
Software Development Side 1 af 23 Curriculum for Professional Bachelor Programme in Software Development 2011- 2012 Degree of Bachelor of Software Development

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Curriculum for Professional Bachelor Programme in Software Development


Degree of Bachelor of Software Development

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Table of contents

1.0 Background and Framework................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Programme objectives ....................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Scope of the programme .................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Title.................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Admission to the programme ............................................................................................................. 4

2.0 Overall Learning Objectives for the Programme ..................................................................................... 5

2.1 Knowledge ......................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Skills ................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Competencies .................................................................................................................................... 5

3.0 Structure of the Programme, Core and Mandatory Educational Elements .............................................. 6

3.1 Modules ............................................................................................................................................. 6

4.0 Learning Objectives for Programme Elements ........................................................................................ 6

4.1 Test (10 ECTS) .................................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 System Integration (10 ECTS) .............................................................................................................. 7

4.3 Contract Based Systems Development (10 ECTS) ................................................................................ 8

4.4 Development of Large Systems .......................................................................................................... 9

4.5 Databases for System Developers (10 ECTS) ......................................................................................10

4.6 Project Management (Elective Module) (10 ECTS) .............................................................................11

4.7 Security (elective module) (10 ECTS) .................................................................................................12

4.8 Philosophy of Science (common add-on module) (5 ECTS) .................................................................14

5.0 Internship (15 ECTS) ..............................................................................................................................14

5.1 Internship .........................................................................................................................................14

6.0 Final Bachelor Project (15 ECTS) ............................................................................................................15

7.0 Scheduled Plan of the Modules .............................................................................................................16

8.0 Tests .....................................................................................................................................................16

8.1 Test of Each Module ..........................................................................................................................16

8.2 Internship Test (for Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North) .........................................17

8.3 Final Bachelor Project ........................................................................................................................17

9.0 The Coming into Force of the Regulations .............................................................................................18

10.0 Reference to the Rules of Law .............................................................................................................18

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11.0 The Institutional Part of the Curriculum: Specifically for Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen

North ..........................................................................................................................................................18

11.1 Optional Programme Elements ........................................................................................................18

11.2 Implementation of Internship ..........................................................................................................18

11.3 Internal / external examinations......................................................................................................19

11.4 Parts of the programme done abroad..............................................................................................19

11.5 Requirements for written assignments and projects, including the final examination project ..........20

11.6 Knowledge of foreign languages ......................................................................................................20

11.7 Programme and work ......................................................................................................................20

11.8 Compulsory attendance ..................................................................................................................20

11.9 Rules on credit transfer ...................................................................................................................20

11.10 Rules on credit transfer to other institutions .................................................................................20

11.11 Tuition offered as part time education ..........................................................................................20

Appendix 1: Template Lecture Plan .............................................................................................................21

Appendix 2: Student Internship Agreement ................................................................................................22

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National Curriculum for Bachelor og Software Development (BSc Software Development)

1.0 Background and Framework The National Curriculum for the PBA Web Development programme is prepared in co-operation by the providers of the education and affects all approved providers of the programme. The curriculum has been developed within the framework of existing acts and ministerial orders (examination regulations, main order and programme order) and is valid for students starting the

PBA programme from the 1st

of September 2009.

1.1 Programme objectives The programme aims at qualifying the graduate to work independently as an IT- specialist focusing on integration and architecture and to enter into a professional cooperation about the development of large data heavy distributed IT systems in IT firms, IT consultancies or internal IT development departments.

Finally, the training qualifies graduates to pursue relevant training at postgraduate level.

1.2 Scope of the programme The programme, which is a full-time study, is rated as an FTE (full time effort) of 1½ years of study. A student’s yearly FTE is a full-time student’s work in 1 year. A student’s yearly FTE is equivalent to 60 ECTS points (European Credit Transfer System). The programme is rated for a total of 90 ECTS.

1.3 Title Those who have completed and passed the programme are entitled to use the title Bachelor of Software Development (BSc Software Development).

