battlefield vietnam prima official eguide

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ISBN: 0-7615-4547-6Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004102139

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Armies of Battlefield Vietnam _________3Introduction_________________________________3The Armies of the United States and South Vietnam ______________________________3U.S. Army __________________________________3U.S. Marine Corps___________________________3Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) ________4Military Assistance Command Vietnam-Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SDG) __________4The Armies of North Vietnam __________________5North Vietnamese Army (N.V.A.) _______________5Viet Cong __________________________________6

Weapons and Troop Kits ______________7Introduction_________________________________7Weapons___________________________________7

Knives _________________________________7Projectile Weapons ______________________7Pistols _________________________________7Assault Rifles ___________________________8Sniper Rifles ____________________________9Machine Guns _________________________10Close-Support Weapons_________________11Rocket Launchers ______________________11Explosive Devices ______________________12

Special Weapons___________________________14Troop Kits _____________________________15U.S. Army _____________________________15U.S. Marine Corps______________________15MACV-SOG ___________________________16ARVN_________________________________16N.V.A. ________________________________17V.C. __________________________________17

Vehicles _____________________________18Introduction________________________________18Air Vehicles________________________________18Land Vehicles ______________________________20Sea Vehicles_______________________________24

Multiplayer Tips from the Testers _____25Tips from Tester Jose Gonzales_______________25

Vehicles _______________________________25Infantry________________________________25Mobile Spawn Points____________________25Maps _________________________________25

Tips from Tester Shan Simpson_______________26Tips from Tester Chris Tou ___________________26Tips from Tester Jeff Wood___________________27

Operation Game Warden _____________29Operation Flaming Dart ______________35The La Drang Valley __________________40Landing Zone Albany ________________45Operation Hastings __________________49Operation Irving _____________________54HUE-1968____________________________59Quang Tri-1968_______________________63Fall of Lang Vei ______________________67Reclaiming Hue______________________72Siege of Khe Sahn ___________________77Ho Chi Minh Trail ____________________82Cambodian Incursion ________________87Quang Tri 1972_______________________93

Special thanks to David Bonacci, Jose Gonzales, Osamu Kasahara, Armando Marini, Reid Schneider,Chris Tou, and Jeff Wood at EA for helping to make this guide possible.

A very special thanks to Matthew Cohen who took point on several tough missions.

This book is dedicated to the men and women of the Armed Forces who served with honor and braveryin the Vietnam War. Your sacrifices were beyond measure.


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INTRODUCTIONBattlefield Vietnam includes 14 battle maps depicting thejungle, delta, and air campaigns of the Vietnam War. Alongwith realistic, historical environments, each battle featurestwo opposing armies, one from North Vietnam and the otherfrom the combined U.S. and South Vietnamese forces. Thefollowing section covers each fighting group, includinghistorical background and Battle Map assignments.


U.S. military forces in South Vietnam grew rapidly from184,000 units in 1965 to 490,000 by the end of 1967. Ofthis total, U.S. Army forces accounted for more than 300,000troops, with the combined firepower of infantry, armoredcavalry, artillery, and close air support. In 1967, the 5th U.S.Army Special Forces Group worked closely with SouthVietnamese Special Forces to institute a new style of attackthat began and ended during evening hours. Aggressivelytaking the fight to the enemy, the Army set up base camps inenemy territory. Mobile strike forces set out from thesecamps, completing successful ground and airborne assaultsagainst the Viet Cong.

U.S. ARMY UNITS IN BATTLEFIELD VIETNAMBATTLE UNITOperation Game Warden River Patrol Force TF-116Operation Flaming Dart VNAF 514th Fighter Squadron, "The Phoenix"The la Drang Valley 1st Battalion, 7th CavalryLanding Zone Albany 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry


In March 1965, the 3rd Marine Division was the firstAmerican ground combat force to arrive in Vietnam. InAugust of the same year, three Marine battalions met anddefeated the 1st Viet Cong Regiment near Chu Lai, BatangPeninsula. It marked the first major military action for U.S.troops since the Korean War. By 1968, 85,000 Marines werestationed in Vietnam—most in the northern provinces.

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U.S. MARINE UNITS IN BATTLEFIELD VIETNAMBATTLE UNITOperation Hastings 3rd Battalion, 5th MarinesSiege of Khe Sahn 26th Marines: The Professionals


The South Vietnamese Army fought alongside U.S. forces intheir struggle for democracy against the combined NorthVietnamese and Viet Cong forces. ARVN casualties totaledmore than 223,000. Despite its youth and inexperience, theArmy of the Republic of Vietnam fought courageously.Against Communist forces in the Tet Offensive of 1968, theARVN played an important part in retaking the ancient city ofHue in 1968, in the most bloody, urban fighting of the war.

ARVN UNITS IN BATTLEFIELD VIETNAMBATTLE UNITHue-1968 1st ARVN DivisionQuang Tri-1968 1st ARVN DivisionReclaiming Hue 2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment ARVN RangersQuang Tri-1972 258th RVN Marine Brigade "The Divine Hawks"


MACV-SOG was a joint service task force assigned to covertoperations in Southeast Asia. The SOG designation was a coverfor top-secret CIA missions, including the disruption of VietCong, Khmer Rouge, Pathet Lao, and N.V.A. forces in theirhome territories. The MACV also conducted psychologicalwarfare with false radio broadcasts originating in North Vietnam,and they tracked the locations of imprisoned Americans,conducting raids to free prisoners. Other infiltrations includedretrieval of equipment and documents lost in combat, kidnappingand assassinations, and sabotaging enemy ammunition supplies.

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MACV-SOG UNITS IN BATTLEFIELD VIETNAMBATTLE UNITFall of Lang Vei Airborne: 5th Special Forces GroupHo Chi Minh Trail MACV-Studies and Observations GroupCambodian Incursion MACV-Studies and Observations Group


Often referred to as the Peoples Army ofNorth Vietnam, this Communist-fightingforce consisted of a main army, local forces,smaller militia units, and guerilla fighters.The N.V.A. involvement in the Vietnamconflict dates back to 1955-59, when they

were nearly destroyed by the armies of South Vietnam. TheN.V.A. endured a direct attack by U.S. forces in 1969, led byU.S. commander General Creighton Abrams and theydefended the Ho Chi Minh Trail against ARVN forces in1971. The N.V.A. suffered more than 100,000 casualties in1972, against the combined forces of the U.S. and SouthVietnam. Over the course of the war more than 1,000,000North Vietnamese troops were killed.

N.V.A. UNITS IN BATTLEFIELD VIETNAMBATTLE UNITOperation Flaming Dart UnidentifiedThe la Drang Valley 66th N.V.A. RegimentLanding Zone Albany 33rd N.V.A. RegimentOperation Hastings 5th Battalion, 812th RegimentHue-1968 6th N.V.A. RegimentQuang Tri-1968 812th N.V.A RegimentFall of Lang Vei 304th N.V.A. DivisionReclaiming Hue 6th N.V.A. RegimentSiege of Khe Sahn NVA 325th C DivisionQuang Tri-1972 101st Regiment

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The term Viet Cong was first used by Diem's regime todescribe the 10,000 troops in hiding in South Vietnam afterthe French Indochina War (1946-54). The Viet Congremained in the south, forming the NLF (National LiberationFront), and attempted to overthrow the South Vietnamesegovernment. The main force of the Viet Cong consisted ofpeasant guerilla fighters recruited from villages when theywere teenagers. Ironically, very few members of the VietCong had any formal Communist training, and even fewerknew anything about Marxism. They fought to the deathagainst U.S. and ARVN forces, despite being poorlyequipped, living near starvation, and lacking any level ofmedical care for serious battle wounds.

VIET CONG UNITS IN BATTLEFIELDVIETNAMBATTLE UNITOperation Game Warden UnidentifiedHo Chi Minh Trail UnidentifiedCambodian Incursion Unidentified

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INTRODUCTIONThe weapons of Battlefield Vietnam cover a wide range ofimplementations including hand-to-hand fighting, long-rangesniping, hidden traps, reconnaissance, and vehicle repair.The following sections cover every weapon in the game, withclip capacities and ammo loads. We've also includedhistorical information on many of the weapons.

The Troop Kit section includes tables of Assault, HeavyAssault, Engineer, and Recon weapons for all six armies inBattlefield Vietnam. Your success in completing a missionoften depends on selecting the right mix of weapons, and weprovide strengths and weaknesses for all Troop Kits.


Your chances are slim if you are in the middle of a firefightand all you have is a sharp piece of steel. However, there aretimes when you can use a knife and save ammo, like whenyou are taking out enemy artillery gunners. It only takes acouple of strikes to dispatch an enemy. Just don't let yourtarget run away, because you don't have the option to throwyour weapon.


Army: N.V.A.

Combat Knife

Army: U.S. Army, Marines; MACV, ARVN

Plantation Knife

Army: V.C.


Your pistol is the most underrated, and too often underused,weapon in your arsenal. When you are caught without ammoin your primary weapon, switch to your pistol for close-rangepower and surprising accuracy.

M1911 Pistol

Army: U.S. Army,Marines

Load Size: 9

# Loads: 3

The M1911 was the official sidearm for the U.S. Navy andArmy from 1911 to 1992. Conceived by legendary gundesigner John Moses Browning and produced by Colt, this.45-caliber pistol answered the Armed Forces' desire for ahandgun with more stopping power than the incumbent .38revolver. The M1911 was selected after completing a record6,000-round test firing without a glitch.

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.44 Magnum


Load Size: 6

# Loads: 3

This six-shot revolver has a serious punch, but it lacks thespeed of the M1911. However, at close range, few targetscan survive a single shot. It is difficult to fire the .44 quickly,due to its substantial kickback.

TT-33 (Tokarev)

Army: N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 8

# Loads: 3

This single-action, semi-automatic pistol became the standardissue sidearm of the Soviet Army in 1933. This gun wasbased on the original Colt-Browning M1911, although modifi-cations were made to streamline the manufacturing process.The TT-33 is lighter, and boasts a faster muzzle velocity thanthe M1911.

ASSAULT RIFLESThese versatile, intermediate load weapons are capable ofautomatic and semi-automatic firing, making themperfect for most battlefield assault situations. Assaultrifles are lightweight, and issue very low recoil. They arebest used within range of 400 meters, and althoughautomatic fire is always tempting, assault rifles are mostaccurate when fired in short bursts.

AK47Army: N.V.A.

Load Size: 30

# Loads:4

Originally designed by Russian soldier Mikhail Kalashnikov,the AK47 is one of the most influential and reliable combatrifles ever produced. The North Vietnamese Army usedChinese and Russian variations of the AK47, but bothdesigns fired the same 7.62mm bullet at a rate of 600 roundsper minute. This gun is accurate up to 400 meters.

AKMSArmy: V.C.

Load Size: 30

# Loads: 4

Lighter than the original AK47, the AKMS boasts a foldingstock, making it a favorite of parachute troops. However, thelack of a stock makes this weapon less accurate than theAK47. The AKMS used steel stampings, making it muchcheaper to mass-produce.

CAR 15Army: ARVN

Load Size: 30

# Loads: 6

The CAR 15 is a shortened carbine version of the M16,utilizing a 10" barrel (half the size of the M16). This gas-operated, rotating bolt rifle is loud and its intense muzzle flashgives enemy soldiers a more noticeable target. The CAR 15fires at 750 rounds per minute.

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Chicom SKS 56 (Type 56)Army: N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 10

# Loads: 5

This semi-automatic rifle with a folding metal stock was aChinese-made, direct copy of the original Russian AK47. Itsonly distinguishing features were a folding bayonet and largerrivets. In Battlefield Vietnam, the Type 56 carries only a 10-shot magazine, compared to the 30-shot AK47.


Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVN

Load Size: 10

# Loads: 5

The M14 was the original standard rifle for U.S. Forces inVietnam, beginning in 1957 and lasting until it was replacedby the M16. The M14 was an updated version of the WorldWar II M1 Garand. A detachable magazine replaced the fixedmagazine of the Garand, eliminating the need for a loadingcharger. The M14 is semiautomatic, with a maximum effectiverange of 460 meters.


Army: U.S. Army,Marines; ARVN

Load Size: 30

# Loads: 4

The M16 was successfully introduced in Vietnam's la DrangValley in November, 1965. However, within a year, the rifleexhibited serious problems with jammed cartridges, causinghundreds of deaths as soldiers were caught in battle withinoperative weapons. After several months, an improved M16reached the battlefield, featuring a new bolt closure device,and revised instructions for cleaning and maintenance.

XM148 (CAR 15)

This weapon pairs a lengthened CAR 15 with a 40mmgrenade launcher, providing an all-purpose assault riflecapable of taking out light armored vehicles.


M16 Sniper

Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVN

Load Size: 20

# Loads: 2

This is a standard M16 set to semi-automatic fire andoutfitted with a sniper scope. Although the scope providesbetter targeting, the M21 is a more precise sniper rifle withgreater range.


Army: ARVN

Load Size: 10

# Loads: 1

The M21 was the primary U.S. Army sniper rifle in theVietnam War, and it remained a standard until the M24 bolt-action rifle arrived in 1988. The M21 is accurate to 690 meters.

Army: MACV

Load Size: 30 (*1)

# Loads: 5 (*5)


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Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV

Load Size: 5

# Loads: 20

Less than one thousand M40's saw service in Vietnam asU.S. Marine sniper rifles. This gun is a Remington Model 700outfitted with a variable power Redfield scope. The M40 hasa dependable range of up to 915 meters.


Army: N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 5

# Loads: 20

This Russian Moisin-Nagant rifle was first issued in1937, and it is the least accurate sniper rifle in

Battlefield Vietnam. The short scope was difficult to use, andit was quickly replaced with a larger, heavier sight, allowingfor easier wind and elevation adjustments.


Army: N.V.A.

Load Size: 10

# Loads: 2

The SVD (Sniperskaya Vintovka Dragunov) wasthe first Russian weapon designed from the ground

up as a sniper rifle. It has an effective range of up to1,100 meters, and its light weight and semi-automatic firingmake it an excellent choice when facing multiple targets.


Army: U.S. Army, Marines; ARVN

Load Size: 100

# Loads: 2

The general-purpose M60 is light enoughto carry, but heavy enough to do serious damage. It fires upto 550 rounds per minute with a range of over 1,700 meters.The cartridge belts are large and heavy, so you are limited tojust two belts of 100 rounds each.


Army: N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 32

# Loads: 3

The MAT49submachine gunwas adopted by the French Army in 1949. It was usedextensively by the French in Indo-China, and many weaponsended up in the hands of the Viet Cong. The weapons werethen modified to accommodate the Soviet 7.62mm ammo,and also improved from 600 rounds per minute to 900. TheMAT49 is best used at close range, because it is difficult toaim accurately at any distance.


Army: N.V.A.

Load Size: 100

# Loads: 2

The RPD is the Russian counterpart to the M60, firstintroduced to the Soviet Army in 1950. The large 100-bulletclip is belt fed from a drum clipped on the underside of thegun. It has a range of 800 meters. Lightweight, accurate, andeasily reloaded, the RPD is capable of inflicting seriousdamage with sustained fire.

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Type 53

Army: V.C.

Load Size: 47

# Loads: 2

The Type 53 is a Chinese copy of the Soviet DegtyarevDP, a standard light machine gun used in Russia from1928 to the late-1950's. The circular magazine feed wasefficient, but the gun's 7.62mm rifle cartridges were proneto jamming. The Type 53 fires on automatic only, at a rateof 500-600 rounds per minute.


M79 Grenade Launcher

Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVN

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 5

Nicknamed "The Blooper," the M79 looked like a single-barrel, sawed-off shotgun. Used in close support of infantry,the M79 filled the range gap between hand grenades andmortar fire. The 40mm HE (high explosive) grenadesproduced over 300 fragments upon detonation, creating a killradius of up to 5 meters.


The 60mm mortar has an effective range of 40-1,800 metersand fires at a rate of approximately 30 rounds per minute.Mortars offer much greater trajectory and range than either ahandheld grenade or a grenade launcher.

Mossberg 500Army: U.S. Army,Marines; ARVN

Load Size: 6

# Loads: 18

The Mossberg is strictly used as a close-range weapon.Pump action allows for quick firing, but the load size is onlysix shots. This weapon is best used in tight quarters whereyou are not under fire from enemies at long range.


This category includes a range of handheld weapons fortargeting light armor and low-flying aircraft. Only one, theNorth Vietnamese SA-7, is a heat-seeking missile, capable offinding, tracking, and striking an aircraft in flight. Rocketlaunchers are single-shot weapons that take time to reload,so there is a vulnerability factor to consider. With sufficientcover and the proper angle of attack (rear, sides, or top oftarget), you can take out most armored vehicles in BattlefieldVietnam with two or three hits, and Jeeps with single shots.We have included RPG's in this category, although they aretechnically rocket-propelled grenades.

