basic fx calculation

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  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation




  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    Forex Jargon

    Value date -the date when delivery takes place on a currency

    dealSpot date -two business days after deal date

    Bid- the rate at which the price maker is willing to buy the

    BASE Currency

    Offer - the rate at which the price maker is willing to sell the

    BASE CurrencySpread -the price makers margin between the bid and offer


    Direct quote- 1 unit of USD in relation to quoted currency

    e.g. USD/JPY = 114.25/75Indirect quote-1 unit of currency other than the USD in

    relation to USD e.g. EUR/USD 1.3925/45.

    NOTE:The currencies quoted indirectly against the USD are

    the EUR,GBP, AUD, NZD. All others are quoted directly.

  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    Forex JargonRe

    ciprocal quote-if USD/HKD = 7.2500 then the reciprocal

    rate is 1/7.25 = HKD/USD 0.1379

    Forward exchange rate - the rate agreed today for the

    exchange of one currency for another at some date in the

    future other than spot

    Swap -a purchase for value one date with a simultaneous

    sale for a different value date(Sale WithAPurchase)

    Outright -the purchase or sale of forex for a future value


    Overnight O/N - rolling out a position from today intotomorrow

    tom/next T/N -rolling out a position from tomorrow into the

    spot date

    Spot Next S/N - rolling out of spot into the next day

  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    Cross rates

    An exchange rate which is derived from twoother quoted exchange rates is called a cross

    rate. (The stro nger currency usual ly becomes

    the base currency in a cross quote)

    EXAMPLE:Deriving a cross rates by using two

    dollar based or direct quotes.

    Given the following calculate the CHF/HKD

    exchange rate:1USD = HKD 7.2500

    1USD = CHF 1.5000

  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    We can deduce mathematically therefore that CHF 1.5000 = HKD 7.2500

    To find out how many HKD = 1CHF we need

    to divide both sides by 1.5000 (to arrive at1CHF on the left-hand side)

    1.5000/1.5000 = 7.2500/1.5000

    1CHF = HKD4.8333

    or CHF/HKD= 4.8333

    There are some simple rules which help!!!

    Cross rates

  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    TWO DIRECT (OR INDIRECT) QUOTESCross and divide(divide high number by lownumber). For example to determine the CHF/HKD given

    USD/HKD= 7.2515/7.2545

    USD/CHF= 1.5030/1.5050

    BID = 7.2515/1.5050 = 4.8183OFFER = 7.2545/1.5030 = 4.8267

    CHF/HKD =4.8183/4.8267 (spread is 84 points)

    Rules for cross rates

  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


  • 8/12/2019 Basic FX Calculation


    Cross Rate Exercise

    1. Given the following calculate theGBP/HKD exchange rate:

    USD/HKD 7.7550/75

    GBP/USD 1.8325/35

    2. Given the following calculate the

    HKD/JPY exchange rate:

    USD/HKD 7.7550/75

    USD/JPY 114.25/30