battlefleet gothic: eldar move-move-shoot v1.9

Battlefleet Gothic Eldar

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Page 1: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9

Battlefleet Gothic


Page 2: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9


ConceptandRules:Sigoroth(all changes from v1.2 to v1.9 have been done by Roy Amkreutz)

Written by: Roy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz

Artwork & Pictures: Erwin Leufkens, John Reed, Zhai Mo-renn, Canucks Fan, Roy Amkreutz. James Ward

Initial Playtesters: Sigoroth, blackhorizon, Admiral Custers, Barras, Fadam

Special thanks to Ray Bell for additional feedback and the different Craftworld add-ons.

Special thanks to Chris ‘Zhai_Morenn’ Lautermilch for providing the drawing, picture and name for the Corsair Eldar

Supernova vessel.

Thanks to the following people at Specialist Games forum for their input:

Kurnous, Zhai Morenn, Shinnentai, Xisor, Loec, Grimgork, Scarik, Jadiel, Stormturmoil, Puggins, Warmonkey, Admiral Beer, Carl, Soulstone, Thanatos, Mique, Manteuffel, Divine Right, Foehammer888, Noggin, Mad Mö, Vermis Mysteriis, Seahawk, Mohawk, Fafrin, Borin, Lab Rat, Otto, Enkidu22,

Tamashii, KalTaron, Gwyddyon, Ilusihia, Dragon Lord

Contents: Special Rules 3 Corsair Eldar Fleet 6 Craftworld Eldar Fleet 14 Craftworld Eldar 21 Eldar Miscellaneous 25 Designer Notes 26

Please post your feedback at the Specialist Games forum or at the Tactical Command Boards.

You can contact me directly at: [email protected]

Page 3: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9

Corsair and Craftworld Eldar Special Rules

As one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced races in the galaxy the Eldar have a number of special rules.

Movement: The Eldar utilise solar sail technology specifically designed to make them ultra manoeuvrable and exceptionally fast. As such the Eldar movement is somewhat special. To reflect this, the Eldar have a number of special rules.

• Movement speed: this is dependant on the Eldars facing to the nearest point of the sunward table edge. You will notice that the Eldar have 3 speeds, the first is into the sun, the second is away from the sun and the third is abeam of the sunward edge.

• Turning: Eldar do not have to move a minimum distance before turning and can turn on the spot but must make their turn at the start of their movement and cannot move, turn, move like other races. Their new direction of movement after this turn determines their movement speed as noted in point 1).

• The Eldar are exceptionally quick and manoeuvrable and may move twice per movement phase, i.e. first turn, first move, (at appropriate speed) and second turn, second move (at appropriate speed).

Special Orders: • Burn Retros: The Eldar have no need for the Burn

Retros special order and as such may not make use of it.

• All Ahead Full: When on AAF special orders an Eldar ship redirects weapon energy to thrusters gaining 5D6 cm to one of its movements and may not turn during both movement phases. Eldar may not ram.

• Come to New Heading: When on Come to new heading special orders the Eldar player may make one extra turn at the end of their second movement. All other effects, halving firepower, etc, and special orders works as normal.

• Lock-on: When on Lock On special orders the Eldar player may not turn in any movement phase.

Natural Spacefarers: The Eldar are naturally adept at sailing their vessels and know their ships capabilities inside and out as well as having the best in navigational sensors and charts. When generating leadership values, Eldar ships get +1 Ld, giving a range of 7~10.

Celestial Phenomena: The Eldar have long been forced to make use of celestial phenomena as hiding places from aggressive and numerous foes. The Eldar have adapted their technology to exist in such an environment and have a number of special rules to reflect both this and their peculiar relationship with the warp:

• Eldar do not suffer leadership or movement penalties for celestial phenomena.

• Eldar escorts automatically pass leadership tests for traversing asteroids and Eldar capital ships re-roll any failed leadership tests when traversing asteroids.

• When attempting to traverse Warp Rifts the Eldar are assaulted by the Great Enemy Slaanesh and must take their leadership tests at -2 Ld. Furthermore if they are ‘Lost in the Warp’ then they will only find their way home on a 3+, being permanently lost on a 1 or 2.

Fragile: Unfortunately the unsurpassed movement of the Eldar comes at a price. Eldar vessels are built for speed and as such cannot take the kind of pounding that other races vessels can. To reflect this Eldar take critical hits on a 5+ rather than the regular 6+.

Victory Points: The standard Victory Points rules apply to the Eldar.

Kinship: In times of need Corsairs and Craftworlders alike can call upon their brethren for aid. To reflect

this, the normal reserves rules are used. If a “Hero” is included in the fleet then the reserves ratio improves to 2:1. Furthermore, a Hero allows for the inclusion of a Void Dragon type vessel in the Corsair list at 0-1.

Holofields: The Eldar are protected not only by shielding but also by sophisticated ECM that actually produce multiple local engine signatures whilst actively masking the parent ship’s engine signature. The effect of this is a general interference that makes accurate targeting extremely difficult. Against attacks which make use of the gunnery chart the Holofields force one extra right shift on the gunnery table, this in addition to any other shift on the gunnery table. The holofield does not work under 15cm.Against attacks which make no use of the gunnery table and target the ship directly (like Lances but not Nova Cannons or Armageddon Guns), the holofield offers a save to represent the difficulty of targeting the Eldar vessel. Whenever an Eldar vessel is hit by such an attack roll a D6 per hit and compare it to the holofield save. If the roll equals or exceeds the holofield save then do not place the blast marker, the holofield has thwarted the enemy sensors . If not then place the blast marker as normal, a shield has overloaded. The holofield keeps on working even if all shields have been overloaded.

The Holofield is more effective the further away the Eldar vessel is. See the following table for which save applies to the holofield:

• Above 30cm - save on 5+• Between 15-30cm - save on 6+• Under 15cm - no save

Note: Against attacks which normally ignore Holofields like the Star Pulse Generator or from an Activated Blackstone Fortress the Holofield offers no protection.Holofields do not save against ordnance.

Page 4: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9

Turrets: Eldar ships have superior targeting sensors and as such get +1 to their to-hit rolls.

Ordnance:• Stealth: Eldar have the best pilots and attack craft in the

galaxy. Enemy turrets suffer a -2 to hit when shooting at Eldar ordnance, usually only hitting on a 6+.

• Torpedoes: Eldar torpedoes are equipped with superior targeting sensors which means they must re-roll misses.

• Bombers: Eldar bomber pilots are brilliant at plotting and coordinating attack runs and may re-roll the attack run dice.

• Fighters: Eldar fighter pilots are the most talented and skilled pilots in the galaxy and fly the most advanced fighters in the galaxy. Their excellent reflexes coupled with the craft’s shields and superlative manoeuvrability has saved them many times. What’s more, their energy source is far more efficient than those of other races, allowing them to operate

for much longer. Eldar fighters have a 4+ save against each wave they encounter (as opposed to against each marker, representing them being outnumbered). Note: Each Eldar fighter gets to intercept once before any extra interceptions take place by surviving fighters.

