battle of sexes spartan daily coming may 24

Battle of Sexes Coming May 24 ’The Battle of the Sexes will rage on at the first annual ASB Spring Bowl set for Thursday, May 24, at 7:15 p.m. One football team will be backed by an all -woman rooting sec fion and the other will be supported by the men. Two meetings of the representatives of campus organizations Ohave resulted in a progiam I, I hi- Bowl. The representatives Petrasuss Reed that anyone with artistic tali ti to make a poster advertise. Now on Stands this event and .turn it in to , Men’s gym office before n4 \ Thursday. The name of the ic The Reed, literary annual. has tist’s organization may be used , hit the stands today. The maga- the poster. zinc is put out by the English de- The evening’s activities will ce partment with ASB backing. It i -- -s sist of a "first-rate" football gar, edited by members of Pegasus. ! according to Don Laclergue, ore, the literary club. imittee chairman for the event Seven hundred issues of theleHalf-time entertainment will he magazine have been printed. Stor- , provided by the San Jose Stat, ies by Cecil Webb. Rosemary Nof- . college gymnasts," Laclergue dr ziger. W. B. Keith, Meg Monday I dared. "Immediately following the. and Martha Miyatake; sketches by game will be a get-together of Maurice ’fitompson and Robert both sides with a dance on the Lindemann; essays by Meg Mon- green." day, Junior Smeltzer, Mary Rich- A tentative time schedule h-, ardsoa and Gloria Scroggs; and been set for the Bowl. At 7 poems by David Cone. Richard p.m. the players will be intro - Fortier. Richard Frost, Shirley duced, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. the Goodell. Betty Hester. Meg Mon- intra-squad game will be played. day, Leonard Weiss, Alva Wil- and at 9:30 p.m dancing on the liamson and Dolores Wood are green will begin. in today’s issue of the Reed. The final meeting of the cam - Work of the winners of the pus representatives will be held Spartan Daily San Jose State College SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1951 Vol. XXXIX Co-ed I m pro ring, Reports indicate Miss Annarnai, Azzarello, junior education major injured in tin , is imp: Phobic. award are in this issue. Thursday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Men’s gym. Posters may he sent with the representatives. Final plans for the gala affair will be announced at that time, ac- cording to Laclergue. lbw" Wester of Ceremonies, 114,1i Mcaft, is shoo n emo u ting dring the Balls eommittee’s entertain- ment pr0urain staged for the benefit 01 senior high school students yesterday. Scene is, the San Carlos turn near the con- junction of the Natural sei.-111.1. and Commerce building. - auto accident Sunday, tal officials. tic rue -14 alse Test Can Become according to O’Connor Iinbiguous Says Dr. Clark was involved hi an accident fa. &- the Bayshore hiehway near Sall Mateo in which a soldier was kill- , The Alpha Phi sorority membei WN t ir of isch,, in K 41.I.ENN HBO sSi’ ed and nine persons hurt, meeting of the liii 411,m, ! She suffered facial lacerations ..oh, of the .greatest problems the *imam’ .Association of and compound fractures of the’ in the true -false hum examina- versity Phofessors Tuesday. come candidates for the General Secondary credential next year with a major or minor in social’ science are to meet in Room 14 at 2:30 Thursday afternoon. Dr. George G. Bruntz, professor of history, said that it is impor- tant all candidates for the sec- ondary credential attend of lion is the possibility of ambigu- Problems of IBM test constriti- !trait ’lest 1)ate itN Brant Clark, pro- ion in vi AsittINt. .I I thin dominated the discuss Yell Leaders Note ;which Dr. Clark. Dr. William R. Rogers. associate professor of edu- Aspiring yell 14.aders will show. The We’ h No. 142 SJS Welcomes Seniors From Nine High Schools Approximately 600 high school seniors visited San Jose State college yesterday in annual visitation day activities that ’went off very smoothly," stated Mr. Lowell Pratt, SJS public relations director. The first item on the visitation program agenda was a welcoming assembly in Morris Dailey auditorium where Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie, ti 4110 arca Iig oldie:04,1 that II.I, ,I1411. III, I do. ’. dents hall III A v ra days of grace today in n Writ to sign lip tor the 114N draft educational ileb ’Towed cation. and Dr. Harrison Heath. their wares at the tryouts in th,, professor of psychology consid- . .".’ Original AWS lounge at 3:30 p.m. today. steppine hack a few feet. Phil ered the true-false and . multiple ! dradllio- I 0 r tiling according to Ingrid Anderson, Phoghound, philosopher. fixed the choice forms of examn triton ’i . . ,aptieations is as y e t 4, r (I a . pubib, it y repr, .nt at ive or __,__ freshly painted poster with a ern- : were aided by Mrs. Daisy 4.r Lewis It. tier- Final!trait Dire,’ .14cy etended the deadline until elated Wooten l’tudents. i ’’’s ical eye. thews who is in charge of midnight. Ma ’25. tryout: will be conducted "Ilm-m-m," he muttered. "That - San Jot..’ , during the re.:. :.::- AWS meetin , - ought to attract the attention of , service ., ... .. - i :AM JOS, :74 ate college I, . . today at 4.30 p:A. in B24. a few discriminating voters who set % might venture out in today’s minor’ Evaluating the true -false tesi heat wave sending the mercury Dr. Clark said that he feels "such SOC. SC. Majors soaring to the high 80s." 1 tests can measure reasoning and The pe ostr read: A VOTE FOR’ test ability to spl’e questims All students who plan to he- PHOGBOUND IS A VOTE FOR He qualified this evaluation. hots- - I h "need to CLEAN SHEDRU! Phearless Phil j says. "I am a candidate in any: and all races where my opponents don’t give evidence of caring whether they get any votes." DON’T FO1GE1"TO WRITE IN PHOGBOITND AND WREST SJS FROM THE LAP OF L ARC Y’ ’Ugly Ozzie’ Takes Post As King of the Unloved I.EN WALLACH Richard, "Ozzie the Ugly" is the ugliest man at San Jose State college by popular demand, as he walked off with the top place in the "Ugly Man" contest yester- day. Osborn, candidate for Kap- pa Alpha and Kappa Kappa Gam- ma tallied a total of 15,974 votes in the contest. In simple arith- metic. Osborn made $159.74 for the World Student Service fund Following in a close second. Co:% Stagg Phi Gamma Sigma nom- inee. pegged into the final day with a total of 15.263 votes or $152.63 for WSSF. A final total of $41k5.86 was raised for WSSF from the "Ugly Man’’ contest. Dave Levering. traveling secretary for WSSF. said. "Ugly men, ugly contest, and, a beautiful result." He added that the money will supply many of the urgently needed materials and necessities for Japanese students Levering reminded SJS students that the drive will not he Mtn until Frida) and contributions for VSSF can still be made at the booth in the outer quad or the, Graduate Manager’s office. other "Ugly Man" candidatesi who helped inspire contrilmations for the drive are Bill Wheeler., Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha Phi: Ed Mosher. Is,Ita Epsilon; Jack Scheberies. Kappa Kappa Gamma; John Kelsey. Alpha Chi Omega; Hob Rojka. Delta Zeta and Delta Sigma Phi; Terry Bow- man, Alpha Tau Omega: Tom Keane. The Mu Sigma; and Larry Otter, Pratt hall, to. etel. . imp as zing I avoid items and ambigui- ti4 Dr. Clark explained that state- ments %% lath might he partially I nie or lake should be clarified at the beginning of the test with a statemer.t saying that "if state- ments are more true than false, mark true: if more false than true, mark false." An advantage of the true -false test, according to Dr. Clark, is the amount of material which can Is’ covered in a scries of short stateMents Hr. Harrison praised the multiple choice Ipe e- aimination because it can lie ap- plied to almost an tpe of in- formation. (Inc of the main points of con- tention on such a test. Dr Heath pointed out, is the number of pos. answers which should b., given for each statement. It was brought up that too many items might contusestudent and 1111a li111011 At ItrtilU. 1411111r im01111.1 1! %%. id it,.Id. ,1,11 Id ,4,, 0 a, 1.404,, ,1".:111.11 5715, II ’Ii ..1 .\ !al,’ I lid !pea d . !It t did- 111, C1/01.11 t.di,i 1.1 II,, 0 , d’.1110d Ii ii’ Rec k ently e, is of iii, anin,1 International Relations chill v. Ill thiy would like to %eat Is’ ir.stalled tonight at 3ii o’clock Eolbo., toe t he tout s and a 1wich- in the u Std U ent ’new re on aordinr soul h quail to Tom Carneion, president of tic 44( icielil,., tint 1’ %%N, c I tli talks 10 Jim Gii its will replace C,Ini. Dean of Pe ono tscl .14.. II V., eron as president and Lare Ga- Dean it Men Stant... c 10 . Niel will follow Mainice Duke as Miss Viola Palnivi. tv4114 , vice oil -suit -id trar, Col James J Ilea ,, I , Col Thomas A I AI’ The office of secretary -treas- urer. held by Betsy V.’allick. has Talk. nere on registrat Inn divided It will be tilled tiy flow ant La FIresh. secretary. and J 1 ohn treasurer Following the installation of of. I iepieser.tatives to the Stu- dent World Affairs council Of NiOrt horn California will present term-, of the .rekend vont,: - , Ia.., at Asilornar 11)11 Open House rause him to unknowi D ngly mark o Feature ances down the wrong number or letter ’It takes from three to fiVf. 01’ n A Apache danr e. enet six hours to make up a 1(%I-item dance di piiiinit efoiracters of the multiple choice test," Dr. Heath Paris oralciA.orld, will be part of commented Iota Delta Phi’s open house pro. gram !ann., at 7 lock in the be Len Crass. WSSF an feed Semi + ()c nar Speaker Student !sinful chairman. stated that the feed, William Iligucho, chemistry ma. Also on the entertainmilo bill had added approximately $70 to jor, will speak at the Chemistry IO thc Ficnch honor soclet.Y the drive !seminar at 4.3o pm. lona% in he a fashion show. a presentation The final tally of the total, Room ’210. Natural Science build- of French arias, and poptilai amount of money raised for the j ing. according to Or, Albert Cas-. American songs in Frerich. accord - 1951 WSSF drive will rot he made j Ire, assistant professor of chem- ing to Caroline Robins. !told lefty until Friday. I istry. , chairman. personou I tests. and militar. se-rk.i folloning the assernbk. the seniors return...I I.. their resiwetisc lea% - ing the camp’’s at about p.m. Serums participating in thc dation day act i t114. fiii--1 Mountain ’iev,, ernont hik, Lios Gatos. Campbell. Santa Cla r a, James I.wk. and Washington Union high schools 14.1%.1 - sc III Mot ’Ihd , it Cie ni ritn% pr..,..)0.0,,dn, Ss..i Sh00. iN 0’. in lb.. Little Th., di -1 iirid ti 1 spnkcsruiin for the San .1, is, announced p.struiti), "The Mikacki with Kenny Ra- ker and _the D’Oly At’ playars. is film version of th. 1.4.1iular light opera h Gilbert and Stillis an ’Ps- series. sprir %Of -d lt,, San JEAN’ PINYCVA. still pre. -10 If. "Man of Aran" May 23 and Pe nocchio- June 6 Admission will he 30 cents, or a season ticket

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Page 1: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

Battle of Sexes Coming May 24

’The Battle of the Sexes ’ will rage on at the first annual ASB

Spring Bowl set for Thursday, May 24, at 7:15 p.m.

One football team will be backed by an all-woman rooting sec

fion and the other will be supported by the men.

Two meetings of the representatives of campus organizations

Ohave resulted in a progiam I, I hi- Bowl. The representatives

Petrasuss Reed that anyone with artistic tali � ti to make a poster advertise.