M72 L.A.W.Army: U.S. Army, Marines;MACV, ARVN

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 4

The L.A.W. is a 66mm, unguidedlight rocket launcher that fires anti-tank rounds. It has amaximum range of 350 meters, but it is most effective within200 meters. It takes approximately 1.6 seconds to travel 200meters to the target. This weapon loads automatically, butcarries only four shots, so be prepared to run for cover ifyour target is still rolling and your L.A.W. is empty.

Army: U.S. Army, Marines; MACV, ARVN, N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 20

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RPG2Army: V.C.

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 4

This is a lighter variation of the Soviet-made RPG7V, but it isstill capable of disabling, and eventually taking down lightarmored vehicles. It is best to have infantry support for asoldier equipped with an RPG2, because it is not a one-shotweapon in most situations.

RPG7VArmy: N.V.A.

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 4

This auto-loading Russian RPGpacks more wallop than the RPG2. It is effective againsthelicopters, especially when fired from elevated positions.

SA-7Army: N.V.A., V.C.

Load Size: 1

# Loads: 2

This heat-seeking, surface-to-air missile launchercreated a dangerous situation for U.S. helicopters late in thewar. It inspired the development of a missile launch warningsystem and engine exhaust heat suppressors. It is auto-loading, but with only two shots, this weapon must be usedcarefully, and from cover.


Army: N.V.A.

# Charges: 4

Using the Wirecutter tool, an N.V.A. Engineer can place anexplosive pack on a dormant vehicle. When the vehicle isentered, the charge detonates, instantly destroying thevehicle and its inhabitants.

Bouncing Betty

Army: N.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 5

This frightening explosive weapon is placed on the ground,where an unsuspecting soldier steps on the spring device,causing the explosive to rise up to waist level and explode.



# Charges: 4

A C4 brick is attached to any surface, then exploded using ahandheld detonator. It is equally effective against personneland vehicles.

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Army: U.S. Army,Marines

# Charges: 5

Claymores are mines that can be detonated remotely, butthey will also explode on contact. The explosion has a wideradius (approximately 45 meters), but lacks the power of atraditional land mine. However, it releases a charge of 700steel balls upon detonation, so it is extremely effective againstenemy troops.


Army: N.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 4

This explosive pack can be placed anywhere and detonatedwith a plunger. The explosive power is best utilized againstenemy vehicles.


Army: U.S. Army, Marines; MACF, ARVN, N.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 4

A grenade is a handheld explosive that has a built-in three-second timer. You can throw the grenade and wait for theexplosion, or depress the plunger and hold the grenadebefore releasing it, thus reducing the delay time.


Army: N.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 5

Similar in function to the U.S. mine, this circular explosive iseffective against vehicles and personnel.


Army: U.S.Army, Marines;


# Charges: 4

This anti-vehiclemine is devastatingagainst enemy vehicles, including heavy tanks.It detonates on contact.

Time Bomb

Army: V.C.

# Charges: 4

V.C. Recon units can place Time Bombs and detonate themwith varying fuse lengths (up to 10 seconds). The explosionwill devastate vehicles, but it is equally effective against anapproaching enemy squad.

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The following weapons perform various functions, includingtraps, repairs, healing, and dismantling.


Army: N.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 5

These sharp, star-shaped metal objects can be placed on theground, causing damage to personnel. They can also bethrown, but you are better off scattering them on the groundin the path of approaching enemy troops.

Med Pack

Army: MACV

Charge Time: 5 seconds

Recharge Time: 10 seconds

The Med pack allows an MACV Assault soldier to partially orfully heal himself or another soldier. The Med pack is useduntil it is exhausted (about five seconds), at which time itgradually recharges.

Pungi Sticks

Army: V.C.

# Charges: 5

Pungi Sticks are sharpened pieces of wood that are buriedhalfway into the ground. Each usage places a cluster of sixspikes. They are best used in tall grass where enemy soldierscannot see them.


Army: U.S. Army, Marines; MACV, ARVN

# Charges: 3

Smoke grenades provide a cover of yellow smoke, allowingRecon troops to move without being seen. This is anexcellent tactic for positioning a sniper. Smoke grenades alsocan be used as a bomb marker for payloads from aircraft likethe F4 Phantom.


Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVN

Charge Time: 10 seconds

Recharge Time: 20 seconds

A torch is used to slowly destroy a vehicle. When the vehicle is completely dismantled, it explodes. The torch recharges over time.


Army: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVNN.V.A., V.C.

# Charges: 10 seconds

Recharge Time: 10 seconds

Use a wrench to repair a damaged vehicle, or disable mines.The wrench recharges on its own, or it can be replenished atan Ammo Box.


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TROOP KITSEach of the six armies in Battlefield Vietnam includes fourdifferent troop classes: Assault, Engineer, Heavy Assault, andRecon. Within a troop class there are two Troop Kits,containing varying mixes of weapons and gear. The followingtables list all of the Troop Kits available in the game.

TROOP KIT ATTRIBUTESTYPE STRENGTHS WEAKNESSESAssault Quick strikes, covering Long-range sniping,

fire, armor support enemy armorEngineer Demolition, repairs, long- Close-in assaults,

range attacks (mortars) long-range snipingHeavy Assault Armor destruction, entrenched Quick strikes,

infantry assault, ambushes long-range snipingRecon Long-range sniping, Entrenched assaults, close-

artillery spotters range attacks, enemy armor


KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M16 Mossberg 500Additional (A) Grenades GrenadesAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M14 M14Additional (A) Torch MinesAdditional (B) Claymores MortarAdditional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M60 M60Additional (A) M79 L.A.W.Additional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M40 M16 SniperAdditional (A) Smoke SmokeAdditional (B) Binoculars Binoculars


KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M16 Mossberg 500Additional (A) Grenades GrenadesAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M14 M14Additional (A) Torch MinesAdditional (B) Claymores MortarAdditional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M60 M60Additional (A) M79 L.A.W.Additional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm M1911 M1911Primary Weapon M40 M16 SniperAdditional (A) Smoke SmokeAdditional (B) Binoculars Binoculars

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KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon CAR 15 XM148Additional (A) Grenades Med PackAdditional (B) Medpack —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M14 M14Additional (A) Mines TorchAdditional (B) Mortar C4Additional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M60 M60Additional (A) M79 L.A.W.Additional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M40 M16 SniperAdditional (A) Smoke SmokeAdditional (B) Binoculars Binoculars


KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon CAR 15 M16Additional (A) Grenades GrenadesAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M14 M14Additional (A) Mines TorchAdditional (B) Mortar C4Additional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M60 M60Additional (A) M79 L.A.W.Additional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Combat Knife Combat KnifeSidearm .44 .44Primary Weapon M21 M16 SniperAdditional (A) Smoke SmokeAdditional (B) Binoculars Binoculars

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KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Machete MacheteSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon AK47 RPDAdditional (A) Grenades GrenadesAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Machete MacheteSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon MAT49 MAT49Additional (A) Booby Trap MinesAdditional (B) Mortar ShovelAdditional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Machete MacheteSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon Type 56 SA7Additional (A) RPG7V ExpackAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Machete MacheteSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon SVD Type 56Additional (A) Caltrops Bouncing BettyAdditional (B) Binoculars Binoculars


KIT #1 KIT #2Melee Weapon Plantation Knife Plantation KnifeSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon AKMS Type 53Additional (A) Grenades GrenadesAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Plantation Knife Plantation KnifeSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon MAT49 MAT49Additional (A) Pungi Sticks ShovelAdditional (B) Mortar LandminesAdditional (C) Wrench Wrench


Melee Weapon Plantation Knife Plantation KnifeSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon Type 56 SA-7Additional (A) RPG2 ExpackAdditional (B) — —


Melee Weapon Plantation Knife Plantation KnifeSidearm TT-33 TT-33Primary Weapon M91/30 Type 56Additional (A) Caltrops Bouncing BettyAdditional (B) Binoculars Time Bomb

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INTRODUCTIONThe following sections include all of the vehicles appearing inBattlefield Vietnam. They are separated into air, land, and seacategories, and each listing includes missions, weapons,troop positions, and any special abilities.


TYPE: Jet fighter

ARMY: U.S. Army, Marine Corps

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings,Siege of Khe Sahn

WEAPONS: Auto cannon, bombs (30)


NOTES: Bombs are more effective than napalm fordestroying vehicles.


TYPE: Jet fighter

ARMY: U.S. Army, Marine Corps

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving, Siege of Khe Sahn

WEAPONS: Heat-seeking missiles (20), napalm bombs (3)


NOTES: Napalm bombs are very effective against groundtroops; lack of machine guns hampers the F4 in adogfight.


TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: U.S. Army

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving (multiplayer only)

WEAPONS: Door-mounted M60 machine guns (2), ramp-mounted M60 (1); Pilot machine gun (400), passengerrocket (20), passenger grenade (12)

TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot (1), door gunners (2), rampgunner (1), enclosed passengers (2)

NOTES: Used to airlift vehicles and Landing Zone Crates,but it may make for difficult flying.

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TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: U.S. Army,Marine Corps

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving, Operation Hastings, Siege of Khe Sahn

WEAPONS: 9-shot missile launchers (10), M134 autocannons (2), M5 40mm nose-mounted grenade launcher (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot (1), copilot (1)

NOTES: Used to airlift vehicles and Landing Zone Crates.


TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: U.S. Army, Marine Corps; MACV

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, Siege of Khe Sahn,Fall of Lang Vei

WEAPONS: Heat-seeking rocket pods (2), missile pods(2), nose-mounted auto cannon (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot, co-pilot

NOTES: Fast attack helicopter without airlift capabilities.


TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: U.S. Army,Marine Corps; MACV

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving (Instant Battle only), Operation Hastings,Fall of Lang Vei

WEAPONS: Internal M60 machine guns (2) with 500rounds per gun

TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot (1), gunners (2), armedpassengers (2)

NOTES: Used to airlift vehicles and Landing Zone Crates.


TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: V.C., N.V.A.

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, Operation FlamingDart, Operation Hastings, Siege of Khe Sahn, Fall of Lang Vei

WEAPONS: Pod-mounted missile launchers (4)

TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot (1), enclosed passengers (3)

NOTES: Formidable assault helicopter/troop carrier. Lacksairlift capability.

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TYPE: Helicopter

ARMY: V.C., N.V.A.

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, Fall of Lang Vei


TROOP POSITIONS: Pilot (1), enclosed passengers (5)

NOTES: Rear door has been removed to allow passengersto fire their guns.


TYPE: Jet fighter


MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, Siege of Khe Sahn

WEAPONS: Machine guns, conventional missiles (20)


NOTES: Very fast and agile.


TYPE: Jet fighter


MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Hastings,Siege of Khe Sahn

WEAPONS: Machine guns, conventional bombs (60)


NOTES: Agile, but not as fast as the MiG-21; machineguns make it better-suited for dogfights.


TYPE: Truck missilelauncher

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Irving (multiplayer only), Quang Tri-1972, Fall of Lang Vei, Hue-1968, Reclaiming Hue (multi-player only)

WEAPONS: Missiles (40)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), missile launcher (1)

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TYPE:Amphibious APC

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, The la Drang Valley,Operation Albany, Operation Hastings, Quang Tri-1968,Hue-1968 (multiplayer only), Reclaiming Hue (multiplayeronly), Quang Tri-1972, Cambodian Incursion

WEAPON: Roof-mounted machine gun (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), gunner (1), armedpassengers (2), enclosed passengers (2)


TYPE: Self-propelled artillery cannon


MISSIONS: Operation Albany, Quang Tri-1972, Siege ofKhe Sahn (multiplayer only), Ho Chi Minh Trail,Cambodian Incursion

WEAPON: 8" howitzer artillery cannon (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), gunner (1)

NOTES: Very slow; driver and gunner are fully exposed;Chinook can airlift M-110 into battle.



ARMY: U.S. Army,Marines, MACV, ARVN

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, The la Drang Valley,Operation Albany, Operation Irving, Operation Hastings,Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972, Siege of Khe Sahn(multiplayer only), Hue-1968, Reclaiming Hue, Ho ChiMinh Trail, Cambodian Incursion

WEAPON: Roof-mounted M240 machine gun (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), roof gunner (1), enclosedpassengers (4)

NOTES: Armor comparable to a light tank; Chinook orHuey can airlift M-113 into battle.

M-151A1 MUTT

TYPE: Jeep

ARMY: U.S. Army,Marines; MACV, ARVN

MISSIONS: Operation GameWarden, Operation Flaming Dart,Operation Albany, Operation Irving (multiplayer only),Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972 (multiplayer only), Siege ofKhe Sahn, Fall of Lang Vei, Hue-1968, Reclaiming Hue, HoChi Minh Trail, Cambodian Incursion

WEAPON: Missile launch pod (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), missile launcher (1),passenger (1)

NOTES: Very quick and maneuverable; lack of armor enablesenemy rocket launchers to take out the MUTT with one shot. 21

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TYPE: Artillery cannon

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: The la Drang Valley, Operation Albany,Operation Irving, Quang Tri-1972, Siege of Khe Sahn, HoChi Minh Trail, Cambodian Incursion (Instant Battle only)

WEAPON: 130mm gun (1)


NOTES: Gun produces large blast with splash(surrounding) damage.


TYPE: Tank


MISSIONS: Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972, Hue-1968,Reclaiming Hue

WEAPONS: 90mm gun (1), 7.62mm coaxial machine gun(1), M240 machine gun (commander's cupola) (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), roof gunner (1)

NOTES: Diesel-powered tank that entered the war in1968, armor is insufficient to protect crew from shrapneland small arms fire.


TYPE:Amphibious tank

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: The la Drang Valley, Operation Hastings,Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972, Siege of Khe Sahn, Fallof Lang Vei, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Cambodian Incursion

WEAPONS: 76mm main gun (1), 7.62mm coaxial machinegun (1), 12.7mm anti-aircraft roof-mounted machine gun (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), roof gunner (1)

NOTES: The ability to fire its gun from the water makesthe PT-76 dangerous from any position on the map.


TYPE: Motor scooter

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Irving (multi-player only), Quang Tri-1968 (multiplayeronly), Quang Tri-1972 (multiplayer only),Hue-1968, Reclaiming Hue


TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), passenger (1)

NOTES: Armed passenger sitting in the back can take outthe enemy. It is a quick way to get from point "A" to point"B," as long as you avoid enemy guns.

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TYPE: Tank

ARMY: U.S. Army, Marines, MACV, ARVN

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving, Operation Hastings (multiplayer only),Siege of Khe Sahn, Fall of Lang Vei, Ho Chi Minh Trail(multiplayer only), Cambodian Incursion

WEAPONS: 152mm main gun (1), 7.62mm coaxialmachine gun (1), M240 machine gun (commander'scupola) (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), roof gunner (1)

NOTES: The Sheridan's big gun and machine gun canrotate 360 degrees. This tank packs a wallop, and it isfast and maneuverable; watch for RPGs, because itsaluminum armor is strictly lightweight. The Chinook canairlift a Sheridan into battle.


TYPE: Tank

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, Operation Irving,Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972, Hue-1968, Reclaiming Hue

WEAPONS: 100mm main gun (1), 7.62mm coaxialmachine gun (1), 12.7mm anti-aircraft roof-mountedmachine gun (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), roof gunner (1)

NOTES: The T-54 is a medium tank, rated between aPatton and Sheridan. It has thicker armor and canwithstand more hits than a Sheridan.


TYPE: Jeep

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, Operation FlamingDart, Operation Albany, Quang Tri-1968, Quang Tri-1972,Siege of Khe Sahn, Fall of Lang Vei, Hue-1968,Reclaiming Hue, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Cambodian Incursion

WEAPON: Rear deck-mounted machine gun (1)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), gunner (1), passenger (1)

NOTES: The 469 excels at drive-by attacks on unsus-pecting enemy infantry.


TYPE: Anti-aircraft tank

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Flaming Dart, The la Drang Valley,Operation Irving, Siege of Khe Sahn, Fall of Lang Vei

WEAPONS: 57mm flak guns (2)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), gunner (1)

NOTES: The ZSU efficiently brings down enemy aircraft.The driver is well-protected, but the gunner is in the open,so he is susceptible to small arms fire. Keep moving, andyou'll clear the skies.

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TYPE:River patrol boat

ARMY: U.S. Army, Marines

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden Operation FlamingDart, Operation Irving, Operation Hastings

WEAPONS: Rear-mounted M60, front-mounted duelmachine gun

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), front gunner (1), reargunner (1)

NOTES: The PBR is quicker and more maneuverable thanthe TANGO, but it cannot shell land targets.


TYPE: Boat

ARMY: N.V.A., V.C.

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, Operation Irving,Operation Hastings


TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), passengers (4)

NOTES: The Sampan is fast, and its narrow hull is perfect for negotiating the narrow inlets of the MekongDelta. Firepower is limited to weapons the passengersare carrying.