1.4 Admission to the programme Bachelor of Software Development is a top-up programme of the Computer Science diploma (AP Degree) programme, which gives direct admission to the programme. Other applicants may be accepted based on a concrete assessment of their actual competencies, cf. “Bekendtgørelse nr. 8 af 10. januar 2008 om individual kompetencevurdering i videregående voksenuddannelse (VVU) og diplomuddannelse i videreuddannelsessystemet for voksne”: an individual competency assessment in further education for adults, corresponding to an AP-degree, and diploma courses in further education for adults.

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2.0 Overall Learning Objectives for the Programme

2.1 Knowledge The objective is that the student gain knowledge about:

The strategic role of tests in system


Globalisation of software production

System architecture and the understanding of its strategic importance for the company’s business

Knowledge of applied theory and method as well as widespread technologies within the domain and the

Relation among applied theory and method and technology and the ability to reflect upon their applicability in different situations

2.2 Skills The objective is that the student has skills to:

Integrate IT systems and develop systems that support future integration

Apply contracts as a management and coordinating system in the development process

Assess and select database systems, as well as design, redesign and optimize the

operation of databases

Plan and manage development with many geographically separated project participants and

Lay down and use a relevant degree of formality in connection with communication and coordination internally in development projects.

2.3 Competencies The objective is that the student has the competencies to:

manage the planning and implementation of tests of large IT systems

co-operate professionally about the development of large systems by applying

widespread methods and technologies.

study new technologies and standards to handle integration between systems

develop one’s own competence profile from being primarily a backend developer profiler

to manage tasks as a system architect and

manage the laying down and realisation of a business relevant architecture as well as a technologically relevant one for large systems.

The overall objective is utilized into a series of targets for knowledge, skills and competencies described under the individual modules.

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3.0 Structure of the Programme, Core and Mandatory Educational Elements The Bachelor programme is modular and consists of

Line Modules

Possible common modules

Internship (15 ECTS)

Final bachelor project (15 ECTS)

3.1 Modules The line consists of several modules which together spans the field and thus provides the student with the relevant skills.

These modules are closely linked, and each module becomes meaningful through the entirety it is a part of - the total number of modules. The student may shape his/her education in different directions depending on the choice of modules.

Line Modules:

Databases for developers


Systems integration

Contract based development

Development of large systems Common Modules:

Project Management


Philosophy of science (additional module)



Final bachelor project

4.0 Learning Objectives for Programme Elements 4.1 Test (10 ECTS)

Purpose The purpose of this module is to qualify the student to work with the planning and implementation of test. Furthermore, the student should be able to see the strategic role of the test in the total development process, and be responsible for the internal quality control of a project.

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The objective is that student has knowledge about

Important test strategies and test models as well as their role in the systems development

Test as an integral part of a development project

Different test types and their applicability Skills The objective is that student has acquired skills to

Plan a test based on a test model

Apply both black box and white box test forms

Apply techniques for both verification and validation

Ensure traceability between system demands and test at all levels

Apply test as a part of quality control in the project work

Make test which can be used to verify the performance of contracts, among others, internal contracts among part systems

Apply techniques and tools for the automation of different test types

Build systems to control test and the process of removing errors in development projects Competencies

The objective is that the student has the competencies to

analyse and apply a test strategy, a test model and test techniques adapted to the

development model in question

plan and control the implementation of an internal as well as an external test of a system

design a test with a relevant test coverage

lay down principles for systems design that contribute to making it possible to test the system

4.2 System Integration (10 ECTS) Purpose The purpose of this module is to enable the student to work with technical integration of systems. The student must be able to (1) integrate existing systems (2) integrate existing systems in connection with the development of new systems, and (3) develop new systems that support future integration.