Now on Stands this event and .turn it in to

, Men’s gym office before n4 \ Thursday. The name of the ic

The Reed, literary annual. has tist’s organization may be used , hit the stands today. The maga- the poster. zinc is put out by the English de- The evening’s activities will ce� partment with ASB backing. It i -- -s � sist of a "first-rate" football gar, edited by members of Pegasus. ! according to Don Laclergue, ore, the literary club. imittee chairman for the event

Seven hundred issues of theleHalf-time entertainment will he magazine have been printed. Stor- , provided by the San Jose Stat, ies by Cecil Webb. Rosemary Nof- . college gymnasts," Laclergue dr ziger. W. B. Keith, Meg Monday I dared. "Immediately following the. and Martha Miyatake; sketches by ’ game will be a get-together of Maurice ’fitompson and Robert both sides with a dance on the Lindemann; essays by Meg Mon- green." day, Junior Smeltzer, Mary Rich- A tentative time schedule h-, ardsoa and Gloria Scroggs; and been set for the Bowl. At 7 poems by David Cone. Richard p.m. the players will be intro -Fortier. Richard Frost, Shirley duced, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. the Goodell. Betty Hester. Meg Mon- intra-squad game will be played. day, Leonard Weiss, Alva Wil- and at 9:30 p.m dancing on the liamson and Dolores Wood are green will begin. in today’s issue of the Reed. The final meeting of the cam -

Work of the winners of the pus representatives will be held

Spartan Daily San Jose State College SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1951 Vol. XXXIX

Co-ed I m pro ring, Reports indicate

Miss Annarnai, Azzarello, junior education major injured in tin

, is imp:

Phobic. award are in this issue. Thursday, May 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Men’s gym. Posters may he sent with the representatives. Final plans for the gala affair will be announced at that time, ac-cording to Laclergue.


Wester of Ceremonies, 114,1i M�caft, is shoo n emo u ting dring the Balls eommittee’s entertain-ment pr0urain staged for the benefit 01 senior high school students yesterday. Scene is, the San Carlos turn near the con-junction of the Natural sei.-111.1. and Commerce building.


auto accident Sunday,

tal officials. tic rue-14 alse Test Can Become according to O’Connor

�Iinbiguous Says Dr. Clark was involved hi an accident fa. &-the Bayshore hiehway near Sall

Mateo in which a soldier was kill- ,

The Alpha Phi sorority membei

WN t � ir of is�ch,, in K 41.I.ENN HBO sSi’ ed and nine persons hurt, meeting of the liii 411,m, ! �

She suffered facial lacerations ..oh,� of the .greatest problems the *imam’ .Association of

and compound fractures of the’ in the true-false hum examina- versity Phofessors Tuesday.

come candidates for the General Secondary credential next year with a major or minor in social’ science are to meet in Room 14 at 2:30 Thursday afternoon.

Dr. George G. Bruntz, professor of history, said that it is impor-tant all candidates for the sec-ondary credential attend

of lion is the possibility of ambigu-

Problems of IBM test constriti- !trait ’lest 1)ate

itN Brant Clark, pro- ion in vi AsittINt. �.I

� I thin dominated the discuss

Yell Leaders Note ;which Dr. Clark. Dr. William R. Rogers. associate professor of edu-

Aspiring yell 14.aders will show. The We’ h

No. 142

SJS Welcomes Seniors From Nine High Schools

Approximately 600 high school seniors visited San Jose State

college yesterday in annual visitation day activities that ’went off

very smoothly," stated Mr. Lowell Pratt, SJS public relations director.

The first item on the visitation program agenda was a welcoming

assembly in Morris Dailey auditorium where Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie, ti

4110 arca Ii g oldie:04,1 that II.I,

,I1411. III, I do. ’.

dents hall III A� v ra days of grace today in n Writ to sign lip tor the 114�N draft educational ileb ’Towed

cation. and Dr. Harrison Heath.

their wares at the tryouts in th,, professor of psychology consid- ’ . .".’�

Original AWS lounge at 3:30 p.m. today.

steppine hack a few feet. Phil ered the true-false and . multiple ! dradllio- I 0 r tiling

according to Ingrid Anderson, Phoghound, philosopher. fixed the

choice forms of examn triton ’i . . ,aptieations is as y e � t 4, r (I a .

pubib, it y repr, .nt at ive or �__,__ freshly painted poster with a ern- : were aided by Mrs. Daisy � 4.r Lewis It. tier-


Dire,’ .14cy e�tended the deadline until

elated Wooten l’tudents. i ’’’s° ical eye. � thews who is in charge of midnight. Ma� ’25.

tryout: will be conducted "Ilm-m-m," he muttered. "That - San Jot..’

, �

during the re.:. �:.::- AWS meetin , - ought to attract the attention of , service ., ... .. - i :AM JOS, :74 ate college I, �

. .

today at 4.30 p:A. in B24. a few discriminating voters who �

set % ’

might venture out in today’s minor’ Evaluating the true-false tesi

heat wave sending the mercury ’ Dr. Clark said that he feels "such

SOC. SC. Majors soaring to the high 80s." 1 tests can measure reasoning and

The pe ostr read: A VOTE FOR’ test ability to spl’e questims� � All students who plan to he- PHOGBOUND IS A VOTE FOR He qualified this evaluation. hots-

- � I � h "need to CLEAN SHEDRU! Phearless Phil j says. "I am a candidate in any: and all races where my opponents don’t give evidence of caring whether they get any votes."


’Ugly Ozzie’ Takes Post As King of the Unloved


Richard, "Ozzie the Ugly" is the ugliest man at San Jose State college by popular demand, as he walked off with the top place in the "Ugly Man" contest yester-day. Osborn, candidate for Kap-pa Alpha and Kappa Kappa Gam-ma tallied a total of 15,974 votes in the contest. In simple arith-metic. Osborn made $159.74 for the World Student Service fund

Following in a close second. Co:%

Stagg Phi Gamma Sigma nom-inee. pegged into the final day with a total of 15.263 votes or $152.63 for WSSF.

A final total of $41k5.86 was raised for WSSF from the "Ugly Man’’ contest. Dave Levering. traveling secretary for WSSF. said. "Ugly men, ugly contest, and, a beautiful result." He added that the money will supply many of the urgently needed materials and necessities for Japanese students

Levering reminded SJS students that the drive will not he Mtn

until Frida) and contributions for �VSSF can still be made at the booth in the outer quad or the, Graduate Manager’s office.

other "Ugly Man" candidatesi who helped inspire contrilmations for the drive are Bill Wheeler., Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Alpha ’ Phi: Ed Mosher. Is,Ita Epsilon; Jack Scheberies. Kappa Kappa Gamma; John Kelsey. Alpha Chi Omega; Hob Rojka. Delta Zeta and Delta Sigma Phi; Terry Bow-man, Alpha Tau Omega: Tom Keane. The Mu Sigma; and Larry Otter, Pratt hall,

to. etel. .� imp as zing I

avoid items and ambigui-ti4

Dr. Clark explained that state-ments %% lath might he partially I nie or lake should be clarified at the beginning of the test with a statemer.t saying that "if state-ments are more true than false, mark true: if more false than true, mark false."

An advantage of the true-false test, according to Dr. Clark, is the amount of material which can Is’ covered in a sc�ries of short stateMents

Hr. Harrison praised the multiple choice I�pe e�- aimination because it can lie ap-plied to almost an� t�pe of in-formation. (Inc of the main points of con-

tention on such a test. Dr Heath pointed out, is the number of pos.

answers which should b., given for each statement. It was brought up that too many items might contusestudent and

111�1a li111011

At ItrtilU. 1411111r

im01111.1 1! %%. id it,.Id.



,�4,, 0 a, 1.��404,,

,1".:111.11 5715, II ’Ii

..1 .\

!al,’ I lid !pea d .

!It t� did�-�

111, C1/01.11 t.di,i 1.1 II,, 0 , d’.1110d

Ii ii’ Rec k ently e, is of iii, anin,1

International Relations chill v. Ill thi�y would like to %eat Is’ ir.stalled tonight at �3ii o’clock Eolbo., toe t he tout s and a 1wich-in the u Std U ent ’new re on aordinr soul h quail to Tom Carneion, president of tic

44( icielil,., tint

1’ %%N, c� I tli talks 10 Jim Gi�i its will replace C,Ini. Dean of Pe ono tscl .14.. II V.,

eron as president and Lare Ga- Dean it Men Stant... c 10 . Niel will follow Mainice Duke as Miss Viola Palnivi. tv4114 � ,� vice oil -suit -id trar, Col James J Ilea ,, I ,

Col Thomas A I AI’ The office of secretary-treas-urer. held by Betsy V.’allick. has Talk. nere on registrat Inn divided It will be tilled tiy flow ant La FIresh. secretary. and J 1 ohn treasurer

Following the installation of of. I iepieser.tatives to the Stu-dent World Affairs council Of

NiOrt horn California will present term-, of the �.rekend vont,: -

, Ia.., at Asilornar

11)11 Open House rause him to unknowi D ngly mark o Feature ances down the wrong number or letter

’It takes from three to fiVf. 01’ n A Apache danr e. enet�

six hours to make up a 1(%I-item dance di pii�iinit efoiracters of the multiple choice test," Dr. Heath Paris oralciA.orld, will be part of commented � Iota Delta Phi’s open house pro.

gram !ann., at 7 lock in the

be Len Crass. WSSF an feed Semi + ()c

nar Speaker Student !sinful

chairman. stated that the feed, William Iligucho, chemistry ma. Also on the entertainmilo bill had added approximately $70 to jor, will speak at the Chemistry IO thc Ficnch honor soclet.Y the drive !seminar at 4.3o pm. lona% in he a fashion show. a presentation

The final tally of the total, Room ’210. Natural Science build- of French arias, and poptilai amount of money raised for the j ing. according to Or, Albert Cas-. American songs in Frerich. accord -1951 WSSF drive will rot he made j Ire, assistant professor of chem- ing to Caroline Robins. !told lefty

until Friday. I istry. , chairman.

personou I tests. and militar. se-r�k.i� folloning the assernbk. the seniors return...I I.. their resiwetisc lea% - ing the camp’’s at about p.m.

Serums participating in thc dation day act i� t114.� fiii--1 Mountain �’iev,, ernont hik, Lios Gatos. Campbell.

Santa Cla r a, James I.wk. and Washington Union high schools

14.1%.1 - sc III Mot

’Ihd , it Cie ni ritn% pr..,..)0.0,,dn, Ss..i

Sh00. i�N 0’.� in lb.. Little Th., di -1 iirid ti 1

spnkcsruiin for the San .1,

is, announced p.struiti),

"The Mikacki with Kenny Ra-ker and _the D’Oly At’ playa�rs. is

film version of th.� 1.4.1iular light opera h� Gilbert and Stillis an

’Ps- series. sprir %Of -d lt,,�

San JEAN’ PINYCVA. still pre. -10 If.

"Man of Aran" May 23 and Pe nocchio- June 6 Admission will he 30 cents, or a season ticket

Page 2: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

2 44’111117 DAII.1 Wednesday May lb 19e.

1"."age 11")"’ Actor, ’Writer’ Discuss S iiarlaii Daily "1"1"111. Student Women’s ‘WOW Wile

Ne aim, 1 i,4)\ !or r-i-tii ’PIartI Circling the Square � SAN JOSE STATE C01.1 EGE


? as gby the Ann, kolo.,1 et So.. Jo.. Si.. � � d....��� the codeq� yea, e� ono l.a. cl.,�ng each �., wool

Press of the Glob. Prim...of Co.. 1443 S. Firs. � � � Jos. frri�chteoss CTpress 4 - 4414 � EeCter.411. Ext. 210 � A Dap* E./ 21, S�,r,.cription Irk... $230 per year or SI oar gursehir for nor. ,,S0 card ho.ders

� _ _ _

JACK GALLAGHER�Editor PETER C. EDMONDSON�Bus. Mgr. M. up Editor ?h.; issue Ed Roper

IN�at El �,, Crlann 1,cor* Soc.rstr Editor J�an.... Thomas Coot C...i. C1, .., Joe. Stioot..�,, W.,. Uttar B ;1 Woldy f��t4.... Fdtor Pl/ancy lo.ghia. Etching. Edrfor . J�ck Huls� Sports Ed.tor Crel Fionaod.i. Campos Editor Ed Roper Poet, Friar., 11/44�: Gogron

ADVTITISING, SALESMF tt B’- C44, %vier Chaen..b�,Y Ken Churn,* Ibti,gt.�r;tia Cosoforsf, frar.l. Dobler,. Ray f). P;atta. Torn Ella, Mal Glass. Hen., Hotyfield. licircolcl Hopp.ns Jim Lyon.; Wilma Loomis, JOCII McDonald lironwd Wier. 4�;...,,g. runt� .1;m Eig,’�o

? ’ (,�M /le Al..... 11101.� 14.4 Avel lloieer H�1 Borcheet .1�4;� Er:ck-�,�... ......� 047.<4411-1, LI, 601%-st R.charci�n Elvnyn 1(0,91,1. CI.41 Ma1ln,1111 � .,, lit co! li,,’� It ’Ora .1....eno� Sho�t B.-.oa S.e......;ch 1..�n wit: -

� �P Aftelf A 9 lad Gagnon IA! G �:�.; G����1;,1

B 1�,t LA. Slone ono., .n .5 D.,.

