basic animal cell shapes & animal tissues and organs

Activity 12 and 13 Basic Animal Cell Shapes Animal Tissues and Organs Tissue Location Function Description Epithelial Tissues Simple Squamous Epithelium Lining the blood vessels, air sacs of lungs, kidney tubules and the lining of body cavities Diffusion, filtration and passage of materials where little protection is needed The simplest of all epithelial tissues, simple epithelium consists of a single layer of thin, flat cells Cuboidal Epithelium Kidney tubules, glands and their ducts, terminal bronchioles of lungs and surface of ovaries and retina Secretion, absorption and movement of substances The structure is a single layer of cube- shaped cells. Some have microscopic extensions called microvilli. Some have cilia that protrudes from their surface Columnar Epithelium Lining of the digestive and upper part of the respiratory tracts, Secretion of mucus The structure is a single layer of tall, narrow cells. Some

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Activity 12 and 13 Basic Animal Cell Shapes Animal Tissues and OrgansTissue Epithelial Tissues Simple Squamous Epithelium Location Function DescriptionLining the blood vessels, air Diffusion, filtration and passage The simplest of all epithelial sacs of lungs, kidney tubules of materials where little tissues, simple epithelium and the lining of body cavities protection is needed consists of a single layer of thin, flat cellsCuboidal EpitheliumKidney tubules, glands and Secretion, absorpti


Page 1: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Activity 12 and 13Basic Animal Cell Shapes

Animal Tissues and Organs

Tissue Location Function DescriptionEpithelial TissuesSimple Squamous Epithelium Lining the blood vessels, air

sacs of lungs, kidney tubules and the lining of body cavities

Diffusion, filtration and passage of materials where little protection is needed

The simplest of all epithelial tissues, simple epithelium consists of a single layer of thin, flat cells

Cuboidal Epithelium Kidney tubules, glands and their ducts, terminal bronchioles of lungs and surface of ovaries and retina

Secretion, absorption and movement of substances

The structure is a single layer of cube-shaped cells. Some have microscopic extensions called microvilli. Some have cilia that protrudes from their surface

Columnar Epithelium Lining of the digestive and upper part of the respiratory tracts, auditory and uterine tubes

Secretion of mucus The structure is a single layer of tall, narrow cells. Some have microvilli and cilia

Page 2: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Stratified Squamous Epithelium Skin, mouth and throat lining; vaginal lining; anal lining and cornea

Protection, hard outer layer being continuously removed by friction and replaced from below

The structure has several layers of cells. The lower layers are columnar and active. The upper layers are flattened at the surface

Pseudostratified Epithelium Nasal cavity and sinuses, ducts of dome glands and some ducts of the male reproductive system

Protection and secretion of mucus

The structure is a single layer of cells. It is similar to columnar epithelium but all cells are not the same height. Some reach the surface and others do not. Some have cilia, and some have microvilli

Transitional Epithelium Lining of urinary bladder and uterus

Accomodation of fluid fluctuations in an organ or tube by stretching easily

There are several layers of columnar cells beneath layers of surface cells. Cells are flattened when tissue is stretched

Connective TissuesDense Fibrous Connective Tissue

Tendons and ligaments, attachments between organs and dermis of the skin

Support ability to withstand great pulling forces in the direction in which the fibers are oriented

The structure consists of mostly collagen fibers with occasional rows of collagen-producing cells

Page 3: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Reticular Connective Tissue Liver, lymph nodes, spleen and bone marrow

Support The structure is intertwined reticular fibers

Elastic Connective Tissue Lung tissue, arteries Strength with stretching and recoil

The structure consists of elastic fibers dotted with cells

Loose Tissue Widely distributed throughout the body; packing between glands, muscles and nerves; attachments between the skin and underlying tissue

Support, loose packing The structure consists of cells within a fine network of fibers (mostly collagen), which they produce. The cells and fibers are separated from each other by fluid-filled spaces

Hyaline Cartilage Ends of long bones, joints, respiratory tubes, costal cartilage of ribs, nasal cartilage and embryonic skeleton

Flexible support, reduction of friction between movable bones

Cartilage cells are found in lacunae within a rigid, transparent matrix. Collagen fibers are small and not visible

Page 4: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Elastic Cartilage Auditory tube, external ear, epiglottis

Rigidity with flexibility, returning in original shape after being stretched

The structure resembles hyaline cartilage but has elastic fibers

Fibrocartilage Connection between pubic bones, intervertebral disks

Support, connection, shock absorption and ability to withstand considerable pressure

The structure resembles hyaline cartilage but has thick bundles of collagen fibers

Bone Bones of skeleton Strength, support and protection of internal organs; storage of calcium; sttachment for muscles

Bone-making cells (osteocytes) are found on lacunae. In compact bone, the lacunae are arranged in circles around the Harvesian canals, which contain blood vessels and nerves. The structure is a hard mineralized matrix

Adipose Tissue Under the skin insulations of organs such as the heart, kidney and breast

Storage, insulation, energy, support of organs

The structure consists of lipid-filled, ring-shaped cells packed together

Page 5: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Blood Blood vessels, heart Protection of body from infections, transportation of oxygen, nutrients, wastes and other minerals; regulation of body temperature

The structure consists of blood cells in a fluid matrix

Muscle TissuesSmooth Muscles Walls of hollow organs, pupil of

eye, skin (attached to hair) and glands

Regulation of size of organs, forcing of fluid through tubes, control of amount of light entering eye and production of “goose-flesh” in the skin; under involuntary control

The tissue is not striated. The spindle-shaped cells have a single, centrally located nucleus

Skeletal Muscles Attachment to bone Movement of the body, under voluntary control

The tissue is striated. Cells are large, long and cylindrical with several nuclei

Cardiac Muscles Heart Pumping of blood, under involuntary control

The tissue is striated. Cells are cylindrical and branching with a single centrally located nucleus

Page 6: Basic Animal Cell Shapes & Animal Tissues and Organs

Nervous TissuesNervous Tissues Brain, spinal cord, and

peripheral nervesSensitivity and conduction of nerve impulses

Stellate-shaped cells