TYPE: Armored Troop Carrier

ARMY: U.S. Army

MISSIONS: Operation Game Warden, Operation Flaming Dart

WEAPONS: 20mm cannon (1), 50-caliber machine guns (2)

TROOP POSITIONS: Driver (1), cannon gunner (1),machine gunners (2)

NOTES: The TANGO is a mobile spawn point.

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Teamwork is now necessary to capture theflags. Knowing this, it is always helpful tostick with your buddies (this includesbuddies in your vehicle). Friends hanging outin the back of your BTR-60 or M-113 will beeffective in turning over those flags quickly.

Mobile armored transport is very effectivewhen capturing a flag. Driving into the radiusof a CP (Control Point) flag with your BTR-60or M-113, and jump into one of the rearseats (protected by the vehicles armor). Aperson sitting in the driver's seat will beexposed for an easy enemy headshot.

Airlifts can be used as a weapon. Using thechopper, drop airlifted empty U.S. vehicles tosquash enemies below (as a form of bomb),or airlift and drop an enemy driven U.S.vehicle.

Exposed infantry with weapons areinvaluable when they are your passengers(for example: the soldier sitting in position #2of the jeep). This is the case with a friendlyengineer. When driving into battle with yourjeep, make sure you have the exposedsoldier continually fixing the vehicle with thewrench. This will make your head-on vehicleassaults more effective.

INFANTRYYou don't have to shoot the wooden plankfor the spiked log trap to trigger. Be sneakyand plant explosives by the plank (C4,TNT, etc), then hide somewherewithin sight of the trap, anddetonate it when you seeenemy soldiers run by.

Take mines and booby traps off vehicleswhen you see one of your buddies about toget in. Only the person who threw themdown can pick them up with the assigned"pick up item" key.

N.V.A. Punji Sticks and Caltrops areextremely helpful in holding off infantry. Dropthem across infantry entry points to your CP.

MOBILE SPAWN POINTSMobile spawn points are invaluable to yourteam. If placed in the right spot, they canhelp you capture a CP quickly. The N.V.A.can do this by placing the tunnel (with theshovel engineer), or by hovering over a CPwith the Mi8 cargo (and having soldiers jumpout the back). The U.S. can do the same byairlifting/dropping the ammo crate or TANGOnear a CP via helicopter airlift.

Mobile spawn tunnels or crates may bedropped near your CP. Be sneaky and stealthe N.V.A. shovel from the Engineer's Kit or aU.S. helicopter, and move the spawn point.Now your enemy will have to walk a longway to gain access to a CP or vehicle.

MAPSIn "Operation Flaming Dart," be aware thatyou can stop aircraft from spawning bydestroying their airbase guard towers (thisgoes for U.S. and N.V.A. airbases).

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If you are on the N.V.A. side with a spawntunnel entrance, keep moving it. At least oneperson on your team should always use theEngineer Kit with the shovel. Never leave it inthe same spot for too long. If the U.S. teampays attention, they can track the tunnelentrance and destroy it. Move it to out of theway areas, nothing too obvious. It can meanthe difference between the N.V.A. winning orloosing the map.

Always take a copilot/extra gunners in yourU.S. helicopters. The helicopters can be verypowerful with a good pilot, but their lethalityinstantly goes up with a copilot in the Cobra,Huey Assault, and the Chinook. The onlyway the Huey Transport can defend itself iswith gunners. It is always more effective towait for your teammates.

Utilize the indirect fire feature of the mortar. Alot more kits have binoculars in BattlefieldVietnam than Battlefield 1942, so use themto scout for your mortar carrying engineers.The mortar is the most versatile artillery, souse it. It's not hard for an organized team toclear out an enemy Control Point from adistance, then quickly swarm it with themortar engineers.


The RPD (V.C./N.V.A.) and M60 (U.S.) heavymachine guns are excellent infantry-basedanti-aircraft weapons, especially versushelicopters. No ZSU? No problem. Spawn inwith an M60 or RPD and rip the chopperapart. Just make sure you take cover whenthe chopper turns to face you!

When trying to capture a spawn point, swarmit! The more people you have within a ControlPoint's capture range, the faster it is capped!Load up a full Huey or Mi8 transport, fly to aControl Point, and hover in capture range fornear-instantaneous captures!

For the U.S., find and destroy thoseN.V.A./V.C. mobile spawns, fast! Make sureyou capture the Control Points that spawnthe mobile spawns too, so that it does notrespawn.

Drivers and sometimes the passengers inAPCs can be killed even while in thevehicles, so be careful.

Team up a fighter and an attack chopper.Have the fighter do area sweeps, so thatenemies show up on the radar. Then havehim communicate the location to a nearbyattack chopper. This strategy is especiallyeffective for the U.S., when trying to findN.V.A./V.C. tunnels.

The helipad on top of the U.S. TANGO canrepair and reload choppers.

Watch that foliage! It can be your friend byproviding you cover, but also your enemy byproviding your attacker cover.

Be careful when firing heat-seekingmissiles (Cobra/F4/SA-7). They are indis-criminate, and can home in on and hit bothfriend and foe.

Homing missiles can home in on both airand land vehicles.

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If you don't have a copilot in your Cobra tofire those heat-seekers for you, you can do ityourself! If you're flying high enough, and fastenough, you can switch to the copilot'sposition, fire the heat-seekers, then switchback to the pilot's seat and recover thechopper's controls.

Remember that all U.S. Special Forces kitscarry their own med pack. You can healyourself or your teammates.

Both the U.S. and N.V.A./V.C. APC (BTR-60and M-113) and the PT-76 tank areamphibious. Use them to your advantage tosneak behind enemy lines using a river orwaterway.


Use the 3-D map to show you where yourteammates are on the ground. This allowsyou to drop napalm with excellent accuracyand few accidental friendly fire incidents, allwhile providing top-notch support for yourground units; for example, if you see yourteammates in a fire fight, with the 3-D mapon, you can distinguish friend from foe andnapalm the enemy units to help yourteammates.

Helicopter transports are one of your mostpowerful tools. A fully loaded Chinook, HueySlick (transport), or Mi8 can land inside anenemy base and capture it in a matter ofseconds. If you manage to take over theenemy's main base, you will radically turnthe battle to your favor.

The N.V.A. mobile tunnel spawn system isthe N.V.A.'s great equalizer. While the U.S.has better all-around fire power, the N.V.A.can typically rely on sneakiness to win abattle. Using the N.V.A. shovel from theEngineer Kit, pick up a mobile tunnel spawn(g), make your way to a major enemy base,equip the shovel, and plant the tunnel. Thisallows your entire team to spawn right at theenemy base and capture it before the U.S.even realize what is going on.

The U.S. mobile spawn system is a bittrickier to use, but just as effective. Sincethe Air Cav. crate is so large and easy tospot, you can't place it just anywhere.Dropping the crate behind walls, in ditches,behind hills, and away from active spawnpoints make this crate the most effective.You can't place the crate right inside anenemy base since it will be seenimmediately, and destroyed just as fast.

Be sure to clean out any leftover mobilespawn objects or vehicles after taking overan enemy base! If the enemy still has aspawn tunnel, crate, helicopter, or boat, theycan take their base back, even after you'vetaken it from them! So destroy those quickly!

When no copilots are available to help youfly the Cobra, make use of the copilot's heatseeker missiles by flying decently high intothe air, switching to the second seat, firingoff a heat seeker or two, then switching backto the pilot's seat. This allows you to utilizeboth the pilot's main rockets as well as thecopilots heat seeker missiles, even with just

one person in the vehicle.


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On air maps, disabling the enemy's airfieldgives you a major advantage over yourenemy. On maps with air control towers,destroying the towers destroys the enemy'sability to spawn at that location. Vehicles willno longer spawn there, and players can nolonger spawn there.

On the same note, enemies can destroyyour air control towers and cripple yourdefenses. You can repair air control towers,so keep them in good shape if you want to win!

Mobile spawns come in many shapes, theU.S.'s TANGO and the N.V.A.'s Mi8 Cargo areimportant assets to victory. Keeping theother team's mobile spawns neutralized andutilizing yours effectively is key to victory.

As a sniper, stay mobile. Muzzle flashes areeasy to spot. If you stay in the same positionfor more than a few kills, you'll be spottedand eliminated.

On linear maps such as Ho Chi Minh Trail orCambodian Incursion, don't limit yourself tothe common assault path. Sneak aroundthe side of the battle and work your waybehind the enemy to capture their rearbases without firing a shot.

As Special Forces, don't forget that you havea med pack! Use it!

When flying, occasionally cycle through yourexternal camera views. This gives you agood view the battlefield and helps you spotenemy aircraft before they spot you.

Heat seekers don't discriminate, they killteammates just as readily as they killenemies.

Just because you don't have a surface-to-airmissile doesn't mean you can't defendagainst air assaults. Your machine gun orrifle does respectable damage to most airvehicles, especially jets.

If an enemy helicopter is holding you down,grab a machine gun (M60 or RPD). Shoot atthe helicopter from cover whenever it is notfacing you. When the helicopter turns aroundto look for you, stop firing. Your muzzle flashwill give away your location, and a good pilotwill kill you immediately.

Machine guns make better anti-air weaponsthan rockets or missiles, use themaccordingly.

Assault rifles and machine guns are thebread and butter of Vietnam.


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January 15, 1965. Operation Game Warden and other operationslike it were part of early attempts by the U.S. to help the SouthVietnamese combat the movement of supplies along the MekongDelta. The North would move supplies through Laos and Cambodia,then down the rivers near the Mekong. Operation Game Warden isa Head On Map. Each force begins with one Control Point. Theforce that controls the majority of Control Points causes the otherteam to begin a constant ticket loss.



Health Kit



Control Point

V.C. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

Foot Bridge

Huey SlickHuey AssaultMUTT (2 w/missile launcher)


Vehicle Bridge

Vehicle Bridge

Foot Bridge

Mi8Mi8 CargoBTR-60

V.C. Start

U.S. Start

Center Island

West Island

Mekong Delta

Inlet Camp


Mekong Village MUTT (1)/M-113* 469 (1)/BTR-60*(1)/PBR (1) (1)/Sampan (1)

West Island PBR (2) Sampan (2)Center Island PBR (1) Sampan (1)Inlet Camp PBR (2)/MUTT** (2) Sampan (2)/469**+ (2)

If either the U.S. or V.C. base iscaptured, vehicles spawn as theequivalent from the other team(469 = MUTT, PBR = Sampan,etc.). Helicopters do not respawn.

* Note that in single player no jeeps appear at these points.

** One jeep and one boat appear at a small village northof the Control Point.

+ At MUTT appears at the northpoint in place of a 469 in single player.

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Slick Helicopter M60 machine guns (2) 5Huey Assault Helicopter 9-shot missile launchers (2), 5

M134 auto cannons (2), M5 40mm grenade launcher

M-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10PBR Boat Front- and rear-mounted machine guns 4TANGO Boat 20mm cannon, machine guns (2) 2MUTT Jeep Missile launcher 10

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M40 smoke

Claymores, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 Mossberg 500, M14, mines, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

grenades mortar, wrench grenades, binoculars

V.C. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESSampan Boat None 3Mi8 Helicopter Pod-mounted missile launchers (4) 5Mi8 Cargo Helicopter None 2BTR-60 Amphibious APC Roof-mounted machine gun 7469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11

V.C. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AKMS, grenades MAT-49, Pungi Type56, RPG2 M91/30, Caltrops,

Sticks, mortar, binocularswrench

Option 2 Type 53, grenades MAT-49, shovel, SA-7, Expack Type56 Bouncinglandmines, wrench Betty, timebomb

These single-player walkthroughscan also give you some greatstrategies for your multiplayer games.

U.S. TEAM TACTICSYou begin at thesouthern tip of theMekong Delta. After theHuey Slicks drop theirpersonnel at the landingpads, you can proceedby land or water. Ifyou'd rather ride intobattle, jump in one ofthe two MUTTs near thelanding pads. Be sureto pick up at least onesoldier to man therocket launcher. Or, youcan follow the mainforce across the bridge.

Another choice is toboard the TANGO atthe dock (the north-ernmost spawn point)and proceed carefully tothe north. If the boatleaves before you arrive,you can grab an emptyPBR. This ride is faster,and dual machine guns,front and rear, areexcellent against enemytroops lurking at theshoreline. However,when V.C. armoredvehicles take aim as youmake your way throughthe narrow inlets of thedelta, you'll miss the20mm cannon on theTANGO. No matter which craft you choose, don't linger inthe boat when you reach shore, or you are dead meat.

After leaving the dock, bear to the right. If youtake the left-hand inlet, rocks and debris willblock your path.

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Although it is tempting tozoom around the delta inyour PBR, the V.C. areeverywhere and they caneasily pick you off from abridge or hillside. Motorslowly through the inlets,stopping periodically tosweep the surroundinghills and tall grass for enemy troops.

As you and your squad move from island to island,the main force presses ahead, and they shouldacquire at least two Control Points on their own.

The bamboo towersalong the river look likeexcellent ambushpositions, but thinkagain. If the V.C. seesyou occupy a tower,you'll come under heavyfire.

A better strategy is tofind an elevated positionthat offers a clear line ofsight to the river. If youare lucky enough tocatch a V.C. squadwading across, you'llscore some easy kills,especially if you stayprone in the tall grass.

Standing still is an excellent way to die. If you needto pause, lay down, preferably in tall grass. Betteryet, find some rocks or a structure where you canplace a barrier behind you. It's much easier torespond to advancing enemies when you don't haveto watch your six.

Scan the oppositeshoreline before wadingacross the river. Youcan't fire from the water,so travel unseen, or youwon't survive the trip.

After securing the firstControl Point northwestof your openingposition, take a narrowplank bridge to the nextControl Point. Like thefirst location, this onemay already by in U.S.hands by the time youarrive. Look for a north-facing bunker thatprovides an excellent(and protected) view ofthe river and oppositehillside. You've had aneasy time up to now, butyou can expect heavyV.C. activity as youmove to the north.

After scanning theshoreline and hills, goacross the bridge orford the river. The to patrol theshoreline with a 469and plenty of infantrysupport, so get ready tohit the ground. Justnorth of the bridge you'llfind a smolderinghelicopter wreck. Use itfor cover as you scanthe Control Point forV.C. before proceeding.This center island iscritical to controlling thedelta. Monitor this islandthroughout the battle,returning to defend it if necessary.

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Another plank bridge onthe left will take youacross the river to theeast. Watch forconcealed groundtroops and enemyhelicopter fire as youcross the river, continuethrough the ricepaddies, and approachthe Control Point.

Enemy soldiers bail out of disabled helicopters,and they like to fire at you on the way down, sodon't lose track of the parachutes. When an enemylands, you'll have a second or two to take him outbefore he can aim his weapon.

Gather your troops andwade across the river tothe northeast (or takethe bridge if the area isclear). It is important tooccupy this ControlPoint, because the mainV.C. camp is just to thenorth. Look for a viciouscounterattack from thehills to the west, andfrom circling helicopters,as the V.C. try to retakethe Control Point. Don'tmove on until you clearthe hillside of V.C.snipers, or your tripnorth will end before itbegins.

The main V.C. ControlPoint is at the northernedge of the map. It issurrounded by jungle,which is at the sametime a danger and anally. A MUTT or 469 willget you there veryquickly via the road, butyou may run into anambush. Drive carefullyto the outskirts of thebase, and thenapproach on foot.Watch for V.C. on theoutskirts of thebuildings.

Watch out for helicopters taking off from the V.C.base as you approach.

The V.C. will likelyrecapture one or moreof the southern ControlPoints during your pushto the north, so thebattle is not over whenyou capture the northernControl Point. Load up aBTR-60 and go back tothe south, where you'llencounter heavy V.C.activity. If you keep theV.C. from getting afoothold in the center ofthe map, you willeventually win.

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V.C. TEAM TACTICSWhen commanding theV.C., work your wayfrom north to south, andtime is of the essence.Unlike the armedwatercraft available toU.S. troops, you havethe Sampans or theBTR-60 with which tonavigate the MekongDelta. The BTR-60 is available at the main V.C. base. This isthe best way to navigate the river.

You can alsoparachute in, but be careful not tooutdistance yourmain force, or youmay find yourself in the middle of aU.S. squad.

Your best strategy is touse the cover of thejungle as you movesouth with the mainforce toward the centerisland. You can take thisControl Point without afight, and hook up witha BTR-60 or 469.

If you reach thecenter island with asmall squad in tow,you have anexcellent, elevatedsight line to the nextisland (D, 5). Usethe bunker for coveras you pick off theU.S. troops trying toget across the river.

Quickly move to theeast before the U.S.troops arrive in force inthe center of the map.When you see a U.S.squad approaching,find a concealed spot inthe grass and stayprone. Let the enemiescome to you, ratherthan trying to slug it outin the open.

The standard issueV.C. AK47 has aslower rate of fireand is less accuratethan the M16, soswap packs with adeparted U.S.soldier. If you wantmore firepower,look for an M60.

