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2013 Bazi preview full report Bazi : Decoding your destiny chart Why settle for less if you can be at your best ? OFFICE : GIGIEFFE CENTER , SIN EL FIL , WWW . JESSICAKHUDEIDA . COM

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Bazi : Decoding your destiny chart

Why settle for less if you can be at your best ?

O F F I C E : G I G I E F F E C E N T E R , S I N E L F I L , W W W . J E S S I C A K H U D E I D A . C O M

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This report describes key features of your personal style that influence your approach to life, tasks, ways of interacting with people, and performance at work. It is designed as a tool for professional & personal growth. It contains interpretive notes that can be useful for increasing your success at work and in life . The focus of this report is on your personal characteristics and behaviors.

This report will help you better understand your preferences, attitudes, and

behaviors in key dimensions of management and leadership. It will help you

capitalize on your strengths, target areas for further development, set goals, and

plan action steps.


In addition to introductory section, your report contains the following sections

Your personality : your true self

Your weaknesses and strengths according to your type :

Relationships , wealth, health

Your Career Path/ career profiling : your inner skills

Self Competence at work

Self-path recommendations

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As you examine your report, keep the following points in mind

1. Keep your own role and situation at the forefront. It is important to avoid reading good or bad into any of the statements. Human characteristics can be either a strength or weakness depending on the situation. What may be an asset in one setting can be a liability in another. Everyone has strengths and areas that may require improvement. As a result, some parts of this report will appear to be positive and other parts may concern you. No one will ever know you as well as you know yourself.

2. Pay as much attention to your strengths as to possible developmental areas. After all, you have achieved your current position because of your strengths.

3. Remember, above all, that you are the ultimate expert-the only one who can verify these results.

This report cannot describe every nuance of your style or capture every competency relevant to your success in your job.

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Every human being has a unique BaZi Profile. This Profile represents our personal

frame of reference that consists of our attitudes, assumptions and expectations

concerning ourselves, other people and life. This unique set of factors determines

whether we are optimistic or pessimistic, happy or sad, jovial or gloomy, trusting

or suspicious, friendly or conservative, courageous or shy, patient or

temperamental, logical or emotional. These factors color how we see life as well

as how we influence or are influenced by others.


Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese conceptual term that describes the four components creating a person's destiny or fate. The four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and time (hour). The four pillars is a component used alongside fortune telling practices such as Zi wei dou shu within the realm of Chinese Astrology.

Ba Zi (Eight Characters ) or Four Pillars as it is popular known in the West, is a sophisticated art of Chinese fortune-telling based largely on the Chinese five-element theory, allowing us to investigate the potential and mysterious of our lives using our birth data. BaZi calculation enable us to explore the cyclical influence of our 'destiny' in terms important areas such as family, friends, relationships, wealth, fame, recognition, career, studies, partnership, business and the almost every other important aspect of our lives. BaZi can be used to evaluate relationships and to forecast the life path of each individual.

An individual can make use of this information to accelerate his performance in work, strengthen his or her relationships with others, improve weaknesses, maximize talents and potentials, and make informed decisions based on forecasts of his or her upcoming cycle of luck. Understanding our BaZi (our Eight Characters) helps us deal with uncertainties and allows us to understand our strengths and weaknesses in life. Factors such as luck are often indomitable and not within our grasp. BaZi analysis is designed to help us understand the cycles of luck and possibly understand how it influences our lives.

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Day master : is the most important reference point in the analysis. From your date of birth, you get a day master which denotes your basic nature and character. It denotes WHO YOU ARE

To get a clear idea of the full picture, refer to the chart below:

Level 1 - The Day Master

The Day Master in a nutshell is the BASIC YOU. The inborn personality. It is your essential character. It answers the basic question "WHO AM I". There are ten basic personality profiles - the TEN Day Masters - each with its unique set of personality traits, likes and dislikes.

Level 2 - The Structure

The Structure is your behavior and attitude - in other words, how you use your personality. It expands on the Day Master (Level 1). The structure reveals your natural tendencies in life - are you more controlling, more of a creator, supporter, thinker or connector? Each of the Ten Day Masters express themselves differently through the FIVE Structures. Why do we do the things we do? Why do we like the things we like? - The answers are in our BaZi STRUCTURE.

Level 3 - The Profile

The Profile reveals your unique abilities and skills, the masks that you consciously and unconsciously "put on" as you approach and navigate the world. Your Profile speaks of your ROLES in life. There are TEN roles - or Ten BaZi Profiles. Everyone plays a different role.

What makes you happy and what does success mean to you is different to somebody else. Your sense of achievement and sense of purpose in life is unique to your Profile. Your Profile will reveal your unique style.

" Your BaZi Profile reveals how you can get FLOW. It will show you your patterns in work, relationship and social settings. Being AWARE of these patterns is your first step to positive Life Transformation.

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Life Transformation - Designing Your Destiny

What is it that shapes our attitudes? It's our character. And how can we change something like our character if we don't know what our character is? That's why it is essential to first begin by being aware of your PROFILE.

I'm sure you've met or even have known people who are their own 'worst enemy.' They always, for some reason, manage to sabotage themselves when success (in the form of a relationship or a dream job, for example) is just within reach.

