bayesian regression analysis

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A project assignment on Bayesian Regression Analysis submitted to the Department of Mathematics, faculty of science, University of Lagos.









    (Mathematics Department, University of Lagos)




    MAT 829

    MAY 2013


    Bayesian statistics is an approach to statistics which formally seeks use of prior information with

    the data. Bayes Theorem provides the formal basis for making use of both sources of

    information in a formal manner. The Bayesian analysis is the study of

    different features of posterior density. In this study, Bayesian Regression analysis using R

    software (with MCMC pack) is used to explore data extracted from the Nigeria Stock Exchange

    in the Capital market (case study of two banks; Access Bank PLC and United Bank of Africa

    PLC). Data collected for this project is a secondary data from Nigeria stock Exchange; All-share

    Index, daily price of stock, interest rate, exchange rate and daily oil price for the period of five

    years 2005-2009. For this purpose, we define the response variable as the Nigeria Stock

    Exchange All-share Index (NSEAI). The covariates are the Daily price of stock, Interest rate

    (Lending rate), Exchange rate and Oil price. Simulation approach of Bayesian analysis was

    found to be the most useful one in this study.


    1. Introduction

    Prior Probabilities and Bayes Theorem

    The task of Bayesian analysis is to build a model for the relationship between parameters () and

    observables (y), and then calculate the probability distribution of parameters conditional on the

    data, p(|y). In addition, the Bayesian analysis may calculate the predicted distribution of

    unobserved data.

    Bayesian statistics begins with a model for the joint probability distribution of and y, p(,y).

    may be a single parameter or a vector of many parameters, and y may be a vector of

    observations of a single variable or a matrix with multiple observations of many variables. The

    function p is a probability distribution. An example of a model is the familiar one for estimating

    the mean and variance of a normally distributed population, in which p(,y) is a normal

    distribution with mean and variance given by the parameter vector , and y is a sample of

    independent measurements. Using the definition of conditional probability (Mangel and Clark

    1988, Howson and Urbach 1989), p(,y) can be decomposed into two components:

    p(,y) = p() p(y| ).. .1

    By convention, p() is called the prior distribution of (i.e. the distribution prior to observing the

    data y) and p(y| ) is called the likelihood function (i.e. the likelihood of observing the data given

  • a particular parameter value ). Bayes theorem provides the posterior probability distribution

    p(|y) (i.e. the distribution of obtained after observing y and combining the information in the

    data with the information in the prior distribution):

    p(|y) = p() p(y| ) / p(y)..2

    Equation (2) provides a probability distribution of given observations of the data y.

    In this equation, p(y) is the sum (or integral) of p() p(y| ) over all possible values of -Mangel

    and Clark (1988) or Howson and Urbach (1989).

    2. Subjectivity

    Bayesian probabilities are sometimes called subjective probabilities. It is important to

    understand exactly what is meant by subjective in this context. Decision analyses are often

    unique. The situation in which one is making the decision may occur only once. It cannot be

    replicated, so there is no possibility for measuring probabilities by repeated sampling.

    Nevertheless, Bayesian analysis may be used to compute the probabilities needed to make

    decisions. Because these probabilities cannot be measured by repeated sampling, they are called

    subjective and they represent a degree of belief in a particular outcome-Lindley (1985),

    Howson and Urbach (1989) and Pratt et al. (1995).

    Also, if there is no basis in observed data for estimating the prior probability distribution, then

    the analyst may simply assume a particular prior distribution. The consequences of this

    assumption can be tested by sensitivity analyses that compare the response of the posterior

  • distribution to different assumptions about the prior distribution. Most commonly, a non-

    informative prior distribution is assumed. A non-informative prior distribution assigns the same

    probability to each possible value of the parameters. If the number of observations is at least

    moderately large, a non-informative prior distribution will have negligible impact on the

    posterior distribution. If the data y is limited, however, the choice of prior distribution may have

    a substantial impact on the posterior distribution. In this case, sensitivity analysis is needed to

    evaluate the consequences of different assumptions about the prior distribution.