• Boarding Torpedoes: Eldar boarding torpedoes are almost unmanned apart from their small crew of pilots, webway engineers, and perhaps even a Bonesinger! When a torpedo correctly strikes a target the torpedo webway portal will activate transporting aspect warriors and/or Storm Guardians into the boarding chamber ready to inflict critical damage to the enemy vessel. Eldar Boarding Torpedoes function in exactly the same way as normal boarding torpedoes, with the additional benefits of stealth (-2 to being hit by turrets) and a re-roll to hit.

• Vampire Assault boats: Eldar assault boats have a speed of 30cm, they follow the standard rules of assault boats.

Weaponry: Eldar have some of the best tracking systems in the known universe and will always be able to plot where to fire.

• Gunnery weapons: Eldar Batteries gain a left column shift on the Gunnery table.

• Pulsars: These tracking systems mean the Eldar can keep their lances focussed on the enemy for longer, allowing their Pulsar technology to do devastating damage. When rolling to hit with Pulsar lances, if a hit is scored you immediately make another attack. If the second attack is also a hit you now make a third attack. When on Lock On special orders only the first miss may be re-rolled.

• Phantom Lances function just like regular lances but score 1 hit on a roll of ‘4 or 5’ and 2 hits on a roll of 6.

After his Craftworld had been destroyed, Akaeris Starblade commanded the Spirit of Arina, a Void Dragon class vessel, and a small fleet into the depths of the Galaxy to seek their Destiny among the Stars.



When reduced to 2 hits, Eldar capital ships may do nothing except attempt to disengage, moving towards the nearest celestial phenomena or table edge to do so (player discretion). Disabled Eldar ships may not fire or use any special orders except BFI. Disabled Eldar ships give 100% VPs to the opponent. Destroyed Eldar capital ships give +50% VPs. Disabled ships are ignored for target priority purposes and do not count their launch bays towards the fleets’ AC limit.Note: Disabled ships must try to avoid danger wherever possible. Flying into an asteroid field to hide is fine, deliberately flying into an enemy torpedo salvo is not fine.

All capital ships have +2 hitpoints.

Page 5: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9

Corsair and Craftworld Eldar Critical Hits Table

2D6 Extra Damage Result

2 +0 Infinity circuit damaged. The ship’s infinity circuit, which aids control and internal communications, is damaged by the hit. The ship’s Leadership is reduced by 1 till the damage can be repaired. If there are multiples of this critical hit, the Leadership is reduced with 1 for each hit.

3 +0 Keel armament damaged. The keel armament is taken offline by the hit and may not fire until it has been repaired.

4 +0 Prow armament damaged. The ship’s prow is ripped open. Its prow armament may not fire until it has been repaired. A second critical hit to the prow will destroy the ships port and starboard weaponry if it has any. Both destroyed with the same result and likewise repaired.

5 +0 Mast lines severed. The systems that allow the ship to alter the angle of the sails and turn swiftly are broken by the hit. Until the damage is repaired, the ship may make no turns in its movement phase.

6 +0 Mainsail scarred. The ship’s main solar sail suffers surface damage, reducing the amount of energy it can store. Each of the ship’s speeds is reduced by 5cm until the sail is repaired.

7 +1 Superstructure damaged. The hit tears into the ship, causing a small breach. Excess strain on the ship’s hull could increase the damage. Until the damage is repaired, roll a dice if the ship turns in its movement phase it needs to roll a 3+ to avoid suffering a hit whenever it turns.

8 +0 Mainsail shredded. The solar cells of the mainsail are torn to tatters by the hit. The ship only gets one move per movement phase until the damage is repaired.

9 +1 Holofield generators destroyed. The holofield generators are smashed beyond repair by the hit. The ship no longer benefits from its Holofields. This damage may not be repaired.

10 +1 Shields collapse. The shield generators overload and burn out, leaving the ship virtually defenceless. The ships shield strength is reduced to zero. This damage may not be repaired.

11 +D3 Hull breach. A huge gash is torn in the ship’s hull, causing carnage among the crew.

12 +D6 Bulkhead collapse. Internal pillars buckle and twist, whole compartments crumple with a psychic scream of tortured wraith-bone, just pray that some of the ship holds together.

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Corsair Eldar

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSBattleship/10 10/15/20 45º 3/Holofield 5+ 4

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 L/FProw Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 R/FKeel Weapons Battery 45cm 8 L/F/RKeel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

Prow Launch Bay Darkstar - 30cm Eagle - 20cm 4 -

Note: A Void Stalker can upgrade its launch bays wtth Vampire Raiders at a cost of +10 points.


For almost the entirety of the Gothic War, Eldar fleets were composed mostly of Escort ships accompanied by a few Cruisers. However, after the battle

of Gethsemane and the alliance of many of the Eldar pirate fleets with Lord Ravensburg, a new terror was to hunt across the stars. The Void Stalker is the pinnacle of Eldar stellar technology, combining strong armament with high speed and manoeuvrability; the match of any ship in the Gothic Sector.

The Bright Star, which it was later found was the flagship of the Executioners corsair band, was first sighted leaving the area around the Graildark Nebula, but was shortly after seen, with an attendant number of escorts and Cruisers, wiping out a raiding fleet across the Gothic sector in the Lysades sub-sector. The Bright Star was also instrumental in lifting the Lethe blockade, destroying the Grand Cruiser Unstoppable Rage and several escorts, and crippling two Chaos cruisers. It is claimed by the Eldar that before, during and after the Gothic war, the Bright Star has never been defeated in battle.

Another noted Void Stalker in the Imperial records is the Silent Enigma. It has been seen on one occasion during a lonely raid on an Imperial Convoy in the Talera sector. Years later the Silent Enigma, this time leading a small Corsair fleet, entered Imperial Space once more. These Corsairs engaged twice an Imperial fleet and made a raid on an outpost before it left the sector.

FAMOUS SHIPS Bright Star Forge of Vaul The Silent Enigma

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/8 10/15/20 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3


A rumour, that is what the Supernova Grand Cruiser is to most Imperial Officers, nothing more nothing less. Only the highest ranking officers who are

specialised on the Eldar and the almighty Inquisition acknowledge the existence of the Eldar Supernova. And it is their wish to keep this knowledge to themselves. Spreading rumours of a vessel like this would devastate the moral among the fleet if they ever would encounter one of these rare vessels in battle.

There are only two noted sightings of this rare vessels. The first was by an Imperial Captain who led a convoy of evacuees from the planet Larus Prime which had been overrun by Orks. On its run the convoy was being chased by a couple of Ork vessels. On its course to leave the system he noted an Eldar ship swooping out of an asteroid field. With immense weaponry, a bright light comparable to Pulsars but much more intense, it destroyed five Ork escorts in one strike. The remaining two Ork escort where dispatched swiftly by some other small Eldar escort vessels. After the strike the Eldar quickly disappeared. The Imperial Captain named the Eldar vessel ‘Nightwish’, for it was his last wish to be saved in the night by any possible means.

