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  • 7/28/2019 Barry - The Origin of the Greek Alphabet


    The Origin of the Greek Alphabet

    Barry B. Powell

    The Greek alphabet was a radical departure rom its model, West Semitic writing,

    because it atomized speech. Homers loruit belongs in the eighth century BCE,

    near the time o the invention o the Greek alphabet, which we date ca. 800 BCE bycomparing its orms with West Semitic orms and by extrapolating backward rom

    the earliest epigraphic fnds. What historical causes underlay the alphabets invention?

    The earlier logosyllabic writings o Mesopotamia and Egypt never inormed the

    reader o how the writing sounded, nor did the syllabic Linear B or Cypriote syllabary.

    The earliest Greek epigraphic inds are mostly hexametric, suggesting that the

    need to record complex rhythms inherent in the alternation o vowels inspired a

    single adapters invention o the Greek alphabet. Because Homer lived at about the

    same time as the invention o the alphabet, he is likely himsel to have inspired the

    invention. Texts o the IliadandOdysseycarried the secret o their decipherment and

    established alphabetic literacy or Greece.

    It is commonplace to praise the Greek alphabet, to say how it encouraged

    the development of philosophy, science, and democracy, and we might say

    this without derogating from the qualities of the admirable and ancient

    forms of writing that originated in China around 1200 BCE, historically a

    medium for high culture and deeply inuential on the Korean, Japanese,

    and Vietnamese traditions. The West Semitic family of writings that

    preceded the Greek in the Mediterranean Sea, including Phoenician,

    Hebrew, and Arabic, has also had profound influence and continues

    to exercise influence. But the Greek alphabet was radically different in

    function from its predecessors, including its West Semitic Phoenician

    model, in being the rst writing whose signs represented what we might

    call the atoms of the spoken language, the smallest units of speech that

    June 2010 | pp. 19-32 vol.



    2010 by the Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University

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    20 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    distinguish one utterance or word from another. In Greek alphabetic

    writing the combination of graphic signs that represent these atomic

    elements, or phonemes, enables the reader to reconstruct, more or less,the actual sound of the spoken word, and no earlier writing was able to do

    this. It is this fact above all that supports Ignace Gelbs position that the

    West Semitic writings were, from the point of view of internal structure,

    syllabaries where each sign represents a consonant plus an additional

    unspecied vowel, or no vowel.1

    Without entering this controversy, we cannot doubt that the invention

    of the Greek alphabet was a radical break from earlier traditions of writing,

    and Gelbs thesis is a useful way of placing this break within an historicalcontext. We would like to know what the historical forces were that lay

    behind the invention of the Greek alphabetthat is, what caused its


    A seemingly dierent and altogether separate problem has to do with

    the poet Homer. Certainly we possess theIliad and the Odyssey, the basic

    literary texts in the Western tradition. But how do we have them? How

    were they written down? Josephus in the ancient world (rst century BCE),

    the Frenchman DAubignac in the early eighteenth century, and especiallythe German Friedrich August Wolf in the late eighteenth century, in his

    celebrated Prolegomena ad Homerum of 1795, emphasized the difficulty

    of supposing that Homers poems, composed in an illiterate age, could

    have been fixed in writing by the poet himself. Speculations about the

    relationship between writing and Homer constitute the heart of the famous

    Homeric Question, which we might baldly summarize as: No writing, no


    By no means has modern research into oral composition altered thedilemma that Wolf eloquently argued. Even if Homer did compose his

    poems orally without the aid of writing, they cannot have been transmitted

    without the aid of writing, in the form in which we have them. Yet

    leading Homerists agree, on the basis of complex evidence, that Homer

    lived in the eighth century BCE, just when the very earliest scraps of the

    Greek alphabet are found. Was a brand-new writingfashioned for such

    mundane ends as to record business accounts (according to a common

    view), and known but to few menexercised in its infancy and almost

    1 Gelb,Study of Writing.

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    Powell | The Origin of the Greek Alphabet 21

    incidentally to record 28,000 lines of complicated verse on many dozens of

    rolls of expensive papyrus?

