their and !oitlt special reference to t1te'co1lver6i~ 0/ " institution, is th~.dernier resort of thoae who The"'8rticles upon the subject thus far are not era from attending such a one,si~ed meeting, that he should be possessed of cunning and , My other case is that 'If a woman, now sin7lers to Ghrist." 1;11e gentleman who offers are pranad with the unconstitutionality of a particularly able, and probably "not volry in, promising that the working men in favor of trick, ~ut are perfectly siltislied ito receive him about 30 years of age, who was the beloveil f his pI emium "ays:"": - "

.' . law which enforces religious ~uties. Tbis fluential. Should they take Buch a turn as Sunday healthful recreatioll should. have a as the faitllful historiographer nf God's ancient rlOd devoted attendant of one of my dearest f I" The' great dangel'l in this II~y uf lighr. to " 'was the gr9u!"d taken by Judge Bell of Penn- would likely interest our readers, we may copy meeting shortly, at which they might,express people, aud do not desire to be any faa'er than lelatiolls. It was her mistress' most eal'llest the Oltho~ClX Chumhes. J apprehelld, is that

lIylvania, in tbe CAse of the Commonwealth va. some of them hereafter. Meanwhile we see their own opinions, And still less is that to the" thus saith the Lurd" which he had givell wish, opon her death,bed, to give Sarll" the "f resting jill a .Iead faitk. The present I . h I dd' . I f b h lIb d 1 d·" h' h C bbl L freedom she had long sighed tor, and after klJllw is called IIIe • age 0" action.' But I Specht, ·o ..... e'iivO) or six years ago. But if the m t em on y a mona proo t at t e pllOp e e regal' eG as a II eleat w IC leaves to us. 0 er ee and his followers do. d'ffi I' 'h 1 :J

• <U • many I cu ties, OW!"g to t e arJ"angement IOl1st Ilnllk it is • IIctiun' ollly ill r:umparison State enjoiri8~ abstinence from labor' on the at latge have hut little reverence for Su'ttday, sleamer plying as befote-announced as w. M. F. ..f the, p~operty, rhe family was enabled the past, As compul~d with the work :lir.t or an" .f)t},'lr day of-the week, it pro- and do not by sny means consider it as the again is for Sunday first. AUalrST 14, 1853. give her her papers, But, by the 9Ilme law IIUW dem~iled loy Ihe t"xig6ncie~ ul Christ's poSe8 the r, ,·,,''"plishment of some important Bible Sabbath. ...; And here we pause for the present, necee· • of Virginia which operates 80 harshly on kingdum, the present is;8\1 age, of wurldliness, end by such a regulation. Now, whatever • sarily requiring to discolltinue these ephemeral THE CHINESE REBELL1ON. JSoim Gordon, she is compelled .to leave the of lukewarmness alld self irilluigenpe. The

BRITISH CURRESPONDENCE k tate within a year or return into slavery. Shtl mere.t mudicum. a. a general thiog. is given collateral ends it may propose, the ultimate I • remar s on passing events and topics of our The religious character and probable l'nHu- h h b d t h h' d dl ' as a us all. 0 w om s e IS evote y at- to the WOI k of Christ, while multitude!! go' for

end to be accomplished is the prosperity and Suuday Slenmbontioll. lime, while we purpose, if the Lord will, to ence of the Cbinese rebelli~n, is a matter lached. Conjugal affection is (1I0t unnatural- fashi"n. extrava~ance and luxury, Evell Ihe happineas of tho community. But in order to GLASGOW. Juty 29th. t853, be again occnpied, at oUr leisure hours, with deep i,lIterest to every philanthropist and ly) rare amollg negroes, but this attachment I lillie we do fur FOleign Mi8l!illDS seems to be lecore the a:complishment 'of this ultimate The mo~t obvious topic for ramalk still is (lUI' proposed notes on the History of the Christian. Statements have been made to tbe have never seen surpassed in any condition. III danger uf bribing our cOllBcieneesinto tbe

the Sund '1' f h h Ch "f h S bb h h Ii h and she cannot bear to leave him. He is a Ileglect of the perl'shl'og al'oulm' U8. The end, it ill indispensable that those who enjoy ay sallllg 0 steam oats on t e ange ute a at -wen rst we ave tofl~tect that "the leaders of the movement are CI d N 1 l' d' slave of excellent character, trusted and es· 'broad way" is-slill the thronged way." . the leisUle of the day avail themselves or it Y e. 0 ega Impe Iment having hitherto finished (lur observations on the Sabbath 1I0t merely formal professors of a religious teemed tbrough all the neigJiborhood ; but, un-

, to promote the cauee of virtue. They been put ih the way, [he" Emperor" again Millennial Times, J. A. BEGG. system, but practical and spiritual Christians." fortunately, though hired hy the family to Competitors may address Rev. Dr. Hum. , not suWer it to be a day of mere idleness; they sailed on Sunday last, varying slightly tbe trip, This the Hong Kong Register pronounces whom Sarah belonged, and living fo,r the past phrey, Chairman Committee, PitlsfieJd, M~s" most impro;;e it in acquiring, or imparting to and taking Greenock, Gourock, DunOflD MEASURE FOR MEASURE. sheer nonsense and humbug. It conten'ds ten years under the same I'oof .with his wife, tlr Sewell Harding, Sec., Dortrinal Tract So-

d ( ,I. h . I d) H I b h d he belongs to another master. ThIS l!'elJtle"'-1 cl'ety. others, that knlowle ge which shall be the Wilt out attemp 109 to an, e ens urg , an tbat the Christianity of these men has shown An intimate friend, and most excellent man is willing to sell him to his wife for a sum

means of esta,~lis~ing them in virluous habits. Garelochhead. She left Glasgow in the Presbyterian brother, who cummunicated to itself in robbery, licentiousness, and blood- very mucli less than his mal ket value. They THE HEAT AND ITS ljiFFECTS.-Such ho; Oblerved in this way, the day may be a source morning with 200 passengers, ana retunled in bbl L ' II' h shed. They glory in stating that they have have warm friends at the Soulh, willing to do weather as that uf last week ~lis never before

b me co er ee S Imsy attempt to pate up of good to the State, and tend to general hap, t e evening with 300-the difference discover, d d b put to death 25,000 Tartars, without distinc- all in their power to promote their object; known I'n New York. Fur several days the

. f h . " f d ,a ecaye su terfuge fur not yielding obe· d fi f nlo d piness. 109 one 0 t e qUIeter lorms 0 esecratUJD d' h d ., tion of age or se~ince they hafe had posses- an ,once ree, are secure 0 em'f"" yment an Ihermometer Btood most of the time in the

B 'f ' tb t '1 l' ' , I d d ' b f lence to t e cornman ment of 1116 Lord orJgl- the highest wages in Baltimore. ut I th~re IS any considerable class of a prevat s, lor It IDC U e • anum er 0 , h h f 2' • d sion of Nanking. onsiders them as using Ab .. 500 I' h nel'gbborbood of 100 -degreea. 00 Sabbath. ' " h fi G k h If natmg teo servance 0 ,.IS own appoInte out ;p3, are necessary to accomp IS

persons who will not thos occupy the leisure t e passengers rom reenoc, w II usua y , , . religion marely as an engine to serve their b b h b' I hId' b 100 d 'h h d ' .., d d h S...-.'1 b h L' I rest day, bas sent the followmg bit of wUti- ot t ese 0 ~ects; a Bum so arge t at can ay It was a ove egn'eB tn. t e B a e.

aJ.lor e tltem. C Dosing rather to make it a come up on u_ay y t e Iverpoo steam-. b f I' h ambitious ends. The way these men became hardly bope to raise it all, A thousand dol- and 11" degrees I'n the ,jun. Among tbe re d f " Th dd d h C1sm, y way 0 s urrmg over t e H&gelatiolJ " ay 0 self.indulgence, in what respect does ers. ey were a e on t A present oeca· h' 2 D L' acquainted with any part of Christian trutb, is lars would set free John Gordon's wife and sDItS, we have to record two hundred and \

h ·' 'f \ b . b b f b~ "S d IS c,.armer, 1', ee. got 10 the remarks ac, five youngest children. '" t elrCel8l!.tlOn. r m a orconttibutetogeneral sIan to t e num er 0 I e perors un ay " said to be this:- t,uenty suddel) deatbs duringsixday8,ln'New ' d t fi ob \ . 1 b companying the noUce of hiS University ser, ••. hlppinqpst -Certainly, it contributes nothing. esecra ors-a ar more nOXlOU8 c ass- y bl' h d ti ~ Theil' pri uci pal leaders are mel. b~lo~ging York and envirolll. ' The 7.Wbllne of Mondav A d _..lIi dd't' I' f h . b fi h mon, pu ts e a ew weeKS since in the ,. THE DEFICIENCY OF MINISTERS ,. p'n DO," far as Lhey are concerned, the great no a Ilona sm 0 t elr own, ut rom t ere to the Kwangse proviDce in the South, and • morning last gave the names of mQst 0, f the

b . L' . columns of the Recorder :~ , end which the! State proposes by a day of rest emg no Iverpool boat; the Lyra havlOg never before beell in the N orlh of China, To the Edi~ oflhe Sabbath Recorder :'_ victims, from which it appears tbllt -a l~ i!; N broken her S·nafit. Your reference to ~loses reminds me lh 'fi tIt'" t h • h S bb 'R d d b f th re eml' rants recentlv ar • 11 t or'is i' in tbe power of th St t ,-"'.l!lIIU e III erence was na ura, ,,,a I ey muet I have seell In tea atr. ecor er, lilt num er 0 em -we g, ,_' • I' e a e anecdote tuld me by a wag who spent tWilnr d 1 'h " f h d h' It'd' I h S d . ..J obtained copies of the' Chinese version " h' h rived, who wertl engaged at WOI k up er a t :pe, at,llOprovelllent 0 t, e ay w lch R nq Ice In my ast t e un ay meellnt; at three years in the Polytecbnic of the Bible eitber in Hong Kong or Canton. 10 some otber papers, t e queS!1on somew ~t blazin>Y HUn. Freb1 8uch beat and the- filth',

wo d II!!Cure' th~ end proposed; for it is othesay, for the purpose of protesting against France. The Commandant of that institution Tbis turns Ol]t to have b~en the case. A so- discussed as to why so few young men of tbe of the ~ity tb(lle is reason\ to' apprehend more manifest that ~utb' improvement must be '1101· tbe new desecration. This week, there wall an aid of General Kleber in Egypt, and ciety bf Chinese, called the Christian Union, present day are entering the gospel ministry seridus consequences. Reports of unprece. , 'IInlarily made, in order that it may have the hss been one also at Greenock, under the aus- had been sent by that General with dispatches which had heen organized and instructed by Several reasons have been offered, and it dented heat and sudden deaths come from all ) leut tendency to tbe desired result. There- pices of the Working Men's Association for across the desel t to notify a post of the ap- Dr. GutzlafF, was broken up when he went seems to me with considerable force too. But parts of the country. ' I

S d P . d proach of a detachment of Mamelukes, giv- to Europe, and it is more than probable that fore, unl888 tbEl continued prosecution oflabor un ay roteetton, an that of the Laymen's ing him an escort of twelve men. , after all, I fear thllt tke reason has not been , . P A' . " some of the men now in high places with the . RELItiIOUS INTELLIGENCE by one cless would hinder the other from rotestant 9BOClatlon. But this Working "Le General, gt've me mes despach. I suggested. I beg, therefore, that the oplOion U •

rebels may have had some teaching at bis llIaking what is supposed to be a right im: Men'lI meeting was presided over by W. take twelf men wit me. I carry my water in hands, and othels flom missionaries in Can. I offer may be duly considered. After some The Chri6tian hlttlligtllcer lays: A highly provement of ~he day, it seems foolish to say Martin, Esq., while the only speakers were, my stomf\cdh, like Ie camel! I leave ten men ton. twenty years experience and observation. and esteemed member of one of'out pity churches h . 'R M G un ze zat s, I deliver mes despach in two A hI' b h B" b d b 'd h h h h B d fEd . t at the!rc69sation from labor is necessary to (,.e ev. r. i1mouf, the Rev. Mr. Jarvie, days and a half!" tIe ast meetlOg etWf'en t e ntis an after considering all that has een sal upon 88, t roug t e oar 0 ueallon, present-tb I d t ' R M S k d" P D d .. ebel chiefs at Nanking, one of tbe leaders h b' . h Z • ed to eaeh oftbe young men of.Legraduatl·ng e g~nera gQO . ,.e ev. r. tar, an eter rummon, .. Well, Commandant," said my friend, t e su gect, It seems to me t at t,.e reason IS ' UI

But wbat hinilrance (Joes the labor of ona Esq., and Thomas Hamlin, Esq . .It has been" that was one grand exploit. You beat mM~d~ mentiosn ~f Dr. HCobson, ofdthe'dLohnd~n the want oflove to Jesus Christ, and a hearty cJa88-i~ our Theological Seminary a~ New f ~ ISBloliary oClety at anton, an sal t at 10 BraI)8w~ck, whu may need the aame, tbirty

man oppose"lp the SabQftb-keeping of an- the clerical policy, for some time past, to put Moses: he took forty years to cross the his hospital, when under medical treatment, interest in his cause! I find that love makes dollam in casb, and twenty dulIars in books,-other lOr. if th entire class of those who forward the working men-but on thie ocea- desert!" "he had first heard of Christianity. No one difficult tasks easy, and heavy burdens light. These; amounts to be available to',.them aa

' " Moses," eiaculated he with a scream such h C _ ~ are accustomed to make the Sunday a d~ of sion, the working mell'a work was done by ~ can say w at amount of hristianity may be N. soon as they sball have obtained their-,profss' If.' d I b ~ d as a Frenchman only can explode j .. Moses! in their rallks. The Regiater says there is un, • soral certificates. Ie -ID u genet! e employed In labor, what eputy. It was resolved to appoint a Commit- you cal! him: Moses may he a very much d

h• d - Id' ,. 0 oubtedly great imposlure and wild fanati, THE PIL.RIM8 AND THE SUNDAY.-Oneof A marble monument, I'n the l'orm o~lIn ID rance wou It oppo~e to a different im- tee to wail upon the Provost, Maaistrates, and gflDtleman, but, zare, be vash not brought up , h T d If L