The last sighting of a similar vessel, not known if it was the same as the ‘Nightwish’, was in the Quirions sector near Ultramar. The vessel plus attendant escorts travelled at high speed towards the seemingly uninteresting world of Kai’mar. At that time no resources were available to initiate further investigations.


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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/6 10/20/25 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Weapons Battery 30cm 12 FKeel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

The Shadow class cruiser is typical of all Eldar capital ships. Its multiple solar sails give it tremendous speed and manoeuvrability, able to outrun even the

escort ships of other races. The most infamous Shadow class cruiser to fight in the Gothic War was the Black Star. Commanded by the so-called Prince Conanmaol of the Executioners, the Black Star accounted for several Imperial capital ships and the loss of a considerable tonnage of Imperial merchant shipping. The Fhianna Rethol is noted as the first Eldar ship in the Gothic system to be captured relatively intact. However, even as the hulk was being studied at Argante Station, a flotilla of Eldar escorts struck. Punching through the few system defence ships, the Eldar launched several torpedo salvoes at the docked vessel, obliterating it entirely, before disengaging at high speed.

FAMOUS SHIPSBlack Star Child of Khaine Celestial King Chariot of MathurirFhianna Rethol (untranslatable) Bright Claw


TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/6 10/20/25 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3


Keel Launch Bays Dark Star - 30cm Eagke - 20cm 4 -

The Eclipse is perhaps one of the most effective attack craft carriers in the Gothic sector. While most carrier-type vessels must maintain considerable

distance from the enemy, thus increasing the amount of time fighters and bombers spend approaching their target, the Eclipse can deploy its Darkstar fighters and Eagle bombers within striking distance and then use its great speed and agility to withdraw from the firing line. Couple this with the extraordinary proficiency of Eldar attack craft, and it can be seen why Eclipse class cruisers were the bane of Imperial convoy commanders throughout the Gothic sector. The Silent Warrior gained much notoriety in the Port Maw region after the Walpurgis Attack, during which its piratical crew boarded and captured the Vigilant, which was on station to escort several Penal Legion transports to the Imperial Guard fighting on Lethe. The Eldar corsairs forced the Vigilant’s captain to transmit the all-clear signal and as the undefended transports left the planet’s atmosphere for the rendezvous, they were mercilessly destroyed by Eagle bombers from the Silent Warrior’s launch bays.

FAMOUS SHIPSSilent Warrior Asuryan’s Chosen Stardeath Eliarenath’s Gift

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/4 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2


Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/4 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2


Note: The Solaris is a dedicated support ship in the Corsair fleet, therefore the vessel is equipped with extra sensors to negate any column shift for long range firing.

Like the rest of the Eldar ships classified by the Imperial Navy very little is known of the Aurora class. The vessel mimics the design of the larger cruisers

with the same sail configuration and hull design. As a light cruiser, logic dictates that the Aurora fulfils the same purpose as the Dauntless serves in the Imperial fleet. Even though Eldar cruisers are fast, the Aurora has the added benefit of the speed and manoeuvrability of an escort but carries firepower to match a cruiser.

FAMOUS SHIPSWind Runner Storm Chaser

The Solaris has much in common with its sister ship, the Aurora, and is often mis-identified as such by inexperienced captains. Faster than the larger cruisers,

they are used in combination with Eldar escorts to launch high-speed raids, or to add weight and firepower to the first wave of a larger Eldar attack.Most noteworthy is the infamous Dark Shadow squadron from the Glanerus Belt.

FAMOUS SHIPSDark Shadow Hunter

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FProw Weapons Battery 30cm 2 F

Keel Launch Bay Darkstar - 30cm 1 -

Note: Hellebores may take mines at a cost of +5 pts. These totally replace their ordnance complement. Mines do not benefit from the stealth rule. Hellebores may swap their Launch bay for strength 2 torpedoes at no extra cost.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2


Perhaps the most heavily armed escort ship of the Gothic sector, the Hellebore is the embodiment of Eldar ideals and technological supremacy. Although unable

to withstand much damage, it carries enough weaponry to match even an Imperial light cruiser and to inflict horrendous damage on larger vessels. When deployed in squadrons, the Hellebore is a lethal combination of speed, flexibility and hit-ting power, combining the long-range capabilities of bombers and fighters with the solid firepower of a pulsar lance and laser battery. Hellebores excel at ambush attacks, able to disrupt the enemy formation with their bomber attacks and then at-tack in strength against any stragglers thus created. This tactic was employed very successfully on many occasions during Imperial forays into the Graildark Nebula. In fact, it was a squadron of three Hellebore frigates that reduced the Fortitude to a hulk and crippled the Sword of Orion during the abortive Picus Offensive in the final years of the Gothic War.

The Aconite class frigate utilises the best Eldar laser technology, giving it a po-werful punch which far surpasses that expected of a vessel this size. Usually

operating in squadrons of three or four ships, they can level a fusillade of fire which can match the broadside batteries of a battleship – and then slip away before the enemy can fire back. In particular, Aconites often use their great manoeuvrability to get behind a larger vessel where it cannot return fire. If enemy escorts change course to drive the Aconites off, they can quickly move away from danger and at-tack elsewhere. This tactic was employed regularly over the course of the Gothic War, and was responsible for the loss of at least three Imperial capital ships and several Chaos vessels, including the Unholy Dominion.

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 20/25/30 90º 1/Holofield 4+ 1


Keel Torpedoes 30cm 2 F

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 20/25/30 90º 1/Holofield 4+ 1

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCKeel Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FProw Weapons Battery 30cm 1 F

Note: A Hemlock class destroyer cannot initiate boarding actions. A ship that boards a Hemlock class destroyer gains a +1 modifier in addition to any other modifiers.

The greatest strength of the Nightshade class destroyer is its ability to deploy ordnance at close range and then swiftly elude retribution. Eldar torpedoes

have highly sensitive target acquisition and final approach control systems and are also often armed with highly volatile neutron or vortex warheads. The Adeptus Mechanicus have theorised that this makes them almost twice as likely to inflict damage on an opposing ship as standard Imperial plasma torpedoes. When this considerable armament is placed on a rapidly moving vessel, such as the Nightshade, then you have a weapon that can strike at virtually any target at will. This was amply demonstrated during the Eldar attack on Naxos, when the Chaos battleship Damnation’s Fury was crippled by three successive torpedo runs from a three-strong Nightshade squadron, despite the protection of several other capital ships and escort vessels.

The Hemlock is notable for its simplicity of design. It consists of a powerful pulsar lance, highly efficient drives, and little else. Admiral Grove once

described the Hemlock as “…more of a mobile gun than a proper starship”. With the power needed for the stellar drives and pulsar lance, even considering advanced Eldar engine technology, the Hemlock probably cannot generate a stable interior environment for much more than the crew members needed for steering the ship and firing the pulsar. This makes it especially vulnerable to boarding actions from enemy escorts – if they can get close enough to board.