    Histories of writing do not generally attempt to answer the questionsHow? and Why? However, in my studies of the transition from oral

    to written culture in ancient Greece, and in my speculations about the

    differences between Greek alphabetic writing and early writings, I have

    come to a conclusion at rst surprising, now not so much so, about how

    and why the Greek alphabet was inventeda conclusion that bears directly

    on the seemingly dierent question, How were theIliad and the Odyssey

    written down? How did oral song become text?

    Let us now treat these topics in this order: rst some general remarksabout what happened when the Greek alphabet was invented, based on

    internal evidence; second, some words about how earlier forms of writing

    worked in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean, in order to establish

    a historical context; third, a look at examples of the very earliest surviving

    remains of alphabetic writing; and nally, the conclusion itself: the origins

    of Greek alphabetic literacy.

    The Greek alphabet was invented by a single man at a single time.

    We know this because in all local varieties of archaic Greek writing thereappear unique, hence inimitable, alterations of the Greek alphabets

    Phoenician model. These unique alterations are, rst, the fairly arbitrary

    derivation of the five Greek vowel signs from certain Phoenician

    consonantal signs, and especially the splitting up of the single Phoenician

    consonantal sign wau into two Greek signs, one consonantal with the value

    /w/, later called digamma, the other vocalic, the sign later called upsilon

    with the value /u/. The second unpredictable and therefore unrepeatable

    alternation to its Phoenician model by the Greek alphabet is a confusedreassignment of name and value of the four Phoenician sibilants, a

    complicated topic that I can mention here only in passing.

    Orthographic evidence also encourages the conclusion that the Greek

    alphabet was created by a single man at a single time, for the earliest

    Greek writing was written boustrophedon, back and forth as the ox turns,

    each line alternating in a different direction. This practice is in contrast

    to the line-by-line Phoenician, always written from right to left. Archaic

    Greek writing also disregards word division, normal for Phoenician writingin the eighth century BCE. It is incredible that more than one man would

    at roughly the same time make exactly the same alterations in his model.

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    22 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    The adapter also added the so-called supplemental letters , , and

    to the series, but because the sounds attached to these signs were not all

    phonemic, considerable confusion in their values was to follow. This wilyPalamedes, who created the alphabet, I call the Adapter.

    When did this happen, that the Adapter made his great discovery? In

    the last several generations, guesses ranging from as early as 1400 BCE

    to as late as 670 BCE have received serious attention. In the 1930s the

    American scholar Rhys Carpenter laid the foundation for the modern view

    on the problem, among classicists at least, when he insisted that the Greek

    alphabet can not have been invented much earlier than its earliest extant

    material remains.


    It seemed incredible to Carpenter that a people whohistorically wrote on every kind of object, but especially on imperishable

    ceramic ware, could have been literate for longer than a generation or so

    before we begin actually to nd specimens of their writing.

    Carpenters conclusions were accepted by the Oxford scholar Lillian

    Jeffery3 and are accepted universally now by Greek epigraphists. The

    very earliest dated examples of Greek writing, according to our present

    knowledge, are placed at around 775-750 BCE, scratched on sherds from

    Lefkandi, a major Iron Age archaeological site on the west coast of the longisland of Euboea, near the Euripus Channel, of all known sites from the

    Greek Dark Ages the most wealthy. We are uncertain of the ancient name

    of Lefkandi, but we cannot doubt that the Lefkandians were participants

    in the foundation by Euboean Chalcis, near Lefkandi, of the earliest Greek

    colony in the far west, on the island of Pithekoussai (modern Ischia in

    the Bay of Naples), where other very early eighth-century examples of

    Greek writing have been found. Recently published from ancient Gabii in

    southern Latium (modern Osteria dell Osa) comes a securely dated vasewith part of a name, evidently in the Greek alphabet.4 Only one other sherd

    from Lefkandi is as old. The Chalcidiansand perhaps Lefkandiansalso

    had a permanent trading colony at the other end of the Mediterranean,

    at Al Mina in north Syria near the mouth of the Orontes. Their pottery

    has been found on Cyprus. Here, then, is the social circle and economic

    environment within which the alphabet appears to have come into being.