O'!J' clsm among t em. he lea er,, h . b h P'I ' F th b I' t, h • lb' h Id Provement of th", day by the other class Harbot Trust, to urge upon them to oppose in the French Armee!" "h h' ,. t e reasons given y tel grtm a ers 0 e 1810., ,a. receRl y een rut 0hID teo WlOg, gives out t at IS onglO was divine, and b ., nd' C N -W Id tb 'f I" b th J d' t h' f h ' The foregoing n d t h . "or leavl'ng Leyden, was "their urytng grou rn oncor, .' ., to matk ou e exe) re.les 0 are IO"IOUI assem Iy e an tng ate pIers 0 t e passengers of a ec 0 e as no approprlate- he asserlS th,at hit is often taken up to Heaven, """c."}" . I

0- the SpOt where he t~e remains of the IOn of lie marred hy the eonsciousness of tbose com- Sunday steamers, to the utmost of their ness or point whatever to the subject of eitheto and has dIrect personal communioll with at'lhe profanation of the S.abbatb." What President Pierce, who lost his life' at the Be-posing it, tha~ others were, at that time, en· po~er. One of the speaKers said Ibat the communication, but makes much again&t <Io~ God, and is the brother of JBI'US Chris"l His wOllld they bave said, if they bad rit!f!n up in cident on the Boston and Maine railroad. near

l 'b bier L d b' d' If d' d ro'!lowers 'seen ro enterlain the .same belief. B l' S d h 'h N gaged at work! Need the private devotions slime traffic ad formerly been attempted at ee an IS a muers. eSlgne • I oSlon, a ,ew un SY8 ago, w en t e ew Andover, in January last. ',rbe monument r r n practice, he has thirty.six wives,!

of a "Christian be opoiled by the conscious- Greenock, Gourock, and Rothesay, and it limply, to illustrate the proverbial vanity of It is further stated, lhat the use of opium is York Light Guard, on their way to the Pi!- bears the following in8cripti~n: "Benjamin na89 Ihat his neighbor chooses tq o~cupy tAe had then been arrested. U What was done the French nation, it may be very well, al!d disallowed in the ranks and forbidden to their grim Celebration at Plymouth, Wllre marchmg Pierce: born April 13. 1841": died jaDuary

I 'b Ii Id b d' equally s I'f' t ddt d . bbl l'ollowel's II fi ct I't I' I'd th t th h about the CI'ty', e"corled wl'th martl'al musl;c q, 18fj8: • Go thy way, thy son liveth.'" day in allol]"" ,nannod Certainly not, ~ut e ore, cou e one again," said the Rev, 0, In ell e 0 eSlgnate co er 11 ,1 Ii, S sa a ey ave n

if h .JI kWh Lee's 1'llv ..' f I" added Ihe inteldiction of the use of t'lbacco The celubratl'on was to ~,ome oIr on Secolld- Rev. Dr. Nelson, who is now writing a ~ I ere is hin .. r;:mce in 8uch supp"sed spea er. a ave no recollection of the ,0 .' a8 a specimen 0 rEl Igll1us , •. n p ,.. ddl b' and ,?piulO to tbe Ten Commandments, tack- series of leuers to the .Titan Recor..d~r, from wititJwhattl'embndously unequal power effort thus pointed to; but it may perhaps be twa e;" ut If meant as a poke at the Uas, ing it on to the end of the sBventh. It is day (M. Iday,) 011 Sabbath (Saturday) Europe, refers thus to the Swiss whont he

,bear upon th()~e citizens who feel bound in found, that what was done formerly cannot sius article, it may find its solution in the re' stated that they have plenty of money. As uing, tbis military, company, and a large met in the Canloll du Vallais: "The people conscienOll to keep holy the seventh day of now be done. I believe that in the purer time nowned nursery Ibyme:- they were poor mell, they must have obtained number of citizens, left New York to attend; seem hardy and coarse, but very civil. As J.

the week-the Sar,.llrday-the day when the of apostolic Christianity, the church could not .f Little Dicky WII8 too quicky. this by plunder. of course traveling all night, (when a true we meet them, they give ua Bome aalutations, d f b 'b' h I' h bId t b' S d l' He tumbled over Ibe tImber; • Pilgrim woul,d have been sabliatizing.) l1,li' d and the boys actually take off their hats, llnd 1I0un 0 t 0 ammer, t e rat! 109" of carts, ave een e 0 su sutute un ay lOr the He bent !'is Low (0) shoot a crOfa, AN APPEAL TO THE PHILANTHROPIC. ' make a bow, reminding lia of the good old

and the nOioe of all kinds'of trade, are raised Sabbath, while I also think tbat ill these times, But kill'd Ihe cat in Ihe winder," reaclling BostoIl 80 late Sunday morning, Ihat times o( Ne~ England, when the organ of to the higbest pitch!, in which the church apostate in the matter, Tbe advocates of the Heaven,appointea Miss Mary Elizabeth Wormeley, daughter the church bells began to ring before. revere~ce eXlst!'d." l

Bnt thero IS no real hindrance in the cases having had her attention directed to the fact Sabbath are perfectly willing to take Moses of Rear,Admiral Wormeley, now residing at strains ~fmartial musio died away. 0 In answer to the solicitationa ofa Chief of supposed! 'rnA virtuous may be grieved that that it is tradition, not Scripture, upon which at kia word, and have no need to resort to Newport, R. I\, makes tbe following Pilgrims, how are ye ~Ilen! _ one' of tbe Marquesian Islands,lhe Hawaiian

h "11' f h" h d • A I h Ph'l h .,,'. I Mi89ionary Societyhtn'e sent or areaboutsend. ' ot ers WI , !.wtl' •• ,) making a right use s e rests lor er a opted day, and yet per- quibbling, garbling, nullifying, or mamifactit,r- f ppea to tel ant roplC, tnrough N M CHURCH EXTINCTloN,-In these days, when ing a number of teachel'll to Ftltuhiwa/,one of the day, Sp6!:t,l' .t' )'1 labor; but they ,cannot, severes in tbis way, she may lind that the disci- inp for him. If he had been brought up in ewport ercury. The case i8 an extrnor· h M' Th Ch' f .. d H

'-'" so much is said about churcH extension, I e erqueslan group. e Ie 'VIalte (In, with any fairne,ss. p 'etend that it stands in the pies she has taught disobedience to II the the "Frenck .Armee," be might have had a dinary one, and would 8eem to justify philan- olulu in perBOII tu procure teacherll, witb the way of their oWn irlJprovement. Yet if they Commandment of the Lord" will also dis- sliding scale for the Sabbath-to shift and Ihropists in engaging in the slave-trade, if the little thought may well be givell to a process hope Ihat the introductioD of Chriatianity'and pleaa that this wief is so great that they are regard the injunctions of men. shume as migbt suit bis purpose-and would thing is ever justifiable, Alas, that of church extinction which is going on in civilization would put an eild to dill' wars and

d b I Tb G b h " h Id k h 1 New York City. According to a writer in sucial degradatioll of his people. _f ' ma e a 80 Iitely Il1lcomfortable, and on tliis e ll18gow Working Men's Sunday Ae- not e wort nammg In such a'connection, s ou ma e suc appea s necessary I Here d L' , , , F h -, 'h '- f M' W ' I tbe Journal o"Commerce, there were in the six The1 Mercer-st. Presbvteriian t'!l'.u-h, I'n groan argue l.uat It IS a hindrance to their BOClatlon have also had a meeting tbis week, renc men are, unquestionably, brave, but IS t e sUustance 0 ISS ormeley setter;- :J J ¥Q ",

. lower wards of New York-below New York is reported to bave contributed'" devotions, whY'(wewou~d ask) are they not with the same obioot. Here most of tbe havenocbaractarforveracity. Such authority Ihave been passing part of the Bummer 'h' ~O"OO d' h \ " . CI k C V" . on the West, and Catharine-st. onthe morel an ,u, unngt elutfewmonthe)

I equally grieved at the various forms of self- speakers, on both sides, do seem to have been might vtlry well suit cobbler Lee, to sustain In ar e ounty, lrglma, wbere two cases for the/Uni n'Theological Seminary. in. New indulgence, resorted to by the irreligious, bv working men, although one of the church pa- his fal8e tkeory-his impious position. Sab- affecting persons I have known for years bave 77,099 inhabitants ib 1830, and 112,366 in York, 'and otber purpoBe8 of eduCiation. This

'f ' off h d • W - d t th f' batar'lan I ~'1 b '- h be greatly enlisted my sympathy, and I now ven- 1850. Of forty churches located in that pol'~ church bas also, du';"g tl.e y"'ar, alven near-) way 0 pas,slOg I e ay, hy do they pers para es, as prese, n , e nam~s 0 SIX 8 re y on "oses, ecaus .. t ey lieve ture to make my most earnest appeal to per- .... I' .. e' I L h CI M d E that be bid t th A f tion (If the city in 1830, thirty-two have been Iy '6,600 to die American Board, for t ..... nQI comp I!la ',~:tt t e recreations ofpleaeure_ ergymen, one flglstrate, an SIX qrs. e onge 0 e rmy 0 the Maker 'eons ricber than myself to a8Sl'st me I'n tbe at. ... ~

! abandoned for olher locations. In 1830 tbere caose of .l'oreigil Mi.ionl. , ' I leekers are a hi.,dr,l\l4:e to Apologie!! for a~oj:e were received from of Heaven and Earth-w~ set ap'art of Go" ,e,mpt to~give them freedom, home, and hap- 1 C b I' Cb . th ,I

,.. "_'on 1. one at 0 IC urch In at region; By a report presented 10 lite Mal8RJiusetts ·otl·ons· Ye' ,';e liever bear 'three "clergymen, one of whom, the to be tbe Chronicler of Israel, as well aa the pmess. ' tb' "'h" h I ti Ge ' • , •• • T ere are SIL ~ IS C ange--resn ts rom neral Al8ociation, it that wliereas ing thus 1 - In (ljll slJcb"cases they are content Mr. Bnrgeee, ,stated tbat Mt'esenled-&he Exophet ~d tel!der of tbe Lord's chosen hd ~o:e Jredsriing case is

l. thhat ofla the removal,9£ a large part of the Protelltant on an remained in their

'I 1 '.1' ba . cabs ahd c· k' '1 I d b h - ~ - ' e ",!L n, or on, a ve~lg t mu atto, population' up town' or to Br"okl d .Impyt,oexprehS(4~ppro tzon,neverseem- arnagesta tngp6/)pleunnecessany peope; an ecause. t ey cannottblnk.that. blacksmithandpii.per-han-ger yt~rade-,w="""'om _ ~ yn,_an • t b h h h Id Id iYU the filling Oftlieir places, IRI-far_·.~::;~~;::;~~~=tii::~:~~~~ ing to feel tltat t ,e"III,nS of others are a restraint 0 c urc ,)is t e origin of tbe Sunday steam- e wou or cou wlthbold any of the deal- ·1 have known since 1842, and who bears the are concerned, with i'mmigrants from ~~.,;;t.;~~:!

upon their own de'Votions.' '" Tbe Ckronicle, in giving an account of the ings or purposes of his Master. They that highest c~aracter among the gentlemen who chiefly Roman Catholics or Nothingarians. E<rery candid) person must admit, however meeting, says, The Rev. Mr. Mitchell, in the tbink otherwise, must prove his infidelity and employ liIm. He was born the slave of M~s. the churches abandoned, twelve were Presby-

'that the recr~ati~n8 of idlers are, in ]l~int of opening prayer, was not unmindful of" those tergiversation. Sabbatarians take him I re- Ha~es, of&ppahannock County, and recelV- terian, and eix Protestant Episcopal. C Th: d dChurch of Scotland, in dId d h h _. Z' :1 d . ' ed hIS freedom at her death, when all her ne. ana a, a opte an addte88 to the Queen,

fact, as great a llindranc~ to the proper im- e u e men woad recently been prof an- peat, ... ,.u woru, an repudIate the blasphe- groes were emancipated and provision made • in view of the lite Gan.lzi ri018. They gr've rb ':J 'S' h L d' db' . fF:·' • THE GERMANS AND THE SUNDAy.-Ooe b" , P VeDlelit of al' lIobath hy others, as their mgt e or 8 ay y sailing upon the Clyde mouslmputatton 0 rcnc,.morals and Frencl for their traDsport to Africa. John Gordon, t elr.VleWBIn regard to liberty olconlcience,

' " , h d . l d' . d b b' h b d I' our exchang' es says that almost the ent.ire a d ex re II th b .... tb t tb . _. f tb Jabol'll in the sho@ or the :field There on t at ay In a steamboat." That party was eger ematn practtce y 1m on the Saboath W 0 a recent '1 mamed a slave woman, to n p s e 0 ... - a e m8Je .. y 0 e is no appreciable diiFerence in the two cases. referred to by ilIe Chairman also, as "vile question. Sabbatarians do not only repudiate, wbom /Ie was llIuch attached, preferred to reo mass of the German population of the city law may be fully vindicated. ,i "

• b B b d b main in Virginia. He had continued to reside Newark, N. J" recently petitioned the mum- Rev. Mr. Barker and Mra. Barker, recently And as rec, Gatklns contribute nothing 10 the uccaneers." ut this did not prevent three ut eprecate, suc wanton license, and have there .L!~teen years as'll firee negro, but under 'led 11 B ... B b • h b' h S bb f h b 1 • b b dd d'" nil cipal authorities of that city to repeal the Snn. 881 rom olton lor om ay. In it e 8 Ip great end fer WiiCh t £I .a ath, considered o?pugners 0 .t e 0 ~ect of the meeting from no, Wl8 .w a"tever to a. or. ,mznl8k a single the laws recently passed b, y the Convention of Arabe. lIa, in the eX;OWion or being connect-

1 I I d I t "'ttl f II h C ordinance. This they uros on the merely as a CIV regu at,lon, was,instituted, open y ec anng so.' The firat resolution, ")0 or.. e 0 a IS testImony. an cob- Virainia. lie has been called before the Coun. .. ed With one olthe ahratta millions of the ' .. - ground that it interferes with their habiti-

we cllnnot ~onc ive why that ce8l!ation fr~m affirming" the divine origin and appointment bier Lee and bis admirers say so 1 ty Court, and warned that he must quit the having been accustomed. in tbe Fatberland, ·"rd. For the prelent Lhey wUl labor, which is 6;111'6 tp bring forth nothing else of the Sabbath," was allowed to be carried Some yearlJ ago I urged upon the Senior State within two months, or return to Slavery. to make it a daY,at amusement.. "The cil,y ~ at Satan.. " _ ' b L d . h . • Eld f S' b' It is euy calmly to read or state these fiact-, h" h d h " A pn·v.'e I U . d b th ii 'n° ot recreationS,!!D tbeir attendant excesses, Wit out opposItiOn. But when tbe slliling of er 0 our oClety, t e Importance of doing b . • aut orltJes ave anlWere t e memonal 10 _ a ar receIve )' epa Ie, say. h Id b id b I , b S d h' . h d ut It was .not easy to listen to them calmly report, in which they 'maintained the advan- that the claim oCDr. King at Athen.'hi. been I pu e coerc~, y statute law. T. B. B. t e un ay .steamer was denounced in the somet 109 to raise t e stan ard of education when the poor fellow in deep di8tre98 came • .Jed b h "-

