basis functions for neutron star...

Basis Functions for Neutron Star Interiors Curran D. Muhlberger ([email protected]) The Pole Condition and Pole Problem Problem: Find a function basis on B 3 (the filled sphere) in spherical coordinates satisfying the pole condition in the radial direction (f lm (r ) r l as r 0) without severely restricting the CFL stability limit. Solution: Follow example of spherical harmonics; expand Y m l coefficients on r (0, 1] in a polynomial basis unique to each l. One-Sided Jacobi Polynomials The polynomials Q l n (r ) r l P (0, l+ 1 2 ) n 2 - l 2 (2r 2 - 1) are orthogonal w.r.t. the weight w = r 2 , manifestly satisfy the pole condition, maintain the parity of l, and are solutions to a singular Sturm-Liouville problem – an ideal radial basis for B 3 . Furthermore, their low resolution near the origin avoids the “pole problem” of restricted timesteps. We denote their normalized forms as Φ l n , some of which are plotted below: Even Modes (l=0) n=0 n=2 n=4 n=6 n=8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Odd Modes (l=1) n=1 n=3 n=5 n=7 n=9 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Just as l ≥|m| for spherical harmonics Y m l , here n l for Φ l n . In both cases, this is just another statement of the pole condition. The cylindrical variants (w = r ), proposed by Matsushima & Marcus and Verkley, are discussed thoroughly in the literature. Here we develop the spherical case, filling in the details needed for pseudospectral work. (P (α,β ) k (x) is the Jacobi polynomial, whose integration weight is “one sided” for α = 0) Spectral and Physical Resolution Using Gauss-Radau quadrature to place collocation points on the outer boundary while avoiding the origin, the highest modes we can resolve are: m max = bN φ /2c + 1 , l max = N θ - 1 , n max = 2N r - 2 Combined with the pole condition, this places the following constraints on physical resolution: N θ ≥bN φ /2c + 2 , 2N r N θ + 1 Other resolutions result in a valid method, but imply higher spectral resolution than will be achieved. One must be very careful to satisfy constraints both from quadrature and from the pole condition. As is the case with spherical harmonics, there are more collocation points than spectral coefficients (roughly 4 times as many). Transforming to spectral space is therefore a projection and is not invertible for functions that are not band-limited. Spectral Decomposition This basis is not used to represent the radial dependence of collocation values. Rather, it is used to expand the radial dependence of Y m l coefficients: f (r ,θ,φ) m max X m=-m max l max X l=|m| n max X n=l f nlm Φ l n (r ) ! Y m l (θ, φ) If f lm (r i ) are the spherical harmonic coefficients for the function evaluated at radius r i , then the final spectral coefficients are f nlm = N r -1 X i=0 f lm (r i l n (r i )w r i , which are easily computed with a matrix multiplication transform. Interpolation & Differentiation Interpolation and differentiation are most easily performed in the hybrid space of f lm (r i ). However, as the the order of our polynomials is greater than the number of radial collocation points, we must apply a few tricks to take advantage of the functions’ known parity. Define x i r 2 i . Then the following functions are of sufficiently low order for interpolation: g lm (x i )= f lm (r i ) l even g lm (x i )= f lm (r i )/r i l odd To get first and second derivatives, evaluate g 0 and g 00 using Fornberg’s differentiation matrices. Then: f 0 lm (r i )= 2rg 0 lm (x i ) f 00 lm (r i )= 2[g 0 lm (x i )+ 2r 2 g 00 lm (x i )] l even f 0 lm (r i )= g lm (x i )+ 2r 2 g 0 lm (x i ) f 00 lm (r i )= 2r [3g 0 lm (x i )+ 2r 2 g 00 lm (x i )] l odd Note that partial derivatives in r (or θ ) are not representable in the basis. Instead, one must handle either r r or Cartesian derivatives. Integration Due to our choice of weight function, integration can be efficiently performed as a weighted sum of collocation values. No transform into spectral space is required. Z 1 0 Z π 0 Z 2π 0 f (r ,θ,φ)r 2 sin(θ )d φd θ dr = 2π N φ N r -1 X i=0 w r i N θ -1 X j=0 w θ j N φ -1 X k=0 f (r i j k ) (w θ j are the weights associated with the spherical harmonic transform) Power Monitoring and Filtering As with spherical harmonics, mode mixing in angular differentiation requires that one filter out the highest l modes after each timestep. This procedure does not interact with the radial basis. We have not found radial filtering to be necessary for stability, but if required, the notation used here allows consistent filtering on the index n. This index can also label the power in each mode, keeping in mind that any given radial expansion consists of either all even or all odd n. A more holistic approach is to filter and monitor on bn/2c. Spherical Scalar Wave t Convergence and Stability of Scalar Wave 1e-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ║ψ - ψ ex 2 N r =15 N r =20 N r =25 N r =30 N r =35 Evolving a spherical scalar wave with a Gaussian profile is both stable and exponentially convergent. Computational cost per timestep is less than that of I 1 × S 2 in our implementation. Filtering is applied to the evolved fields after each full timestep, reducing the required number of spectral transforms. Neutron Stars While we still use finite difference methods to evolve neutron star matter, we can now solve for the metric quantities inside the star using these B 3 basis functions. We previously used Chebyshev polynomials on (I 1 ) 3 in the center of the star to avoid the coordinate singularity. Now, neutron stars can now be decomposed into fewer, larger, all-conforming subdomains, eliminating the need to interpolate boundary information and reducing the total number of gridpoints. Evolving a TOV star shows considerable performance gains. These domains have since been used by Matt Duez and Francois Foucart in simulating black hole – neutron star inspirals. Conclusions Advantages I Elegant and efficient treatment of spherical domains I Avoids pole problem Disadvantages I Interpolation onto hydro grid is expensive I Implementation requires careful attention to details References and Acknowledgements I T. Matsushima and P. S. Marcus, A spectral method for polar coordinates, J. Comput. Phys. 120, 365 (1995) I P. W. Livermore, C. A. Jones, and S. J. Worland, Spectral radial basis functions for full sphere computations, J. Comput. Phys. 227 1209 (2007) Special thanks to Larry Kidder and B ´ ela Szil ´ agyi for assistance with stability testing and to Saul Teukolsky for helpful discussions on filtering and for supporting me in this project. Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity May 21, 2011