JIM TAYLOR�Office Manager

1 :HI .11114 r Ihe Square...

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I �I, , I � ’ � 1,1:1% I 011e% hall all� 1141114.

11.14 9icieeP44 FLOY� t .’,A’.t


and they mean so

more fro^

s fan 00000 � for fine El-. ,.,’r

CI press 2 811: 20 22 E. San Fern�-� �

CYpress 2 9596 KW The Alamed I

A1.1.1.’7%; T. .t’i’i .�mhe. .1 Pails the nation, "taitsble giim

lia� eons, up a 1th is11tAn delight 111141%, i4f1111 huht.le� izum fly.

satall� stlek At’s a lollypop on outside with giim in the ,.’ii -I’ll 1/1

II, 1.1 1 1 1 11,1.1.1,0. it) 1-.1) ROMA (4111111101e. EttitOe

�Vall".1 � � lh is that I are Bright ’n early each a.m.. we

pherionnehozi .t. the san Jose State camp in front of the UP teletype

college drama department who and get ideas from the features

has no burning lo%e for the then- coming over the wire.

ter ten _pronounced thee-ET- often the pretty yallai

oh. � . paper spessing out of the machine

"fit oadu 145 ho1d, ii. faseitia It’ll 1� gladdened by stuff hy one VI -

I.., me." the Ir.,!-year-old senien ginue MacPherson, who has the

declare.d with a laugh solt touch of being liollvwleid

corr��sponde�nt for UP. Apparent I y Morns, � h would be

just as. happy here in the. hinter-, %irgie strites keen article,

land teaching dramatics ais he� about Peter Pan bra.. ahohe

%souk! Is- struggling for recogni- itty bitty sizes hasen�t been sell -

tam on "heartbreak highway" tug noll %%ell ’.ins-.’ Jane Hi,’.’.. it

1/1. N1.1.% York and her "feminine" figured eol-

-Es et saw, I -watchill tin. kids leagues "arriscd." and stories

working in the Children’s theater I like the one that came over

in Oakland. I hase lett that I the n ire. todas reputed to be

�mit. (1 Iii t. Itch dramatic, �� the asmorted opinion,. 4.f lug

loons; ssliss is and therefore the explained

light of the list, of a certain Attei graduation in June.

I’ h"I’ss III l’et n S J S.

soder to work on 0 special ’,coral-ai 01.11,101a!

IA’, 11 gni. the thing to you

it course jrn le � � n tido and. lorgive us, a fess �

� 441 interjections. Here goes. tor the draft." ht� tx�inteu out. all "it, ��ii%.c,

"ore plait’. ."1"’t k". wood ar, men,’ Actor (.1 1, Young I%

Ites1 e to leach does imply I ,ek HO, 11,1 III

.! � . lo. hat d

said todas.- II take it it is of

some signitietinee that he didn’t ,a� II yestissia� " .S14-11,� ladies

lh’t1l% it a l� I’ 1, 11 ‘,.

inotoinal 10101a/11’C, I

, Adam the II -.t sucker i� tl,a! 1:...t..

�’ "I hetilt get all the blame he’.

141111 14.11*. all the men.’ Telt

complained." (If all Wig,, is hI. , he �Ilienlit 1.0111-

t,t1.1i11.1 �� � tad they dien’t care

111.-N 161 11: Th.. fa,- Alf. 1


� \ la d . . gi twit, . . 1- all the satile to some babes. �1 Aill11111 . . . forget it.)

Young, ssho has been a mamed

man since January wtsn he said ’I do" iwell, now we’re �.illowheret with drama coati,

Rosenstein. has discovered

he’s still on the lists of a few man -hungry [lim(’ys I \Vhat kind � , lists?)

"’Some ol ’ern haven’t toinsi - out Urn married.� he blush-it

IUtiuute.i "’And some of ’ern don’t else a darn. Its kind

ss 5141;1-.’s IS1.0�11s1.111 etnhartassing 1 If he’d keep �-lieies on they svouldn’t ti..

I’llLune Illemiseth not being inter- holes in his socks, but then if le, -�t..1 in the many rides he has kiln lus shoes on he, sionkliCi

� it � -0 the slag’ 4.1 the Little has, half so much lun.� Theater. Fast as he changes his ’shone

. � 0000 her the gait’. pounce on the ’1 111111:1,1..: k lid :let.,

111-�% 111if� Lind !Isere he is still, ss. la, t.1 1 stat_t� 1.,ks I 1’1,11 1.1,10 htiIi a, II,. 411:111 1111,, h"

tr,,ui.Ii’. 14101

in..: all riser again. (Try is (;iii ii ��� 9-21W. lug, :11111 %1111

. and ..Thi. won’t he troubled any- iiiii re.) "It’s not ordv I’m no priie Sisteis-

114. liiiik n It’s just that Hollywood is long on s:rit.:11. L;it Is and short on east in a bad role. ItIonisetti conk-ele_hle non

. Llortense. call SI’ plains that lik�� Stan

a , tor me huh"

-;chwimmer. has tweotrie "Is twit" ’ " 1114. 1. r 41 I a 1 truth is there

"1 KlIebb rtn not the "tat ill". aren’t enough males to go around RIM type." he said. "but ;ill the.. t II, poor ladies ’lase to do the

pomPotts eltattavit’rs I lw,t they can.� I Es identls that

i.ase plaved the dtunken doctor ain’t good enough for Gig.i Hi "se-tel.’ rind the In �� �Mairiage means nothing to Coin Is ( ;We’ll", for example sorn�� of tiwin’" I Nifty he flies

didn’t ofter naieh � oppnrtunits display any seisatility

Ii s a walkout r eitta h. g,vintiiist E.

al a dormitory inning hall at 1. la .11.11�41 :1S #11.111. Northwehtern untsersits

Blind Mice- the last 1111e. eil ’.’.h,,’)1 Chanting a paroil� ’ Iiirts . 1;1 . a � l(r11;1 IIE

ran -Down with everything Ou � � � 11 1,11. the table." fit; 01 71 resilient stir- lion. It:, log desperately to pull ill dents marched out of the hall and the %anon% parts of anatorny. as Into it loc�al delicatessen They Miss Margaretta hist.... assistant were protesting the esening menu professor of physical education, of prune whip and chill eyed postures critteally

l’he eight students who re ro.eried behind :ite, coi-n

.._ l’Ot/ .1 /

Special for Today

Tuna Sandwiches .4;* St,10ChriCheS 8.: & 10c

"Rut the lithe."

All Day � Every Day

PerAC, 11 Cha.ihs ies

on l.���� Peo,-Jo

’Iftnn, flat feet. prottuding all-dornen. (inward head, protruding abdomen. backward knees, pro-truding abdomen . well, at last. at flat stomach Will you step out and shots. the rest of the’ class how to hold in their stoinachs^-asked Miss Fusin.,

After class then. ss as a C0111-motuni outside her oft ice and It number of the girls brought in the girl with the flat stomach They pointed dramatleall "Yes. I wore a gird!, .’� she confessed

histoe was silent a mo-ment arid then in the hest tradi-tion of fair play she said. "(M. well you whet gills can wear

arch supports next time

can’t cook. I "’As long as � can get a man to take then. they don’t care who he be., to.’" iSurv. the Marines Navy, the Morris Plan. any I,’

Voting says he’s compared notes (Writing a book. u it 11 a gang of actor pals and they all hase the !same trouble..

(That nord again.) It calls for MOM’ mighty tricky defense- ’tint."., Eser tried poison

isy in your Wheatenat)

��Is have all kinds of ap-pr7,aehes. (With either hand 1.1

l\1111 a elub.i Sometimes they just ke,.i, hanging around where son:’. Sill king and sort of hint tht-yr! like TI. have a date.’ Hey, 1.; _

1 1.‘ f!,0 to the Derby tonigr� 51, 11 my car.)

"’Sometimes they just plain Nou up and ask You to take � someplace. ’Seel!, I finally jo. r

a telephone service so r ha, e my calls screened.’ "


"’But when they corner s. a party you’ve got to use weals " I Like fainting. i

’A lot of us talk our Null. -tor friends into taking the gii b.

off sour hands. (What buddies. Trate bine all the stay.) NI� prehh agent is a good guy for fhb.. Ile\ single. (111e.’,. losels. Ii.’ HSI’. And belies*. 111��

11111 almost exvo. night.’" h 5 ni o try a water

ellaher. � all Gig had

Virt:ie didn’t add anything -h��� took his number.

to say 7

� Home -Cooked Meals.

� Special Dinners each day.

� Save I 0, on $5.00 Meal


� Dinners 75c and up.

� One block from campus.






Where your time

is spent in looking your very best.

Frank & Al

322 E. SANTA CLARA Betorotn 1.1, & 9th


� Clout to School � R�ason�bl� Pricsts � Good Service � Neat land Clean

� easent Atmospher�

230 S. 2nd Stroud San Jose, Cola,

2 Stocks From Campus

ili fhE St d

2’, II

11111 tie --


I hi nal Th sec of col

his off sai. chc col

1 ed car all est the the


the kw.

ma Six ant "al





Co( Mo Ali



Page 3: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

SPARTAN MILT S Wednesda% Candidates Will Be Introduced May 16 1951

During Quad Assembly Todav �

Candidates for student body offices will the cuter at 12:15 p.m., according to the introduction assembly.

The 30 ASB candidatcs will have the state their platforms, King said. Blue Key

Iy. 11.� said. II tint, p innt. � Xing, chief justice of the student

inaugurated last spritw. the ins- or Queen tice said. Its purpose is to elim-inate run-off elections.

The ballot is arranged so that three columns appear opposite the name of each candidate, he said. The voter should make his first. second and third choice for each office by marking the appropriate column. In making his second choice, the voter is to assume that his first choice for that particular office has been eliminated, King said. If the voter has only one choice, he need not mark the other columns.

The first choice votes are count-ed first. King continued. If no: candidate has a majority of votes i alter the first counting, the low-est candidate is eliminated and. �hesc votes are cast according to the second choice. If there still is no majority, the same process is repeated with the third choice votes. he explained.

This system also insures that the winning candidate is the ma-jority’s choice. King said.

Candidates that have been nom-inated are Tom Mullan and LlIll Spolyar, president: Vince Malon, and Cliff Majersik, vice president. Bill Severns, treasurer: Maggi. Murphy, recording secretary: La - %c.ta Raley, corresponding smile-tary-; Chesley Douglas Jr.. Tom ’-:vatr-. Jim Porter and Dick Shaf--..r. male representative at large: tnd Alice Brown. Alice Hays, and Nancy Lee, female representative.

Other candidates are Fred Cockrill. Virginia Cox. and John Nloeller. son or representative: Alice Dougherty. Jo Dee Halbers-lelam, Lee Leidig. and Norma Vetch, junior representative: Dick

Garcia and Bud Singer, prosecut-ing attorney: Don Fulsaas, senior aistice: Wilma Loomis and B. J. Smith, female senior justice.

British Politicos Here Mr. G. Colin Jackson and Mr.

