basics of an lms training program: edu 623 project #3: storyboard training 1program analysis phase:...

Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa C. Blizman-Schmitt Post University Sharon Taylor, PhD

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Page 1: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard

Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design

Teresa C. Blizman-Schmitt Post University

Sharon Taylor, PhD

Page 2: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

With many seeing blended/hybrid learning environments as the next evolution in secondary education, those schools who fail to understand the importance may see themselves soon becoming thought of as obsolete. “Instructors’ abilities to teach online are critical to the quality of online education” (University of Washington, 2013.). It is for this reason that VCMS Middle School is beginning a training initiative addressing the use of LMS, specifically, Schoology. The following reflects the introductory course design.

LMS Teacher Training


University of Washington. (2013). Leading change in public higher education. Retrieved

Page 3: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Learning outcomes• Teachers who are integrating the Learning Management System into

their classes should be able to log into, and navigate the LMS Schoology, given a computer lab, face to face instruction, and additional online support; each teacher should have set up an account and completed the online navigation tour by the end of the first session.

• Teachers who are integrating the Learning Management System into their classes should be able to assess and identify the best unit to initially place on the LMS Schoology given a computer lab, face to face instruction, and peer support and discussions with one lesson from that unit being selected for the LMS prior to the end of the first session. 

• Teachers who are integrating the Learning Management System into their classes should be able to design, manage, and operate an entire unit in the LMS Schoology given a computer lab, face to face instruction, and additional online support; at least one lesson will be completed and uploaded by the end of the first phase of training.

Page 4: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Course FormatThis is a blended/learning course. The activities in each of the units are presented in an online setting using the school district internal server. In addition, students will meet at the start of each unit in the classroom.

Navigation Icons indicate the following:

Use of computer required

Use of internet required

Use of internal server/drive

Requires the use of a not yet fully developed and/or outside resource to be created

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Unit 1Introduction to Learning Management Systems (LMS)

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Teacher LMS Training: Ice Breaker Unit 1 slide #1


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Video Clip & Discussion

•Watch video

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will show video clip on board and ask the follow-up questions including “how prepared are they for the type of learner?”…answers will be placed in word docs for sharing via ITALC software on SmartBoard… a timed student-led discussion/debate will follow.

Since this is the first session and held in classroom the learners will need only to log-on to the computer…access word doc/other means to record information…click on internet icon.

A Vision of K-12 Students Today bjnesbitt - 11/28/07

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Teacher LMS Training: Pre-assessment Unit 1 Slide #2


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content


•Demo of assessment

•Assessment of skill sets

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•IT created technology assessment survey

•School Internal Drive

Trainer will demonstrate on the SmartBoard how to locate and complete an online teacher technology assessment created by IT and placed on the internal school drive. Trainer will then guide instructors through steps and allow them to complete the survey. Once completed, student-led discussion will be held.

Learners will access the internal network to click on and access the survey, complete survey, and hit submit.

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Teacher LMS Training: What is an LMS Unit 1 Slide #3


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Video clip & Discussion

•Watch video

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Participate in Discussion

•Research with partners uses for LMS

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will show video clip on board and also highlight key components of article. Students will be asked to read article in full outside of class and document any comments or concerns. Teacher will ask students to find resources discussing LMS and be prepared to share. This will allow trainer time to visually assess the computer skill sets of the learners. Student-led discussion on why an LMS is important for learning will be discussed.

Students will need computer access and will need to log onto the internet access article as well as research materials supporting the use of LMS.

What is a learning management system ? LMS Software

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Teacher LMS Training: Introduction to Schoology Unit 1 Slide #4


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Video clip & Discussions

•Watch video

•Record thoughts and questions

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

Trainer will show video clip on board which introduces Schoology and all the features. There will be a bried Q&A session. Teachers will be encouraged to keep a journal/log of ongoing questions and comments to be shared via the online portion of the course or in follow-up classroom settings.

Teachers will need to determine what application they wish to use to house notes, comments, and questions, click and save that item.

Schoology Introduction schoology - 6/5/12

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Teacher LMS Training: Sign up for Schoology Account Unit 1 Slide #5


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Creating an Account

•Watch video

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Create a Schoology Account

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•Schoology website

Trainer will show video clip tutorial on setting up an account in Schoology. A discussion will be presented indicating key steps to consider when creating an account, such as saving passwords and how to set up accesses….followed by a Q&A sessions. Trainer will navigate throughout process assisting and answering any questions during the actual activity.

Computer access with internet connections will be needed as well as the Schoology website

Schoology Tutorial alliancespartans - 8/11/13

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Teacher LMS Training: Closing Unit 1 Slide #6


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Wrap Up & Exit Survey

•Review importance of online learning

•Demonstrate Internal Storage of Online Portion of Class

•Peer review of account set up

•Complete exit survey

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•School Internal Drive

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

Trainer will recap importance of online learning options. Demonstration will be given as to how to locate the online units of the course on the internal drive. Expectations of online portion of course before next classroom meeting will be discussed. Teacher will provide a quick checklist for peer review of account set up. Teacher will stress the importance of taking the online (internal storage) exit interview in order to better modify for the next lesson.

Use computer to access Internal drive for online session and survey. Using provided link information locate and begin using Schoology site via internet access.

