barriers to implementing lid and leed

LID and Policy: Sustainable Development Practices What is Stopping Us? Jon Barsanti Jr Masters in City and Regional Planning BA Interdisciplinary Study in Biology and Chemistry [email protected] 919.943.1915

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Looks at the barriers to implementation of LID and LEED - The benefits and perceived cost associated with LID. Also includes slides to answer questions.


  • 1. LID and Policy: SustainableDevelopment PracticesWhat is Stopping Us? Jon Barsanti JrMasters in City and Regional PlanningBA Interdisciplinary Study in Biology and [email protected] 919.943.1915

2. Ave Sq. Footage US and South1975-2009300025002488 USSqua2000 Southre 1705F 1500ootag1000e 500 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2009 3. Nitrogen in the soilMicrobes are part of the answer It is estimated that 40% of all chemical nitrogen fertilizer additions are never used by plants. Some bacteria convert nitrogen into ammonia by the process called nitrogen fixation; Other bacteria bring about transformations of ammonia to nitrate, and of nitrate to nitrogen and other nitrogen gases; Many bacteria and fungi degrade organic matter, releasing nitrogen for reuse by other organisms. 4. Nitrogen absorbing Plants are part of the answerIn the warm season, water convolvulus showed moreactivity than mint, jute or water hyacinth (a plant widely usedagainst eutrophication).In the cold season, calla lily showed the highest level ofactivity. Thus, the plant species need to be selecteddepending on the season.Both plants can be effectively used to improve water qualityand as useful resources after harvest. (author abst.)Evaluation of Plants for Absorbing Nitrogen and Phosphorus to Purify Eutrophic Water 5. Who is holding us backB N NA I ONM MyA B DN YA 6. Who is holding us back BuildNot Not AlmostIn OnNothingMy My Almost Back- DimeNowhere YardAnytime 7. Community: Show me the benefitsDeveloper: Show me the MoneyCommunity Leader: Show me theSavingsEason, Dixon, et. Al 8. WhoDevelopers DesignersDepartments Decision Makers 9. WhoWhyDevelopers Others Arent DesignersOthers AreDepartments InfrastructureDecisionGood allMakersaround 10. Who WhyWhyNotDevelopers Others Arent Cost DesignersOthers Are ResistanceDepartments Infrastructure OrdinancesDecision Good allFear of LossMakers around 11. Land UseTransportationWater Quantity/Water Quality 12. All Development Occurs in aWatershed Wetlands are more thanUndevelopable LandStream Buffers Impact Development and Developments Impact StreamBuffers All Land Uses have a Pollutant/Volume Profile 13. Undeveloped Land can be valuableLID & LEED can improve WaterQuality and Quantity; Cost LessNeed to view Run-off as a Resource Net Density versus Gross Density 14. All Development Occurs in a WatershedThree Parts:Watershed Critical AreasWatershed Protected Areas Remainder of the Watershed Barriers: Highest and Best Use of the Land; One persons/communitys out-flow is anothers intake 15. Wetlands are more than Undevelopable LandWetlands are natures filtrationsystem Wetlands manage volume andsediment loadWetlands are key to wildlifehabitat preservation Barrier: Wetland is undevelopable; Can fill and replace,although manufactured is not as good as natural 16. Stream Buffers Impact Development Developments Impact StreamBuffers Stream Buffers protect encroachment on ecosystem by developmentStream Buffers Protectdevelopment from encroachment by ecosystem(e.g. floods.)Barriers: Inconsistent setbacks between communities; Vertical versus Horizontal Setbacks 17. All Land Uses have aPollutant/Volume Profile Volume of water flow NutrientsTemperature of water flowing off the land Toxins Bacteria From Kimberly Brewers Presentation to the TJCOG Smart Growth Committee 18. All Land Uses have aPollutant/Volume Profile Sources Land-Use Contribution Contributionto N Loadto P Load Residential (SF) 29%12% Residential (MF) Agriculture 36%51% Forest19%15% Commercial/ 9%6% Industrial Other 7% 16% Non Point Source Pollution OnlyData from A Nutrient Credit Trading Framework for the Jordan Lake Watershed: Using Market-Based Mechanisms to Make Watershed RestorationMore Cost-Effective 19. All Land Uses have aPollutant/Volume Profile Sources Land-Use Contribution Contributionto N Loadto P Load Residential (SF) 14% 29%12% Residential (MF)1% Agriculture20%36%51% Forest 56%19%15% Commercial/ 3%9%6% Industrial Other 6%7% 16%Data from A Nutrient Credit Trading Framework for the Jordan Lake Watershed: Using Market-Based Mechanisms to Make Watershed RestorationMore Cost-Effective 20. SoilCompactionOccurs inalmost allsituationsHow much isreversible? 