    2Carpenter, Antiquity of the Greek Alphabet.

    3Jeery,Local Scripts.

    4 Ridgway, Greek Letters.

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    Powell | The Origin of the Greek Alphabet 23

    From a purely formal point of view, the moment at which the shapes of

    the letters of archaic Greek writing seem to be most similar to the shapes

    of the surviving examples of West Semitic writing, the alphabets model, isaround 800 BCEprovided we insist on comparing whole signaries and not

    just this sign or that. This method is more easily described than fullled

    because of the exiguous number of Phoenician inscriptions from the early

    period, and there has been sharp disagreement about where the closest

    t is. Still, around 800 BCE seems the best date for the adaptation on the

    sole basis of epigraphic grounds. Here are two independent approaches,

    then, converging at the same pointa date for the earliest extant material

    remains at around 775 BCE, and the moment of closest formal resemblanceat around 800 BCE.

    We should accept that the date of the invention of the Greek alphabet

    was around 800 BCE; other dates are not to be taken seriously. Whether

    the Adapter made his invention in Syrian Al Mina, in Cyprus, on Crete, in

    Euboea, or someplace else, we cannot be sure, because we are concerned

    with the achievement of a single man working alone. Except for a slight

    reform of three letter values made by an Ionian around 600 BCE (, ,

    and ), and the addition of the diacritical variant of omicron as omegato the end of the series, no other substantive changes were ever made to

    the Greek alphabet after the moment of its creation. Like Athena from the

    head of Zeus, the Greek alphabet sprang fully formed from the head of its

    fashioner, fully armed.

    But what sort of change was the invention of the alphabet, as an

    historical event? Too often, while acknowledging that the Greek alphabet

    is a wonderful thing, people assume that it was bound to happen sooner or

    later, whether because all things get better in the course of time or becausethe Greek alphabet was a slight modication of the Phoenician syllabary,

    and thus a logical extension of what had gone before in writing. Neither

    of these positions is justified. Writing systems are the most conservative

    of human institutions, except for religion, which is often intimately bound

    up with writing. Korea can present a good example of such conservatism,

    preserving the older, far more complex traditional writing based on

    Chinese writing for hundreds of years after King Sejong promulgated

    the famous alphabetic Korean Hangeul writing in 1446 CE. Scholars citeChinese writing itself, and rightly so, as an example of the triumph of

    conservatism over practicality in writing, but the same choice was made in

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    24 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    other traditions.

    From an historical point of view, the alphabetic writing currently used

    to encode English, now lingua franca for the planet, has gone backwardand even adopted word-signs, or logograms, no dierent in function from

    those used in ancient Egyptian or Sumerian writing. A familiar example


    HICCOUGH, in which the sign-combination [OUGH] has no consistent

    phonetic value. The reader must first know how the word is to be

    pronounced and then recognize its conventional representation, which one

    learns on a case-by-case basis.

    A system of writing will often go backward like this. In general, soconservative is writing as an institution that ordinarily only a break in

    culture will create conditions favorable to significant change. Kemal

    Ataturks 1926 mandate against Arabic script in favor of Roman script

    was an eort to make the process work the other way, to create a break

    in culture by forcing a break in the writing tradition. In modern Korea,

    the favor now shown Hangeul writing also promotes a break from ancient

    traditions and favors a democratization of culture both in the republican

    south and the communist north. The illiterate Greeks of the eighth centuryBCE, set against the literate East, had the break in culture we are looking

    for, but there was never a necessity that they invent the Greek alphabet.