R. L. Lowndes, English Parlia-ment candidates will discuss poli-tical issues in Britain today at 10:30 a.m, in the Morris Dailey luditorium. according to Mr. John W. Berutti, social science instruc-tor.

The talks will be presented in the form of a panel discussion with Dr. William Poytress, head of the social science department, acting as the moderator.

be introduced today in Bob King, chairman of

opportun:fy to briefly is sponsoring this as -

court. will explain the preferen Ftial nidav Is Deadline voting system to the gathering. � The preferent i al ballot wa 7, F � Qen Entri

lob Interview Thursday Miss Rush Fish. camp director.

Montrey Girl Scouts. Camp Na-cimiento, will interview women interested in summer counseling Thursday morning at 10 o’clock in Room 7, according to an an-nouncement from the Women’s PE department.

Appointments for interviev.s




Como at you dye.

Week Days $1.40

Sundays & Holidays $1.65

P-’s�sti B�sawit Roo --


:-..esh�t�t, al. 6Sc � lt,p� A ou�rt of *soh


Open 12 AM -9 30 PM

,75 SAN AUGUSTINE ST Downtairs

CV 4-5045

Candidates for Queen of the Military Ball will be accepted. up to and including Friday. May 18, according to Jerry Vidulictt. chairman of the queen comme - tee.

"The deadline was extended in order to give freshman and sopho-more ROTC students the oppat--. !unity to enter their dates as caodidates." said Vidulich.

To be eligible, the candidate must be ii single student at-tending either SJS or SJJC. The photograph should be a closeuo and should have the name of the contestant and that of her escort written or. the back or securely attached to the photo on a piece of paper. Photos must be turned in to Miss Muriel Truscon in the ROTC office.

The winning contestant will lie crowned at the Military Ball. to lie held May 25 at the St. Claire I otel.

Ot off the ire

(By United Press)

WASHINGTON. General Omar Bradley. chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, yesterday told a Senate committee investigating the dismissal of General MacAr-thur that MacArthur’s proposals for expanding the Korean eon-flict would "get us in the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy.’

"Russia. not Red China, is the real enemy." Bradley said.

Senate Favors Red Embargo

WASHINGTON. The Senate yesterday voted unanimously to ask the United Nations to halt shipment of arms and war ma-terials to Communist China. The House Foreign Affairs committee approved a similar resolution.

Males PrOpilMAIN Wrong�Bradley May Impose Sales Tits on Gas

SACRAMENT (t. A billion-dol-lar plan to create a network of super highways in California was given a "do pass’ recommendation by the Senate transportation com-mittee yesterday. The bill for this project would he pai d from a proposed three-cent sales tax im-posed on gasoline sales.

Inflation Coining Johnston Warns

WASHINGD IN. Economic Sta-bilizer Erie .1.14inston %yarned yes-terday that the dollar is in dan-ger and inflationary pressul’I‘A arc i.oised for another big push to .�iid the cost of living sky-high.

Hive men’s dormitories and two � omen’s halls were engaged in

mighty watee battle according �., the Ohio State college Lantern.

The women lost, supposedly hc-- � n used fr.


FILL-UP with

0 0

(cit) � Delicious Donuts � Tasty Sandwiches �Gianf Shakes � Chili

�Open ’til 11:00�


125 S. Fourth

Trade in Pheonix. Arizona. has announced the date of the first summer session. The date ol the school session is from June 18 to July 28. According to a news release, summer session classes will be limited to the study of Spanish, Portuguese. and French.

Special emphasis will he put on teaching techniques. These techniques have been developed at Thunderbird field, and they have gained national recognition, according to the bulletin.

Housing * available at the school for both married and sin-gle students.

Tuition costs 512.5 for the six weeks summer session. Room and hoard cost students $25 a week, a person.

Father Needed An attempt is being made to

obtain the father of some gradua-ting senior to present the invoca-tion at the commencement exer-cises on Friday, June 15

Any senior who would like his or her father to give the invoca-tion should consult Dr. J. C. De-Voss, executive dean of general staff, in Room 112 as soon as pos-sible.

Oass......1 ad. leo,,vd raced ;���36��� ������aer. Ade

CO�..’� :wee ’S weed. cogale� 44.,pinc� Cs���� a 11.�� eon’s � .6,4

FOR RENT tarts going to StIllInICI S1�11001

Sta:. at Retie Mattal. IlOth d atilt loom, S.15 per %yeek 260 S Illn St.


College Students 1 Fritts. Solid older home ol 3200 sq. It. in excel-lent condition, containing 9 Ix1 1001ns 1% Oh huge ualk in closets .; blocks S of ...Meet... bus at doer ’unur lot A- lin ge parking

�5’ 1 33,14; 1,110 S Till I’ersonals

_ / it uhiphsale at Napik,

May Is ; II E i.

Get your





Prossmplehle PArs -rho -esti $111 OW ST�tIT Sam ANC ta11.14

Clr����� a- mass

siase AI.I. SET TO 60�Ahme are the of the Spartan pilots cc hi. uill lair for five trophNs In Alpha Eta Rho’s fourth annual air mist .’ Fr left tip right art Bah Cross. Lee Roberts. Paul Nichols, HAM Iliilhert, and Ra Hodges Starting

� is 10 a.m, at th.. Santa Clara Vallee% airport. All students uho can ft) are invited to enter the four invet events�the 180 and 360 degrees spot

in�litille Releases

Firtsi SItss110111 Date

landing, la’s el bombing harrier Looting. Four speetators hip�e free rides inch program tor draun in a spevial (transit.. It,

Itho initiate perpetual tropic .% I ,r pilot ho compiles the t papints in the in -et spe, I

tors %till be aisle to %eV a hat -rod perippiiii with an airplane piloted 11% I rip., to rompare pertormances of the too machim

Alpha Eta Rho Slates Air Meet for SundaN American Institute ior Forein

All Spartans -who can fl s a plane are invited to participate in Alpha Eta Rho’s fourth annual air IlliN71 tillrlday morning.

The San Jose State college chapter of the international avia-tion trafertut also invites stu-dents and the public to view the. "I- lacated Airplane" meet at 10 o’clock at the Santa Clara Val-ley airport. oft Rayshore highway

Marines will be awarded to all first place winners. Roh Gross, meet marta.’er. said. A perv..tual trophy for inch-point pilot of the Meet cc ill be initiated.

There are four convent; sce events, the ltin and MO-dew-es. spot landing. level bombing and barrier landing.

F � lucky. spectators will win free rides in a special drawing.

The added attractions of the meet may well steal the slims Gross and a hot roil driver %%ill denumst at, thy coat asttli pYr-formance� of a plan In a hot Tod.

Atrangvments are being made to slum the spectators some stunt � and trick flying. This is still tentat IVe. Gross said. An exhibr tam of crop dusting also is on the program.

Eate nnidel ancialt � area delth�t. he’ mai

.;ty al the amt.,. it Gross has listed a 1111111h,1* 411

.1411irPr011ItS tutu 1111- hat ticipa tint’ paw:

1 He must have a student. lull -at,


An entry fee of 51 is payable sondaN.

3 Pilots must sign up for the %t ills in th.� Aern lab on San Carlos street or at the Eta Rho board in the auditorium hall%%a

nr y

4 Briefing of eet rk us. reu g-lations and judging methods will be at 9:15 a.m, at the airport Sunday.

5 Planes will he furnished. .,1 th,� will I.


Bar’, � 2"


n �23c ��

30 �26c,.

San lose Paint & allpaper Co.

CV 2 1447 112 SOUTH THD ST

Capt. George It tehatds ut the Air iaents in the Act.. list. uun Satt R14111er ’.111111 I %flu A11.1 A third judge may IIN. 1.111C111 .41 ’45111

Meet Ire/ph/es M el donat it by aircraft operators in the aica

()Ricers for the Alpha Et , me..t are: Hod) rn.� Norman Beam. an . Roy Midges, au:irds .,nd 11’14.1e Rutledge, publicitN

magi Amu., I :

/it,. ie// illi� 311 , I IFi Ili laneu.

trout teAti to 11 :in oarlock he held tonight at Neuman flail ac-cording to a New Mari Club an-nouncement There n ill Is. is ChM, gl� III 1.5 cent.

NTa% 3ii, the chili %%ill hold a picnic at the P.M nu’! a 1iieh W111 1,1411111.� �V�1111111litit. iiikinz and

’dancing A locket’ hal laspr� scull be ’WU% ell at 1 pm Tii k. Is, cm MO’ ttttt be bought h) M ill cost SI according to th.� an-nouncement.

uther Hay XIV/. Nrwmait Halm lu .� t.1

e 0771C fit4,lkS4011-E111.1A0

372 S’m JTH FIRS1

lOWL r

AMUSEMENT at the Home ot

Spartan Bowlers



Pa "--

we tee��� � fall t-� ci Sall logs end S1’c.5s

12 Lanes FOUNTAIN A Lle�

C -on Ico� 10 A

JOSE BOWL 172 W. Santa Clare CY 3-9727

Page 4: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

Noll ..eet the k.-, . .it, v.,’ 111 1111 0%1 .*, ,11,-1 h.,. 11.. 1. lall’ne** It. Vetterli. instruct.. 11 tilt 1?t,li trite!!

.. � .,,,.�,� ,...� Ii.,- till t... I. ft,. Th.. hoard anomered hi, re- in journalism and photograpks at

’ torn sitail: "In Amos er to %,stir t El Camino ilCalif.i elMege. was! ITI,.- ...toi \ .... , ...!.!,,:. AN OLDS STORY recent letter. report tor holm- arrested by the FBI on a Federal’ , Bums, ol the Minnestota Daily.) I theist, that I shall ne� er see that Ma, l’S." indictment, charging him with; Au human relations problem., % p.trkiiis plat, At halt past Loving fieraired ir�stimony before’ would be solved if everyone prat -THE FABLE OF THE TOY SHOP thi, Peden:41 Grand Jury imesti-! three.

’ need Ins relgOOR al its hest i 1,111 tlie I’ll-% I ltill ril ism I gliling Communism in Southern % pl.., in us hi. I. 1 herr is no

Thal is the philosopv ex-pressed lo lir I ’envy 1-.. \ 41, 1,

coordinator of student 1. activities Dr_ Allen leck ;hal there is good in evc0 religion j What we must 1111 IS live up to’ too mid. is ill IIII.4.11 11� 1001, ’ . ’’’’’ r I’ .1 .., I , ,. ’! " , ’. I T h I ’ COLLEGE OPERA 1 that good.

Ilk, iiie. I 1 \ 1 ’4,11��1_1,11 111 San Francisisi, "It alwas s bothers me to heat Iltri .biteie 1115 I oils can’t i 111,11! ’I" i" ’ ’ ’’ .’ 11- ’ ’ " ’ ’ ’ I.:. Ill ’ 1.., . .ill iiis .1 a season. I staunch religious persons talk ,,,,.,, 1, 1, I .� ?H. /,/, I 1,r, I, . /II il I tee ! . I .no.tit ow , iir.8.1 inn 0. 1,-1,,, about tin it herly lists’ anti watch

11�-�,/�� �aflelfed their positions. The campus paper, the Daily Evergreen, has gotten up on its

h �,.1 fcet and presented the board of regents a series of "seven -

th, ,la�, A 111411.41 1, 111 1.11(.11 1 111.111 t,111 Its (14)

11 1 11,11.11.1 ,11111 bail forgotten din cit ile cci

111.41 1.4 .1 fin-

stains and tinges. But at least.