I rid l' (. 1 b tages of tbe Sabbath as a civil institution, 88U.l, Y t e payment 01·12,000 di-Ic6ms for I - , • seco,! reso uuon, "Itself the length of an among our peop e, so as to e qualified to en- up to speak to me. He had an idea that peo· h h d·.tr. 1 d ' I'" d bis land taken for the publl'c u..... H'IS reo I . , '. s ow oW' IruCU t an Impo IUC It woul _ .., 'SUNDAY AND 'THE CRYSTAL PALACE ordinary speech," 8ays the Ckronicle,) a storm ter the arena and contend, Dot only valiantly, pie' In free countnes lJ'ould pity him-that to attempt to engraft 00 our IDstitutions foreign ligiou. griefs wer-e Il\-9t recognized'u entilled

, ---. • of opposition ~rose, which was not even queU- but 4Jnder.tandingly, against prevalent arror "Miss Lizzie froln tlle North" could' do 10 repugnant to the cOnviction8 of to redre81. " , , S~veral oftbe :New York dlily papers bave ed while the apostolic benediction was being in r.espect to the Sabbath of Jehovah. In Qt. something to assist him in the purchase of his people." . The T4blet Itateet tbat DO 1l1li than '£l~,OOD

recently contai¢ed ~nticle~, in relation to, the i'. wife, and at least some of his bright chilqren, h be II d·.... I d I'd d f h - I P pronounced within a few minutes of midnight. lenng aome arguments to eDlist his influence so that they might leave the State together. ' ave en co ecte 10 .111O, an • re,an , an

opening 0 t ,e r,ysln alace on Sunday-' '(T hi' . 1 d d . • th t I" d h ~ti d' W b h I GRAND COMBINATION CONcERT.-'On France, for tbe pU......M. of the defense fond 0.1 et t at reso uUon Inc u e 10 its condemna- 10 a cause, nallle t e COmman 109 posi- as t ere nothing t at could do 1 he asked' f D -r~-r- •

lome Idvocattng. It, and others oppoling I·t. . ti' f h P b' d hi' 1 Id d - 'day evening, August 18th, a Concert Qf Vocal 0 n Newman. Tha tU'ed, iiollll or Dr. , . tlon the unnece89ary use of cabs and carriages on 0 teres ytenans, an pointed bis at- was t ere not ling n.e COU 0 to prevent his . A b'II' ,)i..' 000 TbOle who advoclte tbe measure e b . d fi fi ' and I,n8trumental Music i8 to be giveD at c I 1 amount to Dot more lnab I£J, .

' xpreee a on Sunday. In its support, a Mr. Campbell, tention, to the Metbodists, wbo, hut a few eIDg s~arale orever rom bis family, leav- G Tbe whole, exp_ ofotbe pro*edio" •• SIl, 'Dlt lJ,Iief,tnat a davl,_spent in viewing the -on- h dli ing his wife and chl'ldren to' the uncertaI'n Castle arden New York combI'Dw' g tbe D .. . ..., - ~ - (. rd' t h rn ") dId yea1'8 smee were a mere an ul of '11't "r. New~ are Btat~'.i to L.: J4,n.OOI. .. c1el'll or art collected at tbe Palace would e~- \acco mg 0 t e .",ronu;,e, '!rea a ong an 0 , 1 I erate chances of Slavery " Ob I I Id dId' • 1 -;;r. .... uti ~

- B •. h" I t, disciples but now d ~t d d -: fl • wou 0 any ea 109 muslca, talent at preseJlt .in thil r A cort ~ pondent of tile ~dOD'N"'" Ia""'. ert a most he, •. a Ithii, 111 I'-Cial and rellol'ous ~e nsome Ipeec • t contained tbe follow- . ' . are an e_ u e an }n u· thillg," ~e exclaimed with a pathos that deep- t Th d f Ii: _ I ~., ... I 01 f u 1 b d h btl r n=- t h d coun 11· e I ea 0 suc a rellnlon was tha~ F.ther NeWman. DOW .eul1;, ~ very I'_Jl"ence-tllat m' Iny persons -1'11 hedepn'ved n .. CDnlputauon 0 Sunday labor in this coun· en a 0 y, aVlDg t e con roo 0 s~t"'OI- y,'tonc.e . me, ",aDY t~illg on. earth: for "'---...:1 1.. .1.:_ I· , . Ex.b " • h h D .• 'n.!' a'

WI.." d M L b b - 1IU15~ "''1' ..... OOII~riaL ibitioD orall UM Wit t e ommlc&nl, at ..... me, n II of viewing th6m~ unles. they are allowed to try at prellent;_ leges, an are constantly 88ndmg out ministers ~ IZZle, ot go ack and be a· slave N ' - "- bOiil''t Co d order of ~ Cathol' S d r, h b On Canals ad' hI • • and missionaries, fully able to cope with agalD." I could Dot bear to tell him that I aljon', The completenell of the an,.nge.-:& II, 0, UD lin I~' _. Ie

I'.;:;;"''''.\:;uu 10 Ol! un ay~ Vf en' t ey are at leiaute_ On Railway: DaVlga e rlver8, 100,000 scbolars from any portion of the' chii t' had no ~owe~ effectually to l188iet him,.-that I mentsl may be inferr8d froll) the fBct",that :~OD~ri~ w~ ~I)i~' Obj~' ~ll ,~ that ~t would b.e J,i'lucb be~ter for sucb to Il!end In the produ ' d 70,000 '1 Th . 8 Ian could gIve hun only my own few dollllf8 and the art~tIJ ~e Madame SOlUtg, M'l} E:gJ:r.tllon 0 J" e ?U I,.', I!I om 0 tbeir Siilic1.YI in therPalace than in the Itreets UOU8 dn·

cnek8an sale of spirit- faml y. 'r, at'll rigbt," be quaintly ~eplied, my sympathies. I did, wbat I think almost S.... . Mad ~

, 600 000 .. tke d t th d t d 1 fl ,. I telianODl, ame '.Amelia Patti. Si~n Wedneidav,- J uhe 16th, WIt oraered bl or beer-I hops. Those' wbo Opp~A the meas- In the 8ale of t b ,'!I nee e - ey nee a grea ea 0 earn- anyone e,se lD my p ace would have done. S I • M •• n -" " """ 0 acco 209 000 . I k b littl 1 . I' d h . I!. I . a VI, anDl, .lWCCO. Badiali. RD.ere, and rOJal proclamation to be oblined io JheSand: nre 'do 10" .... lI, on moral and 80CI'al Ige Post-Office, , , mg. '" t ta ell ut e earnmg to preacb tbe promIse - ?wever palnlu It migbt he t.O h "'.. d f Ii • .

,- 20 000 me to ask ~lBtance-th t I Id I h Rosi, supponed by the. entire force of tlie wic Iel~uu. as a 11 0 ~(. gt, humiitallon _ • . i':Jrroi~ndll, ex ..... esai1r'" the fear tbat such a move 8teamboat8 in and around L 'plain truths of tbe gospel, but it takes a great b t1 ,a wou :a1 18 I and pr.yel: deprecatnl'1l' t.1I III pox ~", don, in connection wilh c~~ deal of learning to make a lie of the Bible. cas: ,a o:h ~y fr;lnt ~ben : cah~e NOTlth

b, MUlliGca Societiea,. English, Ira1il::% French, which, the ~rocl.mati;:.;': w~'~Hl,el~ u:

I f S °dpeD other and WOI'II6 forms and carriages ' d Y r h • th d ' an see ~ con one or 1m. -, e erman, It IS als9 8tated M. 01 • .cIecillllle ilia *' ulatiOn' .) o lin ay None of them treat ' 16,000 an as man p eac ea'8, In e present ay. gentleman who, owns the family alao urged me BoU, the great VioJiniflt, will on this, occasion ,:"p.' 1 < 7 r . ' ,

religiollB or scrip. make a lie of it, they need something more to interest mYllelf in the case. appear once more before the public ",hom he 10, no ~~te In New Eni.l1!d ~I!e caDdidatel correapoDdent of 'the With an addition of workers I'n 1,/OOa,ooo, thaD plain commOUf..'ft" to do- it." _ of gre~t henevoJ4!nce, ancl bee 10 often d~igbtad. ,The wbole. ,ja to be !op~e mlD~ry, "~ual C~l ~~,!!~,,,fv~

h·· MTI!.Hawes Instead ,"-"Max;1I6aretzA '-. "Su' c&', .. 'tom. ,churc.blJll;,~~,tC!,~!t. ~1~iji4 •. _ir91~._ ',_ ,tftJ,e.,ralsed the ouestl'on -hat iron, lOap and gla88 works ,) - 'Oobblet Lee milJ be distinguiillied u a ' . " J, - " "'I ........ _ ... ... I ~.. I ., '. ctpation of her negroea, of musical ta,lent is not 'often co. Qc:en~ lte<r. S~AobIDlOQ. of.BaltlllllOre,.aec IIIJIII

olljr"ctiqul,:co,uld be made to Sunday ::ciUd~d\~e::a~;~~" Dot ~a,., aDd p~sa. every eVIdence or ~ualii- Iy interest in their trate'd-perhape may never Igain be in;" 'ie" tbe D. D. cdnferred on htm bl Cnrre Co]. MUon of bavmg DeeD brougqt up , 'he 'beir embarkation, and contillU8I to receive York. lege.


®'rnernl ~ntrll~rnrr. Euro]l~an NfWS

The steamer Afncn with European dates

to July 30, !\rr1ved at New YOlk on the 11th


Respecting the TUI klsh questlOll, We have really nothmg beyond slrong hopes of peace The formal protest of tho Porte against the occupatIOn oC the PI Inclpahttes had been pub hshed It was reported that the Sultan had Big ned the agreement prepared hy the Pow ers, and would send an ambaBBadol to St Petersburg Austria IS active In hl;,l. endeav ors to bnng mattel s to a settlement some dall gerous symptoms mamfestmg themselveB 111 her own tert 1I0fY

A dispatch from Smyrna July 15th states that tbe day plece.hog, II Hungarian refuge~ whose name IS 110t repolted, arnved there from Beyrout, whele he IS said to have been

jthe cause of dIsturbances not unhke the re

Wm H Clark, formerly of was killed 1tJ a most shocking manner on the Calaveras He was engaged III worklllg IllS claim on Red Bal, when Ins toot aCCidentally BlIpped, and he fell about fifteen feet stnklng a IUlJg handle,1 sbovel which passeJ neally t1Jlough hts body He hngm ed III great agony until 12 o'clock at IIIght \\ hen death leheved hI. suff.mngs He leaves a w,fe and famllv at lome

The fi,st of the ovetland emigratIOn of the pI esent yeat all1\e 1 III Sacramento on the 4th Jul~ The party cOllslsted of twelve per Bons headed by Captalll IBaac Evans and II el e from Galena I1hnols They left the Western fa ontler of MISSOUri on the 20th Aplll alld met with httle molestation from Indians Tlw early pa't of the Journey was Impeded by Jeep BilOW The winter has been tembly 1!evere 011 the plainS Humboldt nver was found very hIgh aud the orJmary nver road overflown From thiS cause It was thought the eirthel emIgrants would find much dIfficulty In procuring grass fiJr their stock A number of Salt Lake llams, with consldera ble herds of cattle had already arflved In

Carson valley, on the Eastern Side of the Sieira Nevada

Among the lncuients of the dISaster IS a vel y miraculous escape of a hule girl whose mother was killlid It appears Ihat she was BJttmg In the fOfemost seat of the car when the shock took place The back of the seat (pposlte het \vas Jammed agalttst her hreast, so that she could scalcely breathe She SCI earned for aSSistance, and her hre was saved by furclng back the limber wuh a rat! and draggl1Jg hel out A man who Bat on the same seat with her was IHslantly killed by a large sphnter runnmg through hill)

" . A Race for llberly

A gentleman of our acquamtance (says the elmstlan Press) related to ns the foil )wmg,

whICh took place under Ius own eye at Nlag ala -

cent Smyrna nots ThiS man havll1g g,ne on board a steamer belongmg to the Austrian Lloyd's, was arrested by tbe captain In the name of! the Consul of Austna, and was In

formed that he would be earned to The 01'cgol!!an has IIIformatton of the diS The Hunganan Pfotested against thiS mElaS"'1 covery of guld In conSiderable quanlttles on urd and taRlI1g a~vantage of a momentary the head waters of the Sanltam Some men carelessness of hlp .captors Jumped mto the who were prospecting obtamed $4 a day by 8ea, whence he Wlas rescued by a boat and the process of I panmng , conveyed to the Consul of the U mted States SIX pflBoners, aided by persons outstde, re

He was standing on the steps of one of the pllnClpal hotels there when a carnage drove up containing a Southerner and hiS party In front of the hotel stood a mulatto woman talking wllh her husband while several color ed waltera were also there, employed m their various dUlles As the man Btepped from the caTnage hiS e) e met that of the woman, and on both Bides there was Illstant recogmllon He advanced toward her wllh the salutation, • How do you do Martha I" extendmg hiS hand She shrunk back, fearmg that If she took the proffered hand she would be detain ed by Its grasp He pressed toward her whIle she retreated, alld finally turned and run The Soutlierner then bawled out that he would give a hundred dollars to anyone who would arrest her

who at once took hIm under bls proteCtion, cently escaped from the Salem J&1I and compelled the Austrian captall1 to give The spurIOus gold dust manufacturers are up the Wife and chIldren of the fug\tJve attempting to pass their ImpOSltlons III Ore

The Pope's fiealth IS reported to be preca gon rlOU8 He has been suffenng for some time