    3. Linear Regression with Non-informative Prior

    In linear regression, the observations consist of a response variable in a vector y and one or more

    predictor variables in a matrix X. The vector y has n elements, corresponding to n observations.

    The matrix X has n rows, corresponding to the observations, and k columns corresponding to the

    number of predictors. If the regression includes an intercept, one of the columns of X is a column

    of ones. The parameters are the regression coefficients and the error variance of the fitted

    model, 2. The model that relates observations and parameters is written:

    (y | , 2, X) ~ Normal(X , 2 I)..3

    In words, this model states that the distribution of y given parameters and 2 and predictors X

    is a normal distribution with mean X and variance 2. The identity matrix is I. A normal

    distribution is completely specified by its mean and variance.

  • Once the model is specified, the Bayesian analysis seeks the posterior distribution for the

    parameters and a predictive distribution for the models predictions. The analysis begins with a

    prior distribution. A non-informative prior distribution that is commonly used for linear

    regression is p(, 2) 1/2..4

    In words, this expression means that the joint probability distribution of and 2 given X is a

    flat surface with a constant level proportional to 1/2.

    The posterior distribution of given 2 is | 2, y ~ Normal (E, V 2) (A.5)

    Expression (5) states that the probability distribution of given 2 and y is normal with mean E

    and variance V 2. The parameters of this normal distribution are computed from

    E = (X X)-1 X y.6

    V = (X X)-1.7

    The apostrophe () denotes matrix transposition. The marginal posterior distribution of 2 (i.e.

    the integral over all possible values of of the joint distribution of and 2) is

    2 | y ~ Inverse 2 (n - k, s2).8

  • Expression (8) says that the probability distribution of 2 given y follows an inverse 2

    distribution. The inverse 2 distribution, presented by Gelman et al. (1995), is fully defined by

    two parameters, the degrees of freedom and the scale factor. In this case there are n k degrees

    of freedom (where n is the number of observations of y and k is the number of parameters to be

    estimated, i.e. the number of columns of X). The scale factor s2 is computed by

    s2 = (y - X E) (y - X E) / (n k)..10

    Note that y - X E is the vector of residuals, or deviations of observations from predictions.

    The marginal posterior distribution of given y is written

    | y ~ Multivariate Student t (n k, E, s2)11

    The multivariate Student t distribution (presented by Gelman et al. 1995) has three parameters,

    the degrees of freedom n k, the mean E, and the scale factor s2. This distribution is derived

    by integrating the posterior distribution of given 2 (5) over all possible values of 2 (8).

    Regressions are often fitted in order to make predictions. The predictive distribution, yp, given a

    new set of predictors Xp has mean

    E(yp | y) = Xp E..12

    The marginal posterior distribution of the variance of this prediction is

  • var(yp | 2, y) = (I + Xp V Xp) 2.13

    where I is the identity matrix. This variance formula has two components, I 2 for sampling

    variance of the new observations and Xp V Xp 2 for uncertainty about . The marginal

    posterior distribution of yp given y is

    p(yp | y ) ~ Multivariate Student-t [n k, Xp E, (I + Xp V Xp) s2]..14

    Bayesian analysis using the non-informative prior of equation (4). The classical estimates of

    and 2 are E and s2, respectively. The classical standard error estimate for is V s2. The

    classical prediction for new data is yp = Xp E with variance (I + Xp V Xp) s2.

