barriers to communication

99181910 – NATHANIEL ASHFORD Barriers to Communication

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Post on 17-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Barriers to communication


Barriers to Communication

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Distraction: Communication could be affected a lot by noise or distractions. There might be some kind of physical distractions such as, poor lightning, uncomfortable sitting, unhygienic room. All of these factors affect communication in a meeting or interview. Similarly use of loud speakers interferes with communication as people might not be able to understand what is being said clearly.

Overcoming this barrier: Depending on the situation there might be distractions. Such as a Counter-Strike tournament, there will be a huge crowd that will be cheering. So the ‘Professional players’ will need headphones that cancel out the noise from the crowd. The product is Steelseries Siberia V2. The price is £70-90. The source is

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Language difficulties

Language Difficulties: There might be a time in a meeting or interview where there is someone who doesn’t quite understand what is being said. There might be someone from a different country who wants to become an investor or shareholder. They might not speak your language fluently.

Overcoming this barrier: The best solution to overcoming this barrier might be speaking their language or them speaking your language. You could use IT for this. Rosetta stone is an online/cd package course that will enable the user to learn to speak the language of their choice. The product is called Rosetta Stone. The Price is £149 for level 1 (Mandarin) The source is

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Lack of concentration

Lack of Concentration: There will always be someone who isn’t quite engaging with what is being said. They might be falling asleep, ‘drifting into space’ or looking around the room, not paying attention to what is being said in the interview or meeting.

Overcoming this barrier: Lack of concentration would need to be overcome with engagement. Maybe in the interview their could be a poll and everyone would need to vote using a keypad/tablet. This would be really effective. The product would be the ARCHOS Internet tablet. The price would be about £73.

The source is

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Psychological Noise

Psychological Noise: When you are thinking you sometimes talk to yourself. Sometimes when you are thinking about a problem you talk in your head about what you are writing at that given time. Some times when you are in a night club there is really loud music. When it finishes sometimes its like you can still hear it, but it isn’t there. This can be a persistent disorder known as tinnitus. When you are angry you can think hurtful things about someone you dislike. This can be frustrating and terrible.

Overcoming this barrier: Sometimes self hypnosis can help with a range of different things. If someone is stressed or angry thy should look into a self hypnosis package that will help with relaxation. If someone is feeling depressed then they will need a happiness and self esteem hypnosis package.

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Poor Timing

Poor timing: When you are in a professional workplace you might be called into meetings. Having poor timing will effect lots of different things. If you’re late to the dentist you might have to pay upwards of £20. Sometimes there are also other things that have an impact on timing such as a car breaking down or if you’re using public transport and the bus breaks down or is late then this will have an impact if you’re late or not.

Overcoming this barrier: If you know you are going to be late than a fairly easy way of getting around is by using a segway. If you are rushing to get out of bed you might want to use the self making bed. So you can just get out of bed and flick a switch so it makes to bed for you.

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Lack of Interest

Lack Of interest: Having a lack of interest can be a nuisance for anyone who you are talking to. The topic you’re talking about can be boring and having a lack of interest will make it a little rude when you’re talking to someone. Lack of interest is fairly common when you are presenting a PowerPoint, people will loose interest in your PowerPoint and not bother listening.

Overcoming this barrier: Keeping an audience interested

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Information Overload

Information Overload: Having an information overload will make you not think clearly what you are doing. Many students suffer from information overload when they’re revising for exams. Planning the time wisely will help when you need to study a lot of information quickly. The information needs to be smaller to be able to cope with.

Overcoming this barrier: Using a PDA will be a good way of managing information and planning in a table or database format. The PDA will enable you to recall events and things you have planned previously so you can get on and learn other things while you forget other things that are already stored in the PDA.

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Religious/Cultural: This day and age religion is a controversial topic. Many people believe what they think and others don’t some people get angry when certain issues are raised in conversation. There are different ways or communication in different cultures. In Thailand showing the soles of your bare feet is a sign of extreme rudeness. Where as in the UK it can be seen as a casual and relaxed gesture.

Overcoming this barrier: Making sure you read up on different cultures if you’re going to a different country. If you’re bored and fed up with reading up on the internet or from paperback books you could try the new Amazon Kindle Fire so you can easily download different e-books so you can be more knowledgeable in a smaller way without carrying around 20 different books.

It will just be on a small portable device.