Follow the bridges to the main U.S. base and occupy theControl Point. V.C. helicopters can land while the base isunder your control. You can find a MUTT if you quicklytraverse the jungle, but watch out for enemy soldiers carryingrocket launchers.

If you die repeatedly in your attempts to reach themain U.S. base, load up a helicopter and parachutein south of the base, then work your way back to the north.

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After occupying themain U.S. base,concentrate on gettingyour armor deep intoU.S.-occupied areas.Look for a BTR-60 andtake advantage of itsability to move back andforth across the delta.When fully loaded withfour soldiers, thisvehicle cuts throughground troops likebutter. However, itsarmor is thin, so watchout for U.S. soldierstoting rocket launchers.With your helicoptersoperating from thesouth, and armor controlling the middle of the map, victoryis inevitable.

MULTIPLAYER TIPSLead Designer TipOrganization is the key to victory. Coordinateattacks and defenses.

Make sure you keep an eye on the main base. Losingcontrol of the main base will allow the opposing team tocontrol the skies.

—AJ Marini


If you move carefully through the delta, the PBR is veryeffective at clearing out the shoreline and hillsides of V.C., inadvance of your ground troops.

Use the eastern andwestern paths to movenorth and south acrossthe map, staying awayfrom the center island.There are elevatedpositions on the island,and on the surroundingshores, where enemytroops can ambush your team.


You can inflict serious damage against U.S. troops bymonitoring the rivers from elevated positions. Watch forU.S. squads coming across the river (they can't fire while in the water).

With only Sampans tonavigate the delta, youmust use helicopters todeploy soldiers quicklyto the center islandwhere you can controlthe movement of theU.S. troops to the north.On the ground, useBTR-60s to movequickly from island toisland.

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February 7, 1965. After attacks on U.S. bases, President Johnson orders airstrikesagainst barracks near Dong Hoi. Operation Flaming Dart I and Flaming Dart II weremeant as a message to the North to cease hostilities in the South. In February of1965, the U.S. Airforce and Vietnam Air Force dropped 25 tons in 30 minutes.Operation Flaming Dart is a Mission Map. Airbases cannot be captured. Teams caneliminate the usefulness of an airbase by destroying its control tower. Once acontrol tower is destroyed, it does not return, thereby eliminating the resupply ofvehicles and soldiers at those bases. The team that controls the majority of activeControl Points on the map causes the opposing team to lose tickets.



Health Kit


N.V.A. Control Point

Huey Cobras(2)Chinook

F4 Phantoms (2)Corsair


MiG-21 (2)ZSU-57469

Mi8 (2)ZSU-57


469 (machine gun)T-54


469 (missile launcher)T-54


Dong Hoi Island MUTT (1)/Sheridan (1) T54 (1)/469 (1)The Ruins MUTTs (2)/Sheridan (1) T54 (1)/469 (2)Beach Front MUTT(1)/Sheridan(1) T54 (1)/469* (1)

* When playing as the N.V.A. in single player, no T54 spawns here.

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Cobra Helicopter Heat-seeking rocket pods (2), 3

missile pods (2), nose-mounted auto cannon

Chinook Helicopter M60 machine guns 3(2 door mounted, 1 ramp mounted)

A7 Corsair Jet Auto cannon, bombs 3F4 Phantom Jet Heat-seeking missiles (12), 4

napalm bombs (5)PBR (river Boat Front- and rear-mounted machine guns 4patrol boat)

TANGO Boat 20mm cannon, machine guns (2) 2MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 12Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial 8

machine gunM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, M14, mines, M60, M79 M21 smoke grenades,

grenades mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESMi8 Helicopter pod-mounted missile launchers (4) 5MiG 21 Jet Machine guns, conventional missiles 2MiG 17 Jet Machine guns, conventional bombs 3T-54 Tank 100mm main gun, coaxial machine gun, 6

roof-mounted machine gunZSU-57 Anti-aircraft tank 2-57mm flak guns 5469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun or 11

missile launcher

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


U.S. forces are based on an island in the Gulf of Tonkin, eastof Dong Hoi. Dong Hoi is an enemy base attached to themainland by a bridge. The N.V.A. operates four more bases onthe mainland, including two airfields. As the mission begins, thesky is filled with MiG-17s and MiG-20s, and you can spendhours in air-to-air combat. A better strategy is to take off in anF4 Phantom or A7 Corsair, and fly several loops around the sixbases. Three of the bases are capturable. Only the non-capturable air bases have destroyable command towers. Yourgoal is to destroy the towers (one at each non-capturablebase), which stops enemy vehicles and troops from spawning.

You should spend theearly part of this missionin the air, gunning forthe towers along withN.V.A. troops andvehicles. However, you'llneed to land and directyour ground forces totake the Control Points.Remember, you cannot capture the air bases, only theControl Points: at C,3; D,4; and D,5.

Although the towersare your main target,watch for gray MiGscutting across yourpath. You should getsome easy kills.

Keep pounding the N.V.A. bases from the sky and yourground troops have an easy time taking over the ControlPoints. After the towers are gone, it is only a matter of timebefore you complete an impressive victory.

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Fly south to the end ofthe active battle area,then turn north,cruising low along thebeach. Concentrate onthe towers first. Whenthey are gone, makeanother pass or two,looking for N.V.A. T-54 tanks. They are devastatingto your ground forces, and if you clear the beach,the PBR and TANGO landings go smoothly.

If you invade by land, make four or five passes in your F4,knocking out the towers near the beach (see the previoustip). When the beaches are quiet, land in a PBR and gather asquad (Recon, Assault, and Heavy Assault) before movingeast into the jungle.

The N.V.A. tanks cutyour men to pieces ifyou meander up theroad into the jungle.Find cover at the beachand look for T-54slurking behind buildingsor around the bend inthe road. Do not ventureout until you clear thearea of enemy armor. Ifyou don't have a rocketlauncher or a friendlytank nearby, use yourbinoculars to call forartillery, or toss a fewgrenades.

When the beach is secure and you occupy the Control Point,you'll have a tank at your disposal. If you approach the airfieldat the southern tip of the map, stay to the right and use thebeach huts to shield your movement. If the airfield is stillspawning vehicles, you can expect a ZSU-57 and/or 469 tohave you in their sights long before you have a clear shot.When you reach the airfield, go full throttle and stay to theright as you swing your turret to get a shot. When the threat isneutralized, take out the tower to silence the base for good.

The base to the west (C,6) is best approached from thehilly jungle to the west. After using up your bullets andbombs, parachute in and come up behind the barracks.Peek around the corner to find targets everywhere, includingN.V.A. soldiers pouring out of the bunker on the left and a469 with a missile launcher. Be patient and you can pick offa load of N.V.A. until the area is clear. Keep in mind that untilthe tower comes down, the base is still spawning. Whileyou're shooting, Mi8s are taking off and ZSU-57s aredropping in. When the field is clear, race to an empty tankand use it to blow up the tower, if it is still standing (it takesseveral direct hits).

Follow the road north and west to reach the MiG airbase.Another ZSU-57 stands guard, so use the trees and hills toshield your approach. If you hide behind a tree in the valleyjust northwest of the base, you can shoot down low-flyinghelicopters with your M60.

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Cut across two roads to reach a Control Point south of thebridge. When the area is secure, jump in the T-54 and rumbleacross the bridge to the final base. By now, the N.V.A. ticketsare dropping fast. If this last Control Point is still in the handsof the N.V.A., spawn at the U.S. airbase, where you can takean F4 for a few passes to soften up the remaining armor. Ifyou can take out the final tower, occupying the base is asnap. Conquering this mission on the ground takes more timeand effort, but your victory is that much sweeter.


Defend your beaches! The same difficulties you experiencedcommanding the U.S. team serve to your advantage with theN.V.A. Begin this mission in the air, using your MiGs to strafeincoming landing craft and knock down U.S. helicopters andjets. The MiG is maneuverable, and you can disrupt the initialair attack.

We recommend a balanced defense, alternating betweenmanaging your ground forces and patrolling the skies. U.S.fighter planes are very adept at targeting your armor, so it isimperative to keep moving when you are buttoned into a tank.Don't sit in plain view on the beach. Stay alive by playinghide-and-seek on the jungle roads and behind trees.

Successfully defendingthe Control Points

guarantees victory. Youhave T-54 tanks at each

location, and they arethe keys to your ground


If you must retreat intothe hills, there arenumerous ambushopportunities behind thestone walls thatsurround the camp.

The island base is the easiest to defend, with reinforcedbunkers facing south across the bridge and east out to sea.

Don't forget to keepyour MiGs in the air,especially when the

U.S. forces land on thebeach and grab the

Control Points. Bombthe bases, then followup your attack quicklywith ground troops to

retake these key bases.Eventually, the U.S.

forces fall to yourrepeated counter-

attacks, and you holdout for the victory.

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After bombing and strafing the Control Points, you canparachute safely into the hills (B,6 and B,5), then reconthe bases from cover to choose your attack route.

Lead Designer TipInfiltrate the ground bases. Consistent control overthe three central bases means victory.

—AJ Marini

The island base to thenorth is a fortress.Attackers must advanceacross the bridge orland on the beaches, allof which are easilydefended. If you mustretreat, this is the placeto make your stand.

Lead Designer TipThe control towers allow player and vehiclespawning at the bases. Destroy the towers and the

vehicle and player spawning at that location ceases.

—AJ Marini


Make the beaches aliving hell for the You can inflictheavy losses here if youhide your tanks andbring them out duringenemy landings.

Use the buildings, ruins, and bunkers atthe interior bases to

ambush enemy troops.

The southern airfield iseasy to defend with along open stretch ofbeach to the north. Useyour ZSU-57 to bringdown enemy aircraft. Ifyou position troopsand/or vehicles west ofthe northern end of therunway, you can alsoprotect the inland baseto the west.


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November 14, 1965. The Battle for the la Drang Valley is the true first battleof the war. Until this point in time, altercations and hostilities werelaunched in secrecy from either side, with the enemy having little chancefor defense. The la Drang Valley is an Assault Map. The U.S. forces beginwith a constant ticket loss. Stop this loss by neutralizing and/or capturingan enemy Control Point. The North Vietnamese Army (N.V.A.) forces beginthe map with four Control Points. The N.V.A. will begin to lose ticketsconstantly if all but one Control Point is captured.



Health Kit


N.V.A. Control Point

U.S. Control Point


ZSU-57 (MP)



Highest Elevation

PT-76 (MP)Sheridan (MP)Chinook (MP)Huey Assault (MP)Huey Transport (MP)Landing CrateF4 Phantom (MP)

PT-76 (SP)Sheridan (SP)

M46 (MP)ZSU-57

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Slick Helicopter M60 machine guns (2) 5Huey Assault Helicopter 9-shot missile launchers (2), 4

M134 auto-cannons (2), M5 40mm grenade launcher

Chinook Helicopter M60 machine guns (3; 2 door 2mounted, 1 ramp mounted)

F4 Phantom Jet Heat-seeking missiles (12), 4 napalm bombs (5)

Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 77.62mm coaxial machine gun

M-113 APC (Armored Roof-mounted machine gun 10 Personnel Carrier)

Landing zone — — 3crate

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M21, smoke

claymores, grenades, binocularswrench

Option 2 Mossberg 500, M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. (Light M16 Sniper, smoke grenades mortar, wrench Anti-Armor Weapon) grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6PT-76 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine gun, 8

roof-mounted machine gunBTR-60 Amphibious APC Roof-mounted machine gun 6ZSU-57 Anti-aircraft tank 57mm flak guns (2) 5


trap, mortar, SA7 Expack binocularswrench

Option 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, M60, L.A.W. Type56 Bouncing shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


The U.S. base is tucked in the map's northeast corner. Youhave two choices for joining the fight: You can leave via F4Phantom or helicopter and fly into the hot zone, or you canbegin at the second U.S. Control Point in the middle of thevalley. If you leave by air, it is critical to support your groundtroops by sweeping over the N.V.A. Control Points, taking outas many soldiers as possible. The F4's napalm bombs arethe most productive weapon for this task.

If you float into the valley on a Huey or Chinook, watch outfor the two ZSU-57 flak tanks on the hilltop, west of the valley(near the artillery emplacements). All of the helicopters havemachine guns, but the Huey Assault is the only vehicle withmissiles, so this is the most effective option for taking outenemy armor.

A good argument for leaving from the valley Control Point isthe close proximity to four enemy bases. Capturing anN.V.A. Control Point is the only way to halt the constantticket loss that hits the U.S. side from the start. Armed witha sniper rifle, move north from the Control Point to thenorthernmost enemy base. Snipe the artillery gunners andthen move in to capture the Control Point. You might find anempty ZSU-57 flak gun, which is invaluable as you moveacross the hilltop.



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Proceed to the southwest and take out the next enemyControl Point. There is little cover here, so carefully approachthe base. Use your sniper rifle to clear enemies from a safedistance before occupying the Control Point. Look for a floodof U.S. troops and gather them with the Follow $ commandbefore proceeding to the next Control Point (with more U.S.troops around you, it takes less time to take over a ControlPoint). Enemy armor is a problem for the remainder of themission, so select a heavy assault kit before the next spawn(or forage for similar weapons).

When using the Follow command, you must havethe target soldier in your crosshairs, and you mustbe relatively close. If a soldier joins your squad, hisname flashes and you receive a positive response(some soldiers refuse to follow, but don't take itpersonally).

If you have a rocketlauncher, look for the

ZSU-57s and BTR-60roaming the valley. You'll

also encounter a PT-76at or near the extreme

southern Control Point.

By the time you occupy the southernmost base, you shouldhave all but one enemy Control Point, which triggers the

constant ticket loss forthe N.V.A. However,enemy troops pour intothe valley, and you needa sizable squad to turnback their counterattacksas they attemptto retake theControlPoints.

If your flight skills are sharp, this is a good time tospawn at the main base. Take off in the F4 and laynapalm where the enemy counterattacks are theheaviest. However, don't spend too much time inthe air, especially if the N.V.A. reacquires aControl Point.

N.V.A. tanks can easily put an end to your victory push. Youmust find covered positions above or below the enemy tanksand use your rocket launcher to take them out. If you getcaught without a rocket launcher, call in artillery.

Watch the barrel of an enemy tank. If you can stay outof its range of elevation, you can take your time andline up a kill shot. If you end up face to face with anN.V.A. tank, don't panic. You can run faster than thetank can turn. If you lack a rocket launcher, you canstill destroy a tank with two well-placed grenades.

Now it's a question of holding off repeated N.V.A. counter-attacks. Armor and massed infantry are your biggest threats,so carry a heavy assault kit. The end of this mission isintense, but if you keep the N.V.A. armor from tipping the

balance of the fight, you'll endureand seal the victory.


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N.V.A. TEAM TACTICSAs the battle begins,you are in firm control ofthe valley, with fourControl Points. You caninflict immediatecasualties on theadvancing U.S. troopsby manning the M-46artillery cannons at yournorthernmost Control

Point. Move from gun to gun and sweep the area around theU.S. Control Point in the valley's center. Watch the enemycounter. When it starts dropping rapidly, focus your fire untilthe numbers hold steady, and then move slightly to eitherside, looking for another "sweet spot."

When the U.S. troopsarrive in the valley andbegin pushing to thesouthwest, take uppositions on the hill.Assemble a squad withsnipers and at least oneRPG, and then targetthe unprotected troopsas they make their wayacross the sand.

When the U.S. armor arrives on the scene, find a PT-76 andkeep the enemy tanks from advancing up the hill. The U.S.will capture some Control Points, but you can take themback, especially if you keep the U.S. armor from securing thehilltop near your artillery.

You have the highground at the beginningof this battle, and youdon't want to give it up. Ifyou lose one of the threeControl Points along thevalley's eastern side, takeit back immediately. It isimperative that you keepthe U.S. from occupyingthe entire hillside, orvictory will slip from your grasp.

Periodically return toyour artillery and raindown fire on the originalU.S. Control Point. Thisis especially importantearly in the game beforethe U.S. troops grabadditional Control Pointsin the valley. The artilleryis also capable of bringing down a low-flying enemyhelicopter or jet, so don't pass up an easy shot.

Aside from its mainfunction of bringingdown enemy aircraft,the ZSU-57 is great formowing down enemyground troops. It turnson a dime, which is animportant attribute in thetrees on the hillside. Tryyour best to avoid theU.S. tanks, but you canstill take them out with aflank attack. The key tosurviving in this vehicleis to keep your foot onthe gas and weave fromside to side. Just becareful when drivingover the trenches nearyour artillery, or the ZSU-57 might turn into a turtle.

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Have a gunner accompanying you in the ZSU-57, so you don't have to stop and shoot when enemyaircraft fly overhead.

If you keep reclaiminglost Control Points onthe hillside, you'lloutlast the U.S. troopsand win the battle. Thisis a challenging fight,but controlling the highground from the outsetmakes it considerablyeasier than leading theU.S. team into the la Drang Valley.


