based on · • interesting area • does it help in localizing lesions • explain symptoms •...


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Page 1: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)
Page 2: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Based on ……

• AAN- Continuum Journal

Page 3: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

• Interesting area

• Does it help in localizing lesions

• Explain symptoms

• Important to know for rehabilitation

Page 4: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

– May seem complex (perceived need of props)– Time consuming

– Patients may not cooperate

– Not that useful- waste of time?– Not knowing how to do it – not covered well in med school– Not able to interpret even if knows how to do it

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• Patient with a cognitive complaint

• Suspected of dementia

• Stroke/ head injury/ encephalitis etc

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• Single domain

• Multiple domain

• Degree

• Can we localize to a particular region of the brain?

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Spheres of cognition

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3 aspects1. Encoding

2. Storage

3. Retrieval

• Defect in 1 or more of these processes -amnesia

Page 10: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Modalities of memory









Procedural Priming

Recall of past events with a sense of familiarity

Memory of general information such as vocabulary or arithmetic facts

Page 11: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Explicit memory is the conscious, intentional recollection of previous experiences and information. We use explicit memory throughout the day, such as remembering the time of an appointment or recollecting an event from years ago.

Episodic memory is the memory of autobiographical events (times, places, associated emotions, and other contextual knowledge) that can be explicitly stated.

Semantic memory refers to the memory of meanings, understandings, and other concept-based knowledge unrelated to specific experiences.

Implicit memory is a type of memory in which previous experiences aid in the performance of a task without conscious awareness of these previous experiences.

Procedural memory –(motor learning) – phenomenon whereby repeated performance of a motor act enhances and automates future skill of the same act. Slow acquisition but resistant to forgetting

Priming – short lived enhancement of perceptually based performance after recent exposure to visually similar material

Page 12: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)
Page 13: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

• 25 year old

sustained a head injury after a fight where he was struck on the head.

He was confused after the accident.

CT showed a basal skull #

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Day 4

4 months later

Retrograde amnesia Anterograde amnesia

Page 15: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)
Page 16: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)
Presentation Notes
Limbic pathways- emotion – if someone scolds u it is likely that u will remember- strong emotions
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Mental status examination

Page 18: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

History ……….

• Attention– Is the patient easily distracted?– Able to stay on task?

• Memory– ask the same question repeatedly?– remember recent conversations?

• Language– trouble recalling names of long time acquaintances?– trouble summoning words?– mispronounce or use the wrong words in conversation– stopped reading?– hand writing deteriorated?

Page 19: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

History …….

• Visuospatial fn– difficulty driving?– get confused or disoriented in crowded stores?– Trouble finding the car in a crowded parking lot– Get lost easily

• Executive fn– Personality changed?– Done any thing embarrassing/inappropriate in a gathering– Difficulty managing hygiene, home and finances– Negative evaluations at work– Cry more often than used to

• Praxis– Difficulty using household items– Trouble dressing

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Page 21: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

• Before proceeding to assess mental status better to test

level of consciousness



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Level of consciousness

• Alert - obtunded - stuporous - coma


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Page 24: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)


1. Orientation to time• Day of the week• Month of the year• Year• Clock time• Calendar date

2. Forward digit span

3. A-vigilance (1 minute)

Disorientation – impaired global attention or severe anterograde amnesia; in latter A-vigilance task will be normal

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Forward digit span

• 4,6,9,5,3,5,6

• Normal - 5-9

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A vigilance test

• D,A,G,D,R,A,T,E,X,A,S,H,A,Q,W,E,F,G,A,F,A,G,B,F,D,M,N,D,S,W,AS,D,D,Q,F,A……………..

• Tap the table each time u hear letter A or raise hand if in bed

• (1 letter per second for 60 sec)

• Error of ommision Attention deficit• Perseveration Executive dysfn• Errors of commission Executive dysfn

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Page 28: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Impaired repetitionImpaired comprehension

Impaired fluency







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1. Observation of spontaneous speech

2. Speech comprehension1. Yes/ No questions2. Token test

3. Verbatim repetition

4. One minute category fluency

5. Visual naming to confrontation

Page 30: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Yes/No questions

• Please answer yes or no

– Is this a hotel?

– Is the door closed?

– Am I wearing a tie?

– Do I have black shoes?

– Are u on the bed?

– Is there a cat in the room?

Only indicated if patient is acutely ill or there is suggestion of impaired comprehension

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Token test

– Point to the comb

– Point to the key

– Point to the black pen

– Point to the large coin

– Point to the key and then the comb

– Put the large pen on the key

– Touch the key and touch a coin

– Touch the key with the black pen

Normal token test means speech comprehension is normal

Page 32: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Verbatim repetition

• Please repeat exactly what I say:I got home from work.Near the table in the dining room.They heard him speak on the radio last night.