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Unit 2Creating Content

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Teacher LMS Training: Ice Breaker Unit 2 Slide #1


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Presentation of Images & Discussion

•View cartoons

•Select and discuss selected cartoons as relate to learning

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Cartoons in using slideshow

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will show video clip on board and ask the follow-up questions including “how prepared are they for the type of learner?”…answers will be placed in word docs for sharing via ITALC software on SmartBoard… a timed student-led discussion/debate will follow

Use computer to access Internal drive for online session and presentation of cartoons. Use of computers and word/journal entries, notes, thoughts, and comments.

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Teacher LMS Training: Creating ContentUnit 2 Slide #2


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Blended

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Video Clip & Content Creation

•Watch Schoology video

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Visit Schoology blog

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will show several cartoon clips in regards to technology in learning. Teachers will be asked to select a few that resonate with them and share why. Focus will be once again be brought back to how LMS is an important element in today’s learner.

Students will use their computers to access the internet in order to view online tutorial. The internal server will be used for both material delivery and storage of notes.

Schoology: How To Create a Course

Murray Herbert

Page 15: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Teacher LMS Training: Additional Resources Unit 2 Slide #3


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Sharing of Resources

•Visit Blog

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Discussions on content:


Managing content

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students



•Schoology Blog site

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will provide additional resources on best practices in the development of online content. In addition to Schoology Blog, a PDF with instructions will also be provided. Students will also be provided with yet to be developed resources and will be encouraged to search and share sources.

Students will use the computers to access the internet. The internal network will be used to receive materials and to save content.

Page 16: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Teacher LMS Training: Course Creation Assessment Unit 2 Slide #3


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Formative Assessment of Course to Date

•Follow Rubric

•Peer review

•Create a modification plan

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Course content Rubric

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will present various scholarly and peer reviewed articles stressing key concepts in creating online assessments. Trainer will also review an evaluation and peer review rubric in order to facilitate group discussion.

Learners will need access to computers in order to access internet, participate in discussion boards, and receive and save materials and content. The internal network will be used for communication, delivery of content, discussions, and ongoing feedback.

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Unit 3Creating Assessments

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Teacher LMS Training: Ice Breaker Unit 3 Slide #1


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Video clip & Discussion

•Watch video

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will show video clip on board and ask the follow-up questions including “how many Stevens are in your class?”…answers will be placed in word docs for sharing via ITALC software on SmartBoard… a timed student-led discussion/debate will follow. Class should be finding more agreement about online learning.

Environment ( PLE ) and Learning Management System ( LMS ) patob2000 - 6/14/10

Use computer to access Internal drive for online session and presentation of cartoons. Use of computers and word/journal entries, notes, thoughts, and comments.

Page 19: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Teacher LMS Training: Creating Assessments Unit 3 Slide #2


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Best Practices in Online Assessing

•Watch video

•Discuss highlights of research article

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Youtube video clip

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

•Scholarly Research

Trainer will show video clip by Schoology on how to create tests and quizzes. Additional materials on best practices will be included. A student-led discussion will be held about the findings in the research article.

Students will use their computers to access the internet in order to view online tutorial.

The internal server will be used for both material delivery and storage of notes.

Online Tests and Quizzes

Page 20: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Teacher LMS Training: Additional Resources Unit 3 Slide # 3


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Sharing of Resources

•Watch slideshow on creating assessments

•Review Scholarly Articles on e-learning

assessment creation

•Record thoughts on video as relates to learner

•Participate in Discussion

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

•Scholarly Articles on Assessment Creation

Trainer will provide additional resources on best practices in the development of online assessments. Numerous scholarly articles will be provided. Students will also receive a yet to be developed resource and will be encouraged to search and share additional sources.

Students will use the computers to access the internet. The internal network will be used to receive materials and to save content.

Page 21: Basics of an LMS Training Program: EDU 623 Project #3: Storyboard Training 1Program Analysis Phase: Using the ADDIE Model of Instructional Design Teresa

Teacher LMS Training: Evaluation of Assessments Unit 3 Slide #4


Multi Media RequiredType of Activity/Setting: Classroom

Detailed Script:

On Screen/SmartBoard Content

Formative Assessment of Course to Date

•Follow Rubric

•Peer review

•Create a modification plan

•Computer with internet access for instructor & students


•Assessment Creation Rubric

•Microsoft Word/note taking software

•ITALC computer screen sharing software

Trainer will present various scholarly and peer reviewed articles stressing key concepts in creating online assessments. Trainer will also review an evaluation and peer review rubric in order to facilitate group discussion.

Learners will need access to computers in order to access internet, participate in discussion boards, and receive and save materials and content. The internal network will be used for communication, delivery of content, discussions, and ongoing feedback.

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Sources:Best practices [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from,r:10,s:0,i:118&tx=106&ty=68Herbert, M. (Producer) (2013). Schoology: How to create a course [Web]. Retrieved from management systems [Print Graphic]. Retrieved from,r:45,s:0,i:229&tx=130&ty=68Nesbitt, B. (2007). A vision of k-12 students today [Web]. Retrieved from assessment [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from,r:9,s:0,i:108Online course content [Print Photo]. Retrieved from,r:4,s:0,i:91ProProf. (2013). What is a learning management system ? lms software [Web]. Retrieved from introduction [Web]. (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Online tests and quizzes [Web]. Retrieved from, D., Spratt, C., & Nair, C. (2008). Academic and student use of a learning management. Australasian Journal of Technology, 24(1), 30-41. Retrieved from