Page 13: Battlefleet Gothic: Eldar Move-Move-Shoot  v1.9


FleetCommanderYou may choose either a Gryphon Knight, Shadow Prince or a Dragon Prince to lead the fleet. Fleets greater than 750 pts must include a Lord to lead it. Fleets of greater than 2000 pts must include a Dragon Prince.

0-1 LordShadow Prince (Ld 9, 1 re-roll) 50 ptsDragon Prince (Ld 10, 1 re-roll, +1 in boarding) 100 ptsA Dragon Prince may be upgraded to “Hero” status for +50 pts.

0-3 Gryphon Knights 25 ptsShips led by Gryphon Knights may attempt a command check even if one has been failed this turn.

A Lord can take extra re-rolls at the following cost: One Extra Fleet Command re-roll 25 pts Two Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 50 pts Three Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 100 pts

CapitalShips0-1 Void Dragon if fleet led by a Hero 320 pts

0-1 Void Stalkers per 1000 points 470 pts

0-1 Supernova per 2 attack cruisers or light cruisers 280 pts

0-12 CruisersEclipse Class Cruiser 260 ptsShadow Class Cruiser 230 ptsAurora Class Light Cruiser 1 per 3 escorts 140 ptsSolaris Class Light Cruiser 1 per 3 escorts 125 pts

EscortsHellebore Class Frigate 80 ptsAconite Class Frigate 60 ptsNightshade Class Destroyer 50 ptsHemlock Class Destroyer 50 pts

OrdnanceAny capital ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of Darkstar fighters and Eagle bombers. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with Eldar torpedoes.

AttackRatingDue to their aggressive raiding style, Corsair Eldar have an attack rating of 4.

ReservesCorsair fleets may take Craftworld Eldar ships as reserves at a ratio of 3 Corsairs of a single type to 1 Craftworld of the same type. If a Hero is included, this ratio becomes 2:1.

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Craftworld Eldar

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/8 10/20/25 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCPort Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FStarboard Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FProw Weapons Battery 30cm 16 F

Keel Launch BayNightwing 30 cm Phoenix 20 cm Vampire 30cm

4 -

Note: The Void Dragon is a special ship and therefore you must have either a High Admiral in a Craftworld fleet or a ‘Hero’ in a Corsair fleet. Whilst technically a Craftworld ship, the Void Dragon will count as belonging to the parent fleet as far as reserves are concerned. The Void Dragon counts as a Dragonship but doesn’t require Wraithships to be taken.

A famous Void Dragon which has been identified by the Imperial Navy is the Spirit of Arina, commanded by Admiral Akaeris Starblade. This vessel,

originating from the lost Craftworld Shánn Tal, is in design very similar to the infamous Flame of Asuryan.

Akaeris Starblade has been leading a small Eldar fleet through the Galaxy in search for the attackers responsible of destroying his home Craftworld Shánn Tal This Quest has taken the Spirit of Arina across various sectors, running between few and more battles with the Imperial Navy, Tau, Orks and others but most of the time they will try to avoid engagment with other fleets. Sometimes the need for information weighs far more then the care of other races and Akaeris will be forced to raid enemy fleets.

It is rumoured that Akaeris Starblade commanded the Spirit of Arina straight into the Eye of Terror. At this point Inquisitor Steinhofen, who had been hunting this paticular Eldar fleet for a large period of time, conceded his hunt and returned to the Eastern Fringe for another urgent matter called the Khareshi Expanse.

FAMOUS SHIPSSpirit of Arina

The sheer size of a craftworld means that each individual vessel possesses several full battlefleets, stationed at convenient points along the craftworld as it journeys through space. Each fleet might typically number from ten to twenty warships and is commanded by an Eldar Admiral, though it will inevitably also rely greatly on advice and counsel from the craftworld’s Seers.

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSBattleship/10 10/15/20 45º 3/Holofield 5+ 4

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCPort Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 FStarboard Pulsar Lance 45cm 2 FProw Weapons Battery 45cm 16 FKeel Torpedoes 30cm 4 FKeel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

Note: May replace both keel torpedo launchers with 2 pulsar lances which have a range of 45cm and a front fire arc, at no additional cost. To clarify: the ship loses eight torpedoes and gains two Pulsar lances. Alternatively it may purchase boarding torpedoes at +10 pts.

The Wyrm Class Battleship is rarely seen by those living outside the Wyrmship. This behemoth is only unleashed in the most dire of circumstances, such as

when the Craftworld itself faces a direct threat.

The Wyrmship class usually deploys behind the rest of the Craftworld’s fleet. With its long range weaponry, it can then wreck havoc on any enemy vessel that breaks through the main Eldar battle line.

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/8 10/20/25 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCChoose one of the following prow armaments:

Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 12 FOR

Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 3 F

Choose one of the following keel armaments:Keel Torpedoes 30cm 8 F


Keel Launch Bays Nightwing 30cm Phoenix 20cm 4 -

Note: If equipped with Launch Bays may take Vampire Assault Boats at +10 pts. If equipped with Torpedoes, may take boarding torpedoes at +10 pts.

Dragonship is the collective name given to the larger classes of Eldar vessel. The term Dragonship does not refer to any particular armament or configuration,

but rather to a variety of vessels adhering to the same basic principles, designed for the same basic roles. Within this larger grouping, individual configurations or combinations of weapons give individual classes their proper name – always a variation on the phrase ‘ Dragon’, representing different aspects of the creature of the same name from Eldar myth. Those Dragonships which are piloted in large part, or even exclusively, by spirit stones, for example, are referred to as Ghostdragons, while larger vessels which have been designed to operate away from the Craftworld for great lengths of time are often referred to as Void Dragons. Different styles of Dragonship can vary greatly, with different numbers of sails, different armaments and even variations in size.

