basics of accounts fresh jamia (1)

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  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    What is Accounting?????Accounting is a process which includes: I

    dentifying Measuring Recording Classifying

    Summarising Analysing the transactions which can be

    measured in terms of money.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Basic Terms -AssetsDefine Assets.Any thing which is tangible or not, but can fetch some money value inthe future for the business is called as an asset. Two main kinds ofassets are as follows:Fixed Assets: Any asset, which do not change in a short period oftime are called as fixed asset. For example:

    Building Land Machinery

    Current Assets: Any asset, which keep on changing even in shortperiod of time is called as current asset. For example:

    Cash Bank balance

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Basic Terms Capital &

    LiabilitiesCapital.An amount, which is invested into the business

    out of own recourses of entrepreneur, iscalled as capital.Liability.An amount, which is invested into the business borrowed fromoutside market is called as liability. This is the amount which has

    to be returned in future. For example loan from bank, creditors(a person from whom goods have been purchased on credit) etc.

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    Important Terms Goods,

    Debtors & CreditorsGoodsAny thing in which business deals is known as goods, for e.g.

    books, pens, pencils etc. are goods of a stationery business.

    Debtors.Those people to whom goods have been sold on credit and moneyhas to be received back in future are called as debtors, these

    are a kind of current assets for the business.

    Creditors.Those people from whom goods have been purchased on creditand money has to be repaid are called as creditors, these are a

    kind of current liability.

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    Basic Terms - Expenses

    Outstanding Expenses: Those expenses

    which have become due but not yet paid. Fore.g. Rent of Dec. 2009 if not paid within2009 than in 2010 it becomes Outstanding.

    Prepaid Expenses: Those expenses which

    have not yet become due but paid inadvance. For e.g. Rent of Jan 2010 paid inDec. 2009 only.

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    Basic Terms


    Accrued Income: Those incomes which

    have become due but not yet received.For e.g. Interest due in Dec. 2009 ifnot received in Dec 2009.

    Income received in advance: Thoseincomes which are received in advancebefore they have become due.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Objectives of Accounting To keep systematic records: Accounting is done to keep a systematic record of

    financial transactions. In the absence of accounting there would havebeen terrificburden on human memory which in most cases would havebeen impossible tobear.

    To protect business properties: Accountingprovidesprotection to business

    properties from unjustified and unwarranted us. This ispossible on account ofaccounting supplying the information to themanager or theproprietor.

    To ascertain the operational profit or loss: Accounting helps is ascertaining thenetprofit earned or loss suffered on account of carrying thebusiness. This is donebykeeping a proper record of revenues and expenses of a particularperiod. Theprofitand loss account is prepared at theend of a period and if the amount of revenue fortheperiod is more than theexpenditure incurred in earning that revenue, there is said

    tobe a profit. In case theexpenditureexceeds the revenue, there is said to be a loss. To ascertain the financial position of business: Theprofit and loss account gives

    the amount ofprofit or loss madeby thebusiness during a particularperiod.However, it is not enough. Thebusinessman must know about his financialpositioni.e., where he stands; what he owes and what he owns? This objective is served bythebalance sheet orposition statement.

    To facilitate rational decision making: Accounting these days has taken upon itselfthe task of collection, analysis and reporting of information at the requiredpoints oftime to the required levels of authority in order to facilitate rational decision making.

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    Advantages of Accounting

    Helps in ascertaining theprofit earned or lossessuffered and financialposition (status) of the

    business. Assists in managing thebusinessproof in court in


    Helps in remembering

    Helps in taxation matters

    Helps in case of sale ofbusiness.

    Helps themanager inplanning, Decision makingand controlling thebusiness operations.

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    imitations of Accounting Not absolutely exact as it based on different estimates made

    by differentpeople.

    All items are shown at historical value as it ignorespricelevel changes.

    Records only monetary transaction and avoids otherimportant non-monetary transactions.

    Window dressing (manipulation) in Balance Sheet,e.g.,over or undervaluation of closing stock.

    Omission ofqualitative information, such as calibre of themanagement,quality of theproducts, health of theproprietor,etc.

    Based on accounting concepts and conventions.

    Influenced bypersonal judgement.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Accounting Concepts, PrinciplesMoneyMeasurement Concept

    Accounting records state only those facts about a business firm, which can beexpressed in monetaryterms. In other words,business events and facts that cannot beexpressed in monetary terms,howsoever important they may be, areexcluded.