Objectives Knowledge The students has knowledge about

commercial deliberations about system integration

standards and standardisation organisation

techniques used in connection with data conversion

the service concept, and understand its connection with service oriented architecture

similarities and differences between object oriented and service oriented architecture

tools for integration

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The student has acquired skills to:

apply an object oriented system in a service oriented architecture

design a system that is easy to integrate with other systems, so it uses existing services

transform or expand a system in a way that it can function in a service oriented architecture

apply patterns that support system integration

develop additional patterns for generic systems

can integrate generic and other systems

Competencies The student has the competencies to

choose among different methods for integration

convert elements in a business strategy to concrete demands for the integration of systems

adapt a systems development method to support system integration

acquire knowledge about the development of standards for integration

4.3 Contract Based Systems Development (10 ECTS) Purpose The purpose of the module is to enable the student to apply contracts at different abstraction levels and with different degrees of formalism in connection with the development of large systems.



The student has knowledge about

the importance of separating specification and implementation

the connection between contracts and verification of performing contracts

practical programming with contracts

tools that support contract based programming and design

fundamental mathematical structures (sets, multisets, functions and relations)

mathematical proof techniques

programme statements, validity and accuracy of programmes


The student has acquired skills to:

work out functional specifications

specify parts of a system, both sub systems and programme modules

apply contracts at model level

implement parts of a system based on contracts

apply contracts to different levels of abstraction and formalisation and handle their

connection and transformation

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work out contracts expressed in predicate logic

apply contracts to the verification of programme elements

apply contracts as an integral part of the development process

apply contracts to the classification, coordination and integration of large systems

assess the degree of formalism which is relevant in different contexts Competencies The student has the competencies to:

apply contracts in cross-cultural global development projects

participate in the implementation of the use of contracts in development projects

acquire knowledge and skills within software development that require knowledge of mathematical concepts and structures

4.4 Development of Large Systems

Purpose The purpose of the module is to enable the student to work with the development of large systems, i.e. the student must be able to partly plan and manage a development process with many project members and partly to design and implement large systems, which are divided into smaller parts and developed by independent development groups.

Objectives Knowledge The student has knowledge about

problems connected to manage large projects

techniques to manage large projects

the roles that form part of large development projects

challenges connected to the distributed development of systems that cut across

organisations and country boundaries.

quality systems used to measure and assure quality

different techniques that can be used in connection with the deployment of large systems

launch a system in a technical distributed environment (move it from a development to an operation environment)

Skills The student has acquired skills to

specify demands for interaction among sub systems

assure the quality of the implementation of changed requirements across sub systems

through documentation, among others, traceability

apply patterns and frameworks in design and implement large systems at architect level

split up a software system in smaller parts

apply and develop components with a view to recycling

specify the co-operation between the parts at an abstract level

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apply techniques for configuration management (version management, document

management and release management)

apply a professional multiple user development environment

apply techniques for internal quality assurance between the development groups

apply techniques to managing changes of demands between sub systems Competencies The student has the competencies to

be a part of and fill a specific role

adjust a development method to the development of large systems

participate in cross-cultural global development projects

4.5 Databases for System Developers (10 ECTS) Purpose The purpose of the module is to qualify the student to be able to choose and apply different database types efficiently to different application domains. The student must also be capable of analysing and working with large databases, including redesign and operation optimisation.

Objectives Knowledge

The student has knowledge about

different database types and underlying models

the storage organisation and execution of requests of a specific database system

the optimisation options of a concrete database system – including advantages and

disadvantages, and possible trade offs

specific database security problems and their solutions

an administrative tool for monitoring and the optimisation of a concrete database

the specific problems which are caused by many simultaneous transactions, among

others, in connection with web and distributed databases

relational algebra

Skills The student has the competencies to

transform logical data models for physical database types

implement the optimisation of databases

apply a concrete database security system

apply parts of the administrative system for optimisation and improve performance of

existing databases

apply the tools of a concrete database system to handle simultaneous transactions

apply the facilities and programme options which a modern DBMS

apply and object relational mapping facility

apply relational algebra to understand optimisation options


The student has the competencies to

analyse the application domain with a view to the choice of database type

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4.6 Project Management (Elective Module) (10 ECTS)

Purpose The purpose of this module is to qualify the student to manage small and medium development and maintenance projects and to assume responsibility for management tasks associated with major projects.