Lead Designer TipAs the U.S., use Napalm to eliminate ground troopsdefending a base. A successful drop over a CP will

soften the defenses enough to allow for an easier attack.

—AJ Marini

Use the F4 and helicopters to soften up the hilltop N.V.A.Control Points before entering the valley.

Rather than climb straight up the hill from various points in thevalley (where your advances are in full view), work your way tothe north, climb the hill, and then sweep back to the southwestalong the hill's top, thereby taking away the height advantage.


Lead Designer TipAs the N.V.A., don't be too reactionary. Maintaincontrol over your points and don't get drawn into a

battle too easily. A lapse in defense will allow the U.S. toswiftly win the map.

—AJ Marini

Protect your artillery sothat you can keep up asteady barrage on thevalley U.S. Control Pointthroughout the game.

Use your elevatedvantage points on thehilltop to intercept U.S.troops as they advanceacross the valley floorbelow. Assemble a squadequipped with sniperrifles to target enemyinfantry and RPGs forarmored vehicles.

When U.S. troops enter a hilltop Control Point, don't try toshoot it out on foot. Use an armored vehicle so that you canmove quickly from one fight to another, spraying enemytroops with machine-gun fire or simply running them over.After turning back the assault, you can resume sniping fromthe hilltop.


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November 17, 1965. Following the battle of The la Drang Valley, men from the 7thcavalry were sent to secure Landing Zone Albany. It is here that the U.S. realizesthe true resolve of the N.V.A. Elements of the 33rd N.V.A. waited as the Americansmoved to their destination where they were ambushed. The U.S. suffered heavylosses. LZ Albany is a Mission Map. Controlling some points cause spawnlocations to appear for the opposing team. A team must win through attrition.Holding a majority of Control Points causes the opposing team to bleed.

MUTTM-110M-113BTR-60469 (2-MP)




Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

MUTTM-113BTR-60 (MP)469 (MP)Tunnel Entrance


MUTTM46 (3-SP)469 (MP)

M-113MUTT469BTR-60M46 (2-SP)

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM-110 Self-propelled artillery cannon 8" howitzer cannon 4MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10M-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 11

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M21, smoke

Claymores, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 Mossberg 500, M14, mines, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

grenades mortar, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6BTR-60 Amphibious APC Roof-mounted machine gun 7469 Jeep Rear-mounted machine gun 11

or missile launcher

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars

U.S. TEAM TACTICSThe N.V.A. areeverywhere in thismission, and victorydepends on your abilityto capture and defend asmany bases as possible.The map is expansive,but there is very littlecover near the mainroads. Arm your soldierwith a Recon Kit, thenadd Assault and HeavyAssault troops to yoursquad. Hang back andsupport your advancingforces by sniping enemytargets as quickly as youcan fire.

The M-113s move you up and down the valley with speed,but they are vulnerable to N.V.A. soldiers with RPGs, who areseemingly behind every tree.

As you move through the trees, find what little cover isavailable, and use your sniper rifle to pick off enemy HeavyAssault squads before they can blast your armored vehicles.

When you see anenemy BTR-60, don'twaste time (or yourhealth) picking offpassengers with yoursniper rifle. If therooftop gunner alreadyhas a bead on yourposition, lob a smokegrenade, run, and look for a rocket launcher.

When you take control of the main N.V.A. base atF,6, use the west and north facing bunkers todefend the inevitable rush of enemy troops.

Take out all enemyartillery gunners. Theydon't fire back, anddepending on where theenemy troops arelocated, you may beable to use the gunimmediately.

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While tucked insideyour M-113, you mustbe on a constant watchfor 469s armed withmounted machineguns, because theyzoom all over thebattlefield. But, don'thesitate to ram and jama regular 469. You canpush it all over the battlefield, and eventually your machinegunner blows it away.

Don't forget that the soldiers inside your M-113 are onlypassengers. If you lack a rooftop gunner, find an elevatedposition near the battle, take over the machine gun, and wailaway. However, don't stay in one spot for long, especially ifenemy RPGs or rocket launchers are in the vicinity.

N.V.A. soldiers like tohide inside the house at E,3.

Retaking the ControlPoint at F,4 isextremely difficult,especially when theN.V.A. takes upresidence in force. Yourbest approach is fromthe southwest, whereyou have the highground. Despite theirnumbers, you candefeat the N.V.A. inLanding Zone Albany bymaintaining control of atleast four ControlPoints, at which timethe enemy tickets droprapidly.


As the battle begins, your soldiers fan out to the north andimmediately take the Control Point at E,4. Join the force andyou can also move quickly to occupy F,4. These are the firststeps in isolating the U.S. troops in the south.

We recommend the Option #2 Assault Kit (RPD andgrenades). The N.V.A. sniper rifles are weak, and theRPD lays down an impressive field of fire, especiallywhen catching an enemy squad in the open.

The bunkers at youroriginal base (F,6) offerexcellent coverage ofthe terrain below. Yousurvive longer bystepping back and ateither side of theopening.

Move quickly to secure the Control Points north of youroriginal base. Gather your forces to attack the original U.S.base. Most of the enemy troops are in the field, so you cantake the base without a fight. Grab the vacant M-113, fill itwith soldiers, then hit the road to the north, where you canretake any Control Points lost during your absence.

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Be aware of the Landing Zone Crate that appears in F,5,just north of your original base. This produces a steady flowof U.S. soldiers late in the game, so shadow the crate andextract some losses before the U.S. forces get too large tohandle. The bunker at E,4 provides a good sight line to theLanding Zone Crate, along with protection.

U.S. reinforcements turn the tide of a lopsided battle, unlessyou make a stand in the middle of the map. Do not allow theU.S. to sweep to the north, or a sure victory slips from yourgrasp. Find cover in the trees and keep the enemy forcesfrom moving past the bend in the road. Maintain the majorityof the Control Points and you outlast the U.S. forces.


Lead Designer TipAs the U.S., capturing bases opens more opportu-nities for the N.V.A. to spawn. Make control of

bases the number one priority. Sight lines are long and clear.Snipers are very effective at keeping tabs from long range.

—AJ Marini

The N.V.A. spawns ingreat numbers on thismap, and you findyourself in a firefightagainst six or seventargets. Stay low in thetall grass, or near a tree.Use short bursts at

each target to keep your accuracy high and to conserveammunition. This is especially important late in the game,when you need to outlast your opponent.

The ability of your sniper can make or break this battle. Veryoften, a single, concealed enemy soldier can protect an entireControl Point. Find your target, take the shot, and move toanother cover position. Do not stay in one spot for long, andnever forget that you are carrying a single-shot weapon. Ifyou are overwhelmed by multiple targets, your only choice isto run. Don't forget to snipe vehicle drivers and gunners,because your troops in the area quickly commandeer avacant vehicle.


Lead Designer TipAs the U.S., capturing bases opens more opportu-nities for the N.V.A. to spawn. Make control of

bases the number one priority. Sight lines are long and clear.Snipers are very effective at keeping tabs from long range.

—AJ Marini

If the U.S. team takesover the Control Point atE,5, focus your effortson capturing the mainU.S. base at C,7. Afteroccupying the ControlPoint, train the M-110on the enemy, thenrecapture the base.

After you locate aLanding Zone Crate,keep it in your sights, sothat you can monitor(and stem) the flow ofreinforcements.

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July 18, 1966. Operation Hastings was the largest combinedoperation in the war to date. Elements of the U.S. Marine Corp, theSouth Vietnamese, and the Republic of Vietnam participated in oneof the first "Search and Destroy" missions of the war. OperationHastings is a Head On Map. Each force begins with one ControlPoint. The force that controls the majority of the Control Pointscauses the other team to lose tickets.

Mi8 (2)MiG-17PT-76BTR-60Tunnel EntrancePBR (SP)Huey Transport (SP)Sampan (SP)M-113Sheridan

Foot Bridge

Vehicle Bridge

Sampan (SP)PBR (SP)

Mi8 (2) (SP)MiG-17 (SP)

Huey Gunship (2)A7 Corsair

PBR (2)M-113

Huey Transport (2)BTR-60



Health Kit


Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

M-113 (MP)BTR-60 (MP)PBR (2) (MP)Sheridan (MP)Sampan (MP)PT-76 (MP)

M-113PBR (MP)

BTR-60 (MP)Sampan (MP)




MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Slick Helicopter Internal M60 machine guns (2) 5Huey Assault Helicopter 9-shot missile launchers (2), 5

M134 auto cannons (1), M5 40mm nose-mounted grenade launcher

A7 Corsair Jet Auto cannon, bombs 3PBR Boat Front- and rear-mounted machine guns 4Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial 8(multiplayer only) machine gunM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M40 smoke

Claymores, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 Mossberg 500, M14, mines, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

grenades mortar, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESMi8 Helicopter pod-mounted missile launchers (4) 5MiG 17 Jet Machine guns, conventional bombs 3BM21 Truck Missile launchers 6(multiplayer only)

PT-76 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine 8 gun, roof-mounted machine gun

BTR-60 Amphibious APC Roof-mounted machine gun 7

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type 56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


This is the biggest operation of the Instant Battles, and if youturn the number of Bots up to the maximum of 64, you'll feelthe intensity. The Control Points in the center of the map are

clustered together, including bases at C,4 and B,5 that faceeach other across the river. Target these two bases first. Loada Huey with a full squad, strafe the ground for approachingN.V.A. troops, and drop into the jungle near the bases.

If you don't want to engage the enemy until you occupyyour first base, take a PBR south to C,4 and grab theControl Point.

After taking over theControl Points at C,4and B,5, you canexpect a ferociousattack from the N.V.A,as they converge on thevalley from their twobases across the riverto the east (D,5). Thisis a good time to spawnat your original base andgrab a Corsair or HueyAssault to lend some airsupport.

Don't be surprised tofind an N.V.A. tank atyour main base. Clearany enemies before youtake off in the Huey, oryour trip will be veryshort.

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N.V.A. armor is brutal in Operation Hastings. The PT-76 roams the waterways like a mad rhino,blasting its 76mm gun at anything that moves in the water or on land.

The N.V.A. forces attack aggressively from a distance,especially in the middle of the map where you can see enemybases from across the river. You can take the steam out oftheir attacks by finding cover and picking off targets with yoursniper rifle. Good cover is critical for this strategy, becauseN.V.A. helicopters roam the skies freely, and their machinegunners can shoot as far as 1,000 feet.

Getting caught in theopen is a ticket todisaster in OperationHastings. Unlike Hue orQuang Tri where youcan duck into buildingsand hide behind wallsas you move throughthe city, in Hastingssomeone is usually watching you from a distant hillside. Slowdown, check your surroundings, and survive.

The Fishing Village Control Point at the southern edge ofD,5 is a key access point for attacking the Temple acrossthe river. Enemy counterattacks often originate from thiscluster of huts and buildings. N.V.A. infantry likes to swarmthrough this village, and they have excellent sight lines to theTemple. If you can safely cross the river, hide behind thetimbers under the raised huts and eliminate the enemysoldiers before running for the flag.

If you are unsuccessfulat taking the FishingVillage by land, bringyour Corsair and strafethe huts beforemounting another land-based attack.

Parachuting into the Plantation isdangerous, without atree in sight to shieldyou from enemies onthe ground or in the air.

Don't run down the steps of the Temple in the face of anN.V.A. attack. Instead, peek around the corner and thin outyour attackers before moving out into the open. Maintainingcontrol of the Temple helps you to occupy the Plantation.Holding these two Control Points makes it easier to mass afinal attack on the main N.V.A. base at E,7. If you have themajority of the Control Points by the time you attack thisbase, you can count on a victory.

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N.V.A. TEAM TACTICSWe love the MiG-17,but you don't need it toscore a big victoryagainst the U.S. inOperation Hastings. Ifyou want to soften upthe middle of the mapbefore assaulting it withyour infantry and armor,hop into an Mi8 andblanket the Temple andPlantation ControlPoints (D,5) withmissiles. When you'reempty, you canparachute to the river,but watch for U.S.troops on the shoreline.

If you decide to head north on foot, collect a squad andfollow a PT-76 as it motors up the river. Let the tank coveryour movement until you reach the narrow part of the riverwhere you can wade across.

Watch for heavy enemyactivity when you reachthe top of the hill, justeast of B,5, where theU.S. troops areoccupying the ControlPoint in force.

Depending on the level of U.S. troops around the river, takingthe Temple can be a brief skirmish or a lengthy firefight.Either way, you can improve your chances by sneakingaround the rear of the building (where you can obtain controlof the flag).

Last stop on the map isthe U.S. main base atD,2. If you have asubstantial ticket lead atthis point, an attack onthe main base deliversthe final, crushing blow.Find a PT-76 and movenorth, following the paththrough the valley. With a machine gunner aboard, scatteredinfantry is a problem. Your biggest challenge is avoiding HueyAssaults and their lethal missile launchers.

When you reach thehilltop base, you canexpect to receivemachine gun fire fromPBRs at the dock, andthe M-113 near thelanding pads.Helicopters continue totake off, and once theyare airborne, theyrepresent significantthreats.


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Don't look for Corsairsto shoot down until youhave a substantial lead.When the battle is stillhanging in the balance,you need to be on theground wreaking havocwith your amphibiousarmored vehicles.


Lead Designer TipThe Forward Fire Base (D,5 north) andPlantation (D,5 south) are pivotal locations.

Controlling these points allows you better control of the map.These two bases are also in complete view of each otheracross the river.

—AJ Marini

Early in the battle, sendyour Corsair and HueyAssaults to D,5 andblanket the area withbombs and missiles.This is as far as theN.V.A. forces can getduring the openingmoments of the battle. Ifthere is no sign of the enemy, redirect your attention to thejungle. The N.V.A. may sneak their infantry across the river.

If you take a PBR downthe river, arm yoursoldier with a HeavyAssault Kit, or theN.V.A. PT-76 turns yourboat to kindling.


Lead Designer TipThe open areas around the Plantation and ForwardFire Base provide little cover. Keep your ears to the

sky, and check for incoming jets and their payload of bombs.

—AJ Marini

Your best strafing run inthe MiG is at ControlPoint C,4, where youcan take a long, low runfrom east to west,shooting everything in sight.

The PT-76 is your bestvehicle. You cantraverse rivers, takingout PBRs in the water,or blast helicopterswhile they rev up on thelanding pad. Whenyou're out of 76mmshells, knock an enemyhelicopter on its back,where it has a toughtime taking off.


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October 2, 1966. Despite fighting for the liberation of their people, the Viet Cong werenotorious for using questionable tactics. The V.C. used strong-arm tactics tomanipulate southern villagers to further their cause. Operation Irving was a combinedoperation meant to locate and eradicate Viet Cong pockets in the southern villages.Operation Irving is an Assault Map. The U.S. forces begin with a constant ticket loss.You can stop this loss by neutralizing and/or capturing an enemy Control Point. TheViet Cong forces begin the map with four Control Points. The Viet Cong begin to losetickets constantly if you capture all but one Control Point.




V.C. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

Huey GunshipsHuey Transport (SP)Chinook (MP)

Landing Zone Crate


F4 PhantomSheridan (MP)

M-113 (SP)MUTT (MP)

PBRSampan (SP)

Foot BridgeM46

Booby Trap

ZSU-57Scooter (MP)

Vehicle Bridge


MUTT (MP)Scooter (MP)BM-21 (MP)Sheridan

T-54Sheridan (MP)


Scooter (MP)

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Slick Helicopter Internal M60 machine guns (2) 5(Instant Battle only)

Huey Assault Helicopter 9-shot missile launchers (2), 5M134 auto cannons, M5 40mm nose-mounted grenade launcher

F4 Phantom Jet Heat-seeking missiles (12), 4napalm bombs (5)

PBR Boat Front- and rear-mounted machine guns 4Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 8

7.62mm coaxial machine gunM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10(Instant Battle only)

Landing Dynamic spawn — 3Zone Crate pointMUTT Jeep Missile launcher 12(multiplayer only)

Chinook Helicopter Door-mounted M60 (2), 2(multiplayer only) ramp-mounted M60

U.S. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M40 smoke

Claymores, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 Mossberg 500, M14, mines, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

grenades mortar, wrench grenades, binoculars

V.C. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6T-54 Tank 100mm main gun, coaxial machine

gun, roof-mounted machine gun 6BM21 Truck Missile launchers 6(multiplayer only)

ZSU-57 Anti-aircraft tank 56mm flak guns (2) 5Scooter — — 6(multiplayer only)

V.C. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AKMS, grenades MAT49, Pungi Sticks, Type56, RPG2 M91/30, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 Type 53, MAT49, shovel, SA-7, Expack Type 56, Bouncing

grenades landmines, wrench Betty, time bomb


The V.C. is so deeply entrenched it is impossible to attacktheir positions early in the battle without first sweeping thehillsides from the air. Fly several loops around the mountain,focus your fire on the artillery at D,3, and at the vehicles andV.C. at The Courtyard (D,4). After dropping napalm fromyour Phantom, pick up a Huey Assault and rake the V.C. withmissiles and grenades.