    Going Concern Concept

    The Going Concern Concept implies that the firm will continue to operate in the foreseeable future.The operational implication of this assumption is that assets are not shown in Balance Sheet at theirrealisablemarket value, which implies liquidation value.

    Cost ConceptAssets/resources owned by the firm are shown at their acquisition cost and not at current marketvalue/current worth.

    The rationale for this assumption is that it provides objective and verifiable basis for accountingrecords. Market valuation of assets in use is not only difficult to bemadebut also is related tosubjectivity. Besides,market values may be constantly subject to

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    Accounting Concepts, Principles

    Conservative Concept

    As the name suggests, Conservative Concept warrants use of conservatism in business records.In relation to Income Statement, theprinciple is, "anticipate noprofits unless realised butprovide for all probable future losses". Stock of finished goods is valued at the cost of themarket price whichever is lower.

    Accounting Period Concept

    Accounting Period Concept requires that Income Statement should beprepared at periodicintervals forpurposes such as performanceevaluation and determination of taxes.Conventionally, the time span covered is one year. Corporate firms, as per Companies Act,are required to produce interim accounts and manybusiness firms producemonthly orquarterly accounts for internal purposes.

    Matching Principle

    The Matching concept is, in a way, an extension of Accrual concept. In fact, this is themostcomprehensive Accounting Principle that enumerates normative frameworkof incomedetermination of an accounting period of a business firm.

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    Accounting Concepts, Principles

    Consistency Principle

    Matchingprinciple has underlined the importance of treatment of capitalexpenditure items in income determination process. It focuses on the

    equitablemethods, which must be used to write off the cost ofplant andmachinery (and in that way of other long-term assets) so that its cost isfairly allocated as expense, in form of depreciation, to each accountingperiod throughout its estimated useful life. There are various methods ofcharging depreciation. The two notables methods are, Straight-LineMethod (SLM) and Written Down Value Method (WDV).

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Accounting Equation Mr. Ram Sharma started a business by investing Rs.5,00,000 (Capital) of his

    own and borrowed Rs.3,00,000 from bank as loan (liability), the total amountcontributed comes to Rs.8,00,000. He spend this amount in the followingmanner:

    Machinery 2,00,000Furniture 1,00,000Car 2,00,000Stock 1,50,000 8,00,000 All AssetsFittings 50,000Bank 70,000Cash 30,000


    Capital + Liabilities = Assets

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    What is the process of


    Process of accounting:Journal Subsidiary Books


    Trial Balance

    Final accounts

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    What is Journal? Show its


    Format of JournalDate Particulars L.F.Amount(Dr.) Date Particulars L.F Amount(Cr.)

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    What are the various type of



    Real Nominal Personal

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Accountancy - Journal Rule #1. Debit what comes in

    Credit what goes out. Aloo, the owner has purchased a machinery worth Rs. 10,000 f or his

    business Explaination:

    MachineryAccount will beDebitedby 10,000(because business is receiving a machinery)Cash Account will be Creditedby 10,000(because business is giving cash)

    Entry :MachineryA/c Dr. 10,000

    To Cash A/c 10,000

    Thisrule isrelated torealaccountslikeassetswhichabusinessreceiveorgiveaway.

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    Journal R

    ule # 2 Rule # 2 Debit the receiver

    Credit the giver

    Business purchased Machinery from Tomato on credit worth Rs. 2,000

    ExplanationMachineryhas come into the business so according to rule # 1 it will bedebited and on the other hand Tomato is giving something to the businesstherefore according to rule # 2 his account will be credited.


    Machinery A/cDr. 2,000To Tomato A/c 2,000

    This rule is related topersonal accounts likedebtors andcreditorswith whom businessdeals.

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    Journal R

    ule # 3 Rule # 3.Debit all the losses andExpenses

    Credit all the gains andprofits

    Business paid a salary ofRs. 5,000 to staff

    ExplanationCash has gone out of the business so according to rule # 1 cash will becredited and on the other handsalary a kind of ex pense for the businessand it will be debited as per rule # 3.

    EntrySalary A/c Dr. 5,000

    To Cash A/c 5,000

    This rule isrelated to nominalaccounts likeincomesandexpenseswhich a

    firm earns orsuffers.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    What is Ledger? Show its

    format. Ledger :- A book containing the summary and classified from of a

    permanent record of all transactions

    Dr. Name of the account Cr.