Objectives Knowledge Project formulation and strategies (project models) The student must

be familiar with a range of project models, which draws on various development methodologies and philosophies

Project management tasks The student

recognises that human resource management is also part of project management

is familiar with different team-building techniques and is able to use them

gains understanding of conflict management Interaction with other projects and the organisation itself The student

will understand that each project is / may be a part of a large entity and that alignment and prioritisation may be necessary

Skills Project identification The student must

be able to identify the features of a task. This is the reason why the task must/ought to be solved as a project

be able to clarify and describe the framework by which the project must be implemented

Project formulation and strategies (project models)

The student must

be able to prepare a project formulation that takes the conditions and environment of the project into account

be able to formulate a project strategy and organise the project in accordance with this

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Project planning, including estimation

The student must

be able to split the project into a number of activities and organise these in relevant stages

be able to illustrate the inter-connections and inter-dependencies among these activities

be able to use different estimation techniques for both the resources and calendar time

be able to prepare operational project plans covering both time and resources

Quality assurance and monitoring

The student must

be able to establish quality standards to the documentation of the project

be able to use various quality assurance techniques

be able to establish a quality assurance plan for the project

Project management tasks

The student

is able to apply different problem diagnostics and solution techniques

is able to prepare a risk analysis and develop a risk management plan The interaction with other projects and the organisation The student

is able to develop and implement a settlement plan for the project and each participant

Competencies The student must achieve competencies to function as project manager in all phases of a project, among others, to independently make the necessary decisions concerning the project.

4.7 Security (elective module) (10 ECTS)

Purpose The purpose is to enable the student to implement a security analysis, propose solutions and action plans, conduct the implementation of solutions and participate in the ongoing management.

Objectives Knowledge Operating systems security

The student must

have knowledge of principles for access control in operating systems

be able to explain how to maintain the operating systems in terms of updates and disaster recovery

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Security techniques

The student must

be able to account for the general cryptographic principles, including symmetric and asymmetric encryption as well as the difference between weak and strong encryption


be able to account for other security techniques more or less based on cryptographic

principles, including Digital Signature Certificates and Message Digest

be familiar with some widely used cryptographic standards (e.g. AES and RSA)

be able to account for the use of VPN

have knowledge of widespread security systems used on the World Wide Web, including


Wireless security

The student must

have knowledge of the specific threats and problems of wireless communication

be able to account for the best way to secure wireless communication, including the use

of encryption, MAC address validation and authentication


The student must

be able to account for the operation of various types of firewalls, including filtering routers and application firewalls

have knowledge of IDS - Intrusion Detection Systems

Application security

The student must

know the general, overall threats that should be taken into account in applications, and be able to implement solutions to counter these threats

Skills Security analysis

The student must:

be able to account for and categorise the major security threats and the related safety techniques

be able to prepare plans for physical security, redundant systems, back-up strategies and monitoring mechanisms to detect security breaches

be able to prepare a security policy

be able to conduct a security analysis, including

o to identify the IT assets of the system and define the requirements for their

protection o to identify threats o to make risk analysis o to implement parts of the security system o to prepare an action plan for what to do at a security breach

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Operating systems security

The student must

be able to provide guidelines for how to achieve good password protection

be able to develop guidelines for controlling access to files and resources Application security The student must:

be able to identify the need to incorporate application-specific safety programmes Competencies The student will achieve competencies to

monitor the development within the security field in order to identify new threats, the products and techniques for tackling these and already existing threats

implement / advise on the development of sound security applications

4.8 Philosophy of Science (common add-on module) (5 ECTS) Purpose The purpose of this module is to qualify the student to examine epistemological issues and apply key theoretical concepts and theories to describe the relationship between man, science and technology.