Several were brutal enQugh to start like hounds In pursuit But hel husband sprang to her Side, and the walters Interposed be tween tbem and the purlluers, and all rushed toward the river The wtfman outran Ihem all, even the husband and plunged down the ferry stans by hops Instead of steps A Sin sle boat lay there while she could not pU&b It off. In a moment her friends were at her Side agalll whlle the pureuels were hurrY11lg down the steps She sprung Info tho Slern

from an attack of asthma and fmm general debllIty He IS 61 years of age, and hiS death would, without doubt be the Signal for Important movements 111 Italy A good of eXCItement prevaIled among the pO(lula tIon of the Romagna and 111 several assaSSlDq tid!! was Ii.comlng nte Four murders were npbrterl wlthm five or Silt days Lwo at Ta enza, one at Imola, and another at Castel Bo lognese Alarming riots had occurred Jlt Bologna, Forh Rlmlm and Ravenna The ostel!,slble cause of. these disturbances was the dearness of prOVISIOns but It was strongly luspected that thiS was a pretext to cover po hncal moves The export of graltl had been prohibited from Ancona

A tragedy lately happened In Hungary JulIen Sarossy a popular poet Fellow ut the Hungarl8n Academy hOVlug taken part m the revolullon, waB outlawed and a pllce put on hlB head He was unilble to escape and lIved concealed aB man servant first, with one of hiS friends the poet Alexander Wahot!, later ~Jth a lawyer as tutor of hiS children, and at last he was appomted teacher In tbe Pr,oteBtant Common School at Gyongos Here he was recogmzed, ImprISoned a~d carned 111 fetters to Pesth The Court Mar tlal was assembled and Sarossy exammed as to where he had been concealed for foJr years He remained Bllent, and declared that he never wouta compromise IUB fflends The Court Marshal sentenced hIm to be flog ged untIl he would disclose the names of the friends who had given him shelter He re c~hved fifty la8h~s, without betraymg hIS fuends, but at last overpow61 ed by the palll he named them They were Immediately Imprisoned-the lawyel crmmltted SUICIde In prison to escape tha (olture and Wahott be came msane

II From Chma we have Imp('1 tallt mtelhgence as to the plOgless of the It b. Is They llBve added the constderable (It Y of Any to the country In thell I oBsess 1011 1'IlIS place,s a seaport, BOHle live hUll lied Imles ab lVe (nl' ton and caines 011 a c nSldelable lIade wllh the Island of Formosa wI lCh heB upposlte We shall probuhly noxt heal that NlCJg IJ, and Shanghae 011 the north and Can~n on the sout~ have fallen II to their llands T}fBf Will still I have to defeat the Tallar al mleH whICh a~e to come from the nollh of the /tm plre, belore the quesue n of theIr enlne sue cess IS seltled Our present advlCes confirm the prevIOUS reports (If their ltostJllty to Pa gamBm, and thOir ferOCIty toward thmr COli lervatlve opponents Among the latter tl ey occaSIOnally make dreadful slaughter cl!tung them to pIeces long after they have laid d 'WII their arms and cned fOi quarler ThiS aml8 ble pecuhanty IS descnbtld In hvely rhetonc by some of the CalholIc mlssloY.anes 1/1 Iltle cgllntry who look UpOIl Ihe deCIdedly Pro lestant and rationalIstic doctrmes uf the In

8urgents as bad, al,ld \\orthy of condemnalJon Still there seems to be reason 10 anllclpate that their trIUmph will prove a blessmg to Chma

• CalIrornlu lIewa

~ . RaIlroad DIussDm

On Tuesday afternoon, August 8 the 2 o'clock P M tram from PhIladelphia, and the 2 o'clock P M tram from New York, whIle commg lound a curve, at or near Old BrIdge on the Camden and Amboy Radroad

mto a tefrlble head and head colhslOn.

four persons were Instantly killed of the boat lullowed by her husband others and a large number wounded, some of seIzed a handspike and apphed It to the boat them 11 IS feared, fatally The details are It moved alld as several hands were reached given to the N Y 1'rlbune m the statement out to seIze It It glided Just beyond them An of two rehable gentlemen 'WhICh WII append 11I8tant more and they were afloat on the

blOad nver and sent up a glad and defiant Mr Pax§on Pnce, and Mr John Jackson, hurra that was heard above the roar of the

from PhiladelphIa, 1 eSldents of Delaware catarCi\!t They reached In safety a 8011 County, who came on 1U the 2 0 clock P M whICh 18 truly free tram from fhlladelphla, state that about 415 ____ -_--'-o clock, we 8aw a whlte flag In the hands of the Signal man, It appealed as though our engme was then reversed, as we slackened speed conSIderably, I looked out of the car and observed the New YOlk tram commg toward us, and not 50 yards dl"tant flom us, It was Just comtng around the curve whIch IS very i1harp at tbls pomt, I tlien saw the en gmeer or fireman or both Jump off. and escape uninjured the New YOlk tram was coming along hke hghtmng and both tram8 were out ofume and both trymg to make se me &JatlOn at whlcb they could lay by Rnd let the other naSB I was III the 4th car and dId not get III Jared nor dId any person m that or the three after ones get hurt, the ,two trams came on head and head and the collISIOn was almost 1Ustantly atiel I saw the New YOlk tralll I had Just lime to bl ace myself fOi the shock when It took place- I scat cely felt the shock bllt the second alld thllll calB (f our tl alii

were smashed all to pIPces The first cal was rJot broken I Baw sevell or eIght that were hadly wounded III tIle sec, /HI an I thud Phlla delphia cals Out 10comoIJve was cons)(Ier ably Inoken 1 he colhslOn was to forCIble, tl ilt It t ,e lip the tJa(k for a conRlderahle d,stance I he I" 11011\, Ilhe New Yurl !J UIIl wa6 I ail I y III n k, lite I" "t an,l s, cliid passel g I cal ~ d lit It !J alII Well ih IV(,l1 Illto each olhel and liloke, SIl mnch that the op posHe ends of (he two cars wei e illlven with m sevell feet of each olhe" T saw f"lIl pel 80ns taken out One oftlJ~m was dead and Ihe other till ee died sh I tly aherwaH1 The scene hatHed all descllpuult People rushed ont of the cars as Ihough ,razy but It was surprts)ng Ihat very !tule SCI eamtng was heatd

A COl oner s Jury In the case express the followmg upmlOn as to the cause of the acci deu! -

THE CROPS IN WESTERN NEW YORK-A bllslDess letter f1um Eld N V Hull says _ • I have Just returned from lin eXCUISlOn through Cattaraugus and Chautauque COUll

tIes, 8nd allhough I saw but httle of the

country I ascel tam"ed hy conversations with

several persons, that the drouth which has

been prevalhng 111 thiS regIOn had senously affected the crops espeCially the hay crop But m some Dal ts the damage done tu ve getatlon by the gl asshupper IS even more than that dOlle by the drouth OD my brother m law s fal m whel e I hnd tHe pest 0pportulllty to notice Ihelr movements lltaw where tl",y had eaten even the standmg dOIll cob olld all Gleen apf les were gleedlfy devoured by them Such utter destructloll by the grass hoppel I never berOie Baw '

TilE BI~~s PROTECTED -There was one se1l81hle and humane law paBsed the last Le

glslatllro for which they deserve publIc thanks It goes mto effe( t un the 17th or thiS month

SEC 1 Any persoll wh( shall kIll or wound 01 II 'I' any bad wallin any cemetery 01 public liUlYl1Jg gJOund 'I who shall deslrny any blUl8 I est, 01 Itlmove tIle eggs 0' the YOllug therefi om shall he deemed gUilty of a mlsde meanor, punt-hable by a finll of five dollal s fOI every bIrd kIlled, wounded or Il apped, and for every bu d s neBt destroyed or egiS or youngJ>lrJs removed recovel able IJl any JUs tlCe's court wllhm the county where the of fense has been committed to be sued fell hy any person makmg the compla\llt The pen alty to go towaril the support nfthe poor of the county

SEC 2 Any person who shall knolYlDgly buy or sell any bird whICh has been killed or trapped, or shall have lIuch buds on sale, Iiball

Tbe said Jury find that the colliSIOn was be deemed gudty of a misdemeanor. pumsha caused by groBs neghgence on the part of ble With a fine of five dollars for every bIrd John Anderson engme drIver of the tram boughf sold or on sale to be recovered al)<1 11 om South Amboy m I umlwg saId tram at to be disposed of mike manner as prOVided unusual speed by the slatlon aud around the for m the first section of tIllS act curve at Olrl Bridge The Jury also lihd that • Edward l\1uschamp conductor of the tram PANIC IN A RAILROAD CAIl-Mr Henry from South Ambuy, IS hIghly censurable for Stetson, a hatter, of Orange, New Jelsey, was omlltlng to compare IllS watch, and that oftbe aCCidentally killed at the Hackensack brIdie, engme dflver, Mth the 8tandard clock of the Aug 8 under tbe follOWing Circumstances

Two weeks later dates flOm Cahforma have Camden and Amboy RaIlroad Company In As:the tram was gOIng upon the brtdge the come to hand smce our last We give asum ,.N.aer,w","oYork, on"\he day of theIr colhslOn whIstle was blown to notify some laborers to

,,' to mstr,ctton8 expressly given by get oWthe II ack A Mr Thayer and Mr Se mary or the news whICh 13 nof stTlkIDgly 1m Company The ~ald Jury exonerate the lah HIli, of Jersey City, were seated together port ant • saId Company from apy censure 10 regard to 111 the next to the last car of the train MI

By no means the least mterestmg event of said colbslOn The Jury further thtnk, If the Thayer remarked to Mr Hill when be heard the fortmgbt was the celebration of the AnD! orders of saId Company had been obeyed, tbe the unusual whistle, that the draw must be l'erssry of AmetICan Independtmce Througb colhslOn would not have taken place The open They started for the door, and Mr ou~ the State so far as we are mformed fPe Jury exonerate the agents and officers of the HIIllookmg from the platform of the car saw occasion was ob~erved wllh much enthus;asm tram from PhtJadelplna from any censure' that the draw was nght, and so remarked

The, beautIful Village of'Frenoh Corral was • But the rumor that tbe draw was open Bpread Anolber Railroad CalamUy h b h d d Th almQ8t annihilated by fire on the 8th ult LOBS t roug t e car, an create a pame e

e.tlmited at $50,000 A fTlghtful aCCIdent oCClffred on the Provl passen8"ers pushed toward the doors, some of The town of Ophir was reduced to asbes dence and Worce8ter Radroad, near Pawtuck them screllmmg With fear One passenger

on the 12 thult Loss "BO 000 <l b d A 12 b t 8 threw himself from the plattorm and was '" et on 03IXt ay morning, ug ,a au slIghtlv lIIJured Mr Stetson undertook to

The summer lires have done much damage 111 moulltaltJ and valley Large quantltles gram pave been destroyed m vanous parts the State

o'clock Tbe regula!' up tralD was run mto tbrow himself tbrough tlte wmdow, Just as by an excursIOn down tram, smashing loco the tram was pSl!8l11g through the draw, and motIves and cars, kllllllg fifteen persons, and bls head was struck by the frame of the draw woundlDg tbree times as mallY more Among He was IDstaotly killed, and hiS body thrown

Tbe wheat crops In most ofthe agrlcultu alongSide of the track the kIlled waa an Episcopal clergyman from ral districts are Bufferlllg from rU8t.. -" __ •• _--'-_

On the second ult, Lola Montez and P ~. PrOVIdence, named Penny most of the othe;-s THE YELLOW FEVER AT NEW ORLEANS-Hull, Eaq , (late of The San FranclBco WhIg,) Were factory operallves from WhitinsvIlle New Orleans paper. of August 7th, give the were marned at the MII!810n Dolores Ont;! account says tnat the aCCident resulted followlDg summary of the RecordS of tbe

The mammoth tree III Calaveras County, from a vana\Jon of two nnnuteslD the watch Boald of Health, from which It WIll be seen the greatest and most wonderful production ea of the engmf era, and tbat two mIDutes that the whole number of mtermente III the of tbe ngetab1e klllgdom ever known, b_s latilr the excufslOn tram would have passed clly for tbe week endlllg at 6 A M on the been BBcnleglously cut down for speculative a 8wltch, and been on one track, wbIle tbe up 6th mst, amounts to BLft'EN HUl'IDJlED AND purposes tram would bave been on another THIRTY FOVR, aod of thiS number 011' thousa"d

.Tames Colher, forme"y Collector of Sau Another account says that the conUllon was andfour were victims of yellow fever FranCISCO, has bee/! mdlcted by the Grand thfe hresult of the reckle8ShQet!sbofth~ conduvt't Joly 31 Yeni'3rv., l~t Jury oftbeCounty forfelolllouely uSing money 0 t e excursIon tram, w 0, emg ate at a Aogolt 1 119 142 belonglDg to tbe U olted St~tes. ley Falls, should have waIted But bavlng Aogust 2 121 135

The Baptl.' denomlDatlon of San Ftancisco the excuRlon party on board, who were AOi08t 3 129 146 afraId of lOSing the steamboat and hal'lIlg but Aogust 4 151 166

Ire rbout to erect a spaciOUS cburch f I h ' h Aogusl 5 139. 150 hal amI e to rUlI to reac the Junction, e Auroit 6 20B 23B

A ChlDeae church 18 to be bltllt III San hoped to accomphsb the distance before the 0

FfAncllCO, 42 by 45 feet, tijree stories at rival of the PrOVidence tram The Provi It Will be devoted to moral and rehglOu8 tralli, whICh had tIie track, waited a etruction, under the IJUpermtendence of moment or two beyond Its time, when It AthCl, or the See Yup Company re,acll,ed the Junctlon, to gIVe ample time for

Tbe l'lneJai'da pr()~lIa8 a much largel'Yleld ttaln, and tben proceeded Tbe than ulual, perblpt double the JlreVIOUl year lC4)II~nC)ll' ,occurred at a curve, a short dlstan«tB As ulual, Feat qUlnUuea will he'sbipPfld,to above the Juncllon, tbe lip tfllUlldt'having oj). San Prlncllco, and from thence dlltrlbuted tamed full speed The down trllll was gOing 10 all parte of the Stlte It I b)gh speed

1004 1 t34 •

It IS propoaed to bridge the OblO near Par­ketsburg Engmeem hal'S declared It prac tlcable at four pOints, VIZ at Parkersburg, at a cost of $1,390,496, It Blallnerhalte&t's Mand, at a cost of $94M96 , .at LIttle Hock lng, at a cost of 8830,760, IDd at Walker's bnck honae, It a C08t of '386,496