    Date Particulars J.F Amount


    Date Particulars J.F Amount


  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Let us understand how to post thejournal entries into ledger

    Forexample there is entry to pay salary to an employee:


    Salary A/c Dr. 5,000

    To Cash A/c 5,000

    Salary Account Cash Account

    To Cash 5000 By Salary A/c 5000

    Salary account debited Cash account credited

    with the name of cash with the name of Salary

    Ledger Posting

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    What is a Trial Balance?

    The Trial Balance is a statements showing

    thebalance, or total of debits and credits, ofall the accounts in the ledger with a view toverifying theequality of debits and creditsposted to the ledger accounts. If the totals of

    debits and credits areequal, it is presumedthat theposting to the ledger in terms of debitand credit amounts is accurate.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Trial Balance

    Hypothetical Example

    Cash Account Capital Account

    Tobalanceb/d 10,000 By Purchases A/c 2,000Bybalanceb/d 50,000

    To Sales A/c 5,000By Cash A/c 10,000

    To Shyam 2,000

    To Interst A/c 3,000

    To Capital A/c 10,000 By balance c/d 28,000 Tobalance c/d 60,000

    30,000 30,000 60,000 60,000

    To balanceb/d 28,000Bybalanceb/d 60,000

    Trial Balance

    Particulars Amount Dr. Amount Cr.

    Cash Account 28,000

    Capital Account 60,000

    Note: The balance of debit and credit should match in trial balance.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Cash BookIn business most of the transactions relate to receipt of cash,payments of cash, sale of goods and purchase of goods. So itis convenient to have separate books for each such class oftransaction, one for receipts and payments of cash, one forpurchase of goods and one for sale of goods. These books arecalled subsidiary books.

    Cash book is a subsidiary book, which records the receiptsand payment of cash. With the help of cash book cash andbank balance can be checked at my

    point of time.

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    1. Simple Cash Book.

    2. Two column cash book. 3. Three column cash book.

    4. Petty cash book

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    Dr. Receipts Payments Cr.

    Date Particulars Amt. Date Particulars Amt

    Rs. Rs.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Example of Simple Cashbook

    Enter the following transactions in simple Cash Book.


    Jan 1 Cash in hand 12000

    Jan 5 Received from Ramesh 3000

    Jan 7 Paid Rent 3000

    Jan 8 Sold goods 7000

    Jan 10 Paid Sohan 2000 Jan 12 Paid salary 2500

    Jan 15 Received Commision 1500

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)



    BOOKDr Receipts Payments CrDate Particulars Discount Cash Date Particular Discount. Cash

    Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Example of two column cash

    bookEnter the following transactions in a two-column cash Book.


    Jan 1 Cash in hand 15,000

    Jan 5 Paid to Mohan 3,000

    Jan 5 Discount allowed by him 100

    Jan 6 Purchased goods 4,000

    Jan 10 Received from Vijay 9,800

    Jan 10 Discount allowed 200

    Jan 11 Sold goods 4,000

    Jan 12 Paid to Shyam 2,950

    Discount received Rs. 50 Jan 13 Paid wages 500

    Jan 14 Paid to Rajesh in full settlement of his

    Account, which shows a Cr. Balance of

    Rs. 4000 3900

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Three ColumnCashBook

    Date Particulars Dis. Cash Bank Date Particulars Dis. Cash Bank

    Amt. Amt.

  • 8/8/2019 Basics of Accounts Fresh Jamia (1)


    Example of three column



    Cash in hand 20,000

    Paid into Bank 19,000 Receives cheques from Kirti and Co. 600

    Pays into bank Kirti and Cos Cheque 600

    Hepays Ratan and Co. by Cheque and isallowed discount of Rs. 20330

    Cheque received from Rajaram and

    deposited the same day 500

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    A business house makes a number of smallpayments like telegram, textiles, cartageetc. If all these transactions are recordedin cash book the cash bank may becomebulky and the main cashiers work willalso increase therefore usually firmsappoint a petty cashier who makes thesesmall payments and keep record of thesepayments in a separate cash book whichis called Petty Cash book

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    The petty casher is given a sum of

    money in the beginning of the period.During the period he makes paymentout of this money. At the end of theperiod, the firm reimburses him the

    amount paid by him so that the balanceof cash with him remains same in thebeginning of the period as well as atthe end of the period. This is called the

    Imprest system of Petty Cash Book.