FAMOUS SHIPSAnathema Forever Cerysheal

~~~~~~The Dragon armed with the deadly Pulsar lance and the striking torpedo shall be known as the ‘Thunder Dragon’.

The Dragon armed with the devastating Batteries and the swift attack craft shall be known as the ‘River Dragon’.

The Dragon armed with the destructive Batteries and the piercing torpedoes shall be known as the ‘Mountain Dragon’

The Dragon armed with the shrieking Pulsar and the agile attack craft shall be known as the ‘Sky Dragon’

The Dragon bearing the holy spirit stones shall be known as the ‘Ghostdragon’.

Attributed to an unknown Eldar Admiral~~~~~~

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/6 10/20/25 90º 2/Holofield 5+ 2

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCChoose one of the following prow armaments:

Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 8 FOR

Prow Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 F

Choose one of the following keel armaments:Keel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F


Keel Launch Bays Nightwing 30cm Phoenix 20cm 2 -

Wraithships are made from Wraithbone, a material drawn as raw energy from the Warp and shaped into matter by psychic craftsmen known as Bonesingers.

The Wraithbone forms the living skeletal core of the spaceship around which its other structures are arranged. The Wraithbone also provides channels for psychic energy. This facilitates internal communication, transmits power and enables the spaceship to act as an organically integrated whole. The Wraithbone core of a spaceship is surrounded by a structure which is literally grown into the required shape by Bonesingers. These Eldar use their psychomorphic talents to shape bulkheads, walls, floors and conduits into a shell that completely surrounds the Wraithbone core and forms the hull and major internal divisions of the spaceship. Most of a spaceship’s operating systems are connected directly to the Wraithbone core. The many thousands of systems draw power through the Wraithbone and are constantly monitored and controlled through it. Because of the unique practices of Eldar psychic engineering, Eldar spaceships resonate with sympathetic psychic energy. The Wraithbone core provides a psychic channel through which an Eldar can control mechanical functions. In this way, Eldar attuned to the very essence of their spaceship guide it, making countless minute adjustments to the trim of the great solar sails to draw every fraction of energy from the solar winds. This is also the key to the legendary elegance and almost birdlike agility of the Eldar Wraithships. Their pilots literally feel the solar wind on the ship’s sails, they sense the flex of the ship’s structure, the tension and movement of its Wraithbone skeleton. Like a hawk soaring on a thermal or diving to clutch at its prey, a Wraithship can turn in the wind, circling and swooping to hunt its own prey – the spaceships of its enemy.

FAMOUS SHIPSDestiny Infinity Eternity

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Ghost Dragons are those vessels which, through the long slow dying-years of the Eldar race, have reached the point of near-abandonment through loss

of crew. Into these vessels the Seers of a Craftworld incorporate spirit stones – sacred reliquaries bearing the souls of those Eldar already lost in the struggle for survival. Sometimes Ghostships will be entirely without living crew, perhaps even imbued with the spirit stones of their original pilots, gunners and navigators, continuing to guide their race through the stars even beyond death. Sometimes the Ghostships will bear spirit stones of much older Eldar, some perhaps even with memories of the Fall, unceremoniously denied peace by the desperate hardship their people still face. For the living crew of Ghostships, the presence of these ineffable ancestor-souls creates an equally daunting and empowering burden of expectation.

These spirit stones bring sentience to the living, but otherwise unthinking, Wraithbone from which all Eldar vessels are constructed – a curious amalgam of the living, the inanimate and the undying. The spirit stones allow the Ghostships to function with an impossibly tiny number of crew and, when combined with the living Wraithbone of their vessels, make Ghostships exceptionally resilient. Their formless thoughts are far harder to destroy than the frail bodies of living pilots, able to simply flit from one transient vein to another. They are at complete freedom within these Wraithbone skeletons, diverting both reliance and function to almost any location on the ship should any given system become damaged.

In order to function, a Ghostship must always be commanded by a Spiritseer – a powerful Eldar psyker who has chosen to dedicate his powers to communing with the dead. Spiritseers are some of the most lonely and sinister members of a Craftworld, required, as they frequently are, to spend periods of time alone aboard Ghostships, surrounded by nothing more than the souls of the reluctant dead.


Cruiser/8 10/20/25 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCChoose one of the following armaments:

Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 12 FKeel Weapons Battery 30cm 8

ORProw Pulsar Lance 30cm 3 FKeel Weapons Battery 30cm 8 F


Cruiser/6 10/20/25 90º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCChoose one of the following armaments:

Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 8 FKeel Weapons Battery 30cm 4

ORProw Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 FKeel Weapons Battery 30cm 4 F

The following special rules apply to Ghostships:

• Enemy vessels gain a +1 modifier when boarding or making a hit & run attacks against Ghostship.

• Ghostships may not initiate boarding actions or teleport attacks.• Ghostships ignore the rule ‘Fragile’, thus taking critical hits on a 6+ as

normal.• A Ghostship which fails a Special Order may only move in the following turn.

Ghostships represent an undeniably powerful entity which straddles the boundary between life and death, yet equally represents a force that the Eldar would be wise to leave undisturbed in all but the most dire of circumstances.

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TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 20/25/35 90º 1/Holofield 4+ 1

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCChoose one of the following prow armaments:

Prow Weapons Battery 30cm 3 FOR

Prow Phantom Lance 30cm 1 F

Shadowhunters are the smallest type of vessel employed by Iyanden, operating in vast shoals which shimmer and weave a short distance above the craftworld’s

surface as it ploughs through space. These Shadowhunter packs function as a constant patrol, guarding the approach of friendly vessels coming into dock, or spinning and bobbing around the craftworld with horrifying speed to drive off would-be attackers at a proximity where larger vessels would find it difficult to function effectively.

Because of this defensive role, Shadowhunters have a very limited range, designed as they are to repel attackers which manage to actually approach the Craftworld itself. Weapons and power systems on the Shadowhunters are correspondingly compact, making the Shadowhunter one of the nimblest and most agile of vessels, even by Eldar standards. Shadowhunters are so nimble, in fact, that they are capable of pursuing their enemy so closely that even enemy attack craft find it hard to evade them.

During the Tyranid invasion of Iyanden, Shadowhunters typically formed a last line of defence close to the craftworld, while the larger vessels broke down the main Tyranid waves in deep space. The scattered remnants of these waves which were able to pass the Eldar cruisers and approach the craftworld were then easy pickings for the nimble Shadowhunters. As more and more waves of Tyranids descended on the craftworld, however, the Eldar fleet was overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers, forcing the Shadowhunters to disperse and join their larger counterparts in fighting desperate counter-actions in the depths of space.

Note: Shadowhunter’s direct fire on ordnance hit on a 4+ rather than a 6+.

These smaller vessels lack the dedicated crews of the larger capital ships and are often crewed by those Guardians who were once embarked upon the Path of the Mariner.

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Fleet Commanders: May not be placed aboard Ghostships.

HighAdmirals: They and their elite bodyguard give a +1 in a boarding action. A High Admiral may be upgraded to a “Hero” status at 50 pts.

Farseer: A Lord may add additional Farseers to his vessel in order to gain more re-rolls. These re-rolls can be used fleet wide. Furthermore you may include three extra Farseers, purchased at 15 points, in your

fleet, each whom must be assigned to a ship and gives their vessel a re-roll which may be used on this ship only. A Farseer may be placed aboard a Ghostship.

Seer Council: A Seer Council provides the High Admiral extra protection with their Foresight Power. Foresight Power allows the fleet commander’s ship to go onto BFI (automatically) after the dice have been rolled to hit, gaining a 4+ retroactive save against each hit scored (re-roll criticals). The use of this po-wer does not have to be declared before rolls to hit

and it may only be used once per battle. Can only be taken if the fleet has an High Admiral to lead it and may only be used once per battle. Hero’s cannot take seer council’s.

AspectWarriors: Any Craftworld Capital ship may be given Aspect Warriors at +20 pts. Aspect Warriors grant +1 to the ships boarding actions and all its H&R attacks. Aspect Warriors may not be placed aboard Ghostships.