Who we are - our self-image - can restrict or expand our ability to achieve success in life. A person with an unhealthy self-image or at what I call the "unhealthy levels of their BaZi Profile" will not achieve sustainable success in life because he will eventually bring himself down to the level of his own innate expectations as permissible by the 'health level' of his Profile.

Isn't it strange that human nature seems to provide all of us with the natural ability and instincts to size up or judge everyone else on earth except for ourselves?

Many people know that for things to change, they first need to change themselves. But how can they change, when they don't know WHAT to change? That is why all change - begins with SELF-AWARENESS.

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Your Day Master Is:



Your main type: Day master.

The day master shows your basic character.

Kindly find below the character attributes of a ‘’ Yin water ‘’ type

Gui water people value intellectualism as well as

communication with others – it is the rain that grows the plants

and all other life on earth. Gui people have many creative ideas.

Like the clouds in the sky, Gui personalities can be moody and

fickle. Gui, like Ren water, does not like to stay put in one spot;

and as such they are often restless and planning ahead on their

next move.

Personality :


Wise : you may seem soft-hearted and naïve on the

outside, but you’ re very wise on the inside

You spot potential or talent in another person and draw it

out through the use of subtle and gentle persistence.

Cultivate others , idealistic, creative : you got good people skills and you’re

often excited by new ideas but bored with the details of the project. You’re

open –minded and flexible

Interested in serving humanity

Inspire others

Yin water representation

Gentle rivers and rains

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You enjoy overcoming challenges

Cannot focus on one thing at a time

Famous Gui/Yin Water Personalities

Larry Ellison He is an American business

magnate, philanthropist and

the co-founder and chief

executive officer of Oracle

Corporation, a major

enterprise software company.

Jamie Oliver Sometimes known as The

Naked Chef, is a British chef,

restaurateur and media

personality, known for his

food-focused television

shows and cookbooks.

Martha Stewart She is an American business

magnate, television host,

author, and magazine

publisher. As founder of

Martha Stewart Living Omni

media, she has gained

success through a variety of

business ventures,

encompassing publishing,

broadcasting, and


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Your Bazi chart

Yin and yang are the negative and positive phases in the cyclic flow of Chi. These are the root of power, the beginning of everything. Since they constitute the beginning of everything and constitute the basic principles of the entire universe, they are indeed the cause of both life and death.

Your structures ( how you approach the world) :

Main structure : Managers

Sub- structure : Connectors

Your chart shows a lot of ‘’

Yin elements’’ at first glance.

This is an imbalanced chart

as you ‘re missing ‘’ yang ’’

components in order to find

balance in your life.

A lot of yin is a sign of over-

thinker person

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Sub-structure : Connectors

Enthusiastic. Sociable. Persuasive

Connectors are people who engage others, are persuasive and inspiring. The

companion structure personality is a friendly , gregarious one who exercise

tremendous influence. Motivating people is your power. Charming and a good

conversationalist, you like to be in the thick of things, and are always the life of

the party.

On the other hand, you can sometimes be a bit bossy and too demanding. You’re

prone to getting people to give exactly what you want and how you like it.

Weaknesses :

‘’What’s in it for me ? ‘’- mentality

Tend to be sometimes scheming and calculative

Too impulsive because they are spontaneous people , and they lack

planning ahead .

Suitable job for a connector structure :

PR, branding, events planning

Sales, marketing

Journalism, broadcasting

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10 Profiles Strength

Your 10 profiles

represent the roles you play in life . These personal attributes show your hidden

skills as well they way you operate.

Meaning of 10 profile strength

Rob Wealth (壬)The Leader


Friend (癸)The Friend


Indirect Wealth (丁)The Pioneer


Hurting Officer (甲)The Performer


Direct Resource (庚)The Analyzer


Eating God (乙)The Artist


Direct Officer (戊)The Diplomat


Seven Killings (己)The Warrior


Direct Wealth (丙)The Director


Indirect Resource (辛)The Philosopher


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Your type when in love ( how you operate in love ) : 1. Yin water 2. Intimate profile : The warrior

As ‘’ the Warrior ‘’ profile :

The Warrior represents leadership skills, power and authority. Hence, they have outstanding natural-born ability to exercise command and authority. They are courageous, robust and resilient, and no setback can slow them down.

That said, the Warrior can also be overly-demanding and pushy - or worst: brutish and forceful. They have a reactive personality, which may be less prone to analytical thinking and reasoning. They are also likely to be suspicious, temperamental and defensive.

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Your prominent hidden character :

DO, IW & DW A direct officer star :

A star represents your overall personality, virtues, character & outlook

Positive character attributes Negative attributes

Honorable, principled Rigid

Take-charge Poor negotiators

Honest and upright Fearful , nervous Responsible and reliable Indecisive, hesitant

Naturally authoritative Lack leadership style Planner Unwilling to take risks

See the world as black or white , right or wrong

Lack initiative


IW = indirect wealth. This shows you have a visible & further skills in


DW= Direct wealth: self-discipline, you are primary motivated by a routine

schedule or way of life. This type of god also represents in matters : banks,

ATM and financial districts.

Develop these types while doing the following activities :

DW + IW : will give you the opportunity of being a successful

businesswoman. Develop this sense by knowledge ( academic books ,

business related stories or trainings … )