barbados bay fishermen dingy update

July 5, 2012 the Rotary Club of Truro made news headlines in the Tobago News local newspaper. Working through the Rotary Club of Southwest Tobago, the Rotary Club of Truro has brought help for fishermen in the form of two dinghies (small, well built row boats). These boats will be used by some 20 fishermen to get to and from their boats. Without a wharf, they were using a rubber tube to get out to their boats. Now for a March 2015 Update

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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1. July 5, 2012 the Rotary Club of Truro made news headlines in the Tobago News local newspaper. Working through the Rotary Club of Southwest Tobago, the Rotary Club of Truro has brought help for fishermen in the form of two dinghies (small, well built row boats). These boats will be used by some 20 fishermen to get to and from their boats. Without a wharf, they were using a rubber tube to get out to their boats. Now for a March 2015 Update 2. Fisherman Keith Ready To Take Out Two Containers of Gas To His Moored Boat in one of the two Dinghies. Lifejackets Were Part Of the Project! 3. Fisherman Returning A Dinghy To Shore For Another Fisherman To Use. They Bring Their Fishing Boat In Nearer Shore to Load and Unload It. 4. Both Dinghies Have Had Lot of Use. One of the Dinghies Needs Fibre Glass Work On The Bottom. 5. View Dinghy In Action. Press Play.