    The Greek alphabet is a highly idiosyncratic form of writing, and we

    should seek persuasive causes to explain its appearance.

    Examples of how writing worked in the ancient Near East before the

    Greek alphabet will help us see what sort of causes might explain the

    event. The Greek alphabet is a remote descendant of Egyptian hieroglyphic

    writing through a long, twisting path. Egyptian hieroglyphic writingis typical of a whole class of early writing systems, whose other great

    exemplar is Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform, a class of writings usually

    called word-syllabic or logosyllabic. In logosyllabic writing, a phonetic sign

    will stand for a whole word or for a syllable. There are also other signs

    without phonetic value, called semantic indicators (or determinatives), that

    place a word in some general class. Here is the Egyptian name for the star

    Orion with phonetic equivalents in Roman characters:

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    Powell | The Origin of the Greek Alphabet 25

    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

    sx sx3x 3x sx3x star god

    = sxaxx

    The first sign, folded cloth, represents a sibilant /s/ plus an unknown

    vowel, designated by superscripted x. The second sign, backbone (?),

    repeats the value /s/ plus an unknown vowel and adds the value /glottal

    stop/, represented graphically by the 3, plus an unknown vowel. Thethird sign, vulture, repeats the value /glottal stop/ plus an unknown

    vowel. The forth sign, twisted rope, adds new phonetic information,

    indicating a /voiceless pharyngeal fricative/ (a sound made by closing

    the throat) plus an unknown vowel. The fth sign, toes, now sums up

    the phonetic information already given to represent three consonants

    /s/, /glottal stop/, and the /voiceless pharyngeal fricative/and has no

    phonetic value, being a semantic indicator that tells the reader this word

    refers to a star. The seventh sign, god, is a second semantic indicator,telling the reader that this word has the attributes of a god.

    As a matter of method, modern Egyptian philology eschews direct

    apprehension of Egyptian writing, approaching the meaning encoded in

    the writing through a stepped process whereby first the Egyptian signs

    are reduced to a theoretical phonetic construction expressed by means of

    more-or-less Roman alphabetic characters, as in the above example. Only

    then can the meaning be deduced from the alphabetic reconstruction.

    Transliterating the seven signs that spell the Egyptian word for theconstellation Orion, the modern Egyptologist reconstructs a triconsonantal

    word consisting of /s/, /glottal stop/, and a /voiceless pharyngeal

    fricative/, which the Egyptologist will pronounce in a classroom as

    something like sah, although sah in no sense aspires to reconstruct the

    actual pronunciation of the ancient Egyptian word. Egyptian logosyllabic

    writing, in spite of its elaborate complexity, is incapable of imparting the

    slightest information about vocalic qualities. Seven signs, complex to draw,

    yield information about three consonants and never tell the reader howthe word sounds. Ancient Egyptian writing was not meant for modern

    Egyptologists but for ancient Egyptians, who knew how the word sounded.

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    26 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    We find a different example of prealphabetic writing in an early

    tradition of Greek literacy, namely, the Linear B script used in the Bronze

    Age palaces of Crete and Mycenae. Less well known is another syllabicscript, related in some way to Linear B (or to its predecessor, Linear A) and

    used on the island of Cyprus, namely, the Cypriote syllabary. The classical

    form of the Cypriote syllabary was used from the eighth century BCE

    (though a single example dates from ca. 1100 BCE) until the third century

    BCE, side by side with the Greek alphabetan extraordinary example of

    the conservatism of writing systems. The Cypriote signary has around fty-

    ve signs, ve of which stand for pure vowels and fty of which represent

    open syllables consisting of a consonant plus one of the ve vowels, suchas /ka/, /ke/, /ki/, /ko/, /ku/. No distinction is made between voiced,

    aspirated, and voiceless stops, so that, for example, /ba/, /pa/, and

    /pha/ are all represented by the same sign. Conventionally transcribed,

    the first few words of the longest surviving inscription in this writing

    the celebrated bronze tablet from Idalionreads as follows (though the

    original was written from right to left):


    This hardly looks like Greek, but would be written in Greek alphabetic

    characters (with Roman transliteration) as:


    Hote ta ptolin Edalion kateworgon Madoi

    When the Medes overcame the city of Idalion . . .