This year marks the i ntit h. (This feature appeared in the I consoled myself. Mabel’s hou,,.. ’we-- I , Minnesota Daily. Author is Floyd will remain untouched by this anniversary of San Just. State

Pearson.) garish raintjow whtch bedevils ’ If . Yesterday was Mabel. s birth-

day. And so, having taken the mabers oven (?)..),.



egg money out of the sugar boss

modern man.

sparkled as she unwrapped the I strode confidently i.nto the for- parcel. "What a smart blouse!" bidden sanctuary of an exclusive she yelled. "Mustard on autumn ’ apparel-fo me i r-madad shoppe n

. toast:"

banquet at Rickey’s Studio Club. search of a suitable gift. Nly world suddenlv cra11 ,,.,1 Saturday. June 2

Members and alumni of the School and fraternity are invited to attend the huge affair, an-nounced Pete Gorvad, publicityi thing in a cardigan. please. not from that mother of yours." chairman for the anniversary pro-. My vast knowledge of articles

Bravely I tried to smile and eram. ’, feminine didn’t faze her a bit.

he casual. "Go well with your Prominent persons of law r.�_. (I could have asked for just a

All ort of stuff is oping at Washington State college. Two. tan skirt eh?" I stammered

forcement and administ i at ion still "%Pate,’ %%tit buttons, you . "Tan?" she replied with lifted ss pp I

! be present to speak at the ban-’ .1.°Iur? she yawned- eyebrows. "Could you possibly a/moo...baton � the camp president and the dean of students � I quo. ; "What have your I countered

- .1... mean my nutshell skirt?" IThe commit t Vf�S for in. ,. brat 1011 are: Police School XV$1-

Midnight, pine, kelly. forest. I grittedmy teeth and dug my

teal, rust, wheat, sand, nails into the upholstery. "Or De liam Lapp chairman:m . Aia i hunter’ ---- .111plier. mist, port. fog lime. char- your gray slacks?" Certainly I

Hags’ "fin. StanleyI’M"hnski ileum. natural, coral, ice " couldn’t miss on gray. and Wesley Dobbs (’hi ...Dhi Pi Sigma ime are colors? I blurted "Are you referring to my taupe

Lawrence Iledin. chairman. or my oatmeal slacks ".’" shit Jack Shilie :1 1111 Dinner Ireland she %hilted upon me that asked. -

"oil -you-own" look, which I Suddenly something snapped. parried ssith a confused hut 1111- Jamming on my cinnamon hat. I interesting- front’. flung my saffron coat over my

Suletioninotts4, are progratn�

Jillnes Faster and Ikatt Bland Police School; Shupe Chi Pi Sr.-

1:.ipr ma Mailer � Joe DeSoto and. "How about red?" I queried arm, shamed the eggshell door I )ohlus S : J. C, May, (’I’S n- Good old p.d. ’fry cor- behind me, and muttering ebony Will!’ [FT’, LIVE!

, 111 ale fr ’ � ’Ii

It’ c"11"=".- � IliiiisinligagstP":.ntil: man, Sht� did. car. %itatioic� rut,’ ing that. curses I roared away in my azure

Charles (’a s. y. I’S. "Any particular red? Plum. g aided tipper-, 1,, r;sirvand, chairman, and I appi,., cranberry, strawberry,

row - he, get to Ma!! Larry lei , CPS; John Duran, I rheri.N..

Tboi sda,,, and until 1 am, on Fri-

claret. heart, dobst,i. fia_ mitt’ iutii Monday through mingo. cerise, chines... lacquer,

flame. devil, burgundy?" Arid Saturday. AND once in

\ they’ll get special II p.m. � (Lid they’d gotten to red. too.

I The cardigan idea now seemed t.,,,it //Urn las laded as my slimmer bathrobe

SMART GIRL stark% ine, mi., IA, !Then I spotted a yellow and tan si,iniiuit.c, Is � i�.,1 :Louse on display. coed sit l’enti� Is ania Male ’in a "kg’.

of rso����� noonasta.%,.. ..sys Ma j. I pointed to it meekly. mum-, ,, is going Is. 111. ready-

I I) s,�ssiinis, class of 1599 at a guess as to the size, stuck of. ii hi r hi. kr its � I to roost -- majoring in non’, r s htishatosir.N.

FOR THE BIRDS siiirhaits at ihe laiiversit3 111-

wa�tiingion have been asked tad SJS-L!sir Delmtie use a certain ground-floor

A rm.,41,11), imadm sign mil Kay Sproul and Bill Johnson

the door warns all wouM-he will represent the SJS forensic. 1.ttlit� hitt is a lard.,

.’n-grouprwati at a debate tonight at the University of San Frarciseo on in the automatic door closer the subject of a new non-coitimti-mst association of nations nu.

I S’JS team will take the negative Masts. learning hots to write! TOO SMART!

college’s Police School and the fifteenth anniversary of Chi Pi Sigma, police and pena logy frater-nity.

Both organizations are planning to celebrate with a semi -formal

h1/1, .1 V.11 II 11�� 11�.. 1,�,� F.B.I. ON THE TRAIL

..r e the., 55,1’. di little Is, Califorma

lit osn’t getting 1-64..1��� 4.1 tar, ’’ .1’ ’ ’’’" "h" ’" etterli made a I’ 111�11 11 11e-�41,1/1 1 11.1 i hi., no toll" in it " tic I"’ hid " l’i" "’’’’ tat of all the charges akaimit

, ins not ’thin ens rung.’ II. 1 1 ’1,111111 � dr Id I lick, t’i’’ liluit o it St .1, III I,/ 1\

-sr tic! %N: DAILY

Stolen Stuff � "Tartan Ddi Is Elsciiiiiige Page �


w-d�d- maY lb I Police Groupliol& A Colorful Story

Dirt V Linen, FeeIthy Story

Smart Lid Feathers ’Vest

\cif Opera Coe Collegiate DIRTY LINEN

Ii.’ paper resents alleged -���� r.. s and refers to "Ili IA retention ol "dirt s linen" in

� $.1110-Z11


AN 0 EN LETTER ’nen lit lei to the Fib’,

Pc, 111th ;11111N !h11‘ 1,114.* 1 11 1. Mr

’I. �, on have sill /r1/141 t be appraiatice id his page insolat

05i/111g et lairs are 1���11.���1

I NA file it all on the hue. t),i� ins ilia’ on

!sat. aecor ins, 11 � 1 1 UT SlItet� the man nali,in hunt not sueh a good thing

this. An% huts 1):,th .re�tin !mirk. forensic group adviser.. been exploded into a million: no confusion about his being in shades, off-shades, hues. dyes,I trouble ,�’ the one where a student deemed

state law is specific 1 about drunk driving. atnibi trs Itte 55 riling 4.1,14� he horn him in the middle of th.,

Aar licen taught in Neon,� roehl I)rtp1)1()Itts I tin ding drunks snoring peace y But, for the time. _being, icollits

1111.1. Si. h.’ i I If I’ 11’t %rid then, ssi� hope, everyone t, ttt. t,ttt, it. I 11, t,,t eel st s to hi, drift hoard lis ea, iteacefiell) er :titer. in cars on the campus can do

nothing. ..skiog lot ,it his

11/11 1,1 1 11 11111,..ei i

1 II� 1 1,11/ -t Ic 11,1 cc � ,14�.4 loot. I, 4.4. ,.1

II lit ’1,11,111 \A .1��.111 Isl

1 gill

II, I.. ...o.11.4114 � /ell III 1 ci, ,d,� I ..1

01.1 ate, t. 1 ’I ,11 I ,11111 , I

ci . 1..111 11 11101,i’ 1 1k..

Ii 1� o�� � � 11111 1 1 J of the 41141 ..r1 .....l. in the

c,., planted t� 1.11.404 r N intent eihtot �c ’

1’1 14 1A � .1. 1,1 111 11.

’cli 1111 1,4111

tnnn ith National Frat

Of Hue and Dye .

ersan Part

I coughed several times at e around me. This in her 1,1lI1

back of the saleslady. Then prid- mort,gaged home. ding mvself on being well -versed, Where did you ever get Slli il I declared masterfully. "Some- -

good taste." she cooed. ’Certainly

tli�si�sippi Stale college, ’1,,� package under my arm, and In 1,495, all the ..ehriol tor- - linked out of the store like a

nettled Na. an iron bedstead. \ anquished villain. M3- ego was � � crushed.

111) to then I’d been living In the dark ages lin %rims-ohne, piteh-luiek. and slo -blue. It st as a lisvel) era, IMO, uncluttered hy the toot -loose imaginat of rail. and Moll) ss Green n as green, pink nas pink and Moe blue. Nao only Jimmies Falb and God knots is hat they I Berkeley has such a law. are. I If the man had been driving.

My little color spectrum had John Law said, there’d have been

II,, ti’,".? ,"‘f f11 5115 55 lid u, them turn a cold shoulder to per-BOOKWORM TURNS ihis ho t.. .11 Kolger. opera o

d .m1(i

1011111 III- , 1.4�.

stun (WWI hapti.n to be mak. ia,h ,,1 11. i lit �� .� proi/111.1. 11010 1111%1’1 the , Alav 1,- 111,11 ,11111111 hi’, I,’,-. 11111 11.1%1 1111,114.1. skin celebration In blase a l’�� P1’0 I/1"111 Th’’ PrnductInns are ATM.’" 1114’1111M’ ending to their names." Listwi.. min.) titlt 111 the Ball, Grin -Call., be states.

,�1,1 h��� tut, ,� sat stir), Nteniitti. and Christopher Smith coneeining education. In’ Al-��,shini, by Riibert Nlorttan

len sass -Schools should prepare .1..4141 lip Int stich talk MO !loin; Morton Is ci member of I .tinlents for living not just teach wiin m�,1�. 1,.. SI ’two, I ii nit This o ill ?him sem.. set of abstraet stand-ti olds %%mild 41 him 1:11 ,11.111S, h.’ N. the Itr�t perlormanee ol ris %%Inch might have fit the ’t ,et to Pia\ "Al ii he boasted ttic contenipor,trs c poser’s I it....11teenth or ninit,.etith ren-aulsof into 5, nith the other opera. tiiry.�

he didn’t listen to &Ads. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ not dadds knen it 55.1% poor for Doug I,. rross the street.


Otrn, orld’s

I s \ 1 1,1 ..t




Bright New

Hair Tint .)

by Prize -

Winning Cosmetologists

�Permanents $500 up�

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- Noel



�I 44.4 114; 1, 4,1 hi

I11111. I Uk k tili

Bring this ad with you for SURPRISE SAVING IN EVERY TANKFUL

Courteous Attendants to Assist You Payroll Checks Cashed Open 24 Hours Every Day

S 5 5 5 5


\loll’ 110111?

Park on Clunpn. Lins Won’t rt ouch

You can sit in your car on the campus after a heavy date with the bottle, but you’d better stay on campus.

They found no state law that a man slumped over the wheel of his car on campus, too.

He saw that the man was drunk.

Hailed into Berkeley police headquarters, the man looked for-lorn while police tried to find a law he’d broken.

The found no state law that prohibits lushes from being "hi (Sr around an automobile."

STATE THEATRE Special Student Rites

For State Studen’s

40: 30: Wetti icy KS

suet4 ginf CAS DEL REY HOTEL






Th Du

by Th





NV( Wea



a it ii

hostesi !tont e t los It S,undal 1 1rw�ga Adtibe :iinne

spr and e Camp day, house scene 1111 he Chat

twi NI.10 .c, �

or ilic

tor th al fair and a maxis for tl "Chi Ind i;

lit mat polo. kerwil Ernie

John ii diary group ,tided ..xplair was Iii �ersitv bushar ’use?’,

"iv for tt lor, I

tad her

SI ’s

A ).! ,ored till Fr A Fla. occasii in o di twists stun Miss Joan And B


Be( tio


Page 5: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

Theta Mu to Go Sigma Nu During Weekend Festivitie, inter-Fraternity Council Presents

’Spring Sing’ Tomorrow Eve

Wednesday. Ma s 16. 1951 SPARTAN HAHN 5

Every medium, short of shouting from the roof-tops, will be used Annual by Theta Mu Sigma this weekend as it announces to the town and campus of San Jose that the well-known local fraternity has gone na-tional. Set to be installed as the 110th chapter of Sigma Nu on Sat-urday afternoon, the actives and alumni of the group will sponsor a

--Ibdown-town noise parade and an open House this Saturday and Sunday by way of celebration.