About 11 o'clock on Teusday Dlght, Aug 9 the Boston express train over the New Haven Radroad came m contact with a large stone welghmg about 3 tons whICh had fallen on the t1ack nea~Portchester The locomo lIVe was thlOwn off the track and the En gmeer;4'lIeo Humprey was kIlled A fire man was lI~ured but not dar gerollsly havmg only a hr Ulse on the anele The engme tend er and baggage car lVere badly smashed The tender ts ~aHI to have LJllen thrown tell feet flver the engme Some of the passenger cal lVere shghtly IUJureu B

Angustus H Ward Esq, the founder of the Wald Medals at the Free Academy m closed a chjlpk for bne hundred dollals to John Hardy,rt~e yOUllg man who. bare off one oflhe Gold and BIX of Ihe Ward Medals, at the late Commencemellt The young man who has thuB been made the lllClplent of thIS tegUmo mal, IS the son of a blacksmIth who has done evel ythltJg In hlB Rower w sustam 1)/8 son through hiS course, whIle the latter has shown hiS appreCiatIOn of his opporlulIlLles LJy turnlJlg them to the best advantage At the late meetmg of the Board ofEducall)n Mr Hardy was appomted to a tutorBhlp In the Academy

Mrs C1ITIsUana Breltenstelll an elderly lady of Economy townshIp Pa who £'11 Bev eral months had been afHlcted with paralYSIS and murllficatlon 111 her left leg on Ibe 11 th uIt found that the sound portIOn of the hmb had effected a separatIon from Ihat which was dIseased a hule below the knee The flesh IS healing over the 8tump and her health which had beel! such as Bcarcelv afforded her f'lends a hope of even a short prolongatIOn of hfe, 18 rapidly Improvmg and no doubt IS en tartamed of her complete recovery

Thll Deseret (Utah) News says that the gl asshoppers are performmg the work of destruction at a. fearful ratA In some parts of that Valley • Weare credibly mformed that between the Cotlon wood Creeks whole fieldB of va no us grams are tota1\y extmct by theIr operations thaI m one ten acre field whldh W!lS very promlslDg not a green thmg IS to be seen also.. SImIlar news flOrIf the Big Field add various palls of the country"

The American Alarm Lock IS th\! latest novelty 111 the way of mventlon we have no nced It IS III the mam a combmallon lock enclustng a hell Sl) that anv fingermg or pick mg at the key hole even wuh the proper key, causes the nnglllg of a sharp, sbrlll alarm Tbls bell If preferred may be located away flOm the lock-In the bed room of a watch man csshler 01 sub treasurer, If you please, so as to give him lllstant nOllce when anyone meddles wllh the lock

One of the most numerous gathermg3 of repell ters that we have ever known outside of a large city was at the Plymouth celebration There were IIU less than filty three oithe pro fes!lOn present Over twenty quartered at the Samoset House Of the whole corps present, about one thIrd were from New York &v~n\een wele skillful plionogl aphers SiX tl!!lJ1 pll\I>LlCed variouS systems 01 stenoglophy, and Ihe balance appeal ed 10 be contellt with the elongated hand

A Sixth pall of an OIJnce of chIt)) I)t;)rm for a common hive, or neally a qual ter of an ounc~ fOl a very large Illve IS used 11\ Scotland tal puttmg bees to sleep willIe theIr huney Is taken They put the chloroform m a shallow breakfastp1iife, covered over with thm gauze then put the Illve over the plate, covered with cloths, and m twenty mmutes the bees Will be 80uod asleep and (lut of the combs on the table ThiS IS c'lns~dered hetterthan 8ulpllUr, and the bees I ather like It

Thompson s Bank Note Rep0rlN so yR the demand /UI Land WarI ants contlllues III ex cess of the lecelpts, and we note qUIte a faUmg offill 0/ferlllg8 althongh the pnce 18 aB hIgh as prudence Will warrant


160 acre Warrants BO aCI e Warrantll 40 acre \Van ants

Buy ng

$IB4 92 46

Qel ng

$190 95 47 1


A new WaTlant, called Vlrgmla Scrip, Is bemg Issued These Warrants are apphca ble, the same as money tor any Government landR They are exempt from charge for entermg at the land Office and are wOllh 2~ cents per aCle over other WarrantB They are engraved un a large sbeet of Bank Note ~er-(beware ofVlrglDla. Land WarlantB IDled on lettel sheet, they ale nearly worth

leBS )

A case of pOisomng recently occurred ltJ

Buffalo, m whICh Rev J E Ryerson of St Cathannes, nearly lost hiS hfe Ml' Ryerson wa&-I!tv~ POlSOn 111 a. glass oflemonade, by a person c6nnected With a Temperance Hotel Mr Ryerson's watch was found upon the man, but hIS money, to a large amount, could not be found The man 18 tn pnson, aud It IS saId tbat he was once an mmate of the State Prison

A letter from Prince Edward's Island 8ays that "fires have been ragmg tn the woods, fearfully, durmg the past week Some farm ers have lost houses, barns, fences, and all their crops, and very few have escaped With out los1llg 80me of their fenctng and gram A great number of sheep have also been 108t -In fact, the extent of all the damage done cannot yet be ascertained ..

There was a "General Jsd Deltvery" at Bath, Steuben County, recently Four PflS oner~ escaped The only IIlstrument found after thlllr escape was a case khlfe made mto a saw, and an old razor, which was used for making the saw out of the case kmfe One of the prtsoners returned On Monday, havmg gone home and been adVised to that COUTse

THE next Aonllal MeelIng lay Jla~ t'8t Virginia A •• OClal,ol) 1& be held on th~

M"alhu8e Fork D ddndge Cr Va commenDliig ~h the slxtb <\!Iy <If the week betore Ih., fir.t Sabbllth III September IBa3 (second day of t be mouth) at iii a clack A M Brelhren (espeCIally m'D1,ter8) of 818 ter A'soc,altons Rle mVlted to meet &1 d spBnd a",.a.oo WIth U8 J F IlUDGI PA 90r Sec r -----,---'--,

Beeves are now delivered In New York from the Northwestern prames, wlthm a week, by means of railroads, at an expense $10 to $12 per head It would take from ftarlY Meetmp; Df R I lind Connt~lIeu"Chuuhu fitly to moety days to drive the cattle from the THE 1:early Meetmg of the Rbod.j Island and Doli. western parts of OhIO, Kentucky, IlhnOls, Dectlout Ch nehe. wlll be held WIth the 1st Ohurch Arkansas IJI HopklDtoo commer cmg SIxth .Ia) e\eDlng before

the 108t SAbbath III August Introductory sel mbll (,1 Th 1\1 f C P I Eld E Barne.

e anagers 0 the rystal a ace have P S -At the same place,on Flrlb daypreeedmgtli' deCIded to Issue to the Stockholders one Annual Meetlog there will bepreaclimg at 10 A M ~ thousand shales of new stock at pa, 1ft tlie by Eld Joel Gleell" 011 ~:JF.~Yt at lime t!m~. III pr4 Jrtlon of one new share for every four old day by Eld A 8 BurdIck. d'tber ajWngelllents Will h'lr( Th II k h 1 be made III due tIme It II ho~Od tljat a general II!

s res IS WI rna e t e entl, 0 CII plla tendance at Ibeoe meetmgs W,!! be followed by the $500000 Ollipo mng of the Holy Splnt opon tbe8°ople ..

The Hot Weather of last week carried OHARLES SA~DE~S;, Oom New York thermometers up to over 100 de C1olblll~ E8tablllllm~~ gl ees On Friday between twenty and thn THE lublenbers under tbe firm qr T'TSwoRTlJa Ir ty persolls dIed from the excessIVe heat • The DUN" have opened a Olodllog JIo.tahh.hmelll lit olt\est mhabltant ' does not remember any No 22 Dey streel New York whertl; they Intend to such weather keep ccnatanlly on hand mlsrge qU~ntltJe. and great

varIety coatI pantll and veots CO~\ltry merc)jjl,It Oswego has voted a special tax of$5 000 to deslous of Introducmg ready mad~ clotbmg iii ..

meet the extraordmary expenses occaSIOned branch of their bU8111eSS mly bere Pt'ltalD B supply u the moat favorable term8 Iodlvldualls wbo de.l"" 10

by the late fire and to Improve the fire de reoew theIr wardrobea on Ibort notll'e may here h .. partment The vote was 9-4 for to 24 agalllst fitted with complete lIOlts wltbout dl!'lay OT If llley

prefer It may select theIr cloth. on?j: leave thelt flf A dIspatch dated New {}rleans August 7 aers whICh w,ll receIve prompt aurntlon An ex

1853 saye the total number of deaths reported amlOatlon of our stock aod factiltJe Will We tro.! for the past week were eleven hundred and conVince tbose who give us a call1ha theycan pleu8 thIrty-of whICh~mne hundredt-and fifty were themselve. at No 22 Dey Itreet Ill! well a. at an,

- otber place In tbe C,ty of New York from yellow fever WILLIAM DUNN A D TI SWORTH ir

JOHN D TITSWORrH R M TI SWORTH The Cznctnnatz Atlas suggests tbe purchase of M uot Vernon by Congress for a summer. Bells I Bells! ~IIS Presldenhal mansIOn ThiS would obVIate 'rHE SubSCribers maoufactore and keep conltani. any obJectlol1 to the purchase on tbe score of Iy ou band all sIze. 01 Ohurch aetory Stealn lack of constnutlOnal power boat Ferry Locomotive School Ho ~e and flanla

1100 Bells 1:hese BeU. are hUDg Ilh tl e paten 1 The Rochester people have care fitted up Iron yokes wllb moveable arma TillY can be turn

as refngeratorB, In which they transport fresh around 80 tbat tbe "lapper w \I trIke In a MW

meats vegetables, oysters &c from the N whIch 10 deotrable al er a l>ell£p. b""n rong a Y are affixed ln 8 ew way to pre

ork marke~s to thelf own In perfect order restmg on th Bell, Ibereby ~und 'I hese Bell, alre manofactured

The Directors of the Black River and Utica stock and are caltlnlJoo cAllOgo At Ratlroad have closed 11 contract for tbe entire tbe ... werrifir.t 08e~dd are toun~ to COnstruction of thelT road The work IS to be a We g,ve 81 written warran b d tee breok wllbn} ODe year Ii am e commence Immediately date of fSIr osage wet 111 reealt with

A letter dllted Berhn, Marquette Co WIS, oDtcbarge tone o~ all Bell I. warranted July 30 says The crops of every kmd III thiS Nearly 9000 Bells have beeu clllll an sold /ram IbIS

Fouodry whIch IS the best ev,denc of tbeIr soperl section of the State afe first rate Wmter We bave 15 Gold and Stiver ednls awarded wheat 18 harvested and secured The farmers from tbe van liS FatrS f r the best Ilell. r, r oonol wIll have nothlllg to complam of thiS year ousue •• and pOf/lyof tone We p4y partlcula. at

leotton to getting u 11 Peuls or Ob'me~ and can reler It IS reported that there are seventeen per to those fprDlsbeil by us Our FOU!ldry IS WIth D a

sons now uniler sentence of death 111 tlie States few rod. of Ihe Hudson R,ver Ene OaLal and Ratl roads runDlog ln every dl ecl 00 As th,. 18 tbo larg

o'f New York Pennsylvania and lrelorjgia,l esl Estabhshmentoftb .. klDd ID Ibe I1 Sand haatk, and all doomed to be 8trnngled wlthm the next large.t aBBortment of Bell, orders co~_ be filled WIth SIX weeks grent dlspatcb We "an reler to Bells In any of the

titatss Old Bells taken In exchaoga for new one. The ravages of the Yellow Fever at New Levels COmpJl88eS &c conSlantlyonlhand Addrs ..

Orleans IS most terrible On Wednesday of A MENEELY S SONS We", Troy N Y last week thllre were 164, and on Thursday A Ntw folume 184 deaths by the pesllience OF WOODWORTH S YOUTH S CABiNET com

The arHvals of gold from Cahforma In two meDced w,th tbe July nomber1 and of coUrse days of last weeR wele on freight and III the now IS a fu,ornbLe tnne frr new .nbscrlbers A word

d h 'f to the WlS8, 1S B8 d to be safftclsnt there1or.e the pub hanils of 'Passengers, about two lin al mil lober beg8 to employ two words. Just to say that tbe hans of dollars Cab met-the most 1'0PUlHflIlllstrated dol18r magazu,e

-~-~ - ~-~''--- m the Umon-18 more capttvatmg than ever The

New York Market-Angust I~, 18&3 Ashes-Put. $4 75 Pearls 5 13 Flour and Meal-F loor :; 18 for Oanadl •• 1 ~ 06 a

5 IH lur common to straIght State " 12 a 5 31 for mIX to fancy MlCllIgau IndIana and WISCOnSin Rye Flour 3 25 a 3 37 Oorn Melli 3 12 (or Jersey

GrallO-WbeRt 98c fill' com moo Upper Lake I 16 for Ill" rod Oh,o 1 30 for good white OhIO 1 40 for uew Genesee Rye 90 a 92c Oats 46 a 47c lor State 4 t a 43c f01 J eroey Curn 73 a 74c for w.stern mill: ed 75c for round yellow

Pro.mons-Pork 12 75 for prIme 15 50 for mess Beel 4 7" a 6 25 fOl COUlltly aud City prime 7 50 a to 00 lUI couutry mess Butter 14 a 18c lor State Cheese 8 a 8~c

Hay-62 a 75c for per 100 lb. L"mber-13 00 lor Spruc~ and Pine Potatoes-Supply moderate Those from Long

Island are rejected 00 account of Ihe rol Norlh.rn and Jel.ey a e In demaod at 2 00 per bbl

Tal/ow-IO! a IO~c tbe lallel lor Butchers Asso elation

Wool-Stringency In Ihe money market bas caused a declme of about ~c per Ib American Fleeee 40 a Hc Full blood Merino 49 a 53c Saxony 55 a 60c

llIARlUED,-In Waterlord Ct June 12th by Rev J S Swan of

New London Mr Mucvs L SM.TH to Ml80 COROLINE E Fox botb 01 Walerf"rd


ed tor In h s Foreign Sketches IS now ramb"~g with the reader among tbe wouderful TOIIlI of Hercoianlflum and Pompen The BlOgraphy of DIstlnguIsbed Ame.r ,cans 18 sldL cOlllluned Try Ihls magazme You will fi ld II just the Ih ng for your famlly Each number cOlltaldS 48 pag~. There ale two v.\lumeslh a year -one commencmg 10 July and \hs 0lber III Janutlry