    In even this short fragment we notice how the aspiration in (Hote) is

    not indicated in the Cypriote text (o-te); how the nasal of the accusative

    definite article is omitted; how the consonant cluster (pt) cannot be

    represented; how the final consonant /n/ in (ptolin) is written

    ne; how, because no distinction is made between voiced, aspirated, and

    voiceless stops, the writing does not tell us whether /g/ or /k/ is meant, or

    whether the Medes are pronounced , , or (madoi, matoi,

    mathoi). We cannot tell from the writing how the Greek sounded but are

    expected, as native speakers, to know from the rich phonetic information

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    Powell | The Origin of the Greek Alphabet 27

    that the writing imparts.

    The Cypriote syllabary, just like its predecessor and probable congener

    Linear B, is a highly advanced system of phonetic writing of wonderfulelegance that has jettisoned the heavy baggage of semantic and phonetic

    indicators characteristic of the earlier logosyllabic writings. This brilliant

    writing, built on earlier Cretan discoveries, has reduced the complement of

    its signary from many hundreds to around fty-ve simple phonetic signs.

    Still, phonetic writing before the Greek alphabet was different in kind

    from the Greek alphabet because, just as with the earlier logosyllabaries,

    it was always designed to remind a native speaker of words whose sound

    in speech he already knew. Scribes do not make writings for the world butfor themselves and their compatriots, a principle that also governed the

    Phoenician writing from which the Greek alphabet comes.

    A Phoenician inscription of around 600 BCE begins with signs that

    mean I am Yhwmlk, King of Byblos, written right to left as:

    and transliterated as xnxkx Yxx wxmxlxkx (the sign means a glottal stop,

    the same as 3 in Egyptological studies; the superscripted x stands for a

    vowel or no vowel). The Phoenician is unpronounceable on the evidence

    of the wholly consonantal information imparted by the writing. It is not

    that Greek, or any other language, cannot be written down without an

    alphabet; Greek was so written twice in history. But Greek alphabetic

    writing is distinctly idiosyncratic in the ancient world, where logosyllabicand syllabic systems supported great civilizations, in its attempt to record

    the actual sound of the human voice.

    What were the earliest uses to which the Greek alphabet was put,

    according to the surviving examples? A celebrated example is the

    hexameter and some additional signs scratched on a pot, evidently a

    prize jug awarded in an athletic contest, from Athens of around 730 BCE.

    A translation of the text reads Whoever of all the dancers now dances

    most gracefully, implying that that dancer will get this pot, although thethought was never completed in the inscription. This earliest surviving

    Greek inscription is also our earliest surviving evidence for oral poetry

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    28 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    in Greece, for from the diction we know that the hexameter line here

    recorded was composed by an oral poet, a possessor of the living tradition

    of Greek oral verse, like Homer and Hesiod. But who wrote down thehexameter line on this pot? And why?

    Nearly as old is a remarkable three-line graffito on a cup of crude

    ware found in the eighth-century cemetery on the island of Pithekoussai

    in the Bay of Naples, where Euboeans placed the earliest western outpost

    of classical Greece. The inscription is also dated to around 730 BCE and

    means I am the cup of Nestor [rst line], a joy to drink from. Whoever

    drinks this cup [second line], straightway that man will the desire of

    beautiful-crowned Aphrodite seize [third line]. This extraordinary andprimordial inscription appears to be the product of a symposiastic capping

    game, where verse-contests accompanied ritual drinking. The rst drinker

    sets up the game by the mock-epic, I am the cup of Nestor, nice to drink

    from, applied to a humble ware decidedly unlike the mighty cup of gold

    that Homer celebrates in the eleventh book of the Iliad. The second diner

    matches the challenge with a skillful variation, in dactylic hexametric

    rhythm, of a common curse-formula of the type, Whoever steals mehe

    will be struck blind, or go crazy. The third diner now must pronouncehis own doom, also in a pure hexameterAnd his punishment will be

    to know the delights of love! Someone at the party who knew how to

    write down Greek hexameters actually recorded the game on this cup.