    4. Linear Regression with Informative Prior

    Bayesian analysis can be used to combine two different sources of information in a single model

    to estimate parameters or make predictions. The results can then be combined with a third

    source of information to improve the parameter estimates or predictions. This process can be

    repeated over and over again to combine information from any number of sources. Combining

    multiple sources of information is one of the most important uses of Bayesian statistics (Hilborn

    and Mangel 1997). In linear regression with an informative prior distribution, there are two

    statistically-independent data sets that provide information about the model to be analyzed. We

    assign one data set to be the prior, and use the other data set for the likelihood. Usually it is

    convenient to assume that the prior distribution of the k regression parameters is multivariate

  • Student-t. This distribution has three parameters, a vector of mean regression parameters, a

    matrix with variances along the main diagonal and covariance elsewhere, and degrees of

    freedom. In this case, the mean vector contains the k prior estimates of the mean regression

    parameters (B0) and the k x k parameter covariance matrix S0, model variance s02 and degrees

    of freedom n0. For the second data set, we have a n1 x 1 response vector y1 and a n1 x k matrix

    of predictors X1.

    The posterior can be computed by treating the prior as additional data points, and then weighting

    their contribution to the posterior (Gelman et al. 1995).



    5.1 Simple Linear Regression analysis using R-package.

    R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"

    Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing

    ISBN 3-900051-07-0

    Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

    > data1 data1

    > attach(data1)



    lm(formula = NSEASI ~ PRICE + INTEREST + EXCHANGE + OIL)



    3.3104 0.4697 2.3299 -5.3469 0.3923

    Table 1. The estimated coefficients for Access Bank.



    lm(formula = NSEASI ~ PRICE + INTEREST + EXCHANGE + OIL)


    Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

    -0.41806 -0.16074 -0.00902 0.15483 0.46518

    Table 2.


    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

    (Intercept) 3.31044 0.52732 6.278 5.71e-08 ***

    PRICE 0.46975 0.09486 4.952 7.35e-06 ***

    INTEREST 2.32985 0.52988 4.397 5.07e-05 ***

    EXCHANGE -5.34694 0.77386 -6.909 5.31e-09 ***

    OIL 0.39228 0.09805 4.001 0.00019 ***

    ---Table 3. The estimated coefficients with standard error for Access Bank.

    Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1

    Residual standard error: 0.2258 on 55 degrees of freedom

    Multiple R-squared: 0.827, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8144

    F-statistic: 65.71 on 4 and 55 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16


    Analysis of Variance Table

  • Response: NSEASI

    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

    PRICE 1 7.2169 7.2169 141.5014 < 2.2e-16 ***

    INTEREST 1 0.3667 0.3667 7.1897 0.0096600 **

    EXCHANGE 1 5.0055 5.0055 98.1435 7.798e-14 ***

    OIL 1 0.8164 0.8164 16.0077 0.0001902 ***

    Residuals 55 2.8051 0.0510

    Table 4. Anova table for Access bank.


    Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1


  • 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5









    5.3 Bayesian Linear Regression Analysis using R-package.

    > library(MCMCpack)

    Loading required package: coda

    Loading required package: lattice

    Loading required package: MASS


    ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)

    ## Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park


    ## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation

    ## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)


    Warning messages:

  • 1: package MCMCpack was built under R version 2.15.3 2: package coda was built under R version 2.15.3 > M6 summary(M6)

    Iterations = 1001:11000

    Thinning interval = 1

    Number of chains = 1

    Sample size per chain = 10000

    1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, plus standard error of the mean:

    Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE

    (Intercept) 3.31131 0.53659 0.0053659 0.0053659

    PRICE 0.47069 0.09694 0.0009694 0.0009694

    INTEREST 2.33433 0.53859 0.0053859 0.0056140

    EXCHANGE -5.35102 0.78375 0.0078375 0.0078375

    OIL 0.39044 0.09988 0.0009988 0.0009988

    sigma2 0.05303 0.01061 0.0001061 0.0001168

    Table 5. The estimated coefficients for Access Bank using Bayesian Regression Model.