A volume embrace. nearly 600 J{age. and about 100 lllu,tral'fns _I

Those who Wish to .ubs(mbe 'lan do 80 at ar~dnced prICe by takmg tbe work III connec,lolI wuh othe( persons and remmmg LI e sBveral."bsc IptJon. althe ,arne t,me PrICe ~ 11 slUgle copy $1 4 cOI'.s $3 7 caples $. ond III the hitter caRe ali extra copy la tbe olle who forms Ihe OInb ppymel.t nvanably lit advance Bound voltme8 ofth8 Ilewlserles (lh,eolJJ numbe.) 75 conts each po.tage free

PlellBe to seod on your orders by mati 10 the P b L18ber D A WOODWORTH

118 Nassau Bt New York

Cenlral Rullroad Com]lany NEW YORK TO EASTON PA

Sprong Arra"gement. cOJnin.ep,';ng IB53 Leave PIer No 1 North RIVer and IntermedIate places at 8 A M P M aod for Somerville at 6 P Leave Phllltpsborg Opp081te Ea8too aod 3 15 P M Th18 1me connecte with tramo by the N J

Stage rootes ruo 10

York a. follow. VIZ days and 3 45 P M on SomsrvJlle 3 45 P M dally pack at WhIte House 8 A at New Hamptoo 8 A M lIal,'V .or at Pbllltpsburgb dally Cor

In Alfred August 11th Mr. ELSE BEEl" WIfe of lentown Mauch Cbunk Mr Setb Beebe aged about slxty-!llX years !fhe Trams on tbll road pas. Ject <If th\!l notlca (had III a mo.t unlooked for marm@.'. I hours 00 the day prevlOns to her death 8he was walkmg m GolOg New the hlgbway and met a gentleman w,th a team loaded Gomg

WIth sand wblch was 01 the momentllllcendmg a oharp l'I~~~J:~~t~~~~~~~~~S rloe 111 the road and after havmg pa.teacb other a Ihort distaoce the double whIppletree broke and the wag on commenced runnlDg baclr.ward wltb great force and iO sudden was Its movemeut tbat althoughln.tant warDlog Was given tbe decease~ had no tIme to cape fhe wagon com ng agamst her threw do~ and passJOg over her broised and mangled ber 10 so sbocklOg a ma.nner that she dIed lO a few hoors How Uocert8!n to us 18 tbe t,me 01 our end' Th. de­ceasild left a hosband several chddreo /IIId a nomber o! relattves to mourn tbeD' loss.

At Waterford Ot 00 Th mortling July 261h OLIVER R oolJ IOn of Obver Muson Jr and Unula Maxson In tbe 11th year of hiS age He woa 8 mem ber and a conltant atteodant of tbe Sabbatb School 10 h,s deatli not only his parenti aod relatIves but hll .cbool mate. feel that they have IOltaiOed an ll'repara ble lou

Tbe gentle SaVJoor call. Our cblldrel\ to bl8 breast

He folda tbem 1!I bl. gracIOUS arm. Himself declares tbem bleot,' L T R

10 McGrawville N Y on tbe 28th Joly SARAH WIfe of Leroy Pahoer 10 the 22d year of ber age' She dIed of bram d,se!\Se Ioduced by excelilve vom ItlDg She bas left an alfecllonata hu.baodud IlUmer 0111 relahves tu mourn heraarly departure ont we tr\tIt our JOtS 10 Mr eteroal galll

St John (N B) papers of August Bth, state tbat tbe potato rot has appeared there From PrInce Edward's Islands we heal of devastat mg fires m tbe woods, whICh destroyed houses, barns, umber, and even sbeep 71e Mar.mlen. (N B) Gleaner says that the catch ofrnBckerel In that VICllllty, tbough not LETTBRS I of an e~traordmary cbaracter, Will exceed F F Randolpb I W Utter EphraIm MeXlOn Nor

tbat of last year man Pa1mer N V Holl L T Rogera I S S~1\Cer !~:~~E~;~!E A C SpIcer J MAllen W M FabnB.tock 0 NOJ. A dispatch dated N ortbampton, Mass, OniOdall Wm Atvord J B Oottrell E P LUJria

FTlday, August 12, 1853 says To day, wbde DaVId Sno"l'berger l the officers were In the act of destroYlllg about RECEIPTS

200 galloUII of ltlJ,oor, It was let on fire by )'OR TOE U..UTH 1Il1eun. ~ some thoughtless boys, Ind four of the by. DaVId Snowberger Qwncy Pa. t2 OD to vol 0 No 52 .tanders were badly bumt--one of whom, Wm M Greell Hopklnton,B.I 950 0 13 named eUlDmmgs, was so severely tnJured 0 N Oheater RockVIlle It. I 2 00 j 8 52 that hiS recovery IS doubtful P L Be~ New Londoo A!. 2 00 110 52

Geo C Silliman 2 00 10 The East IndIa Company has ordered a ton Caleb P Saupde~ 2 00 10

welgbt of the seed oftbe Doedar tree 10 be Edmond Darrow 200 c 10 DaVid Roge~ 2 110 10

placed at the disposal of the BritIsh Govern OIarke T Boger. 2 00 10 ment Should It all vegetate, no fewer tban Obver MaDllo 2 00 10 16,000,000 plants Will have been acqulfed, ~an~ B ~t 2 00 10

and we may eXp6ctthe btlls of Great Brltatn Le~ter Tn~ge~·ter • ~ ~~ :~ 10 be soon clotbed with tbe aacred cedar of Bruin. MIUer Soolb Otoehc 2 00 10 the Brabmllls Albert SlWtb Alfred Oenter lij 10 II

Samuel Jones. Ex Chief Juallce of tbe Supeflor C~rt of the City of New York, died Aug 9, at DIS r88ldence on Long Island, aged 84 yeats Mr Jones was an honored bl)lRcb .f a famlly 10 no small degree celebrated tn thlB IIlllghborhood

Samnel N Stillman • 2 00 10 AlablOo Kenyoo Wlrt 2 00 9 Lemoel Rogen, RlCbburg 2 00 9 Nalll8n MaiIOO • 00 9 R E Bnind,. Lamar~t .. ille 2 00 • loba ldllXlOD SOuth Brookfield 2 00 10 David MJIDOn, Welt EdmNIuD 2 00 10 52


r 1






~ Be KlBd to 'h~' Poor,

Be klDd to tbe pooJ'-J,ct the su.nshme oflove

D~ scend on thelf heart! J il u dew lrom abgve

OJ bo kind to ~e poor-lor how do we know

But !,be shadows may cbange, ... ;In'!l. the gaunt fol'lD of woa Beaurl fellow compamoD

rnrough the balanca of hfe ADd we made to feal

Wanls keen edged kmfe 1

:rhen be kInd to the poor­for lIS pleasant to feel

A. "e lIe down at mght '\n I dreams 0 et UB steal

" TMt It S been m onr power ~ l' ro I ghten tbe heart

or ~o,t; feU, W mort 11 from want s cankered smart

o he klDd to tbe QPOI_ rOi their bearts Iillve been seared,

By II frownB of tha world An It I ch Ibng regard

A. nil sora nnd dlstre.sed 1Iy the waYSIde tbey Btroll

W Ill. no starligl t of hope >1'0 cheer op theIr soul ~~

oil t VI> who have plenty LaId up m yoor store

D~n t forget the quamt adage Rememher tbe poor

Ber kInd to the POOl-

100 yon pot hear tbe groan ( 2 'I fatb~rless cbtld

II.nd tbe wIdow. sad moan,? o I jl va to tba poor-

rr m the plenty you have lou Burely can spara

Vhv httle they crava 01 be kmd to the poor­

{or yoor SavIOur was kmd Hy: healed up tbe SICk

iAnd gave SIght to tbe bl nd o w,ll you not pattern

13y oue foll oflove 'IV ho,· beart was as bumble

And maek as a (Jova 1

flo" • veet to the heart The ) el1.~ctlon must be

AJ;I Vi e journay along Over life s troubled sea k n onrBelves

T\ ~ ~l1rtt oflova I D.o <1 on onr ~arts

Lllt.e hght from abov~

• A Dainty DIsh

Simpler.. mode dressmg them IS to spil e nnmber of them togethel on a piece of Btlck or a long ()range t40rn, and roast them before the fir<8 III theIr own fat The general mode however IS by frymg them, with 01 wllhout sauce, and when dressed m thiS manner, they

H T Tuckerman thIrty one VlCtor18 IS thuty three years of age, she has, 8ayB our author a lalge and rapidly InCreaBmg faml Iy whlCh seems the dlBtlOgulshlOg mark the Hanoverian dynasty [Home Journal

• form a most savory dish Gardening ,

Groogroo worms are conBldered great B F b h! I d d delicaCIes m some parts (If the West Indies lack wood f9r e ruary a a ea IlIg an chIefly m those whosemhabltants are of Span t;1lXCIBlllmL all1c1e on IhesubJect ofGarden~ng, Ish or French ongm The good old planter at from whICh we extract a few Bentences -hIS table presents you With a dish of wormB WIth as much pride as an epICure m England mtroduces you to cod sounds, eels, or high vemson Nor does It appear that there IS any pecuharlty m the taste of those who rehsh the msects, because It very frequenlly hap pens that the stranger who mamlested on hlB ar rival the greatest disgust at the Idea of eatlUg worms, becomes ImmedIBtely convelt ed mto an eXlravagant lover of them

It may appear Bllange, that III the tropICs espeCially where naturo proVides Sil abund antly for IIle wants of man such creatures should be resotted to as alticles of consump tlOn but while we are shocked al the Idea of eatmg worms the West Indian consumel m hIS turn expresses surpnse that human be lOgs can use lhmgs which resemble snakes so much as eels and pronounces It to be the height of uncleanliness to eat flOgs as BOrrle of the contmentals do Iudeed, the grooglOo worm IS by no meat B mOl e lepulslVe 111 ap pearaQce than any at the Ullpl epossesBlng Cleatures whICh ale BO highly prIzed It would be a difficult matter to deCIde on the ments of the maDY extraordmary thlOgs whICh the taste of man III ItS morbid cravmgs haB discovered and converted mto luxullous use and the phIlosopher finds hlmselfat last driven to take sbelter from hiS own unanswerable 111

qumes behmd the concludmg power of that most true, but Bomewhat mUBly plOverb , De gusl1bus non est dlsputandum

[Chambers Journal

Much Labor on Little Land.

The Poets, blessmgs on them 1 have done more to awaken a love of nature and of flowers and to cheTlsh a taste for flolleul ture than all the professIOnal hortICulturIsts We hke to see a taste for sImple modest flowers We have a dear fnend whu has set hIs affecllons on the cowslip He has long borders verged with It aud slopIng bankB covel ed wltb It How the petB do Bport with one another 1 and what pleuy .freaks they play-of whIch they seem quue conSClOlIS­In tmlldly turnmg aSide from your ardent gaze theu bnght emblems of prImrose pmk and purple 1 •

Weare contmu8J1y told by cellam sa pent economists that Ihey do not care for a garden and do IIot possess one, because they find It caeaper to buy theIr frulls alld vegeta bles Who douhtB Il 1 fhe pleasure of gar Jenlng depends not upon economICal conBld eratlol s The faBClnation IS In the very art of cull1vallon-1IJ the vel y glOwmg of your own fl Ull and flo\\ ers and watenng their opemng blossomS-in nurslIJg the sickly and 18JOIClllg over the strong-III cullll g a well chosen boquet for the adol nment of yoUl cara sposa I Is there no pleasure I1J benik able to send well rIpened grapes or peaches to a SICk n61ghbol who has them nOI-m bestowmg 8

cap full of rosy cheeked appleB on rosy cheek ed boys-m IlIvlling the children of the VIllage to partake of your gooseberrIes-in sendmg at the close ofa severe wmtel a hundred cau hfluwer plants to the minister of the parIsh 1 Is there no pleasUI e In exchangmg rare flow ers-Ill getling and gIVIng floral gifts 1 DoeB

The Farmer's Companlan, m an arlicle on your heart not leap up when the first snow smaH farms marks out the followlllg couise drop-bold chlder of Iingermg wmter and

adventurous IIwader of hl~ Ielgn-shows for the fanner of small capItal to pursue - welcome facelon the gl een 1 Is there no

You have 100 aCIes clear, 50 of whICh you transport when'tbe seedy hollyhock bursts on keep as paBture and for meadow Make up vour aBtomshed VI"lOn In unexpected beauty 1 your mmd to work only 25 acres, tile other Thousands there ale, who are d/Jomed by 25 bemg put down to c10vel and limothy, as dire necessity never to have a gllrden of theIr

Among , \ 0. lety of cunous Insects whICh you beBt can You have manure enongh m own but those who can and ought and yet are commoJil to tropical climates, the groogroo and about your farm for SIX aCies ThiS year have not for the sake of cheapness and from worms of the vVest Indle~,may be cOlIsldered haul that On your land, plow It and put III motives of a mean economy ought to he pBrtJcul"rl~ mtcfBstlOg l'he ,groog~oo worm corn wuh a httle aBbes and If you can get banished to Borne desert Wilderness, where -so called bAcause It IS fouja m a species of 11, slacked hme or plaster to every hili Plow the green earth and nature's flowers may not palm vlllgarly called the gwogroO-IS the tWIce as deep as usual, and drag tWice as waste their sweetness on them larva o(,:a laros sl~ed beetle the Przonus long, wuh a long toothed drag till the land IS ____ ._--~ whICh 11 T)CC Ihar to the warm lalitude of like a garden If you have got 35 bushels of New FIeld for Forgery AmeriCA Wit I the exception of a shght corn to the acre before we can wan ant you BlmilBrltr !bout the regIOn of the head the now 70 or 80 for you cultivate and boe the On tl.e 9th ult Gov Seymour received from worm bear(l n lesemblance to the beetle corn tWICe as much likeWise You double A uburn two sets of papr s-one SIgned by When full gr 11, It 1S about three and a half your crop at a very httle IOcreased cost Hav Dr Bngga PhYSICian of the Pnson, settmg lDcb'ea In length havlOg the body large and 109 no more manUie you must cdepend on forth that a young man named FranCIS B turblll, anrf mCleaslng In Circumference from deeper plowmg and hettct draggmg fUI the EdymolU convicted of burglary In the 2d de the head HvardB the opposite extremIty The other 10 acres for thiS vear not forgettmg to gree, m TIOga Co, m October 1852, and head IS of orneOU8 opaque substance Bowa lIttle more seed than usual If It IS oats stlntenced to the Auburn State Prison for five It has nelthel Ilyes nor the rudiments. of an or barley In the fall, 50W wheat where the years was consumptive and a fit subject for tennre wI cli dlstmgUlsh-rhe beetle tube Il corn was WIth the same care, and next executive clemency thiS paper also Btated IS, howflve- I rovlded ,WIth the manihbu spnng, manure the next SIX acres for corn hiS conduct had been of the most exem late grou of Insects, and It IS only In thiS Yes you may manure 10 or 12 acres for plary character The otber pllper contlllning feature lha! !llli; connection with the beetle can you have hac! 25 more acres for hay or oat the slime recQ\IlmendatlOn was sIgn ell by'Mr be traci 1" trunk IS preCisely that of a straw cut green for fodder and can keep 25 Pomeroy the Agent the Warden, the keep "Worm, conSI s of many closely kmt seg more cows through the wmter, and know,ng ers of 'the pnson, and the ClJaplaln

t ments wI h 11e possessed of an extraordmary the value of tile manure-that It IS as Impurt The Go~rnor on reading these papers contract I, puwer aut to you as the very SOIl Itself-yull will forthWIth forwarded a pardon for the young