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Page 1: Basis Functions for Neutron Star · star matter, we can now solve for the metric quantities inside the star

Basis Functions for Neutron Star InteriorsCurran D. Muhlberger ([email protected])

The Pole Condition and Pole Problem

Problem: Find a function basis on B3 (the filled sphere) inspherical coordinates satisfying the pole condition in the radialdirection (flm(r)→ rl as r → 0) without severely restricting theCFL stability limit.

Solution: Follow example of spherical harmonics; expand Yml

coefficients on r ∈ (0, 1] in a polynomial basis unique to each l.

One-Sided Jacobi Polynomials

The polynomials Qln(r) ≡ rlP(0, l+1



(2r2 − 1) are orthogonal w.r.t.the weight w = r2, manifestly satisfy the pole condition,maintain the parity of l, and are solutions to a singularSturm-Liouville problem – an ideal radial basis for B3.Furthermore, their low resolution near the origin avoids the“pole problem” of restricted timesteps. We denote theirnormalized forms as Φl

n, some of which are plotted below:

Even Modes (l=0)











0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Odd Modes (l=1)











0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Just as l ≥ |m| for spherical harmonics Yml , here n ≥ l for Φl

n. Inboth cases, this is just another statement of the pole condition.

The cylindrical variants (w = r), proposed by Matsushima &Marcus and Verkley, are discussed thoroughly in the literature.Here we develop the spherical case, filling in the detailsneeded for pseudospectral work.(P(α,β)

k (x) is the Jacobi polynomial, whose integration weight is “one sided” for α = 0)

Spectral and Physical Resolution

Using Gauss-Radau quadrature to place collocation points onthe outer boundary while avoiding the origin, the highestmodes we can resolve are:

mmax = bNφ/2c + 1 , lmax = Nθ − 1 , nmax = 2Nr − 2

Combined with the pole condition, this places the followingconstraints on physical resolution:

Nθ ≥ bNφ/2c + 2 , 2Nr ≥ Nθ + 1

Other resolutions result in a valid method, but imply higherspectral resolution than will be achieved. One must be verycareful to satisfy constraints both from quadrature andfrom the pole condition.