    2. Quantiles for each variable:

    2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%

    (Intercept) 2.25156 2.95241 3.31539 3.66211 4.36502

    PRICE 0.28003 0.40412 0.47118 0.53532 0.66045

    INTEREST 1.28593 1.97042 2.34178 2.70126 3.38008

    EXCHANGE -6.88844 -5.87923 -5.35285 -4.83245 -3.82332

    OIL 0.19330 0.32454 0.39170 0.45712 0.58544

    sigma2 0.03612 0.04546 0.05168 0.05898 0.07756

  • >plot(M6,trace=FALSE)

    6.0 UBA PLC

    6.1 Simple Linear Regression using R-package.

    > data2 data2

    > attach(data2)


  • Call:

    lm(formula = NSEASI ~ PRICE + INTEREST + EXCHANGE + OIL)



    1.6753 0.4002 1.3577 -2.7630 0.2790

    Table 8. The estimated coefficients for UBA.



    lm(formula = NSEASI ~ PRICE + INTEREST + EXCHANGE + OIL)


    Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

    -0.21473 -0.07511 -0.01378 0.05101 0.36808

    Table 9.


    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

    (Intercept) 1.67530 0.30128 5.561 8.15e-07 ***

    PRICE 0.40024 0.02590 15.455 < 2e-16 ***

    INTEREST 1.35771 0.27000 5.028 5.60e-06 ***

    EXCHANGE -2.76303 0.43410 -6.365 4.12e-08 ***

    OIL 0.27902 0.05058 5.516 9.59e-07 ***

    ---Table 10. The estimated coefficients with standard error for UBA.

    Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1

    Residual standard error: 0.1164 on 55 degrees of freedom

  • Multiple R-squared: 0.9532, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9497

    F-statistic: 279.8 on 4 and 55 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16


    Analysis of Variance Table

    Response: NSEASI

    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)

    PRICE 1 13.8116 13.8116 1018.7482 < 2.2e-16 ***

    INTEREST 1 0.0006 0.0006 0.0418 0.8387

    EXCHANGE 1 0.9472 0.9472 69.8640 2.280e-11 ***

    OIL 1 0.4126 0.4126 30.4308 9.587e-07 ***

    Residuals 55 0.7457 0.0136

    Table 11. Anova table for UBA.


    Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1


  • 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5








    6.2 Bayesian Linear Regression Analysis using R-package.

    > library(MCMCpack)

    Loading required package: coda

    Loading required package: lattice

    Loading required package: MASS


    ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)

    ## Copyright (C) 2003-2013 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park


    ## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation

    ## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)


  • Warning messages:

    1: package MCMCpack was built under R version 2.15.3 2: package coda was built under R version 2.15.3 > M6 summary(M6)

    Iterations = 1001:11000

    Thinning interval = 1

    Number of chains = 1

    Sample size per chain = 10000

    1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable, plus standard error of the mean:

    Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE

    (Intercept) 1.67580 0.306723 3.06e-03 3.067e-03

    PRICE 0.40046 0.026465 2.647e-04 2.647e-04

    INTEREST 1.35941 0.275462 2.755e-03 2.755e-03

    EXCHANGE -2.76445 0.440716 4.407e-03 4.407e-03

    OIL 0.27802 0.051560 5.156e-04 5.156e-04

    Sigma2 0.01411 0.002822 2.822e-05 3.109e-05

    Table 12. The estimated coefficients with standard error for UBA using Bayesian Regression Model.

    2. Quantiles for each variable:

    2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%

    (Intercept) 1.070025 1.4706 1.67813 1.87632 2.27812

    PRICE 0.348276 0.3827 0.40066 0.41820 0.45158

    INTEREST 0.824582 1.1724 1.36324 1.54945 1.89541

    EXCHANGE -3.623964 -3.0635 -2.76876 -2.46834 -1.90566

    OIL 0.175582 0.2432 0.27886 0.31263 0.37938

    sigma2 0.009611 0.0121 0.01375 0.01569 0.02064

  • >plot(M6,trace=FALSE)

    0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0




    Density of (Intercept)