At the pos'er or extremity there IS a B malJ take much better care of It man to the agent, and he was suffered to tak~ horny te mmfltlon somethlUg like the hlUder Thua every two or three years all your hiS depal ture almost Immediately Subse part of ~ 'each 'tThe organs are exceedingly land Will get a dreBslng of manure and every quently the agent Mr Pomeroy being called

!Blmple, the dIg live being the most develop year you will have a different crop on It to Albany on bUSiness mqUired of the Gov ed~ AlblUm d a substance which compos Every year 2t will Improve and you grow ernor the cause for the pardon of young es! its boo J d ItB blood IS of a greenish rICh, with about half your work. But after a Edymom The Governor rephed that he had tint With ~ )tlOn SImilar to l'bat of the whIle sow a few aCles of this land with clover the best of causes-papers contammg tbe earthWOlm perforates with extraordm ary and timothy, and break up aB much of your stlOngest recommendatIOns, duly Blgned by rapid tty I Ill) t08 lUbstance of the tree 10 whIch old graBS You will get double the crop of tile officers of the p'rIBon, and among them It IS foul,] hay on the new pIece, and a good crop of himself. Mr Pomeroy expreBsed hIS surprise

Wher. tf e moun IS at her full the gatherer gram on th@ old piece In one word of all at thiS statement and upon looking at the pa of worms €nters a neighboring wood and men m the worlll a small farmer should work pers pronounced them forgenes-at least so selects a y. ung ,Palm!ste tree ThiS 18 a tree a small piece of land work It thoroughly far as he was concerned On hIS return to tbe

bakel Manchester N H SBfves three hUll died customers about two lhmls of whom take mOl e or less evel y mornmg but he sel$ down nothmg tIll he returns home aftel hav Ing Vlslted o~ half of lhem, yet he fOI gelS not a loaf J[. man III Halifax Nova Scum, can tell at once the name and age of every mhahltant m town young and old After delivermg a lectUi e at Clinton Hall on the Impro~emel1t of the memory one of the audl ence stated that an acquamtance of bls a cattle drover ofNe\V Y" 01 k, who could neither read nor wme, aftel havmg sold out lal ge droves to dIfferent butcbels kept then nu m ber price and evel y tllllg In hiS mllld and could go round months afterwal ds even aftel havmg bought up and sold out sevel al Olher dlOves and settle from memory without ever havmg been known to forget any I hmg '[ hose who think thiS too marvelous for belief. Will gnd It abundantly confirmed by comerglng and collateral eVIdence Bnd expellence The Gaboon melchantB accomphsh by memo rv what IS Bull more extraOldlOary 1 he fact 18 lemarkable m Itself, and fUl1J1shes a prac tIcal proof of the correctneBS of thIS doctrme oflmprovmg memory llhmltubly by Its exel Clse, tbat all those who can neither re~d nor write have astonlBhlng memorIes-several hundred per cent better than oth81S Of lhls fact, any reader can eaSily find Illustrlltlve ex amples The reason IS, that Buch unable to record theu busmess are compelled to remem ber It and thus stlengthen thiS faculty Indubitable and univerBal fact compels the belief, that the human mind IS consuluted and capaCItated plovlded tbe body wete kept 10

the rIght state, and thiS faculty dlsclphned In

the best manner, to recall every event ofhfe

• Dwarf Fruit Trees

W lllull our day and g'ilneratlOn sCIence apphed to agnculture, has found out how to dwal f certam trees, and obtain frUIt from them much oal hel and on smaller spaces of ground than formerly Pears engrafted on qumce chernes on mahaleb, and apples on paradIse stoc~ become small LIees that may occupy places m front yal ds and other locahtles on

pi emlBes and YIeld frlllt very soon frUIt Itself IS aB large as that grown on

trees And nothing IS handsomel tlian .f., .... L apple or pear bush under the Will

ws of a house hangmg full of large and apples and pears They need not

much mQre room than a currant bush and mliy be planted out m the garden In rows a1 most as neal togeth81 Ordmanly, on the old BYBtem we had to walt many years before we could have a pear Ol eveR an apple, from Uees of common SIze but now you may have flult In a year or two after the Btock IS large enough to receIve the SCIOn and the dwarf WIll bear thirty or forty years Of course they are not so long hved as the great undwarf. ed trees nor do you obtam as large a harvest from such small standards but they bear as hberally accordmg to their sIze and the frUIt may all be easily gathered by hand Dwarf JP.r trees are becomlllg very common Few Villagers or citizens who have a dool" yard or garden are now without some of them

SKIN Dl~EASE8 -For some el uptlOns on the face borax IS an excellent remedy The way to UBe It 19 to dissolve an ounce of borax In a quart of \Vater and apply tillS wuh a fine sponge every evenmg before gomg to bed ThlB WII! smoothe the skill when the eruptIOns do not proceed from an msect workmg undet the CUtlcle Many persons faces are dlsfigur ed by red eruptlonB cauBed by a small Cltla ture wmklDg under the skm A very excel lent lemedy.s to take the flour of sulphur and rub It on the face dry after washmg It Ifl the morning Rllb It well WIth the fingers and then WIpe It off wah a towel There are many who are not a little ashamed of thBir race who can be completely cured If they follow tnese directions ....


For Boston, via Newport and FilII RIVer

T HE splemhd "",I superIOr sleamers BAY STATE Capt Wm Brown and EMIIRE STATE Capt

Beojamm Brayton lea, e on alternate days (Sunday. excep ed) from Per No 3 N R Mar the Battory at 5 P M hoth touchmg at Newport each way The steamer STATE OF MAINE Capt Tho! G Jewett for Newport on Tuesdays rh "sdays Bud Satu days at 8 0 clock In the morDlng Returmng she will lea, e Ne'''port on alterna~e Qays at A M For frelgbt apply on board or at the office 011 PIer No 3

he}ghtlu Bost \I S lorwdrded through WIth gleat d spatcl I.y aD express rre ght tram

WM ]JORDEN Agent Nos 70 al d 71 West st

liOlon Academy C ROLLIN nURDlCI, A B Gradu te of RochestBr

Umvelslty I melpal Mr, H A BURDICK Preceptres.

ThIS Institution located at Shdoh Cnmberlund Cu N J thles and a half mIles from Blldgeton tbe county ~ea~ aDd thIrtyelgbt ID Ie. sonth Irom I hIla delphlB WIll opeD lis first term for the year 1853-4 on Wednesday Aug 23, contmnmg 14 weeks

The officers lee lIng grateful lor past favors and con 'fide 11 of glvmg sausfact on sohcll alAI ge attendance to! the commg )ear Thp. teachers flatter themselves th.t they cau gIve snt stJ.ctory IUstlUctlOn n all the branches usually taugl I} Ac"demles Young gentle meu and lad les p epallng lor College can here fit them selves for an advanced itandlllg and thus save consld erable ex.pense A competent Plamst w 11 be secured

Goo 1 Board can be had at the BoardIng Hall or In

pr vata lamIl eS on reasonable terms TERMS -Tultlon settled III advance ftom $3 50 to

$5 00 InCIdentals 25 cents Plano mas c $10 00 Drawmg crayomng landscape pamtIDg aId pmntmg o watel cclora $2 00 each

HON LEWIS HOWELtI Pres,dent Su LOll N J July Q6 1853

DeRuyter Institute FacuUy

REV JAMES R IRISH A ~r I r nClpal and PlO fessol of [ntellectual and Moral SClel ca and Clas'l cuI Lite alure

~11.s JOSEPHINE WILCOX Preceptress and Teach er of ParR er s A Ids French German BOIRny and Astronomy

J HENRY L JONES A B Professor of MathematIcs and Natural SCIences and Adjunct Professor of Greek and Lat n

MISS L ELEANOR CLARKE Teacher of Instru mental MusIC Other competent Teacber. WIll be employed to ae­

Slst m tbe vanous departments as occasIOn may reqUire Calendar

The ensUlag academIC year IS dIVided as follows -FITst Term commence~ Angust 31 1853 closes

Dec 6 1853 Seoond Te~m commences Dec 8 1853 closes March

fll 1854 Third Term commences March 23 1054 closes

Juna 27 IBa4 Informatwn

The Trustees deem It jushce tu say tbat luivIDg adopted a radICal change 01 pol cy by whtcb they re-1I.,"e the Facnlty from all pecllmary respoos b 1 ty they deslgu to pl~ce the School upon a firm and per manant bas saud g,ve 1\ a cbaracter of respectabIlity among t~a first grade of Academies ID our conn try Grateful for past favors they are determlDed to exteud theIr sphere of usefulness and tbus command a great er degree of respact and a stili more lIberal patronaga from the puhhc

Dl8coplone It 's tbe pol cy of oar Board to teach young men and

young women to govern Ihemselves wbIle at tbe same time It IS expected that our Facnlty WIll aim In

tha mo,t prudent and effiCIent manner pusslble tu se cure tbat systematIc o~der m all tbelr exercises wblch shall prepare students for tba respoDslble dnltes of ac lIve hfe Wh Ie w. cult vat. the mtellsct It shall be onr aIm al,o to davelop those nobler lacultles of tbe soul w h ch sh::llL prepare the "Voung to become useful aud mfluenhal members of socIety

Ter ... TUItIOn wb cb most be settled stnctly III ad,ance

IS os follows -PrImary conrs per tetm i\l!ddla cour8a Advanced course Inc denIals


$3 00 4 00 a 00


ChemicaL Expenmenls I 00 PenClI ng 1 00 MonochromatIC Pa "tlOg 3 00 o 1 Pamtlng a 00 Pel mansh p and StatlOnel) \0;0 P aUn Mus c 8 00 Use of Instrument 2 00

'ocal Mus c as a regular stud, w II be taught b) Prof Jones to such as deSIre It Tmt 011 $1 00

Teachers Classes WIll be formed at tbe opemng 01 the first ter n and at the m ddle Qf the second und W II contmue seven weeks TmtlOn,.,$2 50

Room reat per term $1 75 BoarJ. 10 famIlies $1 25 and $1 50 In Club. 60 and 90 cents

N B -Parents are cautIOned agamst supplymg chll dren WIth too much pocket money The Pnnctpal WIll act as fiscal guardIan for such as deSIre It

JAMES R IRISH PreSIdent. h'ON B WELLS Secretary

rifted A eadCIDY of the palm order exceedmgly stately and wen keep all the stock he can to make rna pnson he found the names of the other offi A young man was drIVing a horse whIch graceful, !7 Oln\ J sometimes to the extraor nure keep the manure dry and he Will not cers had alao been forged was m the habit of stoppmg at every. house on lUllle and Femllie BOll1'dlDg SemlDary dmaryhelgbt orso feet Fromtherootsupward be a small farmer long We have tried It and The manner m whICh the papers were the road SIde Passmg a country tavern W C KE:NYON A M Prof of English and Latin It has not a sl~le branch or shrubby ex we know It drawn as an ImItatIOn, was good, while the where were collected together some dozen Languages crescence but grows beautIfully smooth and • penmanship espeCially that purportmg to have D D PlDKET A M Pro~ of Modern Languages and

- d h III rOT countrymen, the beast as usual ran opposlle aOJunct Prof of MathematICs Itralght, tal ClIU towar t e top At Its top en 0 ur IIDe been done by Dr BrIggs, was a very exact the door m spite of the young man who ap J MARVIN A B Prof of Mathem"t C'

an abundance 01 th\l nchest and most beaun 0 W Holmes the gentleman that never counterfeIt EdymolU had been employed lD phed the wh p wah all hlB might to dnve the D E M \X~ON A B Prof of Vocal MUSIC and Na fulleav€ rea lout III graceful symmetry, dares to wnte as funny as he can" fS forty the office of the prison as a clerk, and was horse (n The men at the porch commenced tural History

d b 1 II d r. fi k b h d I h D FORD A B Prof~. or of Greek and Agrlcnltural an enl Q JWII W a Sl es, lormmg a gure three Wilham HOWitt IS fifty seven he pu b nown to every s rew ntis capacity a hearty laugh alld some IllqUlred If he would Chamlstry like an 1Imbl la whIle the young leaf Btill hshed verses at the age ofthlfteen Humholdt he had the opportnnlty of ascertamlDg the sell the horse Yes,' replied the young man J M (\LLEN A B Prof of Hebrew and Metaphysl firm and ~ DWa1 t 3 Its foher envelop IS seen IS eighty three Leigh Hunt IS slx,ty.el~(ht.1 manner m which the bUBmess In which he was 'but I cannot recommend him as he once be cal SCIence "'" It~nd~ng e1 eet In the center of this fohage, hke Fltz Green Halleck fifty seven about to engage was done, as also to familiar- longed to a butcher and stops wherever be E M DUNN Totor a hghtnlllg con luctor Ir.vmg son of an emment New York mer Ize himself with the handwritIng of the officers hears calves bleat • ~r~ ET_~A~g:~ ~~e~;ptress

When a pr mBlllg palmlste IS found, the chant, IS sIxty mne years of age m hIS mne of the pflson '" Mrs A A ALLEN Teacher of PaIDtmg gatherer nak~ 1m millston mto .t WIth II. C\l~ teentb year he began to contrIbute to hl8 EdymolD has smce been arrested In Albany True happmeBB IS of a reured nature, and Mrs H A MAXSON Teacher of Penci1IDg and Draw lass or ~ hatchet ThiS mClslon 18 generally brother s paper tbe" Mormng Chromcle" He IS repreBented as a very genteel and an enemy to p\ and nOIse It arises ID mg