Objectives Knowledge Philosophy of Science

The student

has knowledge of key theoretical traditions and positions, including empiricism, rationalism, hermeneutics and phenomenology

has knowledge of important scientific issues of a philosophical, theoretical and scientific / methodological kind, as well as the history of ideas

has knowledge of scientific and technological, philosophical notions about inter-connections between science, people and technology

5.0 Internship (15 ECTS) 5.1 Internship The internship will take place in one or more companies where the student must participate in, and acquire knowledge of relevant business functions. The internship can be organised in a

flexible and differentiated way, and should form the basis for the student's final bachelor project.

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The purpose of the internship is to give the student the opportunity to test the first two semesters of learning in practice by performing in a job situation relevant to the profession and the job function.

During the internship, the student has an internship tutor respectively from the academy and the company.

Learning objectives for the internship To get insight into the requirements and expectations that companies have to software

developers’ knowledge

To acquire skills and attitudes to work

To experience a daily routine and tasks through a longer period within the profession

To work with development tasks in practice in accordance with the student’s own

learning objectives

To test the knowledge and skills in practice that have been achieved through the PBA programme

To get experience from other work methods and tools for solving specific tasks In addition, maybe

To get ideas for a final bachelor project and a possible basis for the bachelor project Based on the learning objectives of the internship, the student and the two tutors together establish the objectives for the student’s learning outcomes of the internship period. This is subsequently normative for the organisation of the student's work during the internship period. On completion of the internship, the student delivers a written report addressing the learning outcomes of the internship. The report must be approved by the internship tutor to ensure that the student can sit for the final project examination.

The internship equates a full-time job with the requirements to working hours, effort, commitment and flexibility that the professional graduate is expected to meet in his/her first job.

The student can get the government grant (SU) during the internship, and the two parties, the student and the company, agree on the economic terms for the business internship.

6.0 Final Bachelor Project (15 ECTS) In the final bachelor project, the student must demonstrate the ability, on an analytical and methodical basis, to process a complex and practice-related problem to a specific task in the IT field. The final bachelor project should include key topics of the programme.


The student must have passed all previous tests to sit in for the final exam. Furthermore, the internship must have been approved.

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The research question for the final examination project will be prepared by the student in collaboration with a company. The research question must be approved by the academy.

In solving the identified problem, it is important that the student can apply key theories and methods.

The academy draws up detailed guidelines containing the formal requirements for the project.

7.0 Scheduled Plan of the Modules As there is no professional progression between the modules of the programme, a time sequence has therefore not been defined.

8.0 Tests 8.1 Test of Each Module

To document that the student has achieved the learning objectives that have been laid down for

each module of the programme, one test will be held after each module. The examination of

each module is external.

Each module must be passed. The student can apply for a re-examination, if a test has not been

passed, cf. “Eksamensbekendtgørelsen”: the rules of the Examination Executive Order.

For each test, the following applies:

Attendance at each examination requires that the student has handed in the compulsory task(s) of the module and that it has / they have been approved.

Basis of the test: The specific module

Type: Oral external test

Scope: 30 min. examination incl. evaluation. Each institution lays down rules of how

the test is held; should the student draw a question, have preparation time etc.

Evaluation: 7-point scale

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8.2 Internship Test (for Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North)

Internship evaluation The evaluation takes place at an internal examination. The student examines the main conclusions of the report in collaboration with the internship tutor, and the report is evaluated as "Approved" or "Not approved". The examination has duration of 30 min. incl. evaluation.

8.3 Final Bachelor Project The topic of the final bachelor project is formulated by the student in consultation with the institution, and to the extent possible in cooperation with a company. The institution approves the formulation.

The examination of the final bachelor project is external and involves an assessment of the project (product and documentation), and the oral defence. The student is awarded one grade. The oral defence is used primarily to ensure that the documentation has been made by the examinee, and secondarily for minor adjustments of the assessment of the examinee’s level.

Firstly, the tutor and the external examiner together assess the project (product and documentation). Secondly, the student defends the project in the presence of the tutor and the external examiner.