The local organization will he installed as Zeta Iota chapter et Sigma Nu on Saturday at 12:3h with both collegiate and alumni participating in the ceremonies. At 7 p.m. that evening the entire group will form a caravan with police escort, sirens, and all the works to drive through down-town San Jose. Banquet On Saturday

La Rinconada Countrs Club will be site of the installation banquet. where the new chapter will offi-cially be presented with their Sig-I ma Nu charter. The affair will be formal, with officials, actives, and alumni to west tuxedos, according to Mel Glass, publicits chairman for the group.

An impressive list of dignitaries will be on hand for the proceed-ings. Heading the list will be J. Edward Murphy, First Vice-Re-gent of Sigma Nu, who will act as the installing officer during initiation rites. Other officers scheduled to attend include Mal-colm C. Sewell, general secretary of the national fraternity; Ken-drick Vaughn, inspector, Division 17.

Faculty guests during the pro-ceedings will include Dr. T. W. MacQuarrie, Dr. Stanley Benz, Dr. Joseph West, and the group’s faculty advisors, Dr. Willard Saunders, Dr. Raymond Mosher, Mr. Wesley 0vers0 n, and Mr. Pettit. Zavlaris.

Others at the speakers table during the formal banquet will be Mr. Donald Sutton, president of Beta Chi chapter of Sigma Nu at Stanford university, and William Finer r, president of the local chapter. Open House Sunday

Sunday morning the entire group will attend church services at the Trinity Episcopal church in San Jose. The Rev. Mark Rifen-bark will lead the service. After-noon festivities will be highlight-ed with the Open House, open to all friends and interested San Jose State college students. Glass said. Scene of the fete will be the chap-ter house at 191 S. 10th street. Doors will be open from 1 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

Zeta Iota chapter will be the fourth member of Division 17. Other chapters in the group are located at Stanford, California. and Nevada. The newly -installed

en chapter will join with m from The son at Mr. and Mrs. Hem the other chapters in Division 17 Ilenrichsen, Dim hails from Vat. inpresenting the annual "White sonville. as does his bride-chit Rose Formal", a traditional Sigma - The pair graduated from W’atson-Nu affair, Glass disclosed. ville high school in June of 1919 Founded in Virginia

Sigma Nu was founded on the campus at Virginia Military Insti-tute in 1869. The Theta Mu Sig-ma was founded as a local social group in 1943. Officers \Oa will be installed on Saturday include

spring romance headline, Bill Finger, president; Jerrs Ilam-iiire two Alpha Omricon Pi girls mond, vice president; Cliff Majei -

Angela Panelli, former president at Delta Sigma chapter. AOPi. an-isiuncift her engagement to Philip Ernst torn of Santa Clara by pas:�itug chocolates and blowing out the traditional candle. Now teaching :it Santa Clara elementary school. Angela is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pam-Ili, and attended school in Santa Clara. Ernstrom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henrs Ernstrom of Portland, Oregon, and is now a student at Santa Clara university.

Wedding plans are set IOU

Sorority Gals Announce Big WeekendWhirl

w,arers of the " and, pearl X". the women of Chi

omega sorority, have an aceeler-!nol

a led agenda of weekend activities, ,nailing them. The gals will play

ess Saturday to delegates ins each of the nine other sorori-

lor an afternoon of bridge, sunday the gals will fete the Chi

,iliees Knights at a picnic at .1d,the Creek, according to Kitty ,iiinner, publicity chairman.

spring decor. refres1 �nts, and entertainment will surround eampus sorority w .11 Satur-da%. The Chi Omega chapter house on Sixth street will ’WPne of the affair, scheduled to be held,from 2 to 3 p.m. Chairman for the bridge party Donna Van Horn. Joan Cam-

heads plans for entertainment; Ann Weisbrod. refresh-

., -lit’.: Betty Engman. decora- , mins: and Carol Frewaldt. favors’ eid prizes. Puerile slated

The picnic, an annual affair for the group, will be an all -day affair. obit swimming, dancing, and a barbecue dinner to be cli-maxed I.% initial’ cere ttttt nies ter the foam nets members of -1 hi Omega Knights." Initiates are Allan Morton, Bill

oltman, Ken Black, and Ted Ro-polo. Other "Knights" are Keith Kerwin, Jack Foster. Nat Fast. Ernie Faitas, Don Felton, and John Hetgler. The masculine aux-iliary of Chi Omega N an honor group limited to men who have aided the sorority, Miss Gunner explained. Chi Omega "Knights" was first started at Stanford uni-�ersity by Dr. "Dad" McCallum, husband of the local chapter’s ad-�iser. Mrs Phyllis Mc(7allutn.

Vivienne Schmidt Is chairman for the day’s actitities. Flo Tay-lor, Kitt Gunner, Jane Scott, and Joy Baerwald will assist her

M ’s Tea Dodd A Mother’s Day Tea was spon-

sored by the group last weekend, on Friday. from 2 until 5 p.m. A Flapper theme highlighted the isession, with actives serving as models for the "old and new twists of fashion. Laura Lee Will-son was in charge, assisted Miss Van Horn, Miss Frewaldt. Joan DiChristina, Betty Ralph. and Betty Engman.

�11!Irella ra 111.11i

Becomes Enga,....411 To Phil Ernstrom



sik, secretary; Keith Endersbs. treasurer; Armond George, chap-lain; Tom Keane. sergeant at arms; Bill Pack, pledge captain and Glass.

septetnism. Lambda Chi Alpha serenad,

anal her AOPi roma ne,, Manila night when Jackie carne pinned to Bud Deloris Peterson act, d nee" because Jackie was Of I way to France at the time.




IS A GIFT . . .

spend � few moments in our shcs

An imported Oriental gift will show

your good taste and special thought

The delicacy of the Oriental artisan

defies imitation.

CY 2.7561

the %isitors a If h the cooperathe �N stern* George Hall is located at

146 S. 10th street. while Grace Hall is at 387 S. 5th street. The two co-ops were first organized at San Jose State college in 1936.

Dome it f Beers at Mary George include Faroltin Unison. president; Mildred Ginn, finan-cial manager; and Betts Van -hems Aker. f I manager. brave Hall is gonerried if% Charlotte Inman. president; Mary Dough-erty. financial Manager : and Go en Kaile%, food manager.

DaleN -I lemichsco _Iamoonce Plans

Diana Dale., the daughter of Mr. and Mr.. Jame. T. Dale%, resealed neis� of her coming wedding to Don Ilenrichsen be-fore Chi Omega sororit% si.ters Monda% night.

Diana Is a ’.11111111111111r1. 31 rt ma-jor on mini., is bile her fiance is a sophomore ails ertising ma-jor here. Illis fraternal affilia-tion is Kappa .1,1plia. Ile sirs .is *ice president of the social fiat. roils.


� 0

Sparta Groups To Open House

Spartan Hous,, Inc campus co-op corporation composed of Mary George and Grace Halls, will join together Sunday for their an -

Campus music low’s will sin ..a� � thie aoard ’,Mooing the first into Morris Dailey auditorium la- season’. show. morrow night to attend the Third It ti,e- umowd that Theta Annual In t r Fraternity Spring Mu Sigma and Kappa Alpha lia-Sing. Curtain will go up at 7:30 ternities ha�e been Inutile the p.m. as music makers from 13 so- . practice disk tor %seeks. so ti

cial fraternities take to the hoards competition V1111 ii s,-0 ke. r for a melodious est:fling of tun, at-- IN’ chairman disclosed Open cording to Keith,’ Medeitos. IF(’ the entire student Inds, - chairman for this sear’s traternit should %variant a I testis at of song No illirll!�� �: ChM L71’

Rol, Cluster, is ell-ki ttttt n radio r and member of Th.�1:.

hi fraternal), will talse oser as in:inter of ceremonies for the es ening’. performance.

Each of the 13 organtiatii., - %ill offer two selections. Rlli. � 1:11 � �

governing the competition inclu. _Ain illation taeSgd III all selections must be rend( - ; ed in A Capella style. A pitch pipe: Alter a long night at deb,’ may be used, however; .21 no Ira- , the men id Lambda Chi Alpha - t ernity songs may be offered in ; nouneed todio that 11 campus the competition; 131 dress is op- beauties still remain in the Push banal, but elaborate costumes will cart Belavs Queen Contest. The he banned_ Men are urged to wear announcement an.. made to% Bill clothing they has,. on hand. 441 Francis. chairman of the beaut% the groups will bo� presentecr at °Mei.


.%1 stake during the contest %%ill be a i:eineh perpetual gold I rophs . areording I,, I,’,l,’tr.s’.. Theta ( hi took first phi.’.’ in last scar’s sing, a bile sigma

I..psilon oion posse...ion of

nual spring open House. acem(1-

tlpha Phi Omega int; Ica Belts- Conover and Ma: 1.

Friends, parvais, and s ing frost In girls %%ill lo� holds Brunch Fete coined trot% I to 5 p.m. The

Lambda Chi Alpha Queen Race Enters

to be feted tonight :it the itusupt r I Ultra Perez. sponsored Its .tIplia Chi ttttt �cia : Hale 1 achi�i, kappa ham 4�A ttttt 44 rol Arne,. Uplia Phi; kimeniars kich.srel.on. ma kappa; .lacipie Gaudin. Ho -

I.. Ni; Callis I’r I, Phi ’sigma kappa; aro! I. revialift. Omega; Iran it. 1/ella lo: %fallen, Xs�tions. ( Pi sigma: Mario. Gas in. Grale

flail; .41111 ( :trishaw Mims. kap-pa .%lpha Theta.

es ent is being held tim acquaint 1 he lowne !louse Sunda’, mas A seemill elimination .a the s c e e of a Mother’s Da s vi tb be completed toilloo inc a fluid Breakfast for the maternal ele- sfet-hiei-tiser mm, tbe vont s’sl ii ii t mein of Alpha Phi Omega. ac-cording to Bob Ifean, publicits chairman.

The informal session served to fete 20 mothers and is an annual affair sponsored by the service (raternity. Attending for the fifth consecut is.’ time was the mothei

is. weekend. The affair ss ill consist of an all-das swimming party at Christ 11111111.1

San Jose, Francis said The sunning boils will he

presented during � r � . on Mas sa-ene of the %% ill N. formal dance, set

of Alpha Phi Omega alumnus for the ssaratima Foothill club. Franklin Dennis. In 9 p.m. to I

Post breakfast aetisities includ- �n I I I. . .i.s or/41,st! A h... d�

ed an inter-frateinity athletic heels signed to furnish musk al m.�.-ling at the Cnivecsit% of Cali- background for the coronisti.�n fornia for the men. A basketball hail. tournament played a ills students of Cal. Stanford, and San Fran-cisco City college, ended with the San Jose State college delegates winning the coveted trophy. Dean said.

A beach party at Santa also highlighted the weekend lin’ the group. on Sa urda

(7ruz %shirt


DIERKS 371 Wei* San Caries





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�7.-) � PIP -


Page 6: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

�i ’sr %11T.VS 1/ 111.1

!Mill- Presents Candidates’ 1;ock!jroun(l. Qualifications

11;!linn I)iwInseN ’yolk ar I h�clare.

Minis Ii Elected P11111111’211 Plat 101111

6I �11 1 I. 1.1 In% II. .11111N I. 1 1, IC.

I! A -di. td. hi ptttt;,i11.1.0.

1.1 Ill AIItt�t et.11. vt.and

1.1,.11 I. ile� 11.0/

11.,11 .1, Ti;, It 1.%111 /1I1.1.11I5 II! g111-1/.11 /MIS

Ile Fr.�,11,11an carrot) do (slew .11 pr.--ert alai a member ol Delta I lesei and Spartan Shields I it h -es iit�tr. Oil, that he has been en-gaged III :ire freshman class pr, s. tilt nt 1948-19, council member 44 his class eouned each year. Stu- "1":"4114:1(

Nominee for representatke at

ele Act’, me, large, is a 21 -year -old junior, bus-iness administration major from has %VI �f -ti also on the Student San Jose. He was graduated from Abraham Lincoln high school in 19414.