When you reach the western peninsula, you should be ableto take over The Courtyard with ease. Run to the coveredpath pictured in the screen. You'll encounter only a singlesentry. After dispatching him, you have a clear and protectedpath to the foot bridge that leads to the Artillery Hill ControlPoint at D,3.

If Artillery Hill is still hot,you might need to makeanother run in yourHuey Assault. Whenyou silence the M46artillery cannons andeliminate the V.C., youshould have no troublecrossing the bridge andtaking over the Control Point.

On the way to ArtilleryHill, watch for a V.C.tank near the bridge. Ifyou allow it to operatefreely, the V.C. willslaughter your infantrywhile trying to cross.


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When you reach the V.C. artillery, watch out for survivinggunners who are still operating their cannons. Afteroccupying the hill, turn the guns on the enemy troops stillfighting on the opposite bank, and watch their numbers dropwith each hit.

While making your way to Artillery Hill, steer clearof a log trap that protects the gorge (this isanother good reason to take the covered path tothe foot bridge).

You must attack andoccupy the The BridgeControl Point that leadsto the easternpeninsula. This is noeasy task because V.C.infantry rains fire uponthe entire length of thebridge. Soften up theenemy forces with a fewsweeps in a Phantom orHuey, before organizinga squad for a groundassault.

Take cover behind one of the palm trees and eliminate enemytroops before stepping onto the bridge. When you move,keep firing, but don't reload when you use up a clip. Grab anabandoned kit from the many bodies strewn along your path.

You'll probably fight for The Bridge several times over thecourse of the battle, moving east and west in a fiery tug o' war.Call in artillery if you're unable to eliminate enemy armor.

When you finallyoccupy The Bridge,move onto and up thehill to the last ControlPoint at F,3, theTemple Ruins. Yourassault is easier if yourair support did its jobwiping out the artilleryat the top of the hill.Expect heavy resistanceon the wide roadleading up to the ruins.

Watch for scatteredinfantry inside the TempleRuins after you enter thearea. At this point, goback to The Bridge toswing the majority ofControl Points in yourfavor, and finally win thistough battle.


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U.S. aircraft are everywhere, with Hueys and Phantomsbombarding your Control Points. However, you'll be amazedat how easily you can bring them down with a ZSU-57.

If you see a damagedhelicopter flying lowover your position, youmay be able to finish itoff with a few burstsfrom your machine gun.

After temporarily clearing the skies, race up to Artillery Hilland target the U.S. troops that are already on the ground.Run and hide when a U.S. Phantom targets the hill withnapalm.

Now, it's time for tough fighting as you protect The Bridge.This is a key Control Point, because it allows the U.S. tomove back and forth from one peninsula to the other, therebyaccessing all four V.C. Control Points.

If the U.S. troopscapture the TempleRuins, they gain animportant heightadvantage, and a clearsight line to The Bridge.If you can find a T-54,gather a squad and rollback up the hill. But,prepare for a nastyfight, because the U.S.usually airlifts one ortwo tanks to the ruins. Ifyou can't retake theControl Point, at leastkeep the U.S. fromcharging down the hillto The Bridge.

Don't depend on V.C.artillery to take outenemy armor. By thetime they respond,you'll be face to facewith a very large shell.

The Courtyard is easy tolose, but just as easy totake back. If the U.S.flag is flying, use thebuildings for cover asyou locate the loneguard, usually in theopen area.

Don't forget to utilizethe two booby traps atD,3 and F,3. Justmake sure you're not inthe path when youshoot out thesupporting timber.

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This fight goes down tothe wire, as you battlefor each Control Point.Isolate the U.S. troopson one peninsula,destroy their armor, andyou'll have the stayingpower to earn a hard-fought victory inOperation Irving.


Lead Designer TipAs the U.S., use your equipment to the best of itsability. Airlifting machinery over to the V.C. side

increases your chances of a victory. The more you can moveover, the better. Once established, break the team up into airand ground troops. Ground troops need to control V.C.movement.

—AJ Marini

Destroy the guns on Artillery Hill early in the battle, then sendengineers up the hill to repair the guns and turn them on theV.C. Don't forget the artillery near the Temple Ruins.

It's difficult to take TheBridge without airsupport. A single V.C. T-54 positioned on theeast side of The Bridgeannihilates an entireU.S. squad as itcrosses. Fortunately, aHuey Assault reducesthe mighty T-54 to scrap metal.


Lead Designer TipAs the V.C., the key is to keep moving and use thepath less traveled. Don't allow bases to remain

under enemy control for long. By forcing the U.S. to return totheir home base, you can attain victory.

—AJ Marini

Use booby traps, mines,and Punji Sticks to limitU.S. infantry frommoving freely alongroads. Mine the roads,then place Punji Sticksin the tall grass alongthe roads where theycannot be seen. Even ifyour enemies are onlythinking about boobytraps, it slows downand limits theirmovement, which givesyou a tacticaladvantage.

N.V.A. armor is criticalto your defenses. Useyour ZSU-57 against therelentless air attacks,and protect your T-54 soit is available fordefensive measuresearly in the battle. Youmust protect your tanks.If you roam around the map in full view, it is just a matter oftime before a rocket or missile puts you out of commission.

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January 31, 1968. The North used the Tet holiday to launch what was to becomeknown as the Tet Offensive. One of their primary targets was the ancient city ofJue. The South Vietnamese saw it as poor public relations to station U.S. militaryforces in the city, and the North believed the South to be weak without Hue is a Head On Map. Each force begins with one Control Point. Theforce that controls the majority of Control Points will cause the other team tobegin a constant ticket loss.

MUTT (2)M-113 (2)




Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

Ladder to Roomwith Health and Ammo

Control Point: Upper LevelMUTT469Patton (SP)T-54 (SP)



Scooter (SP)Control Point: 2nd Floor

ScooterBM-21T-54BTR-60 (MP)469


MUTT469 (SP)

Scooter (SP)

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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ARVN VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM48A3 Patton Tank 90mm main gun, 7.62mm co-axial machine gun 4MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10M-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10

ARVN KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades M14, mines, M60, M79 M21, smoke

mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 M16, grenades M14, torch, C4, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

wrench grenades, binoculars


launching truckBTR-60 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, co-axial machine (Multiplayer only) gun, roof-mounted machine gun 7T-54 Tank 100mm main gun, co-axial machine 6

gun, roof-mounted machine gun469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11

or missile launcherScooter — — 2

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT-49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT-49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


This time you play as the Army of the Republic of Vietnam(ARVN). As you leave the bridge to enter the city, keep inmind that you must always protect this Control Point.Without it, you couldn't spawn heavy armor. The N.V.A.attacks this bridge with a vengeance, so monitor itthroughout the mission.

Take the temple ControlPoint early in themission because it givesyou an entrenchedstronghold in the centerof the map. Ammo andhealth are easilyaccessible and you havemultiple vantage pointsfor sniping and armor support.

The interior of the city is a maze of potential ambushes due todense foliage, shelled out buildings, and second-storywindows. Enemy tanks appear out of nowhere, thanks to thegray haze that hangs over the city. Don't panic if you losemany men very quickly, early in the battle. You can't hideforever, but you can reduce your casualties if you checkwhat's around the corner before venturing forth.

The N.V.A. moves aggressively through the city, so set upsome lethal ambushes of your own by utilizing the buildingsand courtyards.

Don't hesitate to steal aT-54 tank when youoccupy an enemyControl Point. WithN.V.A. infantry fanningout across the city, youcan inflict seriousdamage when you catchan enemy squadstrolling down one of the wide avenues.

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The CAR 15 and grenades are staples for street fighting inHue, whether you are roaming the streets solo, or supportingvehicles. A Recon Kit is great for occasionally hiding in abuilding, but when you are sweeping the streets, you needthe power and accuracy of a semi-automatic weapon.

N.V.A. TEAM TACTICSThe main N.V.A. base isa mirror image of theARVN Control Point,and it's just as criticalfor its armor spawningcapabilities. With onlyone way in, the base iseasy to protect, as longas you can get backbehind the sandbagsahead of your enemies.If an enemy tank nailsyou at the Control Point,don't forget to switch toa Heavy Assault Kitbefore you respawn.

A T-54 machine gun can make short work of an ARVN squadcaught in the open. You'll survive longer in the tank if youhave a Heavy Assault soldier providing cover.

Don't get caught in the middle of a firefight whileyou are reloading. You have a much better chanceof survival if you switch weapons, even to yourpistol, especially if you are trying to reload an RPG.When the immediate threat is neutralized, slip awayand reload before advancing.

Traveling in squads ofarmor and infantry is thebest way to fight yourway to move throughthe city, especially whenyou need to retake lostControl Points.

The fighting in Hue can be too intense for extended sniperoperations. However, you can reduce the effectiveness ofenemy tanks by picking off a gunner, before grabbing anRPG to finish the job.

The temple in the center of the map is relatively easy tocapture, but you won't hold it for long unless you fill the openareas around the Control Point with infantry.

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With the temple under your control, focus on the ControlPoint at E,4. Occupying these two bases forces the ARVNtroops to march through your strength in order to reach yourmain base at F,3.


Lead Designer TipReact to any attack on the home base. The bulk ofthe heavy machinery will spawn there, so if the

base is lost, the machinery will go with it.

—AJ Marini

Pack an M60 and find aspot behind one of thelong walls on theoutskirts of the city nearyour main base. Beforetoo long, you'll ambushan unsuspecting enemysquad as it marchesconfidently toward yourControl Point.

Moving through the citywith a large squadenables you tocapture severalControl Pointsquickly at thebeginning ofthe game.


Lead Designer TipControlling the center of the city will allow you tofan out to the other points more efficiently.

—AJ Marini

There are many placesfor enemy troops to hidein the temple. Don'twalk blindly from roomto room. Keepsweeping the floor withyour gun so to take outenemies quickly, even atclose range.

Use a T-54 to defendyour home base. Watchthe position of yourtank. Use the downwardslope at the end of thebridge to gain a betterangle against advancinginfantry.

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January 31, 1968. The city of Quang Tri had the misfortune of being positioned justsouth of the all-important Demilitarized Zone. The "DMZ" as it was known was abarrier between the north and south where no military action was to take place.However, this was seldom the case. With the weather working against them, theNorth attacked Quang Tri in an attempt to control the DMZ. Quang Tri is an AssaultMap. The N.V.A. begins with constant ticket loss. This loss can be stopped byneutralizing and/or capturing an enemy Control Point. The ARVN forces begin themap with four Control Points. The ARVN constantly loses tickets if all but oneControl Point is captured.



AVRN Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point


PT-76 (MP)MUTT (SP)T-54BTR-60 (MP)Patton (SP)469Scooter (MP)


Patton (MP)BTR-60T-54 (MP)


MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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ARVN VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM48A3 Patton Tank 90mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun 4MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10M-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10

ARVN KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR15, grenades M14, mines, M60, M79 M21, smoke

mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESPT-76 Amphibious tank 130mm gun 8BTR-60 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine 7

gun, roof-mounted machine gunT-54 Tank 100mm main gun, coaxial machine 6

gun, roof-mounted machine gun469 Jeep Rear-mounted machine gun or 11

missile launcherScooter — — 2(multiplayer only)

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type 56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


The challenge of this mission is to survive intense close-quarters fighting as you struggle to capture and maintainpossession of Control Points. Your men have a tendency tobunch up at spawn points, and they roam the streets in tightlypacked groups. Use Follow Me and Go commands todisperse your troops.

Spreading out yourtroops makes it lesslikely that an RPG orsniper squad willambush them andextract heavy casualties.

Focus your efforts on the four Control Points in the interior ofQuang Tri. Taking the N.V.A. base at F,2 is very difficult, andthe casualties you suffer in the attempt may doom yourmission.

Never take jeeps (469s) for granted. They are fast and agile,and their machine guns and rocket launchers are devastating.Even a wild driver can make life difficult for your soldiers.

Tanks do not play asignificant role in thismission because of thenarrow streets andabundance of cover. Ifyou trail an enemy tank,it is only a matter of timebefore it ends up boxedinto a small courtyard ordead end, where a well-placed rocket ends thethreat.

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If you come across a friendly NPC-controlled tank or APC,jump inside and man the machine gun, or simply trail it andprovide protection against RPG-carrying N.V.A. soldiers. Ifyou can get the tank to follow you, use it to make a combinedattack on an enemy Control Point. The big gun is very usefulagainst entrenched positions.

Avoid tank vs. tank battles. Instead, use hit-and-runguerilla tactics with your L.A.W. rocket launcher orM79 grenade launcher.

Winning this battle forthe ARVN depends onmanaging your infantrythrough a series of "runand shoot" street fights,as you take and retakeControl Points. Armorand rocket launchersplay important roles aswell, but the CAR15and M16 are your bestfriends, and they areinstrumental in defeatingthe N.V.A at Quang Tri.


The Heavy Assault Kit is the best overall weapon package forthe N.V.A. in this intense city battle. It is a perfect balance ofaccuracy and rate of fire (Type56), and long range, heavyfirepower (RPG).

Your opening base isentrenched in thenortheast corner of themap, and the ARVNforces can only reachyou via bridges. Moveinto the city to captureControl Points, but keepan eye on enemy forcesas they approach yourmain base. This ControlPoint is easily defended,but conversely, it isdifficult to take it backfrom the enemy. Stophere periodically to keepthe ARVN from gettingtoo close.

Unlike the ARVN, tanks are critical to your success whencommanding the N.V.A. They enable you to move aggres-sively through the tightly bunched ARVN squads in theinterior of the city. When driving a tank, have a machinegunner and a squad of infantry around you to take care ofrocket launchers.

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We recommend using mines to slow down ARVN armor andinfantry in well-traveled areas of the city. Unlike C4, you don'tneed to detonate a mine. Simply place them strategically, andthen watch the explosions. A single mine takes out an enemytank with one hit.

It helps to leapfrogsquads through the cityto provide backup foryour infantry andsupport for your armor.Send one squad aheadwith the Go command%, and then use $ todirect your squad to follow you. This layered approachmakes it easier to overrun enemy-held Control Points in thecrowded city.


Lead Designer TipAs the ARVN, raiding the N.V.A. base usually netsyou a loss. The N.V.A. fan out from their location

and occupy the city. Be vigilant and head them off as theymove through the city.

—AJ Marini

Planting C4 charges on opposite sides of a street is a greatway to take out an entire enemy squad, including armoredvehicles. The opposing explosions cause total devastation.Use this strategy on bridges, four-way intersections, or criticalpassageways (doors or courtyard entrances). You can alsoplant a single charge at a Control Point. Make sure that youfind a covered location so you can wait unseen until youdetonate the devices. A second-story window is a perfectplace to hide.

Position M60s in upper-story windowsoverlooking ControlPoints. These elevatedvantage points areperfect for raining fire onclustered enemy troops.


Lead Designer TipAs the N.V.A. move out into the city, stay as mobileas you can. Keep the ARVN guessing and don't give

them a concentrated pocket of troops to target.

—AJ Marini

The only way to reachthe original N.V.A.Control Point in thenortheast corner of themap is to cross one oftwo bridges. You canmine the bridges to slowdown enemy advancesand place snipers in thebuildings overlookingthe bridges. Because ofthe close proximity toyour targets (after theyenter the plaza), you arebetter off using the RPDrather than a sniper rifle,especially when theenemy troops arrive inbunches.

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February 7, 1968. The Khe Sahn Combat Base was positioned near theDMZ. From this point, the U.S. could track the movement of the N.V.A. TheN.V.A. identified the need to eliminate the K.S.C.B. and one of the first stepsin doing this was the elimination of Lang Vei's Special Forces base. TheFall of Lang Vei is an Assault Map. The N.V.A. begins with constant ticketloss. This loss can be stopped by neutralizing and/or capturing an enemyControl Point. The U.S. forces begin the map with four Control Points. TheU.S. will constantly lose tickets if all but one Control Point is captured.



Radio Tower


Health Kit

V.C. Control Point

U.S. Control Point

MUTT (2)SheridanHuey Transport

Huey CobraBM-21469 (2)

Lang Vei

469 (2)MUTT




BM-21(spawns when N.V.A. captures this base)PT-76469 (MP)

Tunnel Entrance (MP)



469 (MP)MUTT (MP)

PT-76 (SP)

Mi8 TransportSheridan

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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MACV VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Slick Helicopter Internal M60 machine guns (2) 5Huey Cobra Helicopter Heat-seeking rocket pods (2),

missile pods (2), nose-mounted auto cannon 3Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial 7

machine gun, M240 machine gunMUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10

MACV KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades, M14, mines, M60, M79 M40, smoke

Med pack mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 XM148, Med pack M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESMi8 Helicopter Pod-mounted missile launchers (4)5Mi8 Cargo Helicopter None 2PT-76 Amphibious tank 130mm gun 8BM-21 Truck missile launcher Missiles 3ZSU-57 Tank 57mm flak guns (2) 5469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11

or missile launcher

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type 56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type 56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


The N.V.A. attacks aggressively early in the battle, soimmediately move out. Enemy troops will parachute into thearea east of the Roadblock at C,4 and if you don't make astand, they will grab the Control Point. Jump in the Sheridanand go down the road to the east, but don't go too far. Stopwhen you can target the N.V.A. troops with your machinegun, then support your ground troops who will be ahead.