As is the case with spherical harmonics, there are morecollocation points than spectral coefficients (roughly 4 times asmany). Transforming to spectral space is therefore a projectionand is not invertible for functions that are not band-limited.

Spectral Decomposition

This basis is not used to represent the radial dependence ofcollocation values. Rather, it is used to expand the radial dependenceof Ym

l coefficients:

f (r, θ, φ) ∼mmax∑






l (θ, φ)

If flm(ri) are the spherical harmonic coefficients for the functionevaluated at radius ri, then the final spectral coefficients are

fnlm =



i ,

which are easily computed with a matrix multiplication transform.

Interpolation & Differentiation

Interpolation and differentiation are most easily performed in thehybrid space of flm(ri). However, as the the order of our polynomials isgreater than the number of radial collocation points, we must apply afew tricks to take advantage of the functions’ known parity.

Define xi ≡ r2i . Then the following functions are of sufficiently low

order for interpolation:

glm(xi) = flm(ri) l evenglm(xi) = flm(ri)/ri l odd

To get first and second derivatives, evaluate g′ and g′′ usingFornberg’s differentiation matrices. Then:

f ′lm(ri) = 2rg′lm(xi) f ′′lm(ri) = 2[g′lm(xi) + 2r2g′′lm(xi)] l evenf ′lm(ri) = glm(xi) + 2r2g′lm(xi) f ′′lm(ri) = 2r[3g′lm(xi) + 2r2g′′lm(xi)] l odd

Note that partial derivatives in r (or θ) are not representable in thebasis. Instead, one must handle either r∂r or Cartesian derivatives.


Due to our choice of weight function, integration can be efficientlyperformed as a weighted sum of collocation values. No transform intospectral space is required.∫ 1


∫ π


∫ 2π

0f (r, θ, φ)r2 sin(θ)dφdθdr =







f (ri, θj, φk)

(wθj are the weights associated with the spherical harmonic transform)

Power Monitoring and Filtering

As with spherical harmonics, mode mixing in angular differentiationrequires that one filter out the highest l modes after each timestep.This procedure does not interact with the radial basis.

We have not found radial filtering to be necessary for stability, but ifrequired, the notation used here allows consistent filtering on theindex n. This index can also label the power in each mode, keeping inmind that any given radial expansion consists of either all even or allodd n. A more holistic approach is to filter and monitor on bn/2c.

Spherical Scalar Wave


Convergence and Stability of Scalar Wave






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


- ψ








Evolving a spherical scalar wavewith a Gaussian profile is bothstable and exponentiallyconvergent. Computational costper timestep is less than that ofI1 × S2 in our implementation.Filtering is applied to the evolvedfields after each full timestep,reducing the required number ofspectral transforms.

Neutron Stars

While we still use finite difference methods to evolve neutronstar matter, we can now solve for the metric quantities insidethe star using these B3 basis functions. We previously usedChebyshev polynomials on (I1)3 in the center of the star toavoid the coordinate singularity. Now, neutron stars can now bedecomposed into fewer, larger, all-conforming subdomains,eliminating the need to interpolate boundary information andreducing the total number of gridpoints.

Evolving a TOV star shows considerable performance gains.These domains have since been used by Matt Duez andFrancois Foucart in simulating black hole – neutron starinspirals.


AdvantagesI Elegant and efficient

treatment of sphericaldomains

I Avoids pole problem

DisadvantagesI Interpolation onto hydro grid

is expensiveI Implementation requires

careful attention to details

References and Acknowledgements

I T. Matsushima and P. S. Marcus, A spectral method for polarcoordinates, J. Comput. Phys. 120, 365 (1995)

I P. W. Livermore, C. A. Jones, and S. J. Worland, Spectral radialbasis functions for full sphere computations, J. Comput. Phys.227 1209 (2007)

Special thanks to Larry Kidder and Bela Szilagyi for assistancewith stability testing and to Saul Teukolsky for helpfuldiscussions on filtering and for supporting me in this project.

Advances and Challenges in Computational General Relativity May 21, 2011