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.05086

    0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50




    Density of PRICE

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.004446

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5




    Density of INTEREST

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.04628

    -4 -3 -2 -1




    Density of EXCHANGE

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.07404

    0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5



    Density of OIL

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.008662

    0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030



    Density of sigma2

    N = 10000 Bandw idth = 0.000451

    7.0 Summary of finds, Conclusion and Recommendation.

    7.1 Summary of finds and Conclusion

    In this study, analysis of data extracted from Nigeria Stock Exchange was subjected to

    investigate the relationship between the respond variable All-share Index and daily price of

    stock, interest rate, exchange rate and oil price of the banking sector of the Nigeria Stock

    Exchange; case study of two banks Access Bank Plc, and United Bank For Africa (UBA) Plc.

  • The result of the simple linear regression is very similar to the Bayesian Regression as shown in

    the table below. Although more computationally intensive, the Bayesian Regression is similarly

    easy to implement and automatically provides interval estimates for all parameters, including the

    standard error. By the results of the analysis for the two banks the estimated coefficients are

    statistically significant and the price of stock, Lending rate and oil price have positive effect on

    the response variable All-share Index that is, as all the performance metrics increase All-share

    Index increases except the Exchange rate; as the exchange rate goes down All-share Index

    increases and vice versa.

    SLR Std. Error BLR Std. Error

    Intercept 3.31044 0.52732 3.31131 0.53659

    Price of stock 0.46975 0.09486 0.47069 0.09694

    Interest Rate 2.32985 0.52988 2.33433 0.53859

    Exchange Rate -5.34694 0.77386 -5.35102 0.78375

    Oil price 0.39228 0.09805 0.39044 0.09988

    Table 14. The estimated coefficients with standard error (Std. Error) for Access Bank Plc. Using Simple Linear

    Regression (SLR) and Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR).

    SLR Std. Error BLR Std. Error

    Intercept 1.67530 0.30128 1.67580 0.306723

    Price of stock 0.40024 0.02590 0.40046 0.026465

    Interest Rate 1.35771 0.27000 1.35941 0.275462

    Exchange Rate -2.76303 0.43410 -2.76445 0.440716

    Oil price 0.27902 0.05058 0.27802 0.051560

    Table 15. The estimated coefficients with standard error (Std. Error) for UBA Plc. Using Simple Linear Regression

    (SLR) and Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR).

    Note: that All-share Index is an arbitrary number used in Stock Exchange for evaluation


  • 7.2 Recommendation.

    Based on the information gathered and findings from the analysis carried out in this study, the

    following recommendations are suggested.

    1) There is need for the federal government to commence buying of shares of the banks on

    the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE). When these shares are purchased, they will serve

    twin purpose- being investment for the government which it can hold, earn returns and

    later resell and increase the demand segment of the capital market following the upward

    movement of both the market capitalization and the All-share Index.

    2) There is need for advertisement for the banks involve being their public offer (IPO) so

    that more people may participate in the purchasing of their shares which will increase the

    percentage of their All-share Index.

    3) The banks should not be over expose to the capital market because this significantly

    increases the quantum of banks non- performing loans which invariably led to loss of

    depositors fund with the banks.

    4) The government fiscal policy on exchange rate, bank lending rate (interest rate) and oil

    price should be look into because of the significant of its values in the profit of the banks.


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    1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