Continue along the road and watch for another firefightaround Khe Sahn village at E,4. Be careful when occupyingthis Control Point. The flag is in the center of an open swampwith no cover. If you run for the flag, keep turning around asyou wait for the possession circle to change colors.

If you have wheels(Sheridan or MUTT),follow the road until youturn north at F,3. If theN.V.A. have capturedthe French Fort ControlPoint at G,4, they willhave a BM-21 rainingmissiles on you andyour troops. Positionyour MUTT or Sheridanfor a good flank shot atthe BM-21. If you're onfoot, look for adiscarded RPG.

Watch for an and PT-76 hiding inthe courtyard as youapproach the flag.

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Next stop is the Rise atF,6. The main N.V.A.force is working its wayback to Lang Vei, soyou can capture theRise without much of afight. After securing theControl Point, pause atthe bunker, where thereis an excellent coveredview of enemy troopscoming up the hill.Repel the counterattack,but get out when youdraw RPG fire.

You should have asubstantial lead.However, if the score isclose, return to LangVei. Lose this base tothe N.V.A., and you loseyour helicopters.

After securing Lang Vei,you may find that theN.V.A. have establishedcontrol over the middleof the map. This is agood time to gather asquad, load up a Huey,and parachute behindenemy lines, where youcan regain lost ControlPoints.

Do not spawn at theFrench Fort (G,4) inthe battle's beginning;you can attack theN.V.A. base at the Rise(F,6). You have only asingle MUTT at thisbase, and you'll beahead of your troops,so you're going solo. Instead, spawn at Lang Vei,board a Huey with a full squad, and fly into battle.

There are MUTTs everywhere in this mission.They are fast, maneuverable, and can run

circles around N.V.A. armor. Watch out forenemy infantry as you position your rocketlauncher for a kill shot.

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The N.V.A. has aconstant ticket loss atthe battle's beginning,so capture a ControlPoint to stop thebleeding. The FrenchFort at G,4 is theclosest enemy base andit is easy to captureearly in the battle.

Try to ambush aSheridan, then turn thetank against the U.S.troops around theFrench Fort.

MUTTs are everywhere,but don't run from them.It is easy to ambush adriver and gunner, andtake over the vehicle. Itwill come in handy forrooting out MACVtroops hiding in andaround bunkers. Keep asafe distance, and takeout a Sheridan thatcomes into view.

The U.S. forces willdefend Lang Vei, andthey will attackrepeatedly to get it backfrom you. When youcapture this ControlPoint, mine the entranceand booby trap some ofthe vehicles before youleave. This buys youtime if you have to comeback to defend yourControl Point.

The PT-76 is excellentfor navigating the lakesand swamp in themiddle of the map.

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With Lang Vei underyour control, take offwith fully loaded Mi8sand seek to control themiddle of the map,specifically Khe Sahnvillage at E,4. Use yourMi8's missiles to targetenemy armor in thevicinity, thenparachuteto the flagfor a takeover. WithLang Vei and KheSahn village in the fold,you can make a standand outlast the U.S.forces for the victory.


Lead Designer TipHang onto Lang Vei base. The helicopters give theMACV the ability to fan out to the other bases.

—AJ Marini

After the N.V.A. vacatesits base at the Rise(F,6), organize an airassault to sweep inbehind it as it advancesto the valley's center.One fully loaded Hueywill do the trick. Afterthe base is in yourcontrol, commandeerN.V.A. armor andhelicopters, and movetoward the middle of themap. If you maintaincontrol of Lang Vei, youcan pinch the as it tries tosurvive without airsupport.


Lead Designer TipThe N.V.A. doesn't need to use the roadways. Cleverrelocation of the tunnel spawn point allows it to

infiltrate bases better.

—AJ Marini

Beat the MACV forcesat their own game bycommandeering MUTTswhenever possible. Theenemy driver andgunner are vulnerable tosmall arms fire, so pickthem off, jump into theMUTT, and turn therockets against the MACV.

You can't beat MACVweapons. Find an M60on the battlefield andlook for ambush pointsin the village.

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February 23, 1968. The South did everything they could to repel the attacksof Tet. Despite the earlier loss of Hue, the ARVN were determined to retakethe city. This was to become one of the bloodiest battles of the VietnamWar. Reclaiming Hue is an Assault Map. The ARVN begins with constantticket loss. This loss can be stopped by neutralizing and/or capturing anenemy Control Point. The N.V.A. forces begin the map with five ControlPoints. The N.V.A. will begin to constantly lose tickets if all but one ControlPoint is captured.



ARVN Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point



Patton (2)M-113 (2)






MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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ARVN VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM48A3 Patton Tank 90mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial machine gun 4MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10M-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10

ARVN KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades M14, mines, M60, M79 M21, smoke

mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGEST-54 Tank 100mm main gun, coaxial machine 6

gun, roof-mounted machine gun469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11

or missile launcherScooter — — 2BTR-60 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine (multiplayer only) gun, roof-mounted machine gun 7BM-21 Truck missile Missiles 3


N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars


The N.V.A. aredetermined to keep youon the bridge, so you'llneed to fight your wayinto the city, using yourarmor as a batteringram. If you leave thebridge on foot, tuck inbehind one of yourarmored vehicles. Werecommend a HeavyAssault Kit for thisferocious fight. Later,when you are fightingbetween buildings, youcan lighten your load.

When you reach the end of the bridge, turn right, andcontinue up the ramp to take the West Citadel Control Pointat D,6. Resistance should be light.

Continue to the east,across the smallwooden bridge toreach the East Citadel.You should encounteronly light resistancehere, but don't get toocomplacent. The fightis raging in the interiorof Hue.

When the Citadels aresecure, make your wayto the Purple PalaceControl Point in thecenter of the city. Thereis no easy way to attackthis building becauseN.V.A. troops will seeyou before you seethem. You'll need to usewhat little cover you canfind, including burned-out vehicles, walls, andbuildings.

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Instead of attacking theCitadels, go straightafter exiting the bridge,and fight your way tothe HeadquartersControl Point at C,5.From here, continue tothe north to thePagoda, then attackthe Purple Palace fromthe north.

When you see thePagoda in the distance,enter the two-storybuilding at C,4. Fromthe top floor window,target the courtyardaround the Pagoda,clearing out N.V.A.before you approach thestructure and capturethe Control Point.

Enter the Purple Palacethrough a hole in thewall on the east side ofthe building. This is alarge three-storystructure, and it mayseem empty, but don'tbe surprised to findN.V.A. soldiers waitingbehind stairwells or around corners.

The N.V.A.frequently steps inand attacks yourtroops trailingbehind you on thebridge. If you turnaround whilemoving northtoward the Pagoda,you can save a few of your mates.

As in most city battles,you'll need to doubleback and reclaimControl Points as theN.V.A. moves unseenbetween the buildings.This is intense, close-quarters fighting, andyou'll need to find cover as you move through the map, oryou will be spending more time spawning than fighting.

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For the N.V.A., this fight is all about keeping ARVN armorand infantry from streaming off the bridge. Pour everythingyou have at the bridge as the fight begins. You can targetenemy armor from the top of the Western Citadel, or fromthe ground. Be careful: ARVN tanks can see you clearly.

When there is a briefpause in enemy armor,race down the stepsand find a spot at thecorner of the building.Don't stay here toolong, especially if you are still firing aType56 rifle.

Return to the Citadel roof andresume your RPGattacks.

The firefight at thebridge exit is intense, sostay hidden and pick offARVN soldiers. If you'refeeling daring, ambusha MUTT, grab thewheel, and drive quicklyaround the corner. Findcover, and use therocket launcher againstARVN armor.

Don't worry aboutoccupying the ARVNbase on the bridge. It isdifficult to accomplish,and more importantly, itis not critical to winningthis mission. Hold yourground and don't givethe enemy an inchwithout a fight.

Don't worry if an occasional ARVN soldier or MUTTsneaks through your gauntlet of fire.

However, if they manage to take overa Control Point, move in quickly toeliminate the threat and regain yourControl Point.

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Lead Designer TipAs the ARVN, use the tanks to punch a hole intothe city. Control the entry point to the city and

create windows of opportunity for the ground troops to fanout. Try to pin the N.V.A. in the Citadel.

—AJ Marini

Move to one of thenarrow paths on eitherside of the bridge togive yourself enoughangle to take out N.V.A.infantry, specificallyRPG troops that posethe biggest threat toyour armor. When youclear the way, yourtanks and infantry willflow off the bridge.


Lead Designer TipAs the N.V.A., do not get caught trying to fight forthe ARVN base. If the ARVN breach the city, theirhome base is of minor strategic importance.

—AJ Marini

Don't line up yourarmor in front of thebridge without infantrysupport, or ARVNMUTTs and HeavyAssault troops will havetheir way with you. Usecombined forces to putthe most powerful wallbetween ARVN troopsand the city.

If the ARVN teampushes their way pastyour position near thebridge, don't try to beatthem back with animmediate counter-attack. Instead, fall backto the Headquarters(C,5) and use thebuilding to set up yourRPGs in coveredpositions on both floors.If the ARVN teamdecides to attack theCitadel instead of followyou, take the time to setup a similar ambush atthe Purple Palace in

the center of the map. Giving up the Citadel ControlPoints will not keep you from winning the battle,

and you can always retake them later whenyou have the upper hand.

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February 29, 1968. For 77 days, the North pounded on the Khe SahnCombat Base hoping to repeat their victory over the French at DienBien Phu. The N.V.A. tried everything to break the U.S. resolve.Eventually, the U.S. used creative artillery tactics to break the siegeand repel the N.V.A. Khe Sahn is a Mission Map. Khe Sahn CombatBase is worth three times as much as any other base. Control fivebases, or Khe Sahn and two other bases, and the opposing team willconstantly lose tickets.

MUTT (MP)M-113 (MP)469 (MP)PT-76

MiG 17MiG 21Mi 8

M-46 (3)

PT-76MUTT (MP)M-110 (MP)PT-76 (MP)

469 (MP)

Path between bases(partially covered)

PT-76Huey CobraHuey Assault

A7 CorsairF4 Phantom

Gate Opening

ZSU-57469MiG-17MiG-31 (MP)MiG-8 (SP)Sheridan (SP)MUTTM-113 (MP)

Vehicle Bridge

Bunker overlooks covered path



Health Kit


VC Control Point

U.S. Control Point

MUTTM-113 (MP)PT-76469 (MP)


M-113 (MP)469 (MP)

MUTT (2) (MP)469 (2) (MP)

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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U.S. MARINE VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESHuey Cobra Helicopter Heat-seeking rocket pods (2), missile 3

pods (2), nose-mounted auto cannonHuey Assault Helicopter 9-shot missile launchers (2), 5

M134 auto-cannons (1), M5 40mm nose-mounted grenade launcher

A7 Corsair Jet Auto cannon, bombs 3F4 Phantom Jet Heat-seeking missiles (12), 4

napalm bombs (5)MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 12Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial 8(Instant Battle only) machine gunM-110 Self-propelled 8" howitzer cannon 4(multiplayer only) artillery cannonM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10Landing — — 3Zone Crate

U.S. MARINE KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, M79 M40 smoke

Claymores, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 Mossberg 500, M14, mines, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

grenades mortar, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESMi8 Helicopter pod mounted missile launchers (4) 5MiG-21 Jet Machine guns, conventional missiles 2MiG-17 Jet Machine guns, conventional bombs 3BM-21 Truck Missile launchers 6(multiplayer only)

M46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6PT-76 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine gun, 8

roof-mounted machine gunZSU-57 Anti-aircraft tank 2-57mm flak guns 5469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun or 11

missile launcherTunnel Entrance — — 3

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type56 Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars

U.S. MARINE TEAMTACTICSThe Khe Sahn CombatBase at D-3, D-4,and C-4, is the keyControl Point in thegame, and the goodnews is, it is in yourpossession. The badnews is that it is amassive base, anddifficult to defend.However, on this map,the best defense is agood offense. Move outwith a small HeavyAssault squad andcapture the French FortControl Point at E,5.

Now, move quickly tothe west, toward KheSahn village, which ishopefully still underU.S. control. Watch fora PT-76 lurking aroundthe river. If the N.V.A.has hoisted their flag,take it back.

Now, you have a choice. If the Khe Sahn Combat Base is stillsecure, push up the hill to Lang Vei at C,5. This run-downbase is rarely guarded.

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It is best to approachHill 689 from the north,where you can use thetrenches and coveredpaths. Take over thisControl Point toneutralize the N.V.A.artillery, and keep themfrom pounding the KheSahn Combat Base.

With the map securelyunder your control,mount an air and landattack on the N.V.A. airbase at Cu Lac Bridge,F,4. You'll encounterenemy armor on thebridge, so make surethat you roll in with aSheridan or MUTT.

M60s are great forbringing downenemy helicopters.

The most difficult areasof the Khe SahnCombat Base to defendare the west andsouthwest sides. Theseboundaries arecompletely open due tothe airfield. N.V.A.troops will stream upfrom the valley, invehicles and on foot, soyou need to be vigilant.

Use the partiallycovered path to movebetween Hill 689 andthe Khe Sahn CombatBase. You'll findammo along the way, allowing you to reload beforeemerging.


In the beginning of the mission, switch back and forthbetween Hill 689 and Cu Lac Bridge. From the Hill, watchthe covered path below, and pound advancing infantry withthe big guns. At Cu Lac Bridge, keep a steady flow ofhelicopters bringing troops into the valley, while you poundKhe Sahn Combat Base with missiles.

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The French Fort atE,5 is within easystriking distance forU.S. troops at the KheSahn Combat Base.Try and beat them tothe punch by attackingwith your PT-76 fromLang Vei Base. If youmaintain control of theFrench Fort, you'll beable to attack KheSahn from the southwhile you send troopsin from the west.

Occupying Khe SahnCombat Base willtrigger intense air andground attacks fromU.S. troops. A ZSU-57and Heavy Assaulttroops are your keys toa successful defense.Grab U.S. M60swhenever possible toadd punch to yourground defenses.

Bring along the ZSU-57 when you attack KheSahn Combat Base. This will keep the jetsand helicopters off your troops as theyadvance.

It is helpful to take KheSahn village early in thebattle to keep the U.S.troops from expandingtheir foothold in thevalley. Move down thehill from Lang Vei Basewith Heavy Assaulttroops. Cross the riverand approach Khe Sahnvillage from the west.


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Lead Designer TipKhe Sahn Combat Base is three times morevaluable than any other base. Controlling the

base allows you a better position to cause the opposingteam to lose tickets over time.

—AJ Marini

With armored vehiclesat a premium, yourHeavy Assault troopsare critical to winningthis map. The M60 is anexcellent suppressionweapon, and the L.A.W.or M79 grenadelauncher are your onlyoptions for effectivelydealing with N.V.A. tanks.

The most difficult areasof the Khe SahnCombat Base to defendare the west andsouthwest sides. Theseboundaries arecompletely open due tothe airfield. Stand guardatop one of the bunkersfor excellent angles onenemy ground forcesthat enter the base.


Lead Designer TipAir vehicles are essential to winning the map.Use them to move troops and control the skies.

—AJ Marini

You have a lot of groundto cover from Cu LacBridge to Khe SahnCombat Base. Beginyour airlifts immediately,bringing full squads intothe valley. Position aZSU-57 on the roadsouth of the Khe SahnCombat Base to houndU.S. aircraft. The roadis nestled in a ravinewhere steep walls willhide your flak guns fromenemy infantry.

When you attack theKhe Sahn Air Base,come from both sides:The western and south-western valleys (use thecovered path for astealth approach), andthe small gate openingat E,4. Position a ZSU-57 on the road justsouth of Khe Sahn Combat Base to keep U.S. jets fromstrafing, and helicopters from dropping off troops.


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May 1, 1970. The Ho Chi Minh Trail ran through Laos and Cambodia. Bothnations declared themselves neutral in regards to the conflict, and as such,were off-limits to the U.S. The MACV-SOG were created in order to give the U.S.a presence in these regions, although more often than not, this presence wascovert. The Ho Chi Minh Trail is an Assault Map. The U.S. begins with constantticket loss. This loss can be stopped by neutralizing and/or capturing an enemyControl Point. The Viet Cong forces begin the map with four Control Points. TheV.C. will begin to constantly lose tickets if all but one Control Point is captured.