Ii h If h h b f D 1 J ld fi b ht 1 k d b t 26 the first place, from the employment of one B Mrs M B KEN~N Teache.ofPnmary Department ID the gill a 01 a a moon, Wit tease a oug ass erro ,arty seven years of age, IS the rig 00 mg young man, age a au MISS S E CRmDALL Teacher uf Instrnmental .the semlClr(rlo bwnwards, and the wound In son of the manager or the Shel'lrness theatre years Before his conViction lD Tioga County self, and In the next, from the friendship and Mns c crellslUg lI1 depth 10 that dIrection, so as to the soa was hl8 first love and for a shurt lIme he had served a SIX months ter!.l;llJl .!be Ene of a few select COmpiiniOnS Calendar for 1853-4 expose effe cttla IS the flesh ofthe tree When he served as a midshipman on board of a man County Pemtenhary While connnj1a ID that happmeiis loves to be m a crowd, and to First Termopenstbtrd Wednesdaym Angust-clases tbls IS donG the gatherer marks the locality of war G PRJ ameBl! about fifty years old, prIson, he nearly made hIS escape by steahng draw the eyes of the world upon her, she fourth Weduesday 10 November

h h Ii h k fr h k f h k does ntlt receIve any satisfactIon from the ap Second Term opens second WednesdaymDecember and leaves the tr ee W IC e does not leVlslt tt was Washington Irvmg who first recom t e eys om t e pac et 0 t e eeper h f. ~ 1853-closes thtrd Wednesday 10 Marcb IB54 " .,1 I Wh h d d h The a e which fi ddt th" plause whICh she gives ersel but lrom the lor a COOSlaer e time ell t e moon IS men e 1m to a career of authorshIp Sher P P rs were orwar eo" Th,rd Term opens last m Marcb 1854-

G A b Th admlfallon whICh she raIses In others d d 1 In hllr Wantl he etUins and examInes hiS pal Idan Knowles sixty eight years old, IS the son overnor, are nOW III u urn e'l consist closes 6rst We nes ay m In y 1854 mlste If tlhe y ling lellf.jhtogether With the of a famous Insh schoolmaster, who was a of letters-the first from Dr BrJg~, repre A laughable story of some carrier pigeons Anmversaryexerclses 01 tbe Academy-6rat Wed

~ Ed t b 1 hIT nesday of Jnly 1854 others. begIn to ~how a yel w tinge at Its ex cousm to RIchard Brmsley Shendan Mr sentmg ymom a e ymg In t e osplta, IS told m an Antwerp newspaper he edIt General ExammatJon of Classes commences the last tremlty, an l] lion an application of hIS ear Knowles wrote hiS first play m hiS twenty m the la&t stages of conSUmptIOn Another or of a celebrated Journal published m that Monday of eacb term to the tru a 110110w lUmbhng nOIse IS heard first vear, hIS plays are thirteen III number, from the Chaplam, Mr Warren, endorSing Clly, sent a reporter to Brussels fortheKmg's The publIc are cordIally InVited to attend the gene wlthm, h lldes that the worms have at he now enJoys a government penslOn of two thlB statement, and others from the Agent, speech, and With him a couple of carrier ralexerClsesof theInstltntonenomeraledabo~e tacked the~Jtal parts" and the tree IS Immedl hundred poqnds a year Lamartlne IS sIXty Warren, and other officers about the prison, pigeons, to take back tbe docRment At Brus Ezpense. per Term ate1y cut d wn but Jl fhese symptoms are ab two, hl8 father was a major III the Frencli recommendlhg hiS pardon In addition to sels he gave the pigeons m charge oCa walter ~~~: Rent from $18 06 to $2~ ~~ lent, It lsI stu dmg untd tney appear The cavalry, under LoUIS XVI Abbott Law thes&, were letters pqrpottmg to be wfltten called for breakfast He was kept walt Washmg 2 00 gath~rel, hV vever mllBtnow VISit the tree fre rence IS m hIS slxlleth year Henry W by Edymom's relallves and fnends, saymg Ing for some time, but a very delicate fncasee Fnel-Sprmg and Fall Terms 1 00 quently, pepa\l!le the tranSItion of the msect IS Longfellow, forty five years of age IS the SOil that they were ready and wilhng to remove atoned for the delay After breakfast he paId Fnel-Wmter Term 1 75 10 raptd, t&t almost ImmedIately after the of Hon Stephen Longfellow Portland, Me him at their own exnense, and urglUg hIS hiS bill, and called for hI! carner pi pons ~nn~t~::tal! from 4 25 to 5 ~~ appearanc~ of the yellow tmge, the whole IS the bmhplace of the poet, he was appolllt- pardon , PIgeons 1" exclaimed the waller "why ElZtr". would ihsappe.a- When the tree IS felled, a ed Professor at CambrIdge III hiS twenty- you bave eaten them 1 ' MUSIC on the PIRno ¥ort~ 10 00 square portIOn If the bark 15 cut out longltudl eighth year Macaulay the son of a wealthy Remarkable Power of Memory Oil Palntmg 7 00

We seldom meet a bappler epigram than D I 00 nally< frool tne orlgmal IUCl810n upwllrds, and African merchant, Is fifty two years of age, Facts compel the writer to belleve, that that by Horace Smith one of the authors of E:b:~~ery ~ 50 Ita fibrous f texture laid open Mynads of' hiS essay on MIlton was wntlen m hiS IWAnl·v~ I powers of the memory are bounded only Rejected Addresses, on Mafia Edgeworth ThiS Semmary IS con6dently commended totbe pob-worms drtl the I seen voraCIOusly devourmg Sixth year, for the Edmbur.uh Revleu the extent ofns cult!1!atzon Of the extent b d hc as a first-class Institution sn"plled III an emment th h b b b D We every-day ar s may anonymous Slgn- l'

elf way t roue; t e BU stance In captur cready 18 fifty nine, hIS father was a theatncal Us natural capabIlllles, he has the hIghest That refuge MlBS EdgewOltb can never be tbme degree wltb aU the factilllesof edUcallon nsuelly found lDg,them, some degree of dexterIty IS necessary, manager Herman MelVille IS the Bon of an Ideas Indeed, he regards Its powers as al Thy wrltmgs wbere satire and moraluDlte III tbe Co\legesand U OIversltles of thIS country It IS

'both to. pri)te~1 one's selfi from tbe m d bl h f h h h fi I bi fi ts t d t Must bnng forlb tbe name of theIr author to light provided WIth ten departments of Ins!rnctlun haVing an I es Importmgmerc ant 0 tlSClty, elst Irty mostm nlte nnumera e ac en mg 0 'b an able and experlencea Instructor attbe head ofeacb of the Insecta, \\ hlch mHlct a painful bIte, and three years of age, hIS grandfather was one establIsh thIS conclUSIOn, he has witnessed Goodb~~d ad Jth0lllIII Etellmgtbedsonbrce oftdbetr bIrth tbns glvm" such a dlvl8lQu of lahor 88 can alone se I t t b p The ttU QWD. etr DGE an I e goo own tbelr p

880 0 SnV\.! Ime, y preventing them nom of the Boston tea party, he began hiS experu1Uced On requeshng the South WO!ItJI enre the blghest abilIty mconductJng each rlepartment bu.rroitIng t out of Sight When the worms mgs ID hIS eIghteenth year as a sailor ommbus drIvers to do errands In Bas Studellls can here complele an entIre conrse of colle at* taker' liey are placed In a closed II ' b d h th k for huntmg up emgmas g18te educatIon or be prepared for usefulneS! III me

v ., vesse the mast he 1S author of seven 0 serve t at ey too no memoran herlli " con(mue to retal th Itt d ' d" Ip'hill)B(ltphizEld thus -What strange creatures cbiJDlcal agncnltural or commercIal porsolts or for

W I Ile,l [ n e rac IVI yan works Mettermch IS seventy Ulne committe noerrors, thoug\i they Orten one of them good wages to entenng Immediately apon profeaslonal studIes The Vlgor' tl Marvel, thl~ty ,vElars of age, IS a native of errands at a tnp The Becond Teacbers I}epartmentsappheathe pnbllCwltha~leBl't

The nurubm that can lee procured fiom a wlch, Conn, a graduate 01 Yale, and a went to the Boston Fo!!t:Oiice, thltde- for ,you, and ten chances to one If the one hundred and fif1 expenenced teachers of common IlDgle ree depends altogether upon the sea dent ofNeW'x"York J.K. Pauldmg, whose clerk, wllhoutlooklna overtheletters motliercan~areany Of7ier glrls-liu"f1USt scnootiiaunually an th~-nepattmeutorElementa

1~ which IS wounded If th II .~ 0. and see If they don'tJump and Agncnltnrl\1 Chemistry affords the yoong farmer IOn 1 e mOOn IS co eclIve works fill seventy five volumes, IS or papers, said there was none fur me I ra- at chance of working a lifellme for their all Ihe laclhUesdeSJrablem the beBtagnculiuralschooJ. 1ft bel! fll l, 'hey are generally numerous and seventy three years of age he 19 a native quested hIm to look, which heuld, meanwhIle H!lvlllgteCenlly cqmpleted anotber spaclOnl and ele gOI)d-many tbouBands beIDg found In an or Dutchess Co, III thl8 State ~rentJce IS a remarkmg that It was useless, but found none, VIctuals and clothes A queer way of esti gl1!1t edifioe for a c\lapel and recltatio!ltrooms auil be dIDlrtYolliig tree of twenty five feet In height Yankee born at Pre t C and 8cores of times, the moment he me, mating thmgs mg now engaged In extensIve enlargemeDtsand alte~

lWi ih ked h ' s on, ann, D tions fur tbe accomm datIon of a mucb larger numb,r ore e worms are coo , t ey are, years otd He has been editor of the responded that there was something or no Oue cannot help askmg why, among the of stodents tban hItherto tbe Trustees eX{'r88s tbemll eac' m. ~8 tur~ carefully pIcked With an vzlle Journal smce 1831 Prescott the thmg for me, Without mv bemg able to detect thousand plans deVIsed for rescumg poor tentilln tbat tIla hlg~ character wb cli'tblB l"attlul10D

orang! torn, a'lJd thrown tnto a Tessel con nan, IS In hiS fifty slxlh year P~wers a Single mistake To be able thus to rernem Avery at Niagara Falls, some one did not has acqmred forlthorongh lDslructlon for strIct moral !alOlnll' a .auee of lUne,'ulce a d 8 It Th I ~. b 'b h h h Po h k h h fi' and SOCIal trammg and tl!.~ best of eilucal1ouioJ. advan-Co ~, 01 n a IS sco ptor, 18 wty seven, IS er w et er or not t ere was Bomethmg lor t In to t row a rope across t e stream rom tages at a very moderate expen.. sban lie fully sus 11 d :i. ilia p.~rpose of clellnSlbg thllm from VIS- plam countty peoplel who any of those thousands of CitlZtlns and iltrang the tree tops on either SIde, let dowq a bl!8ket, talned The location on tbe N Y and Ene Bailrola C1 1 Ii: t i1 m~y hav; Imbibed I frOID tbe farm" m Vermont Seward ers contmually applylOg, requ\res an e:1{raor and sMng him c1E;1ar frolll the water It could two miles from the Alfred ~epot IS romanttc retired

tPhllelDlwo' e et otw Qstan mg thiS ilisclphnll. Taltourd, s,fty seven Tennyson, dm ardy retentlve memory, ~lDd every Aully lJave bllen dQne, and With the s\l!lpen and one of the healthiest In the ~Wr)a 0 CXllCultll"l &C, !IP' r BIn their VItality till th d .., gratuitous on appbcalton tu Pro., E/lfO, or ~ ptiT'ecf'lit tc by ~h I ey are e- clergyman, 18 forty iive Thackeray, reader might have attaIned, ye\ BI9n bridge In Sight of the crowd, tt Bjl6J1lS Rev N V HlILL Pres of Tl'tlIteet :A1fted Center;

e CU laary proceae 'rho Calcutta, IS furt10ne TIcknor, &cautre, one qUIte II efficlellt, that It Will not lhought o£ Alltgllly Co, N. ,



AmCllcnu &nbbath Traet Somty'. Publlt8.t\ODI THE Amencan Sabbath Tract SocIety publIshe.

the folluwmg tracts which are for Bale at It. Pe posltory No 9 Spruce lit N' Y VlZ-

No I-Reasons 'or mtroducmg tbe Sabbath of tbe ~ourth Commaniment to the consideratIOn of tl • CIlIBt,an I'ubh~ 28 pp

No 2-Moral1\4Iure and Scnptnral Obselvance 01 the Sabhath 02 pp

No 3 -AulhorJly for tba Change of tbe Day of the Sabbath 2 I PI "

No 4-fhe Sabbath Hud Lord s Day A HIstory of theIr Obsarvance In the ChrIst an tlhulch 52 pp

No 5-1\ Chr.stlan Caveat to the Old al d New S.b batnr18DS 4 PP I

No 6-Twenty Reasons for keepIDg huly In eacl week the SeVenth Day lDs~e .. d of the ,Fust Day 4 pp

No 7-Thu ty SIX Plam QnestlonB preBentmg tl e Dla}n poults In tbe Contro,"1 sy A Dlalogae betweel a MIUlster of II a GO'l el al d a SaOOaI8r;I8J1 Coun terfelt COlD 8 pp

No B-The Sabbatb Controversy ~he Trne Issue 4pp

No 9-The Fourth Commandment False EXPOSitIOn 4 pp

No lO-Tba True Sabbath ! .. l.·~ced and Observed 16 Pi'

No ll-ReltgJOns LIberty En" gered by Leg18latn. Euactments 16 pp

No 12-M18u8e of the Term Sabbath 8 pp No 13-The BIble Sabbafh 24 pp No I4-DelaYlng ObedIence 4 pp No 15-An Apl'aal for the Restoraoon 01 tl e BILl.

Sahbath ID an Address to tlie BaptjstB from It, Seventh day BaptIst General Confelence 40 pp

'(ha Society has also pubhshed the followmg work. to which attentIOn IS InVIted -

A Defense of tha Sabbath In reRly to Ward on II, Fourtb Commandment By George Carlow FIrs prmtedm London m 17~4 repnnted atStollln@ton Ct In 1802 now republished mare, I.ed fQrnr 16B pp

The Royal Law Contended for By Edward Stennet FIrst prmted m London In 1'658 60 pp

VmdlCatlon of the True Sabbath by J W Mortol late MISSIOnary of tbe Reformed Preshytennll Church 64 pp

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