barnados big teaparty guide

Welcome to Thank you! By raising money through a Barnardo’s Big Tea Party you are helping to transform the lives of vulnerable under 5s through Barnardo’s projects across the UK. It’s easy to organise a Barnardo’s Big Tea Party, just follow our 3 simple steps: 1 2 3 Plan your Tea Party; pick a date and invite your guests Hold your Tea Party and collect a donation from every Tea Party guest Send in your money and give yourself a pat on the back!

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Barnados Big Teaparty Guide


Page 1: Barnados Big Teaparty Guide

Welcome to

Thank you! By raising money through a Barnardo’s Big Tea Party you are helping to transform the lives of vulnerable under 5s through Barnardo’s projects across the UK.

It’s easy to organise a Barnardo’s Big Tea Party, just follow our 3 simple steps:


Plan your Tea Party; pick a date and invite your guests

Hold your Tea Party and collect a donation from every Tea Party guest

Send in your money and give yourself a pat on the back!

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Involve children in your Big Tea Party preparations: deciding a theme, what food to have, making decorations and setting tables. Giving them a sense of ownership will make them even more enthusiastic about the party and its purpose.

Give your Big Tea Party a theme, such as Christmas, Halloween, Mad Hatters Tea Party, kings and queens, pirates, or grown-ups. This will stimulate some great ideas for outfits, food and decorations.

Once you have set a date and time for your Big Tea Party send our Big Tea Party information flyer to parents, inviting them to the event. You could also involve parents/carers and keep costs low by asking them to contribute food.

Brew up a Big Tea Party buzzWhether you want to keep it simple or go to town, here are some tips to help make your Big Tea Party a huge success.

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Decorate the room with Tea Party Bunting. We’ve provided a template online. You can either decorate your own or use some of our Big Tea Party themed bunting.

Get baking! Your online pack will also contain some celebrity recipe cards for you to create some delicious cakes and biscuits. You can either involve the children in the baking, ask them to help stir or simply give them the cakes to decorate. They can pipe or spread on some icing, shower it with sprinkles, stud it with raisins or chocolate chips, or throw on a bit of everything. If you’re holding your Big Tea Party during a particular season you could even theme your cakes with orange and green icing for Halloween or decorate star shaped biscuits at Christmas.

Stir in some fun and raise some money

To raise more money, ask for a slightly higher donation and throw in some extra tea party fun. For example the children could also bring along their favourite teddy and take part in a treasure hunt. Just hide a children’s tea set or drawings of cups and teapots around the room and invite the children to try and find them.

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If lots of parents/carers will be attending, you could add more activities with a tea party theme to boost your fundraising:

■ Fill a tray with sugar cubes. If children pick one with a mark on the bottom, they win a prize.

■ Hold a tea party themed raffle: ask local businesses if they will donate a prize such as a tea set, pastry cutters, children’s cups, plates and cutlery.

■ Get the children to make their own tea party hat before the event, which they can wear on the day. You can download a template on our website.

■ A cake stall is always popular with children and adults, and parents/carers are often happy to bake a contribution.

Once you get going,the ideas will flow.

You can also use your Big Tea Party as an opportunity to get your group in the paper. Simply take some photos of your day and send them to your local newspaper along with a press release available for download on our website.

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The money you raise will help fund Barnardo’s vital work with vulnerable and disadvantaged under 5s. With the money raised from Big Tea Parties children like Mark can be given a brighter future.

Even if it’s small, your tea party will have a

I remember that me and my sisters were locked in a room with no food. I ended up in 10 different foster homes and I didn’t trust any of them, until Barnardo’s showed me how.

- Mark


big effectBarnardo’s Fostering South East centre introduced Mark to a loving foster family and supported both Mark and the family to make their relationship work. The money raised from just 5 children attending a Big Tea Party would give a foster child like Mark a chance to attend a Barnardo’s family day to help them integrate with their new family.

Your Big Tea Party could also help support a child who has witnessed domestic violence, or provide a child with hot meals each day. It could help a family living in temporary housing find somewhere permanent, or provide new equipment for a disabled child.

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How to pay in the money you’ve raisedOnce you’ve held your Big Tea Party and collected all your donations. You can pay the money in using one of the following simple and secure payment options:

OnlineVisit the Payment section at to pay in online using our secure online donation page.

PhoneMake a payment over the phone by calling 0800 008 7005.

PostSend us a cheque made payable to Barnardo’s Big Tea Party together with a completed cheque payment slip (available at Big Tea Party, Barnardo’s, Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Essex, IG6 1QG

To help us match your payment please provide your supporter number when paying in your money. Your supporter number can be found at the top of any email you’ve received from us.

Barnardo’s adheres to the Fundraising Promise and Fundraising Standards Board guidelines. Barnardo’s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605 14996lc12

Thank you!