If the final bachelor project is not approved, a revised version of the original project report may be handed in for the re-examination.

The final bachelor project must demonstrate that the learning objectives and the final level of the programme have been achieved.

The bachelor project can be undertaken in groups of usually up to 3 students. The institution lays down rules regarding this in consultation with each individual student.

The bachelor project, consisting of a report and perhaps a product for the institution, is handed in to the institution in 3 copies. The report excl. appendices must have a scope of a maximum of 40 standard pages **, and an additional 20 pages per student. The product may e.g. be a

programme. The report is assessed individually, which means that it must clearly appear from the report, which student is responsible for his/her individual part. At the individual oral examination it is the entire report which forms the basis for the examination.

The individual oral defence of the bachelor project lasts 30 minutes.

At the oral examination of the project, the individual student starts out by presenting the problems and contents of the project for maximum 10 minutes. After that, an examination dialogue is conducted for approximately 20 min. Each individual student is awarded one grade based on the evaluation of the report and the oral examination.

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9.0 The Coming into Force of the Regulations

The curriculum comes into force for students who enter the programme from 1st

of September 2009.

10.0 Reference to the Rules of Law The legal basis of the curriculum is the following laws and regulations:

Erhvervsakademiloven: Lov nr. 207 af 31. marts 2008 om Lov om

erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser

Bekendtgørelse om erhvervsakademiuddannelser og

professionsbacheloruddannelser nr. 636 af 29. juni 2009

Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen: Bekendtgørelse om ny PBA i Softwareudvikling.

Endnu ikke udarbejdet

Kvalitetsbekendtgørelsen: Bekendtgørelse nr. 635 af 30. juni 2000 om

kvalitetsudvikling og kvalitetskontrol i erhvervsakademiuddannelserne.

Adgangsbekendtgørelsen: Bekendtgørelse nr. 106 af 9.februar 2009 om adgang,

indskrivning og orlov m.v. ved videregående uddannelser

Eksamensbekendtgørelsen: Bekendtgørelse nr. 766 af 26. juni 2007 om prøver og

eksamen i erhvervsrettede uddannelser

Karakterbekendtgørelsen: Bekendtgørelse nr. 262 af 20. marts 2007 om

karakterskala og anden bedømmelse.

Åben Uddannelse: Lovbekendtgørelse nr. 956 af 28. november 2003, som ændret

senest ved § 77 i lov nr. 562 af 6. juni 2007.

The laws and regulations are available on

11.0 The Institutional Part of the Curriculum: Specifically for Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North

11.1 Optional Programme Elements The programme offers common modules: Project Management and Security. The student can choose either of the two.

11.2 Implementation of Internship

(Ref. Section 5.0, the internship part (15 ECTS)) To ensure the optimum internship training, the

student, the academy and the company must in collaboration develop a plan for the internship.

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The plan must be part of the internship agreement. If it is not possible to draw up a proper plan

at the time, when the agreement is made - the agreement must contain a general framework for

the process.

The plan for the internship is sent to the academy no later than 1 week after the internship

has begun. The tutor from the academy ensures that the plan containing the described

documentation can be approved by the school.

The internship can be carried out abroad.

Internship Agreement (appendix 2) Before the commencement of the internship, an internship agreement must be made documenting the internship and its conditions. The agreement must include formal and practical details, etc. (see appendix 2). The agreement must be approved by the Business Academy.

Privacy At all times, full discretion must be maintained about the information that the trainee learns about the company in connection with the internship and the related projects. This obligation of confidentiality continues even after the internship has been evaluated. The report from the internship is kept in the academy archives, until it is finally destroyed.

Submission (hand-in) The report of the internship must be submitted to the tutor in 2 copies at the end of the internship. The report may have a scope of up to 25 standard pages1. If the report is not submitted at the fixed time, the first submission will be assessed "Not Approved" and the student can not begin his/her final examination project.

Internship evaluation The evaluation takes place at an internal examination, cf. Section 8.2 Internship Test.