ErrorsNot able to repeat – aphasiaInability to remember phrases beyond a certain

length (working memory)

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One-minute category fluency

• I want u to say aloud all of the things you can think of that u can buy from a grocery store, as fast as u can, I am going to time u, ready go!

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• Sugar, flour, milk, jam, rice, soap, toothpaste, etc…

Amnesia - repeatExecutive dysfn - fail to maintain set and shift to other categoriesClouded sensorium - fail to maintain taskSlow – subcortical

Normal<70 >1670-80 >14> 80 >10


Page 35: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Visual naming to confrontation








In the setting of other signs of aphasia, impaired naming adds little additional import. In the absence of these findings – left extrasylvian language areas- left anterior and inferior temporal lobe

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Page 37: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)


Working memory

– Reverse digit span• Normal is =5 ; 2 less than the forward digit span

– Serial subtraction- depends more on level of education

Anterograde memory

– Registration and delayed recall of 3 items (screening)

– Serial word list learning test

Page 38: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Serial word list learning test

• Write down 10 frequent 1-2 syllable concrete nouns, in a column

• Explain to patient ‘I am going to read u a list of words. When I finish I want u to tell me immediately as many as u can’

• Record the number of items the patient recalls

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1 2 3 4 5 Delayedrecall

(5 min)











Total 6 7 7 8 9 7

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Page 41: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Signs of executive dysfunction

Positive Negative

Impaired decision makingDistractibilityInstability of emotionSocial disinhibitionPerseverationImpulsivenessHyperphagia

Limited behaviour initiationRestricted emotionDeficient empathyLack of planningFailure to complete tasksLack of awareness or concern

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Executive function screening

1. Observe pt- frontal lobe

2. Luria 3 step test (‘fist-edge-palm’ test)Complex task- checks premotor, prefrontal, parietal and

visual memory

3. Grasp response

4. Imitation behaviour

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Luria’s 3 step test (fist-edge-palm)

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Grasp response

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Imitation behaviour

• Clapping once

• Slapping each knee in turn

• Crossing your arms across your chest

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Page 47: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Sensory disorders

• Visual

• Somatosensory

• Auditory

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• Disorders of sensory processing

• Disorders of sensory integration

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Dorsal - whereVentral - what

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Disorders of sensory integration

Visuospatial disorders ‘Body-schema’ disorders

Spatial neglect Finger agnosia(inability to identify one’s own fingers or of another’s)

Impaired visuoconstruction Autotopagnosia(impairment of identification of all body parts- lateral left parietal lobe)

Right- Left disorientation Anosognosia

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• Before higher vision check visual acuity and visual fields

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Higher vision screening

1. Cookie theft picture

2. Figure copyCube/ intersecting pentagons

3. Finger constructions

4. Clock drawing

• Check R/parietal function

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‘Cookie theft’ picture

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A patient with neglect


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Line bisection


Patient with left sided neglect

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Line cancellation test

Normal Patient with left neglect

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Figure copy

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Clock drawing

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Finger constructions

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Cortical sensation

• Stereognosis

• Graphaesthesia

• 2 point discrimination

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• Disorder of skilled movement

in the absence of elementary – Motor

– Extrapyramidal

– Cerebellar disorders

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Types of apraxias

• True apraxias– Ideomotor apraxia

• Limb apraxia• Oral apraxia

– Ideational apraxia– Conceptual apraxia– Callosal apraxia– Ocular apraxia

• Other apraxias– Constructional – Dressing– Gait

Page 69: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Ideomotor apraxia

• Cannot pantomime a skilled movement to command even though they understand the request and have no primary motor deficit

• Results from left hemisphere damage (infparietal lobe)

• Presence of aphasia or hemiparesis may mask the presence of apraxia

Page 70: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Oral apraxia

• Stick out your tongue

• Cough

• Blow out a match

• Lick your lips

• Show me how you would whistle

Page 71: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Limb apraxia

• Wave good-bye

• Use a comb

• Use scissors

• Use toothbrush

• Use a key to open a door

Body part as object responses are incorrect

Page 72: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

Ideational apraxia

• Inability to formulate and execute a series of acts that are necessary to achieve a goal– Eg mail a letter

Page 73: Based on · • Interesting area • Does it help in localizing lesions • Explain symptoms • Important to know for rehabilitation – May seem complex (perceived need of props)

What we use often

• Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)– 11 questions

– 30 points

– ~ 10 min

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Orientation in time

Orientation in place

Registration and recall



Higher visual fn

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Advantages and disadvantages of MMSE

Easy to administer Does not take much time Reproducible

It is good to follow progression

More weight-age on verbally mediated abilities than on memory Only 1 point for visually mediated performance None for executive functions (insensitive to diagnose some types of

dementia) Absence of timed items (subcortical) Early AD- sensitivity 50-60%

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