~~~~~~Craftworlds, though spacecraft, are vast beyond comprehension. They are not merely huge capital ships ploughing through space with a surrounding escort of smaller vessels. They are not even akin to vast cities, as some of the largest star forts of the Imperium might be considered, but rather are immense space faring worlds accompanied by vast armadas, the likes of which might otherwise be set aside to defend an entire system or even sub-sector. Whole battle fleets cluster around key points and stations all across the thousands of miles of the Craftworld’s exterior as smaller, nimbler craft rush and surge across its surface in a constant shimmering patrol. Beneath this dizzying tide of vessels, under clear crystalline domes through which ground and stars might gaze upon one another, the Eldar live their lives aboard these space borne worlds.


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Craftworld Eldar Fleet List

Fleet CommanderYou may choose an Admiral or High Admiral to lead the fleet. Fleets greater than 750 pts must include an Admiral to lead it. Fleets of greater than 2000 pts must include a High Admiral.

The Seer Council may only be taken if your fleet includes a High Admiral to lead it.

0-1 AdmiralAdmiral (Ld 9, 1 re-roll (Farseer)) 50 ptsHigh Admiral (Ld 10, 1 re-roll (Farseer), +1 in boarding) 100 ptsA High Admiral may be upgraded to “Hero” status for +50 pts.

An Admiral can take additional Farseers at the following cost: One Extra Fleet Command re-roll 25 pts Two Extra Fleet Command re-rolls 50 pts 0-1 Seer Council 50 pts

0-3 Farseers 15 pts

Aspect Warriors 20 pts

Capital Ships0-1 Void Dragon if fleet led by a High Admiral 320 pts

0-1 Wyrmship per Dragonship 470 pts

0-1 Dragonship per 2 Wraithships 270 ptsIf your admiral is on board a Dragonship this Dragonship does not count toward the Wraithship limitation.

Wraithship Class Attack Cruiser 180 pts

0-3 Ghostships +0 pts

EscortsShadowhunter Class Destroyer 45 pts

OrdnanceAny capital ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of Nightwing fighters and Phoenix bombers. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with Eldar torpedoes. Some Eldar ships have access to Vampire Assault boats or boarding torpedoes.

Attack RatingDue to the fact that they must defend their Craftworld, Craftworld fleets are more constrained in their tactical choices. Consequently they have an Attack Rating of 3.

ReservesCraftworld fleets may take Corsair Eldar ships as reserves at a ratio of 3 Craftworld ships of a single type to 1 Corsair of the same type. If a Hero is included, this ratio becomes 2:1.

It is impossible to say with certainty how many Craftworlds there are. They were built many millennia ago in great urgency and in times of unimaginable peril. The turmoil and confusion which preceded the destruction of the Eldar worlds was great. All higher government had long since ceased to operate, and it was only thanks to the heroic actions of a few far-sighted individuals that the Craftworlds were built at all.

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Craftworld Eldar Specials

Craftworlds are the gargantuan space craft that carry the majority of the Eldar that survived the Fall. Craftworlds are self-sufficient space borne colonies

drifting along ancient preordained galaxy spanning routes. Craftworlds vary in almost every way: size, shape, population density, culture, and the displacement of their Warfleet(s).

It can be said that the Eldar are a dying race, but even the merest remnants of the once mighty Eldar Empire is a force to be reckoned with. Even Eldar pirates with no tangible connection to any given Craftworld can be an unstoppable threat to an Imperial Sub-sector. A full blown Craftworld Warfleet can brush aside all but the most determined, and/or numerous foe.

The Fleets of the ‘main’ five Craftworlds are represented by already existing classes of ships but certain aspects of the fleet choices, such as the mixing of Corsair ships with Craftworld Eldar ships, maybe dependent on special fleet commanders.

Biel-TanThe Swordwind

Biel-tan is possibly the most militaristic of all Craftworlds, it is unlikely that there will be much Corsair presence, aspect warriors will be common and should always be present onboard Dragon ships, Assault boats would be taken for the majority of capital ships.

• Corsairs only as reserves, no Corsair Capital ships.

• At least 75% of Dragon ships should have the Aspect warrior upgrade, these Dragonships should have launch bays with assault boats.

• The fleet should be capital ship heavy, a maximum of about 25% of the fleet allowance should be spent on escorts.

• Ghostships should be rare, maximum of one per three other capital ships.

Biel-Tan – Bahzhakhain – 575 points0-1, Dragonship, may only be included in fleets over 1000pts

The combined strength of the Biel-Tan armada is that to be compared to eight full Imperial Battle Fleets. Truly the fleet of Biel-Tan is massive, with a vast array of variant ship classes and fleet composition. Famed classes of Dragonship have left the Space Docks of Biel-Tan such as the Naiad gunship, but the most celebrated designs are those of unique complements and quality.

Although hard to gain repute amongst their Eldar peers, given the abundance of heroic tails and legendary campaigns, some ships and crews have climbed head and shoulders above the achievements attained by their fellow heroes. The Bahzhakhain has been the flagship of numerous brilliant commanders and has become a reassuring legend amongst the fleets of Biel-Tan. Designed for bringing a planetary force to it knees long before any ground invasion has been launched, the Bahzhakhain often utilizes special torpedoes capable of annihilating ground targets and scores of Vampires to land the Sword Wind.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/8 10/20/25 45º 3/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 FProw Torpedoes 30cm 8 F

Keel Launch BayNightwing 30 cm Phoenix 20 cm Vampire 30cm

4 -

Note: Extra +1 boarding, aspect warriors, Ld10, 1 re-roll for every Dragonship with aspect warriors (including the Bahzhakhain).

Saim-HannThe Wild Host

Saim-Hann is considered a divided place of barbarity by its fellow Craftworlders. As the Craftworld is divided into separate and autonomous clans, its Warfleet is also divided, fighting together only when they feel personal necessity.

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· Corsairs and Craftworld vessels should be taken without restriction.

• Escorts should be common, mixed squadrons will represent the need to be ‘all-rounders’ as they can’t rely on the presence of other squadrons e.g. 1 Hellebore, 1 Aconite, 4 Nightshades.

• The Admiral must go on the most expensive ship.

• Fleet re-rolls should be rare to represent the division of the forces.

• Capital ships should be rare, light cruisers should be much more common than Dragonships or Void Stalkers (or similar).

• Ghostships should be rare, maximum of one per three other capital ships.