11.3 Internal / external examinations There are no other exams apart form those described in section 8 "Tests", and the mandatory constraints described in the section concerning. "Compulsory attendance"

11.4 Parts of the programme done abroad

It is possible for the student to study his/her 2nd

semester or the internship abroad. The Business Academy must approve courses of the study programme abroad. The Business Academy must approve the internship abroad.

1 1 standard page equals 2400 tips including space

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11.5 Requirements for written assignments and projects, including the final examination project

All semesters are described in a detailed lecture plan. It shows how the various tasks and

projects are scheduled. Assignments and projects are defined in each semester. The lecture

plan follows the template shown in appendix 1.

Requirements for the final examination are described under Section 8.3 Final bachelor project.

11.6 Knowledge of foreign languages The programme requires minimum English proficiency at Level C.

11.7 Programme and work

Tuition consists of a combination of classroom teaching, lectures, workshops, study groups,

exercises and project work. The plan for the lectures is based on relevant professional practice

and applied theory.

As part of the programme, the student will meet teaching methods which can develop the

student's autonomy, ability to collaborate and to be devoted to his/her studies.

As part of the programme, and to the extent it is relevant, interaction between different cultures are incorporated.

11.8 Compulsory attendance It is a requirement that the student is active and participates actively in mandatory project work and tasks. The number of projects and requirements for approval are defined for each semester.

11.9 Rules on credit transfer The individual modules of the programme are credited by other institutions that offer the same programme.

11.10 Rules on credit transfer to other institutions Agreements with other institutions about credit transfer are available on the Academy’s homepage.

11.11 Tuition offered as part time education

The programme is offered as a "Diplomuddannelse" under the act of open education. For

details, we refer to the individual Business Academy’s curriculum.

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Appendix 1: Template Lecture Plan

Week Date Block* Subject Learning objectives Literature / references Room* Lecturer

* Block: 2 lectures of 45 min each.

1. For every 4 to 8 lectures, the students’ learning objectives have been described.

The descriptions should be made with reference to the frame of the qualifications concepts (knowledge, skills, competencies).

2. The establishment of milestones before the initiation of projects describe the student’s competencies in order to launch the

project – so called pre-conditions.

3. Learning objectives are described for projects – so called post-conditions.

4. The lecture plan is ready by the beginning of the semester, but changes may occur.

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Appendix 2: Student Internship Agreement

Student Internship Agreement Bachelor of Software Development

Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North

The undersigned company

Company Name:



Contact person (name and position):

Contact person - Email:

The company has entered an agreement with

Student's name:

Course no:

To complete an internship from Software Development, Business Academy Copenhagen North

During the period xx.xx.xxxx - xx.xx.xxxx

Short term illness:

If the trainee cannot come to work due to illness, the company must be informed without delay.

For long-term illness the Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North must be informed.


During the internship period, the trainee is covered by the company insurance.

Please remember to fill in page 2, indicating the overall tasks of the internship period.

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General duties and plan during the internship period The following must be agreed and described: The specific tasks (including introductions) and their schedule The topic of the product and / or the internship report (can be agreed upon by the end of one month of the internship) The topic agreed upon forms the basis of the academy’s approval of the performance of the internship. In addition, the content of the tasks and plan include Departments, to which the student is assigned The company's expectations Participation in meetings, conferences, etc. Possible participation in travels, fairs, etc.

Privacy The student and tutor should at all times maintain full discretion about the information which he/she will acquire in connection with the internship and the internship report. This confidentiality continues even after the internship has been evaluated. Date: __________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (signature of contact person) (signature of student)

The agreement must be Business Academy Copenhagen North, Trongårdsvej 44, 2800 Lyngby,

att. Head of department Lars Bogetoft to hand no later than XX.XX. XXXX.

Please remember that both the company and the student must sign the agreement before it is

sent to the academy.

Approval of the student internship agreement

Date: _________________

____________________________________________________________ Copenhagen Business Academy, Copenhagen North