21. Table 1: Comparison of Bulk Density for undisturbedSoils and Common Urban Conditions (Compiled fromvarious sources)Undisturbed Soil Type or Urban Surface BulkConditionDensity (g/cc)Peat 0.2 to 0.3Compost1.0Sandy Soil 1.1 to 1.3Silty sands1.4Silt 1.3 to 1.4Silt Loams 1.2 to 1.5Organic Silts/Clays1.0 to 1.2Glacial Till 1.6 to 2.0Urban Lawns1.5 to 1.9Crushed Rock Parking Lot 1.5 to 2.0Urban Fill Soils 1.8 to 2.0Athletic Fields1.8 to 2.0ROW and Building Pads1.5 to 1.8(85% Compaction)ROW and Building Pads1.6 to 2.1(95% Compaction)Concrete Pavement2.2Quartzite2.65 22. Reversing Compacted Soils Soil Amendments Compost Amendments Reforestation Time 23. Reversing Compacted Soils 24. Benefits ofCompost AmendmentsCompost Amendments Can: Increase Porosity Reduce Peak Flows Produce Thicker lawns Reduce Fertilizer Applicationsand Watering Needs Create better lawns, faster EPA/600/R-00/016 25. FAQ regardingCompost AmendmentsCompost Amendments Appear to: Increase Concentrations of N and P Decrease Total N & P (Less watermeans lower concentration)Amendments can be tilled or applieddirectly and reseeded.2:1 ratio soil to compost tilled to atleast 12 inchesConstruction compaction can reach24 inches EPA/600/R-00/016 26. Other perspectives on Compost Amendments Barriers: It takes time and money tomeasure predevelopment conditions and post-development conditionsCost to amend soil decreases, per lot, asarea amended increases 27. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity How we developWhere we develop(and where we do not)What we do with the Run-off(Pipe or Percolate)What is disturbed What isconserved? 28. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity 29. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity Impacts on Land Start At theGrading Stage Fertilizers can have an impacton water quality, even in LIDNeighborhoods Volume and Peak Flows werekept at predevelopment levels. Need to Control Compaction,Minimize Soil Disturbance, andhave on-site supervision. 30. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity Conventional Development negatively impacts water-related ecosystems throughImpervious Surfaces (Volumeand quality)Introduction of ContaminantsSite Location of Developmentrelative to natural features 31. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity Perceived Barrier: It costs more and does not provide a benefit to the builder Actual Barrier: Educating the entire community to the value versus costs of LID (Almost always costs less than conventional) 32. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity (In) the vast majority of cases, significant savings were realized due to: reduced costs for site grading and preparation, stormwater infrastructure, site paving, and landscaping. Total capital cost savings ranged from 15 to 80 percent when LID methods were used... 33. LID Can Improve WaterQuality & Water Quantity 34. LID Can Improve Water Quality & Water Quantity Site Design was 103 Lots on 24 Acres Conventional Site Design required 270,000 Cu Ft ofStormwater Facilities LID Required 55,000 cu ft of stormwater facilities 62% of land was saved as open space Cost Savings of 20% to the Developer 10% More units were able to be built thanconventional design would have allowed.Managing stormwater in Pierce County: Kensington Estates case study sheds light on low impact development 35. LID: How do we define conservation/disturbedType of Residential Disturbed Open Space Conserved SpaceDevelopment SpaceLow Density Could be entire Yes may be yard No(e.g. 1 unit/2a)siteCluster Could Be entire Fragmented NositeOpen Space50% or less 50% or MoreOpen Space can be undevelopableConservationLess than 50% More than 50%Undevelopable area excludedBarrier(s): How each is defined varies by community/county 36. What is being conserved? 37. What is being conserved? Belvedere Subdivision Charlottesville, VA 38. What is being conserved?2008GreenProject of the Year NAHB Green BuildingAward Hidden Lakes Preserve Wake Forest, NC 39. What is being conserved?10 AcreMinimumLot SizePleasant Green Farms Hillsborough, NC Durham County 40. What is being conserved?Bundoran Farm -- North Garden, VA 41. What is being conserved? Pale Yellow Public Viewshed Pale Peach Productive Farmland Green/Dark Blue Active Forestry Wildlife Habitat Aqua Stream Corridor & Wetlands Bundoran Farm -- North Garden, VA Predominantly 20 Acre sites 42. What is being conserved?Pale Yellow PublicViewshedPale Peach ProductiveFarmlandGreen/DarkBlue ActiveForestryWildlifeHabitatAqua StreamCorridor &WetlandsBundoran Farm -- North Garden, VA 43. What is being conserved?Pale Yellow PublicViewshedPale Peach ProductiveFarmlandGreen/DarkBlue ActiveForestryWildlifeHabitatAqua StreamCorridor &WetlandsBundoran Farm -- North Garden, VA 44. What is being conserved?Pale Yellow PublicViewshedPale Peach