    This second oldest example of Greek alphabetic writing in the world also

    appears to be a literary allusion to theIliad, implying that a text of Homers

    poem existed in the eighth century and was known even in far-o Italy.

    Other pieces of alphabetic writing long enough to be called an

    inscription survive from the rst 100 or 150 years of Greek writing. Morethan a few are hexametrical. Our impression is that Greek literacy first

    ourished in a world socially noble and temperamentally agonistic, similar

    to Homers description of life in the palace, where there was good food

    and abundant drink in the midst of athletic contests, self-assertion, and

    oral song. To this world belonged the dance contests of the Attic prize jug

    and the literary fun and erotic innuendo of the Nestors cup capping game.

    Here at the feast and the festival sat the oral poet, center of attention, rich

    in honor from the glory of his song. Early Greek writing is not attachedto the businessmans ledger, nor does it celebrate the triumphs of men or

    of the city. From the rst one hundred years of Greek alphabetic writing

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    there is not a single public inscriptiondecree, treaty, or remembrance of

    common martial exploit; not one public dedication to a god, and only three

    certain private dedications to a god; no inventories, catalogues, records oftreasure, building specications, nancial accounts of any kind, not even

    any numbers until around 600 BCE. The material record preserves not

    one word connected with the doings of one state or collective body with

    another. The silence about public affairs is uninterrupted. Although the

    inscriptions are wholly of a private nature, even here we miss categories

    well attested later: no legal documents, wills, manumissions, contracts,

    mortgages, or transfers of land. There is nothing that suggests mercantile

    interests of any kind. The close association between hexametric poetryand early writing, by contrast, is powerfully attested. Hexametric poetry

    was even the natural means of expression for the early possessors of Greek


    The evidence from the material remains agrees with what we might

    predict from the history of writing. In the need to record the Greek

    hexameter we have found the necessary cause for the creation of a

    writing that attempts to record the actual sound of the human voice.

    The Greek hexameter was a form of Greek, but one that no one everspoke, a Kunstsprache fashioned from an admixture of different dialects,

    archaisms, and artificial forms that served the metrical needs of the

    dactylic hexametric rhythm. It was a sort of special language, learned by

    absorption, if we trust the analogy of modern oral poets, and spoken only

    by the bards. The rhythms of the Greek hexametric line were inherent in

    the alternation of long and short vowels, which often appear in clusters. It

    is possible to record Greek in a syllabary, even in the Phoenician syllabary,

    but it is not possible to recreate the Greek hexameter from a syllabic text.We have found the historical cause for the origin of a writing not satised

    with reminding a native speaker of words in a language he already knows:

    There are no native speakers of the Greek hexameter.

    If the Adapter fashioned his system in order to record metrical verse,

    then what metrical verse? Was the Adapters invention inspired by the

    desire to record metrical verse in general, as a technology of general

    applicability, or did one singer inspire his invention?

    What about Homer? When did he live? When did his songs becometext? By consensus, leading Homerists have long placed him in the eighth

    century BCE (although there is always someone ready to disagree), but

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    30 HORIZONS, vol. 1, no. 1 (2010)

    where exactly in the eighth century he belongs is hard to say. Our best

    basis for dating Homer is by comparison of the world he describes with

    the archaeological record, although Homers world is a poetic world thatnever existed just as he describes it. Any time between 850 and 750 BCE

    will accord with the complicated evidence we can gather, and sometime

    in the middle might t bestthe very time probable for the invention of

    the Greek alphabet. Nothing would interfere with a conclusion that around

    800 BCE Homer sat down and dictated his poems to the inventor of the

    Greek alphabet. By any reckoning, the Homeric poems were composed

    close to the time of the invention of the Greek alphabet. We return full

    circle to the Homeric Question: What is the relationship between writingand the Iliad and the Odyssey? Was a new writingfashioned to record

    hexametric verseinspired by an unknown poet or poets who disappeared

    without trace, while at about the same time it preserved 28,000 lines of

    complicated verse composed by the greatest poet in Western culture?