    2 0.8738 0.9503 0.9739 0.9999 1.1156

    3 0.7844 0.8776 0.9077 0.9999 1.1531

    4 0.7686 0.832 0.9899 0.9999 1.0375

    5 0.9518 1.0103 0.9723 0.9997 1.0656

    6 1.0761 1.2459 0.9947 1.0001 1.0953

    7 0.9427 1.0279 1.0096 1.0001 1.1143

    8 0.9008 0.8267 0.9184 0.9940 0.9589

    9 0.8212 0.8136 0.9899 0.9747 1.0848

    10 0.8520 0.8375 1.0096 0.9749 1.0381

    11 0.8035 0.7890 1.0091 0.9736 1.0075

    12 0.7818 0.7899 0.9189 0.9708 1.1192

    13 0.8993 0.1564 0.9723 0.9708 1.0836

    14 0.8989 0.1492 0.9675 0.9657 1.1076

    15 0.8853 0.1395 0.9541 0.9593 1.2333

    16 0.8752 0.1324 0.9616 0.9572 1.2461

    17 0.9135 0.1337 0.9792 0.9571 1.2364

    18 0.9464 0.1396 0.9685 0.9571 1.3185

  • 19 1.0183 0.1404 0.9925 0.9566 1.3169

    20 1.1920 0.1563 0.9808 0.9562 1.1357

    21 1.2383 0.1653 0.9877 0.9559 1.0521

    22 1.2427 0.3212 0.9979 0.9558 1.0607

    23 1.2235 0.4102 0.9984 0.9558 1.1095

    24 1.2300 0.3908 0.9952 0.9559 0.9721

    25 1.3183 0.3987 0.9973 0.9558 1.0442

    26 1.5093 0.5361 0.9941 0.9557 1.1213

    27 1.5560 0.6228 1.0091 0.955 1.2163

    28 1.7363 0.8112 0.9909 0.9537 1.2341

    29 1.7938 0.9895 0.9157 0.9505 1.2802

    30 1.9220 1.0771 0.9995 0.9496 1.3759

    31 1.9379 1.0650 0.9792 0.9476 1.3150

    32 1.9594 1.0548 0.9744 0.9256 1.4197

    33 1.9373 1.0548 0.9744 0.9377 1.5181

    34 1.9170 1.0938 0.9712 0.9269 1.5181

    35 1.9876 1.0954 0.9755 0.8967 1.7003

    36 2.0661 1.1952 0.9712 0.8798 1.6660

    37 2.1883 1.3234 0.9883 0.8787 1.6909

    38 2.3710 1.3491 0.9776 0.8786 1.7347

    39 2.4384 1.3349 0.9419 0.8783 1.8953

    40 2.3281 1.2094 0.9984 0.8780 2.0126

    41 2.3017 1.1146 0.9552 0.8777 2.2850

    42 2.1249 1.0065 0.9109 0.8775 2.4561

    43 2.0158 0.9542 0.9557 0.8772 2.5114

    44 1.8036 0.7896 0.9157 0.8770 2.1514

    45 1.8048 0.7161 1.0251 0.8769 1.8536

    46 1.5682 0.5817 1.0256 0.8768 1.3236

    47 1.3137 0.4611 1.0117 0.8770 0.9523

    48 1.1261 0.3596 1.1296 0.9714 0.7388

    49 1.0000 0.3277 1.0789 1.0748 0.7950

    50 0.8738 0.2448 1.2592 1.0968 0.7925

    51 0.7844 0.2743 1.2752 1.1015 0.8762

    52 0.7686 0.2795 1.2357 1.0975 0.9608

    53 0.9518 0.4188 1.2192 1.1021 1.0905

    54 1.0761 0.5341 1.2075 1.1086 1.3083

    55 0.9427 0.3909 1.2160 1.1117 1.2362

    56 0.9008 0.3475 1.2293 1.1357 1.3656

    57 0.8212 0.3272 1.2251 1.1417 1.2856

    58 0.8520 0.3797 1.2267 1.1173 1.3908

    59 0.8035 0.3666 1.2320 1.1302 1.4601

  • 60 0.7818 0.4034 1.2512 1.1202 1.4165