ProductiveFarmlandGreen/DarkBlue ActiveForestryWildlifeHabitatAqua StreamCorridor &WetlandsBundoran Farm -- North Garden, VA 45. Need to change thinking from stormwater as waste to stormwater as resource. Barrier: Need to change the way we think about water 46. Need to change thinking fromstormwater as waste tostormwater as resource. Barrier: We cannot solve our problems at the same level of thinking that created them We need a new way of looking at our water quality and water quantity problems 47. Need to change thinking from stormwater as waste to stormwater as resource.Five Stages of WaterManagement Opportunistic Utilization Storage and Conveyance Water Treatment Non-Point Source Pollution Control Closed Loop Water Management 48. Need to Change thinking from stormwater as waste to stormwater as resource. The concept of the Cities of the Future, the fifth paradigm of urbanization is a paradigm of integration Future, and existing, urban developments will accommodate landscape, drainage, transportation and habitat infrastructure systems Cities will be resilient to extreme hydrological events and pollution There will be an optimal balance between recreation, navigation and other economic uses of water. 49. Need to Change thinking from stormwater as waste to stormwater as resource. The concept of the Cities of the Future, the fifth paradigm of urbanization is a paradigm of integration Future, and existing, urban developments will accommodate landscape, drainage, transportation and habitat infrastructure systems Cities will be resilient to extreme hydrological events and pollution There will be an optimal balance between recreation, navigation and other economic uses of water. 50. Water is WaterParadigm Shift All Development Impacts Water Quality Highest use versus the best use of the landWetlands and stream buffers are undervalued One communitys outflow is another communitys intakeReducing usage of drinking water for irrigation andtoilets 51. Barriers to ImplementingLEED Across the Region Similar to Implementing LID Everybody knows. it costs more. 52. Barriers to ImplementingLEED Across the Region Sometimes, its is not about the costs (price,) rather it is really playing up the benefits 53. Barriers to Implementing LEED Across the Region Cost premiums ranging from ZERO to 6.27%Energy Savings from 23% to 50% Water Savings fromZero to 78% 54. Case Study: Residential Development 73 Projects Range Under 5 Acres to Over 100 Acres Utilization of LEED techniques depend on points awarded and cost to develop Gold and Platinum Certified Utilize Green Technologies and Green Construction Platinum tend to include affordable housing and Habitat/wetland restoration 55. Halted constructionfills N.C. waterwayswith siltBY PAGE IVEY - The Associated Press Photograph: Chuck Burton AP May 5, 2010 News and Observer 56. November 19, 2010San Diego South OrangeCountyRestrictions onLawn Run-offRestrictions onCar wash Run-off 57. Toxic, Carcinogenic Pollutant in Common Surface sealerDecember 6, 2010 40 Lakes in residential and Commercial Areas PAH IN the H20 Coal-tar-based sealants contribute 50% Vehicles account for 25% Coal combustion 20%Science of The Total Environment Volume 409, Issue 2, 15 December 2010, Pages 334-344 58. KITSAP SEED Project(Sustainable Energy Economic Development) 59. Potential to Modify Clearing, Grading, and Landscaping Practices Project (2001) Value placed on landscapes that are Natural, Attract Wildlife Provide Privacy and screen noise, Minimal Lawn Dissatisfied group bought homes over 250,000 without/preferred landscaping Dissatisfied group most likely to have planted shrubs, trees, native plants after moving into new house. 60. Our Floating Future? Research by NC State University and Bill Hunt Being Tested in City of Durham Hillendale Golf Course and Museum of Life and Science Originated in Montana (2000) Costs: $30/sq ft"When all the plants have grown up, youdont actually see any of the green plastic. Benefit: naturalIts just a lush green environment on top of removal of Phosphorus andthe pond, so in theory theres a habitat for Nitrogen usingfish, frogs, wildlife as well." Ryan Winston wetland/bog plantsNews and Observer 4/14/2010 61. Barriers to Implementing LID Across the RegionNeed to look at Decentralized solutionfor a Decentralized problemOur ordinances hold us backEverybody knows.Maintaining it after it is built 62. ConclusionWe have a new resourceWe can sing from the samesongbook.We can customize our solutionsto meet the requirements of ourcommunities and our region.We can have a Win-Win-Win forthe consumer, the developer, andthe community.If we only apply to newconstruction, existing conditionswill only not get worse. 63. 64. Jon Barsanti [email protected] available at