basic conversation 7

WEEK 7 Basic Conversation

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Week 7


Page 1: Basic conversation 7


Basic Conversation

Page 2: Basic conversation 7

Music Time

Listen to Who Wants to Live Forever?

Page 3: Basic conversation 7

Minimal Pairs /s/ and /θ/

A Bsin thinsum thumbsank thanksink thinksaw thawsought thought

Page 4: Basic conversation 7

Short Life, Long Life1a) Write another way to say the time expressions.

Talking: Say three sentences using the time expressions.

Ex: I usually go on Facebook for half an hour each evening.

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What times are these? Remember to use:a quarter after half past a quarter to

Make three questions for your partner using the times above.

Ex: What were you doing at 3:00 pm yesterday?

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2a) Look at the story about teenagers. Take turns reading.

Partner A:

• 30% of teenagers never have breakfast.

• They eat fast food at least two or three times a week

and 75% hardly ever eat fruit or green vegetables.

Partner B:

• They don’t usually sleep 8 hours a day. (30% sleep

only 4 - 7 hours.) They are often tired in the


• They spend about 31 hours online every week. A lot

of teenagers never play sports or exercise.

Page 7: Basic conversation 7

Adverbs of Frequency

0% 100%

never hardly ever occasionally sometimes generally usually always seldom once in a while fairly often frequently

Put the word in the correct space in the sentences.Lee smokes.(never) _____________________________________________________Vann goes for a walk in the morning. (usually)_______________________________________________________Gina is very friendly. (always) _____________________________________________________Nan is hungry. (usually) _______________________________________________________Joanne watches TV in the afternoon. (seldom) _______________________________________________________Teacher Chen yells at her students. (occasionally)______________________________________________Wayne gets angry. (never) ______________________________________________________

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Adverbs of Frequency

0% 100%

never hardly ever occasionally sometimes generally usually always seldom once in a while fairly often frequently

Ask your partner:1. What do you usually do on Mondays?2. What do you usually do on Saturdays?3. What do you usually do on Sundays?4. What time do you usually go to school?5. How often do you eat fast food?6. How often do you watch movies?7. How often do you eat candy?8. How often do you forget to do your homework?9. How often do you go to the doctor?10. What do you never do, but would like to?11. What do you always do, but don’t want to?12. How often do your teachers shout at you?13. How often do you exercise?14. How often are you sick?

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The secrets of a long life

4a) Check five things that you think help people to live to be a hundred years old.

4b) In which places are these things important?

Do you think those things are important to live a long life? Why or why not?

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How often do you…1. Have breakfast a) hardly ever / never b) sometimes / usually c) always2. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables a) hardly ever b) once a day c) three times a day3. Eat fast food a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever / never4. Exercise a) hardly ever / never b) once or twice a week c) three four times a week5. Feel tired or stressed a) always / often b) sometimes c) hardly ever / never

6. Relax a) hardly ever / never

b) sometimes c) every day7. See your friends a) sometimes b) often c) very often

How many…8. Hours do you usually sleep a day a) 0 to 4 b) 5 to 6 c) 7 to 99. Cups of coffee do you drink a day a) more than five b) usually only one or two c) I don’t drink coffee10. Which of these is true for you? a) I’m not very positive about life. b) I’m usually positive about life. c) I’m always positive about life.

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Look at your partner’s answers. Give each answer a number:

a = 5b = 7c = 10

Add up the numbers. The total is the number of years your partner can expect to


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1b) Match the verb phrases with the pictures.

2a) Read about Gary’s audition and complete the phrases.

2b) Listen and check.

2c) Now listen to Justin, Gary and Naomi.

2d) What do the judges say?

2e) Match the sentences

3b) Listen and circle what you hear.

Are you the next American Idol?

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Still got some time?

Penny’s pretty pink piggy bank.

Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

Seventy-seven benevolent elephants.