baskins robins

Baskins Robins Gozoop media

Upload: mukesh-manjare

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Baskins RobinsGozoop media


Baskin Robbins India is looking to increase interactions with their online target audience and also wants to explore how it can engage with corporates. They are looking for good online-to-office campaigns that drive footfalls to their parlours. Choose an umbrella theme for their digital presence which can be leveraged across all platforms.


• Increase interactions with their online target audience and explore how it can engage with the corporates.• Drive foot falls to the parlours.

Main Idea

A regular day in an office is usually never regular. It has its ups and downs. An average human being spends around 99,117 hours at work unless he has a job and develops relationships within the organisations.People tend to get into heated arguments while at work due to official reasons. But which in turn affects their personal relationships too and results in a cold war. A lot of people in major organisations are affected due to this. Its time to make people realize that such grudges are not worth to be kept. It neither benefits the people nor the organisations.


“Beat The Heat”

Want to comfort your friend who just had a heated argument with the boss? #BeatTheHeat by bringing him/her to Baskin Robins and cheer them up!

“Beat The Heat”

Had a heated moment with your team at office? Show them you are you still have their backs. #BeatTheHeat by treating them to the nearest Baskins Robins store!

“Beat The Heat”




• A similar communication will follow on Twitter• We can conduct a contest where people can indulge in a conversation

on Twitter and telling us why they deserve to “BeatTheHeat”• The best entries will get a surprise deal/gift/voucher at any BR store.


• We can create fun blogs like below: promote it across platforms.


• We can create a micro site where in we’ll introduce and distribute corporate discounts.

Wireframe:A user has to first create an account on the site using facebook, twitter or by signing up with us. The user will have to enter the order Id on the site everytime he orders on BR. The points will be collected at the backend and we will give out special deals to the people depending upon the number of points they colloected

On Ground Activity

No matter how evolved we are. We still enjoy the ice cream at the ice cream carts.The BR ice-cream cart will be exclusive and will distribute free ice-creams. The cart will have a kiosk wherein it will have a like/follow button.This cart can be any where in the city especially in the commercial areas covering one area at a time.The location of the cart will be shared over the social media platforms.People have to come to cart and hit ‘like’/ ‘Follow’ on the kiosk for a free ice cream delight.This can be covered and spread across all social media platforms.

Multi-platform digital campaign that impressed me

Samsung Galaxy S4 Launch(The virtual line)

Campaign description

Camping out for days on end in front of a glass box used to be the only way to be first to get your hands on the latest technology, but Samsung and Colenso BBDO have changed the rules with a ground breaking integrated campaign for the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy S4.

To target sophisticated social media users, the key audience for the Galaxy S4, Samsung and Colenso BBDO created a "virtual line" where your position in the line and your movement towards the front was driven by sharing product related content from on Twitter and Facebook. The more likes, re-tweets and comments you got, the closer you moved to the front - rewarding the most connected and active social media influencers.

The campaign was executed beautifully. The idea was clear, the protocol was easy for the users to follow, the exclusivity of the product was maintained as people have to engage with the content in order to get the first Samsung Galaxy S4. The winners were rewarded well. The outdoor activation has set a record in the history of the country.

Couldn’t get better!!

Thank You