Saim-Hann – Wild Serpent – 485 points0-1, Dragonship, may only be included in fleets over 1000pts

Over the last decennia the Wild Serpent has become one of the most feared ships in the Saim-Hann region. It never operates alone, almost always accompanied by a couple of light cruisers and attendant escort vessels. In battle the Wild Serpent orchestrates its’ attendant warships into submissive cohesion. Enemies find themselves overwhelmed by the relentless and sporadic precision attacks by the Wild Serpent. With a broad spectrum of offensive capabilities the Wild Serpent is equipped to deal death to any enemy foolish enough to offend the leading Clans of Saim-Hann.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSBattleship/10 10/15/20 45º 3/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Pulsar Lance 45cm 1 L/FProw Pulsar Lance 45cm 1 R/FProw Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

Keel Launch BayNightwing 30 cm Phoenix 20 cm Vampire 30cm

4 -

Keel Weapons Battery 30cm 10 L/F/R

Note:Aspect warriors (not really, but it has the same affect), Ld10, 1 re-roll, Crew skill 6.

IYANDENThe Ghost Warriors

After a devastating Tyranid invasion much of Iyanden’s population were left massacred. Due to an extremely desperate need the Spirit Seers of Iyanden have bolstered their militaristic assets with Spirit driven Wraithbone constructs including warships.

• Corsairs and Craftworld ships may be freely mixed after Yriel has returned to Iyanden.

• Ghostships should be common but not unrestricted, maximum of half the capital ships can be Ghostships.

Iyanden – Flame of Asuryan, Yriel’s Flagship - 450 points0-1, Dragonship, may be included in any Corsair or Craftworld Iyanden fleet.

When Yriel led the Craftworld’s fleet, he was considered to be the favoured of Asuryan, and amongst his many great titles earned himself the honorific of ‘Bearer of the Flame’, and duly renamed his flagship The Flame of Asuryan accordingly.The Flame of Asuryan is magnificent, even by the standard of Dragonships. It bears three great sails – one born upon its long elegant spine, and another pair each mounted atop the great outriggers to its flanks, both of which also bear deadly pulsar lances.The Flame of Asuryan bore Yriel to many great victories at the head of the Iyanden fleet and he would give little thought to parting with the vessel once his own rank was lost and his own place amongst the Craftworld taken from him. Instead, he and his most loyal followers departed, Yriel himself still aboard his mighty flagship. By such means did the Flame of Asuryan come to depart the Craftworld of Iyanden.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/8 20/25/30 45º 2/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCPort Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FStarboard Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FProw Weapons Battery 30cm 16 F

Keel Launch BayNightwing 30 cm Phoenix 20 cm Vampire 30cm

4 -

Note: Aspect warriors, Leadership 10, 2 re-roll. Elite Command Crew.

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ULTHWEThe Damned

The Eldar of Ulthwe make extensive use of the Webway with their elite Black Guardians to achieve critical objectives and only use their Warfleet sparingly.

• Corsairs only as reserves.

• A maximum of 25% of capital ships should have the Aspect warrior upgrade.

• Re-rolls should be common place, buy as many farseers as appropiate.

• Ghostships should be rare, maximum of one per three other capital ships.

Ulthwé - Shadow Point – 550 points0-1, Dragonship, may only be included in fleets over 1000pts

Ulthwe only use their fleet assets reluctantly, hoping to shape a course that avoids wasteful fleet engagements. But on the occasion when full and decisive force is needed the Dragonship Shadow Point fills the role of Flagship. With an intricately formed infinity circuit, Farseers onboard guide the battle with astonishing accuracy. More than just a focal point for tactical foresight, the Shadow Point is a heavy gunship attacking when its enemy’s destruction is assured. During the 13th Black Crusade Ulthwe became renowned for the pivotal attacks by its strike forces, but in the space lanes the fleets of Ulthwe were far from quiet. Combined with Corsair fleets and even other Craftworld aid the Shadow Point oversaw the destruction of countless key fleet elements of the vast Chaos Warfleets, often without meaningful losses. With the foresight of the infinity circuit the Shadow Point led its companion vessels into a non-stop campaign of annihilation, moving from one battlezone to another leaving only the broken wreckage of Chaos ships in its wake.

ALAITOCThe Starstriders

Alaitoc is renowned for having the strictest adherence to the Eldar Path. As such, many Eldar of Alaitoc walk the path of the outcast to escape this restrictive lifestyle. Most return if the Craftworld needs their assistance. Some crewing solitary Corsair escort squadrons or even cruisers.

• Corsairs should be taken without restriction, as should the Craftworld vessels.• Over 2/3 of Corsair escort squadrons should be ‘small’: escort squadrons should number two or three escorts.• Make good use of the Hemlock (especially with its special boarding rules and BFG scale sniper rifle!), avoid using Nightshades.• Capital ships should be rare, light cruisers should be much more common than Dragonships or Void Stalkers (or similar).• Ghostships should be rare, maximum of one per three other capital ships.

Alaitoc – Sword of Eldanesh – 80 points0-1, may be included in any size fleet

Eldanesh is a Mythic Eldar Hero who was slain by the jealous War God Khaine, earning Khaine the title Kaela Mensha (bloody-handed). The Eldar of Alaitoc use the story of Eldanesh’s offence to the God’s to reinforce the ideals of the Eldar Path. In defiance to Alaitoc’s obsessive adherence to the path, self imposed exiles form disconnected communities on board Corsair vessels of local pirate fleets. Some loose themselves to the adventure of piracy and eventually acquire enough wealth to build their own ship. One such group of outcasts built the Sword of Eldanesh.Often working completely alone the Sword of Eldanesh can skilfully eliminate all defenders of a transport convoy at extreme range and then close in for the prize. It is not unheard of for the ship to enter late in an engagement to claim the spoils from an overwhelmed ally. This has given the ship some infamy among the other corsairs, who will only fight along side the Sword of Eldanesh if there are overpowering numbers to keep them in line.TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETS

Cruiser/8 10/20/25 45º 3/Holofield 5+ 3

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCProw Pulsar Lance 30cm 2 FKeel Pulsar Lance 30cm 1 FProw Weapons Battery 30cm 12 FKeel Torpedoes 30cm 4 F

Note: * Ld 10, 1 re-roll per turn! You loose the re-roll if the infinity circuit is smashed.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 10/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCPulsar Lance 45cm 1 FWeapons Battery 45cm 2 F

Note: Cannot be squadroned with other escorts and therefore forgoes the re-quirement to be in an escort squadron!

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Eldar Transports

Eldar transports are not often seen by enemies of the Eldar. These small vessels always take the most stealthiest routes available. Only lucky random encounters have been made with these rare Eldar vessels.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 10/15/15 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2


Eldar Haven Class Spire – 200pts

Although most Eldar live upon their vast floating Craftworlds, those that have followed the path of the Outcast are scattered to the far extremes of the galaxy. Many of these outcasts become Eldar corsairs, joining the Pirate Princes of the Corsair fleets.

These raiding fleets operate from many secret bases, of which the Haven class Spire is just one identified type. With tall slender towers and graceful sails to capture solar energy, the Spire is a distinctive space station. They are usually well hidden away, deep in asteroid fields or nebula, and as well as their own formidable weaponry they have the protection of their Corsair fleet. Should the Spires location be discovered, then the Imperium’s fleet will invariably attack to destroy the threat.