.1 1.1111,,

t�II Ito III.t, I

! tit.- 1111...0

. 1.. Ill, 1111./

1., ...I ir,.1..I/�./

Mei learn: "1 is °old like to 6.. ..iii’

in .611 sports 1,1 as toll an �1 eat as h the put-a-n, lowly:et 1 teel 10..1 the

I, e lei leas not receo iii the Fl-orio 4.11 stspimert that it desert e�; it .1 Ill ii..1 I/.� ,s p.if so the .1.1 � ha. 1.1.1 I. is I he lull hark -

ena I III. .1 otgl, of both. . all 1.111.1�� � ti10.1.11

11111.111/111.01 pup I. and �I,lit. I:1.1. 1.1 ’A 1111 lit.’

. 1., 1,, � Itti.ket


11.11111.. 111.111,. .111

I I 1 /1111!iiiII.

111..1. 11.1111.1 tr. 11 I-11111

t.1I 11/1.111.., aral tali,’ 1 .1e, add has .1

, 1�010,1� \

t1 Ii.1111.1,1�11

,III fto�% itt

:�� ’tiii ..1.14,,It Ii. ii Is�if siipimei /I Ili I far pt "fool um eel

;. lad 1111.,17�11 11111111�S 1/111 111 11.1s 1.T iii, Iii III 114, �. II

4 anIiLti, V, mil. 4 )1h.4�1� 1.4)1)1)% ii

I 111 II% It 14,116

.., 1.11 14/ t. .11 .1 )111 rI .11’14.1.11.

11i. pe :ea. is

tr. ,k I. I I. 4111.41 I. 1 , � 1.111.. iii II,, -I.

1% �

It. il..�.11 1111,11 1111. I ’,ilk I 1111..

- 11�11111iIIII t.I

I, .1

r.ik ot Nee .1.�11, II,. . its 1 isit 1..r. . 1.� 1

�. 1. .111.1 1.1.1.� Ti /II, ....//[111

. 1,11 �1111 11, ii’1111 ’ 1111i1,1 1 1 . 1 11 7. 11111

Llo. K. � .1, or., ,,�1 -1, or oil id

1 Arid it,.11�

1 1 ill. ..111 IV 1,

.. s�


%SR andidates For Itep-at-Lar2e Gi�eQualifications

1 ’neon boa’ 41. the Health Cottage isesasti aid the 11,.alth Planning I /IMMO It .�

Speol)ar ire president of Ile is a member of Sigma Alpha high sit .."�1,.�t Epsilon ti 11,1 Ski club and is active

lood) and pre.itlent ..1 111 1 dor- en %al ,itj swimming and water

int hi’. Meth ears. � ’111. 111111.’1111v it tit’ Ill

fount.’ he says. -is to :,41. SI: I (I li(11(1(111,S State colli�gi.. hll is

%% iii .11 %sr. I Aiitlitlalt, A011/ reevit ing major college recogni tarn, ha, a well organized stutk.nt hasen’t gisen the spartiin Daily

-wart orn, rit that will be till% eiii�d I heir 111"11"r"I’ ea" at 11):1111 before’ It’elItek VI It h ,� spoil

\\NI% lit - Candidate It,, - I . 141 ’t 21-..11 t,11

indet varten-pt . ntial

About her filatliiim ,avs, aun is to .its%id. ;I lilt ..Ct and

impartial repti-eitt it 1.AI 1,1 ht� stiltient tmsisit I:f 1’2, MI tb.� Stu-dent rotini�11 J sk It stek to ac-quaint It*s� If 5%-It h the needs and pi oble MS Of lb, 11011% idua I student and lit ttanizatiims

"I feel that I am qualified bi-rause of -my inter, sls in student government and my experiences as

ice -president of tht� Junior class and Student Activities board sec-retary."

%%;e111 tot 11:1%, a permanent Ii. a It h tommittet� that will have ,aiosel student repri�senlat ion coin--.bonus, -arming to solve our cam-ps!. lit alit, problems.- he declared.

I wish hs see the deselopnient of ,o ’is iii organized Associated Men St s, the HI knit 1011 of lho� new conslitation that is now heing r.-

i,611/ it1111 ra hurter s) stem Of eoni- arid ions among the students. administration and the student govo�rnment

"I belle6.- that o it h better ore:atilt.. 1 ion 1 her is ell I,, lllll re spirit Intuit op is ii hive the �1 to-. that Nod% ," sas a ‘4114.1%nr.

�,1 .11, �4,,! co,g.ot,/.tittot !Pt! ’Aar-I.5’-ltt St:it ii,, Ii’ .t�situ ,1,11111 ,111,111: %Hit‘ tilt� other major �� Ile or $1..

I tirietl

Iiiireftr in l?nri, 5,E..1�15 I ’1 ,’lassI.

I, jun-,,,� s, alums major

luau Los Altos emu) has beet, on her class

1.111111.11 1.4ery �11111.1. 1.1111‘ring S.111 State college other ac� � is If le, Nhieh she part ’vitiated ie Immo class sere I its, I’ ililit�11/ 1.�111.....111.111ir t.11’11 .111111 411.111111’111 1.11 Rath commit’.

* hi� afternoon. all %sit candidates also are

...keit to gather in front of the Spartan Dail6 Wrier, 1193. this

at I:31i pan. for pic-tures. � � polo teams, lie was eaptain of the water polo team III 1950, and works as a lifeguard at Hermosa ISO’ beah, Los Aneeles, dining slim-mer acat ions.

As a platform he pledges him-self to carry out the Ptolemies that the ASR president se rk ts iwn anti to assist hint to the best of his ability in governing the col-lege.

Ills motto: "l’haracter builds giss ernment.-

� � � �

JIM PORTER -Candidate for representative at large, is a 19-year-old adsertising major from San Carlos.

Jim is president of Student Ac-uson-% board, a member of the Campus Chest committee, and a member of his class council, the ASH constitution committee and Phi Sigma Kappa. He its past president, and now corresponding secretary, of Spartan Shields.

’I will try to promote more stowing. support of campus actisi-ties,- he sass in regard to his platform. "as well as work toward a sy stem of ass ards for the pat. ticipants in these activities.’ lot

I have it,,,, active oil lass his tilt., sears arid

1 le,�1 I Lee Itti 1111,1111 icil lo of O. Slit-- itt I

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h 1. v.. ....I tic It S.111 .1.....� S: .1.� �1111’.� Ills ...11,11 otIi..11� Si .II At lie es a ion -

etts� epe ...rid at et .� It,’ 411.� Stn. 11,111 %11115 11

t ..111It ii 41141 t tutu’ mender.

o, ’� It.’


tteosi kat!, REsrAURANT

MID-TERMS? Here’s Food for Thought

. �

221 E. JACKSON ST. Closed

Chinese Dinner-.. 2.50 for 2

CV 3-7781

trprp Mc��day UPSTAIRS

Miss Welch Says . . NORM .% %VP:1.11’11-Juni°,

otati�e A and litattia nom Oak (.’l ’’ii ma A member of 1 /I W44111.11 Student, and Chi 4�1 :11S4It 111‘..11 ae toe the. l.iIt and At Leo s

Platiorm "San Jose State cos: lo ee has been gradually dechnin to seliool spirit and rooperation. As a 1,1i1’i sentative ot Cie junit � class I should like to help bile this spirit aril t�tiespelatiesti hack I


sC:111 1111(1111.10!. rut- III at

I 1110 tisittt’, . lh, 1,, ���ent cul-

1, v. ti !tn. lit. Vii ..2:11 Saleta, lSStt-

iitU itt el...m.010as. in -!firmed hi, 1 ’3O class Montlif that he had ridwned flout Wash-inzton Satiirdw lIfl a soc.

quest tor a possition in the


For "’Ir. _�

HI’, IT’*’ JUNE sMITH- Senior J11,111’,. A 20-year-old Junior Commeree-Business m a jo r from Coos Bay, Oregon.

Betty has been an active mem-ber of the Freshman class and Junior class councils, a Freshman camp councilor and a La Torre sales staff menthe r.

Platform: I think the Student Court is an important part of the school government and that its purpose IS to see that all students should be treated fairly and equally.

"The Senior Justice represents the whole student body more than 0 does just the Senior class. Therefore, I feel qualified tor the position due to my past activities and acquaintances with the stu-dent body "

WILMA LOOMIS-Senior Jus-tice. A 20-year-old Junior, adver-tising major.

Platform: "1 ant running for the oflice because I feel that I have had much experience serving the student body. I have been on the Rally committee, A.W.S., am a member of Gamma Alpha Chi, and am an officer of my sorority. My work on the Spartan Daily has given me much experience that should be helpful to a Senior .1.. -lice.

"I served on the Student Coun-cil while in high school anti 11,.1(1 a number of class offices."

Dr. Sabra Takes Government Job

RD ’II JORDAN � state department. "I had several attractive of-

fers." the professor told the class. "I have accepted an appointment in the state department as an ad-viser on commercial policy, pend-ing the usual security risk clear-ance, of course."

Dr. Salera had been previousl.. employed by the government in an advisory capacity from 1941 to

Durin...: that time he held isositions with the Treasury de-part rnent � the War Productimi board, and the Foreign Economi, administi at ion.

TAUGHT AT IOWA STATE Prior to coming to San Jos,.

State college at the beginning of the fall quarter. Dr. Salem was associate professor of economics at Iowa State university. He also has taught economics at the Uni-

; versity of Miami, Oxford, Ohio, ’and the University of Minnesota.

Preferring not to comment on the curren t- state employment

!cutback that has lopped 32 in-structors off tlw San Jose State

; college payroll, Dr. Salera did say that he would miss the fine Santa

. Clara valley weather. The professoi� told the class

that, in all probability. he would not return to a college job.

LIKES GOVERNMENT WORK "I enjoyed hoth my work and

associates when I was employed last by the gosernment, and . . " he smiled wryly. "in these times, it would be, difficult to leave a

. job for anot her which paid only half as much. -

A graduate of the University la California. Dr. Salera received his

Phi) degree at Columbia Univer-sity. He and NIrs. Salem reside at 1494t Glenwev.d ..venue, San Jose.

Seeks Soph POSI

BERNIE class representative. An Is old G.E. major born Menlo Pai k

Platform: "I have had experi-ence as president, vice-president, and secretary of various otganiza-! lions on the high school arid col-lege levels.

"My goal is to represent the.; sophomore class to the best of my ability and to obtain tamper-alien] bet Weell i hi � classes.

Spring Bm% I It Deal The Spring Ilowl we ha%i� planned

With AWS as head ’sit fellows can give us a slam

And say that we females ale dead.


If your organization is having a social or get-together, be sure to see us for your ice-cream needs. Disccu-t to S.J.S. stu-dents on every gallon pur-chased.


4th & SAfl CARLOS

4 \--

...orw4 Ar".;




Every so often something revolutionary occ6-s in the auto-motive industry. The dealers and makers of the Henry J bilieve that such is the case with their all new Henry J.

For now college students on limited budgets need not seek used cars or go without. Then Henry J costs less than most late

year used cars-and it’s more economical to rLn.

You are cordially invited to visit our showrcgrn and sve � yourself that the Henry J is truly a students’

Robert Southern 31 N. Second St San C�’or-,s 33

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is it Ii halide


.1�1." Ailhssmi;


local ith

the III

.31:11 tit tIIII

Itti-I IS


C.J64-1--at lugs pit

has Oh Glen

ord for man wi;t111:inincghilt


(P-Taeighensa arid lila


Page 7: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

And Miller Leads Spartan Batters. Face Broncos Next

The Spartan baseball learn �itags down the curtain on the ,urrent season tomorrow night When they meet the University (.1

nta Clara Broncos at Washing -park,

The Spartans \\ ill have to do some heavy hitting to pull up thcir averages. Only One man on the team is above the .300 mark and that is heavy hitting’ right fielder And Miller nho has a .313 average.

Miller also leads in the runs-! ;it Rd-an department with 20 ;and is tied witti Walt Johnson for lie greatest number of total hits.

Miller and Cookie Camara are -d for the highest total of runs!

�cored with 13. In the coveted home run divi-

han Miller also is on top with ;..ur round trippers.