    1 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

    2 0.8631 0.9331 0.9739 0.9999 1.1156

    3 0.7837 0.8727 0.9077 0.9999 1.1531

    4 0.7587 0.8247 0.9899 0.9999 1.0375

    5 0.9272 0.9766 0.9723 0.9997 1.0656

    6 1.0714 1.2379 0.9947 1.0001 1.0953

    7 0.9368 1.0323 1.0096 1.0001 1.1143

    8 0.8968 0.8232 0.9184 0.9940 0.9589

    9 0.8157 0.8049 0.9899 0.9747 1.0848

    10 0.8449 0.8283 1.0096 0.9749 1.0381

    11 0.7979 0.7837 1.0091 0.9736 1.0075

    12 0.7754 0.7820 0.9189 0.9708 1.1192

    13 0.8913 0.7062 0.9723 0.9708 1.0836

    14 0.8909 0.6640 0.9675 0.9657 1.1076

    15 0.8774 0.6498 0.9541 0.9593 1.2333

    16 0.8674 0.6974 0.9616 0.9572 1.2461

    17 0.9054 0.7420 0.9792 0.9571 1.2364

    18 0.9380 0.7697 0.9685 0.9571 1.3185

    19 1.0092 0.8027 0.9925 0.9566 1.3169

    20 1.1814 1.0475 0.9808 0.9562 1.1357

    21 1.2273 1.2664 0.9877 0.9559 1.0521

    22 1.2316 1.4314 0.9979 0.9558 1.0607

    23 1.2126 1.3792 0.9984 0.9558 1.1095

    24 1.2191 1.3788 0.9952 0.9559 0.9721

    25 1.3066 1.6050 0.9973 0.9558 1.0442

    26 1.4959 2.0831 0.9941 0.9557 1.1213

    27 1.5422 2.0972 1.0091 0.9550 1.2163

    28 1.7208 2.0972 0.9909 0.9537 1.2341

    29 1.7778 2.1281 0.9157 0.9505 1.2801

    30 1.9049 2.5679 0.9995 0.9496 1.3759

  • 31 1.9207 2.9766 0.9792 0.9476 1.3150

    32 1.942 2.9416 0.9744 0.9256 1.4197

    33 1.9201 2.9345 0.9744 0.9377 1.5181

    34 1.8999 2.9213 0.9712 0.9269 1.5181

    35 1.9699 2.9358 0.9755 0.8967 1.7003

    36 2.0477 2.7062 0.9712 0.8798 1.6660

    37 2.1689 2.7634 0.9883 0.8787 1.6909

    38 2.3499 2.761 0.9776 0.8786 1.7347

    39 2.4167 2.7232 0.9419 0.8783 1.8953

    40 2.3074 2.8921 0.9984 0.8780 2.0126

    41 2.2812 3.2763 0.9552 0.8777 2.2850

    42 2.106 1.8548 0.9109 0.8775 2.4561

    43 1.9978 1.7688 0.9557 0.8772 2.5114

    44 1.7876 1.5453 0.9157 0.8770 2.1514

    45 1.7887 1.5439 1.0251 0.8769 1.8536

    46 1.5543 1.2372 1.0256 0.8768 1.3236

    47 1.3021 0.9342 1.0117 0.8770 0.9523

    48 1.1161 0.7788 1.1296 0.9714 0.7388

    49 0.9911 0.5766 1.0789 1.0748 0.7950

    50 0.866 0.4917 1.2592 1.0968 0.7925

    51 0.7774 0.4541 1.2752 1.1015 0.8762

    52 0.7618 0.4883 1.2357 1.0975 0.9608

    53 0.9433 0.7802 1.2192 1.1021 1.0905

    54 1.0666 0.8142 1.2075 1.1086 1.3083

    55 0.9343 0.6857 1.2160 1.1117 1.2362

    56 0.8928 0.6524 1.2293 1.1357 1.3656

    57 0.8139 0.6755 1.2251 1.1417 1.2856

    58 0.8444s 0.7248 1.2267 1.1173 1.3908

    59 0.7963 0.6494 1.2320 1.1302 1.4601

    60 0.7748 0.6168 1.2512 1.1202 1.4165