    Around the beginning of the eighth century BCE, a tradition of oral

    poetry ourished in Hellas that reached back into the Greek Bronze Age

    and probably farther. The poets of that day entertained in aristocratic

    households. Some poets were good and others not so good, but Homerinstilled into traditional song a moral force, narrative brilliance, raucous

    humor, and lyrical intensity that set him above his peers. Plausibly Homer

    moved toward the social circle of the prosperous and aggressive Euboeans,

    the inhabitants of Chalcis and ancient Lefkandi who sailed to Italy while

    at the same time trading at the other end of the Mediterranean Sea, at Al

    Mina in North Syria. Euboeans intermarried with Semitic-speakersthere

    is epigraphic evidenceboth in Italy and in the Levant. There must have

    been bilingual children, speaking Greek but heir to Semitic traditions,including writing by means of a short syllabic signary consisting of around

    twenty-two signs. Hearing Homer sing, someone resolved to write down

    his song in the same way that documents in West Semitic had been taken

    down by dictation for generations, or from the beginning.

    Any such bilingual lover of oral verse would soon discover that the

    West Semitic syllabary could not ax the Greek poetic line by means of

    graphic signs (consider the Homeric form aaatos, decisive!). In recording

    only the consonantal values that introduce or close a syllable, accordingto the principles of Egyptian and Phoenician writing, the original form of

    the verse, inherent in vowel clusters and the many unpredictable dialectal

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    forms, is lost. Assigning vocalic qualities to ve of the Phoenician signs,

    arbitrarily or because the Semitic consonant sounded to his ears like Greek

    vowels, the Adapter discovered the principle that no vowel quality can beassumed from the readers experience of the spoken language to go with

    any given consonantal sign, as the Phoenician syllabary worked, so that

    every vowel quality must be annotated explicitly. In exalting vowel signs

    to the same status as the consonantal signs, he reduced the Phoenician

    syllabograms to the Greek alphabetic signs that quite inadvertently were to

    change the world.

    With the revised technology, the original purpose was fulfilled. The

    Adapter, or someone in the project, was wealthya merchant, perhaps?The cost of papyrus alone would be large. Homer would require several

    weeks to dictate our Iliad and Odyssey, under unique conditions, never

    repeatable, that favored poems far too long and complex ever to have ever

    been part of the poets ordinary repertoire. TheIliad and the Odysseywere

    a collaborative effort, sprung from the intersection of a new technology

    with the master wielder of an ancient tradition of oral verse-making. While

    coming from a tradition of oral verse-making, texts of the Iliad and the

    Odysseyappear to have created the tradition of Greek alphabetic literacy,and for this reason they always stood as classic texts within it.

    When such a labor was done, who beyond the Adapter could read the

    many rolls of expensive papyrus? The text, or portions thereof, were copied

    and circulated, and with the texts went the secrets of their decipherment

    the row of signs, the names of the signs, and their phonetic valuesthe

    beginning and always the heart of Greco/Roman education. Alphabetic

    literacy spread rapidly through Hellas. Homers poems defined Greek

    values, and established the technology of alphabetic literacy for Greece andGreeces heirs.

    University of WisconsinMadison

    KEYWORDS | alphabet, hieroglyphs, cuneiorm, Homer, logosyllabary, syllabary, Greek inscriptions

  • 7/28/2019 Barry - The Origin of the Greek Alphabet


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