Catcher and lately left fielder Walt Johnson is currently sec-ond in the batting department itith a .274 aserage. The left

slugger Ivos driven in IS

4k. "I’ %WU Vsa sl.L’OGER � Andy Miller is eurrently leading th,� I ocal baseball %/Hall at the plate nith ala average Ili .313. Ile is the only Spartan hitting user the .300 mark. Miller Inas knock-ed tour tumie rams this �1�1141,11

to top his teammates. Ile also is lieal nith Walt Johnson in ruins-batted-in vaith ?0.

�photo by

runs and has accounted for II runs crossing the plate himself. ()flier Spartan hafting averages

hoe. Rod Fielder, .26.8.; Joe lIon-glio. I). an Giles, .262:

rookie Camara. .250: Dick Lane. .236: Bob Glares. .192.

Leading pitcher or the Spar-tans is Southpaw Jim Collins WI, has a 5 won. 4 lost record and .556...4.yerage, Collins’ earned rin average is 3.87. Ile leads in or irigs pitched with 89 l’3.

Reliever Con Maloney has 2 won. 3 lost record and ai earned run average of 4.81 an,! has pitched 39 1 3 innings.

Glen Davis has a 2 and 4 ma-ord fur a .333 average and is kW, man with earned run average or .365.

The Spartan pitchers h a.. a. been doing their share of the hitting also. Davis pushed up els aserage tat a cool .350 last week %then he hanged out three hits in three trips against Uni-versity of San Francisco. -Maloney is sysrtinf.-, a .273 av-

erage and Collins has a .171 mark Cullins has dri�en in four runs and blasted one home run.


CREAMERY 7th & Santa Clara

%11001111:11% Daily Report on Spartan Athletics

Wednesda>. May 18. 1951 SPARTAN It ;

SJS Pentathlon Begins Monday



Perry Announces Plans Complete for _kSB Bowl

Preliminary plans for the an-al Spring Bowl ant ra -squad

,.:attiall game, scheduled for May 24, hint. been completed, accord-ing to Bill Perry. advisor for the activity.

The game will be open only to students with ASB cards.

This year’s grid battle has been tabbed the "Battle of the Sexes" as the male anal female students will comprise opposing rooting.

� The Spartan track field will he seenn�.

Mural Sports ices and veterans soon when the hustling with aspiring track nor-

’Die’ feminine yell section will raise their voices for the Gold


I 411 U. 110111N I 1K %11% .t!St 1 s satio Inman, a letterman for idor years on Spartan basketball teams, has been named basket-ball coach at Rooseselt High school in Fresno. It" coached at ’Madera High school this past season. While attending sparta, Inman %4 NIA continually setting nets retools ion the hardnood floor. Ile nas named to the all -conference teams for tno years and made honorable mention on the United Press All-American selections during his senior year.


to’ 7- nge -c"e�

Two kinds of Ice Cream, Pine

apple, Bananas, Fresh Straw-

berry Fruit, Marshmallow, Nes,

Whipped Cream and a Cherry.

ONLY 40*

Pentathlon gets under way Mon-, dal afternoon. will lie blaring out noise for the

� White team. Spartan Track Coat�la Bud

.0O1)Crd 1011 Coach Perry expects word to-ByWinter announced yesterday

JIM PORTER that the annual track anal field ’day confirming that the Twelfth

The Intra-mural sports program e petition NI.. Naval "sillet hand "ill Perhiriu needsmore cooperation front tha� day it the gnu game. through Friday tat nest ’

Istudent managers of the partici- "’Pk* ) The Spartan coaching staff will

paling teams, according to BiI1 Th.. its, dash, high jump: divide the spring Praelice squad Perry, mura-mural athletic three- shot put, broad jump, and halt for the IrKilhall lilt so that h"th for, I mile run, will comprise the pen_ Gold and White teams will be al -

"To be effective, the Intra-,Itathlon. he said, most equal an strength.

mural Ciatincil, ii hieh coorditf- The five-day tive-event corn’- Fail ’wing the game, a dance ales the leagues, st tar made Minn is open to all male SJS stu- will hp held on lite Spartan stad-up of the managers of all the dents nhelher they are varsity 111111 playing tield with the victors teams," Perry said. "Represent- freshman. or novice competitors. asking the \ anguished. at’ on the council Cl/11111 be Winter said. Coach Bob Branzan is direelit,g improved." Ali Interested -41111111i% l’An

"Several managers also havi� � sign up in the P.E. office in the at

neglected to turn in scores of re- Men’s gym or contact Coach eent softball games, in which case N Inter, � the game is considered no con-; The distances and times in th, Softball Sk (3(1

icsr." he said. ;�arious events will be tabulated This year’s Intra-mural pro.. tor a total point score. A trophy Si_era P) Kapp:, Awe:a,

gram. howe% hilS quite cup will he awarded to the lop nett field; Theta Mu sigma vs I‘i !satisfactor,N. Perry believes. Ape man. A ’trophy also may be anard- Kappa Alpha, Grant Iii�Id: Delt;, I proximatel 1343) to 2000 men. 40 tiie Is...1 novice eimtnetitor Si l’/11:4 Gamma vs ’rlsela Xi, Jel-i eluding members of 38 basketball’ Winter said and 22 softball teanv:, participat-I

he e.tinintes. ����� t lad the purpose of en-

abling �11141ents as Ito do not gal

1�11:1 Ilee tat iri11.1 I i� ill 1 Ile

intereollegiate program to take part in c petifisa� sports, the Intra-mural prograIll II I a�

banding, volleyhall, tennis, 11111:- 1)OWNTOWN football, basketball. ping-pollg. j

ing, nrestlfng. and softball. TOWNE The Alameda at Hester

CY 3-3616 CALIFORNIA 3" S. 1" St CY 3-7007 Perry. a San Jose State college’ graduate, has bcf�ii in charge of! Th,. 1,?..., .1, .

annual San Jose State college team while the masculine rooters

odav s Ilural

6’ergiP:SWOO 614711

-MAGIC TOWIsf � Also�


STUDIO’. 1st at San

CV 2-6778







GAY 400S. 1st St

� CY 4-0083



57 JOSE CY 5-9979 64 S. 2n41 St

CY 5-9893



STATE 263 S. I st St. PADRE 145 S. lit St.

CY 3-1953 CY 3-3353





AfE/G1/80ENOOD , 114,11 JoiSb) Si GARDEN


6DSIsliEneoln Avo. W)110. Glen


Tyion� Pciiser. Susan Mayss�td 4WHIDE.

25 th li E. Sento Ci.r. CY 3-8405


the BEST Movies are listed in the SPARTAN DAILY

SARATOGA 8 g Resin 3 Tleltd ’,grafi:toga 2026


Students � 40c

SANTA CLARA 956 Fr�nklie Sa"e Clai�

AX 6 6056 UP FRONT �Also�


LOS GATOS Los Goo 14,0.�

E: Gee 4.44 2 I A Si.PiLNABER AFFAIR


Si DRIVE DP/14r - IN 024-41

I 30, I Gash Rd. -IN CY 5-5005



PALO ALTO :7; DA 2-6830



SHAMROCK S. Ist .1 Alma CY 4-6942



EL RANCHO Al,,,. at Alemallot CY 4-2041



his d -, :ding Spartan spring last’

hail candidates thisaugh the final phase of thear training These. nest fen ��eeks ot praeliee wail

L’s. rugged ones as the Spartans have four major activities sched-uled.

This Saturday. the Sparta,: griddcrs hold a full scale scrimmage for returning San Jos, State college graduates now In the football coaching held Itur-ing the afteinoon Coach Bronzar will hold a football claim. nith the Spartans assisting.

The night of May 22, the Spar-tans will participate in a scrim-mage for members of the Spar -Ten club.

May 24 is the date tat the ASH Bowl is hale May 29 siatcd as

Mae day tor the intt.a-squad gain, it 1110) 1.1. 01)1.11 Ilt� !RAM(

_iron WI> r)m 7 Pa ail


0 0



,j’ eiz2Z

’1� -





Page 8: Battle of Sexes Spartan Daily Coming May 24

, N. 115115

l� ’���

� hel.

, ��� main tomorrow sii "JP ,ont rdr; students plan-

liii teachIng elur-�1 tit, titer are to sign up

immediatek in the Education of-fice Iftwirn 161, nith Mrs Ann

do it.. P�f� tips must he cow-’. by Ft t

i.eweral Sei buy, special see-. :Intl junior high school

candidates %s he. plan to student teach dining fall quarter are to

lip %% MI Mrs Virginia Vogel ,o 161 before the end of

May 16 197.1


fish- 1,11i�ht .tuttratt teachtrw in English fall iii if tl�I f. Ii, 11.’,11 1/1) i ti,.

oftaf� 1126, hot later that. r,t 1 t11,11

� u.:,11.11 ’011,4A


el Vrt. )1,.

� It 1�111.1�14-

% fr.; ,ton

nfas �� t

I �1.1.,r,

11:4liii tonight at 7 311 in f’ woo for installation

I �until: Meet today at !,t1 Ill lit.. Women’s .4yrii

Ii. plat. a I�enetal meeting and di, -

II 1 I 1.11.: 3/14,t tr,IT14)rr()V.’ :11 7 p nit ii, filsi to elect officers.

I ,pel, S’,01401arsillp

Ilnains to be

Aildra�;, I..; ’,v..

I’, I� iris � I ’

11! ,,4

%linen ,inr .1 t.

I, I ’tit fIll



(hill,,s(11 ti raft �.


Let Nothing Mar The Occasion!

Don I let details interfere. Let us relieve you of some. -It...1 � 6-lp you plan your


As elegant as you wish them. May we show you samples? Priced from SO for 9.95 � 100 for 14.75

Complete telerhon of candles paper plates, cups, napkins, table cloths. matched sok.

Mc Wort& - 7joutt9 240 S. First CYpress 2-1662

Committee Announces Fairness Modificalion

Mr. Elmo A. Robinson, chairman of the Fairness committee, has announced that a revision of the San Jose State college fairness system has been completed, and that copies of the revised recom-mendations of the committee were distributed yesterday to faculty members.

The revision consists of rewriting and rephrasing most of the rec-1411110�11flatIMIN Itliinig lA it h 50010 it he still thinks Cheat Ing, lie-

important addii ns, Mr. Robin-:curred. administer a ponalty. The son -aid. Several specified rules. second option provides that th.� again included in the written code instructor refer the case, with th.� are not products of Dm commit-’ evidence, to the Dean of Men tee. but "emanate from the Presi- or the Dean of M’omen, if he 1, dent’s council and the Examina- uncertain as to what penalt, tion rommitteee,- he stated. Mr. should be given. Robinson emphasized that the Fairness committee can recom-mend only with thought given to alternate practices and campus fair ness policies.

Additions to the recommenda-Idled Am freshman or sopho- lions include several concerning may. "Wain an options that instructors might fol-.pplic a I rim !Phan k in the Dean low in cases of examination...cheat-�( Monn�n’, office ApplicatiOfIS ing which seem conclusive. The

first option is for the instructor! to confer with the student, and

der the section concerning the faculty’s grading obligationee-thet students shot* not be i)eaatried by "irrylevent criteria" whictrin-elude sex, religion. politigal;iiews personal mannerisms, and iicrsonal clashes" with studenTs.

Physical handicaps also should be considered and weighN by the, instructor in computing grades One of the few rules in the re-port states that absence of an

’ sort can not be an excuse for a required assignment, and that missed assignments must be p up.

If the instructor belies es that the student’s grade should measure only his work in the class, and that any penalties sl lii Lik. other form than a hisil-rod grade, or that eminseling rather than a pen-alty should be attempted, he may turn the student’s behavior problem over to either the Dean ’ of Men or the Dean of M n. The report also emphasizes. un-


Instructors also are that conduct of classes should he tiec plished "ssith courtesy and respect. avoiding bitter and sarcastic personalities. If occa-sions of personal controversy arise, the instructor should set an example of- emotional ma-turity . ."

The report states that facu Ii mernhers who are personally of-fended by student criticism in th. Daily. especially in the Thrust and Parry columns, should not direct blame on the Journalism depart-ment.


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