Health Kit


MACV Control Point

V.C. Control Point


MUTT (MP)469 (MP)

MUTT (2) (1 in MP)M-113 (MP)

Sheridan (MP)PT-76


M110AZ469MUTT (MP)

Vehicle Bridge

Vehicle Bridge

Foot Bridge


Sheridan (MP)MUTTPT-76469 (MP)

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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MACV VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM-110 Self-propelled 8" howitzer cannon 4

artillery cannonM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10MUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial (multiplayer only) machine gun, M240 machine gun 7

MACV KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades, M14, mines, M60, M79 M40, smoke

Med pack mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 XM148, Med pack M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C-4, wrench grenades, binoculars

V.C. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6BTR-60 Amphibious APC Roof-mounted machine gun 7469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11PT-76 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine gun, 8

roof-mounted machine gun


grenades mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 Type 53, MAT49, shovel, SA7, Expack Type 56 Bouncing

grenades landmines, wrench Betty, time bomb

MACV TEAM TACTICSThis is a hellish battlepushing north along theHo Chi Minh Trail. TheV.C. are everywhere,but fortunately theenemy is waiting northof the South Guard Postat E,6. You shouldcapture this first ControlPoint with ease, but it's much tougher from here.

Continue along the trailuntil you see the firstV.C. artillery placement.The resistance isstronger here, but if youuse the buildings forcover, you'll prevail aftera brief fight.

The Temple is nextalong the path, and theV.C. will not give up thissite without a fight.Watch for enemy 469szooming into the battlewith machine gunsblazing.

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If you can't get theupper hand at theTemple, climb to thetop steps where youwill have a better viewof your targets.

You will probablyencounter a PT-76 nearthe Temple, and unlessyou have a coveredposition, don't standaround and trade shells.

Advancing from here isextremely difficult. Youhave two choices.Either take yourchances with the leftroad to the bridge andcontinue to the OldShrine, or branch off tothe right and take thefoot bridge (or wade)across the river, thenproceed to the NorthGuard Post. The left-hand road is heavilyguarded, and nearlyimpossible to breach,so slip off quietly to theright, especially if it isyour first attempt.

If you decide to take the vehicle bridge, load up your anti-armor weapon and get ready to use it.

Don't attempt to cross the bridge until the enemy armor hasbeen eliminated. When the way is finally clear, fight your waythrough more V.C. to reach the Temple.

If you can't seem tobreak through on theroad, slip around to theeast and approach theTemple through thetrees, where you'll havemore cover.

The footbridge and rivercrossings are just astreacherous, althoughthe thick jungle putssome welcome distancebetween you and theV.C. tanks. If you wadeacross the stream,follow a muddy gorge tothe north, but watch fora steady flow of V.C. infront of you, and downthe hills on either side.

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Watch for more V.C.armor as you return tothe road and continueup to the North GuardPost. The V.C. willattack you as youmove, rather than runback to reclaim lostControl Points. Expecta nasty fight up to the last ticket.

V.C. TEAM TACTICSThe V.C. strategy is amirror image of theMACV walkthrough.You begin with fourControl Points and anendless jungle in whichto hide. You can movewith amazing freedom ifyou stay off the roads,but don't race theMACV force to theSouth Guard Post.Instead, make your firststand at the bridgeleading to the Temple.

This battle is equally asviolent from the V.C.side. The MACV forcesthrow waves of soldiers,MUTTS, M-110s and M-113s at your positions.This is a Heavy Assaultmission, where everyV.C. soldier needs thecapability of taking outU.S. vehicles. Steal aMUTT when possible,and support your armorat the bridge.

Counterattack immediately when you lose a Control Point,before enemy reinforcements arrive.

Keep moving, and usethe jungle for cover.Grab a U.S. M60 soon.It is an outstandingweapon in the jungle,especially if you find acovered position whereyou can suppress theenemy advance.

This battle is usuallywon or lost at theTemple, the midpoint ofthe map that blocksaccess to the twonorthern Control Points.You may win and losethis location severaltimes over the course ofthe battle.

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Lead Designer TipVehicles play a support role. Use them to soften updefenses. Try to keep vehicles moving as much as

possible. Stationary vehicles make easy targets.

—AJ Marini

The Temple providesexcellent cover forturning back a V.C.counterattack.

Patience is a virtue inthe jungle. Don't be tooeager to leave theshelter of the trees untilyou eliminate all targetsof opportunity.


Lead Designer TipThe jungle will conceal your movement. Try to keep yourself away from the main roadway in

order to dodge bullets.

—AJ Marini

Snipe the exposeddriver and gunner on theM-110 and turn the biggun against the MACVforces.

As the battle surgesback and forth, look foropportunities to use theV.C. artillery. A barragefrom the M46s punchesa big hole in the U.S.forces, especially atclose range.

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May 1, 1970. Until the early seventies, the U.S. had limited official operationsover Cambodia. Nonetheless, the U.S. had covert operations in Cambodiasince the mid 1950's. Cambodian Incursion is an Assault Map. The Viet Congbegin with a constant ticket loss and a solitary Control Point. The U.S. controlsfive Control Points in the map. The U.S. will begin to constantly lose tickets ifthey lose all but one of their Control Points.



Health Kit

MACV Control Point

V.C. Control Point

Foot BridgeM-110SheridanPT-76469


Vehicle Bridge

MUTT469BTR-60 (MP)M-113 (MP)

Foot Bridge

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

Sheridan (MP)PT-76 (MP)

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MACV VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM-110 Self-propelled 8" howitzer cannon 4

artillery cannonMUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10Sheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm coaxial 7

machine gun, M240 machine gunM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10(multiplayer only)

MACV KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades, M14, mines, M60, M79 M40, smoke

Med pack mortar, wrench grenades, binocularsOption 2 XM148, Med pack M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

V.C. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM46 Artillery cannon 130mm gun 6469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11PT-76 Amphibious tank 76mm main gun, coaxial machine gun, 8

roof-mounted machine gun

V.C. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AKMS, grenades MAT49, Pungi Sticks, Type56, RPG2 M91/30, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 Type 53, grenades MAT49, shovel, SA-7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

landmines, wrench Betty, Time Bomb


This battle is even more intense than Ho Chi Minh Trail. Fromthe beginning of the mission, the V.C. push south from theirbase at D,1 with waves of infantry, 469s and an occasionalPT-76. Fortunately, they stay close to the trail, so you cananticipate their arrival at Fire Base 1 (E,2), and Fire Base 2(E,3) in rapid succession. If you want armor, you'll need tostart out from the Temple at E,5, where you can pick up aSheridan or M-110. This strategy gives the V.C. a decidededge in securing Fire Bases 1 & 2, and they will be bearingdown on the Temple in short order.

Starting out at the Temple will guarantee a long,protracted fight. It is not our recommendedstrategy, but if you like your tanks, we want to let you know what you're in for. Stay tuned foranother option.

From the Temple, youcan continue acrossthe foot bridge, or veeroff to the west and takethe road to the ShrineBridge Control Point. Ifyou stay to the east,you'll reach Fire Base2 just in time for yourfirst fight.

When you run into a V.C. PT-76, take out the gunnerimmediately to remove one of the threats. Then,quickly run away as you pull out a grenade.

If you can avoid thebig gun longenough to connectwith a couple ofgrenades, youreduce the tank toscrap.

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The fight for Fire Base 2will seem to go onforever, as V.C. 469sarrive and groundtroops seem to bubbleup out of the jungle.Stand your ground,eliminate the enemyvehicles, then work your way north to theControl Point.

If the V.C. push you back, watch for a log trap on thewest side of the road.

When you reach FireBase 2, you will likelybe low on health andammo. Race inside thebunker for a visit to theFirst Aid Cabinet, thengo up top for ammo.You'll have an excellentvantage point from thebunker’s upper level,and you should be ableto clear the remainingV.C. from the road.When you exit thebunker, watch for V.C. sneaking aroundbehind you.

After thinning out theenemy, gather a squadand continue up theroad to Fire Base 1,where you will findanother bunker. Fill upon health and ammo,and go up top again fora clear line of sight.

Don't be surprised if youlose Fire Base 1 to aV.C. counterattack. Justkeep your M60 blazingand you'll get it back.

Continue north acrossthe bridge to reach theV.C. Base.

Remember that otheroption we promised? Ifyour northward advancegets bogged down atthe Shrine Bridge(D,4) or Temple (E,5),slip off to the westthrough the trees anddrop down to the river.Swim, or walk along theedge, all the way to thenorth, until you see thebridge leading to theV.C. Base.

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Climb up the bank andwalk over to the torch,to capture the V.C.Base Control Point.When you're sure thearea is clear, jump onthe M-46 and showerthe V.C. at Fire Base 1with 130mm shells.

Finish off the survivorsof your shelling and takeover Fire Base 1.Continue south towardFire Base 2, whereyou'll probably find otherMACV troops. You cansit tight with a largelead, or push to thesouth and try for a clean sweep.


Unlike the MACVforces, you have nochoice but to start atyour northern base.Stream across thebridge and try to beatthe enemy to Fire Base 1.

By the time you reachFire Base 2, the MACVtroops will arrive ingreat numbers. Makeyour way to the tent forsome ammo, then peekaround the flaps to pickoff unsuspecting U.S.soldiers who wanderinto camp.

After securing Fire Base 2, take thewestern path at E,3 that leads to the ShrineBridge Control Point, or continue to the southtoward the Temple, viathe foot bridge.

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It is safer to take the river past the Temple, then approach theControl Point from the south.

There is no need toclimb the steps ofthe Temple tooccupy the ControlPoint. You can avoida potential ambushby sneaking aroundback and standingnear the wall.

Now, all that is left is theShrine Bridge. Pick upan abandoned M16Sniper rifle and pick offthe U.S. soldiersguarding the road to thebridge. Slip away intothe jungle above thebridge, and finishclearing a path to yourfinal Control Point, anda come-from-behindvictory!


Lead Designer TipIt's easy to focus too much attention on thenorthern bases. If the southern bases come under

threat from the V.C., move to those locations as soon aspossible. A threatened base is just an indication of morewide-spread movement from enemy forces.

—AJ Marini

V.C. armor and 469sare deadly when theycatch you moving alongthe narrow roads. Youcan't spend all of yourtime in the thick jungle,but you'll survive longerif you spend only briefperiods of time on themain pathways. Also, you'll have more of a chance of liningup a flank shot from a hillside.

The jungle hills are steep, and if you get caught ontoo sharp an angle, you'll slide down to the road.

Stay low when youreach a jungle clearing,and you are less likely tobe cut down.

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The radius explosions ofself-propelled artilleryare efficient at clearingentire enemy squadsfrom your path.However, the M-113 isvulnerable to sniper fire.Shadow it with a tank orinfantry squad to protectit as you move throughthe jungle.


Lead Designer TipThe V.C. need to break out from their base in theNorth. Doing so is a matter of moving through the

alternate pathways along the river and through the jungle.

—AJ Marini

RPG2s are great anti-armor weapons, but theType56 is a relic. Swapyour Heavy Assault Kitfor one of theirs to gainmuch-needed firepower.

Split your army, sendingone force along theroad to Fire Base 1,while another squadswims silently down theriver. Go past the ShrineBridge before doublingback on land. Then,work your way to thenorth, sandwiching the U.S. forces.

U.S. M-113s are slowand clumsy, and youmay find them stuck inthe tough jungle terrain.Never pass up thisopportunity. Toss agrenade and put themout of their misery.

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September 16, 1972. After years of military occupation and repeated battles andbombings, the city of Quang Tri was rendered a waste land. Earlier in the year, theforces occupying the city were ordered to retreat by their commanding officer,who saw little point in defending the remnants of the city. With obvious strategicimportance, it was imperative the city was retaken by the South. Quang Tri is anAssault Map. The ARVN forces begin with a constant ticket loss. This loss can bestopped by neutralizing and/or capturing an enemy Control Point. The N.V.A.forces begin the map with four Control Points. The N.V.A. will begin to constantlylose tickets if all but one Control Point is captured.


Health Kit

ARVN Control Point

N.V.A. Control Point

BTR-60 (MP)T-54PT-76M-113 (MP)Sheridan (MP)

BM-21Sheridan (MP)

BTR-60 (MP)Sheridan (MP)469 (SP)

Scooter (MP)

PT-76BTR-60 (MP)PattonSheridanM-113 (MP)M-110

MP = MultiplayerSP = Single-player

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ARVN VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESM48A3 Patton Tank 90mm main gun, 7.62mm 4

coaxial machine gunSheridan Tank 152mm main gun, 7.62mm 7

coaxial machine gunM-113 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 10M-110 Self-propelled 8" howitzer cannon 4

artillery cannonMUTT Jeep Missile launch pod 10(multiplayer only)

ARVN KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 CAR 15, grenades M14, mines, M60, M79 M21, smoke grenades,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 M16, grenades M14, torch, M60, L.A.W. M16 Sniper, smoke

C4, wrench grenades, binoculars

N.V.A. VEHICLESVEHICLE TYPE WEAPONS USAGESPT-76 Amphibious tank 130mm gun 8BTR-60 APC Roof-mounted machine gun 7T-54 Tank 100mm main gun, coaxial machine 6

gun, roof mounted machine gun469 Jeep Rear deck-mounted machine gun 11

or missile launcherBM-21 Truck missile launcher Missiles 3Scooter — — 2(multiplayer only)

N.V.A. KITSOPTION ASSAULT ENGINEER HEAVY ASSAULT RECONOption 1 AK47, grenades MAT49, booby trap, Type56, RPG7V SVD, Caltrops,

mortar, wrench binocularsOption 2 RPD, grenades MAT49, mines, SA-7, Expack Type56, Bouncing

shovel, wrench Betty, binoculars

ARVN TEAM TACTICSOf all the battles in thegame, Quang Tri 1972is as even as it gets.This is more like"capture the flag" than atactical assault. Bothsides are relativelyequal, although theN.V.A. have a little moremobility with a 469 and more powerwith a BM-21 missilelauncher. However, thepiles of rubbleeverywhere in the citymake it difficult tomaximize larger armoredvehicles. ARVN troopsare headquartered attheir base (F,4). For a quick strike, move west two blocks toreach the Offices Control Point at C,4.

Once the battle begins,it's difficult to develop atactical plan. You mustkeep moving frombuilding to building,peering around cornersand checking everywindow. The center ofthe map, wherebuildings have beenreduced to rubble piles,are the most dangerous.If you must travel acrossan open area, run backand forth and find coverquickly.

Look for sniping spots in the bombed-out buildings. Watchthe map and find a vantage point overlooking a fight inprogress. You can often turn the tide by picking off enemytroops and letting your fellow soldiers grab the Control Point.

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Grenades are invaluableon this map. Look forenemy tanks slowlyclimbing a pile oftwisted metal. They arevulnerable in thissituation because theirgun is forced into ahigher angle. When youlocate an armoredvehicle, you can alsofind protection behind asection of wall as youlob grenades.

Doorways can bedangerous places. Entera building slowly just incase an enemy soldier is waiting.

Take care when approaching the Warehouse at C,2 late inthe battle. The N.V.A. like to congregate inside in largenumbers, so don't just wander in expecting an easy takeover.Stay outside and find cover while you clear the room.

Watch for N.V.A. 469s zipping around the city.

Be careful when you aredown to a singleControl Point. If youlose it during aspawning delay, you willhave to wait for theNPC soldiers to acquirea location for you toreenter the battle.

If the score is close atthe end of the battle,assign a soldier or twoto "Hold" in newlyacquired Control Points.This should buy enoughtime to respond toproblems before youlose any territory.


The N.V.A. strategy is not unlike that of the ARVN troops.Your best opening move is to attack the ARVN Base at F,4to temporarily stop the flow of vehicles.

If you use a 469 to getaround the city, preparefor a wild ride. You mustkeep moving to stayalive. If you are luckyenough to find a gooddriver, man the machinegun and keep firing.

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Find a sniper rifle and clear out an enemy base from afarbefore moving in for the flag.

It's always nice to tuck inbehind a PT-76 whenyou are moving throughQuang Tri.

Rubble piles are yourfriends. The moreobstacles you can placebetween you and yourenemies, the better.

If you catch an enemytank moving up or downa rubble pile, you have afree shot, while thegunner is unable totarget you.


Lead Designer TipUse the ruined buildings to your advantage. Therooftops and windows give you a great location tofight from.

—AJ Marini

Sometimes it pays to bethe second soldieraround the corner. Thereare so many ambushlocations on this map,you can't take anythingfor granted. Peek aroundcorners beforeproceeding or you mightwalk into a bullet withyour name on it.

A sniper rifle isproductive for picking offvehicle drivers andgunners, or ambushingan enemy squad on themove. Just remember tochange locationsfrequently, becausewhen your sniper scopeis activated, you have noperipheral vision.

Lead Designer TipThe tides of war can turn on a dime in Quang Tri.One moment your team is in control, the next you

are facing elimination.Stay on the move and

control your enemy'smovements.

—AJ Marini