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSDefence/10 5/5/5 360º 4/Holofield 5+ 4

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCWeapons Battery 45cm 12 All roundPulsar Lance 30cm 3 All round

Launch Bay Fighters - 30cmBombers - 20cm 4 -

Eldar Spacefleet Models

Once in a while these models are up for sale on an online marketplace like Ebay. Back when Battlefleet Gothic was called Space Fleet Games Workshop also made two Eldar vessels for the game. Two very fine looking models I must say.

Both of them still fit in the current line of the Craftworld Eldar fleet in my opinion. So if you are lucky and own these vessels I advice you to use them as Wraithships or Dragonship variants in your Craftworld fleet.Another option is to make up some new rules for them and fit them into the Eldar rules. These models would fall into the light cruiser category.

Example Old Shadowhunter Class

Example Old Wraithship Class

Eldar Miscellaneous

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSEscort/1 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2

ARMAMENT RANGE/SPEED FIREPOWER/STR FIRE ARCWeapons Battery 30cm 3 FTorpedoes 30cm 2 F

TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELD ARMOUR TURRETSCruiser/4 15/20/30 90º 1/Holofield 5+ 2


Port Weapons Battery 30cm 2 L/F

Starboard Weapons Battery 30cm 2 R/FTorpedoes 30cm 2 F

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Designer Notes

With release version 1.6 I finally managed to type out some Designer notes regarding the Eldar MMS House Rules.

The beginning

When I started playing this game it was with the most obvious battles: Imperial Navy versus Chaos, it was always fun, good and balanced battles. To be honest I didn’t think much about Eldar and their rules back in those days. At the time I started visiting the forums, searching for more Battlefleet Gothic information and resources.At a given time I witnessed a discussion about the Eldar within the game. It was Sigoroth who posted he had ideas to fix the Eldar, to make them playable again. After that I went back and started to read other concerns about Eldar playability. I started wondering myself what was wrong with the Eldar and at the same time I started bugging Sigoroth to post his ideas for the Eldar.

My view on MSM

It is different. It changes (I’m trying to avoid terms like wrong or broken) the core rules of Battlefleet Gothic. In our Chaos versus Imperial Navy battles we all learned that ships moved in the movement phase, it worked and gave room to develop numerous tactics. Besides said fleets all other races moved in the movement phase ‘only’ as well, even the Dark Eldar. But not so the Corsair and Craftworld Eldar. They where allowed to move in the Ordnance phase as well. Mind you, for playing a game once in a while the Move-Shoot-Move can be quite enjoyable and fun. That’s why I advice new players to stick to the original rules at first. That gives them judging material and it makes most sense to learn the original rules first before you dive into obscure House Rules.

But in the long run MSM is, in my opinion, only a one trick pony, maybe two or three. And that is a pity, in my opinion MSM does not improve tactical thinking in this game. And in the long run the system loses out on interest.

As an after thought I think it is just plain wrong to have ships moving in the ordnance phase. It is the reason for Eldar being a bad choice rule wise from my point of view. It also enabled to let other odd Eldar related things slip into the official Eldar Rules. I am referring to the weak 4+ Wraithbone armour here. In general background it is said that Wraithbone is just as strong as Space Marine armour, which is surely no 4+ armour. Also Eldar ships are weak against space dust, a simple blastmarker can destroy an entire Eldar vessel with ease. Weapon Batteries, the most common weapon made by ‘lesser’ races destroy the advanced Eldar swiftly as well.Those things are not what I relate to one of the oldest and one of the most advanced races.

Therefore I saw the need to give the people who had the same view on Eldar something different.


As I said I bugged Sigoroth for his ideas to fix the Eldar and after two tries he posted his Move-Move-Shoot ideas. Basically this removed the movement option in the Ordnance phase but gave the Eldar more speed and manoeuvrability in the standard Movement phase.Of course that meant that other areas also could and needed to be changed in order to make the Eldar work. To name a few: including shields, raising their armour to 5+ (appropriate for Wraithbone), adding turrets, etc.

Personally I was really fond of these rules and offered

to build a nice PDF file of them. From experience solid things like PDF’s make more impact then options written in a forum. While working on the PDF I had many discussions with Sigoroth about the rules and later on Ray Bell got involved as well to give some more additional feedback.I still hope Sigoroth gets around on writing his designer notes for these Eldar MMS rules as he had the main idea behind these rules. He did give me free hand for evolving the MMS rules from version 1.2 into version 1.5 and further.

To me, and luckily to others as well, the MMS rules gave Eldar more variety in the long run, adding more tactical variants to the game play.All this without destroying the Eldar feel of being a fast hit and run race. It still applies to the Corsairs who need to rely on a backbone of their marvellous escorts but also to the Craftworld Eldar who now could operate as a true battle fleet, within their own terms of speed and manoeuvrability, to defend their Maiden worlds and Craftworlds.


Not really a conclusion more a last paragraph or two. I hope you enjoy these MMS rules, especially if you have been tired of the MSM rules. Report all your experiences or other remarks regarding these rules in one of the various Battlefleet Gothic forums.

For those who prefer the original MSM rules I would like to ask if they still could look into these rules and see if they are balanced or broken.If it is not the Eldar you want to have MMS rules imagine these MMS rules to belong to a new alien race flying into our loved Battlefleet Gothic universe.

Happy GamingRoy ‘Horizon’ Amkreutz

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Other collected notes on why MSM should be changed.

My main concerns against MSM are the terrain dependency and the weapon imbalance between WB and Lances against the HF.The MSM mechanic allows only for one tactic: go to the asteroid field and hide behind. If there are enough hiding points you win, if not, you loose. Boring to the last.The HF also contributes to this. If you play a campaign or tourney and have lance heavy ships you can disengage in turn 1. Saves you from a very disappointing game. This problem is Eldar only. No other fleet has this in this amount. Playing against MSM Eldar was always disappointing for the opponent because even if he was able to shoot it only was one die or two whereas the Eldar had always a ton of dice. From a gamers perspective also very disappointing.

MMS rules overcome this problems. Without the movement in the ordnance phase you have to face retaliation after the initial attack run. This forces you to move carefully and gives your opponent the possibility to catch the Eldar by good positioning and defensive tactics. But with the revised HF and shield mechanic the Eldar are able to withstand a certain amount of damage but are fragile enough that they can not charge head on. This feels better for me both rules wise and fluff wise.

Marc ‘Grimgork’ Loellman

MMS puts the Eldar fleets on the map in BFG. No longer a fleet requiring special terrain considerations or niche scenarios! With rules built on the strengths of the basic mechanics of the BFG system. In MMS, Eldar fleets give players the feel of a regular fleet, but with all the feel of an advanced race. The ships and rules support basic fire and manoeuvre tactics, through leveraging of the standard rules. The Eldar are now a fleet that is both fun to play and fun to play against.
